MIDLAND COUNTIES ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRESENT THEIR ANNUAL - Mens & Masters 6 stage Womens 4 Stage & Young Athletes 3 Stage Road Relay ...

Page created by Kristen Mcbride
MIDLAND COUNTIES ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRESENT THEIR ANNUAL - Mens & Masters 6 stage Womens 4 Stage & Young Athletes 3 Stage Road Relay ...
         Mens & Masters 6 stage
  Womens 4 Stage & Young Athletes 3 Stage
       Road Relay Championships

        Saturday 25 September 2021
      At Sutton Park, Sutton Coldfield

The start of the Road Relay season sees the Midland Road Relays return to Sutton Park,
Birmingham, which has become the home of not just the Midland Road Relays but also the
National Road Relays. Sutton Park makes an excellent setting for these relays and it is a real
pleasure to return here after two years away due to the pandemic.

Birmingham City Council continues to support these events as best they can in financially difficult
times, and we thank them for their support. You will see some of their staff around the park today.
They too have had issues and some of the equipment provided in the past is no longer
serviceable: we hope we have made adequate provision with the equipment we have brought in.

Without the members of the Midland Counties Road Running Committee, the Technical Officials
and the most important but unsung course marshals who are out on the course from before the
start to well after the finish following volunteers this event could not take place. In addition, a
special mention must be made of the efforts of Val Day who is now the sole staff member in the
Midland Counties Office.

Event Medics are looking after our medical needs after our previous contractor, Ambtrans, ceased
trading in the last two years due to a lack of events. That said we hope that athletes do not have to
call on their services today.

The Midland Counties Athletic Association appreciates the support of every Club and their athletes
who have entered. Your support shows that these events are still very much a part of the winter
season for the athletes and for some of them it will be their first experience of the Road Relays.

I hope that you all have a great day of athletics whether it be as an Athlete, Coach, Official, Team
Manager or a Spectator. We are delighted to welcome you back after a two-year break.
Throughout the break in competition we have consistently stated our intention to build back
stronger and already the Midlands has held 5km, 10 km and half-marathon championship races
within club events as part of a development pathway to offer athletes experience and a route to
possible national selection through Inter-Area competition on the road.

Lyn Orbell
President MCAA
The Midland Counties Athletic Association would like to thank Derby Runner and
Birmingham City Council for their continued support.

A special mention to Notts AC for their generous and much welcomed support in ensuring that the
Relay courses are properly set up and marshalled. And finally, to the Athletes, Race Officials
and Helpers without whom the event would not be possible

Running an athlete under another athlete’s name will result in a
disciplinary action under the rules of the sport.

All Team Managers should note that their team must be selected from the
names declared in the programe (with the exception of the above). Results will
be checked following the race and any team who have run an athlete not
declared or ineligible will be disqualified. If your team are disqualified and you
have qualified for the National 6 Stage Championships, then the invitation to
that race will be withdrawn.

All team managers should be informed that other than their actual leg
runner, no other runners should be on the actual course running in
either direction and No Athlete should be on the course with their
number showing at any time during the racing unless they are on their
appointed leg of the race. All runners will be informed of this over the
public announcement system. (Do not allow your athletes to warm up on the

NO runner is allowed to run more than one leg.
No Runner can compete in both the Senior and Masters relays.
The start is slightly downhill, and the road is narrow, and these factors have
been considered and assessed according to the numbers of teams taking part.

All runners should therefore be aware that at the start of each race:
1. The width of the road is narrow
2. The start is slightly downhill
3. If the grass is wet on either side of the road, then there is the possibility of
    athletes slipping on these areas
                                 25th SEPTEMBER 2021

                      SENIOR MENS and MASTERS 6 STAGE



    10-45 am   Under-13 Boys

    10-50 am   Under-13 Girls

    11-35 am   Under-15 Boys

    11-40 am   Under-15 Girls

    12-25 pm   Under-17 Men

    12-30 pm   Under-17 Women

    1-20 pm    Senior Men & Masters

    1-30 pm    Senior Ladies

                                  Supported by
                               1ST Race 10-45am

REFEREE:-               Gareth BAGGULEY.

ASS REFEREE:-           Jane PIDGEON.


JUDGES:-                Colin FOX (Chief)
                        Pat CARLAN, John DEATON, Ruth DOBBINS, Maurice ENDACOTT, Derrick
                        HARDING, Mary HARDING, John MASON, Alan ROBINSON.

TIMEKEEPERS:            Peter AFFORD, Dave BENNETT, David LINDSEY, Steve ROE, Colin
                        STONE, John VICKERS, Ross VINCE

START & CHANGE          Graham CURTIS (Chief)
                        Angie ROE, Mary WILLIAMS.

ANNOUNCER:-             Steve WINFIELD, Steve CURTIS.

RADIO COMMS:-           Ian CLARKE, Joan CLARKE (Stone) Stewart BARNES (Bus)

CHILD LIAISON:-         Angie ROE

LEAD CYCLE:-            Alan EDWARDS


RESULTS:-               Sportsoft Graham Fecitt

ADMIN:-                 Graham HEELEY

STARTER:-               Graham HEELEY


FIRST AID:-             MEDEVENT


MCAA Web-Site:-         www. https://midland-athletics.co.uk/
OFFICIALS AUTUMN 2021                                           12 AUGUST 2021


The MCAA Road Relays are organised according to those published in the most recent UKA
Athletics (UKA) rules for competition handbook and all subsequent amendments to it.

Within the handbook, the allocated set of rules relating to Road Running and Road Relays,
currently rule 201 to 229, will also be pertinent and binding to the staging of MCAA Road Relay
championship events.

MIDLAND ELIGIBILITY – All competitors must have at least one of the following
   • The athlete having been born in the Midlands (see below)
   • A minimum of 9 months continuous residence in the Midlands immediately prior to the
       event to be competed in. NB University residence does not count as a Midland qualification
   • By first claim membership of an EA affiliated Club that has registered with EA for Road
       Running and is a currently paid up member of the EA registration scheme
Birth / Residence qualification is in one of the following:
Avon, Gloucestershire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Shropshire,
Staffordshire, Warwickshire & Worcestershire. N.B. England South-West & East Midlands are
recognised for qualification purposes, BUT you can only compete in one Area Championships in a
calendar year – January to December.


RULE 21– FIRST CLAIM STATUS –The competition year extends from 1st September to 31st
August in the following year

RULE 21 S 5 (5) - FOREIGN ATHLETES. JUNIOR / SENIOR MEN & WOMEN who would not be
eligible to compete for Great Britain and Northern Ireland under IAAF rules, whether permanently
or temporarily resident in the country, are only permitted to represent a Club in Open team
competition as a first claim member if they have been registered with UKA by 1st January in the
year of competition.
Notwithstanding the above, athletes may NOT compete under these rules until they have been
resident in the UK for a minimum of two months prior to the date of the competition.



Rule 141S3 (i) Under 13 Boys/Girls road running competitions for under 13s shall be confined to
competitors who are aged 11 on the day of competition OR 12 on 31st August prior to the
commencement of the competition year as defined above.

Rule 141S3 (ii) Under 15 Boys/Girls road running competitions for under 15s shall be confined to
competitors who are aged 13 or 14 on 31st August prior to the commencement of the competition
year as defined above.
Rule 141S3 (iii) Under 17 Men/Women road running competitions for under 17s shall be confined
to competitors who are aged 15 or 16 on 31st August prior to the commencement of the
competition year as defined above.


RULE 141S3 (iv),(v) Junior men who are 17, 18 , 19 on 31 August prior to the commencement of
the competition year as defined above MAY take part in Road Relay competitions and compete in
Senior events.


RULE 142S2(4) will apply, i.e. any runner whose entry is accepted after the published closing date
may at the discretion of the Promoter:
  i)      not be eligible for any individual prize
  ii)     not be eligible to be a scoring team member in any team race.


Declarations of an ineligible athlete will lead to the disqualification of a team

There will be no “swapping” of numbers from one entrant to another entrant. Teams / Clubs that
are discovered to have carried out this procedure may be disqualified.

If a team is disqualified, then that disqualified team will NOT be eligible to have qualified for the
equivalent ‘National’ Road Relay Championships approximately 2 weeks later.


All team runners must wear the same design of registered Club vest and Colours, unless the
referee has given permission for a change to be made.

Any advertising or sponsorship on clothing must comply with UKA rule 143 S1

Cancellation: In the case of the meeting being cancelled due to circumstances beyond the
MCAA control then there will be an 80% minimum refund of entry fees. The remainder will
be used towards offsetting the expenditure incurred.
In the event of severe weather conditions on the day please use the following telephone number
07487623191 to check details before commencing your journey.


                        COMPETITION PROVISION AREA
                               FROM 1ST OCTOBER 2021 to
                                   30TH APRIL 2022
39   Sun   3                     London Marathon.                          London
40   Sat   9                     ERRA National Road Relays                 Sutton Park
41   Sat   16                    League Race 1.
                                 UKA Cross Challenge.                      Cardiff.

42   Sat   23                    Midland Area Cross Country Relays         Wolverhampton (T.B.C)
     Sun   24th                  Inter-Area 10k Leeds Abbey Dash           Leeds

44   Sat   6 NOVEMBER             ECCA Cross Country Relays.               Mansfield
45   Sat   13                    League Race 2.
                                 UKA Cross Challenge.                      Milton Keynes.
     Sun   14                    Derby 10-Mile (incorporating
                                 Midland Championships)                    Derby

46   Sat   20th                  Midland 5 & 7 Mile Championships.         Bulwell Hall, Nottingham

47   Sat   27th                  UK(A) Cross Challenge & European Trials   Liverpool
48   Sat   4 DECEMBER            League Race 3.

49   Sun   12                    European Cross Country Championships      Dublin.
     Sun   12th                  Inter-Area 10k Telford 10k                Telford

1    Sat   8         JANUARY     County Cross Country Championships        Various.
2    Sat   15                    League Race 4.

3    Sat   22                    County Schools Championships              Various
                                 UKA Cross Challenge and Home
                                 International and Inter-Area
                                 Cross-Country                             Dundonald N.I.

4    Sat   29th                  Midland Cross Country Championships       Mansfield
5    Sat   5 FEBRUARY             BUCS Cross Country Championships

7    Sat   19                    World Cross Country Championships         Bathurst, Australia.
                                 League Race 5

                 th                                                              .
8    Sat   26                    ECCA CROSS Country Championships          North

9    Sat   5th MARCH
10   Sat   12                    UKCAU Cross Country Championships         Loughborough.
11     Sat      19                     League Race 6
                                       English Schools Championships                   Kent.

12     Sat      26                     S.I.A.B Schools International                   Wales or England
                                       Midland Road Relays Championships               Sutton Park

14     Sat      9                      ERRA ROAD RELAYS 12 & 6 Stage                   Sutton Park

15     Sat      16                     EASTER
16     Sat      23
                24                     London Marathon.                                London.

           th              th
        28 July to 8 August Commonwealth Games Birmingham.

Compiled by Graham Heeley from information received from various sources and this is not a general publication of
fixtures from any source such as UKA, EA .

U13 Boys
BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS                       black with stag motiff                     team 151
 Corin Bradley      Sebastian Grant    Daniel Wood
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS &             Black & red vest                    teams 152&153
 Diego Dalmedo      Seb Horton         Mati Stendall       Sebastian Stendall Joshua Taylor
 Samuel Vaughan
BRISTOL & WEST AC                         white vest red stripe               teams 154-156
 Ravi Bakrania      Elijah Buscemi     Sean Deane          Alfie England      K Horlererasmus
 Rufus Hull         Henry Mckee        Max Mckinstry       Oisin Ohalloran    Dudley Pocock
 Freddy White       Thomas White
BROMSGROVE & REDDITCH                     Red with two blue diagonals                team 157
 Harvey Campbell    Benjamin Delaney   Finley Edginton     Charlie Egerton    Albert Padmore
 Gabriel Wagstaff   Nathan Watkins
CHARNWOOD A C                             Green & Gold                        teams 158-160
 Joshua Adkin       Finlay Day         Marcus Godfrey      Fin Halliday       Olly Lockton
 Kyle Long          Max Muddle         Freddie Nurse       Thomas Parker      Oliver Stenhouse
 Alex Suart         Harry Wideman
CHELTENHAM & COUNTY HARRIERS              white w black hoops                        team 161
 Patrick Paul       Leo Soakell        Tom Wightman
COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                   Red/Yellow band                            team 162
 Joel Burroughs     Joseph Holmes      Joseph Parkin       Jonny Williams
HALESOWEN ACC                             Gold & Brown                               team 163
 Edward Bates       Harry Daniels      Kian Hazelwood      Tom Lyevashov      Hayden Nicholls
 Jack Payne         Ruben Ray          Joseph Webster      Owen Worton
HEANOR RC                                 Yellow/Blue chest band                     team 164
 Oscar Blake        Connor Duffin      Samuel Edwards      Harry Lynch        Ben Winter
KENILWORTH RUNNERS                        Green with white band & black              team 165
 Aaron Bennett      James Delahaye     Adam Landels        Soren Wasley
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                   Red & White                         teams 166&167
 Finley Brooker     Finn Currie        Harlee Hooker       Zachary Scott      George Sharp
 Oliver Smith
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                        red white blue                      teams 168&169
 George Brownsword                     Ben Butterworth     James Davies       Corey Ellis
 Harry Ibbs      Isaac Mcdonald        Sam Methven
NORTH SOMERSET AC                         Navy with White Hoop                       team 170
 Felix Ashby        James Bennett      Luke Carratt        Leo Darlington     Joseph Finch
 Joe Jeston
NUNEATON HARRIERS                         Red Blue & White                           team 171
 Alfie Douglas      Jacob Harewood     Nicholas Prjanikov Charlie Yates
ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                  Royal Blue with white vertical      teams 172&173
 Oliver Allen       Henry Durrans      Daniel Hill         Noah Homer         Christian Neal
 Lenny Powell       Leighton Ryde      Finn Sandland
RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                    sky blue & black                    teams 174&175
 Jake Clarke        Charlie Cook       Connor Darcy        Emilio Fernandez   Abbas Hazracorte
 Freddie Windrum
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC                 Gold/Navy stripe                           team 176
 Daniel Baker       Oliver Burtenshaw Isaac Cresswell      Dominic Jones      Samuel Thomas
 Harrison Wibberley

SWINDON HARRIERS                          Black & White Quarters             teams 177&178
 Harry Burdekin    Alex Greenwood Oakley Hogan             Alex Leak         Evan Leak
 Reuben Linscott   Archie Richardson Joshua Steward        A Virgilio
TIPTON HARRIERS                           green & white hooped                       team 179
 Jake Harding
WESTBURY HARRIERS                         White vest, blue hoop              teams 180&181
 Edward Bourdeaux Sidney Davis         Augustin Downing Tom Howard           Daniel Pemble
 Charlie Walford  Noah Wilson          Thomas Woodworth
WOLVERHAMPTON & BILSTON                   White, Red, Yellow, Green          teams 182-184
 Leon Asbury       Sam Ball            William Bassford    Jayden Burdish    Oscar Davis
 Fred Jones        Bohdifinn Shields   Jack Stockton       Samuel Thursfield Oscar Wincott
WREAKE & SOAR VALLEY                      Blue                               teams 185-187
 Archie Clarke     Jenson Drage        Kody Gilbody        Harrison Hill     Kellam James
 Sam Lewitt        Ewan Mckittrick     Beckett Moore       Jack Reichow      Freddie Sharpe
 Jake Tyrrell
                                       U13 Girls
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS               Black & red vest                   teams 251&252
 Noor Bailey       Anna Brennan        Arriella Dalmedo    Amira Emery       Alba Penadiaz
 Evie Rendell
BRISTOL & WEST AC                         white vest red stripe              teams 253&254
 Mairi Carverbrown A Chowdhurybarratt                      Anisa Lawson      jones Holly Massey
 Millie Pope       G Rittersherratt  Phoebe Sanigar        Caitlin White
BROMSGROVE & REDDITCH                     Red with two blue diagonals        teams 255&256
 Claudia Barker    Rose Lewis       Winnie Padmore         Caitlin Pridden   Phoebe Ranger
 Kira Reeday       Kararose Welborn Isla Wilson
CHARNWOOD A C                             Green & Gold                       teams 257-259
 Caitlyn Brooks    Eva Cochrane        Chloe Gent          Emma Grahambrown
 Abigail Larkum    Hannah Murphy       A Nathaniel         Amilie Stevenson Freya Suart
 Ava Varnham       Milliejean Waters   Florence Wheeler    Lilia Wilkins
CHELTENHAM & COUNTY HARRIERS              white w black hoops                        team 260
 Evie Avery        Olivia Avery        Maddie Thomson
CORBY AC                                  Sky blue, 2 red bands                      team 261
 Ava Burman        Isabella Howser     Chloe Shaw
COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                   Red/Yellow band                            team 262
 Eleanor Barker    Ella Martin         Beth Murray
HALESOWEN ACC                             Gold & Brown                               team 263
 Rachel Brookes    Ffion Collins       Daisy Delaney       Isla Goold        Emma Massingham
 Phoebemai Pye     Olive Thomas
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                   Red & White                        teams 264&265
 Peyton Almond     Camille Chassaigne Jemima Davey         Iona Ellwood      Tiggy
 Guthriebrown      Keris Hooker       Jess Lamb
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                        red white blue                             team 266
 Jennifer Davies   Ruby George         Samantha Pattyson Tilly Thursfield    Emily Wintle
NUNEATON HARRIERS                         Red Blue & White                           team 267
 Lucy Hornby       Chloe Jordan        Isabella Mcneal     Eunice Okpekpe    Zara Okpekpe
 Summer Scrivens

ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                     Royal Blue with white vertical      teams 268&269
 Mollie Beeton       Gabrielle Daly       Elizabeth Fleming   Tiffany Latham      b Mccarthy
 Imogen Neal         Sofia Shorrock       Katie Straw
RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                       sky blue & black                    teams 270&271
 Zara Enwright       Harriett Gray        E Hutchinsmorant    M Hutchinsmorant    Olivia Mcghee
 Joanna Mulreany     Claudia Terrell      Sylvia Watson
RUSHCLIFFE AC                                Royal Blue & white                          team 272
 Issy Baker          Sofia Chesterfield Alana Cook            Alice Grieve        Claudia Haywood
 Daisy Oldridge      Emilia Worthington
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC                    Gold/Navy stripe                            team 273
 Katie Anderton      Connie Bate          Alana Brown         Rosie Deakin        Winnie Parker
 Sophia Pringleluo   Jessica Pym          Josie Webb
STROUD & DISTRICT AC                         Green with a Red & Blue stripe teams 274&275
 Charlotte Bell      Millie Cossins       Georgina Crampton Amy Jones             Eleanor Sheffield
 Lottie Tomkins
SWINDON HARRIERS                             Black & White Quarters              teams 276&277
 Lucy Bull           Lola Costajafrate    Tirzah Crockatt     Evie Gunning        Molly Lyne
 P Morganwithers     Carys Prosser        Holly Scott
TELFORD AC                                   Yellow                                      team 278
 Daisy Frost         Lucie Poulter        Emme Tabbott        Aine Wade
TIPTON HARRIERS                              green & white hooped                teams 279&280
 Sophia Denwette     Olivia Emms          Mia Fantom          Abbie Harris        Millie Perry
 Olivia Postles      Madisyn Rhooms
WOLVERHAMPTON & BILSTON                      White, Red, Yellow, Green                   team 281
 Grace Hendy         Lucy Horton          Macy Read           Ronni Read          Tabitha Rollins
 A Sandhuwhitton     Esther Smith         Belle Willoughby
WORCESTER AC                                 Yellow, black & red                         team 282
 Daisy Atkins        Molly Lazenbury      Eva Mico            Ella Purves         Sophie Purves
 Rosa Rega           Lucy Tebbett
WREAKE & SOAR VALLEY                         Blue                                 teams 283-287
 Ruby Ashmore        Eden Barfield        Millie Battisson    Frankie Castledine Freya Cullen
 Madeleine Dodge     Sian Evans           Emily Gibson        Grace Hatherley    Darcey Hillier
 Jasmine Johnson     Charlotte Lissaman   Maria Pointon       Luan Power         Violet Rudkin
 Holly Saunders      Katherine Shield     Holly Stinson       Sophia Wrightam

U15 Boys
BANBURY HARRIERS AC                          Maroon, Green & White Hooped                   team 1
 Marcus Holden       Lucas Hunter         Richie Mack         Adam Mclarendobbie
 Leo Parry
BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS                          black with stag motiff                      teams 2-5
 Finbar Birchall     Jesse Bradley        Ash Burgess         Oliver Cresswell    Jack Hendleysmith
 Charlie Smith       Jailan Sohna         Simeon Swain        Alfie Williams      Zac Yates
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS &                Black & red vest                               team 6
 Maxime Hannam       Jamie Keene          Niklas Vanmourik
BRISTOL & WEST AC                            white vest red stripe                       teams 7-9
 Alex Autongreen     Vijay Bakrania       Joseph Cooke        Zachary Cox         Walter Davies
 Oliver Draper       Max Finning          Daniel Jarrold      Felix Pearson       Yasin Rashid
 Joey Taylor         Barney Thomas        Ronnie Wilmott
BROMSGROVE & REDDITCH                        Red with two blue diagonals             teams 10&11
 Matthew Bevins      Luke Burbidge        Samuel Hembry       Willem Hembry       Thomas Mawdsley
 William Pridden     Nathan Sanders       Joseph Vale
BURTON AC                                    Blue & Black                                 team 12
 Joel Cantrill       Kamil Kolodziej      Rhys Morgan
CHARNWOOD A C                                Green & Gold                            teams 13-15
 Jamie Austinjones   H Blewittjenkins     Ryland Brooks       Daniel Burns        Harry Carrott
 C Colestonshields   Miles Foord          Emlyn Hall          Oliver Hames        Ioan
 Hurstedwards        Matthew Jackson      Olivier Malecki     Finlay Martin       James Norman
 Freddie Nurse       Harry Nurse          Dan Oakland         Ben Parker          Cameron Riley
 Ethan Smith         Jack Straw           Ryan Thompson       Skandar Watson      Oliver Wideman
CHELTENHAM & COUNTY HARRIERS                 white w black hoops                    teams 16&17
 Joseph Abbey        Oliver Belbeck       Freddie Coombe      Jackson James       Dominic Martin
 Sam Wilson
COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                      Red/Yellow band                        teams 18&19
 Matt Cooke          Toby Doy             Douglas Garnett     Euan Hill           Joel Martin
HEANOR RC                                    Yellow/Blue chest band                       team 20
 Tyler Antcliffe     Lucas Blake          Tom Blythe          Harley Dinneen      Oliver Humphries
 Owen Lynas          Leo Mellors          Joseph Young
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                      Red & White                                  team 21
 Jacob Asherrelf     James Clutton        Jack Mowat          Dylan Ransom        Freddie Ward
 Dylan White
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                           red white blue                               team 22
 Daniel Armstrong    Ewan Molyneux        Elliot Sharman      William Tomkinson   Oliver Woodward
NORTH SOMERSET AC                            Navy with White Hoop                    teams 23-25
 Benjamin Collins    Herbie Cooksley      Jacob Forsbrook Logan Harvey            Patrick Hipkiss
 Elliot Jeston       William Lacey        Sebastian Leaney Joel Martineau         Joseph Sandiford
 Reuben Wadey        Jude Wait
NORTHAMPTON AC                               Black green gold                        teams 26-28
 Freddie Caspall     Lewis Cropley        Freddie Cushing  Lewis Fyfe             Lewis Nutt
 Lewis Robson        Gillieoliver Smith   Westmorelandalexan                      Daniel Wood
NUNEATON HARRIERS                            Red Blue & White                             team 29
 Zacharyjoe Clarke William Randle         G Rileyflinders     T Scrivens          Leo Sheffield
ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                     Royal Blue with white vertical         teams 30&31
 George Bromley      Isaac Cartwright     Joel Cartwright     Malakai Deakin      Harveydean Gillett
 William Stead

RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                   sky blue & black                       teams 32-34
 Archie Campbell    Theo Clements     Dominic Eversden Charlie Gibbs         William Gower
 I Hutchinsmorant   Nathan Lamb       Lyall Lambert    Dylan Mander          Ben Smith
 Arthur Tilt        Ollie Walls
SAFFRON AC                               Orange                                     team 35
 Joshua Pegg        Samuel Tansey
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC                Gold/Navy stripe                      teams 36&37
 Yusuf Ahmed        Robert Alms       Matthew Bate        Charlie Burman  Samuel Edwards
 Zachary Evans      Benjamin Hunt     Zac Kyprianou       Malachy Mcmahon Peter Mitchell
 Ryan Nixon         Thomas Steele     Daniel Wort
STROUD & DISTRICT AC                     Green with a Red & Blue stripe        teams 38&39
 Philip Crampton    Oliver Fisher     Sebastian Forrest   Charlie Henly      Zack Marshfield
 Henry Sheffield
SWINDON HARRIERS                         Black & White Quarters                teams 40&41
 James Bagot        George Mann       A Molinavazquez     Samuel Rai         Oz Scott
 Arthur Widdows     Alex Williams
TELFORD AC                               Yellow                                 teams 42-44
 Ben Guest          Edward Harrison   Paul Harrison       Thomas Jackson     Isaac Johnson
 Freddie Preece     Tom Scott         Oliver Skelton      Sam Tatton
TIPTON HARRIERS                          green & white hooped                   teams 45-48
 Luke Bailey        Elliott Boden     William Evans       Klay Fellows       T Hynesoughton
 Tyler Kendrick     Zak Lindop        Tom Lucas           Harrison Postles   Kane
WESTBURY HARRIERS                        White vest, blue hoop                      team 49
 Akira Bees         Thomas Darton     Owen Joyce          Daniel Kelly       Murray Pearson
 Henry Watson
WOLVERHAMPTON & BILSTON                  White, Red, Yellow, Green                  team 50
 Matthew Bassford Theo Palmer         Finley Powell       Jared Richards     Z Sandhuwhitton
 Owen Ulfig       Joshua Welford
WORCESTER AC                             Yellow, black & red                        team 51
 Jack Bristow       Noah Dunnett      Ben Gooch           Joe Maddock        Peter Mcsweeny
 Harry Miles        Joshua Sanders
WREAKE & SOAR VALLEY                     Blue                                  teams 52&53
 Milo Brotherton    Seamus Conlon     Joshua Hatherley    Joe Matthews       Louie Paddison
 Riley Smith

U15 Girls
BANBURY HARRIERS AC                         Maroon, Green & White Hooped             team 101
 Molly Davis         Leila Denne         Flora Mcgowan       Isla Mcgowan     Lottie Rands
BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS                         black with stag motiff            teams 102-104
 Lucy Godwin         Amira Hamilton      Kiera Nee           Jenny O’rourke   Cassie Pearson
 Lexie Robins        Emily Symes
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS                 Black & red vest                         team 105
 Aoife Gallagher     Lauren Hevey        Ellie Mckeon
BRISTOL & WEST AC                           white vest red stripe                    team 106
 Eliza Bott          Zahra Fitzpatrick   Holly Sanigar       Amelie Swaffer
BROMSGROVE & REDDITCH                       Red with two blue diagonals       teams 107&108
 Eliza Atkins        Hannah Dale         Lottie Kilbey       Tola Kustra      Amelie Ranger
 Lucy Stewart        Philippa Taylor
BURTON AC                                   Blue & Black                             team 109
 Imogen Barker       Saffron Bowley      Amelie Brown        Libbie Joyce     Caitlin Mccarney
 Martha Wong
CHARNWOOD A C                               Green & Gold                             team 110
 Elissa Cockayne     Megan Harris        Eve Larkum          Grace Stretton
CHELTENHAM & COUNTY HARRIERS                white w black hoops               teams 111&112
 Isobel Burfitt      Milly Foster        Georgia Howell      Harriet Smith    Abigail Thornley
 Eleon Wightman      Emily Wilkey        Ellis Woolley
CORBY AC                                    Sky blue, 2 red bands                    team 113
 Alexa Brownlee      Lily Harris         Aisha Redhead       Scarlett Ross    Lottie White
COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                     Red/Yellow band                          team 114
 Freya Brusch        Harriet Garnett
GLOUCESTER AC                               White & Red                       teams 115&116
 Lucy Barnett        Ruth Brook          Aliya Hankins       Kayla Hanson     Greta Hart
 Emily Henson        Maisie Liddell      Ula Mohammed        Emma Pollard     Alice Stalberg
 Lydia Wang
HALESOWEN ACC                               Gold & Brown                             team 117
 Lara Birkenhead     Cerys Brook         Amelia Caffrey      Jessica Dale     Holly Eastoe
 Harriet Hartshorn   Annabel Stark       Olivia Stark        Lois Webster
HEANOR RC                                   Yellow/Blue chest band                   team 118
 Sam Clare           Emily Hemstock      Holly Lynas         Freya Ryan       Charlotte Selby
 Neve Watson         Amber Wilkins
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                     Red & White                              team 119
 Evie Brooker        Magdalena Gancheva                      Chelsie Locker   Ellie Separovic
 Lara Turner
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                          red white blue                           team 120
 Alys Crofts         Grace Egan          Hannah Royse        Caitlin Taylor   Olivia Tipping
 L Whittingham       Evie Worsey
NORTH SOMERSET AC                           Navy with White Hoop                     team 121
 Sophia Benson       Lyla Briffitt       Harriet Brown       Natasha Buro     Mia Darlington
 Pippa Houghton      Kiera Paul          Millie Redman
NORTHAMPTON AC                              Black green gold                         team 122
 Millie Sharman      Isabelle Smith      Zineb Zbirou

ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                    Royal Blue with white vertical      teams 123-125
 Francesca Allen     Olivia Allen        Phoebe Allen      Grace Besant         Eva Cartwright
 p Fox               Amber Hoey          Emilyrose Lloyd   Lucy Rigby           Erin Riggott
 Evie Sandland       Mariah Taha         Samantha Wakefield                     Elizabeth Warne
 Jorja Wright
RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                      sky blue & black                    teams 126&127
 Jemima Cooper       Ella Darby          Rebecca Eaton      Sophie Hancock      Tabitha Kimberley
 Ava Rogerson
RUSHCLIFFE AC                               Royal Blue & white                        team 128
 Katie Delahay      Hannah Easter        Annelise French    Orla Landers        Kirsten Lees
 Felicity Mccormack Ruby Watson          Abigail Webster
SAFFRON AC                                  Orange                                    team 129
 Mya Acharya
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC                   Gold/Navy stripe                          team 130
 Isla Barnes         Lauren Brant        Lily Conduit       Mia Conduit         Lola Jones
 Aoife Mcgoldrick    Liv Satchwell       Connie Stott       Ella Swann
STROUD & DISTRICT AC                        Green with a Red & Blue stripe teams 131-133
 Amy Bond            Lucy Bond           Esme Davenport     Charlotte Evans     F Mcfadden
 Isabelle Merriman   Bella Monk          Sienna Rosewell    D Rossiter          Esther Rumsey
 Alice Stevenson     Dulcie Troy
SWINDON HARRIERS                            Black & White Quarters              teams 134-137
 Freya Davidse       Eloise Foster       Faith Herring      Harriet Howell      Kalina Karacheva
 Carly Lainton       Megan Lloyd         Maisie Mccalla     Meredith Prosser    Bella Ryder
 Ella Spencer        Khaya Swaine        Millie White       Zarah Wood          Zinia Wood
TELFORD AC                                  Yellow                                    team 138
 Eve Burns           Evie David          Isabella Huckin    Isobelle Standell   Ava Watkinson
TIPTON HARRIERS                             green & white hooped                teams 139&140
 Sophie Brookes  Connie Chaney           Maddison Cliff     Sarah Dudley        Lily Marsh
 Macy O’donoghue Lily Packer             Alexi Southall
WOLVERHAMPTON & BILSTON                     White, Red, Yellow, Green           teams 141-144
 Zena Asbury         Bethany Bennett     Ruby Buggins       Harriet Evans       Madison Farley
 Isobelle Jones      Ava Kind            Rosie Kind         Loganjay Shields    Megan White
 Millie Williams     Scarlett Williams   S Willoughby       Jessica Yang
WORCESTER AC                                Yellow, black & red                       team 145
 Mia Gordon          Eva Holden          Alice Lazenbury    Lilia Mico          Beatrice Rusby
 Natalie Seyler      Holly Stevens       Eva Thomas         Amy Whittingham
WREAKE & SOAR VALLEY                        Blue                                teams 146-148
 Rosie Ashmore       Alice Fearn         Eloise Geary       Zoe Gilbody         Matilda Herries
 Lillie Holford      Shaikira King       Florrie Mitchell   Imogen Saunders     Rebecca Vanaardt

U17 Men
BANBURY HARRIERS AC                        Maroon, Green & White Hooped               team 55
 Henry Pollock      Ruben Snelson       Archie Street       Aidan Walker
BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS                        black with stag motiff               teams 56&57
 Connor Blincoe     Luca Bradley        Max Chappelle       Tyler Hawley      Leo Merritt
 Finnan Robins
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS &              Black & red vest                       teams 58-60
 Oliver Banda       Oliver Brown        Tom Burdett         Alex Dickson      Oscar Fleming
 Morgan Hill        Jeremy Maclean      William Walker
BRISTOL & WEST AC                          white vest red stripe                teams 61&62
 Ishmael Bradley    Tomek Czerepinski Jacob Franklin        Dominic Green     Joseph Hull
 Nicholas Pestell   Ismail Rashid     Alex Robertson        Liam Spector
CHARNWOOD A C                              Green & Gold                               team 63
 Thomas Dixon       Harry Foord         Sam Haines          Sean Mccann       Jack Stretton
 Luke Talbot        Kaelin Watson
COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                    Red/Yellow band                      teams 64&65
 Callum Adams       Alfie Brusch        Adam Jackson        Hayden North      Daniel Paston
GLOUCESTER AC                              White & Red                            teams 66-68
 Aron Asher         Samuel Barnett      Jacob Barry         Charlie Coles     Benjamin Darlow
 Enakoro Eleyae     John Fenley         Ethan Hood          Dylan Kay         Daniel Morgan
 Kyle Neal          Joshua Robinson     Harrison Shaw       Rowan Sheard      Charlie Worsfold
HALESOWEN ACC                              Gold & Brown                               team 69
 George Allen       Thomas Brookes      Ethan Hall          Thomas Harris     Samuel Jones
 William Massingham Billy Papworth      James Pugh          Jamie Worton
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                    Red & White                          teams 70&71
 Ben Brooker        Rio Carr            Luke Cole           Ocean Gilboaway Ellis Johnson
 Lucas Mansell      Jake Nickerson      Lucas Rogers        George Separovic
MANSFIELD HARRIERS                         blue & green vest                          team 72
 Johar Ali          Jake Greenhalgh     Sam Knott           Harry Wilkinson   Sam Wilkinson
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                         red white blue                       teams 73&74
 Tyler Davison      Harrison Everard    Charlie Ranford     Bradley Shields   Joseph Stevens
 Benjamin Watkin
NORTH SOMERSET AC                          Navy with White Hoop                       team 75
 Louie Brunsdon     Kyle Burford        Alexander Buro      Ollie Campbell    Stan Hemmings
 Samuel Holloway    William Sandiford
NORTHAMPTON AC                             Black green gold                           team 76
 Ollie Buchan       Stirling Green      Connor Roberts      Joshua Robson
NUNEATON HARRIERS                          Red Blue & White                           team 77
 William Bonner     Jack Hiatt          Joseph Talbot       Sam Yates
ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                   Royal Blue with white vertical       teams 78&79
 Ethan Cook         Noah Edwards        Izaak Gilbert       George Hope       George Lefort
 George O’connor    Ethan Patel         Jack Wakefield
RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                     sky blue & black                       teams 80-82
 Danny Carter       Jasper Cooper       Tom Daly            Oscar Delgadomajor
 Dominic Evans      Ned Gilford         Jack Main           O Mooneymckenna Louismiles Starr
RUSHCLIFFE AC                              Royal Blue & white                   teams 83&84
 Thomas Bavin       Adam Bayley         Adam Boydell        Archie Bradbury   Jenson Buttrick
 Louis Buttrick     Callum Findlay      Felix Paine         Taylor Watson     Oscar Wyszynski

SAFFRON AC                                Orange                                   team 85
 Lachlan Finch     Dannyray Murdey Samuel Wright
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC                 Gold/Navy stripe                    teams 86&87
 Thomas Beard      Beau Bolton         Yijun Chen        Thomas Dainty     Henry Faizey
 Oscar Golinski    Tomas Maidment      Ewan Naisbitt     Jack O’leary      Matthew Price
 Joseph Robins     Alex Tickner
SWINDON HARRIERS                          Black & White Quarters              teams 88&89
 Josh Burns        Jack Choules        Theo Cinnamond    Harry Edwards     Fletcher Hart
 Jamie Sheppard    Zed Snell           Thomas Whetton
TELFORD AC                                Yellow                                   team 90
 Ewan Doran        Jacob Hall          Jedid Mensah      Charlie Preece
TIPTON HARRIERS                           green & white hooped                teams 91&92
 Seth Avery        James Burton        Korey Hazlewood Cameron Lomax       Ben Lucas
 Samuel Richards
WELLS CITY HARRIERS                       Blue & white                             team 93
 Ollie Bishop      Ollie Castle        Bradley Glover    Jack Harvey       Tommy Hummel
 Oliver Lorenz     Harrison Williams
WESTBURY HARRIERS                         White vest, blue hoop               teams 94&95
 Sulaiman Aslam  Frederick Cooper Finn Goodhew           Micheal Kelly   Jack Powell
 Seamus Robinson Artie Savageswaine                      Adam Shrewsbury Luke Shrewsbury
WOLVERHAMPTON & BILSTON                   White, Red, Yellow, Green                team 96
 Thomas Dornan     Dylan Illidge       James Neilson
WORCESTER AC                              Yellow, black & red                      team 97
 Eliott Beard      Jacob Bunyan        Linus Burnage     Samuel Hall       Santino Hosell
 Andrew Jeavons    Samuel Lea          Tom Mcmillan      Arty Wilsonspence
WREAKE & SOAR VALLEY                      Blue                                teams 98&99
 Mackenzie Bloxham Richard Brotherton Henry Herries      Oliver Louis      Charlie Neece
 Will Pearsoninman Joseph Pointon     Ivan Underwood     Daniel Vanaardt

U17 Women
BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS                          black with stag motiff                    teams 1-3
 Katie Gilhooly       Amy Harland         Erin Hull           H Mehager         Olivia Scott
 Tulah Searle         Amelia Taylor
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS                  Black & red vest                                team 4
 Poppy Close          Jemima Jackson      Villalobosfinigan
BROMSGROVE & REDDITCH                        Red with two blue diagonals              teams 5&6
 Lauren Coates        Emily Dyer          Lucy Hatfield       Josie Mawdsley    Esme Ranger
 Aoibhe Williams
BURTON AC                                    Blue & Black                                    team 7
 Paige Barker         Jasmin Bowley       Cara Mccarney       Evelyn Sharratt   Maisie Trueman
CHARNWOOD A C                                Green & Gold                            teams 8-10
 Abigail Cook         Isabel Edwards      Nadia Gauhar        Amelie Mccann     Lucy Morrison
 Rachel Newport       Isabel Oakland
CORBY AC                                     Sky blue, 2 red bands                       team 11
 Madeleine Mayes      Ashleigh Walters    Lexi Wilkinson
COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                      Red/Yellow band                            team 12
 Eloise Green         Emma Jackson
GLOUCESTER AC                                White & Red                          teams 13&14
 Keira Barry          Christen Campion    Ellagrace Edwards Emily Herron        Jessica Hill
 Phoebe Jones         Seren Jones         Ella Julin        Ella Mansfield      Amelia Newell
 Anna Pollard         Zainab Sambo        Chloe Shephard    Emma Tillott
HALESOWEN ACC                                Gold & Brown                               team 15
 Emily Amos           Charlieann Baird    Amelia Hartshorn    Isabel Knowles    Ryley Malonepriest
 I Wooldridge
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                      Red & White                          teams 16&17
 Alice Bates          Alice Bennett       Sophie Dunbobbin Demi Locker          Pippa Moore
 Elsie Robinson       Niamh Sinnott       Abigail Thayanithy
MANSFIELD HARRIERS                           blue & green vest                          team 18
 Olivia Barrett       I Burlington        Beth Hamilton       Grace Manson      Ruby Milnes
 Elizabeth Sinclair   Sophie Toyn
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                           red white blue                       teams 19&20
 L Andrzejewski       Lucy Brownsword Holly Cooper          Maia Dilling        Molly Ibbs
 Sienna Phillips      Beatrice Wakefield Mathilde Wakefield
ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                     Royal Blue with white vertical       teams 21&22
 Georgia Armon    Zara Buchanan           Charlotte Crees     Sian Duval        Jessica Hales
 Bethaneve Homer Eva Kelly                Megan Lozneanu      Madeline Mcgowan Ruby Newman
 Charlotte Prince A Saunderssmith         Amaya Tisdale       Beatrix Whistance Martha Wood
RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                       sky blue & black                     teams 23&24
 Grace Darcy          Poppy Edwards       Emily Hinton        Lily Isaac        Madeleine Jacks
 Jemima Lambert       Elspeth Unitt
SAFFRON AC                                   Orange                                     team 25
 Eve Rowley
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC                    Gold/Navy stripe                           team 26
 Amelie Barnes     Rachel Batchelor       Ellie Burrell       Grace Golinski    Scarlett Jones
 Lolamay Smeulders Katie Stead            Elizabeth Wood
STROUD & DISTRICT AC                         Green with a Red & Blue stripe             team 27
 Gaia Bowerman        Lexie Bull          Beth Collins        Amber Sumpter

SWINDON HARRIERS                       Black & White Quarters                  team 28
 Rebecca Cornell   N Costajafrate   Beth Davidse      Jessica Kinneir   Kellymarie Marsh
 Katie New         Lauren Pawson
TIPTON HARRIERS                        green & white hooped                teams 29-31
 Sophie Banks      Jade Charlton    Amelia Harrison   Simardeep Rai     Evie Tromans
 Jessie Walker     Alex Westbury    Mya Woodward
WREAKE & SOAR VALLEY                   Blue                               teams 32&33
 Lyla Bryan        Rebecca Cullen   Cassandra Dodge Florence Lissaman Harriett Round
 Sophie Shield     Jessica Smith    Sophie Stinson  Eliza Weselby     Isabella Wrightam

Senior Men

BANBURY HARRIERS AC                         Maroon, Green & White Hooped               team 1
 Louis Bushby       J Carruthers         Simon Daenen      Logan Kelling      Grant Kennedy
 Angus Pollock      Alfie Ratcliffe      Daniel Roberts    Skip Snelson
BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS                         Black with stag motiff                  teams 2-4
 Omar Ahmed         Ed Banks             Jason Bennett     Matt Biggs         Richard Bravington
 Jamie Cooper       Orlando Corea        Chris Djiala      Shaun Evans        R Gardnerblake
 Alex George        Thomas George        Elliot Giles      Jonathan Goringe   Rob Harris
 Joseph Heathcock   Alex Jolly           Sam Mcfall        Garrett O’Toole    Kadar Omar
 Andrew Peat        Max Price            Will Richardson   Josh Robins        Jayme Rossiter
 Jayme Rossiter     Ryan Shields         Dominic Smith     Daniel Swain       Mike Tanner
 Alex Tovey         Daniel Ullah         James Vaughan     Max Walk
BIRMINGHAM RUNNINGATHLETICS &               Black & red vest                      teams 5-13
 Jamie Abbiss       Abayomi Adedimeji    Ansar Ali         Danishe Arshad     Chris Ashford
 Colin Bailey       Steven Barber        Ben Beaumont      Robin Biles        Henry Brocklehurst
 Michael Burgess    C Burrows            Paul Cannon       Richard Carney     Lewis Carr
 Ben Carrington     Damian Cartland      Toby Close        Paul Coughlan      Jonathan Cullen
 Daniel Dalmedo     Sandeep Dhami        Owen Doherty      Steven Dunsby      Matthew Eyre
 Paul Falkiner      Conor Farrell        Harry Fowler      Michael Gilbride   Richard Gray
 Matt Gresty        Chris Grimley        Aidan Haibiker    Andrew Hall        Adam Hill
 Paul Jolliffe      Huw Jones            Owen Jones        Oliver Kirkland    Reuben Kite
 Mark Lawlor        Nick Lewis           Martin Ludford    James Marshall     Martin Matthews
 William Mckemey    Ming Nham            Kevin Oakes       Adam Peacock       Stuart Pearson
 Chris Pickering    Oliver Pickles       Andy Piddington   Matthew Pollard    Joe Preece
 Daniel Robinson    Omar Saeed           David Sansom      Daniel Shepherd    Nathan Smith
 Tom Smith          John Stolberg        R Stringfellow    A Tsolakis         Jort Vanmourik
 Karl Welborn       Adam Western         Jake Williamson
BOURNVILLE HARRIERS                         Teal                                 teams 14-18
 Paul Anderson      James Ashley         Richard Bayliss   Jonathon Bellman Stewart Bond
 Tom Bunn           John Cheel           Jim Clarke        Stewart Crowton Richard Cutts
 Ieuan Darkes       Stephen Doswell      Ian Edgington     James Evans        Ian Forman
 Martin Foster      Adrian Fowler        Simon Gardner     Xenofon Gogouvitis Chris Hamlett
 David Harte        Tim Hodges           Andrew Hoole      Richard Leaper     Kyle Long
 Ian Mackenzie      John Mckeon          James Meider      Kevin Morris       Jonathan Mould
 David Mountford    Conor Murphy         Grant Newman      Simon Newman       Tim Ogbourn
 Chris Owen         Kevin Peace          David Powner      Rob Preddy         Ian Reynolds
 Barrie Roberts     Dan Robinson         Tom Robinson      Sean Rose          Richard Shearing
 Rob Styles         Sam Weaver           Aidan Wheeler     Andrew Wheeler Simeon Whiting
 Michael Woodall
BRISTOL & WEST AC                           White vest red stripe                teams 19-21
 Aled Anderson      Thomas Baines        Peter Bains       Jack Bancroft      Hugh Brashaw
 Matt Brydon        William Christofi    Henry Cochrane    Joe Connors        Andrew Drake
 Robert Farley      Tom Foxon            Andrew Grigg      J Habgoodcoote     Callum Jones
 Owain Jones        Stephen Kerfoot      Tariq Kurd        Peter Legrice      Ben Maliphant
 Felix Mcgrath      Tom Merson           Jack Millar       Stephen Mitchell   Josh Moody
 William Parkin     Philip Parry         Anthony Roper     Felix Rusby        Andrew Salmon
 Henry Sly          Adam Stokes          Daniel Studley    Johnny Suttle      Kurt Taylor
 Jonathan Thewlis   Rufus Thomas         Nick Tuftnell     Andrew Watt        Benedict
 Westhenry          Mike Wilsmore        Adam Wilson       Alex Wood

BROMSGROVE & REDDITCH                     Red with two blue diagonals             teams 22-24
 Ty Adkins         Mark Appleton       Peter Ball         Scott Beverley       Stephen Brooks
 Paul Collins      Nigel Edginton      Kevin Fisher       Andrew Freeman       Patrick Mackie
 Harrison Mayne    Robert Mole         Gavin Moorhead     Sam Moran            Alex Morris
 Bailey Noel       Gareth Richardson   Luke Richardson    Tom Richardson       Calvin Scoltock
 John Searle       Tim Spencer         Mark Tanner        Darryll Thomas       Peter Vale
 Anthony Warner    Wayne Watkins
CANNOCK & STAFFORDAC                      Green, White, Red & Yellow Tri               team 25
 Ryan Ashforth     Bill Chesters       Jagon Edge         Tom Eustace        Dan Gambrill
 C Metcalfe        Connor Mills        Jack Mullane       Christopher Perrin James Perrin
 James Russell     Henry Webb          Philip Wolfe
CENTURION RC                              Blue & white hoops                      teams 26-28
 Chris Bailey      Richard Buchanan    Paul Cooper        James Eckloff     Kevin Ferncombe
 Tony Haden        Thomas Healy        Martin Henderson   Julian Landeau    Russell Lane
 Ben Light         Adrian Lloyd        Andy Matthews      Christopher MccannWayne Muddiman
 Andy Rea          Eric Robathan       Edmund Wallace     James Ward        Daniel Wrenn
CHARNWOOD A C                             Green & Gold                                 team 29
 A Colestonshields Mark Couldwell      Colin Foord        Thomas Gostelow Paul Harmer
 Michael Kingsbury Joseph Leggatt      William Leggatt    Martin Lewis    Stephen Mears
 Spencer Newport Graham Peacock        Nigel Scoggins
CHELTENHAM & COUNTY HARRIERS              White vest, 2 black hoops                    team 30
 Paul Barnes       Harvey Brown        Simon Critchley    Rupert Denny         Michael Ede
 Matthew Evans     Tom Evetts          Martin Foster      Sam Gilder           Ian Giles
 Andy Gore         Jamie Harper        Nick Holliday      Michael Imeson       Andrew Kaighin
 Alex Merrett      Harrison Miles      Daniel Minors      Roger Mullins        Miguel Mundinano
 Elliot Prince     Dave Rantell        Douglas Reid       Kevin Sheppard       Kevin Spilman
 Ross Swain        C Wagstaff          Matt Wood
CITY OF BIRMINGHAM STRIDERS               Purple with white centre band          teams 31&32
 Naved Akhtar      Seth Atkin         John Bristow        Daniel Curtis        Liam Kelly
 Richard Mckenna   David Nunezbecerra                     Umesh Parekh         Marlon Patrice
 Balal Qureshi     Dionisis Theodosis
CITY OF STOKE AC                          White vest, black & red stripe          teams 33-35
 Jamie Arnold      Steven Bazell       Connor Bentley     Francesco Caci       Fynn Churton
 James Condlyffe   Ross Connor         v Dasilva          Ashley Dennett       Sebastian Duffy
 Matt Eardley      Stuart Fisher       Simon Ford         Christopher Gidlow   Roger Grand
 Jake Guest        b Hallett           Mike Harding       Mark Hatton          Thomas
 Hendricken        Shajahan Janally    Joshua Lally       Sam Lucking          Alexander Mayne
 Kieran Mcgrath    Scott Minshall      Christopher Morgan David Morrell        Cameron Muir
 Dean Richardson   Phil Rowley         Dave Rushton       Ian Salt             F Samunyai
 David Sheldon     Jack Tetley         Jordan Thomas      Daniel Watt          Alan Wragg
CLEVEDON AC                               Yellow/Black                           teams 36&37
 Tom Abrahams      Ben Burns           Andy Heyes         Gary Lewis           Alex Murray
 Jonah Murray      Luke Murray         Clive Richards     Jack Richardson      Sam Tabberner
 Mark Williams     Steve Wood
CORBY AC                                  Sky blue, 2 red bands                        team 38
 Jacob Akers       Adam Brooks         Ed Dee             Adam Eales           Neal Humphreys
 John Treacy

COVENTRY GODIVAHARRIERS                  Red/Yellow band                           teams 39-42
 Ayoub Aldam        Dale Ball         Peter Banks          Matthew Battley     James Bennett
 Lucas Bennett      Nick Bennett      Andrew Boon          Jason Brotherhood   Daniel Clarke
 Simon Clarke       Miles Clisham     Pierce Clisham       David Conway        Daniel Dalton
 Brent Davis        Peter Eccleston   Garry Flude          Adam Fogg           Edward Griffiths
 Matthew Hadlum     Scott Hudspith    Samuel Marshall      Joe Mcleod          A Mitrofaniuk
 M Mohamed          Zach Nolan        Jose Ortizgonzalez   Oliver Paulin       Clark Roberts
 Manveer Sahota     Martin Slevin     Alistair Smith       Harvey Speed        Richard Taylor
 Benjamin Tran      John Treadwell    Martin Wilde
DUDLEY & STOURBRIDGE HARRIERS            Yellow/Blue                             teams 43&44
 Benjamin Bird      Darran Bishop     Simon Blizzard       Adam Bodin          James Brown
 Ian Cox            Gary Davies       Jack Doody           David Eades         Edwin Fletcher
 Ben Foster         Adrian Francis    Ian Furness          Jerome Gillespie    Martin Harrigan
 Tom Isherwood      Mark Judge        Greg Middleton       David Nation        Philip Nation
 T Osborne          David Ratcliffe   Thomas Slater        Harry Walters       James Wright
GLOUCESTER AC                            White & Red                               teams 45-49
 Lloydjames Andrews                   Glen Balmer          Paul Barlow         Simon Barnes
 Marc Barnett     Nick Bishop         Austin Blackburn     Edward Blackburn    Martin Brook
 Paul Corderoy    Simon Crilley       Arthur Daley         Christopher Davis   Graham Davis
 Andrew Decamps Richard Decamps       James Denne          Eugenio Diz         Jack Evans
 Jordan Evans     Dave Gresswell      Finlay Hawkins       Pete Haynes         James Head
 Luke Herbert     Luke Hine           Neil Hobbs           Peter Jeffery       Steve Kenyon
 Paul Loveridge   Mike Mansfield      Andrew Mckenzie      Simon Meadows       John Miklausic
 Stephen Millward Lee Moore           Jeremy Mower         John Nash           Chris O’carroll
 Owen Parry       Clive Poole         Matt Powell          Steven Robbins      Ben Robinson
 Toby Scott       Matt Singer         Will Singer          Lee Smith           Nathan Smith
 David Spackman   Alasdair Stewart    Ian Summers          Jason Tilley        Adam Twine
 James Walters    Matthew Ward        Harry Wells
HALESOWEN ACC                            Old Gold with brown & white hoop teams 50&51
 Matt Allen         Paul Allen        Peter Barks          Paul Bradley        Andrew Butler
 Nigel Crompton     Adam Cross        Peter Dear           Oliver Dodd         Russell Evans
 Dominic Goold      Mark Hadley       Nicolas Hazelwood    John Hill           Steven Horton
 James Hoult        Tom Kenderdine    Glenn Lacey          David Lewis         Jonathan Lewis
 Lachlan Macphail   Sam Mannings      Steven Millington    Alex Morgan         Andrew Nock
 Bill Nock          James Parker      Jamie Sircom         Mateusz Sliwinski   James Thomas
 Joshua Turner      Marc Turner       David Turvey         Richard White       Lucas Wolfpudney
 Andrew Yapp
HALESOWEN TRI                            Yellow&Blue                                   team 52
 Stuart Cobourne    Adrian Low        Bryan Low            Chris Noon          Peter Rought
 Adam South
HARBOROUGH AC                            Yellow                                        team 53
 Bob Allsopp        Kenny Anderson    Michael Anderson Adam Barber             Iain Barber
 Richard Bufton     Sean Fenwick      Jamie Mcallister Joseph O’connell        Lewis Parker
 Martin Peel        Dan Perrin        Simon Poynton    Tom Ranger              Ian Southwell
 N Turnerhenke      David Ward        Tom Ward

HEANOR RC                                Yellow/Blue chest band                  teams 54-58
 Stephen Ashmore   Ryan Ball          Andrew Basey       Adam Biggs          Nick Birch
 Daniel Bladon     Ryan Blake         Carl Buckley       Michael Clark       Paul Clarke
 Robin Clegg       Chris Cotton       Ashley Deeming     Ian Duffin          Peter Edwards
 Miles Elliott     Deane Fisher       Jamie Fletcher     John Flint          Andy Harding
 Joe Henstock      Alastair Hobday    Cameron Hogan      Tim Holling         Matthew Jackson
 Steven Julian     Paul Kay           Sam Marsh          Chris Mellors       Ian Mellors
 Paul Mercer       Andy Moat          Andrew Nelson      Daniel Orme         C Patterson
 Robert Plant      John Queenan       C Rainsford        Joe Rainsford       Rob Rainsford
 Ben Rhodes        Shane Rice         Ethan Rowley       Glenn Salkeld       Ian Salt
 Adrian Smith      James Staton       Dean Taylor        Kristian Watson     Lewis Whiting
 Scott Wigman      Paul Winfield
HERMITAGE HARRIERS                       Silver & black with blue strip               team 59
 Scott Armston     Peter Armstrong    Ryan Ballard    Jason Collins          Darren Cresswell
 Neil Doherty      Ian Driscoll       Matthew Dumelow Paul Gregory           Rob Hirst
 Dean Kelleher     Mark Kemp          Mark Kendrick   David Kind             Andrew Lindley
 Matthew Orchard   Alex Percy         Elliott Woolley
HOLME PIERREPONT RC                      Navy/ red band                          teams 60-62
 Daniel Bagley     Kevin Ford         Peter Gale         Eddy George         Matt Keyworth
 James Kirkwood    David Laws         Rob Macdonald      Oliver Matharu      Will Meredith
 Michael Miller    Andrew Reynolds    Jack Roffe         Andrew Soley        Robert Stewart
 John Sutherns     Steve Tupholme     Andrew Walters     Martin Walters      Matt Wynn
HUNCOTE HARRIERS                         Green Yellow                                 team 63
 Nathan Adams      Ben Benson         Stefan Brakes      Kent Butcher        Martin Coley
 Arron Cox         Kieran Flannery    Craig Free         Dave Harry          Steve Nash
 Chris Nealon      Anthony Nicholls   Duncan Smith       Stephen Snow        Ian Thompson
 Leigh Willett     Kelvin Wilson      Phil Woods
ILKESTON RC                              White Vest With Red Stripe                   team 64
 Alex Duthie       Darran Furness     Joshua Hazeldine   Ian Hunter          Richard Iliffe
 Mark Lambert      Lucas Manning      Andy Murray        Mark Outram         Sam Owen
 Essa Rezai        Jordan White       Paul Whittleton
KENILWORTH RUNNERS                       Green with Black/White hoop             teams 65-67
 Stan Alexander    Mark Alldritt      Wayne Briggs       Martin Broomfield   Peter Bryan
 Rob Carr          Andrew Crabtree    Neil Cressy        Stanley Doxey       Oliver Flippance
 Stephen Fowle     Sam Garforth       Adam Homes         Alistair Kirkwood   Harry Purewal
 Neil Sheward      Andrew Siggers     Ben Taylor         Stewart Underhill   Dewi Williams
KETTERING TOWN HARRIERS                  Red & White                                  team 68
 Mathew Almond     Andrew Batkin      Dylan Bowley       Phil Brigden        Edward Cannell
 Joshua Cannell    Joshua Clutton     Jason English      Joshua Geddes       Tony James
 David Locker      Alex Mcmurtrie     Steven Sinnott     Shane Smith
KINGS HEATH RC - THE LIONS               Black & Orange                               team 69
 David Bagwell     Javan Bramhall     Stuart Brindley    Chris Callow        D Campbellcave
 Mark Cond         Paul Daymond       Nick Drew          Lee Gregory         Alex Groves
 Jasper Kiernan    George Kingsley    Tim Livesley       Daniel Murrant      David Stevenson
 Michael Tomkins

KNOWLE & DORRIDGE RC                          Green & Gold                            teams 70&71
 Peter Austin         Paul Baker           Paul Bentley       Simon Bentley        Edward Bower
 David Carbutt        John Collins         Andrew Connors     George Debolla       Richard Dixon
 Habib Farazmand      Joseph Hook          Robert Houlston    Darren John          Pete Makepeace
 Daniel Malone        Daniel Mayes         Robert Mundy       Gary Polhill         Stephen Ray
 Christopher Revell   Torsten Roesler      Chris Sharp        C Thorley            Rene Vergo
 Ian Voaden           Gareth Wainwright    Steven Whatmore    Michael Williamson   Paul Winwood
 Phil Wood            Nick Woolley
LEAMINGTON CYCLING & AC                       White vest with blue piping &                  team 72
 Guy Allen            V Andreoulakis       Alex Atkinson      Raymond Charlton Tom Foulerton
 Phillip Gould        Callum Hanlon        Jason Hill         Joshua Hough     James Hunter
 Baljeev Kandola      Pierre Lemarquer     Alex Montgomery    Henry Morton     Dave Potter
 Jai Sispal           Charlie Staveley     Alex Unitt
LEICESTER CORITANIANAC                        Royal blue                                     team 73
 Matt Adcock          P Boutttierbutler    Joel Dungworth     Wais Kaire           Gordon Lee
 Martin Makin         David Pearce         Mark Powell        Ludovic Renou        David Robertson
 Rob Sheen            Jamie Short          Chris Southam      Sam Stevens
MANSFIELD HARRIERS                            Blue & green vest                              team 74
 Samuel Bentley       Jordan Boam          Luke Duffy         Mark Fickling        Jamie Harris
 Jonny Lowe           Chris Monk           Gary Morley        Daniel Nugent        Phillip Shaw
 Jason Taylor
MASSEY FERGUSON RC                            Red & White Quarters                     teams 75-77
 Barry Allen          Simon Brown          Dean Clarke       John Clarke           Alex Cotterill
 Grahame Flanagan     Christopher Foxall   Steve Glaze       Philip Hayes          John Hosie
 Iwan Jones           Gary Lawson          Alan Mcdougall    Andrew Moore          Chris Moore
 Simon Neale          Jason Nicholson      Andrew Popplewell Martin Smith          Mark Ursell
 Tom Watts            Adam Williams
NEWARKAC                                      Blue & grey quarters                     teams 78-80
 Timothy Bagguley Jan Bailey               Edward Buck        O Crampton           Damian Davies
 Grant Davies       Adrian Dix             Laurence Elliott   Christopher Elmer    Geoffrey Gregory
 Lewis Hopkinson Thomas Hubbard            Scott Jones        Robert Lindsay       Jamie Macintyre
 Tom Marshall       Gareth Owens           Daniel Padgett     Jonathan Palmer      Simon Roberts
 Lee Rufford        Dave Tilley            Chris Ward         Daniel Wheat         Robin Wilkins
 Matthew Williamson
NEWCASTLE STAFFSAC                            Red white blue                                 team 81
 Martin Bailey        Andrew Brownsword                       Samuel Crozier       Jacob Droogmans
 James Fradley        Thomas Mogg    Lewis Nagington          Jordan Nixon         Matthew Robinson
 Michael Rogalski     Alex Roslow    Tim Sharman              Elliot Smith         Andrew Sproson
 Jerome Stevens       Craig Taylor   Andrew Walker            Matthew Way
NORTH SOMERSET AC                             Navy with White Hoop                           team 82
 Alan Baker           William Cheek     Max Davies            Theo Edwards         Julian Emery
 Russell Forsbrook    Joe Gentry        Samuel Gentry         Benjamin Hamblin     Luke Hansen
 Alfie Hocking        Matt Hogg         Matthew Howard        Oliver Lock          James Rodgers
 Harry Sinclair       Jamie Vande-velde
NORTHAMPTON AC                                Black green gold                               team 83
 Adam Alexander Trystan Barnett            Jack Jibb          Oliver Munns         Ed Wise
 Adil Zbiroukhalouq

NORTHBROOK AC                              Black / yellow / green                  teams 84&85
 Robin Aston         Fraser Barrett     Kevin Coughlan       Tommy Dempsey       Owen Drage
 Sean Duffy          Tony Forde         Lee Miller           Tom Miller          David Mills
 Thomas Mitchell     Terry Moynihan     Craig Murray         Lee Newark          Jonathan Seed
 Stephen Simpson     Daniel Stevens     Steven Turvey        Austin Wade         Martin Winch
NOTTS AC                                   Green, gold, white                       teams 86-88
 Michael Benford     Matt Blunden       Milan Campion        Nicholas Clarke Sam Godwin
 Tim Hartley         Rezene Hayle       P Hinchcliffe        Jonathan Hiorns Aaron Hunt
 Stuart King         Steve Leek         Steve Long           Joel Mcgraw     Chris Mcgurk
 John Muddeman       David Oxland       Colin Palmer         Tony Payne      Jarratt Perkins
 George Phillips     Bruce Raeside      Peter Robinson       Cameron Smith   Colin Smithmcgloin
 Stuart Spencer      Craig Taylor       Patrick Townsend     Alastair Watson Marti Whitehouse
 Andrew Williams     Matthew Williams   Tim Woodthorpe       Anthony Woodward
NUNEATON HARRIERS                          Red/Blue                                      team 89
 R Carvell           Richard Doveston Eric Fowler            James Gillum        Chris
 Hamerhodges         Steven Hargrave Samuel Howard           Ian Mansell         Andrew Massey
 Luke Melling        Matiss Murphy    Paul Smith
RIPLEY RC                                  Green with 2 yellow diagonal s                team 90
 Luke Beresford      Jay Bird           Ryan Braddock        Michael Corrigan    Danny Elliott
 Christopher Frost   Steve Gray         Peter Harrison       Nick Hilton         Carl Hopkinson
 Christian Howett    Matt Jones         Brendon Moore        Matthew Nicholls    Ian Wartonwoods
 Richard West        Neil Worthy        Andrew Wright
ROYAL SUTTON COLDFIELDAC                   Royal blue with white vertical          teams 91&92
 Matthew Bennett     Alex Blackham      Nicolas Blunt        Andy Bradley        Martin Clutterbuck
 Simon Corker        Sam Crawford       Subodh Dave          Oliver Harradence   John Hayman
 Shaun Hemmings      Joshua Hughes      Ally Jarvis          Paul Jenkins        Richard Lewis
 Barry Lloyd         Thomas Lloyd       Dean Lucas           Iain Mackie         Steve Marklew
 Richard Naylor      Dylan Orourke      Mark Rickards        Alex Seabright      Russell Simpson
 Edward Stead        Matthew Stenson    Chris Taylor         Paul Terleski       Callum Thomas
 Frederic Tremblay   Brad Watkins       Christopher Wilson   Ian Wood
RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC                     Sky blue & black                        teams 93&94
 Haydn Arnall        David Ball         Noah Bennett      Abedom Beyene          Paul Birch
 Duncan Birtwistle   Jack Bond          Lewis Cherry      Joseph Comerford       David Cowley
 Peter Currington    Elisha Demello     Matthew Everett   Robert Gardner         William Gardner
 David Green         Jack Halsey        Mark Hill         Mark Johnson           Andrew
 Johnstone           Dominic Jones      Samson gebre Kidan                       Chris Lamb
 Jake Louis          Benjamin Malia     Stephen Marks     Alistair Mcdonnell     Phil Melling
 Daniel Mould        Ben Musgrove       Lewis Panter      Sam Tallett            Richard Thomas
 Tom Tyler           Finlay Ward        Daniel Williams   James Williams
RUSHCLIFFE AC                              Royal Blue & white                            team 95
 Morgan Alexander    Nicholas Bayley    Richard Bradbury     Steven Carr         William Clay
 Stephen Dickens     Marlon Dunkley     Louis Dunne          Lewis Edge          Neil Emery
 Tate Emerypeters    David Gandee       Paul Hendrick        Danny Mcintyre      Graham Moffatt
 Marc Scott          Joseph Tuffin      James Wardle

SHREWSBURY AC                           Blue & Gold                         teams 96&97
 Carl Aveyard       Paul Bowes       Jonathan Bucke     Luke Butler       M Costello
 Joe Davies         Alan Dean        Daniel Elliot      Rob Fox           Kevin Francis
 Antonio Gasparinho Joe Gilling      Jim Hall           Scott Hall        Martin Hargreaves
 Jim Hickinbottom   Tom Hughes       Haydn Jones        John Jones        Paul Jones
 Richard Jones      Jamie Lambie     Grant Lloyd        Jason Macmanus    Richard Mckenna
 Matthew Mckibbin Connor Middleton   Peter Middleton    Gabriel Morris    Oliver Parry
 Thomas Richards Peter Savill        Stuart Smith       Ben Sully         Stephen Waters
 Matthew Wooden
SHROPSHIRE SHUFFLERS                    Blue, White, Red                          team 98
 Adam Allison      Paul Aston        Euan Balmer      Joel Bishton        Steve Oliver
 Samuel Ostermeyer Richard Price     Andrew Wakefield Gregory Williams
SOLIHULL & SMALL HEATH AC               Gold/Navy stripe                          team 99
 Daniel Allen      Peter Bacon       Michael Bracken    Will Collins      Mario Defreitas
 Christopher Dix   James Dunleavy    Harry Fellows      Jay Fletcher      Daniel Green
 Daniel Hollins    Keelan Hopewell   Richard Horne      Steven Howes      Prince Laryea
 Paul Lloyd        Alex Veloso       Jenson Williams
SPASTRIDERS                             Green & red                       teams 100&101
 Ian Allen         Stuart Allen      Will Allman        Luke Bennett      Tim Beresford
 Paul Conway       Graeme Davidson   Robert Egan        Daniel Fleming    Nigel Fox
 Steve French      Gethyn Friswell   Lloyd Harriman     Paul Harris       James Hartwright
 Jason Hemming     Peter Hill        Phil Houghton      Ben Howat         Paul Kirby
 Matt Leydon       Chris Liddle      Edward Lockhart    Simon Ludford     Joseph Mccullagh
 Billy Morton      Adam Notley       Andrew Pope        Michael Pugh      Douglas Rattray
 Simon Reiter      Steven Taylor     Pete Teevan        James Wiberley    Trevor Wilkinson
SPARKHILL HARRIERS                      Red with black hoop                     team 102
 Tahir Akhtar     Mark Arnold        Nicholas Berg      Andy Carroll      Charles Fentiman
 Patrick Finnegan James Hannon       Craig Hinks        Simon Hodges      Andrew Law
 Andrew Manning Robert Mills         David Pearson      Peter Reeves      Nick Stringer
 Andrew Wadsworth                    Paul Webster       Mark Williams
SPHINX AC                               Blue & yellow                     teams 103&104
 David Brewis      Wayne Broadbent   Jack Edwards       Nicholas Gilkes   Ian Gower
 Al Harris         Allan Howling     Pawel Langer       Dave Mclean       Matthew Mold
 Mark Moran        Anthony O’brien   Roberto Ortolan    Sam Palmer        Colin Piper
 Craig Robinson    Paul Slatford     Sergio Torija
STROUD & DISTRICT AC                    Green, red & blue band                  team 105
 Jason Barry       Terry Brisland    Alastair Cambell   Nicholas Coyle    A Cracecalvert
 Ian Cutler        Simon Fortnam     Darren Jewell      Ben Lowe          Thomas Mortimer
 Ian Newns         John Sowden       William Trippett
SUTTON IN ASHFIELD HARRIERS &           White Green & red                       team 106
 Edward Bacon      Lewis Boswell     Nick Burnside      David Cass        Paul Castledine
 Tim Clayton       Dean Cross        Daniel Crow        Paul Frith        Paul Hillman
 Adam Knights      Nick Luke         Samuel Moakes      Anton Newell      Mark Pidcock
 Mark Salisbury    Mark Thompson     Paul Whittingham

SWINDON HARRIERS                            Black & White Quarters            teams 107-109
 F Banwellmoore       Luke Byrne      Oliver Byrne         Simon Byrne        Courtenay
 Chessell             Nyle Clinton    Harry Cunningham     Darren Davidse     John Dill
 Simon Dill           Andrew Fulford  Derek Gardner        Simon Gilbert      Kieran Golding
 Jack Gunning         Edward Hall     M Harrisontosatto    Omer Homer         Tom Hunton
 Simon Jell           Ben Lines       Isaac Mcadam         Jason Mcginley     Ben Mcintyre
 Patrick Mochan       Isaac Mould     Richard Newman       James Newton       Archie Pierce
 Ethan Pierce         Thomas Prosser  Christopher Reade    Sebastian Reynolds Matthew Ryder
 Michael Sas          Craig Scott     Isaac Scott          Alex Smith         Ian Spencer
 Dan Thomas           Adrian Thrush   Bryan Tonkin         Martin Townsend William Trew
 Harry Woods          Matthew Woodward
TEAM BATH AC                                                                         team 110
 Elliott Avis         Themis Bower       Alex Carter       David Coales       Otto Copping
 James Donald         Ian Dunning        Robert Eaton      Peter Grist        John Howorth
 Dan Jones            Ewen Malloch       Alex Parsons      Aaron Pritchard    Stephen Rose
 Dan Soltys           Matt Wells         Matthew Wilton
TELFORD AC                                  Blue red yellow                          team 111
 Daniel Bailey        Victor Bennett     Alex Burrows      Charles Carvell    Daniel Connolly
 James Egleston       Dean Gapper        Stephen Gill      Dylan Gillett      James Ingram
 John Mason           Luke Moses         Paul Obrien       Paul Pemberton     Joel Reed
 Jordanlee Stamp      Paul Ward          Dale Wilkinson
TIPTON HARRIERS                             Green & white hooped               teams 112-114
 Andrew Acha          Tom Acha        Tom Bains        Michael Banks          Adam Barnes
 Dean Bate            Thomas Bentley  Gary Bevan       James Booker           Louie Boot
 Daniel Brazier       Peter Brookes   Steve Brookes    Thomas Brown           Richard Carpenter
 Jonathan Carter      Ethan Compton   George Cunningham                       Mark Fantom
 Dominic Gardner      Carl Gayle      Nick Hardy       Zabie Hassan           Laurence
 Heathcock            Andrew HendersonDean Hill        Stephen Hogan          Stephen Holdcroft
 Tom Holden           Daniel Lewis    Karl Lewis       Chris Lindop           Paul Lucas
 Robert Meredith      Darren Perry    Adam Quiney      Brian Quiney           Karl Quiney
 Ryan Quiney          Todd Quiney     Paul Rogers      Robert Sedgley         Joe Smith
 Luke Vine            Paul Walker     Matthew West     Gary Whitehouse        Stuart Whitehouse
 Ian Williams         Martin Williams Myles Wilson     Craig Woodward
TRENTHAM RC                                 Emerald green                     teams 115&116
 Douglas Alcock       Leon Ashman        Eyob Asmelash     Michael Bosworth   Alan Brookes
 Simon Bryan          Pat Buckingham     Tom Cass          Mike Cathcart      Simon Dunn
 Mark Espley          Adrian Frost       Mark Gibson       Mark Gorton        Andrew
 Greensmith           Adam Grew          John Guest        Ian Heath          Martin Hull
 Nick Hulme           Daniel Jordan      David Juggins     Harry Julian       Alan Lewis
 David Maydew         Colin Mcevoy       Martin Mcguigan   Ben Mills          David Myatt
 Michael Oakley       Matthew Plant      Nasar Rafiq       Ken Shenton        Barry Smith
 Warren Thomas        Liam Tosh
WELLS CITY HARRIERS                         Blue & white                             team 117
 Laurence Badman      Alexander Coombs   Andrew Deamer     Dylan Dukes        Tom Dukes
 John Glaisher        Zak Hurrell        Jon James         Matthew Lusby      Stephen Masters
 Daniel Maydew        Phillip Paddick    Simon Prior       Sam Sommerville    Ben Tickner
 Christopher Walker   Toby Watson        Dan Williams
WEST BROMWICH HARRIERS                      Maroon & white                    teams 118&119
 Dominic Ashton       John Buckby        Gary Clifton      Philip Colver      Pete Donnelly
 Harry Evans          Daniel Floyd       Thomas Heyes      James Jefferson    Dave Jones
 David Kendall        David Long         Paul Mansell      Karl Moore         Ollie Moore
 Owian Morris         Stephen Plummer    John Short        Gurmal Singh       Benjamin
 Stanaway             Andrew White       Mark Williams     Kevin Wise

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