2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice

Page created by Bryan Chapman
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
2021 Back to School
Information Booklet
Secondary Campus
community   challenge   choice
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
Mission and Vision                                                      Table of Contents

St Michael’s College is a Catholic
school in the Lasallian tradition                                       Welcome to St Michael’s College                                     2
which is committed to the human                                         Contact Information                                                 3
and Christian education of the
young, especially the poor,                                             2021 School/Term Dates and Administration Office Hours              4
through:                                                                Parent Evenings                                                     5
   Community                                                            Day 1 and Day 2 Schedule                                            6
We are an inclusive and                                                 Henley Campus Map                                                   7
respectful community where                                              Day 1 Wednesday 27 January 2021 Schedule                            8
each individual is known, valued
and cared for, enabling them to                                         Day 2 Thursday 28 January 2021 Schedule - Pastoral Activities Day   9
feel confident to explore their                                         The College Day                                                     10
curiosities, flourish and fully
                                                                        Secondary Campus Leadership Staff                                   11
realise their potential.
                                                                        Secondary Campus Pastoral and Curriculum Leaders                    12
                                                                        Parent Information                                                  14
Individual growth is achieved
through engagement, opportunity                                         Consent2Go                                                          18
and recognition, underpinned                                            SEQTA - Learning and Management System                              19
by a positive learning culture
                                                                        The College Uniform                                                 20
that is authentic, challenging
and supportive.                                                         College Fees 2021                                                   30
   Choice                                                               Fee Information                                                     31
Through a quality Lasallian                                             Student Accident Insurance                                          36
education, inspired by the Gospel                                       Useful Phone Numbers                                                37
and a concern for social justice,
students are empowered to
better choose who they become
as people, learners and leaders
in the world.

  ii   St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021    community         challenge   choice                           1
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
Welcome to St Michael’s College                                                    Contact Information

The St Michael’s College                  and interests, to flourish and fully     Secondary Campus               Absentee/Late Arrival
community is comprised of a               realise their potential.
diverse range of cultural, social         My hope for 2021 is that each            15 Mitton Avenue               SMS Service
and religious backgrounds, all            individual can be fully engaged in       Henley Beach SA 5022           When sending a text please ensure
aspiring to a common purpose -            College life and a positive learning                                    you include your child’s:
for young people to flourish and          culture that is authentic, challenging   Email                          first name, surname, and
be the best they can be.                  and supportive, no matter who you        smc@smc.sa.edu.au              class /year level.
                                          are, where you come from or what
Our staff, students and families          you aspire to.                           Telephone                      SMS
continue to work together to                                                       (08) 8356 5966                 0417 596 611
create an inclusive and respectful        This booklet is subject to change
community where each individual           and will be regularly updated on         Absentee/Late Arrival Number
is known, valued and cared for. This      the College website and SEQTA.                                          Dobsons Uniform Shop
                                                                                   (08) 8150 2323
relational environment is essential                                                                               Gate 4, Lawrie Street
for each person to feel confident
                                          John Foley                               Primary Campus                 Henley Beach SA 5022
to explore their curiosities, likes
                                          Principal                                78 East Avenue
                                                                                   Beverley SA 5009               Email
                                                                                   smcprimary@smc.sa.edu.au       Telephone
                                                                                                                  (08) 8150 2306
                                                                                   (08) 8346 6548                 Shop Online
                                                                                   Absentee/Late Arrival Number   st-michaels-college-adelaide/
                                                                                   (08) 8150 2397
                                                                                                                  Second Hand Uniforms
                                                                                   www.smc.sa.edu.au              Sustainable School Shop:
                                                                                                                  Refer to page 20 and 21 for further
  2     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                           3
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
2021 School/Term Dates and                                                      Parent Evenings
Administration Office Hours

Return to School Dates 2021                                                     Parent evenings provide the opportunity to meet with Pastoral Staff and to
                                                                                receive information specific to the year level.
Years 7 and 12                              Wednesday 27 January 2021
New students in Years 8 to 11               Wednesday 27 January 2021            Parent Evenings
                                            9:00 am to 10:30 am
                                                                                 Year 7                Mon 1 Feb             6:30 pm       Founders Hall
Years 8, 9, 10 and 11                       Thursday 28 January 2021
                                                                                 Year 8                Mon 1 Feb             6:30 pm       Venue TBC
                                                                                 Year 9                Wed 3 Feb             7:00 pm       Venue TBC
Term Dates 2021                                                                  Year 10               Thur 28 Jan           7:00 pm       Venue TBC
Term 1              Wednesday 27 January            Friday 9 April               Year 11               Wed 3 Feb             7:00 pm       Venue TBC
Term 2              Tuesday 27 April                Friday 2 July                Year 12               Thur 28 Jan           7:00 pm       Lasallian Education Centre
Term 3              Monday 19 July                  Friday 24 September         Please note - These dates are subject to confirmation in line with Covid guidelines

Term 4              Monday 11 October               Friday 3 December
                                                                                                Best path to
                                                                                                Lasallian Education Centre       UNIFORM SHOP

                                                                                  LAWRIE STREET
Administration Office 2021
Monday 18 January                     Administration Offices re-open

                                                                                                                                                                      MITTON AVENUE
Tuesday 19 January                    Open 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Wednesday 20 January                  Open 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Thursday 21 January                   Closed - Staff Professional Development            LEC
                                                                                 Lasallian Education

Friday 22 January                     Open 9.00 am - 4.00 pm                                                                                                                          Best path to
                                                                                                                                                                                      Founders Hall
Monday 25 January                     Open 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
                                                        ORE T

Tuesday 26 January                    Closed - Australia Day Public Holiday


Wednesday 27 January                  Open - Classes resume

                                                                                Partial map of the north-eastern corner of St Michael’s College, Henley Beach Campus

 4       St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                                                        5
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
Day 1 and Day 2 Schedule                                                            Henley Campus Map
Summer uniform required

Day 1 - Wednesday 27 January               Day 2 - Thursday 28 January

Students in Years 7 and 12 will            Students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11
commence on Wednesday 27                   will commence on Thursday 28
January 2021 at 8:40 am.                   January 2021 at 8:40 am

At 8:40 am, students should                At 8:40 am, students should
proceed to the areas listed below:         proceed to the areas listed below:

Year 7 		                                  Year 8
Turon Courtyard                            Anzac Courtyard

Year 12		                                  Year 9
Lasallian Education Centre (LEC)           Kaurna Courtyard

New students in Years 8 to 11              Year 10
Students new to the College are            Lasalle Courtyard
invited to attend an introductory
session commencing at 9:00 am              Year 11
and concluding at 10:30 am.                Benilde Courtyard
Please meet in the Administration
Office.                                    Year 7 and Year 12 students will go
                                           directly to their Pastoral Care class.

  6     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                  7
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
Day 1 Wednesday 27 January 2021                                                Day 2 Thursday 28 January 2021
Schedule -                                                                     Schedule -
Years 7 and 12 only
                                                                               Pastoral Activities Day, Years 7 to 12
At 8:40 am, students will meet in the areas listed below:
                                                                               At 8:40 am, students will proceed to the areas listed below:
Year 7		          Turon Courtyard

Year 12		         Lasallian Education Centre (LEC)
                                                                               Year 7		         Pastoral Care in classroom

                                                                               Year 8		         Anzac Courtyard
Time                            Year 7             Year 12                     Year 9		         Kaurna Courtyard
8:40 - 9:00 am                  Pastoral Care      Pastoral Care
                                                                               Year 10		        Lasalle Courtyard
9:00 - 9:40 am                  Pastoral Care      Year Level Assembly (LEC)   Year 11		        Benilde Courtyard
9:40 - 10:20 am                 Pastoral Care      Pastoral Care               Year 12		        Pastoral Care in classroom
10:20 - 11:00 am                Pastoral Care      Pastoral Care
11:00 - 11:20 am                Recess             Recess
                                                                               Thursday 28 January 2021 will be a Pastoral Activities Day for all year levels.
11:25 am - 12:05 pm             LEC Auditorium     Lesson 1 Subject
                                                                               The schedule for the day will be published by each Year Level Director.
12:05 - 12:45 pm                LEC Auditorium     Lesson 2 Subject
12:45 - 1:25 pm                 Pastoral Care      Lesson 3 Subject            Normal timetabled lessons will commence from Friday 29 January 2021.
1:25 - 2:05 pm                  Lunch              Lunch
2:10 - 2:50 pm                  MacKillop Centre   Lesson 4 Subject
2:50 - 3:30 pm                  Pastoral Care      Lesson 5 Subject            An inclusive and respectful community where each individual is
                                                                               known, valued and cared for...
3:30 pm                         Dismissal          Dismissal

  8     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                    9
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
The College Day                                                        Secondary Campus
(Normal Timetable)
                                                                       Leadership Staff
                                                                       (Subject to Change)

Secondary Campus                                                       Secondary Leadership
8:40 am                         Movement Bell                          Principal                                       Mr John Foley
8:45 am                         Pastoral Care                          Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching          Ms Bron Kemp
9:00 am                         Lesson 1                               Deputy Principal – Pastoral                     Mr Matthew Williams
9:40 am                         Lesson 2                               Deputy Principal - Staff and Strategy           Ms Amanda Price
10:20 am                        Lesson 3                               Business Manager                                Mr Dominic LoBasso
11:00 am                        Recess                                 Director of Mission                             Mr Robert Dempsey
11:20 am                        Movement Bell                          Director of Curriculum & Assessment             Mr Gavin O’Reilly
11:25 am                        Lesson 4                               Director of Pastoral                            Mr Sam Kitschke
12:05 pm                        Lesson 5
12:45 pm                        Lesson 6
                                                                       Year Level Directors                    Assistant Year Level Directors
1:25 pm                         Lunch 1
                                                                       Year 7      Mr Aldo Calo                Ms Joanne Howat
1:45 pm                         Lunch 2
                                                                       Year 8      Mr Paul Flaherty            Mr Tom Dittmar
2:05 pm                         Movement Bell
                                                                       Year 9      Mr Brent Parfrey            Ms Anna Haracic
2:10 pm                         Lesson 7
                                                                       Year 10     Mr Andrew Spencer           Mr Nicholas Flynn
2:50 pm                         Lesson 8
                                                                       Year 11     Ms Anna Porcelli            Mr Ned Heath
3:30 pm                         Dismissal
                                                                       Year 12     Mr Mark Labrosciano         Mrs Ady Webb

 10   St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                            11
2021 Back to School Information Booklet Secondary Campus - community challenge choice
Secondary Campus Pastoral and                                              Secondary Campus
Curriculum Leaders                                                         Coordinators and Counsellors
                                                                           (Subject to Change)

Heads of Department / Subject Coordinators                                 Coordinators
Business                                      Mr Hamish Redden             Co-curricular Coordinator         Mr Jordan Young
Design & Technologies                         Mr Greg Cloy                 Co-curricular Officer (Girls)     Mrs Leanne Burton
Digital Technologies                          Mrs Maria Cardillo           Gifted & Talented Coordinator     Mr Stratos Karnas
Music                                         Mr James Musci               Learning Support Coordinator      Mr Michael Balic
Drama                                         Ms Emily Burns               Director of Music                 Mr Tim Donovan
English                                       Mrs Jane Sykes               SACE Coordinator                  Mr Rocco Schirripa
Geography                                     Ms Catherine Pearce          VET Coordinator                   Mr Kevin Woolford
Health & Physical Education                   Mrs Sally Nicholson          Year 7-9 Learning and Wellbeing   Ms Tonia Carfora
History                                       Ms Stacey Moros              Project Leader
Italian                                       Ms Angela Benedetti
Mathematics                                   Mrs Anne Finlay              Student Services
Religious Education                           Mrs Patrizia Puglia          Student Counsellors               Ms Sarah Davies
Research Project and PLP                      Mr Lachlan Chatterton                                          Mrs Ida-Marie Bevan
Science                                       Ms Nikki Williamson                                            Mr Anthony Vizaniaris
Visual Arts                                   Mrs Nicolle LeRay-Warren     Career Counsellors                Ms Rose Coorey
                                                                                                             Mr Anthony Vizaniaris
                                                                           Pastoral Support Worker           Sr Nithya

12        St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                             13
Parent Information                                                              Parent Information

                                            Student subject information will                                           Students must take care of text
Pastoral Care                                                                   Email
                                            be forwarded home to enable         booklist@lighthousebooks.com.au        books, not write in them, and
                                            the online ordering of stationery                                          return them in a good, clean
Pastoral Care is based on year
                                            items required for 2021.                                                   condition.
level groups. Each class has a                                                  Delivery of Stationery Packs
Pastoral Teacher responsible for            The stationery lists have been      (after payment)                        Students will be charged for
the wellbeing of each student on            compiled by the College and can                                            books not returned or books
a day to day basis. In addition,            be ordered via                      Stationery Packs will be               returned in an unacceptable
each year level has a Director and          www.lighthousebooks.com.au up       delivered to nominated addresses       condition. Any outstanding books
an Assistant Year Level Director            until 24 December 2020.             from late December onwards.            from 2020 must be returned
responsible for the overall                                                                                            to the College Bookroom as a
                                            Lighthouse Books will handle all
coordination of Pastoral Care                                                   The Secondary Campus Bookroom          matter of urgency.
                                            stationery enquiries, invoicing
and Wellbeing.                                                                  (08) 8150 2304 will be open for
                                            and delivery processes.                                                    Text Books will be distributed
                                                                                additional stationery purchases        to students via their Pastoral
Pastoral classes in Years 7 to 9 are                                            Week 1 of Term 1, 2021.                Classes on the first day of school
gender-based.                             Contact details are as follows:                                              in 2021. Students need to visit
Stationery Packs                                                                Text Book Loan Scheme                  the Bookroom if they have not
                                          Lighthouse Books                                                             received the textbook pack on
                                                                                A Text Book Loan Scheme operates
All orders placed by 24 December                                                                                       this day.
                                          Phone		                               at the Secondary Campus.
2020 will attract a 20% discount
on most stationery items. Orders          (08) 8340 2356
received after 24 December 2020
                                                                                  This scheme enables students to    Student Absence/Late
                                          Address                                 use text books on a “loan only”    Arrival
will incur a late fee of $12.95.
                                          116 Grange Road 			                     basis. Books remain the property
                                                                                  of the College.                    24-Hour Student Absentee Lines
The “Back to School’s stationery          Allenby Gardens SA 5009
                                                                                                                     and SMS:
process for 2021 will be managed                                                  This scheme provides a service
by Lighthouse Books.                      Website                                 to students at a considerably
                                                                                                                     Primary         (08) 8150 2397
                                          www.lighthousebooks.com.au              lower cost. New text books
                                                                                                                     Secondary       (08) 8150 2323
                                                                                  generally costs between $50 and
                                                                                                                     SMS             0417 596 611
                                                                                  $80 for each book.

 14     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                15
Parent Information

if a student will be absent or late,      Administration Office. Parents/       The Star - Weekly                       You can use the Qkr! App. The
                                                                                                                        full menu range is available
Parents/caregivers are requested          caregivers are requested to advise    Newsletter                              to order on Qkr! and is a
to contact the College via the            the College via note or phone call.
designated absentee lines or              If a student is marked absent by                                              guaranteed way to get precisely
                                                                                The Star contains up to date
                                                                                                                        what you want, and your dietary
SMS by 9:30 am. Please include            the Pastoral Teacher and has not      College information and events          requirements are met too.
the child’s name, surname, and            signed in at the Administration       and is emailed to parents weekly.       Orders can be placed up to 2
class/year level in your message.         Office, a text message will be sent   The Star is available via the College   weeks in advance until 8.30 am
Absences reported by students             to the parents/caregivers regarding   website.                                on the day the order is required.
or via email are not accepted.            their absence.                                                                Please click here for instructions
                                                                                (www.smc.sa.edu.au - click on           on how to download the app and
                                                                                news and events / The Star Weekly
With consideration for student            College Website                       Newletter).                             Secondary students can choose
welfare, parents will be contacted                                                                                      from our fantastic café style
via a text message if a student is        Please follow this link                                                       rotating food range at recess and
absent and there has been no              www.smc.sa.edu.au                     Rory’s School Lunches -                 lunch. Full EFTPOS facilities are
parent contact.                           to access information relating to     Canteen Services                        available.
                                          various topics including:
Extended Leave                                                                  The St Michael’s College canteen is
                                            Strategic Directions                run by Rory’s School Lunches.           Virtual Tours
Parents are requested to advise the         Back To School Information                                                  You are invited to explore
Year Level Director well in advance                                             Rory’s is an Adelaide based             the facilities and learn more
                                            Booklet                             Catering and Canteen Management
of taking extended leave, for                                                                                           about the College through our
                                            Year Level Student Handbooks        Company that delivers healthy and       Primary and Secondary Virtual
example, family holidays or medical                                             nutritious food, prepared fresh for     Tours.
procedures.                                 Curriculum Handbooks                the school.
                                                                                                                        Primary Campus: click here
                                            Integrated Learning Technology
Late Arrival                                                                    There are a couple of different ways    Secondary Campus: click here
                                                                                students can purchase lunch or
If a student arrives at school after        Bus and Train Timetables            recess.
9.00 am, they MUST report to the            www.adelaidemetro.com.au

 16     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                               17
SEQTA - Learning and                                                              Consent2Go
Management System

SEQTA is a collaborative teaching            SEQTA Engage: Parents/               St Michael’s College uses              Parents/caregivers using a free
and learning system that connects                                                 Consent2Go, to record parents/         web based email service such as
teachers, students, and parents/
                                             Caregivers                           caregiver’s contact details and        Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo, must
caregivers. To find out more, please                                              student medical information.           add smc@smc.sa.edu.au to their
                                             All parents/caregivers can access
follow this link:                                                                 Consent2Go also manages the            contacts to ensure emails are
                                             SEQTA Engage to keep up to date
https://seqta.com.au/                        with their child’s work, progress,   excursion processes, including         accepted into your email inbox and
                                             and when assignments are due.        informing parents and obtaining        not the junk or promotional folders.
SEQTA Learn: students                        This system also allows parents      parental permissions for these
                                             to access school reports, read       events.                                Hotmail - Add to People
All students at St Michael’s College         the daily notices etc in a similar
access SEQTA via their student               interface to the students.           Contact details and student            Gmail - Add to Contacts
portal which is called SEQTA                                                      medical information can be
Learn using their username and               Parents are encouraged to install    updated through the system by          Yahoo - Add to Contacts
password. All students must access           the SEQTA Engage app on their        paretns/caregivers as required.
the site through the following link:         Apple or Android device and enter    The accuracy and currency of           If an email has been sent, please
https://sta.smc.sa.edu.au/                   the following:                       the information is important and       search for smc@smc.sa.edu.au,
                                             https://pta.smc.sa.edu.au            essential to care for your child.      click on the sender and locate the
                                                                                  Please note that all information       “Add to People” or “Add to Contact”
                                                                                  is stored in accordance with the       option.
                                                                                  Australian privacy requirements.

                                                                                  Parents/caregivers who do not
                                                                                  have an email address or internet
                                                                                  access, should advise the College to
                                                                                  be added to the Consent2Go paper

SEQTA login interface

  18      St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                19
The College Uniform                                                          The College Uniform

Dobsons Uniform Shop                                                         Second-Hand Uniform                    Lost and Found
                                          Opening hours for the conclusion
                                                                             Trading System                         Property
The College uniform can only be
purchased from the uniform shop           of 2020 and commencement of
                                                                             Second-hand uniforms can be            Parents/caregivers are requested to
which is located at the Secondary         2021 are as follows:
                                                                             traded via the web-based trading       ensure that all items belonging to a
Campus. The shop is managed                                                  system, Sustainable School Shop:       student are clearly named.
and operated by Dobsons Pty Ltd           Monday 30 November to Thursday
on behalf of St Michael’s College.        3 December 2020                    au                                     Lost and found items can be
To alleviate the inconvenience of         Open from 8:00 am to 4:15 pm
                                                                                                                    checked or claimed from the
waiting times, please arrange an                                             To register, follow the link and       Bookroom.
appointment with the uniform              Monday 11 January to Friday 22     enter your details and nominate St
shop. Please contact staff directly       January 2021                       Michael’s College. Trading occurs      Items which are not claimed by the
on telephone: (08) 8150 2306.             Open from 8:00 am to 4:15 pm       between parents from the College       end of the year (including items left
                                                                             and buyers contact the seller to       in student lockers) will be disposed.
The uniform shop is located on            Wednesday 27 January to Thursday   arrange a time to meet and trade.
Lawrie Street, near the bus pick-up/      28 January 2021                    All enquiries can be directed to the   The College accepts no liability for
drop-off zone.                            Open from 8:00am to 4:15pm         SSS on 0438 743 444 or via ‘Contact    items that are lost or stolen.
                                                                             Us’ on the website.
Normal trading hours during the           Tuesday 2 February 2021
                                          Normal school term trading hours   A Facebook group has also been
school terms are:
                                          resume                             set up by parents/caregivers.
                                                                             Link -
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday 8:00 am - 4:15 pm                                                   https://www.facebook.com/
Please refer to the College map in
this booklet to locate the uniform

 20     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                               21
The College Uniform - Summer

The St Michael’s College Uniform should be worn in its entirety at all times.   Summer Physical Education Uniform

Summer Uniform Terms 1 and 4                                                    Girls and Boys
                                                                                  St Michael’s sport polo top
Girls                                                                             St Michael’s blue sport shorts
   Summer dress (not shorter than knee length) with white crew socks
                                                                                  Plain white sport socks
                                                                                  St Michael’s cap or hat
   Short sleeve shirt with crest and navy blue shorts worn with white
   crew socks
   Polished black leather traditional school shoes (no high heels, canvas
   shoes, boots or scuffs)
   Blue St Michael’s jumper or blazer if required

   Short sleeve shirt with crest
   Grey trousers with grey socks, or navy blue shorts worn with white
   crew socks
   Polished black leather traditional school shoes (no boots, ripple soles,
   runners, canvas or skate shoes)                                                   Girl’s Summer uniform pictured;                   Girl’s and Boy’s Summer PE uniform
                                                                                     Summer dress with white crew socks and            pictured;
   Blue St Michael’s jumper or blazer if required
                                                                                     polished black leather school shoes.              SMC Sports polo top , SMC blue sport
                                                                                     Boy’s Summer uniform pictured;                    shorts, plain white sports socks and SMC
                                                                                     Short sleeve shirt with crest, navy blue shorts   cap or hat.
                                                                                     worn with white crew socks and polished
                                                                                     black leather school shoes.
 22     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                                    23
The College Uniform - Winter

The St Michael’s College Uniform should be worn in its entirety at all times.   Winter Uniform Terms 2 and 3

Winter Uniform Terms 2 and 3                                                    Boys
                                                                                  Blazer - worn to and from school
All students (Years 7-12) will be required to wear the long sleeve crested
                                                                                  Tie - top button on shirt must be done up
shirt during Terms 2 and 3 rather than the short sleeve crested shirt.
                                                                                  Long sleeve shirt with crest - must be tucked in

Girls                                                                             Blue jumper - long sleeve with crest

   Blazer - worn to and from school                                               Grey trousers

   Tie - top button on shirt must be done up                                      Black leather belt
                                                                                  Blue St Michael’s jumper with crest
   Long sleeve shirt with crest - must be tucked in
                                                                                  Grey or black socks
   Blue jumper - long sleeve with crest
                                                                                  No printed or coloured t-shirts or skivvies are to be worn as
   Skirt - not shorter than knee length and must not be rolled up at the          undershirts
                                                                                  Polished black leather traditional school shoes (no boots, ripple soles,
   Navy stockings (when wearing the skirt, no knee high socks)                    runners, canvas or skate shoes)
   Navy trousers
   Blue St Michael’s jumper with crest                                                                                   Girl’s Winter uniform pictured;
                                                                                                                         SMC Blazer, long sleeve shirt with crest,
   Blue socks with trousers
                                                                                                                         SMC tie, SMC jumper, SMC winter skirt and
   No printed or coloured t-shirts or skivvies are to be worn as                                                         navy stockings with polished black leather
   undershirts                                                                                                           school shoes.
   Polished black leather traditional school shoes (no high heels, canvas                                                Boy’s Summer uniform pictured;
   shoes, boots or scuffs)                                                                                               SMC Blazer, long sleeve shirt with crest,
                                                                                                                         SMC tie, SMC jumper, grey trousers, and
                                                                                                                         grey socks with polished black leather school

 24     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                               25
The College Uniform - Winter

Winter Physical Education Uniform

Girls and Boys
   St Michael’s sport polo top
   St Michael’s blue sport shorts
   Plain white sport socks                                                                                         Girl’s and Boy’s Winter PE uniform pictured
                                                                                                                   on left;
   St Michael’s cap or hat
                                                                                                                   SMC Sports polo top , SMC blue sport shorts,
                                                                                                                   plain white sports socks and SMC cap or hat.
Girls and Boys (Optional)                                                                                          Optional Items pictured above; SMC spray
                                                                                                                   jacket, SMC rugby top, SMC track pants and SMC
   St Michael’s spray jacket                                                                                       cap/hat.
   St Michael’s navy track pants
                                                                              Co-Curricular Uniforms
   St Michael’s rugby top
   Please note that clothing under the uniform must not be visible.           Unless otherwise specified by the Co-Curricular Coordinator, all co-
                                                                              curricular uniforms must be purchased online or by visiting:
Please note that students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are to wear the Physical
Education uniform to and from school ONLY on the days that they have a        Dobsons (08) 8150 2306
scheduled PE lesson.
                                                                              Uniforms must be ordered at least two weeks before the start of the
St Michael’s College has a Sun Care Protection Policy. As such, a “no
hat, no participation” policy will apply during Physical Education lessons,
outdoor recreation activities and sport practices in Terms 1 and 4.           Optional items for all sports
                                                                                 St Michael’s spray jacket              St Michael’s track pants
                                                                                 St Michael’s rugby top                 St Michael’s hat

 26     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                      27
The College Uniform - Co-curricular

Summer                                                                                       Winter
Cricket                                          Swimming/Water Polo - Girls and             Football - Boys                                Basketball - Boys
  White cricket trousers                         Boys                                          St Michael’s football guernsey                 St Michael’s basketball singlet
                                                   St Michael’s PE uniform worn as              St Michael’s shorts                           St Michael’s basketball shorts
   St Michael’s cricket polo shirt
                                                   outer garment
   White sneakers or cricket shoes                                                              St Michael’s hooped socks                     White socks
                                                    Plain navy or black bathers,
   White socks                                                                                  St Michael’s spray jacket, rugby
                                                    swimsuits, or trunks
                                                                                                jumper and track pants                      Netball
   St Michael’s hat or cricket hat               **St Michael’s caps provided                                                                 St Michael’s netball dress
                                                                                             ** 1st XVIII team wear winter uniform to all
                                                                                                matches (including the College blazer)        St Michael’s blue sport shorts
Tennis - Boys and Girls                          Athletics - Girls and Boys
                                                   As for tennis                                                                              White socks
  St Michael’s PE polo shirt                                                                 Football - Girls
   St Michael’s PE shorts                        **St Michael’s athletics singlet provided     St Michael’s football top
                                                                                                                                            Badminton - Girls
   Sneakers and white socks                                                                                                                   As for tennis
                                                 Basketball - Girls
                                                                                                St Michael’s shorts
                                                   St Michael’s basketball singlet
                                                                                                St Michael’s hooped socks
Badminton - Boys                                    St Michael’s basketball shorts                                                          Table Tennis - Boys
  As for tennis                                                                                 St Michael’s spray jacket, rugby              As for tennis
                                                    White socks                                 jumper and track pants

Volleyball                                                                                                                                  Hockey - Boys and Girls
  As for tennis                                  Softball - Girls                            Soccer - Boys and Girls
                                                                                                                                              As for tennis
                                                   As for tennis                               St Michael’s soccer jersey
**St Michael’s netball shorts optional (girls)
                                                                                                St Michael’s soccer shorts
                                                                                                St Michael’s soccer socks

 28       St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                                        29
College Fees 2021                                                                              Fee Information

 Tuition fees: The St Michael’s College, Adelaide Board considers the                           Tuition Fees                            Alternatively, fees can be paid
 level of affordability for all families. When determining tuition fees,                                                                by Direct Debit (PaySmart) or
 other considerations include; the need for quality teaching and learning                                                               Centrepay deductions either
                                                                                                Annual fees are based on a child’s
 programs and providing physical resources that support the effective and                                                               monthly, fortnightly or weekly,
 sustainable operation of the College.                                                          year level. Fees are invoiced in full
                                                                                                at the beginning of Term 1 and          spreading payments over 10
                                                      Annual                   Building         can be paid in instalments over         months (Feb-Nov). If this payment
 Year Level
                                                      Tuition Fees             Fund Levy        the year. The tuition fees cover        method is chosen, families must
 Reception                                            $4,427                   $321             most educational materials and          complete the PaySmart Direct Debit
                                                                                                resources for the year, including       Form.
 Junior Primary Years 1 - 3                           $5,068                   $321
                                                                                                costs for sports teams, and year
 Primary Years 4 - 5                                  $6,222                   $321
                                                                                                level excursions.                       Building Fund Levy
 Primary Year 6                                       $6,350                   $321
 Junior Secondary Year 7                              $6,958                   $321             Students are provided with              The College is proud of its facilities
 Junior Secondary Years 8 - 10                        $8,782                   $321             an electronic device (R-6 iPad,         and these are enhanced by
                                                                                                and laptop 7-12) as part of the         the significant assistance from
 Senior Secondary Years 11 -12                        $9,805                   $321
                                                                                                Integrated Learning Technology          parents through contributions to
                                                                                                Program. The policy can be              the Building Fund. The Building
Discounts and Remissions
                                                                                                accessed via the link: https://www.     Levy is a non-compulsory annual
                            2nd child         3rd child         4th child         5th child     smc.sa.edu.au/about/policies/           contribution, charged on a per
                            12% tuition 22%                     100%              100%                                                  family basis. This levy allows for the
Family Discount                                                                                                                         continued upgrade, maintenance
                            fee         tuition fee             tuition fee       tuition fee   Fee Due Dates and
                                                                                                                                        and improvement of the facilities
Note. The Family Discount applies only to students who are enrolled at St Michael’s College
                                                                                                Payment                                 of both the Primary and Secondary
School Card Discount (50% of tuition fee)
Early Payment Discount (3% of tuition fee)                                                      Fees may be paid in full by cash,
                                                                                                cheque or credit card within 30         The Building Fund Levy is tax
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Fees                                                    days of the date of the invoice         deductible.
                                                                                                and receive a 3% early payment
The cost of VET courses varies greatly. The College will generally contribute
50% of all training fees (parents cover the remaining 50%). Please contact                      discount.
the VET Coordinator for further information.

   30      St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                                 31
Fee Information

Family Discounts                          School Card Discount                  be processed once the form is           date of the enrolment.
                                                                                returned and adjustments made if
When a family has two or more             Families who may qualify for school   the application is not approved.        Splitting Family
                                          card discount must complete
children attending the College at
                                                                                Families applying for School
the same time, the following family       either Form A – Income Audit or
discount is applied:                      Form B – Self Employed, Hardship      Card using Form B can complete
                                                                                                                        Unfortunately, accounts will not
                                          or Change in Circumstances. The       the return the form to the
                                                                                                                        be split unless a Court Order
  12% discount on the tuition fee         forms can be downloaded from          South Australian Department for
                                                                                                                        specifies this requirement. Parents
  for the second child.                   the South Australian Government       Education as soon as possible.
                                                                                                                        are requested to make their
                                          website (https://www.sa.gov.au/       Form B can be completed online
  22% discount on the tuition fee                                                                                       own arrangements regarding
                                          topics/education-and-learning/        at this link; https://online.forms.
  for the third child.                                                                                                  payment of accounts. It is the legal
                                          financial-help-scholarships-and-      sa.edu.au/content/forms/af/public/
                                                                                                                        responsibility of each signatory on
  No tuition fee is charged for the       grants/school-card-scheme) or by      form-b-hardship-or-circumstance-
                                                                                                                        the enrolment contract to pay all
  fourth and subsequent children          contacting the St Michael’s College   or-self-employed.html. The School
                                                                                                                        tuition fees.
  whilst all children are attending       Accounts Receivable Officer at        Card discount will be processed
  St Michael’s College.                   the Secondary Campus on (08)          when eligibility is confirmed by the
                                          83565966.                             South Australian Department for
When determining whether a
family will receive the discount,
                                          Families applying for school card
consideration will be given to
                                          using Form A must to return the       Early Payment Discount
circumstances such as whether
                                          form to the Secondary Campus
the children are all enrolled under
                                          before the end of January each        Families who pay the annual tuition
the same party’s name or if the
                                          year. School Card applications        fee and building fund levy in full by
family member can demonstrate
                                          close at the end of October. The      the due date are entitled to an early
full financial responsibility for the
                                          College provides a 50% discount       payment discount of 3%.
children’s tuition fees.
                                          on tuition fees to approved School
                                          Cardholders. The discount will        Part-year enrolments are eligible
                                                                                for the discount if the account is
                                                                                paid in full within 30 days from the

 32     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                  33
Fee Information

                                                                                 The withdrawal of a students’
Fee Remission for                         Students not returning                                                          New Student
                                                                                 enrolment requires the written
Families in Financial                     to the College in 2021                 consent of all signatories on the        Enrolment Application
Difficulties                                                                     enrolment contract.                      Fees
                                          If your son or daughter is not
                                          returning to the College in 2021,
Families experiencing financial                                                  Overdue Accounts and                     To submit an Enrolment
difficulties, including families          please contact the Registrar as
                                          soon as possible. Withdrawal of
                                                                                 Late Payment Fee                         Application, $55.00 is payable upon
whose only income is Centrelink                                                                                           lodgement. When a position at the
payments, should contact the              enrolment affects many different                                                College is offered and to secure
                                                                                 The College reserves the right to
College Accounts Receivable Officer       areas of the College and your help                                              your child’s position, an acceptance
                                                                                 pass overdue accounts to a debt
to discuss financial circumstances.       in this matter greatly assists us in                                            fee of $200.00 is payable. When
                                                                                 collection agency. If this occurs,
The following documentation is            resource planning.                                                              your child commences at the
                                                                                 families are responsible for the
required for assessment of fee                                                   payment of the collection costs          College, $150.00 is credited
remission:                                Late Commencement                      as per the parents/caregivers            towards your child’s tuition fee.
                                          / Withdrawal from                      declaration in the Enrolment
  Application for Special Financial       College                                Contract. Any default debt may also      Please note that both fees are
  Consideration.                                                                 be reported to a credit reporting        non-refundable.
  Proof of income – ATO                   Should a student commence or           agency.
  assessment notice                       conclude his/her studies part-way
                                          through the year, the fees will be      A $55.00 administration fee will
  Copies of Centrelink documents.
                                          adjusted accordingly. However, for     be charged for all accounts paid
  Proof of mortgage/rent                  a student leaving after commencing     after the due date, unless prior
  repayments                              Term 4, no rebate will apply.          arrangements have been confirmed
                                                                                 in writing by the College, as a result
Fee remission applies to current
                                          Payment of fees are still required     of financial hardship.
year only and is provided on a
                                          where a student is absent from
case-by-case basis.
                                          school for any length of time, for
                                          example overseas trip, holiday,
 34     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021                                                                                     35
Student Accident Insurance                                               Useful Phone Numbers

The College has negotiated a                                             Absentee/Late Arrival SMS Service
Student Accident insurance policy
with AON (our insurer) that will                                         When sending a text please ensure you include your child’s;
protect parents from some of
the financial burdens of student                                           First Name
accidents.                                                                 Surname
                                                                           Class / Year level
The policy, named ‘Student Accident
Insurance’, provides a blanket cover                                     SMS
for all students whilst at school                                        0417 596 611
or involved in a school activity
(including work experience). In the
                                                                         Secondary Campus
event of an accident occurring,
AON will pay lump sum benefits                                           Telephone
for a range of (non-Medicare)                                            (08) 8356 5966
medical services such as broken
bones, damaged teeth, permanent                                          Absentee/Late Arrival Number
disabilities and emergency                                               (08) 8150 2323
                                                                         Primary Campus
Please contact the College for                                           Telephone
further information.                                                     (08) 8346 6548

                                                                         Absentee/Late Arrival Number
                                                                         (08) 8150 2397

                                                                         Dobsons Uniform Shop
                                                                         (08) 8150 2306

 36     St Michael’s College   BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOKLET 2021
Primary Campus             Secondary Campus
78 East Avenue             15 Mitton Avenue
Beverley, SA 5009          Henley Beach, SA 5022
p:   08 8346 6548          p:   08 8356 5966
f:   08 8346 9449          f:   08 8356 1092
smcprimary@smc.sa.edu.au   smc@smc.sa.edu.au
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