THE SPECTRUM - Avon Lake City Schools

THE SPECTRUM - Avon Lake City Schools
This is for Rachel...

Volume 94, Issue 7 		                       “The Maroon and Gold in Black and White”                                      February 28, 2020

AP Physics C pendulum project in full swing
By Marguerite Smith                                                                                                             Buying sustain-
The Spectrum Editor
           There is a new addition coming to                                                                                     able clothing:
the high school in the next few years that will
not only be a new structure for campus but a
                                                                                                                                  See page 2!
landmark for Lorain County. The school li-
brary will be the host for a museum-style, 30-
foot tall Foucault pendulum that will be de-
signed and created by the AP Physics C class
at Avon Lake.
           What is a Foucault pendulum? It                                                                                       Winter Sports
can be described as a simple device named af-
ter French physicist Léon Foucault to demon-                                                                                       Updates:
strate the Earth’s rotation. This large scale                                                                                     See page 5!
experiment will be a continuously moving
pendulum that swings around in a circle, sim-
ilar to the one seen in the Cleveland Museum
                                                                                                                           design, market, and finance
of Natural History.
           The project, advised by Mr. Gill,                                            Photo courtesy of @ALHSphysicsCthe project. Students and
began with the graduating class of 2019, was                  Students working on electrical pieces of the Foucalt pendulumfaculty of the technology, art,
                                                     proud of the work that his peers have accom-                         business, and English de-
handed off to the current 2020 seniors, and
                                                     plished this year, stating “This year’s AP Phys-    partments have also been involved in aspects
will continue to be passed along AP Physics
                                                     ics C class has made remarkable progress de-        of the creation of the pendulum regarding
C classes until the project is complete. The
                                                     signing and fabricating the foundation of our       marketing and aesthetic design.
goal of the project was simply described by
                                                     upcoming Foucault Pendulum. I look forward                     The completion of this project will
the group as “advancing the skills of the stu-
                                                     to seeing the cooperation among even more           create a space for the community and stu-
dents through engineering design projects
                                                     classes, and the results we will be passing on      dents to enjoy and learn in. Elementary and
involving research, design, and installation
                                                     to next year’s class.”                              Intermediate school students would have the
of landmarks in our community.” Groups of
                                                                So far this year, the class has been     opportunity to take field trips to view the pen-
students work in areas such as engineering,
                                                     successful in collaborating with neighboring        dulum rather than traveling to a Cleveland
design, marketing, and finance. Engineering
                                                     groups from Parker Hannifin, Clark and Post,        museum, and community members will also
groups have created different pivot points and
                                                     Nordson, and the Community Foundation to            have time to observe the project. The pendu-
worked with companies to manufacture parts.
                                                     gain insight into the proper ways to engineer,      lum is estimated to be completed and revealed
           Student leader Evan Danielson is
                                                                                                         around 2021.

ALHS taking steps to reduce stress and anxiety in school
From Courtney Smith                                  ously enough and that the movie was flawed          to come talk to them anytime, explaining that
The Spectrum Writer                                  in the way it approached handling stress and        the Guidance Department “[has] an open
                                                     anxiety.                                            door policy for all students, especially those
           This school year has not been the                   With the stress of AP classes, sports,    dealing with mental health issues.” If students
first that the students of ALHS have suffered        work and standardized tests, us students have       do not feel comfortable enough to reach out
from anxiety, but it is the first that the schools   a lot on our plate. Although it seems that the      quite yet, they can try to employ some of the
have made a district wide effort to address          goal of the movie was to help students recog-       coping strategies that Dr. Barlow, a psychol-
it. The movie, cleverly titled Angst, was first      nize their own anxiety and to not be afraid to      ogist who came and spoke to the students,
shown to some of the parents of Avon Lake            seek help, many students felt the film was try-     showed them.
before it was introduced to Troy and Lear-           ing to “explain” their own anxiety to them.                   Anxiety is something that kids in
wood students and the ALHS student body.                       Even if the movie was a hit or miss       Avon Lake, even as young as 8 years old are
           Although there were some technical        with some students, it started an important         dealing with. For the students at ALHS in
difficulties that ironically brought about some      conversation. Anxiety is something that many        particular, this anxiety is likely not going to
anxiety in the administrators, the students          students deal with, and we as a community           go away when many leave for college. It is
were eventually able to watch the film, which        should not be afraid to be open with each oth-      important we do not let ourselves and those
came with some mixed reactions. Some stu-            er about our struggles. The Guidance Depart-        around us struggle. We are a community here
dents saw the movie as an opportunity for            ment is a great place for students struggling       in Avon Lake, and we must stick together so
them to speak up about their anxiety, while          with anxiety to go for help.                        we can be stronger than our angst.
others thought the issue was not taken seri-                   Mr. Kaminski encourages students
Page 2					                                               The Spectrum Opinion Page		                                           February 28, 2020

Avoiding fast fashion and buying sustainable
           It’s always hard to pass up                      dioxide is released. Further, when polyester is
a good deal on clothes. Being some-                         washed, it sheds a numerous amount of mi-
one who enjoys staying on trend and                         crofibers. These microfibers are miniscule and
getting dressed up, I find it hard to                       can very easily pass through wastewater sys-
invest lots of money into pieces I will                     tems, where they build up and add to the al-       DO you like to write?
only wear once or twice. Brands like                        ready increasing plastic contamination issue.
Shein and Romwe have created an                                   Perhaps the biggest issue with the pro-       It doesn’t matter the
empire of low quality clothes for an                        motion of fast fashion is the amount of textile              topic,
even lower price, and access to such                        waste that is created. Because fashion brands
pieces have taken a huge toll on the Nicole Duvall have chosen to use cheap, synthetic materials,
                                                                                                               The Spectrum would
use of nonrenewable resources. With                         they have mass produced an item that is diffi-       love to have you on
the rise of fast fashion, which can be defined as in- cult to repurpose and even more difficult to get rid
expensive clothing that is mass produced to meet of. Polyester and nylon based clothes will be thrown
current trends, the environment is taking a huge out and sit in landfills forever, potentially even find-
hit.                                                  ing their way into the environment. However, ma-                     Email
           In the past 5 years, the clothing industry terials like cotton and silk will biodegrade overtime,
has risen to the #2 spot for biggest polluters, sec- and are also a lot stronger and more durable. When           avonlakespectrum@
ond only to oil. For many years, clothes were main- shopping for clothes, consider quality over quanti-     
ly created out of natural materials such as wool, ty. Thrifting clothes is a great way to keep up with          or join the Remind
cotton, and silk. Because these resources are grown trends while also keeping up with repurposing ef-
and harvested, they became expensive to work with forts. If you’re broke like me, try DIY-ing some old               by texting
and produce pieces quickly. Thus began the switch pieces to make them into something new. There are            @alspectrum to 81010
to synthetic materials. Polyester and nylon have plenty of ways to keep up with current styles with-
seen a drastic 157% increase in production since the out having to invest in cheap clothing companies.
2000’s. Polyester is created by a chemical reaction So before you consider putting your money into a
involving coal, petroleum, air, and water, two of harmful market, always take the time to look at the
which are fossil fuels. Through the process of cre- better, more eco-friendly alternatives.
ating this synthetic fiber, a large amount of carbon

Move over Coronavirus; TikTok fever is sweeping the globe
          It’s second semester se-                     can post short videos of anything.           the bandwagon, but I’m not worried about
nior year, and I’m sure I’m not the                    It originated from the lipsync app           people with existing followings taking over
first senior to tell you that it’s get-      , but transformed to fit           the space. No matter how many celebrities
ting harder to focus with the allur-                   a wider stream of content around             create accounts, TikTok remains a space
ing promise of graduation around                       August 2018. Think of Instagram              where everyone has equal opportunity for
the corner. But how are we distract-                   with only videos (IGTV), or even             exposure.
ing ourselves in our free time? How                    Vine if that helps you (although I                      With 1.5 downloads and 500 mil-
on earth don’t I have my homework                      don’t believe TikTok is “Vine 2”,            lion users worldwide, TikTok is a scream-
done when I’ve been home for                           more on that later).                         ing voice of creators who cannot be ig-
three hours (as my mother so elo- Livie Crimaldi I think it’s safe to say that the                  nored. Yes, it is easily comparable to the
quently puts it)? These days it’s not                  most recognizable creators pump              old video-based platform, Vine (R.I.P.),
YouTube or Netflix occupying the countless out a constant stream of dance content, but              but calling TikTok the second version of
hours of procrastinating seniors, this time the possibilities are truly endless on this             Vine soils the reputations of both. Vine
it’s a new beast. A promise of catchy music, colorful app. Skits, singing, painting, eat-           had it’s time, and although it’s greatest hits
easily-replicable dances and fast fame: the ing, sports, life hacks; you name it, TikTok            compilations will forever live on through
utterly addicting app TikTok.                 has it. That is one great aspect of TikTok:           YouTube and nostalgia, it’s now 2020, and
          I would hope that by now the there is content for everyone to consume,                    modern times call for adapted social me-
name TikTok at least rings a bell to every- and always the possibility of new content               dia platforms (that allow for videos longer
one reading this. Since my main demo- to be created.                                                than 6.5 seconds).
graphic is my peers, I’m guessing my odds              Another unique aspect of TikTok                         TikTok is a center for creativity,
are pretty good. Yet, despite its exponential is the possibility and frequency of viral             distraction, fame, and comradery, and it
popularity, there are still some adults in videos. If your video is funny, meaningful               is the rising expressive outlet of a genera-
the dark about why all these kids are danc- or showcases any sort of talent, you have               tion. I pity the entrepreneur who discounts
ing in front of their phone in public. Even as much of a chance to go viral as any                  this platform and misses an opportunity
my dad, despite multiple explanations, other Average Joe on the app. I’ve seen                      to reach millions of people worldwide, but
still mentions a clock whenever the app is user902314895289 get more views and                      welcome the parent who wants to better
brought up.                                   likes on a video than Jimmy Fallon, eas-              understand their kids. I guarantee that
          For any adult for whom this may ily. Yes, with TikTok’s rising popularity,                there is a TikTok for everyone, and 500
concern: TikTok is an app where anyone mainstream celebrities have hopped on                        million people agree.
Page 3						                                                The Spectrum				                                              February 28, 2020

                      Editors Recommend RomComs!
               Set It Up:                                    How to Lose a Guy in                           10 Things I Hate
                                                             10 Days:                                       About You:
                 A relatively new option
                 that addresses the come-                      I recommend this movie                        10 Things I Hate About You
                 dic aspect of stress in the                   becuase it will make you                      is my favorite romantic co-
                 modern world, Set It Up is                    laugh and cry all at the                      medy and actually my favori-
                 the story of two overworked                   same time! Character Andie                    te movie of all time. Created
Livie Crimaldi and underpaid assistants.                                                       Marguerite
                                                Marcy Allen (Kate Hudson) pushes Ben              Smith
                                                                                                             in 1999, this movies embo-
                 Harper (Zoey Deutch) is                       (Matthew McConaughey)                         dies everything that is teena-
an aspiring writer stuck doing the dirty       to break up with her in 10 days by doing        ge drama. There’s a love triangle, a strong
work of her demanding boss, Kirsten            clingy and annoying things all for an           female lead, and awkward 90s haircuts
(Lucy Lu), whereas Charlie (Glen Powell)       article she is writing for a magazine: How      and fashion. Kat Stratford is the beautiful,
is just trying to score some relief from his   to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. What she does         smart and abrasive older sister of Bianca
anger-ridden boss Rick (Taye Diggs). Af-       to Ben in the movie is hilarious and leaves     (Larisa Oleynik). Kat doesn’t attract many
ter a chance encounter, these two interns      the audiance to question how the charac-        boys, and house rules say that Bianca
discover they are experiencing the same        ters’ love story will turn out. The ending is   can’t date until Kat has a boyfriend, so
problem of overbearing management, and         adorable and it’s definately a must watch       new kid Cameron starts to pull some
quickly devise a plan to set their bosses up   for Valentine’s Day!                            strings to set Kat up so that he can date
and gain some free time in the process.                                                        Bianca. Soon Kat crosses paths with the
A unique plot and talented cast make this                                                      handsome bad boy Patrick Verona (Heath
Netflix original shine, and as romcoms go,                                                     Ledger). You’ll have to watch to movie to
it is a pretty entertaining watch.                                                             find out if she fell for him though.

                                  Senior Spotlight
              Molly Andrejcak                                                             Zach Wheeler
 Best date? Castle Noel                                                                  Best date? Maria’s sunflowers,
 Worst date? Bowling first date                                                          then dinner
 What do you love the most                                                               Worst date? Bowling first date
 about your significant other?                                                           What do you love the most
 His personality                                                                         about your significant other?
 What annoys you the most                                                                She’s caring
 about them? His attitude                                                                What annoys you the most
 First impression of each oth-                                                           about them? Her lack of patience
 er? He was helpful                                                                      First impression of each oth-
 What is something he/she                                                                er? She was funny
 says all the time? He always says                                                       What is something he/she says
 “I’m sorry”                                                                             all the time? She always says “Got
 Who would survive longer in the zombie                                 it”
 apocalypse? Zach                                                       Who would survive longer in the zombie
 Who’s the better dresser? Zach                                         apocalypse? Me
 Who is more likely to be running late?                                 Who’s the better dresser? Molly
 Zach                                                                   Who is more likely to be running late?
 Describe each other in one word: Willing                               Me
                                                                        Describe each other in one word: Caring
Page 4						             The Spectrum			                                February 28, 2020

          What was Your
                   A SPECIAL EDITION OF
                     ASK THE STUDENT

               It really wasn’t a first date. He
               showed up at my game and asked to take a
               picture after stalking me for weeks.
               Apparently his mom had driven him to our
               game. I settled for hiding in the locker room
               until he was gone.

               I had no idea it was a date, and when I rea-
               lized it was, I felt horrible for quite some
               time. I realized in the weeks that followed
               that she had taken me out on a date. I would
               have handled things differently if I knew
               that were the case.

               He kissed me but it felt like there was an
               octopus in my mouth. Too soon.

               I drove 15 hours to my ex-girlfriend’s law school
               where I broke up with her in front of a monument
               of Stonewall Jackson. I began driving home and four
               hours through she called asking me to come back.
               So I drove the way back and we were determined to
               work it out. She ended up calling me the next day
               telling me that the only reason she wanted to get back
               together was that so she could have the break up.

          Not a worst FIRST date story, but a worst LAST
                    (submitted by a teacher!)
Page 5						                                                       The Spectrum Sports			                                         February 28, 2020

                     The Spectrum Sports
Girls swim team makes splash,
wins SWC championship meet                                                                                                A look into Astros
By Marcy Allen                                 look out for,” said senior captain Emma
                                                                                                                          Cheating Scandal
The Spectrum Sports Editor                     Okuma.
          Avon Lake High School’s Girls                      The ALHS swimmers attribute
Swimming and Diving are back to back their accomplishments to their positive
SWC champions, as they snatched mindsets and team comradory. “We re-                                  Kyle Chandler
the 1st place title on January 25th, at ally had it in our heads to do well,” said
Westlake’s Rec-                                                          Okuma.       “Everyone                Turmoil is still at large for the
reation Center.                                                          was very supportive         Houston Astros, and all of baseball, as crit-
Winning with an                                                          of each other and that      icism and backlash is still dominating the
impressive over-                                                         really contributed to       headlines of the sign stealing scandal. The
all score of 361,                                                        our achievements.”          now infamous 2017 World Series Cham-
as rival Avon                                                             Although        ALHS’s     pions cannot seem to find clemency from
High       School                                                        Girls Swimming and          anyone as this saga doesn’t seem to be going
came in 2nd with                                                         Diving team has al-         away any time soon. Not only are the fans
a score of 276.5,                                                        ready two successful        involving themselves, but well respected
the     Shoregals                                                        seasons in a row, the       players such as Cody Bellinger, and most
clearly dominat-                                                         future still continues      recently, Aaron Judge have expressed their
ed in the water                                                          to look bright. “Fresh-     rebuking opinions on the touchy subject.
against their op-                                                        men Zoe Wysong, Ally                  “They cheated, that didn’t sit well
ponents.                                                                 McDaniel, Blake Ko-         with me,” Judge said when asked about a
          Placing                                                        vacs and Jenna Ken-         tweet he reportedly had taken down congrat-
                                        Photo courtesy of @AvonLakeSports
first in the SWC                                                         nedy all had huge suc-      ulating the Astros second baseman Jose Al-
                  The ALHS Girls Swimming and Diving snatched SWC
bracket for the                                                          cess for their first year   tuve after winning the MVP award during the
                  first place title.
Shoregal squad                                                           of high school swim,”       2017 season. “That post didn’t mean the same
was thrilling, as                                                        said Okuma. “The            anymore… I was just sick to my stomach.”
they felt pressure to succeed all season team is only going to get better.”                                    Dodger Cody Bellinger backed
due to their accomplishments last year.                      The Avon Lake Girls Swim-               Judge’s comments, as he believes Altuve and
The previous season the ALHS Girls ming and Diving has a team banquet                                the Astros were not only stealing signs, but
Swimming and Diving team shared the to look forward to in honor of their                             also awards, and a World Series title. “I think
first place trophy with Avon, therefore SWC championship win. The banquet                            what people don’t realize is Altuve stole an
beating the Eagles this year was even will take place soon and will recognize                        MVP from Judge in 17. Everyone knows they
more exciting. “The stakes were defi- members of the swim team for their                             stole the ring from us,” Bellinger sternly con-
nitely higher this year considering we hard work and dedication this 2019-                           cluded at a press conference late last week.
won last season and were the team to 2020 season.                                                              Perhaps what’s even more con-
                                                                                                     cerning is all of the careers that were ru-
                                                                                                     ined because of this despicable act. Many
                                                                                                     young talented pitchers on the cusp on
Slaughter takes 9th in diving at states                                                              Triple A and the Big Leagues ultimate-
                                                                                                     ly being sent back down because the As-
as boys’ team finishes 2nd at SWC meet                                                               tros made the conscious decision to cheat
                                                                                                     and have a much higher chance getting
By Emma Okuma                                              On January 11th, Slaughter                on base, knowing what pitch is coming.
The Spectrum Sports Writer                        finished 2nd place at the District Div-                      It’s hard to have sympathy for this
          The Avon Lake High School’s             ing Competition which qualified him                team, as a lot of respect for the organization
Boys Swimming and Diving team had                                                                    has been lost by players and fans. As the sea-
                                                  for the State Diving meet. On January
a terrific season with senior diver Mi-                                                              son is just around the corner, physical war-
                                                  22nd, Slaughter represented Avon Lake
                                                                                                     fare is most likely not far behind, and ver-
chael Slaughter going to the OHSAA                as he went to States for his second year           bal confrontations will be far from over, as
Division 1 State Diving Competition, as           in a row placing 9th.                              the Astros have effectively become the most
well as the ALHS team overall placing                                                                hated team in baseball for years to come.
2nd in the SWC conference.
                                                    See Swimming and Diving page 6
Page 6						                                                         The Spectrum Sports			                                                     February 28, 2020

Boys Swimming and Diving
have a successful season
Swimming and Diving from
page 5
                                           as successful.” Moses says.
                                                                                                 Division I
Along with Slaughter’s successes,
the entire Shoremen Swim team
came in 2nd overall at the SWC
Championship meet. “Coming in
second in SWC’s is the best thing                                                                                 Nick Marsh
that we have done in a really long
time. Overall, our team had tre-
mendous improvements this sea-
son in terms of rankings and per-
sonal records,” senior Will Moses
         The team has high hopes
to continue to achieve in the fu-
ture. “Our freshman class con-
tributed more than we’ve ever                               Photo courtesy of @AvonLakeSports

asked for this season. If it wasn’t        Michael Slaughter at states on February, 22nd.
for them, we wouldn’t have been

Shoremen basketball team moves on
after playoff win vs. North Ridgeville
By Kyle Chandler                         to say that hard work needs to be in
The Spectrum Sports Editor               order, and that winning will come
          Well the Shoremen didn’t with effort.                                                                                             Photo courtesy of Nick Marsh

quite end the season in the way that                   When asked about chal-                   Nick Marsh signing to Colgate University.
everyone thought they would. Fin- lenges the Shoremen has faced this
ishing with a record of 14-8, and season, it’s all positive from Perry.
grabbing the 5th seed in the play- “Trying to find minutes for every-
offs is not what they were hoping to body on the team. We have so many
find coming into the season. With talented players that are so veri-
                                                                                                Sport: Football
the Shoremen be-                                                      stale.” Perry             Future College: Colgate University
ing heavy favorites                                                   adds      onto
to win the confer-                                                    the positivi-
                                                                                                Major: Economics
ence this year, it                                                    ty by stating             Favorite Athlete? JJ Watt
is safe to say they                                                   how well the
fell short of the                                                     defense has
                                                                                                Pump Up Song: Dreams and
bar meeting ex-                                                       performed all             Nightmares
                                                                      year. “When
pectations. None-
theless,     there’s                                                  we’re all bat-
                                                                                                How do you feel about snow in
no time to sulk                                                       tling it’s re-            November? I do not like it
on what could’ve                     Photo courtesy of @AvonLakeSportsally tough to             Best Thanksgiving food: Turkey
been with a bigShoremen basketball team on senior night.              score on us.”
game in determin-                                                            With a             Powerade or Gatorade: Gatorade
ing how far they                                                      big one com-              Favorite after sport snack: Chi-
will go into playoffs is scheduled ing up against North Ridgeville, the
for Wednesday.                           Shoremen will need four quarters                       potle
          Cristian (Cheech) Perry, of focus in order to come away with                          What Are You Most Excited For
senior guard, thought the Shore- a victory. With a good chance to go
men had a good chance to go deep deep in the playoffs, the Shoremen                             as a Future College Athlete?:
into the playoffs this season. “We’ve will fair a game at a time in hopes                       Building relationships with other
been in every game this year and of bringing home the state title.
we know we can compete with any-                                                                people passionate about football.
one in our district,” Perry goes on
Page 7						                                                            The Spectrum Sports			                                             February 28, 2020

Life would be better with a school pool Gymnastics team
From Morgan Hughes
The Spectrum Sports Writer
                                         and jobs for residents of Avon Lake. An
                                         indoor pool in Avon Lake could allow
                                                                                 finishes inaugural
        It’s a typical school night, and for many residents to have somewhere
once again Avon Lake High School to swim during the winter, and buying
                                                                                 season strong
                                                                                                               By Emma Knick
Swimming and Diving are on an unrea-                   pool passes could raise more money for
                                                                                                              The Spectrum Sports Writer
sonably long bus ride to practice. Diving              the city. This facility could be used as
                                                                                                                        The Shoregals gymnastics team
has to practice in Lakewood, while the                 a recreation center for Avon Lake resi-
                                                                                                              finished their season off strong taking third
swim team has to take the bus all the                  dents. In addition, there are many life-
                                                                                                              place at the SWC’s meet. The Shoregals
way to Oberlin College for their prac-                 guards for the Ellen Trivanovich Aquat-
                                                                                                              gained a lot from this season and are look-
tice. The swim team faces around a 45                  ic Center that already work for the city
                                                                                                              ing to improve next year. Despite being
minute bus ride to and from Oberlin ev-                and would probably be more than happy
                                                                                                              a new team, they were unified and able to
ery night, give or take five minutes de-               to have the opportunity to work during
                                                                                                              have great success throughout their season.
pending on the route taken. This means                 the school year as well as the summer.
                                                                                                                        Avon Lake’s Anna Molina had a
the swim team is on the bus an average                 There are many Red Cross Water Safety
                                                                                                              huge impact on the Shoregals this year and
of six hours per week! It would be ex-                 Instructors that would also probably be
                                                                                                              helped lead them to their third place finish at
tremely beneficial and solve many prob-                able to teach swim lessons, so many kids
                                                                                                              the SWC meet. Individually, she chipped in
lems if an indoor competition pool was                 would be able to continue their swim in-
                                                                                                              a third place all around finish which allowed
built in Avon Lake.                                    struction with the same staff during the
                                                                                                              her to advance in the District Finals meet.
          First, building a competition                school year.
                                                                                                                        At the District Finals meet Mo-
pool in Avon Lake would be beneficial                            Overall, an indoor pool in Avon
                                                                                                              lina placed sixth in vault, seventh on the
because it could save the swimming and                 Lake would have many benefits for high
                                                                                                              floor, and ninth all around. Molina’s hard
diving team time and money. It would                   school swimming and diving along with
                                                                                                              work and dedication to the gymnastics
give swimmers more time to focus on                    Avon Lake residents. If it cost around
                                                                                                              team has allowed for great results. Moli-
their studies and other responsibilities               $60,000 to construct a pool, since there
                                                                                                              na credits a lot of her success to her coach.
in order to become better people. The                  are about 8,900 households in Avon
                                                                                                                        “Coach Shannon is my big-
close location of the pool could also                  Lake that would mean each house-
                                                                                                              gest     influence     because    she    push-
attract more swimmers and allow the                    hold would have to pay around $7 for
                                                                                                              es me to be my best everyday,” Moli-
program to grow and thrive even more,                  the project, which could be distribut-
                                                                                                              na said. Finishing the season off strong,
along with allowing for more meet at-                  ed through taxes for a year. Therefore,
                                                                                                              Anna was proud of her success overall.
tendance and support which could al-                   building an indoor pool would be an
                                                                                                                        For being a first year team, Anna
low the swim team to make more money                   easy and relatively inexpensive project,
                                                                                                              finds each of her teammates to be her best
for the school.                                        so it should be a no-brainer based on its
                                                                                                              friends which helped to strengthen their
          Also, building an indoor com-                many benefits.
                                                                                                              team as a whole and it therefore was a
petition pool would make sense because
                                                                                                              great contributor to their overall results.
it would allow for more opportunities
                                                                                                              “My goals were to make all events at each
                                                                                                              meet and get first place and I accomplished

Girls basketball shoots high in 2020                                                                          that at two of our meets,” Molina said.
                                                                                                                        Avon Lake’s junior, Brooke Manga-
                                                                                                              no, was also a huge contributor to the team’s
By Alexis Miller                                       during the game.                                       success this season. Despite being out of
The Spectrum Sports Writer                                          The top scorers of the senior night       gymnastics for four years, Brooke still placed
            The girls basketball team has done were senior captain Arianna Negron with 19                     in all events at the majority of the meets.
extremely well this season only losing five points, Junior Emma Knick with 10 points,                                   “I do all of the events and my best
games.                                                                            Junior Keely McGinty        is the floor because I think it is the easiest
They           won                                                                with 9 points, senior       to get back into after being out of gymnas-
on         January                                                                Emily Kirkwood with 5       tics for four years,” Mangano said.
25th        against                                                               points, and junior Kiley              Even though Brooke is a phe-
Berea-Midpark                                                                     Boutin getting 3 points.    nomenal all around gymnast beam is
with a score of 54                                                                          The girls sea-    still her favorite. “I like beam when I am
to 41 and on Jan-                                                                 son ended on Febru-         not competing because when I am com-
uary 29th, the                                                                    ary 20th when the girls     peting it is really scary but getting new
girls fell short to                                                               had a very close game       skills on beam is fun,” Mangano said.
Westlake losing                                                                   against North Rid-                    Moving into next year’s season, the
by 10 points.                                                                     geville. The score was      Avon Lake Shoregals are looking to bring
            During                               Photo courtesy of @AvonLakeSportsNorth Ridgeville 41 and
                                                                                                              home an SWC title. With the great suc-
their        seniorShoregal basketball team on senior night.                      Avon Lake had 40. It        cess from this year’s team, the chances of
night       against                                                               was a tough loss, but the   them achieving this is very high. Congrats
Lakewood on February 8th they won with a team still has a lot to be proud of.                                 to the Shoregals on a tremendous season!
score of 55 to 32. All of the seniors got to play
Page 8						             The Spectrum Sports			           February 28, 2020

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