DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs

Page created by Cory Elliott
DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs

Handbook for participating clubs and programs
DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs
                                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
SECTION 1: An Overview. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1

SECTION 2: Club or Program Registration in the Destination Sochi Team Competition .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1

SECTION 3: Staffing and Oversight for the Team Competition.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1

SECTION 4: Team Competition Skater Registration in Advance of Event.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2

SECTION 5: On-site Check-in and Skater Registration.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3

SECTION 6: Arena/Facility Set Up. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4

SECTION 7: Schedule for Destination Sochi Team Competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

SECTION 8: How the Event Will Be Run.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4

SECTION 9: Coach Responsibilities and Event Logistics. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

SECTION 10: T-Shirts, Supplies and U.S. Figure Slating Event Documents .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

SECTION 11: Team Competition Supplies.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

SECTION 12: Sample Timeline for the Organization of the Destination Sochi Team Competition. .  .  .  .  .  . 6

SECTION 13: Appendix: Sample Forms and Templates.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7

                  Sample Skater Assignment Template. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8

                  Team Competition Elements.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

                  Judges Information and Event Summary Sheet.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14

                  Accounting Sheet - Scoring .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16

                  Team Event Shirts and Ribbons. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17

                  Insurance Waiver Form (sample) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18

                  Photo Release Form (sample) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19
DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs
    U.S. Figure Skating’s Destination Sochi Team Competition is designed to be a fun, interactive, social and lighthearted team ma-
neuver event that is being offered leading up to, during and after the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Figure skating clubs and Basic Skills
programs are being invited to participate in this celebration of skating and offer a team competition event at their local ice rink.
   This team competition is similar in structure and functionality to that of team maneuver events held during many nonqualifying
competitions annually. Hosting a Destination Sochi Team Competition is also a terrific way to celebrate National Skating Month 2014.
    Registering to host a Team Competition event will be at no cost for participating clubs / programs. U.S Figure Skating will provide
award ribbons to each participating club for their Team Competition event; however clubs / programs will be responsible for the cost in
purchasing the U.S. Figure Skating logo t-shirts for optional use in this event.
     This Handbook contains the information, documents, templates and details to help your club or program run a successful team
competition event. This includes the skater’s registration form for clubs/programs to use during the registration process, a template to
assign skaters to teams, waivers and order form links for Team Competition supplies. All forms included within the handbook are down-
loadable from the Destination Sochi Special Events webpage.
     This Handbook also contains five examples of Team Competition elements for clubs/programs to choose from that suit their total
registration and the ability level of the participants.

Clubs and programs must register to host a Destination Sochi Team Competition event with U.S. Figure Skating using the link below:
    •   Register to host a Destination Sochi Team Competition here:
         o Ideal timeframe to register with U.S. Figure Skating is 4-6 months prior to your planned Team Competition event.
         o U.S. Figure Skating will send out a follow online form for participating clubs and programs to complete regarding their event
           specifics (number of skaters, levels of skaters, event day, location and elements competed).
Clubs and program can work together to host a joint team competition event for their area and local clubs/programs

The figure skating club or program is responsible for selecting and inviting volunteers according to the following guidelines and sug-
    1. Destination Sochi Team Competition Chair: The club or program will need to select one individual who will be charged with
       the complete oversight of the Destination Sochi Team Competition for the club or program. The person chosen will be respon-
       sible for all communication with U.S. Figure Skating, including registration of the event and ordering of supplies. This individual
       will also need to oversee the registration of skaters for the team event for your club or program.
    2. Registration Volunteers: You will need to select two (2) volunteers to work the registration tables on the day of the Team Com-
       petition. These individuals will need to be friendly, organized and capable of handling multitudes of people at one time.
         • The registration volunteers will be responsible for the check-in process of each participant that includes participant comple-
           tion of the wavier form and photo release, directing the skaters to the team group location, answering questions related to
           the event and distributing the Destination Sochi Team Competition t-shirts to participants (if purchased by the club).
    3. Emcee Volunteer: Please select one volunteer who is comfortable and skilled in talking on the microphone. This person will lead
       the Team Competition at the direction of the Chief Referee and announce the start of the event, levels, elements and winners.

                                                                                                               Team Competition Handbook 1
DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs
            The Team Competition participants are required to register in advance with the member club or program using the registration form
        provided by U.S. Figure Skating. This form can be found in the appendix of this Handbook and in the downloadable forms section of the
        Destination Sochi webpage.
             Following your club or program’s registration deadline, the host club or program’s Team Competition Chair will need to divide the
        registrants into skating levels and teams using the information provided on the skater’s registration form.
              The Team Competition will ideally be comprised of three levels of teams that will be labeled using medal color descriptions: bronze
        (low); silver (intermediate) and gold (high). Dividing skaters into teams such as this will allow the club or program to utilize the Standard
        Elements chart. Clubs and programs should be flexible in the structuring of this event and the grouping of skaters, keeping in mind that
        the element charts are suggestions and can be altered as needed on the local level. It is important to make sure every skater has the
        ability to participate and be included in the Team Competition.
             There are five Team Competition element format options for clubs and programs to choose from based upon their participation
        totals and the skating ability of their registrants.
             1. STANDARD FORMAT (Option #1): This element chart will best serve a multi-level club/program. It contains three divisions/
                levels of skaters and will accommodate a minimum of 15 skaters, up to a maximum of 75 participants.
                 **The Standard Format is the preferred method for clubs/programs to use.
             2. MULTI-LEVELS IN ONE GROUPING (Option #2) This element chart is for clubs/programs with smaller memberships or number
                of participants. It is one combined level for varying levels of skaters and will accommodate a minimum of 5 skaters, up to a max-
                imum of 25 participants.
             3. BASIC SKILLS FORMAT (Option #3): This element chart is for clubs/programs exclusively with Basic Skills level skaters. It con-
                tains three divisions/levels and will accommodate a minimum of 15 skaters, up to a maximum of 75 participants.
             4. ADULT MULTI-LEVEL FORMAT (Option #4): This element chart is for clubs/programs consisting of adult skaters. It contains
                three divisions/levels and will accommodate a minimum of 15 skaters, up to a maximum of 75 participants.
             5. HOCKEY SKILLS COMPETITION FORMAT (Option #5): This element chart is for clubs/programs to use in hosting a hockey spe-
                cific event. It contains three divisions/levels and will accommodate any number of skaters, with a maximum of 75 participants.
              Ideally, there will be five teams per level. Each team should consist of three to five skaters (any mix of male and female), with each
        skater being tasked with performing one or two of the five elements prescribed at each level. If teams do not have the maximum number
        of skaters, the Event Chair or Coordinator is to randomly select a skater to perform two different elements for their team; however, each
        skater can only perform a maximum of two elements (elements should be different so that one skater does not perform all the jumps,
        etc.). The elements can only be tried once and there will be no re-skates allowed for missed elements or errors.
            The Event Chair or Coordinator will also designate one skater on each team as the “team captain” and assign each team a color cor-
        responding with the colors of the Olympic rings (blue, black, red, yellow and green).
            Following the grouping of the skaters on teams, each skater will be sent a specific element(s) by e-mail from the Team Competition
        Chair that they will perform during the team maneuver Team Competition competition.
            The skaters should also receive notification that they should wear the following attire on the day of the event:
             •   For the team maneuver event, girls will need to wear tan tights and a black dress/skirt and the colored t-shirt given at the check-
                 in table. Boys will need to wear black pants and the colored t-shirt given at the check-in table. This will help those participating
                 look uniform in appearance and more like an identifiable team. Hockey skills competition participants should wear the neces-
                 sary hockey gear.

2 Destination Sochi
DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs
The Team Competition Chair will be responsible for setting up and organizing the check-in table and skater on-site registration. There
should be two separate tables set up:
    a.	 A check-in table that will be used to check skaters in for the Team Competition, collect signed wavier forms and photo releases
        and distribute the Team Competition t-shirt to each participant (if t-shirts were purchased through Main Event / U. S. Figure
        Skating by the club / program.
    b.	 A supply table containing the markers and poster boards to distribute to team captains following registration.
Team Competition participants will check-in on-site at the designated check-in table in the arena or facility 45-60 minutes prior to the
start of the Team Competition. During the check-in process, the participating skaters will receive the following:
    •   A U.S. Figure Skating logo color t-shirt coinciding with their team color to wear during the event. The Local Organizing Commit-
        tee (LOC) will be permitted to purchase these logo shirts online directly from Main Event/U.S. Figure Skating well in advance of
        the event.
    •   Each designated team captain will be given markers and a poster board for their team to decorate and will be directed to a
        specific area in the facility where they can meet up with their fellow team members to socialize, create their team poster and
        determine a *team name.
        *The team will also need to collectively come up with a unique team name (name must include the team color) that will be used to refer
        to that team during the Team Competition. This team name should be listed and clearly visible on the poster board.
NOTE: U.S. Figure Skating will provide the following information and documents to assist in registration and execution of the Desti-
nation Sochi Team Competition. These documents are available in their entirety for downloading in the downloadable forms section
on the Destination Sochi webpage, as well as being listed in the Appendix section of this Handbook as document samples:
    •   Destination Sochi Team Competition skater registration form template (Included in the appendix of this Handbook and posted
        on the Destination Sochi Team Competition webpage in the downloadable forms section).
    •   Destination Sochi Team Competition elements charts (Five versions to accommodate clubs/programs with varying levels of
        skaters and participants, included in the appendix of this Handbook and posted on the Destination Sochi Team Competition
        webpage in the downloadable forms section).
    •   Destination Sochi Team Competition judging summary sheets (Included in the appendix and posted on the Destination Sochi
        Team Competition webpage in the downloadable forms section).
    •   Destination Sochi Team Competition accounting sheet (sample included in the Appendix and posted on the Destination Sochi
        Team Competition webpage in the downloadable forms section).
    •   Destination Sochi Team Competition U.S. Figure Skating logo t-shirt information and order form link (posted as a link on the
        Destination Sochi Team Competition webpage). These are available for purchase through U.S. Figure Skating by participating
        clubs / programs.
    •   Destination Sochi Team Competition ribbons/awards order forms link (posted as a link on the Destination Sochi Team Competi-
        tion webpage).
    •   Skater registration roster sheet for check-in table registration (Included as an example in the Appendix and posted on the Des-
        tination Sochi Team Competition webpage in the downloadable forms section).
    •   Waiver forms and photo release forms (included in the appendix of this Handbook and posted on the Destination Sochi Team
        Competition webpage in the downloadable forms section).

It is the LOC and person in charge’s responsibility to stay in communication with the rink and to make sure the facility is reserved and set
up as needed.

                                                                                                                  Team Competition Handbook 3
DESTINATION SOCHI Handbook for participating clubs and programs
            •   Skaters will check-in 45-60 minutes prior to start of the Team Competition and gather with their teammates.
            •   Bronze teams (low level) will take the ice first for the Team Competition.
            •   Silver teams (intermediate level) will take the ice following the conclusion of Bronze event.
            •   Gold teams (high level) will take the ice following the conclusion of the Silver event.

        SECTION 8
        The teams will compete against one another in a relaxed, competitive atmosphere.
        The designated skater from each team will perform their pre-assigned free skate element in sequence on full ice, with no music, and will
        follow this format:
            1.	 When the event and specific level is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
            2.	 This will be followed by a one (1) minute individual warm-up for the elements (except for Hockey Skills Competition event).
            3.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
                event. Teams can hang their poster boards on the arena glass near their home base.
            4.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo spin) to be skated.
            5.	 The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute the skill, with the element first being per-
                formed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red team.
            6.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following the execution of each element. Except for the Hockey Skills Competition
                which has a separate scoring protocol and process.
            7.	 Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called. Repeat #4-6 above as this will be
                done in sequence until all of the elements at each level are completed.
            8.	 This process will be repeated with the next level of teams.
        The judging panel will consist of three officials, one referee, one accountant to record scores and one assistant to read scores.
            Each of the three judges has a specific focus:
                 Judge #1: TECHNICAL: Did the skater meet the requirements?
                 Judge #2: PERFORMANCE AND EXECUTION: Did the skater perform the element with speed, mastery and confidence?
                 Judge # 3: OVERALL IMPRESSION: Every aspect of the element performed.
        Following each skater’s performance of an element, the judges will give the skater a live score on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the
        best (similar to “Dancing with the Stars”).
        The referee will be responsible for counting spin revolutions and taking mandatory deductions for falls.
        For a Hockey Skills competition – judging criteria and scoring procedure is listed on the Hockey Skills Competition elements sheet.
                 o There will be a mandatory deduction of one point for falls.
                 o There will be a mandatory deduction of one point for elements that have less than the minimum number of revolutions.
        The team with the highest total points wins the event at each level.

4 Destination Sochi

The team with the highest combined technical score will break ties. If there is still a tie after technical scores are considered, a wild card
element (element #5) has been chosen for each level. The team with the highest overall combined score on the tie break element would
win the tiebreaker.
Since this is a fun/social event, your clubs can consider providing pizza or snacks (cookies/punch) for the Team Maneuver skaters and
give out fun awards for the following:
     •   Most creative name
     •   Best poster
     •   Most team spirit

The Team Competition is intended for the skaters and consequently does not require skating professionals to assume a coaching role
during the event. Ideally, the skaters and team captain are expected to spearhead, organize and lead their teams before and during the

Participating clubs and programs offering a Destination Sochi Team Competition Competition will have the ability to receive logo Team
Competition Award ribbons to use at the conclusion of their event. These ribbons will be provided to participating programs from U.S.
Figure Skating.
     •   Participating Clubs and programs will be required to fill out an event specific online form following registration as a participating
         club that will contain event specifics (number of skaters, levels, element chart being used, event time and date).
Figure skating clubs and programs that have registered with U.S. Figure Skating to offer a Destination Sochi Team Competition event
have the option of purchasing colored U.S. Figure Skating logo t-shirts using online order forms found on the Destination Sochi Team
Competition and Special Events webpage:
     •   U.S. Figure Skating logo t-shirts: These shirts are for use for the Team Competition and are the various colors of the Olympic
         Rings. The host club / program will need to purchase these shirts from U.S. Figure Skating and distribute them to their team
         competition participants on the day of the event.

Participating clubs/programs are encouraged to purchase or secure supplies for use during the Team Competition. These supplies in-
clude poster boards, markers, tape and a microphone for announcing. Additionally, clubs/programs should have on hand an iPod or CDs
for event music to add to the fun of the competition.

                                                                                                                  Team Competition Handbook 5
        Four to six months prior to event:
            •   Register online with U.S. Figure Skating as a participating National Skating Month program.
            •   Register online with U.S. Figure Skating as a host program for the Destination Sochi Team Competition.
            •   Select a Chair or Coordinator of the Team Competition for your program or club
            •   Determine the date and time of your event.
            •   Contact your rink’s manager to secure ice time for the event.
            •   Create “save the date” flyers for distribution.
            •   Formulate initial budget for Team Competition and 2014 National Skating Month activities.
        Three months prior to event:
            •   Download and distribute the Team Maneuver registration forms to skaters.
            •   Make contacts with judges and volunteers to help judge or work the event.
            •   Download and begin utilizing the Destination Sochi Tool Kit resources specific to this event.
        Two months prior to event:
            •   Complete the U.S. Figure Skating online form for participating clubs / programs
            •   This form will give U.S. Figure Skating the details specific to your event
            •   Host a meeting with event volunteers and event staff.
            •   “Sell” the event and Destination Sochi events with members and instructors at your rink.
            •   Set a registration deadline.
            •   Begin accepting registration forms for your Team Competition.
        Six weeks prior to event:
            •   Email participants the assigned Team Maneuver element(s).
            •   Order t-shirts from U.S. Figure Skating (see Section 10).
            •   Estimate the number of medals/ribbons needed.
        Four weeks prior to event:
            •   Finalize Team Competition schedule (be sure to include ice makes and warm-up times).
            •   Create and assemble the necessary event materials.
            •   Order ribbons and additional Destination Sochi supplies from U.S. Figure Skating.
        Two weeks prior to event:
            •   E-mail participants with event times and details.
            •   Send judges’ commitment confirmation along with judges’ schedules.
        One week prior to event:
            •   Update your rink’s manager on needs for the event – do a “walk-through” if possible or necessary.
            •   Send out a media release (these are located in the Destination Sochi Tool Kit online).
            •   Finish all event print materials and supply acquisition.
        One day prior to event:
            •   Set up all areas at the arena.
            •   Sort out awards and decide how they will be handled.
        Day of event:
            •   See that you have good ice, announcers and skaters and HAVE FUN!
            •   Good luck – make it a fun day for all

6 Destination Sochi
The forms included are examples and are located in full on the Destination Sochi Team Competition and Special Events webpage in the
downloadable forms section.

                                        DESTINATION SOCHI TEAM COMPETITION
                                             SKATER REGISTRATION FORM
                                       XXXX FIGURE SKATING CLUB OR PROGRAM
Would you like to participate in a fun, team maneuver event during National Skating Month as part of Destination Sochi? This event will
be free of charge and open to any member of the XXXX Figure Skating Club or XXX Basic Skills Program.
The Destination Sochi Team Competition will take place at XXXX arena on XXXX at (time)am/pm
Name _________________________________________________________________________ Age ____________ Sex ___________
Address _____________________________________________ City ____________________ State __________ Zip _______________
Email Address ____________________________________ Phone Number ( _____ ) ________________ Birth date _____/_____/_____
U.S. Figure Skating Number _______________________________ Home FSC or Basic Skills Program ____________________________
T-Shirt Size: ___________ Circle one: Youth or Adult                         Name of Coach: _____________________________________
Free Skate: ______________________________                Ice Dancing: _____________________________
Basic Skills: ______________________________             Pairs: ___________________________________
Free Skate: ______________________________               Ice Dancing: _____________________________
Basic Skills: _____________________________              Pairs: ___________________________________
Hockey: _______________________________
(NOTE: When at all possible, we will do our best to assign you an element(s) according to your preferences below.)
½ revolution jumps (1/2 flip, 1/2 Lutz)
Single jumps (Waltz jump, Salchow, toe loop, loop, flip, Lutz, Axel)
Double jumps (Double Salchow, double toe, double loop, double flip, double Lutz)
Triple jumps
Single/single jump combinations or double/double jump combinations
Side-toe hop, bunny hop, ballet jump, mazurka, wiggles, swizzles, snowplow stop, hockey stop (Basic Skills levels)
Solo spin (scratch spin, back scratch spin, layback, camel, sit)
Flying spins
Combination spins
Pivot, two-foot spin, curves, hockey turns, glide turns, marching, glides (Basic Skills only)
Spiral sequences
Step Sequences
Combination move or swizzle pumps (Basic Skills only)

                                                                                                             Team Competition Handbook 7
        (Complete form on Destination Sochi Team Competition and Special Events webpage)

8 Destination Sochi
This is the preferred format for clubs/programs to use

Destination Sochi – Team Competition Elements
This format will best serve:
    •   Multi-level club or program membership
    •   Three divisions/levels of skaters
    •   Will accommodate up to a maximum of 75 participants
General event parameters:
The designated skater from each team will perform their pre-assigned free skate element in sequence on full ice, with no music, and will
follow this format:
    1.	 When the event is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
    2.	 This will be followed by a one (1) minute individual warm-up for the elements.
    3.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
    4.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo jump) to be performed.
    5.	 The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute the skill, with the element first being per-
        formed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red team.
    6.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following the execution of each element.
    7.	 Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called.
    8.	 Repeat #4-6 above as this will be done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.
    9.	 This process will be repeated with every level teams.

Spiral and Step Sequence Explanations:
    Choreographic Spiral Sequence:
    Variation of spirals – spiral sequence choreographed (front to back spirals, edges, including transitions)
    Choreographic Step Sequence:
    Create a step sequence: add footwork elements consisting of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread
       eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, unlisted jumps, spinning movements, etc.

                                                                                                                 Team Competition Handbook 9
Destination Sochi – Team Competition Elements
        This format will best serve:
            •   Clubs or programs with smaller membership or participants
            •   Mixed levels of skaters
            •   Will accommodate up to a maximum of 25 participants
        General event parameters:
        The designated skater from each team will perform their pre-assigned free skate element in sequence on full ice, with no music, and will
        follow this format:
            1. When the event is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
            2.	 This will be followed by a one (1) minute individual warm-up for the elements.
            3.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
            4.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo jump) to be performed.
            5.	 The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute the skill, with the element first being per-
                formed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red team.
            6.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following the execution of each element.
            7.	 Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called.
            8.	 Repeat #4-6 above as this will be done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.
            9.	 This process will be repeated with every level teams

        Step Sequence Explanations:
            Choreographic Step Sequence:
            Create a step sequence: add footwork elements consisting of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread
               eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, unlisted jumps, spinning movements, etc.

10 Destination Sochi
Destination Sochi – Team Competition Elements
This format will best serve:
    •   Basic Skills programs or clubs with Basic Skills level skaters
    •   Three divisions / levels of skaters
    •   Will accommodate up to a maximum of 75 participants
General event parameters:
The designated skater from each team will perform their pre-assigned free skate element in sequence on full ice, with no music, and will
follow this format:
    1. When the event is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
    2.	 This will be followed by a one (1) minute individual warm-up for the elements.
    3.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
    4.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo jump) to be performed.
    5.	 The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute the skill, with the element first being per-
        formed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red team.
    6.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following the execution of each element.
    7.	 Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called.
    8.	 Repeat #4-6 above as this will be done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.

                                                                                                             Team Competition Handbook 11
Destination Sochi – Team Competition Elements
        This format will best serve:
            •   Programs or clubs with Adult level skaters or participants
            •   Three divisions / levels of Adult skaters
            •   Will accommodate up to a maximum of 75 participants
        General event parameters:
        The designated skater from each team will perform their pre-assigned free skate element in sequence on full ice, with no music, and will
        follow this format:
            1. When the event is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
            2.	 This will be followed by a one (1) minute individual warm-up for the elements.
            3.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
            4.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo jump) to be performed.
            5.	 The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute the skill, with the element first being per-
                formed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red team.
            6.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following the execution of each element.
            7.	 Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called.
            8.	 Repeat #4-6 above as this will be done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.

12 Destination Sochi
Destination Sochi – Team Competition Elements
This format will best serve:
     •   Multi-level hockey players and participants
     •   Three divisions / levels of skaters
     •   Will accommodate up to a maximum of 75 participants
General event parameters:
The designated skater from each team will perform their pre-assigned free skate element in sequence on full ice, with no music, and will
follow this format:
     1.	 When the event is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
     2.		Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
     3.		The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element to be performed.
     4.		The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute the skill, with the element first being
        performed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red
     5.		The judges will assign each skater a live score following the execution of each element.
     6.		Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called.
     7.		Repeat #4-6 above as this will be done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.
     8.	 This process will be repeated with every level team.
If your registration numbers warrant, you can divide the hockey players into groupings such as:
     GOLD                             SILVER                           BRONZE
     (Bantam & Midget)                (Squirt - Peewee)               (Mite – Basic Skills)
Hockey Skills Challenge: Have skaters complete each of the five following skills competitions. Set up each station according to the de-
scriptions below. Skaters earn points upon placement in each station (First place- 5 points, second place – 4 points, third place – 3 points,
fourth place – 2 points, fifth place – 1 point). Highest combined total wins.
          1. Shooting: Using a ‘shooter tutor’, give each skater 10 pucks to shoot into the five holes. Alternate each shot into the different
             holes in the tutor. Most number of hits wins.
          2. Fastest Skater: Starting at the center red line, have skaters complete one lap around all of the dots and behind the nets. Set
             up cones on each red dot to outline to course. 2-4 skaters can race at a time at different sides of the red line. Use stop watch.
             Fastest skater wins.
          3. Stick Handling: Place two rows of staggered cones down the length of ice. Have skaters stick handle through the cones
             down one length and back again. Shortest time wins. A missed cone is a 5-second penalty.
          4. Agility: Set up an obstacle course with cones for forward and backward skating, turns and stops. Fastest skater wins.
          5. Passing (TIE-BREAK ELEMENT): Set up stationary targets (i.e.-cones, bucket, mini-net) 25 feet away from starting line. Give
             each skater 10 pucks to try to hit each target. Highest number of hits wins.

                                                                                                                Team Competition Handbook 13
        The teams will compete against one another in a relaxed, competitive atmosphere. Each skater on the team will perform their pre-as-
        signed free skate element in sequence.
             1.	 When the event and specific level is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up.
             2.	 This will be followed by a one (1) minute individual warm-up for the elements.
             3.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
                 event. Teams can hang their poster boards on the arena glass near their home base.
             4.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo spin) to be performed.
             5.	 The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute this skill, with the first element being
                 performed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red
             6.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following each execution of each element.
             7.	 Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called. Repeat #4-6 above as this will be
                 done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.
             8.	 This process will be repeated with the next level of teams.
        Following each skater’s performance of an element, the judges will award the skater with a live score on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being
        the best, (Similar to “Dancing with the Stars”).
        A panel of 3 officials and an event referee will be used.
        The referee will be responsible for the timing of applicable elements and taking mandatory deduction(s) for falls.
                   Mandatory deductions:
                   o There will be a mandatory deduction of (1 point) for falls.
                   o There will be a mandatory deduction of (1 point) for elements that have less than the minimum number of revolutions.
        Each official will judge a specific focus and award a score accordingly:
             Judge #1: TECHNICAL: Did the skater meet the requirements?
             Judge #2: PERFORMANCE AND EXECUTION: Did the skater perform the element with speed, mastery and confidence?
             Judge # 3: OVERALL IMPRESSION: Every aspect of the element performed.

14 Destination Sochi
The teams will compete against one another in a relaxed, competitive atmosphere. Each skater on the team will perform their pre-as-
signed hockey skills element on full-ice and in sequence following this format:
    1.	 When the event and specific level is called, all skaters will take the ice for a two (2) minute STROKING ONLY warm-up
    2.	 Teams will be directed to find a “base” for their team along the boards on the ice where they will stay for the remainder of the
        event. Teams can hang their poster boards on the arena glass near their home base.
    3.	 The announcer, referee or judge-in-charge will call the first element (e.g. solo spin) to be performed.
    4.		The team member assigned to performing this element will step forward and execute this skill, with the first element being
       performed by the skater on the blue team, then the yellow team, then the black team, then the green team and finally the red
    5.	 The judges will assign each skater a live score following each execution of each element.
    6.		Once all the teams have had their skater complete the element, the next element will be called. Repeat #4-6 above as this will
       be done in sequence until all the elements at each level are completed.
    7.	 This process will be repeated with the next level of teams
Hockey players earn points upon placement in each station (First place- 5 points, second place – 4 points, third place – 3 points, fourth
place – 2 points, fifth place – 1 point). Highest combined total wins.
         1. Shooting: Using a ‘shooter tutor’, give each skater 10 pucks to shoot into the five holes. Alternate each shot into the different
            holes in the tutor. Most number of hits wins.
         2. Fastest Skater: Starting at the center red line, have skaters complete one lap around all of the dots and behind the nets. Set
            up cones on each red dot to outline to course. 2-4 skaters can race at a time at different sides of the red line. Use stop watch.
            Fastest skater wins.
         3. Stick Handling: Place two rows of staggered cones down the length of ice. Have skaters stick handle through the cones
            down one length and back again. Shortest time wins. A missed cone is a 5-second penalty.
         4. Agility: Set up an obstacle course with cones for forward and backward skating, turns and stops. Fastest skater wins.
         5. Passing (TIE-BREAK ELEMENT): Set up stationary targets (i.e.-cones, bucket, mini-net) 25 feet away from starting line. Give
            each skater 10 pucks to try to hit each target. Highest number of hits wins.

                                                                                                               Team Competition Handbook 15
16 Destination Sochi
Figure skating clubs and programs that have registered with U.S. Figure Skating to offer a Destination Sochi Team Competition event can
purchase the these logo t-shirts using online order forms found on the Destination Sochi Team Competition and Special Events webpage:
    •   U.S. Figure Skating logo t-shirts: These shirts are for use in the Team Competition and are the various colors of the Olympic rings.
        The host club/program can purchase these from U.S. Figure Skating and distribute them to their team competition participants
        on the day of the event.

U.S. Figure Skating will provide award ribbons to all participating clubs /
programs hosting Destination Sochi Team Competitions. Examples of the
Destination Sochi Team Competition event ribbons include:

                                                                                                               Team Competition Handbook 17
        These can be downloaded from Destination Sochi Team Competition and Special Events webpage

        Insurance Waiver Form

        In consideration of my participation in any U.S. Figure Skating program or Basic Skills activity, I acknowledge that I understand the nature
        of the activity and that I, and/or my minor child, am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such
        activity. I acknowledge that if conditions are unsafe, I, and/or my minor child, will immediately discontinue participation in the activity.
        I fully understand that skating involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, and that these
        and other risks may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the
        event takes place, or the negligence of the releases named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not fore-
        seen at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs and damages I incur as a result of my
        participation in the activity.
        I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the U.S. Figure Skating Association, its Member Clubs, their respective administra-
        tors, directors, agents, officers, volunteers and employees, and any sponsors and advertisers of any sanctioned event in which I partici-
        pate (each considered one of the releases herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged
        to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the releases. This release waiver of liability and express assumption of risk agree-
        ment does not apply to any liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages arising out of the gross negligence of, or intentional, willful or
        wanton misconduct of releases. If I, or anyone on my and/or my minor child’s behalf, makes a claim, I agree I will indemnify, defend, save
        and hold harmless each of the releases from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.
        I acknowledge that I have read this release, waiver of liability and express assumption of risk agreement and fully understand it. Please
        enter all participants’ names below and have the parent/guardian sign for all minors under the age of 18 years old.

        ______________________________________________________________________                     _______________________________________
                                            Participant Name                                                              Date

        ______________________________________________________________________                     _______________________________________
                                            Participant Name                                                              Date

        ______________________________________________________________________                     _______________________________________
                                            Participant Name                                                              Date

        ______________________________________________________________________                     _______________________________________
                                            Participant Name                                                              Date

        ______________________________________________________________________                     _______________________________________
                                            Participant Name                                                              Date

        ______________________________________________________________________                     _______________________________________
                                    Parent/Legal Guardian Signature                                                       Date

18 Destination Sochi

Participant Information
Last Name: ______________________________ First Name: ___________________________________ DOB: _____________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________ State: ____________________________ Zip: ________________________

Phone: ___________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________

Name of parent or legal guardian (if under 18): _________________________________________________________________________

Address of parent or legal guardian (if different): _______________________________________________________________________

Name of Sanctioned Event or Activity: _____________________________________________________Date: ______________________

Years of Skating Experience: __________________________________ Club: ________________________________________________

Achievements/Tests Passed: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Name and Likeness Consent and Release Agreement

By participating in a United States Figure Skating (“USFS”) sanctioned event and/or hosted activity, and for good and valuable consider-
ation, I release and grant to USFS, including its subsidiary and affiliated entities, the right to use my name, likeness, image, photograph,
voice, video, athletic performance, biographical information and any other indicia of identity, in any format whatsoever, from the event
or activity listed above (collectively, my “Identifications”), and to distribute, broadcast and exhibit my Identifications, without charge,
restriction or liability, in any media now known or hereafter devised (including, but not limited to, television, internet, web casting and
video streaming) or in various publications (including, but not limited to, SKATING Magazine, the USFS directory or media guide and
marketing materials) into perpetuity, unless otherwise specified and agreed upon. I understand that I will not receive any compensation
for any such use of my Identifications. It is also agreed that at no time can USFS release or authorize the use of my Identifications to an
unrelated third party for the purpose of my endorsement of any commercial property, product or service, without my written permission.

____________________________________________              ________________________          ______________________________________
          Signature of Parent/Guardian                              Date                           Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
           (if Participant is under 18)

____________________________________________              ________________________          ______________________________________
          Signature of Participant/Skater                             Date                       Printed Name of Participant/Skater

                                                                                                               Team Competition Handbook 19
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