HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro

Page created by Tina Parsons
HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
   Calendar of Social and
    Learning Programs

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
About Yumaro
We are a multi award winning registered NDIS provider that empowers people to
lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. Yumaro offers a tailored quality service across the
Eurobodalla and Shoalhaven regions. Yumaro offer employment opportunities, training,
accommodation, support coordination, plan management and home and community
support to over 230 people living with a disability and mental illness.

Where to Find Us
Home and Community Support                                                               Home and Community Support
Ulladulla                                                                                Moruya
Phone: 02 4455 4799                                                                      Phone: 02 4474 3336
157 Warden Street Ulladulla NSW 2539                                                     6-8 Shelly Road Moruya NSW 2537
www.yumaro.com.au                                                                        www.yumaro.com.au
www.facebook.com/yumaroinc                                                               www.facebook.com/yumaroinc

 What’s Inside.....
  Home and Community Support ............................................................................................................ 1
  Other Services Yumaro Provides ......................................................................................................... 2
  Ulladulla Activities Timetable ................................................................................................................ 3
  Moruya Activities Timetable .................................................................................................................. 4
  Social and Leisure Options .................................................................................................................... 5
  Get Moving! .................................................................................................................................................. 7
  Personal Learning and Skill Development Programs ................................................................... 8
  How to Get in Touch ................................................................................................................................. 11
  Service Quality ............................................................................................................................................ 11
HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Home & Community Support
 Our service provides:
 4 A team of experienced disability support and mental health staff of various ages and
 4 Careful matching to ensure compatibility with your disability support person,
 4 We engage with both participants and their families (Carer) to conduct wellness checks to
   check on your wellbeing and ensure your supports are working for you,
 4 We provide a personalised service and work with participants individualised needs and work
   with them to achieve their own personal goal choices,
 4 Participants and their family (Carers) have the ability to liaise directly with Coordinators and
   Management team for resolving issues and adjusting programs,
 4 Support in the home, in the community seven days a week.

 Home and Community Support Services can include:

      In-home Support – support with morning and evening routines, meal preparation,
      cleaning and other household tasks, personal care and much more

      Lawn and Grounds Maintenance

      Social and Community Support – getting out and about to the things you like to do

      Transport – assistance to get your errands done, go to appointments, do the shopping, or
      travel from A to B

      Skill Building – build your skills to become more independent at home and in the

      Social Calendar of Group and Centre Based Activities – we provide opportunities to make
      friends through a number of group activities ranging from going ten pin bowling, fishing,
      going to the movies, bush walking, friendship groups, gaming, arts and craft groups and

      Short Term Accommodation - Supporting people at home or in our newly built
      accommodation in Moruya, and allowing families (carers) to take a break.

We Care About You! and enjoy seeing you grow,
blossom and enjoy a better quality of life whilst
having some fun along the way!
If you would like to any supports from our
Moruya Hub please call or email Jessica on
02 4474 3336 - jessica.tong@yumaro.com.au
Or speak to Kylie for our Ulladulla Hub on
02 4455 4799 - kylierawson@yumaro.com.au

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Other Services Yumaro Provides
    Navigating the NDIS Service
    Free one-on-one discussions and information sessions on the NDIS – Contact the office on
    02 4474 3336 and speak to Elizabeth
    Learning Programs - Moruya and Ulladulla
    Yumaro’s Learning Centre provides a range of innovative educational programs that build
    the capacity of our participants to help them succeed in all aspects of life. Yumaro’s training
    programs are specially developed and delivered for people with a disability. Our programs
    include: Literacy and Numeracy (or life skills), Computer and Technology Support, Personal
    Capacity Building and more - For more information please call or email Neil on 02 4474 3336
    - neil@yumaro.com.au
    Customised Employment, Job Skills and Employment Pathways
    Secure jobs for people with disabilities and or living with a mental illness in a supported
    environment. Yumaro runs over eight different social enterprises – textiles, recycling,
    confidential shredding, clothing embroidery, garden maintenance, car washing, wood
    shed, screen printing, horticulture and sandbags - and is a ‘soft entry to the workforce’.
    We also provide transport to and from work. Other skill building programs can include:
    Supported Employment School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES), Capacity Building /
    Work Readiness Programs, Customised Employment Programs / Work Experience / Open
    Employment Opportunities and Micro Business programs and a Mentoring service
    Yumaro Support Coordination
    Yumaro’s Support Coordination team collectively has many years experience in the NDIS
    arena, and in addition to providing Support Coordination where that is included in your plan,
    we can also offer in-kind supports from your core budget according to your support needs.
    Our team can help you understand and implement your plan, link you with providers and
    collect evidence to prepare for your plan review. Or maybe you require assistance with one
    particular goal or support need of your plan. For more information please call Elizabeth on
    02 4474 3336 or email elizabeth@yumaro.com.au
    Yumaro In-kind Support Coordination
    Yumaro’s team of support coordinators can also provide in-kind support for you from your
    core supports to assist with navigating your plan, sourcing providers and planning for
    your plan reviews – For more information please call or email Elizabeth on 02 4474 3336 -
    Yumaro NDIS Plan Management Service
    Led by a qualified Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Yumaro NDIS Plan Management team
    supports participants with provider invoices and payments, giving you maximum control over
    your plan funds and information and where they are being utilised. You don’t have to handle
    money, make payment requests or process invoices and pay your providers – this is all taken
    care of by our Plan Management Team. If you are new to Yumaro and would like to discuss
    Plan Management supports, please ask your Support
    Co-Ordinator or ask for Elizabeth on 02 4474 3336 or email
    elizabeth@yumaro.com.au. Or your usual Plan Management
    contacts of Tracey and Sonia are available on
    02 4474 3336 or email invoicespm@yumaro.com.au
    Yumaro is a leader in providing Specialist Disability
    Accommodation (SDA) as well as support independent
    living (SIL). We can help you with SIL and SDA
    applications and find you somewhere to live – For more
    information please call or email Vicki Collins on
    – 02 4474 3336 - vickicollins@yumaro.com.au
    Short Term Accommodation
    Come and stay with Yumaro in our 2 bedroom respite
    unit in our newly built Accommodation complex in
    Moruya – For more information please call or email
    Vicki Collins for more info and bookings – 02 4474 3336
    - vickicollins@yumaro.com.au

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Ulladulla Activities Timetable
                          JANUARY TO MARCH 2021
     MONDAY                 TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                 FRIDAY              SATURDAY

   Monday                  Crafty               Yumaro                  Capacity             Community               Fit, Active
   Catch Up               Creations             Ten Pin                 Building              Outings                    and
    10:30am to             9:30am to          Bowling and               Program                 11:00am to            Engaged
     12:30pm                12:00pm           Cafe Lunch                 11:00am to               1:00pm              12:30pm to
     WEEKLY            12 Week Program            11:00am to              12:00pm                WEEKLY                 4:30pm
   Board Games          in the Activities           2:00pm           12 Week Program        12 Week Program            WEEKLY
 and Coffee in the      Room including             WEEKLY             in the Learning                              12 Week Program
  Activities Room         Morning Tea                                      Centre               Friday
                                              IT Computer                                     Friendship                Girls
                           Crafty              and Music               Meditation              Dinners                 Day Out
                          Creations               9:30am to               and                  5:00pm to               11:00am to
                           12:30am to              3:00pm              Relaxation               7:00pm                   3:00pm
                             2:30pm                WEEKLY                Group                FORTNIGHTLY               WEEKLY
                       12 Week Program                                   2:00pm to
                        in the Activities                                 4:00pm
                        Room including                                    WEEKLY
                             Lunch                                    In the Activities

      TO ENROL: If you would like to attend any of the activities please get in touch with our team:
       ULLADULLA HUB - Call Kylie or Sue on 02 4455 4799 or email kylierawson@yumaro.com.au
           LEARNING PROGRAMS - Call Neil on 02 4474 3336 or email neil@yumaro.com.au
Activity Costs: Our activities and programs are designed to help participants reach their NDIS goals and achieve specific outcomes.
Exact costs will depend on the support needs of the participant and therefore pricing will be quoted individually. Please call Kylie to
receive an individual quote. Costs/Claims Programs are funded through your NDIS Plan. Give us a call to discuss specific costs for
you. Yumaro is an eligible Temporary Transition Payment (TTP) provider and charges TTP rates. You can learn more about this on
the NDIS website.
Last Minute changes: We aim to follow the timetable and programs as much as possible however due to poor weather, changed par-
ticipant interests or new attendees etc., the planned activity may change in consultation with participants and families on the day.

                   Cooking classes and Living Skills Programs
                              Beach to Bush Walks
                       Morning Moves and Gentle Exercise
                       Gardening to plate cooking classes
                           Monthly Movie Buff Group
                           Ladies/Mens Social Group
                        Saturday Ten-Pin Bowling group
      AFL, NRL and NBA Basketball game days – Look out for dates in 2021
    If you do not see anything that you would like to do give us a call we can
                        organise something just for you!
We also offer Supported Employment in the Yumaro Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE), School
 Leaver Employment Supports (SLES), Microbusiness & Customised Employment Opportunities –
           call Neil on 0244 74 3336 or email neil@yumaro.com.au if you’re interested

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Moruya Activities Timetable
                          JANUARY TO MARCH 2021
      MONDAY               TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY              SATURDAY

    Cooking               Crafty                 Cooking                Crafty                Cooking                 Yumaro
    Classes              Creations               Classes               Creations              Classes                 Ten Pin
    10:30am to             9:00am to             9:00am to              9:00am to              9:00am to              Bowling
      12:30pm                11:30am               11:30pm                11:30am                11:00pm               Group
        ------              WEEKLY                   ------              WEEKLY                     ------         FORTNIGHTLY
    12:30pm to          In the Activities        11:30am to          In the Activities         11:30am to         12 Week Program
      3:00pm                  Room                 2:00pm                  Room                   1:30pm
12 Week Program                              12 Week Program                                        ------
                                                                                                                   Movie Buffs
  in the Yumaro        Yummy Cafe              in the Yumaro        Yummy Cafe                 1:30pm to
                                                                                                                     Time TBA
                                                                    Canteen Day                  3:30pm
       Kitchen           Dessert                   Kitchen
                                                                                                                  LAST SATURDAY
                         Making                                        9:00am to                WEEKLY
                                                                                                                  OF THE MONTH
   Capacity               9:00am to           Literacy and              2:30pm                                     Batemans Bay
   Building                12:00pm             Numeracy             12 Week Program          Putting on            and Narooma
   Program             12 Week Program           (or Life                                    the Green
      11:00am to                                  Skills)           IT Computer               Golfing
       12:00pm                                  Program                Classes                 Group
 12 Week Program                                9:30am to                                     10:00am to
  in the Learning
                          Classes                                       9:30am to
                                                 3:00pm                  4:00pm
       Centre              12:30pm to                                                        FORTNIGHTLY
                                             12 Week Program             WEEKLY
                       12 Week Program
 IT Computer             in the Yumaro
    Classes                  Kitchen           TO ENROL: If you would like to attend any of the activities please
      9:30am to                                                  get in touch with our team:
       4:00pm          IT Computer                  MORUYA HUB - Call Jess or Cathy on 02 4474 3336
                          Classes                           or email jessica.tong@yumaro.com.au
                           9:30am to                 LEARNING PROGRAMS - Call Neil on 02 4474 3336
 Beach and                  4:00pm
Bush Walking                                                    or email neil@yumaro.com.au
   9:00am to
    12:00pm           Activity Costs: Our activities and programs are designed to help participants reach their NDIS goals and
    WEEKLY            achieve specific outcomes. Exact costs will depend on the support needs of the participant and therefore
12 Week Program       pricing will be quoted individually. Please call Jess to receive an individual quote. Costs/Claims Programs are
                      funded through your NDIS Plan. Give us a call to discuss specific costs for you. Yumaro is an eligible Tempo-
                      rary Transition Payment (TTP) provider and charges TTP rates. You can learn more about this on the NDIS
Last Minute changes: We aim to follow the timetable and programs as much as possible however due to poor weather, changed par-
ticipant interests or new attendees etc., the planned activity may change in consultation with participants and families on the day.

                     Community Outings across the Eurobodalla
      Gaming afternoon in the Activity Room – 4-6.30pm starting in Feb 2021
                  Fit Active and Engaged       Hooked on Fishing
              Narooma Social Group         Ladies/Mens Social Group
                          Garden to Plate Cooking Classes
        AFL, NRL and NBA Basketball game days – Look out for dates in 2021
      If you do not see anything that you would like to do give us a call we can
                          organise something just for you!
We also offer Supported Employment in the Yumaro Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE), School
 Leaver Employment Supports (SLES), Microbusiness & Customised Employment Opportunities –
           call Neil on 0244 74 3336 or email neil@yumaro.com.au if you’re interested

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Social and Leisure Options
Our social and leisure activities focus on building friendships and self-
confidence to venture out into the community- while being supported by our
experienced Home and Community Support staff. Enjoy a range of outings
tailored to the groups interests.

                         Yumaro Ten Pin Bowling Social Group
                         A favourite among our participants with lots of laughter! Our Ten
                         Pin Bowling activity provides a great opportunity to have fun, build
                         friendships and social circles while participating in a team sport.
                         Activity Cost: $13.50 (paid to bowling venue) and bring some money
                         for lunch.

                         Social Outings
                         A weekly/fortnightly group that aims to promote independence,
                         community access and working together. Our social community
                         outings will go to a variety of places across the Eurobodalla and
                         participate in range of activities. These outings are planned with input
                         from our participants so they can plan accordingly and bring money/
                         lunch if required. Travel training may be included too.

                         Friendship Dinners
                         Friendship Dinners is a really good opportunity for people eat
                         together, to socialise and develop social connections. Yumaro
                         friendship dinners are a great opportunity to spend time with like-
                         minded friends and enjoy the opportunities to dine, picnic and BBQ
                         in our beautiful area. Activity Cost: varies see timetable.

                         Monthly Movie Buff Group
                         This is one for the movie buffs! A social group for people who love
                         going to the movies, get together with friends to watch a movie and
                         have dinner once a month. We have groups that go to three different
                         locations, Narooma, Batemans Bay or Ulladulla movie cinema.
                         Activity Cost: $15 (paid to the cinema) and bring some money dinner/

                         Jigsaws, Board Games and Cuppas
                         This group come together on play board games and card games and
                         enjoy a cuppa together. Come meet new friends. No additional costs.

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Crafty Creations
    Build friendships and social circles around easy to learn art and
    craft. Explore your creativity with this 12-week program is run in
    small groups where you get to choose an art/craft activity you would
    like to learn, for example, painting, card making, mosaics, beading
    etc. Each person is encouraged to use their own creative flare and
    you also have a chance to enter works into Yumaro and community

    Narooma Social Group
    A social get together in Narooma with friends that includes activities
    such as, gentle walking, sightseeing and BBQ’s and opportunity to
    build friendships and socialize with friends. Activity Costs: Bring
    some money for morning tea or lunch.

    Hooked on Fishing
    Have some fun and throw in a line to see if you can catch yourself
    some lunch! If you enjoy fishing then this one’s for you. We will visit
    various accessible locations across the Eurobodalla and Shoalhaven
    regions for river, wharf or surf fishing. We will make fishing easily
    accessible for abilities. Speak to us if you require adaptive fishing
    equipment. No additional activity cost applies to however bring your
    Health Care Card or Valid Fishing License. Clients must bring clothing
    to suit outdoor weather conditions, a sun hat, drink and snacks.

    From the Garden to the Plate
    From the garden to the plate! It doesn’t get any fresher than eating
    food straight from our Yumaro and community veggie gardens. The
    12-week gardening group will get the opportunity to grow their own
    veggies and herbs, and make something for their morning tea or
    lunch. Garden hat, gloves and sunscreen is supplied. No additional
    costs involved.

    Yumaro Gaming Group
    Don’t just stay at home and game alone. Come and game with
    friends, and join our Yumaro gaming community where participants
    can develop social and supportive connections where you can
    challenge yourself with championships, in-house and world-wide
    competitions. See if you can take home the Yumaro Gaming
    Championship trophy! This 8 to 12-week program will be tailored to
    suit participants. Light refreshments will be provided

    AFL, NRL and Basketball Trips
    Support your team, get into the footy spirit, these ones are not to be
    missed! Activity costs: Varies see timetable for more info.

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
2021 Winter/Spring Annual Yumaro
                           Camping and Glamping Trip
                           Join us for our annual camping and glamping holidays in the
                           Eurobodalla and Shoalhaven shires. This weekend away will allow
                           you to experience the great outdoors; enjoy the company of others;
                           learn to prepare a meal and cook outdoors and even throw a line in
                           and catch a fish or two. Each person is supported according to their
                           individual needs and interests. Book early to avoid disappointment as
                           spaces are limited.

Get Moving!
Our Get moving activities encourages participants to engage in sports and
physical activities to increase and maintain their fitness, health and wellbeing
in a fun and safe environment. Make new friends and learn some new skills!
With a complete timetable of programs available across our two sites, there
is something to suit everyone’s needs & interests and we hope you will make
great friends and most importantly have FUN with us!

                           Fit, Active and Engaged
                           Promoting healthy living, exercise and team bonding. Get your body
                           moving by joining our fit active and engaged 12-week program. Fit,
                           Active and Engaged (FAE) promotes health and well-being through a
                           range of sporting activities in a local park. Go at your own pace, make
                           friends and work together as part of a team while enjoying the great
                           outdoors. No additional activity costs applies.

                           Morning Moves and Gentle Exercise
                           A light exercise group focusing on physical health and wellbeing,
                           gentle exercises, tai chi, games, and more in a fun and friendly social
                           group at Yumaro and enjoy a cuppa with friends after. Includes
                           occasional walking excursions or visits to other recreation venues.

                           Beach and Bush Walks
                           Let’s go on an adventure and explore our local beaches and
                           bushlands with our 8 or 12-week program. Participants can select
                           destinations where they would like to explore. During these activity
                           participants learn about the health and safety elements of the
                           environment and give the opportunity to learn about animals
                           they may encounter, plants they might see, local history, art work
                           & sculptures all while doing a little exercise. All you need is a hat,
                           walking shoes, and some water and you’re good to go! Sunscreen is
                           supplied. No additional activity cost applies.

                           Putting on the Green Golf Group
                           Calling all keen golfers! A fortnightly golfing group at the Moorings
                           Golf Course in Tomakin where you can choose to play a round of 18-
                           hole mini golf, play a full 9-holes, or just fancy hit at the aqua driving
                           range for all skill levels. Activity costs: $8-18 (paid to the golf course)
                           and bring some money for lunch.

HOME, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SUPPORT - Calendar of Social and Learning Programs - MORUYA AND ULLADULLA HUB - Yumaro
Personal Learning and
Skill Development Programs
Yumaro’s training programs are specially developed and delivered for
people with a disability. Our programs instil tremendous personal pride in
participants; they build independence, skills, and social connections, and are
great fun! We develop programs to will meet your individual learning and
development needs – simply contact the Learning Centre today to discuss
how we can help you on your learning journey.

                           Yummy Canteen Crew
                           This program provides participants the opportunity to learn and
                           develop hospitality skills in our Yummy canteen and kitchen. In a
                           small team, participants will gain skills in preparing canteen meals,
                           cooking and serving meals for our Thursdays Yummy canteen.
                           Participants will have opportunities to learn;
                           • Work skills like customer service and service meals,
                           • Safe food handling and preparation,
                           • Cooking meals to order,
                           • Time management and organisational skills
                           All of this happens in a relaxed and social environment and of course
                           – you get to enjoy the canteen lunch too.

                           Cooking Classes
                           Build skills and confidence to become brilliant with kitchen
                           fundamentals. From cooking basic meals to culinary cuisines, we
                           design the program around you and your goals. Participants often
                           freeze what they cook in the programs and hey presto healthy
                           lunches and or dinners for a week! Held in our Yumaro Kitchen our
                           individualised 8 to 12-week cooking classes where you can learn how
                           to menu plan, create shopping lists and go shopping in store for the
                           ingredients, create basic budgets, how to prepare and cook meals,
                           and all about food safety & hygiene.

                           Short Term Accommodation
                           - Living Independently
                           Explore Independent living at Yumaro Living’s new Short Term
                           Accommodation Unit in Moruya.
                           Enjoy great company, professional support, peace of mind as you
                           build confidence with tailored independent living program for
                           learning to live out of home or just come for a break to get away!
                           Beautiful brand new facility. Call or email Vicki Collins for info and
                           bookings - 02 4474 3336 - vickicollins@yumaro.com.au

Independent Living Skills
Our 12-week Living skills programs is an individualised program that
supports the development of greater independence and improved
everyday life skills. The topics are guided by the participants to build
your capacity and confidence in the areas such as; cooking programs,
manage household tasks including budgeting, shopping, menu
planning and social skill development. This program can include
regular community outings, weekly shopping and cooking sessions
as well as participating in community fun events. In small groups
participants inspire each other, have fun and build social capacity.

Computer, Social Media & Tech Classes
Learn everything you need to know about using your computer,
your phone, ipad and even how to access social media in a
supportive atmosphere. This is a personalised one on one or small
group program where the learning is tailored to your individual
needs – learn at any level and at your own pace. In past programs
participants have learnt to use their phone for the essentials like
contacts, making and receiving calls and using the mirriad of apps
as well how to purchase and use speech assistance software / apps
on an tablets and phones. Others have enjoyed learning to safely
navigate the internet, safely look up information on services and
interests, use Facebook wisely, send emails to keep in touch with
family and friends and much more. This program is available for all
abilities and interests.

Music and Singing
Learn to play the guitar or develop your singing voice - individually or
in a small group.

Capacity Building Program
This series of program are run in small groups and will help
you develop your knowledge and skills so that you are a better
communicator, problem solver and workplace team member and

Literacy and Numeracy (or Life Skills)
This course explores basic literacy and numeracy in real life situations
and aims to improve skills to build confidence and independence.
Delivery includes one on one or small group learning activities aimed
to improve your literacy and numeracy skills for everyday living.
We can help you build confidence in:
• Literacy and Numeracy
• Managing money and money skills
• Using public transport and even getting your L’s
• Personal development and Safety

Driving and Cars
                                   Getting Your L’s and Learning to Drive. We can help you get on the
                                   road! Our experienced trainers can help you gain the knowledge to
                                   pass your L’s or P-Plate knowledge tests. We can also help to arrange
                                   driving lessons, and advanced driver training with local providers.

School Leavers Employment Services (SLES)
This program is designed to assist school leavers to develop the knowledge and skills to support
their transition from school to employment. SLES will provide the confidence to fully participate in
employment through and individual and targeted learning plan. SLES runs over a two-year period and is
fully supported by NDIS funding. We offer a two/three day a week program that includes but not limited
• Workplace skills development in our ADE
• Work placement and experience in the local business community.
• Individual ‘Literacy and Numeracy’ training
• Individual computer training- understanding the needs of technology in the workplace.
• Skill and knowledge development in effective communication and team work in the workplace.
• Capacity building programs

Customised Employment Opportunities
This program takes a holistic approach to employment and aims to find employment that best suits each
individual. Contact Neil for a details explanation of the program.

                                   Micro Business Program
                                   Develop the skills, knowledge and gain the supports to run your own
                                   “Hobby / Micro Business”. This program targets and provides support
                                   based the individual needs of the micro business.

How to get in touch...
To secure your space in any Yumaro program, simply get in touch with our team:
• Moruya Hub call or email Jessica on 02 4474 3336 - jessica.tong@yumaro.com.au
• Ulladulla Hub call or email Kylie on 02 4455 4799 - kylierawson@yumaro.com.au
• Short Term Accommodation call or email Vicki on 0490 831 862
  – vickicollins@yumaro.com.au
• Learning and Lifestyle Programs call or email Neil on 02 4474 3336
  - neil@yumaro.com.au

  Service Quality
  Yumaro is a NDIS registered provider, to access Yumaro NDIS services an individual must have
  an NDIS Plan. To access a service at Yumaro, please make an appointment with our Intake
  team – contact Elizabeth on 02 4474 3336 or email enquiries@yumaro.com.au
  Yumaro service recipients participate in Individual Planning which take into account the
  individual’s personal goals and needs. The changing nature of personal goals is recognised and
  reassessment is done annually or as required.
  Yumaro service recipients are encouraged to provide feedback and give input in decision
  making so services can be shaped to the needs of participants. Feedback can be readily
  provided through avenues such as: speaking directly with coordinators/team leaders;
  responses to Yumaro e-newsletter, responding to surveys and feedback letter etc.
  No person shall be refused access to Yumaro services based on the grounds of their gender,
  marital status, religious or cultural beliefs, age, sexual preference, ethnicity, financial situation
  or the circumstances of their family or carer.
  Yumaro has a strong commitment to respecting and protecting the privacy and dignity of all
  service users. Information necessary for effective delivery of services, requested from service
  participants, is kept in a secure location. In accordance with Yumaro’s privacy policy, no
  personal information will be released without the service participant’s consent.
  Yumaro welcome feedback and complaints either in person, in writing, by email or through
  our website contact form. Complaints can also be made anonymously and complaints are
  treated as confidential. Where there are problems with your NDIS support individuals are
  encouraged to take their concerns to their immediate coordinator / team leader / supervisor
  / support worker / trainer. If not resolved your service coordinator as well as the CEO can be
  approached and members of the board are available. Advocates are welcome to participate in
  the procedure at any time. Yumaro’s complaints policy is available on request.

We understand that as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, people
with disability and their families will still require essential services
and supports. That’s why we’d like to reassure you that during
this time, Home and Community Support will remain open
to provide support in a safe and quality environment
in accordance with government guidelines.
You can also read