What people and ministries does God put on your                                       Commi ed and maturing Chris an.
Where is God calling me?   heart as you read? Pray about serving, then begin                                     Ac ve in BSM and a Bap st church, ac ve in BSM
                           your applica on!                                                                        and an Evangelical church, or ac ve in a Bap st
                                                                                                                   church in Texas.
                           Posi on                 Type of Ministry     Dates                                    Par cipa ng in ministry and/or leadership in
                                                                                                                   BSM or local church.
                           _________________ ___________________ __________
                                                                                                                 Willing to par cipate in personal evangelism.

                                                                                              Qualifica ons
                           _________________ ___________________ __________                                      Be in at least your first semester of college a er
                                                                                                                   high school. Go Now Missions is for college students
                           _________________       __________________   __________                                 only.
                                                                                                               A ending/enrolled in university or seminary in
                                                                                                                 Texas or graduated in the last 6 months, or
                                                                                                                 student a ending school out of state whose home
                                                                                                                 church is a Bap st church in Texas.
                                                                                                               Minimum grade point average of 2.25.
                           List the names of people who come to mind as you                                      Must be between 18 and 27 years old on May 1,
                           read the booklet. Contact them and challenge them to
Who should go?

                                                                                                                   2021 for Summer, Impact, and Fall Semester
                           go now!                                                                                 missions.
                           Person                      Posi on                                                   Meet special requirements for specific projects.
                           _____________________ ___________________________                                       (These are included in the listed descrip ons).
                                                                                                                 Commi ed to raising the amount of money for the
                           _____________________ ___________________________                                       posi on to which you are appointed.
                           _____________________ ___________________________

                                                                                                              Discovery Weekend is a me set aside for you to

                                                                                     What is Discovery
                                                                                                              “discover” how God wants to use you in His global
                                                                                                              purpose. It involves worship, small groups, mission fair,

                           1. Complete the online applica on at                                               fundraising training, an individual interview, and much
   How do I apply?

                                                                                  more. Following the weekend, students are no fied
                                                                                                              about where they are invited to serve. Discover
                           2. Submit 3 online reference forms and an unofficial
                                                                                                              Weekend will be February 12‐14, 2021. The loca ons
                                                                                                              are TBA. You will receive more informa on about
                           3. Be interviewed by your local BSM or Bap st                                      Discovery Weekend a er you have applied. There will
                              church.                                                                         be a virtual op on for those that cannot a end due to
                                                                                                              COVID‐19 restric ons. Appointments are made from
                           4. A end Discovery Weekend, February 12 ‐14, 2021
                                                                                                              Discovery Weekend interviews.

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Summer Missions

                            You must be in at least your first semester of college a er
                            high school gradua on. Some posi ons require comple on
                            of addi onal semesters.

                            This is what it costs to send a student missionary on this
                            project. It includes transporta on (to, from, and on the field),
                            housing, meals, insurance, shots, personal incidentals, visa,
                            training materials, orienta on, and debriefing (does not cover
                            cost of passport).
                                                                                                                               Ac vi es Intern
Frequently Asked Ques ons

                                                                                               MISSION FOCUS: At‐Risk Youth & Children, Social Work
                            This is the por on of the cost that you will raise if appointed    DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
                            to the project. The balance between this and the total cost of
                                                                                               You will be tasked to carry out various amounts of ac vi es for children that are in
                            the project is raised by BSM (Bap st Student Ministry) groups
                                                                                               need throughout the course of the summer at the South Texas Children Home. Some
                            across Texas. You will receive fundraising training when
                                                                                               of those tasks will be helping lead games and supervising children during coordinated
                                                                                               events on and off the STCH Ministries campus. You will be asked to serve in numerous
                                                                                               ways, such as leading certain ac vi es, supervising children, serving food, se ng up
                            Call the Go Now office now. We will work with you to set up          and tearing down certain events, babysi ng, Lifeguard if cer fied, par cipate in
                            an addi onal interview. 817‐277‐4077.                              numerous amounts of gym type games and engage in spiritual discussions. The main
                                                                                               thing that is desired is that you encourage and build Christlike rela onships with the
                                                                                               children. Throughout the summer, you will focus on being rela onal with the children.
                            Yes! If you have served before, you will need to complete a        Our children range from infant to senior in High school. It is a lot like youth camp, but
                            new applica on. If you would like a copy of your old               more of a marathon, less of a sprint. We want you to pour your heart into our kids,
                            applica on emailed to you, contact Go Now.                         encouraging them to pursue their rela onship with God. These children are very
                                                                                               needy, and they need good godly rela onships.
                                                                                               Loca on: Beeville, TX
                            Yes! Students are eligible to apply for up to 6 months following   Special Requirements: Able to par cipate in some physical ac vi es like ice ska ng,
                            gradua on. Seminary and graduate students are welcome to
                                                                                               swimming, bowling, laser tag, gym games, etc.
                                                                                               Team: 3 Students
                                                                                               Amount You Raise: $750 ($1000 total cost of project)
                            Call 817‐277‐4077, email
                            or visit our website, We are glad to
                            answer ques ons, pray with you, and walk you through the                               COVID Precau ons and Restric ons
                                                                                                   Go Now will con nue to monitor the COVID situa on in each
                                                                                                   loca on. If at any me it is not advisable to send students, we will
                            Respect them. Share the Go Now website with them and let               cancel a posi on. While serving, students will be required to follow
                            them know there is a Parent FAQ sec on. Involve them in your           all restric ons and precau ons of wearing a mask, social distancing,
                            decision making and inform them about events and deadlines.            washing hands, etc. Housing will be provided that allows for
                                                                                                   appropriate distancing.

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Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                 Summer Missions

                              Bush Missionary                                                                      Camp Summer Sign Staff
MISSION FOCUS: Village Life, Bible Storying , Medical Clinic                               MISSION FOCUS: Deaf Ministry, Children's & Youth Ministry
DATE: June 3 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                 DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Embark on a journey through the African bush immersing yourself in the culture by          Camp Summer Sign is an 8‐week day camp for children 6‐15 years old with hearing loss
joining a team of bush missionaries who are pushing into the Unreached Unengaged           and their hearing siblings. We provide a fluent ASL signing staff with a primary focus on
People Group (UPG) of Kaabong, Uganda. We are looking for those willing to do              language development; this immersive camp experience helps students, regardless of
whatever it takes to take the Gospel to some very difficult places and peoples. We           their hearing ability, improve their communica on skills through learning ASL, problem
have the unique opportunity to live among and do life with the people. You will be able    solving, and team building while having tons of fun! Each day is uniquely structured to
to sleep in the villages, work in the gardens, fetch water, cut firewood, and par cipate   create an age appropriate, enriching educa onal adventure. From field trips to in class
in other everyday ac vi es with na onals. You will learn Chronological Bible Storying      learning, from dancing to making new friends, each ac vity builds on the next leading
and church plan ng; assist with a weekly medical clinic; teach True Love Waits; teach      our campers to a higher‐level ability. If your signing skills are minimal or okay, you can
basic health educa on; and making home visits. If you are adventurous, resilient, and      be sure your skills will grow by the summer's end!
longing for the people in the darkest and most remote places of Africa to know Christ,     Loca on: Brentwood, TN
                                                                                                                                                                      LEARN MORE
come join our team. Your first stop a er you leave home will be a joint orienta on         Special Requirements: Preferably students with some American Sign
with other Nehemiah Teams. You will return to the US for a joint debrief with other        Language recep ve and expressive skills, and have some experience
Nehemiah Teams. Par cipants must a end the en re program from NT orienta on                working with children of all ages with variety levels of signing skills.
through the end of debrief.                                                                Team: 2 Students
Loca on: Uganda                                                                            Amount You Raise: $775 ($1030 total cost of project)
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for             LEARN MORE
one by Feb. 5, 2021. Pre‐med or medical background helpful.
                                                                                                 Campus Launch Neighborhood Outreach Team
Loves flexibility and learning language. Willing to teach or have
background in teaching children. In good physical health.                                  MISSION FOCUS: Church Plan ng, Neighborhood Outreach
Team: 2 Students                                                                           DATE: May 31 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Amount You Raise: $3250 ($4650 total cost of project)                                      If you have a heart to love Jesus, invest in people, challenge yourself outside your
                                                                                           comfort zone, grow in gospel conversa ons and interact with people from all kinds
                                                                                           of backgrounds, we have a place for you! Discovery is a thriving church plant that has
                                                                                           just launched 3 new campuses in one of the most unreached regions of the United
                                                                                           States. Our region prides itself on its natural beauty and its young and inclusive
                                                                                           culture ‐ and we find those to be excellent opportuni es for gospel conversa ons.
                                                                                           Our Neighborhood Outreach Team would be specifically working with our Campus
                                                                                           Lead Teams, as well as our en re Staff Team and many Discovery volunteers, to plan,
                                                                                           promote and execute neighborhood‐specific outreaches to engage local kids, families,
                                                                                           young adults and more. Teams serving with Discovery also receive significant
                                                                                           mentoring investment from key leaders, as well as opportuni es to experience some
                                                                                           of the other urban ministries happening in Tacoma.
                                                                                           Loca on: Tacoma, WA
                                                                                           Special Requirements: Have a heart to engage in jus ce concerns; love sports, kids or
                                                                                           both. Helpful skills and gi s: speaking, drama, organiza onal gi ings.
                                                                                           Team: 5 Students
                                                                                           Amount You Raise: $1050 ($1400 total cost of project)

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Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                    Summer Missions

                   CliffHouse Missional Appren ce                                                                                  Coffee Tour
MISSION FOCUS: Neighborhood Outreach, Rela onships,                                           MISSION FOCUS: Rela onships, Entrepreneurial, Urban Ministry
Urban Ministry                                                                                DATE: June 3 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                     You will be going on a coffee tour of the city. There are coffee shops spread throughout
As a CliffHouse Missional Appren ce you will have the opportunity to be an everyday            our city, and your team will be tasked with going into these shops to meet people, build
missionary doing life in our neighborhood in North Oak Cliff. Our neighborhood is a            rela onships, and share Jesus. By making these connec ons with coffee shops, you will
primarily lower income Hispanic neighborhood. We have a unique opportunity to                 be poten ally opening up doors for our coffee roas ng business. It would be helpful if
come alongside our neighbors and provide friendship and support as they navigate              you have any coffee work experience, i.e. barista or roaster, that could provide more
new environments. Our desire and mission is to see children and families living up to         opportuni es to build rela onships with people and coffee shops or poten ally lead
their full God given poten al, we focus on students doing well in school, avoiding            cupping or barista classes which could be sponsored by our coffee business. Your first
drugs and gangs, gaining healthy life‐skills, and nurturing/pursuing their dreams as          stop a er you leave home will be a joint orienta on with other Nehemiah Teams. You
our next genera on of leaders. We put this into prac ce through facilita ng reading           will return to the US for a joint debrief with other Nehemiah Teams. Par cipants must
circles, neighborhood food distribu on, and small group gatherings. We believe that           a end the en re program from NT orienta on through the end of debrief.
we are not the ones bringing Jesus into the neighborhood but that he is already at            Loca on: Southeast Asia
work in our neighbors. It is our job to recognize his work in our friends, and call it out.   Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.
Loca on: Dallas, TX                                                                           Able to endure extensive walking, extreme heat, and humidity. Soy & peanut allergies
                                                                           LEARN MORE
Special Requirements: Flexible and comfortable working with people                            would restrict coming; food will be lots of rice, fried foods, and seafood. Mold, pollu on
of all ages Ability to speak Spanish helpful, but not required.                               and dust are very heavy; if you have asthma or bad allergies, this could be an issue. Field
Team: 3 Females                                                                               supervisor should know of any pre‐exis ng condi ons that could be affected by foods,
Amount You Raise: $2000 ($3200 total cost of project)                                         environment or physical demands of the assignment to give final approval for serving.
                                                                                              Team: 2 Males
                                                                                              Amount You Raise: $3500 ($5870 total cost of project)
       Contemporary Worship Leader & Youth Intern
MISSION FOCUS: Leading Worship, Youth Ministry                                                           Crea ve Outreach and Discipleship Team
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 1, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                     MISSION FOCUS: Apartment Ministry, Families
Do you have a passion for leading worship and reaching youth? This is the perfect             DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
opportunity to combine both ministries. You will work with several individuals including      Dusty's Heart is an apartment ministry. One of our goals is to start a house church in
a bi‐voca onal Minister of Music, a bi‐voca onal Student Pastor, and a volunteer VBS          each of the apartment communi es. You will be helping us to reach that goal by doing
director to help plan and execute weekly rehearsals and worship experiences for both          outreach in many different crea ve ways, such as prayer walking, special events, kids'
students and adults. You will also help plan summer events for the student ministry and       clubs, benevolence aid, photography projects, social media, house of peace searches,
engage in Bible study teaching. You will assist in implemen ng VBS and possibly a end         mentoring all ages, youth clubs, mee ng the whole needs of the persons living in
summer teen and pre‐teen camp at Texas Bap st Encampment in Palacios. Weekly                  apartment communi es. You will be ministering to all ages and ethnici es. We will be
schedule will consist of one rehearsal for adult worship, leading on Sunday mornings as       in mostly lower‐income areas but not all of our apartment communi es are in
well as leading on Wednesday nights for student ministry and Bible studies.                   low‐income areas. The Northwest is a beau ful place so enjoy it while you are here
Loca on: Texas City, TX                                                                       ministering among the people who need Jesus in apartment communi es.
Special Requirements: Ability to teach and lead vocally. Play an instrument is preferred      Loca on: Beaverton, OR
but not the priority. Ability to teach Bible lessons is necessary. Part of the interview      Special Requirements: A flexible a tude is a must. Some mes things change day to
process will be an audi on to share your musical and worship leading abili es.                day. Ability to work with children. Helpful but not required: Spanish, play guitar.
Team: 2 Students                                                                              Team: 2 Students
Amount You Raise: $900 ($1200 total cost of project)                                          Amount You Raise: $1200 ($1865 total cost of project)
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Summer Missions                                                                                                                                             Summer Missions

              Creator's Fellowship Camp Internship
MISSION FOCUS: Children's Ministry, Camps
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 1, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Creator’s fellowship is a gathering of people who wish to maintain their Na ve culture,
and worship the Creator who died on the cross for our sins, with a passion for learning
and living the Word of God and a desire to share the Good news of the Jesus way with
all we encounter. In the summer, we conduct camps for children in mul ple loca ons.
Come join us in working with NAVAJO children in Church Rock. You will help visi ng
mission teams as they provide children’s programs through the summer. You will also
help with van driving, picking up kids, food prepara on, and support of the day‐to‐day
opera ons. The supervisor will personally train you to work with Navajo People and
the different issues you may face.
Loca on: Church Rock, NM
Special Requirements: Love kids, pa ent, stern yet flexible, and a problem solver. Able
to drive church van.
Team: 2 Students
Amount You Raise: TBA, check for update

                                                                                                   DISCipleship in Ac on: Ul mate Sports Life
                    Cultural Exchange Adventure                                           MISSION FOCUS: Ul mate Frisbee, Collegiate Ministry
MISSION FOCUS: Missional Living, Arabic Speakers                                          DATE: June 2 ‐ July 21, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
DATE: May 30 ‐ July 19, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                We are trus ng God to bring together a team of college students who love God, love
Cultural Exchange with a divine purpose. Come experience Arab culture in our Middle       the lost and have caught the Ul mate Frisbee virus to work in an Asian Muslim context!
Eastern mega city. Being here as part of a cultural exchange program will afford you       Serving in pairs, you will connect with local college students both through Ul mate
incredible opportuni es to study Arabic, serve people, make friends, and be mentored      Frisbee and the desire of local students to prac ce their English skills. On the sports
by a long‐term worker. Come ready to engage with students and share a reason for the      side, you will not only enjoy pick‐up games, but may also have the opportunity to
hope within you! You will be impacted deeply as you impact the people here. You will      par cipate in compe ve play and assist in clinics for high school and college students.
leave here with a richer understanding of the culture and people, having had many         We are trus ng God for new streams of ministry for long‐term workers, but also for you
opportuni es to share your faith with them. You will plant seeds that we pray will bear   to con nue ministry via social media once you return to the US. You may also have
fruit for eternity! There will be a one week training in Europe before you enter your     opportunity to relate to local ethnic minority believers, helping them see both their
assignment country and a short debrief in Europe at the end of the summer.                responsibility and the opportunity to reach out to their Muslim neighbors.
Loca on: North Africa                                                                     Loca on: Asia
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for                            Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.
                                                                       LEARN MORE
one by Feb. 5, 2021. Able to be on your feet for extended periods                         Spiritual Maturity, good character, missional heart, and adequate rela onal comfort
of me, walk a lot, comfortable with warm/hot weather. The city                            zone. Passionate about playing ul mate frisbee, able to explain the basic rules to a
is very polluted so those with asthma or allergies need to bring                          newbie and have basic skills of forehand and backhand to be able to help a friend get
appropriate medica ons.                                                                   started playing.
Team: 2 Students                                                                          Team: 4 Males (will serve in pairs)
Amount You Raise: $3250 ($5000 total cost of project)                                     Amount You Raise: $2700 ($3900 total cost of project)

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Summer Missions                                                                                                                                               Summer Missions

                               Duffle Bag Team
MISSION FOCUS: Camp, Youth, Teaching                                                                    Total Cost of Project & Amount You Raise
DATE: June 1 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                 The “amount you raise” is the minimum por on of the amount you will
In the Texas Bap st Men (TBM) Summer Missionary program you will help primarily            raise if appointed to the project. The “total cost of project” is what it
with the educa on programs of TBM. We have a Duffle Bag Escape Room Experience               costs to send a student missionary to serve in this project. It includes
we bring to camps and churches throughout the summer that teaches mission educa‐           transporta on, housing, meals, insurance, personal incidentals, training
  on as well as the Gospel. As you lead this experience you will have opportuni es to      materials, and interviews. The balance between the two is raised by
share the Gospel with Middle School through High School students and should be able        BSM groups all across Texas. In effect, all students serving through Go
to ar culate your tes mony in a short and concise manner. The Duffle Bag Escape
                                                                                           Now receive a scholarship. Any funds you raise above the minimum
Room Experience will be your primary means of ministry, you should also expect to
                                                                                           amount will be applied to the total cost of the project.
help with our Royal Ambassador Summer Camps as well as other ac vi es within our
headquarters in Dallas. You will be mentored "Shoulder‐to‐Shoulder", which is
mentoring as we serve alongside one another in ministry. If you learn through
experience and service, then you will love the TBM Summer Missionary program!                                      Elevate Church Plan ng
Loca on: Texas Traveling Team                                                             MISSION FOCUS: Church Plan ng, Young Adults & Families
Special Requirements: Must be organized, ar culate, good with me management,
                                                                                          DATE: June 2 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
have a clear understanding of the gospel and a teachable spirit. Requires strong com‐
                                                                                          Come to the fastest growing part of our state and help us plant the gospel and start
munica on skills and outgoing personality. Helpful if you can bring car, gas covered.
                                                                                          churches. We are more interested in plan ng the Gospel in the lives of the people than
Team: 2 Males
                                                                                          seeing a church started. You will help with two church plants located between
Amount You Raise: $850 ($1150 total cost of project)
                                                                                          Longmont (north Denver) and Fort Collins/Loveland area. These new churches focus on
                                                                                          young professionals and young families. The church plants are rela onal in nature and
                          Engage the Campuses
                                                                                          do missional ac vity to not only start a church, but to love their city! We u lize servant
MISSION FOCUS: Collegiate Ministry, Church Plan ng                                        and rela onal evangelism, home Bible study fellowships and scou ng. You need to be
DATE: May 24 ‐ July 10, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                willing to build bridges with people of varying worldviews and walks of life that are
In 2018, every country in the world, except for three, was represented by students on     o en far outside of the church culture. You will learn to iden fy spiritually open people
London campuses. Come join our University Team as we reach university students            by applying the “persons of peace” strategy in Luke 10:2b‐11, and learn how to ask
using your passions, gi s, and abili es to start healthy mul plying churches. Work        common‐ground ques ons to gain understanding by hearing the person's story and
alongside na onal partners to equip and encourage them to start churches. This will       then share God's story.
include Entry, Evangelism, Discipleship, Healthy Church Forma on, Leadership              Loca on: Loveland, CO
Development, and Partnership as you inten onally pursuing the Gospel as it goes from      Special Requirements: Must be a Sophomore or above (in second year of college a er
University Campuses, to London, to the world. A large part of your job will be            high school gradua on). Spiritually and emo onally mature students who have lived
connec ng disciples who are leaving University to other teams in London to con nue        away from home. You need to be outgoing, have mature social skills, able to think
the task. We will provide training and guidance. We need self‐starters and team           crea vely and invest in people. Have a growing rela onship with God, been discipled
players with a passion to see God move in and through the lives of University Students.   one‐on‐one or having an interest in learning how to disciple. Prefer students that have
Loca on: England                                                                          been exposed to Colorado or out West. Like the outdoors and able to be highly ac ve
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.       (okay with using a bike from me to me as transporta on). Spanish is helpful, but
Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er high school                  not required. Spiritual gi s such as exhorta on, mercy, evangelism, service, and
gradua on). Must be a self‐starters, team players, and have a learner’s a tude.           administra on are helpful.
Team: 6 Students                                                                          Team: 2 Females
Amount You Raise: $4200 ($6500 total cost of project)                                     Amount You Raise: $750 ($1000 total cost of project)
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Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                   Summer Missions

                      Engage Unreached Refugees                                                                          Family Ministry Intern
MISSION FOCUS: Interna onal, Apartment & Urban Ministry                                        MISSION FOCUS: Jus ce Ministry, Social Work, Art
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                      DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
You will serve on teams with GoTEN missionaries living among refugees in the Phoenix           Spend the summer assis ng us in providing lodging, meals, and spiritual support for
metro area. You will experience the life of a missionary by engaging unreached                 hur ng families who come to Huntsville to visit their loved one who is in prison in the
refugees with prayer, love and Truth. Our teams live in low‐income apartment                   Texas Prison System. Serve people from all over the state, USA, and the world as you
complexes with refugees. Our teams research and learn about the unreached people               host them in a friendly, "home away from home," atmosphere with a warm meal, cozy
groups living around them and discover new ways to connect rela onally. Our teams              bed, and open arms. You will also have opportuni es to play games or read to the
teach English, deliver furniture, make home visits, teach job skills, teach life skills, and   children, share your faith, plan and conduct Bible studies, and assist our art teacher
host Gospel storytelling groups. Expect to meet Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus and non‐             during therapeu c art sessions each weekend. If you are outgoing, energe c, love to
religious people. The people groups we work with are from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Myanmar,          converse, and capable of finding joy in everyday ac vi es this posi on is for you! The
Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Nepal, and Afghanistan. You will be coached by GoTEN                    services we provide meet needs in a family's lives which lead to las ng rela onships.
missionaries on a daily basis and a end weekly staff development days with all GoTEN            Loca on: Huntsville, TX
staff. If you can smile, like to meet new people, and want to engage people from                Special Requirements: Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er
another culture, this is a great opportunity to experience the true missionary life.           high school gradua on). Cheery disposi on, team player, empathe c, compassionate,
Loca on: Phoenix, AZ                                                                           slow to judge, self‐mo vated, outgoing, energe c, friendly, flexible, problem solving
Special Requirements: Mature, friendly, and outgoing, willing to ini ate new                   abili es, passion for the Lord. Majors helpful: Social Work, Media Communica ons,
rela onships. This is a front‐line opportunity. If you are shy you will feel frustrated.       Criminal Jus ce, Educa on, Spanish, Sociology, Psychology or Art.
Team: 2 Students, Same Gender                                                                  Team: 2 Students
Amount You Raise: $2100 ($3280 total cost of project)                                          Amount You Raise: $720 ($950 total cost of project)

                                    Europe Hub                                                                         Gateway City Engagement
MISSION FOCUS: Church Plant, English Speaking Events                                           MISSION FOCUS: South Asian People Groups, Discipleship
DATE: TBA, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                                        DATE: May 28 ‐ July 28, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Your main assignment will be to work with the exis ng Maltese church, and the new              Do you have an interest in reaching South Asians with the gospel? Join us for a summer
English church plant. There will be a high emphasis on outreach and evangelism                 as we train volunteers, engage Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs with the gospel,
accomplished through neighborhood fes vals, beach reach events, gathering in                   and begin discipleship with new believers and seekers. Global Gates exists to reach the
different ministry points to other city, and many more ac vi es that will encourage             na ons through global gateway ci es like NYC. You will be vital to our efforts to plant
interpersonal rela onships. There may be some small work to do to help with                    churches among the more than 1.5 million South Asians in NYC. We have strategies in
organiza on of these ac vi es. You will be an ac ve par cipant in the local churches           place to engage, evangelize, disciple, church plant, and empower locals to take the
where our missionaries are members. Addi onally, we are hoping to launch a new                 gospel back to their home countries.
church within the next 8 to 10 months where you will be a part of the Bible study              Loca on: Queens, NY
events. The Maltese islands are generally English‐speaking however many of the                 Special Requirements: Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er
residents also speak Maltese. This language is a mixture of many different languages            high school gradua on). Need to be a self‐starter, willing to learn and share the gospel
but has an Arabic base to it. You will serve with a missionary team with a combined 40         with people from other cultures. Outreach experience with                LEARN MORE
years of experience. They have wisdom and insight to share with you and have hosted            unreached people groups a plus. Helpful: videography, marke ng
student teams for many years. Dates and costs will be posted at             or social media skills. Speaking a South Asian language would be
Loca on: Malta                                                                                 helpful (Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, or Nepali).
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.            Team: 2 students
Team: 2 Students                                                                               Amount You Raise: $2350 ($3620 total cost of project)
Amount You Raise: TBA, check
                                            10       for updates.                                                                        11
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                  Summer Missions

                        Hands and Feet of Jesus                                                                             Infinity Sports
MISSION FOCUS: Children's Ministry, Social Work                                            MISSION FOCUS: Sports Camps, Children's Ministry
DATE: June 14 ‐ Aug. 1, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                 DATE: May 24 ‐ July 25, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Are you looking for a rewarding opportunity to work with children who may have been        If you wish to share your faith through Sports or learn how to share your faith through
abused or experienced some type of trauma? Then the Marshall ranch is perfect for          Sports, this is for you. You will be busy, you will travel, you will learn to work together
you. Have you ever wanted to make a difference in a child’s life and serve God at the       as a team, you will sweat, you will be red, but you will be blessed and have a
same me? Then look no further. The children who live on the ranch come from                summer you will long remember. You will serve at mul ple churches conduc ng Sports
challenging situa ons and are some mes abused and neglected. The children range in         Camps for students grade 1‐6 and you will serve primarily as Sport Time Leader and
ages 1‐17. You will be part of caring for the younger children, in a daycare‐like se ng.   Bible Study Facilitator. You will be given Sport Time Lesson Plans and Bible Study
You will interact with the older children through local VBS, ou ngs such as beaches,       material and taught how to present the material, but it will be up to you to make it
parks, museums, etc. Our job is to give the children a safe, loving, God‐centered          work, to add to it as needed, and to present it in such a way that campers will be
environment where they find healing. You will be the hands and feet of Jesus to help       excited about what you have to say and what you are teaching them. Based on your
these children get through the summer by playing outside with them, being a listening      gi edness, there will be other things you will be engaged in during the day. Come find
ear or shoulder to lean on. It can get messy, but God never gave up on us and we never     out what they are.
give up or turn away any child.                                                            Loca on: Nashville, TN
Loca on: Goliad, TX                                                                        Special Requirements: We need someone who can walk to the beat of a different
Special Requirements: Love children of all ages (1‐17). Servant’s heart, outgoing,         drum (as far as crea vity, ideas, input), but yet be in tune with the conductor. Must be
ac ve, enjoys outdoors, crea ve, enthusias c, and pa ent.                                  able to teach a sport. Need to be able to crea vely take the sports and Bible study
Team: 2 Students                                                                           material and present it to campers in an exci ng way.
Amount You Raise: $750 ($1000 total cost of project)                                       Team: 1 Male, 1 Female
                                                                                           Amount You Raise: $825 ($1100 total cost of project)

                             Hikers to the Max
MISSION FOCUS: Church Plan ng, Unreached Peoples                                                                 Journey to the Last Fron er
DATE: May 24 ‐ July 26, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                 MISSION FOCUS: Community Outreach, Children's Ministry
Are you willing to take the extreme path for the gospel? Teams will focus on entry,        DATE: May 25 ‐ Aug. 6, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
evangelism and healthy discipleship strategies that will lead to churches star ng          Are you up for an adventure? Journey with us as we serve with local churches within
among target popula ons. Your me will also be spent loca ng local believers and            the state of Alaska in order to reach their community. We will journey to several areas
equipping them to engage the lost in their area. Much of the work will involve traveling   of the state to help serve the churches, evangelize the lost, and reach Alaska! Our
into focus districts and living near or among target popula ons to engage them with        churches need help with community ministry, outreach, VBS, light construc on
the gospel. Teams will be directly involved with engaging and implemen ng church           projects, and more. We need you to help us infect our state with the Gospel! Will you
plan ng strategies amongst unreached places and peoples in hard to reach areas.            say yes?
Loca on: South Asia                                                                        Loca on: Anchorage, AK
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.        Special Requirements: Crea ve, extrovert, physically fit, driven, self‐starter,
Able to withstand extensive walking, extreme heat, poor air quality, large crowds, and     hardworking, hospitable, gracious, approachable, responsive to change, enjoys
rigorous ac vity. Those needing to exercise cau on in choosing to serve: severe            outdoors, sensi ve, alert, and prepared to share the Gospel.
asthma, adverse reac on to crowds and unable to par cipate in ac vi es requiring           Team: 4 Students
physical exer on.                                                                          Amount You Raise: $3800 ($5880 total cost of project)
Team: 2 Students, Same Gender
Amount You Raise: $3200 ($4750 total cost of project)
                                          12                                                                                          13
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                    Summer Missions

                    Lakeside Children's Ministries
MISSION FOCUS: Children's Ministry, Teaching
DATE: June 1 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Come to our beau ful city to help children and families come to know Jesus. It has
been said that we are harvest oriented but have not planted the seeds of the gospel.
Help us plant seeds in our community. We live in a small resort town, yet we get 12
million visitors a year. 85% of the people in California do not know Jesus. Even though
most of the people you meet and minister to are not Chris ans yet, they are very kind,
open and will want to know you. This is a ministry to school age children K‐6th grades
and preschool children 2.5 to 5 years of age. We have a full day M‐F outreach ministry
with children. We are looking for students who love Jesus, have good people skills, and
have a good work ethic. We inten onally love, serve, and tell children and their
families about Jesus. We will invest in you as you invest in our community.
Loca on: Tahoe City, CA
Special Requirements: Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er
high school gradua on). Must have personal health insurance. By the me you arrive
in Tahoe City, you must have completed 12 semester hours, with a passing grade in                      Live, Laugh, Love and Learn with Orphans
any combina on of the following classes: 1) Recrea on, art, music, dance, theater, etc.
                                                                                            MISSION FOCUS: Orphans, Teaching, Counseling, Construc on
2) Physical educa on, indoor and outdoor sports ac vi es 3) Human services and
social welfare, nursing, psychology, sociology, or home economics. 4) Courses that are
                                                                                            DATE: May 25 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
required for elementary school, middle school, or early childhood educa on.                 Restoring Hope Village provides a home, love, protec on and a push towards Jesus for
Team: 2 Females                                                                             the children that are orphaned, abandoned, and/or neglected in the poverty stricken
Amount You Raise: $650 ($870 total cost of project)                                         mining town of Welkom. Each child is placed in a home with a na ve “Mother” and six
                                                                                            other children where they live as a family. We are looking for students willing to come
                                                                                            alongside the full‐ me Village Staff to accomplish daily tasks of Village life and invest in
                         Live Fast or Die Chai'ing                                          the lives of our children. You will serve through tutoring, recrea on, evangelism,
MISSION FOCUS: Women's Ministry, Missional Living                                           discipleship, teaching children to work, serve, love and through all these areas to
DATE: May 24 ‐ July 26, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                  ul mately depend on Christ. Currently we do have construc on projects for young
Millions of women are COMPLETELY UNREACHED ‐ are you willing to do something                men. We need guys who are willing to serve the staff and train our boys to be Godly
about it? Come make an eternal impact through evangelism, discipleship, and                 men. Serving at a children’s home isn’t just for the ladies.
training. In a culture that does not celebrate womanhood or the gospel, step into their     Loca on: South Africa
lives and show them their value at the cross. They will not know unless someone tells       Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.
them! Your first stop when you arrive in country will be F2F orienta on, where you          Must be a junior or above (in third year of college a er high school gradua on).
will be trained to share your faith in this culture. Before coming home, you will be part   Flexibility is essen al! This is Africa, you never know what will happen or need to
of a joint debriefing with other students serving in South Asia.                            be done on a given day. Educa on majors are a great asset as
                                                                                            homework is a large part of the daily ac vi es. Guys who have
                                                                                                                                                                       LEARN MORE
Loca on: South Asia
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.         construc on experience or want to learn are needed. The most
Able to withstand extensive walking, extreme heat, poor air quality, large crowds, and      important trait is a servant's heart.
rigorous ac vity. If you have severe asthma, adverse reac on to crowds and unable to        Team: 2 Students
par cipate in ac vi es requiring physical exer on, do not consider this posi on.            Amount You Raise: $2750 ($3660 total cost of project)
Team: 4 Females
Amount You Raise: $3090 ($4750 total cost    14of project)                                                                              15
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                    Summer Missions

                                    Living Vine                                                                        Missionary to Refugees
MISSION FOCUS: Pregnant Women & Babies, Counseling, Social Work                              MISSION FOCUS: Interna onal, Apartment & Urban Ministry
DATE: June 1 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                    DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
The Living Vine is a Chris an Maternity Home and A ercare Program. We house                  You will serve alongside our team of full me staff members and will experience the
expectant mothers and mothers with babies up to toddler age. The ladies in our               life of a missionary by engaging unreached refugees with prayer, love, and Truth. Since
program have backgrounds of abuse, neglect, and loss. Our program is designed to feel        2000, Texas has received roughly 11% of the United States' refugee rese lement cases.
like a family, while also giving the residents the opportunity to hear Truth, learn His      Many of those refugees, which come from na ons unreached by the gospel, are
Word, and hopefully come to know the Lord. During your me with us, you will work             placed in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Our teams live in low‐income apartment
with our full‐ me staff to love and teach residents, love on their babies, and work in        complexes surrounded by these refugees. We research and learn about the unreached
our thri store, Blessingdales, which is used as a job training site for our residents. The   people groups living around us and discover new ways to connect rela onally. We
Vine is an excellent choice for those who want to experience hands on ministry!              teach English, deliver furniture, make home visits, teach job skills, teach life skills, and
Loca on: Savannah, GA                                                                        host gospel storytelling groups. Expect to meet Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus and
Special Requirements: Must be a junior or above (in third year of college a er high          non‐religious people. The people groups we work with are from Iraq, Syria, Iran,
school gradua on). Must be at least 21 years old and be CPR cer fied.                        Myanmar, Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Nepal, and Afghanistan. You will be coached by
Team: 2 Females                                                                              GoTEN missionaries on a daily basis and a end staff development days each week
Amount You Raise: $850 ($1130 total cost of project)                                         with all GoTEN staff.
                                                                                             Loca on: Dallas, TX
                                                                                             Special Requirements: Mature, friendly, and outgoing, willing to ini ate new
                                Media Catalyst                                               rela onships. This is a front‐line opportunity. If you are shy you will feel frustrated.
                                                                                             Team: 2 Students, Same Gender
MISSION FOCUS: Technology, Social Media, Computer Training
                                                                                             Amount You Raise: $2200 ($3400 total cost of project)
DATE: June 3 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Do you know how to design web pages or manage social media presence for an
organiza on? We are looking for skilled and enthusias c team members to take our                            MNYBA Mul ply Summer Internship
social media ministry to the next level. In addi on to working on techbased ministries,
                                                                                             MISSION FOCUS: Mul ethnic Urban Ministry
you will also have the opportunity to serve side by side with young students, training
them in computer skills while also taking daily opportuni es to share Truth with them.       DATE: June 3 ‐ Aug. 1, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Your first stop a er you leave home will be a joint orienta on with other Nehemiah           Mul ply is an internship where you will learn how to be on mission in a city that
Teams. You will return to the US for a joint debrief with other Nehemiah Teams. Par c‐       desperately needs the Gospel by being fully immersed in the culture. You will be
ipants must a end the en re program from NT orienta on through the end of debrief.           placed in a local urban ministry and serve alongside them. Along with serving others,
Loca on: West Africa                                                                         you will be trained and equipped as a missionary by hearing from various pastors,
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021. If       missionaries, and church planters who are experienced in urban ministry. You will also
you have known health condi ons (which could include but are not limited to: back            grow by learning how to make disciples and be on mission wherever you are in the
problems, limited mobility, special dietary considera ons, allergic reac ons) it is          context of community. As you serve, you will meet the spiritual, physical, and social
essen al that these be discuss with the supervisors BEFORE appointed. Obtaining a            needs of the people of New York City.
visa will include an in person appointment at the Consulate in Houston 2 months              Loca on: New York City, NY
before departure.                                                                            Special Requirements: Helpful but not required: Any language skills, considering the
Team: 1 Student                                                                              broad range of culture in New York. Churches also o en need help with worship
Amount You Raise: $3600 ($5550 total cost of project)                                        ministry and kids’ ministry, so skills and gi s in that area are also a huge plus.
                                                                                             Team: 2 Students
                                                                                             Amount You Raise: $2550 ($3940 total cost of project)
                                           16                                                                                            17
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                 Summer Missions

                    Mul plica on Church Plan ng                                                             Race to the Land of the Rising Sun
MISSION FOCUS: Collegiate Ministry, Church Plan ng                                          MISSION FOCUS: Fes val Ministry, Sports, Evangelism
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                   DATE: June 15 ‐ Aug. 1, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Our beau ful city is a very dark place spiritually. Many people here have very li le        This summer the world will fix their eyes on Tokyo... again... for the 2021 (2020)
interest in anything to do with organized religion so we must figure out crea ve ways       Summer Olympics. People from across the globe will travel to the world’s largest city
to take the Gospel to the people and purposefully build inten onal rela onships. You        to cheer on their country’s best athletes. IMB missionaries, U.S. volunteers, and
will receive weekly training in missional church prac ces and serve alongside churches      Japanese Chris ans will be among them, plan ng gospel seeds and reaching people for
in our Network. You will learn firsthand how to prayer walk, engage a lost culture,         Christ during this ul mate compe on. The outreach efforts will begin well before the
serve the community, gather people together for ac vi es and events, and build              Olympics and con nue long a er they are over. It may seem to your friends that you
rela onships through different missional connec ons. Church on the Rock has                  are coming to Japan for the Olympics, but you are actually coming to work on college
established itself as a church plan ng mul plica on hub where we Make Disciples,            campuses, go deep in conversa ons over a bowl of ramen, and share Christ on the
Develop Leaders, and Send Them Out to Plant New Missional Churches.                         sidewalks of Tokyo while doing 5 Minute English. We need you! FACEMASK REQUIRED!
Loca on: Vancouver, Canada                                                                  Loca on: Japan
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.         Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.
Enjoys athle cs and sports, skills in volleyball especially helpful to assist with a club   Need to be in good health and have endurance. Able to endure extreme heat, and
team as part of outreach; enjoys working with kids/youth; outgoing; connects easily         humidity. Extensive walking and standing each day, between 16,000‐20,000 steps.
with new people; flexible; adaptable takes ini a ve when sees a need.                       Team: 2 Females
Team: 4 Students                                                                            Amount You Raise: $4000 ($6700 total cost of project)
Amount You Raise: $2500 ($3350 total cost of project)
                                                                                                                           Refugee School
                            New Beginnings GTA                                              MISSION FOCUS: Refugee Ministry, ESL
MISSION FOCUS: Missional Living, Urban Ministry, Arabic Speakers                            DATE: June 3 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
DATE: June 28 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                  Oppressive governments and famine have displaced this unreached people group.
Toronto is one of the most ethnically diverse ci es in the world. Join us in reaching       Every year, thousands of refugees leave their totalitarian country, where Chris ans are
our diverse popula ons. You will use various strategies to engage North African and         killed without trial, in search of a be er and freer life. A er escaping their home
Middle Eastern peoples across the greater Toronto area (GTA). A significant por on          country, these young people travel through several Asian countries – many of them
of this project will be dedicated to ethnographic mapping of immigrants and prayer          hos le – un l they reach safety in South Korea. Some of them have been in danger,
walking. You will be engaging Muslim families through English conversa on clubs,            human trafficked, or been emo onally scarred and are in desperate need of a Savior.
children and youth ac vi es, and social media campaigns in which you will help              You live with these refugee students in apartments or dorms, teaching them English,
respond to messages and deliver Bibles. There will also be mes that we go to parks          life skills, and showing them that there really is a God who loves them. Your first stop
and public squares highly populated with NAME peoples to inten onally engage in             a er you leave home will be a joint orienta on with other Nehemiah Teams. You will
conversa ons that lead to gospel sharing opportuni es and build rela onships.               return to the US for a joint debrief with other Nehemiah Teams. Par cipants must
Loca on: Toronto, Canada                                                                    a end the en re program from NT orienta on through the end of debrief.
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.         Loca on: South Korea
Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er high school                    Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.
gradua on). Able to navigate a variety of different cultures, independent and able to        Able to endure extensive walking, humidity, and poor air quality. Field supervisor
work on your own as summer progresses. Self‐starters able to work with people of a          should be made aware of any pre‐exis ng health issues before arriving on the field.
variety of ages. Any Arabic language study would be beneficial but not necessary.           You will be living with other Korean students and expected to live diet of Korean food.
Team: 2 Students, Same Gender                                                               Team: 2 Students, Same Gender
Amount You Raise: $1575 ($2100 total cost of project)                                       Amount You Raise: $2800 ($3700 total cost of project)
                                           18                                                                                         19
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                   Summer Missions
                 Restora ve Jus ce Chaplain Intern                                                                          Si ing for Seekers
MISSION FOCUS: Jus ce Ministry, Chaplaincy                                                    MISSION FOCUS: Immigrants, Urban Ministry
DATE: June 1 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                    DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
This is a unique opportunity that combines ministering to inmates, local youth, and           We work among Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and other seekers who are being
college students. If you are considering or inves ga ng chaplaincy, this gives you a          drawn to Christ in Jackson Heights. Mission team partners will join with our local
chance to experience this type of ministry while being mentored by the Correc onal            church to si through our largely immigrant neighborhood iden fying those persons
Chaplain. Your primary responsibility at the correc onal ins tu on is to help the             who are under convic on from the Holy Spirit through dreams, restless hearts, or
inmates and staff at the prison discover, develop, and duplicate their faith in Jesus          simply openness to a Gospel witness. Our main objec ve for the summer interns is to
Christ. As an intern, you will assist the chaplain with providing worship opportuni es,       find persons of peace and seekers from a non‐Chris an background. You will be
religious educa on programs, and a variety of personal counseling needs complying             involved in ESL classes, home visits, training mission teams, serving in our local church
with all applicable rules, policies, and procedures related to security. You will a end       and engaging in gospel conversa ons. Your me will be filled with prayer, worship,
and par cipate in the youth/collegiate ministry of FBC Bra , under the supervision of         training, witnessing, serving, temple visits and of course enjoying ethnic food and
the Pastor and Student Pastor. Ministry at the church will include: preaching, sharing        fellowship. We will be very inten onal in teaching you about Eastern religions and
tes mony, teaching youth and college Sunday School, evangelis c outreach programs,            gaining an understanding of Eastern worldviews and culture in the context of our
special outreach music concerts, seminars and workshops, and teaching VBS.                    diverse neighborhood.
Loca on: Century, FL                                                                          Loca on: New York City, NY
Special Requirements: Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er            Special Requirements: The most important requirement is a heart and a passion to
high school gradua on). Maturity is a major requirement because the Intern will be            share the Gospel specifically with South Asian people. Need to be comfortable in a very
working in a Maximum Security Prison with one‐on‐one contact with prisoners.                  mul cultural and mul ethnic community atmosphere and be willing to share the
Team: 2 Males                                                                                 Gospel with people from all religions and backgrounds. Other helpful skills that would
Amount You Raise: $765 ($1020 total cost of project)                                          be an asset: Teaching background, Musical ability, Media/video, Languages: Hindi,
                                   Roots Intern                                               Team: 2 Males, 2 Females
MISSION FOCUS: Church Plan ng, Evangelism                                                     Amount You Raise: $2600 ($3750 total cost of project)
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Sea le is an influen al city—think of Amazon, Google, Boeing, Starbucks. Sea le is a
cultural hub. Your job as a Roots Community Church Intern is to bring hope to a city
whose popula on is 96% lost. You are a culture changer, bringing hope, peace, and
restora on to this city by loving and serving in the name of Christ. You will be sharing
the gospel in our neighborhood by passing out coffee to commuters on Friday
mornings, building rela onships with lost people, prayer walking, and helping the
Roots staff with day‐to‐day opera ons and running events. Your focus will be twofold:
1.) Evangelizing and sharing the gospel with the lost and 2.) Suppor ng opera ons of a
small church plant in a big city.
Loca on: Sea le, WA
Special Requirements: Willing to share the gospel with anyone at any me, a great
teammate, and a selfless, servant heart. Able to display maturity and tact when speak‐
ing to people from all ages and backgrounds. You are encouraged to truly know what
you believe, as Sea le is a humanis c, poli cally correct city that will challenge beliefs.
Team: 4 Students
Amount You Raise: $2500 ($3900 total cost of project)
                                           20                                                                                           21
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                              Summer Missions

                         Summer Fun Specialists                                                                            Team Taunus
MISSION FOCUS: Children's Ministry, Camps, Teaching                                       MISSION FOCUS: Rela onships, Children's & Youth Ministry
DATE: June 1 ‐ July 30, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                DATE: June 2 ‐ July 12, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Do you love children and want to see them reached for Christ? Come help with              Are you willing to leave your comfort zone to impact the na ons with the Gospel? Are
Vaca on Bible School, Camps, and other Summer Ac vi es. You will be working across        you outgoing and willing to ini ate contact with people who are different from you?
the city with several churches to reach boys and girls for Christ through fun Biblical    Team Taunus will be involved in an exci ng ministry in two German ci es, two German
based curriculum and ac vi es. You will help conduct Vaca on Bible Schools through        states, and a variety of ministries! The first major assignment is to do outreach on one
teaching, drama, and other support posi ons. You will help with weekly ac vi es such      of the largest and oldest university campuses in Germany. This will include ministries
as Sunday School, Wednesday night discipleship and weekday camps. You will also get       as a team, as well as reaching out and building rela onships as individuals. Evangelism
to par cipate in the summer sleep away camp experience by helping supervise the           in Germany is almost always a rela onship building process and it takes someone who
children as well as lead in small group Bible Studies. Corpus Chris has many small        is willing to invest me in ge ng to know people and be inten onal in sharing their
churches that will need help planning and organizing different ac vi es that they          faith. It is NOT a program. Contacts and connec ons with exis ng (German language)
would not otherwise be able to offer children without your help.                           ministries on campus help provide important cultural context, but you MUST be willing
Loca on: Corpus Chris , TX                                                                to be crea ve and inten onal in ge ng to know people and inves ng in them. The
Special Requirements: Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er        remaining part of your me will involve outreach through the church. Immanuel is an
high school gradua on). Energe c, outgoing and have a love for children. Self‐            interna onal church with ministry not only to US military families, but to people from
mo vated and strong in your faith. Helpful but not required: Musical ability to lead in   over 30 different na onali es. The ministry is ever‐changing and Team Taunus mem‐
worship through music. Bilingual would be helpful but not mandatory.                      bers must be flexible, willing to work hard to build connec ons and work hand in hand
Team: 2 Females                                                                           with church members in ministries ranging from youth to children’s ministry. Loca on:
Amount You Raise: $720 ($950 total cost of project)                                       Germany                                                                            Spe-
                                                                                          cial Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021. Must
                                                                                          be: Independent, outgoing, crea ve, willing to adapt, love people. Need to be willing
                              Summer Servants                                             to work independently, not just with team. Need to be able to find
MISSION FOCUS: Apartment Ministry, Meet Physical Needs                                    opportuni es, rather than needing an hour by hour schedule.               LEARN MORE
DATE: May 24 ‐ Aug. 2, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021                                 Mature and able to direct conversa ons without being offended by
You will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ways at Mission Arlington. You     those who disagree with you. Heart for building rela onships with
will help with the day to day ministries, such as sor ng dona ons, hanging clothes,       not‐yet‐believers. German language skills are a PLUS!
delivering furniture to families, working in the food pantry, and other ministry events   Team: 2 Students
that arise. You will also be able to help and assist within the apartment communi es      Amount You Raise: $2350 ($3150 total cost of project)
and neighborhoods where Bible study, a erschool programs, youth groups, and other
ac vi es take place. You will have the opportunity to share your faith with many
people. You will have many opportuni es to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the
people you are serving.
Loca on: Arlington, TX
Special Requirements: Need to be willing to work hard ( 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.) and serve
other people. Need to be flexible as jobs and ministry opportuni es change quickly.                          Sophomore/Junior/Senior or above
Some of the days will be long but sharing Jesus makes each day worth it.                  If a project lists Soph. or above, you must be in your 2nd year of college
Team: 2 Students                                                                          a er high school at the me of applica on. Jr. or above, in 3rd year, etc.
Amount You Raise: $1250 ($1920 total cost of project)

                                          22                                                                                        23
Summer Missions                                                                                                                                                 Summer Missions

                                                                                                                          Urban Immersion
                                                                                            MISSION FOCUS: Urban Ministry, Mee ng Physical Needs
                                                                                            DATE: June 1 ‐ July 31, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
                                                                                            You will live and work in an inner city se ng that houses mainly under resourced,
                                                                                            Hispanic families in the fourth largest city in America. As a summer missionary at the
                                                                                            Mission Centers of Houston (MCH), you will lead clubs for children, preteens, and
                                                                                            teens, and minister to the Homeless and Senior Adults. Many other opportuni es will
                                                                                            be offered for you to connect with our neighbors through the provision of food and
                                                                                            clothing, assistance in homes and yardwork, and in Bible Studies. In addi on to this
                                                                                            community‐based ministry, summer missionaries will lead visi ng youth and family
                                                                                            mission groups in prayer walking and by serving alongside them in all of our ministries.
                                                                                            As you immerse yourself here, you will be challenged and pushed in numerous ways,
                                                                                            all of which will grow you as a follower of Christ and equip you for mission work long
                                                                                            a er your me with us is through.
                                                                                            Loca on: Houston, TX
                                                                                            Special Requirements: Must be a sophomore or above (in second year of college a er
                                                                                            high school gradua on). Hard working students with a huge heart for Jesus will excel.
                                                                                            Spanish speaking is helpful, but not required.
                       University Freshman Team                                             Team: 2 Males, 2 Females
MISSION FOCUS: University Students, Discipleship                                            Amount You Raise: $720 ($950 total cost of project)
DATE: May 24 ‐ July 17, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
                                                                                                                                Urban Trek
Help us reach college students on various campuses in the Taichung area, a sports
university, a nursing college, a medical university, and other campuses with                MISSION FOCUS: Rela onships, Urban Ministry
interna onal students. You will be training to share your faith by using the “2 Ways to     DATE: May 26 ‐ July 26, 2021, Orienta on May 21 ‐ 23, 2021
Live” method and then teach it to other students. You will have ample opportuni es to       Come be a part of reaching university students in a megacity of 18 million! You will have
develop life on life rela onships and share the gospel with students from Taiwan and        the opportunity to meet, befriend, and share God’s hope with people who have never
Interna onal students from other countries. You will also work with local Bap st            heard the gospel in one of the least reached countries in the world. This includes
Churches observing, prac cing, and leading outreach Bible studies. You will engage in       evening events at our community center and one‐on‐one mee ngs. Boldness, energy,
new believer follow up, connec ng them to local Bap st churches and begin                   flexibility, and a kind heart are all helpful in the task of reaching out and star ng
discipleship. Along the way, you will get to learn a li le Chinese and a lot of the local   churches among Central Asians. Use whatever gi s and passions God has given you
culture. Upon returning to UT, you can put what you learned to good prac ce serving         such as sports, music, art, drinking coffee, or exploring, to form rela onships and share.
with the BSM and local churches to share the gospel and disciple Interna onal               You will have the opportunity to explore and trek through one of the coolest and most
students in the Aus n area.                                                                 historic ci es in the world looking for hearts where the Father is already working.
Loca on: Taiwan                                                                             Loca on: Central Asia
Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.         Special Requirements: Must have a passport or have applied for one by Feb. 5, 2021.
UT student involved in Longhorn BSM. Students must be in good health due to heat,           Skills or experience with ESL or conversa onal English clubs are helpful. Playing guitar,
humidity, extensive walking, and sports ac vi es. Those with allergies or asthma may        basketball, frisbee, or other hobbies helpful to make connects with people. Pa ence and
have issues.                                                                                endurance are important. The work is slow; you may not see immediate
Team: 4 Freshman Students from UT, 1 Adult Coordinator from Longhorn BSM Staff               conversions. But you will be an important part of the story.
Amount You Raise: $3500 ($5500 total cost of project)                                       Team: 2 Students, Same Gender
                                           24                                               Amount You Raise: $3200 ($4820 total cost      25of project)
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