The Reward guide: to tracking Digital Marketing Performance - Webflow

Page created by Connie Adams
The Reward guide: to tracking Digital Marketing Performance - Webflow
    to tracking
The Reward guide: to tracking Digital Marketing Performance - Webflow
In today’s digitally driven world, it     precious time. However, knowing
is possible to track nearly every         which parameters are important
aspect of your business, but              enough to monitor can be tricky.
knowing where to start can                If you track the key performance
be a real struggle.                       indicators (KPIs) for each area of
                                          your online marketing strategy, then
When it comes to online marketing,        you will be on the right track, but
there are hundreds of various             knowing what these KPIs are for
metrics that you could be                 your marketing isn’t always obvious.
monitoring, and if you find yourself      With 96% of the UK population
lost in a sea of Google Analytics         now using the internet, and the
jargon and social media buzzwords         average Brit spending nearly six
then don’t panic, you are not alone.      hours online every single day, it is
                                          more important than ever to have
Making sense of the vast amount           your online marketing strategy up
of data that is generated from your       to scratch. This guide will take a
various online marketing channels         look at some of the most vital KPIs
is no easy task. Trying to track every    for tracking your digital marketing
metric available to you will become       performance, including website,
a full-time job that is a waste of your   social, search and email.

                                          What does
                                          analytics mean?
                                          The number of buzzwords                Metrics might display a total
                                          surrounding digital marketing          number, such as the number
                                          is huge, and it seems there is         of visitors to your site, or an
                                          something new to keep up with          average such as the average
                                          almost every day. One of the most      time users spend on one page
                                          important words that you will          of your website. These metrics
                                          come across when tracking your         can change depending on what
                                          digital marketing performance          analytics you choose to gather and
                                          is ‘analytics’. As long as you can     monitor, and they are so powerful
                                          understand this, you will be well on   because they give us a definitive
                                          your way to becoming a master of       figure that can be used to gain
                                          online metric tracking.                invaluable insights into your digital
                                          Analytics refers to the process of
                                          collecting and analysing data and      These metrics allow you to work
                                          using this data to look for trends,    out shortfalls on your website
                                          patterns and connections that          and other online channels, which
                                          can provide some insights into         can be utilised to help improve
                                          your online performance. Web           the customer journey and sales
                                          analytics, for example, will collect   process. 78% of UK and US
                                          and examine the information and        eCommerce decision-makers
                                          data from your website including       do not understand the reasons
                                          system performance, user               why customers struggle with their
                                          behaviour and much, much more.         websites, and this could all be
                                          All web analytics are tracked using    avoided by reviewing the
                                          metrics, which are basically the       website analytics.
                                          measurements used to provide the
                                          information we need.
The Reward guide: to tracking Digital Marketing Performance - Webflow
Why is tracking
digital marketing
As a digital marketer, it is important   and should be functioning in the
to know that better information          best possible way that is intuitive
means better results. Having             to your customers.
relevant and accurate data will
allow you to make more informed,   Discovering how users are
                                   interacting with your website,
reliable decisions in your marketing
strategy. A Forbes Insight         and understanding what makes
report indicates that only 22% of  them spend more with you, is an
marketers are using the metrics    extremely powerful insight. We live
and analytics available to them to in a world that is driven by digital
make data-driven initiatives.      technologies, millennials now
                                   make 54% of all their purchases
That is a lot of marketers not     online, and that number is only
making the most of the information set to rise, so without an effective
that is readily available about    website, you stand to be left behind.
their own marketing activities.
Companies are investing more       Tracking your digital marketing
and more into digital marketing,   performance across all platforms
but how will you even know you     allows you to fully understand
are investing in the right areas   your customers’ needs and
if you aren’t measuring and        behaviours, and in turn, make their
analysing your current digital     buying journey easier than ever.
marketing activities?              Analytics and digital tracking give
                                   your organisation the insights and
Understanding your brand’s         information needed to improve
website using analytics is so      your overall marketing strategy,
crucial as it is a massive part of drive revenue, increase retention
your business’ online presence     and enhance brand reputation.
The Reward guide: to tracking Digital Marketing Performance - Webflow
16 digital marketing
           metrics you should
           be tracking and
           how to track them

The chances are, your digital           The various digital marketing          In order to choose which digital
marketing campaign is made up           analytics that you choose to           marketing metrics you should
of a range of various channels and      monitor will ultimately depend on      be tracking, you first need to
platforms, and each has a vast          your business goals, and what you      know what’s out there and what
variety of metrics that you can         want to achieve from your online       you can monitor for each of your
track. Deciding which to monitor        marketing strategy. You know           online channels. Here are the top
can be confusing, and it is difficult   better than anyone what you want       16 digital marketing KPIs for any
to know what data is going to be        to gain from your digital marketing    successful online business.
most important to your business. If     and getting overwhelmed with
you find yourself wondering which       metrics that aren’t relevant to your   (We have broken this list down
metrics are best to choose, then        specific goals can end up hindering    into the top four online channels to
read on to find out a bit more about    your performance. But, how can         make it super easy for you
some of the most important KPIs to      you possibly choose which metrics      to understand!)
digital marketers.                      are important to your business until
                                        you understand what metrics are        From there, we have analysed
                                        available and what they mean?          some of the top tracking tools for
                                                                               each online channel so you know
                                                                               what to use and when.
Website Traffic                   your online traffic should be coming     marketers saying that blog content
Your business website is the            from new visitors; however, it is        creation is their top inbound
online hub for your customers to        essential to have a good base of         marketing priority, having the ability
access your products or services.       loyal, returning customers as well.      to understand your audience’s
It is vital that your site makes your                                            favourite content is invaluable.
customer’s journey as easy as         3. Referral Traffic
possible, as well as boosts your      Another KPI that you should track          5. Conversion Rate
online sales and conversions.         is your website’s referral traffic. This   Following on from your website
eCommerce is growing by 23%           gives you vital information on where       visitors, the next most important
year on year, which means more        your visitors are coming from and          website metric to track is your
and more people are looking to        how they are ending up on your             conversion rate. You could have
spend their money online than         site. Tracking your referral traffic is    an excellent marketing strategy
ever before.                          an excellent way of measuring how          driving huge amounts of traffic to
                                      your digital marketing activities are      your site, but if those visitors aren’t
The purpose of your website           doing, for example, you can see            converting then what is the point?
should be to convert as many          what percentage of visitors find you       Conversions can be broken down
visitors as possible into leads or    from search engines, social media,         into two trackable measures. The
sales, and tracking the following     or paid online advertisements.             first is goal conversion, which
digital marketing metrics can help With Google being responsible                 relates to goals that you have
you to determine how effective        for 92% of total organic traffic,          predetermined for your visitors.
your website is, as well as highlight you should always expect to                This goal could be completing a
any areas for improvement.            see Google as one of your top              contact form or downloading a
                                      referrers; if you don’t, it could          brochure, and your goal conversion
     What To Track For                indicate that your SEO is lacking.         rate will show what percentage of
     Website Traffic                  If you are paying for any online           your web visitors complete one of
1. Daily Visitors                     advertisements, then monitoring            these actions.
When it comes to web traffic, the     your referrals is an excellent way to
most important thing to measure       determine if they are valuable or not.     The second measure is your
is how many daily visitors you are                                               eCommerce conversion rate. This
getting and whether this number       4. Average Time On Page                    shows how many of your visitors
is growing. One of your main goals         /Page Views                           made a purchase on your website
for your brand website should be to Monitoring which pages on your               and it is vital to track if you sell
increase the number of daily visitors site receive the most visitors, and        products or services online. The
as much as possible through           which pages your visitors stay on          average eCommerce conversion
various digital marketing activities. for longer can give you invaluable         rate is 1% - 4%, so you should
                                      insight into what content is working       expect yours to sit around this
2. New vs Returning Visitors          best for you. You can quickly              benchmark. You can combine
As well as tracking how many          tell what kind of content is most          your conversion tracking with
visitors your website is getting on   popular with your audience, and            other metrics for a more detailed
a daily basis, you should also be     what isn’t working so well for you.        view of where your revenue is
tracking how many of these visitors With content marketing bringing in           really coming from.
are new and how many have visited three times more leads than paid
your site before. The majority of     search advertising, and 55% of
How To Track Website Traffic      B. Clicky                              D. SEMrush
     A. Google Analytics/ Google       Clicky offers useful heatmaps so       With a similar pricing structure
     Search Console                    you can understand the traffic by      to Moz Pro, SEMrush is similar in
For most marketers, Google             page, visitors of the segment. The     the fact it is an all-in-one toolkit.
Analytics is the go-to tool for        benefit of Clicky comes from the       However, it is perhaps better
tracking web traffic. It is powerful   real-time analysis which enables       designed for SEO professionals
and sophisticated enough for the       you to react instantly if you need     rather than businesses looking to
biggest of websites. For those in      to. The onsite analytics are easy to   manage their own SEO. Even so,
the know, the dashboard is fairly      use while the reports have a high      SEMrush does offer some good
intuitive and logical. However,        level of detail. Furthermore, Clicky   advantages such as in-depth
for first-time users, it can be        is free for one website that has up    analysis which you can easily
overwhelming. Fortunately, there       to 3,000 daily page views.             use to improve your digital
are plenty of tutorials available to                                          marketing strategy.
help users to navigate through         C. Moz Pro
the tool and have a better             Another favourite for marketing        E. Statcounter
understanding of the customer          professionals is Moz Pro as it is      For pure simplicity, Statcounter is
experience of your website. Similar    considered an all-in-one solution      a web traffic monitoring tool that
to Google Analytics is Google          for SEO, monitoring and analysis.      utilises visuals to provide feedback
Search Console, which lets you         While Moz Pro is reasonably            on your site. Statcounter tracks
easily monitor your website’s          costly compared to other tools, it     bounce rate and visitor paths as well
traffic through search engines (i.e.   does simplify SEO considerably         as visits, leaves and returns. The
Google) and your website’s SEO         and comes with attractive tools        benefit of Statcounter is that it offers
and technical performance.             such as customised reports and         a 30-day free trial, so you can see if
                                       detailed insight to help you receive   it’s the right tracking tool for you.
                                       quality traffic.

                                                                              Reward Organic Case Study
                                                                              Working alongside Australia-
                                                                              based, plant-based dinnerware
                                                                              brand EcoCubs, we help to grow
                                                                              their organic traffic into new areas,
                                                                              including the US and EU. After
                                                                              completing a full SEO audit, keyword
                                                                              research, on-page optimisation
                                                                              and off-page optimisation project,
                                                                              EcoCubs started to see the rewards
                                                                              from their expanding success. We
                                                                              achieved a 41.51% increase in goal
                                                                              completions and a 36.98% increase
                                                                              in session duration for EcoCubs from
                                                                              organic search channels.
Social Media
                                                                             Social Media now takes up over
                                                                             30% of the time that the average
                                                                             user spends online, making it an
                                                                             essential digital marketing channel
                                                                             for any business. If you are investing
                                                                             time and money into advertising
                                                                             on social media channels, it is vital
                                                                             that you can effectively track your
                                                                             performance and use the results to
                                                                             further your success.

    What To Track For                 8. Brand Mentions                      all of your social media sites from
    Social Media                      If people are talking about your       one platform. Hootsuite makes it
6. Engagement                         brand on the web, you should be        easy not only to schedule content
Every social media channel is built   sure that you know about it and        but also to manage your accounts
around the concept of engaging        track it! You can monitor how many     and give you detailed reports on
and conversing with other users.      mentions your business gets on         your social media content and
You should be tracking the rate       social media. It is important to not   how it’s performing.
of engagement for every social        only track the numbers but also
media platform you are using.         stay involved in the conversation.     H. Later
This includes the number of likes,    Facebook accounts for more than        Similar to its competition, Later
comments and shares your posts        50% of total social media referrals    is another social media tracking
are getting. You can then easily      to websites and a further 64% of       tool that allows for scheduling,
identify what types of posts are      social revenue, so if your brand is    feed management and strategy
most popular to improve your          being mentioned you want to make       planning. This platform is well-
strategy going forward. Live          the most of it!                        known for pairing detailed visuals
videos, pre-recorded videos                                                  with easy-to-use features to help
and images are the three most              How To Track                      streamline your social media
engaging content types across              For Social Media                  marketing strategy. They are well
social media currently, so keep an         F. Agorapulse                     known for their capabilities for
eye on your engagement levels on      Agorapulse is a popular social         scheduling Instagram posts, stories
these types of posts.                 media tracking tool, helps you         and Link-In bios, with a free account
                                      to work out when to schedule           available for 1 social media platform,
7. Followers                          posts and monitor your social          1 user and 10 posts per profile.
Your followers are vital to your      media performance so you can
online marketing strategy as          adapt your strategy accordingly.       I. Iconosquare
these are people that are actively    Agorapulse offers a 15-day free        While this will put some people
interested in your brand. The         trial period with the starting         off, Iconosquare is solely for
number of followers each of           memberships allowing for 10 social     Instagram tracking. However, it is
your social accounts have is an       media profiles and up to 2 users.      the leading tracking tool for the
important metric to track and         This is ideal for small teams, but     site and can help you to unleash
can indicate whether or not your      there are options available for        your full Instagram potential. The
posting strategy is working or not.   unlimited social media growth and      tool allows you to manage all of
You should always see a steady        flexibility for growth.                your conversations while also
and constant increase in followers,                                          moderating all comments easily
and any sudden drops should be       G. Hootsuite                            from the touch of your phone. It
an indicator that something isn’t up Another popular tracking tool           delivers key metrics which can help
to scratch.                          for social media is Hootsuite.          to shape your Instagram strategy.
                                     Hootsuite has a great user-friendly     See if it works for you with a free
                                     dashboard, and you can manage           14-day trial.
Reward Social                    social presence online to raise
                                           Media Case Study                 awareness of their brand in
                                       Leading sustainable investment       wealth management and investor
                                       group Keystone Impact’s (Ki)         communities. Focusing on three
                                       mission is to show how capital can   social media apps, we successfully
                                       be used to address sustainability    achieved 243% increase in users
                                       and generate positive outcomes       reached on LinkedIn, 300%
                                       for people and the planet with       increase in engagement on Twitter
                                       investments. They approached         and 44% increase in engagement
                                       Reward in order to establish a       on Instagram.

          Search Engine
     What To Track For Search          advertising elsewhere and then       Facebook Ads and other keyword
     Engine Performance                followed up by finding you online.   data sites. The tool conducts
9. Organic Traffic                                                          regular audits of your site by
Around 53% of website traffic          11. Keyword Tracking                 crawling for keywords, page speed
comes from organic search,             The keywords you choose to           and user experience.
which means that it is important       target are important to your
that you are tracking your organic     digital marketing performance        K. Sisense
traffic and using the data to          and should be closely monitored      Sisense provides detailed
improve your SEO strategy. You         and tracked to ensure they are       insights from SEO analytics. The
should monitor how many first-time     working well for your company.       dashboard allows a business
visitors are reaching your website     Track the number of visitors         overview but can also drill down
through SERPs. If the number is        that are reaching your website       into the numbers for detailed
particularly low (less than 40%) or    from each of your chosen             insights from complex data. With
dropping over time, then it is clear   keywords; if you have some that      Sisense, the tool will offer advice
to see that more needs to be done      are performing poorly, it can be a   for optimal campaign performance
to improve your ranking.               clue that you need to modify your    while also drawing conclusions
                                       keyword strategy. 69% of search      from a large volume of data.
10. Branded Search Terms               queries are four words or longer,
Track the number of visitors           so consider this when choosing    L. HubSpot
that reach your website using          your keywords.                    HubSpot has a range of tools
branded keywords in search                                               to track your digital marketing
engines. This could be the name            How To Track For Search       performance. However, with a
of your business, your products            Engine Performance            high focus on data, it makes it the
or services, and by tracking           J. Raven Tools                    ideal solution for tracking search
how many people are finding            Raven Tools is a comprehensive    engine performance. It works by
you through these, you can gain        tracking platform that can manage monitoring the whole marketing
insights into the reach of your        your search engine performance. funnel so that you know what stage
company. They are likely to be         It works by providing customised  needs your efforts. HubSpot also
people that have interacted with       marketing reports based on data   offers a site performance analysis
your brand before or seen your         accessed from Google AdWords, using key website metrics.
Email Marketing
Over 319.6 billion emails are sent
every single day, and this figure is
expected to increase to over 330
billion in 2022. Making the most of
email within your digital marketing
strategy is essential, and the best
way to do this is to track your
current performance and
use the insights to improve your
email campaigns.

     What To Track For Email           unsubscribe rates to ensure your        N. MailChimp
     Marketing                         email marketing strategy is still       Another popular tool for tracking
12. Open Rates                         working for your customers.             email marketing is MailChimp.
If a customer never even opens                                                 As well as creating campaigns,
your email communication, how          15. Conversion Rates                    MailChimp drills down into the
can you expect them to convert         It is one thing to have a great email   number to check the unsubscribe
into a paying customer? If you         that is opened and clicked on by        rates, bounce rates and conversion
aren’t tracking your open rates,       loads of customers, but if those        rates. MailChimp can show you
you could be missing out on a huge     customers aren’t converting then        how best to connect with your
number of click-throughs and           has it really been a successful         audience and how financially
conversions and not even know it.      campaign? You should track              effective your email campaigns are.
A higher open rate is usually thanks   your eCommerce conversion
to more effective subject lines and    rate for every email you send, by  O. Pardot
relevant topics.                       monitoring how many of those       Pardot is a smart and
                                       people that clicked on your email  straightforward email marketing
13. Bounce Rates                       then went on to become a paying    tracking tool that collects the data
Bounce rate refers to the number       customer on your website.          you need to know such as open
of emails that were undelivered,                                          and click rates, landing page data
and if you send too many emails           How To Track For                and the number of emails sent.
that bounce it can negatively             Email Marketing                 It will analyse your performance
impact the quality of your mailing    M. Campaign Monitor                 for a variety of content needs
list. Most email marketing service    Campaign Monitor makes it easy to while offering adjustment ideas to
providers will remove invalid email create email marketing campaigns improve engagement.
addresses on your behalf, but it is through a drag and drop system.
still important to keep track of this Furthermore, there are plenty of    P. AWeber
number to ensure your campaigns templates to choose from. Once            As well as automating your email
are the best they can be.             you have your professional email    campaigns, AWeber helps you to
                                      ready to send, Campaign Monitor craft campaigns that align with
14. Unsubscribe Rates                 ensures that customers won’t        your business goals. AWeber
A high unsubscribe rate can be a      miss your email. After you send the has a vast amount of templates
result of a poorly kept mailing list  campaign out, Campaign Monitor to choose from as well as offers
with too many irrelevant contacts tracks performance with hyper-          essential analytic tools to track
or a clue that you are sending your targeted segments, so you know        your digital marketing performance
database too many emails. 78%         who your ideal audience is and      with engagement statistics, sales
of consumers have unsubscribed how to tailor your next campaign.          figures and the number of bounces
because a business was sending                                            and complaints.
too many emails. Always track the
Shopify eCommerce
There are more than 1 million        channel business approach. This
businesses who are currently         strategy allows for businesses
using Shopify worldwide, in          to acknowledge their customers
which following the pandemic,        experience at various touchpoints,
more and more businesses are         which can only be achieved
flocking to eCommerce websites,      through tracking and insights
such as Shopify, for an omni-        provided by Shopify.

What To Track For Shopify            Returning Customer Rate              which have a higher conversion
eCommerce                            A high returning customer rate is    rate than others, which can help in
Total Sales                          always positive as it means that     SEO planning.
This correlates to the total         you have developed a percentage
revenue that your store has          of customers who purchase            Average Order Value
generated over a specific time       from your website more than          The average order value is
period, minus costs such as          once, across different sessions.     calculated by taking your total
shipping and taxes. With this, you   Customers who return to your         order revenue and dividing it by the
can track your progress towards      website are valuable to any          number of orders. This helps you
goals, prepare for future growth     eCommerce business as it shows       to evaluate your online marketing
and identify any strategic issues.   loyalty and a higher customer        efforts and pricing strategy, giving
                                     lifetime value (the revenue a        you metrics to measure the long-
Online Store Sessions                specific customer generates from     term value of individual customers.
This refers to the total number of   a business over the period of the
customers who visited your site      whole relationship).             How To Track For Shopify
during a date range, including                                        eCommerce
any repeat visits by customers.      Online Store Conversion Rate     Q. Shopify Dashboard
Tracking this metric is fairly       Simply put, the online store     The Shopify Dashboard has a
straightforward and allows you to    conversion rate tracks the       backlog of data, combining the
better understand what content       number of visits on a website    total sales, online store conversion
is sought after by your audience,    that have led to a purchase.     rates, online store sessions
enabling you to adjust your online   This metric is important for     and average order value. This
store to focus on the future.        eCommerce businesses to have dashboard allows you to track
                                     an understanding as to how many online store sessions by traffic
                                     customers convert after visiting source, as well as track your top
                                     the website. A deeper analysis   products by units sold and top
                                     of this can show specific pages  referrers by sessions.
R. Shopify Insights                    S. Shopify Reports                       T. Shopify Live View
The Insights in the Shopify backend    Shopify Reports provide an               An interesting feature in the
are powered by data fro your online    overview of various aspects of           Shopify backend is the ‘Live View’
store, giving you suggestions and      the website, including marketing,        feature, which allows store owners
ideas as to how you can further        sales and customers. These               to view the total number of visitors
improve your website, as well as       individual reports allow you to see      active on the website at the current
which areas of the site to optimise.   an overview of each area of your         point in time and the total sales
These showcase details about           business through the performance         so far during the day. But the best
your product range that show           of your online store. As well, you can   feature is the ability to see where
high potential (products that don’t    create custom reports which are          in the world (on a virtual globe)
get much traffic but sell well),       tailored to dimensions and metrics       website visitors are as they are on
trending and top-selling products.     that you have chosen, which can          the store’s website. This gives you
It also provides shop owners with      be used to further understand your       insight into when visitors are most
insights into product ranges that      store’s data. For example, a ‘Taxes      active on the website during the
can be improved, for example, the      Report’ for each day.                    time of day, where in the world your
products that receive a high volume                                             traffic is coming from and which
of traffic but have a low (or zero)                                             visitors turn into a successful order.
conversion rate, and ones that are
often added to shopping carts but
are not purchased in the end.

Grow Your Brand Sustainably          “They’re bloody good. They’re              partner with direct to consumer
So, there you have it, 16 of the     extremely responsive and quick to          businesses to create successful
most important aspects to track      reply when we reach out. They are          marketing campaigns and
and 15 ways to track them to         well organised and have exceeded           strategies, using data and insights
ensure your digital marketing        our expectations in delivering on          gathered across multiple channels.
performance is a success!            their promises. They don’t over-           As a sustainable marketing agency,
                                     promise and they always deliver.           we work with brands that are
As a sustainable marketing agency, We’ve not been disappointed with             ethical, sustainable and exist for
we believe that collecting a diverse this team, unlike our experiences          more than just profit. If you are
range of data and insights from the with other agencies failing to deliver.”    looking for a sustainable marketing
various marketing channels helps     Samantha Goodburn, Marketing               agency that aligns with your core
to shape marketing campaigns and Manager                                        beliefs and brand identity, then
projects. That is why we diversify                                              book a call with us today.
in the way we collect, record and    If you would prefer to outsource
utilise the data we find using not   your marketing to save time
one, not two, but multiple metrics.  and effort, whilst enlisting the
This has delivered data-driven       knowledge and experience
success for our partners, one of     of experts in the field, then we
them being Gibsons Games.            are here to help. At Reward, we

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