The Quantification of Acceleration Events in Elite Team Sport: a Systematic Review

Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open    (2021) 7:45

 SYSTEMATIC REVIEW                                                                                                                                     Open Access

The Quantification of Acceleration Events in
Elite Team Sport: a Systematic Review
Robert I. M. Delves1, Robert J. Aughey1* , Kevin Ball1 and Grant M. Duthie2

  Background: Wearable tracking devices are commonly utilised to quantify the external acceleration load of team
  sport athletes during training and competition. The ability to accelerate is an important attribute for athletes in
  many team sports. However, there are many different acceleration metrics that exist in team sport research. This
  review aimed to provide researchers and practitioners with a clear reporting framework on acceleration variables by
  outlining the different metrics and calculation processes that have been adopted to quantify acceleration loads in
  team sport research.
  Methods: A systematic review of three electronic databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus), was performed to
  identify peer-reviewed studies that published external acceleration load in elite team sports during training and/or
  competition. Articles published between January 2010 and April 2020 were identified using Boolean search phrases
  in relation to team sports (population), acceleration/deceleration (comparators), and competition and/or training
  (outcome). The included studies were required to present external acceleration and/or deceleration load (of any
  magnitude) from able-bodied athletes (mean age ≥ 18 years) via wearable technologies.
  Results: A total of 124 research articles qualified for inclusion. In total, 113/124 studies utilised GPS/GNSS
  technology to outline the external acceleration load of athletes. Count-based metrics of acceleration were
  predominant of all metrics in this review (72%). There was a lack of information surrounding the calculation process
  of acceleration with 13% of studies specifying the filter used in the processing of athlete data, whilst 32% outlined
  the minimum effort duration (MED). Markers of GPS/GNSS data quality, including horizontal dilution of precision
  (HDOP) and the average number of satellites connected, were outlined in 24% and 27% of studies respectively.
  Conclusions: Team sport research has predominantly quantified external acceleration load in training and
  competition with count-based metrics. Despite the influence of data filtering processes and MEDs upon
  acceleration, this information is largely omitted from team sport research. Future research that outlines acceleration
  load should present filtering processes, MEDs, HDOP, and the number of connected satellites. For GPS/GNSS
  systems, satellite planning tools should document evidence of available satellites for data collection to analyse
  tracking device performance. The development of a consistent acceleration filtering method should be established
  to promote consistency in the research of external athlete acceleration loads.
  Keywords: Acceleration, Data filtering, Activity profile, Deceleration, Wearable technology, Athlete tracking,
  Microtechnology, Athlete loads

* Correspondence:
 Institute for Health & Sport, Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC 3011,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open   (2021) 7:45                                                              Page 2 of 35

Key Points                                                     and Australian football represent average match speeds
                                                               that would be considered low intensity at approximately
   Acceleration in team sport research has largely been       80 to 140 m min− 1 (1.3–2.3 m s− 1) [7]. However, the
      quantified via the use of count-based metrics.           aforementioned sports can see peak intensities up to 170
   There is a lack of information surrounding the             to 210 m min− 1 during a 1-min moving average epoch
    processing of acceleration data in team sport              and have been shown to further increase to intensities
    research. Very few studies in this review quantified       up to 380 m min− 1 with smaller moving average window
    the filtering processes used to calculate acceleration     lengths (e.g., 5 s) [6, 9–12]. The wide range in intensities
    and the minimum effort duration for these events.          from match averages to competition peaks indicates that
    For satellite-based tracking systems, inconsistency        the ability to change velocity (acceleration) is important
    seen in GPS/GNSS device reporting on horizontal            to performance. In invasion/combat sports such as rugby
    dilution of precision and satellite number informa-        league, where general play is contested in tight confines,
    tion has hindered the ability to objectively evaluate      acceleration load is highest compared to other football
    athlete acceleration and deceleration datasets.            codes, indicating the ability to rapidly change velocity is
   Future research should attempt to develop a                important to successful performance in this code [6, 9–
    common acceleration filtering/processing method to         11]. Similarly, in American football, where players are
    allow for appropriate comparison in load between           also actively trying to gain or negate yardage, skill
    studies and between tracking manufacturers. A              players such as wide receivers, defensive backs and line-
    common process would help to alleviate concerns of         backers accumulate substantial counts of high accelera-
    technology-driven variations in athlete acceleration       tions (> 3.5 m s− 2) per game (range 26–38 counts per
    data.                                                      game) [13].
                                                                 Whilst being able to perform accelerations is import-
Background                                                     ant to successful athletic performance, quantifying accel-
Through the continued development of athlete wearable          erations is also important to practitioners for athlete
technology, team sport practitioners have increasingly         load management [8]. Accelerations incorporate a sig-
elected to monitor their athlete’s external load during        nificant portion of the total overall external load during
training and competition with player-tracking devices          team sport training and competition [8, 14–17]. How-
[1]. Technologies, such as the Global Positioning System       ever, the magnitude of acceleration efforts can provide
(GPS) and optical-based systems, are established player-       different sources of load experienced by the athlete. For
tracking methods, whilst progressions have been made           example, accelerations (positive velocity) will place a
in the development of local positioning systems (LPS)          greater metabolic cost on the body compared to deceler-
and access to the Global Navigation Satellite System           ation events, as accelerations require greater energy to
(GNSS). Regardless of the technology implemented, the          fuel the change in velocity [4, 14, 15, 18]. Deceleration
aforementioned tracking systems allow for the relatively       events however differ from accelerations with respect to
unobtrusive and objective collection of a player’s locomo-     the mechanically demanding, eccentric loads placed
tion during training and match-play, with information ob-      upon the body when braking (particularly at higher in-
tained on athlete distances and speeds [1, 2]. Tracking        tensities). Athlete braking (decelerating) is dampened by
information allows for the creation of activity profiles for   soft-tissue structures which attempt to attenuate the
respective sports, which details the different load placed     force of each deceleration effort [8, 14–17, 19]. In team
upon athletes and positions played within that sport [1, 3].   sport athletes, an increased count of high-intensity accel-
For performance staff, an activity profile enables specific    erations is associated with neuromuscular fatigue and
prescription of athlete training programs and rehabilita-      muscle damage (marked by increased creatine kinase)
tion processes that are centred towards preparing the ath-     post competition [7, 8, 14, 20]. Therefore, it is important
lete for the rigours of competition load [1].                  that acceleration and deceleration can be appropriately
  The ability to change speed and direction through ac-        quantified and monitored during training and competi-
celeration and deceleration are important attributes for       tion to ensure athletes are adequately prepared for this
successful performance in many team sports [4–7]. Sub-         load [7, 9].
sequently, team sport research has produced a wide var-          For team sport practitioners and researchers however,
iety of metrics to assess acceleration in training and         the existing research on acceleration and how acceler-
competition [7, 8]. Given the stochastic nature of team        ation load in competition and training is quantified, has
sport movement, the assessment of acceleration is im-          varied greatly between studies [7, 8]. Currently, there are
perative in depicting the overall loads of competition [7].    a multitude of different methods in which to quantify
For example, team sport athletes across the football           accelerations in team sport research [21]. Specifically, ac-
codes of rugby league, rugby union, association (soccer)       celeration in applied team sports has been quantified via
Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open   (2021) 7:45                                                                Page 3 of 35

threshold based counts, time or distance spent in certain        acceleration/deceleration-based research [1, 26, 27]. Des-
thresholds (e.g., > 3.5 m s− 2 threshold for “high-intensity     pite the previously stated need for greater consistency in
accelerations”) or more recently, by combining all abso-         the reporting of wearable device specifications and pro-
lute acceleration data (regardless of intensity) and aver-       cesses, there are still large inconsistencies in reporting of
aging over a defined time period [1, 7, 20–23].                  acceleration in team sport research.
   Regardless of the metric chosen to quantify acceler-             With the ongoing development of athlete-tracking sys-
ation, the measurement of acceleration is subject to the         tems as a measure of external athlete output and the ap-
device quality and filtering settings of the tracking sys-       proval to implement these devices during competition,
tem. In GPS technology, there have been continual im-            there is an increasing prevalence of the technology in
provements in device capabilities, with 10-Hz devices            team sport research [1, 8]. Additionally, with the exten-
being deemed most valid and reliable for measuring ac-           sive number of studies that have outlined activity pro-
celeration [3, 7, 22, 24]. Varley et al. [22] determined         files of respective sports during training and
that 10-Hz devices could, at worst, detect an acceleration       competition, numerous systematic reviews have been
had occurred, but otherwise possessed acceptable valid-          published [8, 28–30]. However, there is currently no sys-
ity for accelerations at various starting velocities in          tematic review that has outlined the different metrics
straight running (CV 3.6–5.9%). However, deceleration            and the calculation of the metrics used to quantify accel-
at a starting velocity between 5 and 8 m s− 1 had greater        erations in team sport research. The systematic review
variability (CV 11.3%) which was attributed to the rapid         from Harper et al. [8] outlined and compared high and
change in speed during deceleration compared to accel-           very high-intensity accelerations in competitive team
eration [7, 22, 24].                                             sports but this study was dependent upon cut-off thresh-
   To analyse the quality of positional data in GPS/GNSS         olds, which limited the overall scope of the study. The
devices, the horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) and         introduction of metrics such as absolute acceleration
the average number of connected satellites are extracted         prompted this review to include all acceleration events/
[1, 25]. For GPS/GNSS devices, HDOP and the number               metrics regardless of the magnitude, as ultimately all ac-
of satellites provide an indication of the quality of device     celeration and deceleration events carry a physiological
connection and signal strength [2, 25]. However, despite         cost [7]. With the inevitable further developments in
the importance of HDOP and the number of satellite in-           player-tracking technologies (e.g., optical systems) and
formation, the reporting of these metrics has been in-           the importance of accelerations in team sport activity
consistent in team sport research [1]. With the                  profiles, it is pertinent to review and appraise the metrics
development of online GNSS planning tools providing              that have been used to quantify acceleration/deceler-
evidence of the number of available satellites for a given       ation. Therefore, the primary aim of this systematic re-
period, researchers and practitioners should endeavour           view is to outline and compare the different methods
to compare the satellite tracking information from their         that have been adopted to quantify acceleration and de-
devices to website-based tools outlining satellite avail-        celeration events in team sport research. A secondary
ability. Extracting satellite quality information can then       aim was to identify the processing methods used by re-
aid in assessing the overall data quality of metrics sur-        searchers in calculating acceleration/deceleration by way
rounding acceleration events. Given the importance of            of data filtering methods and minimum effort durations.
device signal quality on athlete positioning data, the
HDOP and the number of connected satellites are sig-             Methods
nificant variables that need to be reported upon in              Study Design
athlete-tracking research. In practice, the publishing of        The current systematic review was undertaken in ac-
HDOP and satellite data then aids practitioners to deter-        cordance with the Preferred items for Systematic Re-
mine what data they should include and exclude in their          views and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement on the
athlete load monitoring systems, including acceleration          transparent reporting of systematic reviews [31].
metrics. For example, HDOP values greater than one or
satellite numbers less than 10 may be grounds for data           Search Strategy
exclusion in daily monitoring processes.                         Three electronic databases (CINAHL, Medline, and
   The processing or calculation of an acceleration event        SPORTDiscus) were systematically reviewed in May
may also influence the measurement of athlete acceler-           2020 by the lead author to identify articles that investi-
ation [1]. It is believed that despite the similarities in de-   gated the quantification of acceleration and/or deceler-
vice hardware between manufacturers, the filtering and           ation as a metric in the load monitoring of team sport
minimum effort durations in the calculation of acceler-          athletes in either training or competitive environments.
ation/deceleration largely differ between devices, poten-        Peer-reviewed research articles published in the English
tially creating technology-driven differences in                 language between January 1, 2010, and April 2020 were
Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open        (2021) 7:45                                                                                        Page 4 of 35

reviewed for selection into the study. The search terms                         identified in any other way other than the initial search
devised for this review were constructed using the PICO                         it would be subject to the same review process to deter-
framework, where population (team sport/team sport                              mine qualification.
athletes), interest (quantification of Acceleration/Decel-
eration metrics) and context (in competition or training)                       Data Extraction
were accounted for. Search terms and exclusion criteria                         All relevant search data were extracted into a custom-
(Table 1) relating to team sport athletes and the quanti-                       made Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by the lead author.
fication of acceleration and deceleration in competition                        The extracted data from each eligible study included
or training were then identified (Table 2). Boolean oper-                       athlete population (sport, competition, age, height,
ators “OR” and “AND” were used in the final search to                           weight), athlete-tracking system used (e.g., GPS, LPS or
combine all search terms together (Table 2).                                    camera-based) and the associated properties (e.g., unit
                                                                                sample rate, HDOP, number of satellites), acceleration
Screening Strategy and Study Selection                                          metrics measured (e.g., counts, distance, or average ac-
Upon execution of the search, all returned studies were                         celeration), the filtering/processing method used to
collated and exported into a reference manager (End-                            quantify the acceleration and any relevant acceleration
Note X9, Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, PA, USA) for                            findings. All acceleration events, regardless of the magni-
further review. The initial review process incorporated                         tude were included into the analysis. There were no ex-
three stages to identify qualifying articles. Firstly, all du-                  clusion criteria based on the velocity threshold of the
plicate articles were identified and removed from the ref-                      acceleration event. Similarly, all organised team activities
erence manager. Secondly, studies were scanned via                              (training and competition) were eligible for inclusion
their abstracts and keywords to establish relevance. If                         into the study. Studies that only presented information
studies were deemed to be irrelevant at this juncture,                          on athlete-tracking device reliability or validity in an ex-
they were excluded. If doubt remained after inspection                          perimental setting were excluded from analysis. Add-
of the abstract as to the relevance of the study, it would                      itionally, given the recent guidance on the reporting of
advance to the next stage for further scrutiny. The final                       GPS/GNSS device properties in research and similar sys-
stage consisted of reviewing the full-text documents of                         tematic review publications, all available GPS/GNSS de-
each study and excluding articles that were subject to                          vice information was extracted from each relevant study
the exclusion criteria (Table 1). If doubt remained as to                       [1, 8]. Specifically, the characteristics observed included
the eligibility of respective studies following this process,                   HDOP, number of satellites connected during activity,
the authors resolved the process through deliberation. If                       device sample rate, device model and device
an article was identified through this process or                               manufacturer.

Table 1 Search inclusion and exclusion criteria
Study inclusion/exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria                                                              Exclusion criteria
Original research articles                                                      Systematic Reviews, Reviews, letters to the editors, non-peer reviewed
                                                                                articles, editorial, books, periodicals, surveys, opinion pieces, conference
Team-based sports                                                               Outdoor court games (tennis, volleyball) water-based, ice-based and
                                                                                sand-based sports.
Participants with a mean age ≥ 18 years                                         Research with the mean age of athletes below the age of ≤ 18 years.
Elite-level, able-bodied, participants playing at the elite domestic competi-   Sub-elite-level, amateur and novice athletes or athletes not playing
tion for their respective team sport or international representation above      within the top tier of their respective domestic league/competitions.
U/18 competition                                                                Athletes with a physical or mental disability. Referees & Officials
Official team activities: including competition/game/match observations         Validation or reliability studies on wearable technologies using athletes
and training sessions (e.g., small sided games, match simulations,              in an experimental setting
individual training drills)
GPS/GNSS-based trackers (sampling ≥ 5 Hz)                                       Accelerometers
Optical/LPS-based Camera Systems
Acceleration or deceleration events measured during designated team             Combined metrics (metabolic power, repeat high-intensity efforts,
activities of any magnitude and measured in any available metric (e.g.,         PlayerLoad)
counts, metres, time spent, average acceleration, acceleration load) that is
not combined with any separate metric (e.g., metabolic power)
Research available in English (full text)                                       Research articles that are not published in English or cannot be
                                                                                accessed in English.
Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open       (2021) 7:45                                                                                    Page 5 of 35

Table 2 Search terms and keywords used in each database. Searches 1, 2, 3 and 4 were combined with “AND”
Key search terms         Related search terms
1. Acceleration/         accelerat* OR decelerat* OR metabolic power OR metabolic load OR energetic cost
2. Athlete tracking      global positioning system* OR GPS OR global navigation satellite system* OR GNSS OR local positioning system* OR LPS OR
System                   microtechnology OR microsensor* OR tracking system* OR athlete tracking system OR notational analysis OR camera-based
                         tracking OR optical tracking system
3.Team sport             team sport* OR team-sport* OR intermittent sport OR professional team sport OR elite sport OR elite team sport OR austra-
                         lian rules football OR australian rules OR australian football OR australian football league OR AFL OR australian football team
                         OR australian rules football team OR australian football club OR australian rules football club OR soccer OR soccer player OR
                         soccer team OR football OR footballer OR football player OR football team OR field hockey OR field hockey athlete OR field
                         hockey player OR rugby league OR rugby OR rugby league player OR rugby league team OR rugby football OR rugby league
                         competition OR rugby union OR rugby union player OR rugby union competition OR rugby union club OR rugby sevens OR
                         rugby sevens competition OR lacrosse OR lacrosse competition OR american football OR american football player OR na-
                         tional collegiate athletic association OR NCAA OR gaelic football OR gaelic football player OR hurling OR hurling player OR
                         cricket OR netball OR basketball
4.Training/competition   movement demands OR movement pattern OR external load OR external demands OR physical workload OR physical
                         demand* OR activity demand* OR activity profile OR activit* profile* OR match profile OR match demand* OR match play
                         OR match-play OR match intensit* OR game load* OR game intensit* OR competit* demand* OR training OR training de-
                         mands OR practice OR small sided games OR match simulation OR game simulation

Results                                                                      Team Sport Characteristics
Search Results                                                               The team sport characteristics of each of the 124 studies
The combined search of three databases returned 706                          are featured in Table 4. Of the 124 articles, research
studies (SPORTSDiscus = 263, Medline = 272, CINAHL                           from Soccer provided the greatest contribution of stud-
= 171) for analysis. All 706 studies were exported into a                    ies to the review (33.9%), followed by Rugby League
reference manager where 357 articles were removed as                         (14.2%), Australian Football (11.8%) and Field Hockey
being duplicates. This resulted in the screening of 349 ti-                  (11.0%). Athlete sex was mixed in each sport contribu-
tles and abstracts. Of these titles and abstracts, 167 arti-                 tion, with the exception of Australian and American
cles were deemed well outside the scope of the review                        Football, Basketball, Hurling, Rugby League, Rugby
and were subsequently removed. In total, 182 full-text                       League Nines and Ultimate Frisbee.
articles were reviewed and assessed relative to the pa-
rameters of the inclusive criteria. Upon review of all full-
                                                                             Tracking Device Characteristics
text articles, 62 were excluded based on athlete skill level
                                                                             The wearable technology type, as well as respective man-
(n = 27), athlete age (n = 14), GPS device sample rate (n
                                                                             ufacturers and devices, are outlined in Table 5. Global
= 12), inappropriate study type (n = 3) and other exclu-
                                                                             Positioning System/GNSS-based studies were assessed
sions (including accelerometer derived acceleration and
                                                                             on two data quality metrics. HDOP (mean ± SD) and
the use of combined metrics such as metabolic power)
                                                                             the number of satellites (mean ± SD) in connection with
(n = 6). A total of 120 studies remained at the comple-
                                                                             the GPS device during athlete tracking were observed in
tion of this process. Additionally, four studies were iden-
                                                                             this review. Of the 113 eligible GPS/GNSS studies,
tified and included outside of the database search via the
                                                                             23.9% (27/113 studies) of the included articles specified
review process for this research. Therefore, 124 studies
                                                                             the mean HDOP for their research. For the number of
were included. Figure 1 identifies the classification of
                                                                             satellite connections during the tracking period, 27.4%
studies and pathway of eligibility into the study.
                                                                             (31/113) of studies specified the mean ± SD value. This
                                                                             information is presented in Table 6.
Study Characteristics
The accepted studies in this review outlined acceleration                    Acceleration Processing Characteristics
load during an organised, elite team sport activity. This                    The processing methods studies implemented to calcu-
was measured through various player-tracking technolo-                       late acceleration events are outlined in Table 7. The vel-
gies, including GPS/GNSS, local positioning systems or                       ocity/acceleration filters that were implemented to
optical-based tracking systems. The results of this review                   process athlete movement data was specified by 12.9%
are focused on how acceleration was quantified in these                      (16/124 studies) of the studies included in this review.
studies and the metrics used to present the external ac-                     The minimum effort duration for the calculation of ac-
celeration load. The characteristics of each of the in-                      celeration metrics were specified in 32.3% (40/124 stud-
cluded studies are summarised in Table 3.                                    ies) of the included studies. The specified minimum
Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open       (2021) 7:45                                                                           Page 6 of 35

 Fig. 1 Systematic review inclusion process for qualification into the review

effort duration of 0.5 s was most frequent in the in-                           to quantify acceleration events in previous team sport
cluded studies, followed by 0.4 s, 1 s and 0.2 s.                               research. The main finding in this review was that the
                                                                                vast majority of included studies elected to quantify ac-
Acceleration Metrics                                                            celeration events using GPS/GNSS technology (113/124
Acceleration events in this review were quantified via                          studies) and via the use of count-based metrics (72% of
numerous different metrics. These metrics encompassed                           all studies featured counts). Whilst the aim to ascertain
counts, distance, time, load, intensity and ratio markers.                      how accelerations were quantified by way of metrics was
Of these metrics, count-based variables were predomin-                          achieved, this review could not achieve the secondary
ant. Acceleration counts were selected in 72% of the                            aim which was to determine how acceleration events
studies in this review. In total, 63% of studies included                       were commonly processed in team sport research. Spe-
absolute acceleration counts (regardless of magnitude),                         cifically, there was a lack of information provided by the
whilst 32% of studies implemented acceleration counts                           studies in this review that outlined the filtering processes
relative to the athlete or team’s time during the activity                      of acceleration events and the minimum effort duration
(counts per minute). Distance (m) was next highest in                           in which these events were designated. In this review,
terms of prevalence with 13.7% of the research in this                          only 13% of studies specified the filtering settings of
review opting to quantify acceleration events with re-                          their acceleration data whilst 32% outlined the minimum
spect to the distance attained in threshold bands. Met-                         effort duration. Moreover, for GPS/GNSS research, the
rics of acceleration intensity followed, with a combined                        reporting of HDOP and the number of satellites was
10.9% of studies (acceleration (m s− 2) 6.7%, deceleration                      only specified in approximately a quarter of all eligible
(m s− 2) 4.2%) opting to quantify acceleration with re-                         studies. Given the known influence of data quality met-
spect to the acceleration distance relative to the time                         rics, filtering techniques and calculation intervals on ac-
period. Similarly, absolute acceleration was selected in                        celeration/deceleration as it’s calculated, future team
9.2% of the included studies for this review. Statistics for                    sport research should endeavour to outline how acceler-
the acceleration metrics included are presented in                              ation and deceleration events are processed.
Table 8.
                                                                                Variables Chosen to Quantify Acceleration
Discussion                                                                      The results of this review overwhelmingly highlight the
The aim of this systematic review was to outline and                            use of counts to outline the external acceleration load of
compare the different methods that have been adopted                            team sport athletes. Counts and, to a lesser extent,
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study
Study              Team         Device   Manufacturer Model         Sample HDOP         No. of       Acc/ Filter          Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec          Calculation of metric
                   sport                                            rate                satellites   dec                  interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                                    (Hz)                                                  MED
Akenhead           Soccer       GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   10 Hz   0.9 ± 0.1   12 ± 1       Acc   Smoothing      0.5 s         Low: 1–2    Distance       Distance attained in respective
et al. [32]                              Sports          S4                                          Dec   Filter 0.5 s                 Moderate:   (m)            threshold band.
                                                                                                                                        2–3                        Acc/dec also pooled at 1 and
                                                                                                                                        High: > 3                  3 m s−2
Akenhead           Soccer       GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   10 Hz   0.8 ± 0.1   13 ± 1       Acc   N/S            N/S           Low: 1–2    Acc & Dec      Threshold-based sum of acc/
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

et al. [33]                              Sports                                                      Dec                                Moderate:   Distance (m)   dec distances
                                                                                                                                        High: > 3
Akiyama            Lacrosse     GPS      Polar Electro   Polar Team 10 Hz   N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S            N/S           Low:        Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (2021) 7:45

et al. [34]                                              Pro                                         Dec                                0–1.99      (n)            band
                                                                                                                                        > 4
Altavilla et al.   Soccer       GPS      K-Sport         N/S        10 Hz   N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S            N/S           High:       Distance       Distance attained in respective
[35]                                                                                                 Dec                                >2          (m)            threshold band
Aughey             Australian   GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   5 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S            0.4 s         Maximal:    Counts         At least two consecutive
 [36]              Football              Sports          Team                                                                           > 2.78      (n)            efforts at same rate of change
                                                         Sport                                                                                      Counts per     in velocity (0.4 s) respective
                                                         2.0                                                                                        minute (n/     threshold band
Aughey             Australian   GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   5 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S            0.4 s         Maximal:    Counts         At least two consecutive
[37]               Football              Sports          Team                                                                           > 2.78      (n)            efforts at same rate of change
                                                         Sport                                                                                      Counts per     in velocity (0.4 s) respective
                                                         2.0                                                                                        minute (n/     threshold.
                                                                                                                                                    min−2)         Efforts with respect to activity
Aughey             Australian   GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   5 Hz    1.5 ± 0.9   7.5 ± 1.2    Acc   N/S            N/S           Maximal:    Counts         Efforts with respect to activity
[38]               Football              Sports          Team                                                                           > 2.78      (n)            time
                                                         Sport                                                                                      Counts per
                                                         2.0                                                                                        minute
Aughey             Australian   GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   5 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S            0.4 s         Maximal:    Counts         At least two consecutive
[39]               Football              Sports          Team                                                                           > 2.78      (n)            efforts at same rate of change
                                                         Sport                                                                                      Counts per     in velocity (0.4 s) respective
                                                         2.0                                                                                        minute         threshold band.
                                                                                                                                                    (n/min−2)      Efforts with respect to activity
Bauer et al.       Australian   GPS      Catapult        MinimaxX   10 Hz   1.8 ± 0.4   N/S          Acc   N/S            N/S           Low:        Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[40]               Football              Sports          v4.0                                                                           0–2.77      (n)            band.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 7 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study            Team       Device    Manufacturer Model         Sample HDOP      No. of       Acc/ Filter     Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec           Calculation of metric
                 sport                                           rate             satellites   dec             interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                                 (Hz)                                          MED
                                                                                                                             Hard:       Distance        Distance attained in respective
                                                                                                                             ≥ 2.78      (m)             threshold band.
Bayliff et al.   American   GPS       Catapult     Optimeye      10 Hz   N/S      N/S          Acc   N/S       N/S           Band 1:     Distance        Metres attained in respective
[41]             Football             Sports       S5                                          Dec                           0–1         (m)             threshold band
                                                                                                                             Band 2:
                                                                                                                             Band 3:
                                                                                                                                                                                           Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

                                                                                                                             Band 4:
Blair et al.     Rugby      GPS       GPSports     SPI Pro 10    10 Hz   N/S      N/S          Acc   N/S       N/S           Low:        Counts          Efforts in respective threshold
[42]             Sevens                                                                        Dec                           1.5–2.5     (n)             band
                                                                                                                                                                                              (2021) 7:45

                                                                                                                             > 2.5-3.6
Bowen et al.     Soccer     GPS       STATSports   Viper 2       10 Hz   N/S      N/S          Acc   N/S       0.5 s         All:        Counts          Efforts in respective threshold
[43]                        Optical   ChyronHego   TRACAB                                      Dec                           > 0.5       (n)             band lasting at least 0.5 s and
                                                                                                                                                         > 0.5 m s−2
Bradley et al.   Soccer     Optical   ProZone      ProZone       N/A     N/A      N/A          Acc   N/S       N/S           Medium:     Counts          Efforts in respective threshold
[44]                                  Sports       Version 3.0                                                               > 2.5-4     (n)             band
Brooks et al.    Netball    LPS       Catapult     Catapult T6 10 Hz     N/A      N/A          Acc   N/S       0.2 s         Z1:         Acceleration    Average acc
[45]                                  Sports       ClearSky                                    Dec                           0–2         Density:        values across the specified
                                                                                                                             Z2:         (Average        period
                                                                                                                             2–3.5       Acc/Dec)        Average acc performed per
                                                                                                                             Z3:         (m s−2)         10 m of distance
                                                                                                                             3.5–6       Acceleration    (Acc Load/Distance)
                                                                                                                             Z4:         Density         Sum of acc values across the
                                                                                                                             6–10        Index:          analysed period (acc values
                                                                                                                                         (avg Acc/Dec    were calculated at 0.2 s
                                                                                                                                         per             intervals)
                                                                                                                                         10 m; m s− 2)   Distance attained in respective
                                                                                                                                         Total           threshold
                                                                                                                                         (total Acc/
                                                                                                                                         m s− 2)
Campos-        Soccer       GPS       Catapult     MinimaxX      10 Hz   N/S      N/S          Acc   N/S       N/S           Moderate:   Distance per    Distance attained in respective
Vazquez et al.                        Sports       S4                                          Dec                           2–3         hour            threshold
[46]                                                                                                                         High: > 3   (m h−1)
Chesher et al. Field        GPS       Catapult     MinimaxX      10 Hz   0.88 ±   11 ± 0.59    Dec   N/S       N/S           Low:      Counts            Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 8 of 35

[47]           Hockey                 Sports       S4                    0.03                                                − 3–−5.99 (n)               band.
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study           Team         Device   Manufacturer Model       Sample HDOP     No. of       Acc/ Filter         Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec           Calculation of metric
                sport                                          rate            satellites   dec                 interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                               (Hz)                                             MED
                                                                                                                              Medium:      Average        Mean Dec in each competitive
                                                                                                                              -6–− 8.99    Deceleration   match
                                                                                                                              High:        (m s−2)
                                                                                                                              − 9–−
                                                                                                                              Very high:
                                                                                                                              3           (n)            band
Couderc         Rugby        GPS      Digital      Sensor     8 Hz      N/S    N/S          Acc   Butterworth   0.5 s         High:        Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al.          Sevens                Simulation   Everywhere                                     low pass                    > 2.5        (n)            band
[49]                                                                                              2nd order
                                                                                                                                                                                               (2021) 7:45

                                                                                                  1 Hz
                                                                                                  phase lag
Coutts et al.   Australian   GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S           0.2 s         > 2.78       Counts         Two consecutive samples
[50]            Football              Sports       Team                                     Dec                                            (n)            exceeding 2.78 m s−2
                                                   Sport 2.5
Cummins         Rugby        GPS      GPSports     SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S    N/S          Acc   Butterworth   N/S           Moderate:    Counts per     Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [51]     League                                                                      Dec   4th order                   < 1.12       minute         band with respect to activity
                                                                                                  Cut-off                     High:        (n/min−2)      time
                                                                                                  frequency:                  1.13–2.78
                                                                                                  1 Hz                        Very high:
                                                                                                                              > 2.78
Cummins         Rugby        GPS      Catapult     Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           All:         Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [52]     League                Sports       S5                                       Dec                               > 1.5        (n)            band
Cummins         Rugby        GPS      GPSports     SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S    N/S          Acc   Butterworth   N/S           Moderate:    Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [53]     League                                                                      Dec   4th Order                   < 1.12       (n)            band
                                                                                                  Cut-off                     High:
                                                                                                  frequency:                  1.13–2.78
                                                                                                  1 Hz                        Very high:
                                                                                                                              > 2.78
Cunningham      Rugby        GPS      STATSports   Viper       10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Moderate:    Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [54]     Union                                                                       Dec                               2–3          (n)            band
Cunningham      Rugby        GPS      STATSports   Viper       10 Hz    N/S    4 Best       Acc   N/S           N/S           Moderate:    Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [55]     Union                                                          Satellites   Dec                               2–3          (n)            band
                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 9 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study          Team         Device     Manufacturer Model      Sample HDOP          No. of       Acc/ Filter         Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec           Calculation of metric
               sport                                           rate                 satellites   dec                 interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                               (Hz)                                                  MED
Dalen et al.   Soccer       Radio      ZXY Sport   RadioEye    20 Hz    N/A         N/A          Acc   N/S           0.5 s         All:         Counts per     Efforts lasting for at 0.5 s in
[56]                        Freq.      Tracking    Sensors                                                                         >2           minute         respective threshold band.
                            Tracking                                                                                                            (n/min−2)      Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

                                                                                                                                                               band with respect to activity
Dalen et al.   Soccer       Radio      ZXY Sport   RadioEye    20 Hz    N/A         N/A          Acc   N/S           0.5 s         All:         Counts (n)     Efforts lasting for at 0.5 s in
[57]                        Freq.      Tracking    Sensors                                       Dec                               >2           Distance (m)   respective threshold band
de Hoyo        Soccer       GPS        GPSports    SPI Elite   10 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Moderate:    Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (2021) 7:45

et al. [17]                                                                                      Dec                               2–3          (n)            band
Delaney et al. Rugby        GPS        GPSports    SPI HPU     5 Hz     N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Low:         Counts         Efforts, time and/or distance in
[7]            League                                                                            Dec                               1            (n)            respective threshold band.
                                                                                                                                   Moderate:    Time           Absolute values of acc
                                                                                                                                   2            (s)            averaged over given analysis
                                                                                                                                   High:        Distance       period.
                                                                                                                                   >3           (m)            Absolute values of dec
                                                                                                                                                Average Acc    averaged over given analysis
                                                                                                                                                (m s−2)        period.
                                                                                                                                                Average Dec    Absolute values of acc/dec
                                                                                                                                                (m s− 2)       averaged over given analysis
                                                                                                                                                Average Acc/   period
                                                                                                                                                (m s− 2)
Delaney et al. Rugby        GPS        GPSports    SPI HPU     15 Hza   1.1 ± 0.1   8.3 ± 1.4    Acc   Butterworth   N/S           N/A          Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
[9]            League                                                                            Dec   4th Order                                (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
                                                                                                       Cut-off                                                period
                                                                                                       1 Hz
Delaney et al. Australian   GPS        Catapult    Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           N/A          Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
[10]           Football                Sports      S5                                            Dec                                            (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
Delaney et al. Rugby        GPS        GPSports    SPI HPU     15 Hza   N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           N/A          Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
[11]           Union                                                                             Dec                                            (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
Delaney et al. Soccer       GPS        Catapult    Optimeye    10 Hz    0.86 ±      10.6 ± 1.7   Acc   N/S           N/S           N/A          Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
[6]                                    Sports      S5                   0.28                     Dec                                            (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 10 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study           Team     Device   Manufacturer Model        Sample HDOP        No. of       Acc/ Filter         Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec          Calculation of metric
                sport                                       rate               satellites   dec                 interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                            (Hz)                                                MED
Delves et al.   Field    GPS      Catapult      Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           N/A          Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
[58]            Hockey            Sports        X4                                          Dec                                            (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
                                                MinimaxX                                                                                   Average Acc period
                                                S4                                                                                         (m s−2)
Dempsey         Rugby    GPS      GPSports      SPI Pro X   10 Hz    N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           High: > 3.0 Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [59]     League                                                                      Dec                                           (n)            band.
                                                                                                                                          Counts per     Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                                                                                           Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

                                                                                                                                          minute         terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                          (n/min−2)      time and threshold
Dubois et al.   Rugby    GPS      GPSports      SPI HPU     15 Hza   N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           All:         Counts        Efforts in respective threshold
[60]            Union                                                                       Dec                               > 2.5        (n)           band
Duthie et al.   Field    GPS      Catapult      Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           N/A          Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
[61]            Hockey            Sports        X4                                          Dec                                            (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                              (2021) 7:45

Figueiredo      Soccer   GPS      STATSports    Viper Pod   10 Hz    N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           N/S          Counts        Efforts in respective threshold
et al.                                                                                      Dec                                            (n)           band
Furlan et al.   Rugby    GPS      GPSports      SPI HPU     5 Hz     N/S       N/S          Acc   Butterworth   N/S           Moderate:    Counts per    Acc/Dec counts derived from
[63]            Sevens                                                                      Dec   4th Order                   2–3          minute        filtered 15 Hz data.
                                                                                                  Cut-off                     High:        (n/min−2)     Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                  frequency:                  .1–4                       band with respect to activity
                                                                                                  1 Hz                        Very high:                 time
Gabbett         Rugby    GPS      Catapult      MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Mild:        Counts        Efforts in respective threshold
[64]            League            Sports                                                                                      0.55–1.11    (n)           band
                                                                                                                              > 2.79
Gabbett         Field    GPS      Catapult      MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           2s            High:        Counts        Efforts in respective threshold
[65]            Hockey            Sports                                                                                      > 0.5        (n)           band lasting at least 2 s
Gabbett         Rugby    GPS      Catapult      MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Maximal:     Counts        Efforts in respective threshold
[66]            League            Sports        Team                                                                          > 2.79       (n)           band.
                                                Sport                                                                                      Counts per    Efforts in respective threshold
                                                2.5                                                                                        minute        band with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                           (n/min−2)     time
Gabbett et al. Rugby     GPS      Catapult      MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Mild:        Distance      Distance in respective
[67]           League             Sports                                                                                      0.55–1.11    (m)           threshold band
                                                                                                                              > 2.79
Gabbett &       Rugby    GPS      Catapult      MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S       N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Mild:        Distance      Distance in respective
                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 11 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study          Team       Device     Manufacturer Model          Sample HDOP          No. of       Acc/ Filter       Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec         Calculation of metric
               sport                                             rate                 satellites   dec               interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                                 (Hz)                                                MED
Ullah          League                Sports                                                                                        0.55–1.11    (m)          threshold band
[68]                                                                                                                               Moderate:
                                                                                                                                   > 2.79
Garvican       Soccer     GPS        Catapult        MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S         N/S           Maximal:     Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
et al.                               Sports          Team                                                                          > 2.78       (n)          band.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

[69]                                                 Sport                                                                                      Counts per   Efforts in respective threshold
                                                     4.0                                                                                        minute       band with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                                (n/min−2)    time
Gaudino        Soccer     GPS        GPSports        SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S         Range:       Acc   N/S         1s            Moderate:    Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [70]                                                                           8-11         Dec                             2–3          (n)          band lasting for at least 1 s.
                                                                                      Satellites                                   High:        Maximum      Maximum acc & dec effort in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (2021) 7:45

                                                                                                                                   >3           Acc/Dec      analysed period.
                                                                                                                                                (m s−2)
Gaudino        Soccer     GPS        STATSports      Viper       10 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S         0.5 s         Total:       Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [71]                                                                                        Dec                             >3           (n)          band lasting for at least 0.5 s
                                                                                                                                                Counts per   and of magnitude > 0.5 m s− 2
Hauer et al.   Lacrosse   GPS        Polar Electro   Polar Team 10 Hz     N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S         N/S           Z1: 0–1.0 Counts (n)      Efforts in respective threshold
[72]                                                 Pro                                           Dec                             Z2: 1.0–2.0               band
                                                                                                                                   Z3: 2.0–3.0
                                                                                                                                   Z4: > 3.0
Higham et al. Rugby       GPS        Catapult        MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S         0.4 s         Moderate:    Counts per   Efforts in respective threshold
[73]          Sevens                 Sports          Team                                          Dec                             2–4          minute (n/   band with respect to activity
                                                     Sport 2.5                                                                     High: > 4    min− 2)      time
Higham et al. Rugby       GPS        GPSports        SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S         1s            Total: > 1   Counts per   Efforts in respective threshold
[74]          Sevens                                                                               Dec                                          minute (n/   band with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                                min−2 )      time lasting at least 1 s.
Hoppe et al.   Soccer     GPS        Catapult        MinimaxX    10 Hz    1.1 ± 0.1   11.8 ± 0.5   Acc   Butterworth N/S           High:> 3     Time (s)     Time spent in respective
[75]                                 Sports          S4                                            Dec   2 Passes                                            threshold band
                                                                                                         Cut-off: 1 Hz
Ihsan et al.   Field      GPS        Catapult        MinimaxX    5 Hz     N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S         N/S           High: > 2    Counts (n)   Efforts in respective threshold
[76]           Hockey                Sports          Team                                          Dec                                                       band
                                                     Sport 2.5
Ingebrigtsen   Soccer     Radio      ZXY             ZXY Sport   40 Hz    N/A         N/A          Acc   N/S         0.5 s         Total:       Counts       1) The start of Acc is marked
 et al. [77]              Tracking   SportTracking   Chip                                                                          >2           (n)          by the Acc reaching the
                                                                                                                                                             minimum limit (1 m s).
                                                                                                                                                             2) Acc has to reach 2 m s.
                                                                                                                                                             3) Acc must remain above the
                                                                                                                                                             2 m s for at least 0.5 s.
                                                                                                                                                             4) The duration of the Acc
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 12 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study            Team         Device   Manufacturer Model      Sample HDOP         No. of          Acc/ Filter       Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec          Calculation of metric
                 sport                                         rate                satellites      dec               interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                               (Hz)                                                  MED
                                                                                                                                                              lasts until it passes the
                                                                                                                                                              minimum Acc limit (1 m s)
Jackson et al.   Field        GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX   10 Hz   MinimaxX: N/S               Acc   Smoothing   0.2 s–Calc    Total:      Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[78]             Hockey                Sports       S4                 (0.89                       Dec   Filter      0.6 s–        > 1.46      (n)            band.
                                                    Optimeye           [0.04])                                       Minimum       Maximum     Maximum        Max Acc/Dec recorded
                                                    S5                 Optimeye                                      effort        count per   Acc/Dec
                                                                       S5:                                           duration      athlete     (m s−2)
                                                                                                                                                                                                Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

Jaspers et al.   Soccer       GPS      Catapult     Optimeye   10 Hz   N/S         N/S             Acc   N/S         N/S           Z1:         Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[79]                                   Sports       S5                                             Dec                             0–1         (n)            band.
                                                                                                                                   Z2:         Distance       Distance attained in respective
                                                                                                                                   1–2         (m)            threshold band
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (2021) 7:45

                                                                                                                                   > 3.5
Jaspers et al.   Soccer       GPS      Catapult     Optimeye   10 Hz   < 1.5       ≥8 satellites   Acc   Smoothing   0.4 s         Total:      Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[80]                                   Sports       S5                                             Dec   Filter                    >1          (n)            band
                                                    MinimaxX                                             0.2 s
Johnston         Rugby        GPS      STATSports   Apex       10 Hz   0.76 ±      17.7 ± 1.9      Acc   N/S         N/S           N/A         Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
et al. [81]      League                                                0.25                        Dec                                         (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
Johnston         Australian   GPS      AF:          AF:        10 Hz   AFL:        AFL:            Acc   N/S         N/S           N/A         Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
et al. [82]      Football              Catapult     Optimeye           0.69 ±      10.5 ± 0.65     Dec                                         (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
                 Rugby                 Sports       S5                 0.09        NRL:                                                                      period
                 League                RL:          RL:                NRL:        17.7 ± 1.90
                                       STATSports   Apex               0.76 ±
Johnston         Rugby        GPS      Catapult     Optimeye   10 Hz   N/S         N/S             Acc   N/S         N/S           N/A         Average Acc Absolute values of acc/dec
et al. [83]      League                Sports       S5                                             Dec                                         (m s−2) / min averaged over given analysis
Johnston         Australian   GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX   S3:     1.0 ± 0.3   12.2 ± 0.7      Acc   N/S         N/S           Low:        Counts per     Efforts calculated in absolute
et al. [84]      Football              Sports       S3         5 Hz                                Dec                             0.65–1.46   minute         terms with respect to activity
                                                    MinimaxX   S4:                                                                 Moderate:   (n/min−2)      time and threshold.
                                                    S4         10 Hz                                                               1.47–2.77   Distance per   Distance in respective
                                                                                                                                   High:       minute         threshold band with respect
                                                                                                                                   > 2.78      (m/min)        to activity time and threshold.
                                                                                                                                               Time           Time spent as a percentage in
                                                                                                                                               (%)            respective threshold band
Johnston         Australian   GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX   5 Hz    1.0 ± 0.2   12.1 ± 0.7      Acc   N/S         N/S           Low:        Counts per     Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [85]      Football              Sports       S3         10 Hz                               Dec                             0.65–1.46   minute (n/     band with respect to activity
                                                    MinimaxX                                                                       Moderate:   min−2)         time and threshold.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 13 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study           Team         Device     Manufacturer Model      Sample HDOP          No. of       Acc/ Filter         Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec          Calculation of metric
                sport                                           rate                 satellites   dec                 interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                                (Hz)                                                  MED
                                                    S4                                                                              1.47–2.77   Distance per   Distance attained in respective
                                                                                                                                    High:       minute         threshold band with respect
                                                                                                                                    > 2.78      (m/min−2)      to activity time and threshold.
                                                                                                                                                Time           Percentage time spent in
                                                                                                                                                (%. min−2)     respective threshold band
                                                                                                                                                               with respect to activity time
Johnston        Australian   GPS        Catapult    MinimaxX    5 Hz     1.0 ± 0.1   12.2 ± 0.6   Acc   N/S           N/S           Low:        Counts per     Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

et al. [86]     Football                Sports      S3          10 Hz                             Dec                               0.65–1.46   minute         band with respect to activity
                                                    MinimaxX                                                                        Moderate:   (n/min−2)      time.
                                                    S4                                                                              1.47–2.77   Distance per   Distance attained in respective
                                                                                                                                    High:       minute         threshold band with respect
                                                                                                                                    > 2.78      (m/min−2)      to activity time.
                                                                                                                                                Time           Percentage time spent in
                                                                                                                                                (%. min−2)     respective threshold band
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (2021) 7:45

                                                                                                                                                               with respect to activity time
Jones et al.    Rugby        GPS        Catapult    MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Low:        Distance       Metres attained in respective
[87]            Union                   Sports      V4                                            Dec                               1–2         (m)            threshold band
Kempton &       Rugby        GPS        GPSports    SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Total:      Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
Coutts [88]     League                                                                            Dec                               > 2.78      (n)            band.
                Nines                                                                                                                           Counts per     Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                                                minute (n/     terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                                min−2)         time and threshold
Kempton         Rugby        GPS        GPSports    SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Total:      Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [89]     League                                                                            Dec                               > 2.78      (n)            band.
                                                                                                                                                Counts per     Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                                                minute         terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                                (n/min−2)      time and threshold
Kempton         Rugby        GPS        GPSports    SPI Pro     5 Hz     N/S         9.1 ± 1.4    Acc   N/S           0.4 s         Total:      Counts         Two consecutive samples
et al. [90]     League                                                                            Dec                               > 2.78      (n)            exceeding 2.78 m s−2
Lacome et al. Rugby          PC-        Sport       Amisco Pro 10 Hz    N/A          N/A          Acc   Butterworth   0.5 s         Z1:         Mean           Values of acc averaged over
[91]          Union          based      Universal              Velocity                                 low pass                    1–2         acceleration   given analysis period.
                             tracking   Process                                                         2nd order                   Z2:         (m s−2)        Distribution of acc values over
                                                                                                        cut-off                     2–3                        given analysis period with
                                                                                                        frequency:                  Z3:                        respect to thresholds
                                                                                                        1 Hz                        >3
Malone et al.   Soccer       GPS        Catapult    Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S         N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           High:       Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[92]                                    Sports      G5                                            Dec                               >3          (n)            band
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 14 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study            Team         Device   Manufacturer Model       Sample HDOP    No. of           Acc/ Filter    Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec          Calculation of metric
                 sport                                          rate           satellites       dec            interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                                (Hz)                                           MED
Mara et al.      Soccer       GPS      GPSports     N/S         15 Hza   N/S   5-8 Satellites   Acc   N/S      N/S           Efforts:    Time           Average time spent in acc in
[93]                                                                                                                         >2          (s)            analysed period.
                                                                                                                                         Distance       Average distance accumulated
                                                                                                                                         (m)            in analysed period.
                                                                                                                                         Max distance   Average max distance
                                                                                                                                         (m)            accumulated in analysed
                                                                                                                                         Max            period.
                                                                                                                                         acceleration   Max acc effort in analysed
                                                                                                                                                                                            Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

                                                                                                                                         (m s−2)        period
                                                                                                                                         Repeat         Acc efforts performed with <
                                                                                                                                         acceleration   21 s separation
Mara et al.      Soccer       GPS      GPSports     SPI HPU     15 Hza   N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      N/S           High:       Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[94]                                                                                            Dec                          >2          (n)            band
                                                                                                                                                                                               (2021) 7:45

Marrier et al.   Rugby        GPS      Digital      Sensor     16 Hz     < 2   7 [1]            Acc   N/S      0.5 s         All:        Counts (n)     Efforts in respective threshold
[95]             Sevens                Simulation   Everywhere                                                               > 2.5                      band lasting for at least 0.5 s
Martin-Garcia Soccer          GPS      STATSports   Viper       10 Hz    N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      N/S           High:       Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al.                                                                                          Dec                          >3          (n)            band
Martin-Garcia Soccer          GPS      STATSports   Viper       10 Hz    N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      0.5 s         High:       Counts         Efforts in threshold band
et al.                                                                                          Dec                          >3          (n)            lasting for at least 0.5 s and of
[97]                                                                                                                                                    magnitude > 0.5 m s−2
Martin-Garcia Soccer          GPS      STATSports   Viper       10 Hz    N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      N/S           High:       Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al.                                                                                          Dec                          >3          (n)            band
Modric et al.    Soccer       GPS      Catapult     Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      N/S           Total       Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[99]                                   Sports       S5                                          Dec                          events:     (n)            band
                                                    Optimeye                                                                 > 0.5
                                                    X4                                                                       High:
Montgomery       3×3          GPS      Catapult     Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      N/S           Low:        Intensity      Average intensity in respective
& Maloney        Basketball            Sports       S5                                          Dec                          < 2.5       (m s−2)        threshold band.
[100]                                                                                                                        Medium:
                                                                                                                             > 3.5
Morencos         Field        GPS      GPSports     SPI Elite   10 Hz    N/S   10.6 ± 1.2       Acc   N/S      N/S           Low:        Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [101]     Hockey                                                                         Dec                          1–1.99      (n)            band.
                                                                                                                             Moderate:   Counts per     Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                             2.0–2.99    minute         terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                             High:       (n/min−2)      time and threshold
Morencos         Field        GPS      GPSports     SPI Elite   10 Hz    N/S   N/S              Acc   N/S      N/S           Low:        Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 15 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study           Team       Device   Manufacturer Model       Sample HDOP           No. of       Acc/ Filter         Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec        Calculation of metric
                sport                                        rate                  satellites   dec                 interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                             (Hz)                                                   MED
et al. [102]    Hockey                                                                          Dec                               1.0–1.9     (n)          band.
                                                                                                                                  Moderate:   Counts per   Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                  2.0–2.9     minute (n/   band with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                  High:       min−2)       time
                                                                                                                                  > 3.0
Murray &        Rugby      GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S          11.3 ± 1.4   Acc   N/S           0.4 s         Maximal:    Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
Varley [103]    Sevens              Sports       S4                                                                               > 2.78      (n)          band lasting at least 0.4 s.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

                                                                                                                                              Counts per   Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                                              minute       terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                              (n/min−2)    time and threshold lasting at
                                                                                                                                                           least 0.4 s
Newans et al. Soccer       GPS      Catapult     Optimeye    10 Hz    N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           0.5 s         Moderate:   Time         Time spent in each respective
[104]                               Sports       S5                                             Dec                               1–2         (s)          threshold lasting at least 0.5 s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (2021) 7:45

                                                 Optimeye                                                                         High:       Ratio of     Duration of Dec (High) and
                                                 X4                                                                               >2          Dec: Acc     Dec (Mod)
                                                                                                                                                           divided by total Acc time
                                                                                                                                                           (High + Mod) in each period.
                                                                                                                                                           Determined a moderate and
                                                                                                                                                           Dec:Acc ratio
Owen et al.     Soccer     GPS      STATSports   Viper Pod   10 Hz    N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Total:      Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
[105]                                                                                           Dec                               > 3.3       (n)          band
Owen et al.     Rugby      GPS      GPSports     SPI HPU     15 Hza   N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Light:      Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
[106]           Union                                                                           Dec                               1–1.99      (n)          band
Oxendale        Rugby      GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Maximal:    Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [107]    League              Sports       Team                                           Dec                               > 2.79      (n)          band
                                                 Sport 2.5
Palmer et al.   Ultimate   GPS      Catapult     Optimeye    10 Hz    0.90 ±       13.7 ± 0.5   Acc   Proprietary   0.6 s         Total:      Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
[108]           Frisbee             Sports       X4                   0.10                            Filter                      > 1.5       (n)          band lasting for at least 0.6 s
                                                                                                                                              Counts per   and with respect to time
Passos          Soccer     GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           1:          Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
Ramos et al.                        Sports       Team S5                                        Dec                               − 1–1       (n)          band and with respect to time
[109]                                                                                                                             2:          Counts per
                                                                                                                                  1–2.5       minute (n/
                                                                                                                                  3:          min−2)
                                                                                                                                  > 2.5
Passos          Soccer     GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    0.75 ± 0.3   12.4 ± 0.5   Acc   Exponential   0.5 s         Total:      Counts (n)   Efforts in respective threshold
Ramos                               Sports       Team S5                                        Dec   Filter                      >1                       band
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 16 of 35
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study             Team         Device   Manufacturer Model       Sample HDOP           No. of       Acc/ Filter         Calculation   Threshold Acc/dec         Calculation of metric
                  sport                                          rate                  satellites   dec                 interval/     (m s− 2)  metric
                                                                 (Hz)                                                   MED
et al.                                                                                                    (Derived
[110]                                                                                                     from GPS
Passos            Soccer       GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    0.75 ± 0.3   15.5 ± 0.5   Acc   N/S           N/S           Total: > 2   Counts (n)   Efforts in respective threshold
Ramos                                   Sports       Team S5                                        Dec                                                         band
et al.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

Peeters et al.    Rugby        GPS      Digital      Sensor     16 Hz     1.35 ±       8±1          Acc   N/S           N/S           Total: >     Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
[112]             Sevens                Simulation   Everywhere           0.34                                                        2.5          (n)          band.
                                                                                                                                                   Counts per   Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                                                   minute (n/   terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                                   min−2)       time
Polgaze et al. Field           GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    1.00 ±       11.6 ± 0.5   Acc   Proprietary   0.6 s         Low:         Counts       Eligible Acc was determined
                                                                                                                                                                                                     (2021) 7:45

[113]          Hockey                   Sports       S4                   0.07                            Filter                      < 2.0        (n)          once a participant changed
                                                                                                                                      High:        Counts per   speed by 2 m s for a
                                                                                                                                      > 2.0        minute       minimum within 0.6 s.
                                                                                                                                                   (n/min−2)    Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                   Time         band.
                                                                                                                                                   (s)          Efforts calculated in absolute
                                                                                                                                                   Distance     terms with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                                   (m)          time and threshold
                                                                                                                                                                Time spent in respective
                                                                                                                                                                threshold band.
                                                                                                                                                                Distance attained in respective
                                                                                                                                                                threshold band
Pollard et al.    Rugby        GPS      STATSports   Viper       10 Hz    N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Total:       Counts per   Efforts in respective threshold
[114]             Union                                                                                                               >3           minute       band.
                                                                                                                                                   (n/min−2)    Efforts in respective threshold
                                                                                                                                                                band with respect to activity
Polley et al.     Lacrosse     GPS      Catapult     MinimaxX    10 Hz    N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Low:         Counts per   Efforts in respective threshold
[115]                                   Sports       S4                                             Dec                               0–1.11       minute       band with respect to activity
                                                                                                                                      Moderate:    (n/min−2)    time
                                                                                                                                      ≥ 2.78
Portillo et al.   Rugby        GPS      GPSports     SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S          N/S          Acc   N/S           N/S           Z1:          Counts       Efforts in respective threshold
[116]             Sevens                                                                                                              > 1.5        (n)          band
                                                                                                                                      > 2.0
                                                                                                                                      > 2.5
                                                                                                                                      > 2.75
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 17 of 35

Rennie et al.     Australian   GPS      Catapult     Optimeye    10 Hz    1.1 ± 0.1    18.2 ± 1.1   Acc   N/S           0.2 s         Efforts:     Counts       Two consecutive samples in
Table 3 Tracking technology and acceleration/deceleration characteristics of each included study (Continued)
Study            Team       Device   Manufacturer Model        Sample HDOP     No. of       Acc/ Filter        Calculation     Threshold Acc/dec          Calculation of metric
                 sport                                         rate            satellites   dec                interval/       (m s− 2)  metric
                                                               (Hz)                                            MED
[117]            Football            Sports        S5                                       Dec                Two             > 2.78      (n)            respective threshold band
Romero-          Field      GPS      GPSports      SPI Elite   10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          N/S             Low:        Counts per     Efforts in respective threshold
Moraleda         Hockey                                                                     Dec                                1–1.9       minute         band with respect to activity
et al.                                                                                                                         Moderate:   (n/min−2)      time
[118]                                                                                                                          2–2.9
                                                                                                                               High: > 3
                                                                                                                                                                                            Delves et al. Sports Medicine - Open

Russell et al.   Soccer     GPS      STATSports    Viper       10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          N/S             Total: >    Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[119]                                                                                       Dec                                0.5         (n)            band
Russell et al.   Soccer     GPS      STATSports    Viper       10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          0.5 s           Total:      Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[120]                                                                                       Dec                                > 0.5       (n)            band
                                                                                                                                                                                               (2021) 7:45

Sangnier         Soccer     GPS      K-Sport       K-GPS       10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          0.4 s (over 3   Distance:   Counts per     Efforts > 0.4 s (over 3 m s−2
et al.                                                                                      Dec                s threshold)    >2          minute         threshold).
[121]                                                                                                                          Counts:     (n/min−2)      Distance in threshold band
                                                                                                                               >3          Distance per   with respect to activity time
                                                                                                                                           min (m/min)
Silva et al.     Soccer     GPS      STATSports    Viper       10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          0.5 s           Z1: > 2     Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[122]                                                                                       Dec                                Z2:         (n)            band lasting at least 0.5 s of
                                                                                                                               > 2.5       Counts per     magnitude > 0.5 m s−2
                                                                                                                               Z3:         minute (n/
                                                                                                                               >3          min−2)
Smpokos          Soccer     GPS      STATSports    Viper Pod   10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          0.5 s           Total:      Counts (n)     Efforts in respective threshold
et al.                                             2                                        Dec                                >2          and counts     band lasting at least 0.5 s of
[123]                                                                                                                                      per minute     magnitude > 0.5 m s−2
Smpokos          Soccer     GPS      STATSports    Viper Pod   10 Hz    N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          0.5 s           Total:      Counts (n)     Efforts in respective threshold
et al. [124]                                       2                                        Dec                                >2          and counts     band lasting at least 0.5 s of
                                                                                                                                           per minute     magnitude > 0.5 m s−2
Stevens et al.   Soccer     LPS      Inmotio       Inmotio     24 Hz    N/A    N/A          Acc   Weighted     N/S             >2          Distance       Distance in respective
[125]                                              LPS                                            Gaussian                                 (m)            threshold band
Stevens et al.   Soccer     LPS      Inmotio LPS   Inmotio     31 Hz    N/A    N/A          Acc   Weighted     0.5 s           Medium:     Counts         Efforts in respective threshold
[126]                                              LPS                                      Dec   Gaussian                     > 1.5       (n)            band
                                                                                                  Average                      High: > 3
Suarez-          Rugby      GPS      GPSports      SPI Pro X   15 Hza   N/S    N/S          Acc   N/S          1s              Maximal:    Counts         1-s at
Arrones          Sevens                                                                     Dec                                2.78–4      (n)            > 2.78 m s−2
et al. [127]                                                                                                                   Extremely                  or above
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