THE PROGRAMME AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London
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If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below THE PROGRAMME AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2019 Cake for the Homeless Lunch Schnitzel Faith Talk Jonathan Aitken Peter’s Music Live Christopher Taylor Bring & Buy German Classes and lots more!
2 About Us What is the German YMCA in London? Who can take part in our programmes? Founded in 1860, the Association is one of We are a Christian movement and stand for the oldest YMCAs in London and has been respect and freedom for all, tolerance and part of the English YMCA movement since understanding between people of different that time. We are also one of the largest faiths, opinions and race. charities with German roots operating in We welcome people of different Christian England and support the German-speaking traditions, those of other faiths and those of and local community in a variety of ways, none. from organised events and programmes, Although, because of our Association’s assistance to individuals in crisis situations, heritage, the name contains “German”, “Young” to material and practical support for other and “Men”, we welcome anyone of any age and organisations. nationality, male and female. Our doors are On the following pages you will find details open to all, members and non-members alike. of our regular programmes and events: our Parent-Toddler group, the au pair What other services do we offer? Tea Morning, the Anglo-German Circle, Through our Youth Secretaries and the Schubertiade Concerts, trips and visits, and Programme Secretary (who is also the much more. Association’s Chaplain) we aim to give advice Our home has been in the Lancaster Gate, to individuals, to those in crisis situations Bayswater area north of Hyde Park in central and those just in need of general advice. We London since 1959. Here, in Craven Terrace, also offer an au pair placement service in is our Association’s centre and the Lancaster cooperation with IN VIA and the VIJ in Germany. Hall Hotel. The hotel was opened in 1973 We try to create a network of people who, by the German YMCA and offers both the through direct contact with each other, are tourist and business traveller an ideal base able to support one another on an ongoing in central London at affordable prices. basis outside the activities in our centre. Contents Accessibility Statement About Us / Accessibility Statement 2 Please note that our programmes take place in various rooms, including the Brothers Room. The Regular Programme: Brothers Room is not suitable for those who rely for young adults 4 exclusively on a wheelchair for access. If you rely on or young families 5 a wheelchair for access please contact Udo Bauer on General Programme: 020 7723 5684 to discuss what suitable arrangements for young adults 6 can be made. for everyone 8 News 10 Published by: Text For The Month 12 German Young Men’s Christian Association German-Speaking Organisations/Churches 14 Editorial Team: Uwe Maynard, Alice Melsheimer, Udo Bauer, Rachel Shilson, Barbara von Alten Services & Contacts 15 Designed by Richard Thurston Accommodation & Map 16 © 2019
CAKE FOR THE HOMELESS Wednesday 4th September 15:45 P8 PETER’S MUSIC LIVE Wednesday 25th September, 14:00 Christopher Taylor (piano) P9 P9 Lunch Anniversary WEDNESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 12:45 Schnitzel Afternoon Tea P8 Bring P9 & Buy Wednesday 25th September 15:00 P9 Saturday 19th October 12:30 Raising funds for FAITH TALK Thursday 19th September 19:00 Hallfield Primary School Jonathan Aitken – Ex-Minister
4 Regular Programme: for young adults PLEASE SEE ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT ON PAGE 2 Jeden Donnerstag treffen sich Tea Morning Au Pairs zum Tea Morning in unserer Youth Lounge, 31 Craven Terrace. Bei Tee, Kaffee und Keksen könnt ihr Kolleginnen oder Kollegen kennenlernen, euch unterhalten und Erfahrungen austauschen. Hier könnt ihr Pläne zur Erforschung Londons schmieden. Infos haben wir reichlich. JEDEN DONNERSTAG, AB 10:30 Whether you are an au pair, student, volunteer or young employee, we would like to invite you to get together, exchange work and life experiences, as well as going out and having fun... For everybody up to the age of 30 who spends some time in and around London. Call 020 3238 2197 for more details
for young families 5 Struwwelpeter Mütter und Väter mit kleinen Kindern (0-3 Jahre) treffen sich jeden Mittwoch beim deutschsprachigen “Struwwelpeter”, der Eltern-Kind-Gruppe im German YMCA. Während die Kinder erste Kontakte zu Gleichaltrigen aufnehmen und ihr Umfeld erkunden, haben die Eltern Gelegenheit, es sich bei einer Tasse Kaffee gemütlich zu machen und sich auszutauschen. Eine kleine Spende ist willkommen. jeden Mittwoch, 10:00 - 12:00 Bimmelbahn Deutscher After School Club Mit der Bimmelbahn geht es zu verschiedenen Zielen: zum Picknick auf die Wiese, an den See, in den Zoo, auf den Bauernhof und vieles mehr. Dazu gibt es passende Bastelangebote, Kinderlieder und eine Spielecke. für Kinder ab 3 Jahren in Begleitung von Erziehungsberechtigten – kleinere Geschwister können nach Absprache mitgebracht werden Wann: jeweils am 1. und 3. Donnerstag des Monats, nicht in den Schulferien. Ort: German YMCA, Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL, im Brothers’ Room Bei Interesse bitte anmelden. Weitere Informationen bei Zeit: 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr Barbara oder Rachel unter: Tel: 020 323 82197 oder e-mail: Kosten: empfohlene Spende £3
6 General Programme: for young people PLEASE SEE ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT ON PAGE 2 Welcome to London! Wir wünschen allen neu angekommenen Au Pairs einen guten Start in ihren Gastfamilien und einen wunderschönen und erlebnisreichen Aufenthalt! TIP: 24. - 26.8. Notting Hill Carnival Second only to Rio in its scope, the Notting Hill Carnival has grown since 1964 from a minor celebration to become the biggest street carnival in Europe. Along the 5km route, flamboyantly dressed participants dance their way to the music of steel bands, reggae and a mix of jazz, soul, hip-hop, funk, drum and bass music. Sa 14.9. Au Pair Welcome Day 14:00 Wir laden alle unsere neu angekommenen Au Pairs zu einem Welcome Day in den German YMCA ein. Hier könnt ihr euch bei Tee, Kaffee und Keksen kennenlernen, unterhalten und erste Erfahrungen austauschen. Außerdem erwarten euch Tipps und Informationen rund um euren Aufenthalt in London. Anmeldung: ab sofort Preis: £3, bitte vor Ort bezahlen Treffpunkt: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL
7 Sa 21.9. Lo-Co: Picknick im Hyde Park 14:00 Um uns alle besser kennen zu lernen, veranstalten wir ein Picknick im Hyde Park. Damit wir ein buntes Buffet mit vielen Leckereien haben, bringt bitte jeder eine Kleinigkeit dazu mit. Treffpunkt sind die Italian Gardens, im Hyde Park in der Nähe vom Eingang Lancaster Gate. Sollte es regnen, gibt es das Picknick im German YMCA. Bitte anmelden Preis: Kostenlos Meeting point: Italian Gardens am Pavillon We 18.9. The Lion King – The Musical 19:30 Tonight we watch the adaptation of Disney’s film. This colourful and stunning musical is about Simba and his friends and their amazing adventures - a heart- warming story, astonishing costumes and beautiful songs. Booking: Open, please pay when booking Price: £35 Where: Lyceum Theatre, 21 Wellington Street, WC2E 7RQ Sa 28.9. Tagesausflug nach Brighton 8:45 Wir nehmen den Zug zu einem der bekanntesten Badeorte am Kanal. Höhepunkte werden neben dem Strand sicher auch der Brighton Pier und Brighton Pavillion sein so wie vieles mehr. Der Besuch des Brighton Pavilion kostet ca. £10 inkl. Audio Guide. Bitte bei der Anmeldung angeben. Die Rückfahrkarte (Super Off-Peak Day Return) bitte selber kaufen. Anmeldung: ab sofort Preis für die Fahrt: ca. £12, mit Railcard ca. £8 Treffpunkt: London Bridge Rail Station
8 General Programme: for everyone PLEASE SEE ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT ON PAGE 2 We 7.8. Peter’s Music 14:00 We 14.8. Peter’s Music 14:00 We 21.8. Peter’s Music 14:00 We 28.8. Peter’s Music 14:00 We 4.9. Peter’s Music Film: Loving You 14:00 Elvis Presley plays a delivery boy who becomes a rock star. We 4.9. Cake for the Homeless 15:45 Raising funds for the Connection at St Martin’s in the Fields. Th 5.9. Anglo-German Circle: Members’ Social 19:00 Tonight we start the new season and welcome our new volunteers Michele, Mouna and Jan. (see p11) We 11.9. Peter’s Music 14:00 Th 12.9. Anglo-German Circle: German Comedy 19:00 German TV comedy sketches with subtitles. Tu 17.9. Film Club: Monkey Business 14:00 Cary Grant is looking for the fountain of youth in this comedy. We 18.9. Lunch: Schnitzel 12:45 (2 courses £8; before 12.9. £1 less) We 18.9. Peter’s Music Film: Mamma Mia 14:00 The first ABBA Musical with Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan. Conversation & Culture Classes: Monday from 9.9. Tuesday from 10.9. German (advanced conversation) 10:00 German (advanced) 12:30 Italian (lower intermediary) 12:30 German (intermediary) 15:00 German (beginners plus) 12:30 German (intermediary) 18:00 German (absolute beginners) 18:00
Th 19.9. 19:00 Faith Talk – From Power to Prison to Peace Former Cabinet Minister Jonathan Aitken tells his life-story, how he became prisoner and is now a Prison Chaplain. Mo 23.9. Skattunier 19:00 Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Councils. £5 Mindestspende. We 25.9. Peter’s Music Live: Christopher Taylor 14:00 The pianist performs Beethoven, Debussy, Taylor & Schubert. We 25.9. 15:00 Anniversary Afternoon Tea We celebrate 159 years of the German YMCA with a traditional English High Tea including sandwiches, scones, cake and a glass of prosecco. Please book by 19.9. Th 26.9. Anglo-German Circle: Let's Dance 19:00 A relaxed evening with a chance to move. Tu 1.10. Film Club: Goodbye Lenin 14:00 We 2.10. Peter’s Music 14:00 Sa 5.10. Deutscher Ökumenischer Gottesdienst in St Georg Alie St. 18:00 Sa 19.10. Bring & Buy 12:30 Please collect anything sellable. You may bring donations before the date. All funds raised will go to Hallfield Primary School. We will be serving light refreshments (Bratwurst, cake …) as an added attraction. Zum Geburtstag wünschen wir von Herzen Gottes Segen: im August Brigitte Aldous, Janet Butler, Sam Chander, Mary Conlin, Silvana Delogu, Shonni Doulton, Alban Forster, Elizabeth Gabbidon, Christel Galedek, Gerald Gibson, Frederik Görlitz, Helen Grey, Amalia Grischott-Gomez, Christa Linke, Georg Mallinckrodt KBE, Alex Malling, Thomas Reid, Jin Qiu Ren, Gabrielle Tilden, Rebecca Tinsley, Michael Wachowiak, Lore Workman und Michael Zimmermann. im September Udo Bauer, Chris Beesley, Joanna Bertasius, Angelika Blackaby, Michael Butler, Kathleen Chapple, Janik Dirkes, Inge Dunkley, Timothy Elsey, Lorraine Hawkins, Renate Hayes, Karin Hellmer, Ingeborg Kavanagh, Mathilda Mellor, Michael Mertl, Lucia Myhill, Susan Parish, Angela Parolin, Kelvin Roberts, Susan Robinson, Franz Schönauer, Doreen Scording, Stephen Shaw, Hope Sloly, Jackie Stephenson, Claus Stübner, Ursula Sullivan, Edith Thomas, John Walton und Anna Warwick-Ching. Happy Birthday to you all, Uwe Maynard
10 News Craven Terrace Community Fayre The Saturday on 22 June was fun for all guests and a big success for local charities. Our local primary school, a scout group, a holiday scheme for disadvantaged children and PIP (for people with learning disabilities) raised their profile and some funds. The main beneficiary though was the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital. The final donation will be confirmed next time. This year we had some traditional games like splat the rat, boules and skittles, which was a joyful addition for all age groups. Music, food and drinks were good, too. Hope you can make it next year. Happy Birthday Ida! Ida Upham-Battlogg is our third member in recent years to become one hundred years old. She celebrated with family from Austria and the UK and received loads of cards. Of course one was from her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Congratulations from us, too! Bring & Buy Our Bring & Buy on 18th May raised £370 for PIP, a charity for people with learning disabilities. They were delighted to use the money for a trip to School of Rock. Adam, their service coordinator, wrote to us “Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity, the students had a fantastic time.” You can see it in the picture. Many thanks to the donors, shoppers and helpers! Happy birthday Cody! Donation for Friends of St Mary’s Doreen and Daniel Scording had a birthday Hospital gift on 20 May this year. It was the very first At the end of the Memorial Service for John birthday (zero years old) of their son Cody. He Grange we collected for the Friends of St is fit and growing fast. Congratulations to all of Mary’s Hospital. It resulted in £108 going to the them! good cause. Thanks to all the donors.
11 New Volunteers My name is Jan Kümmel. My name is Mouna Mouami. I am I'm from St. Wendel. It's currently 18 years old and I just a little nice town in the finished school. I come from a small south-west of Germany. town 40 kilometres from Frankfurt I have just graduated named Groß-Umstadt in Hessen, from high school. In Germany. I enjoy being outdoors to my spare time, I play relax or to do sport. Otherwise I am football and swim. I also interested in art and music since I like like traveling. I'm really making music myself. I look forward looking forward to my to the next year at the German EVS! YMCA! I’m Michele Parisi, from Germany, Munich, 18 years old and a half Italian/half German. I would describe myself as a humorous, kind and open-minded person, who likes to get to know new people, spend time with friends and help others. My absolute passions are music (piano, saxophone…) and different sports (tennis, table-tennis, volleyball…). A very warm welcome to all three! The Team Settled Status Scheme The British government created this scheme to register all EU citizens. People who have lived in the UK for more than 5 years can apply for Settled Status. People who have not been in the UK for 5 years yet, can apply for Pre Settled Status which can lead to Settled Status. The application is free and the deadline for applying is 31 December 2020. Every EU Citizen should apply for this scheme, unless they already have a British passport, leave to remain or leave to enter the UK in an old passport. The Settled status will give you the right to work in the UK, use the NHS, study and enrol in education, access public funds such as benefits and pensions (if you are eligible for them) and travel in and out of the UK. With Settled Status you can leave the UK for up to 5 years before losing this status. After successful application, the Home Office will email you and provide a link to an online service that you can use to view and prove your status. You will not get a physical document. The German YMCA will offer help if needed for Settled Status applications from September onwards for its members. Please see: IN MEMORIAM Tessa Wright died 12 June 2019 aged 80 | James Ross died 18 June 2019 aged 59. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families and friends. “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” says the risen Christ; Matthew 28.20
12 Text For The Month August 2019 the royal man and bases this on numerous biblical examples of unequivocal facts in an Preach this message: ‘The kingdom of impressive and inevitable way. I now cite in heaven is near.’ Matthew 10.7 translation just some of Barth’s statements Here I question the wisdom of our church to relating to the text for this month: choose for this month such a difficult text. “The King and his kingdom, the Lord In the expression The kingdom of heaven we and his rule are one. So it was seen by the have several puzzles that we simply cannot community and therefore unforgettable. solve. The discussion amongst the scholars Amongst all in question only Jesus, only remains stuck in numerous contradictions. this one person. Why? And why he? He I will therefore try to bring together at least had been a lord amongst his fellow men, a some related thoughts that may be of very royal man and certainly also a person practical help to us in these, everywhere, like themselves, not in possession and not very confusing and challenging times. exercising divine sovereignty, authority and Of the four Evangelists, it is only Matthew, omnipotence, but as their immediate and who uses the term kingdom of heaven perfect witness, unmistakably distinguished instead of kingdom of God. This was because in their midst. he wrote his gospel primarily for the Jewish He was a free man in our world, who had, community, who traditionally avoided the except for his father, also in heaven nobody use of the ‘name’ God. The meaning of both and nothing above him. He was therefore versions is the same, and because of their quite free to act and fulfil the will of his frequent usage in the gospels, they are seen father. He was not subordinate to anyone, as the key elements in Jesus’ teaching. But not a nature and history maker, not tied to nowhere does Jesus define the phrase. inner limits and inhibitions. There was only The great scholar Adolf von Harnack one thing for him to do, not constrained and wrote in the book “Vom inwendigen Leben” forced, but superior to the end, in suffering in October 1917 about the parables of the and death. Especially there. heavenly kingdom: “For today’s people, we An empire was there, the kingdom of God, are left with a mystery. Although for those the kingdom of heaven, as the tradition who know Jesus’ language it is no mystery. calls it, in this man of Nazareth. That made Heavenly kingdom is for Jesus the reign of him absolutely unique and unforgettable. the living God as the Father in our heart, so Here are documents and also monuments that we feel we belong to him and he to us, of memory only of this man, a person who so that we look to him with firm confidence announced in word and deed, practically and as the personal power that reaches into the convincingly, the coming of the kingdom heart and does not leave us.”* of God, superfluous of all considerations of In a faith like this, the kingdom of heaven is when? And how? The King and his kingdom, neither near nor far, it is always with us. the Lord and his reign are one, outside of Karl Barth, the most important Swiss all other kingdoms, the nearby kingdom of theologian of the 20th century, studied under God, that touches everyone in their midst, Harnack in Berlin. Barth wrote in stages from because Jesus is in their midst (Luke 17.21). 1932 to 1967 his great ‘Kirchliche Dogmatik’, This was the mission of the Apostles.”* contained in 9000 pages. He calls Christ Karl Barth has influenced many others,
13 amongst them Dietrich Bonhoeffer. If Barth The Kingdom of God is also referred to in portrays Jesus rightly as a man “in word the Constitution of our Association, where and deed, practical and convincing”, then it is stated in the Objects: “The Young Men’s Bonhoeffer writes in ‘Life Together’ about Christian Associations seek to unite those deeds in the chapter about ministry: “The who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and service that one should perform for another Saviour according to the Holy Scriptures, in a Christian community is that of active desire to be his disciples in their faith and helpfulness. This means initially, simple in their life, and to associate their efforts for assistance in trifling, external matters. There the extension of His Kingdom”. There follows, as it has to, an extensive list of practical is a multitude of these things wherever objects. Of these I list just a few key words: to people live together. Nobody is too good for advance the Christian Faith for the benefit of the meanest service. One who worries about the public by supporting and encouraging the loss of time that such petty, outward people along the path to a Christian way of acts of helpfulness entail is usually taking the life, by raising awareness of Christian values importance of his own career too solemnly. and the needs of others …; to provide We must be ready to allow ourselves to be facilities and programmes, in the interest of interrupted by God”. social welfare, cultural activity, recreation and And in the chapter about community we leisure …; the prevention or relief of poverty read: “According to God’s will Christendom …; to provide the provision of education …; is a scattered people, scattered like seed ‘in to promote racial harmony … all the kingdoms of the earth’ (Deut. 28.25). Thus, the Association has to earn and That is its curse and its promise. God’s secure funds, efficiently and ethically, and people must dwell in far countries amongst then apply these in the spirit of Christian the unbelievers, but it will be the seed of love. Bernd Hildebrandt the Kingdom of God in all the world”. Here Bonhoeffer points to the parable of the September 2019 mustard seed (Matthew 13.31). Was hülfe es dem Menschen, wenn er die And I deem it fitting to include here ganze Welt gewönne und nähme doch Bonhoeffer’s moving prayer, spoken now 75 Schaden an seiner Seele? Matthäus 16,26 years past: “By benign powers wondrously protected we wait with confidence what “Drei Dinge gibt es, die unergründlich sind, comes our way. God is with us this evening, ‘Leben, Seele, Gott’, und die doch für uns das this morning, and without doubt on each Sein selbst sind”. Adolf von Harnack new day.”* * Translated from German by B. Hildebrandt
German-Speaking Organisations German-Speaking Churches, London Austrian Cultural Forum London Evangelische Gemeinde Petersham 28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ St Andrew’s Tel: 020 7225 7300, Church Road, Petersham TW10 5HG Tel: 020 8876 6366 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Gottesdienst jeden 2. und 4. Sonntag im 1 Southampton Place, London WC1A 2DA Monat 16:30 Uhr Tel: 020 7831 9511, Katholische Gemeinde Whitechapel Deutsche Botschaft St. Bonifatius 23 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PZ 47 Adler St., London E1 1EE Tel: 020 7824 1300, Tel: 020 7247 9529 German Historical Institute Gottesdienst jeden 2., 4., 5. Sonntag im 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ Monat 11 Uhr. 1. und 3. Sonntag am Tel: 020 7309 2050, Vorabend-Samstag 17 Uhr German Saturday School Central London Katholische Gemeinde Petersham 2 Rowington Close, W2 5TF St Thomas Aquinas Tel. 07542 733 974 Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HT Tel: 020 8332 1036 German School London Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11:30 Uhr Douglas House, Petersham Road, Richmond, Evangelische Christuskirche Surrey TW10 7AH 19 Montpelier Pl., London SW7 1HL Tel: 020 8940 2510, Tel: 020 8876 6366 German Welfare Council 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11 Uhr Tel: 020 7262 2463, Evangelische Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirche 50 Dacres Rd., Forest Hill, London SE23 2NR Goethe Institut Tel: 020 7794 4207 50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PH, Tel: 020 7596 4000 Gottesdienst jeden 2. Sonntag im Monat 15:30 Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 10:30 Uhr Hostel for young women Evangelische St. Marien-Kirche Lioba House, 42-44 Exeter Road, 10 Sandwich St., London WC1 9PL London NW2 4SB, Tel: 020 8438 9628 Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 3. Sonntag im Monat Österreichische Botschaft 11Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 15 Uhr 18 Belgrave Mews West, London SW1X 8HU Tel: 020 7344 3250, Swiss Connection, Swiss Church 79 Endell St., London WC2H 9DY Schweizer Botschaft Tel: 020 7836 1418 16-18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ Tel: 020 7616 6000, Gottesdienst jeden 1., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr
Services and Contacts 15 Au Pair Services The German YMCA offers an au pair placement Chief Executive: service in co-operation with the IN VIA and VIJ Uwe Maynard associations in Germany. To find the right family for Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 the right au pair and vice versa is one of our aims. To facilitate exchange between cultures is another. Programme Manager: With our programmes, which include social-cultural Alice Melsheimer events especially addressed to au pairs, we aim to give a broad experience of country, history and Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195 culture. We also offer the intercultural qualification course “Dare to Differ”. Chaplain & Prog. Secretary: Telephone Contact Udo Bauer With the support of the trustees of the former German Old People’s Home “Homelands” we have a project for anybody who is a native German speaker Programme Office: and lives in the UK. If you can not meet other Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 5684 German speakers in person this is an opportunity to talk to someone in your language. For further information please phone our office and we will Youth Secretaries: put you in contact with Ursula Mitchell. Rachel Shilson Volunteer Placement Services Barbara von Alten In co-operation with other organisations we offer young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad Youth Office: for a period of three to twelve months. Project Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 themes could include: youth, sport, culture, social care, environment. Our aim is to provide young people with an intercultural learning experience Au Pair Services: and to encourage social integration. For further information, or if your organisation would like to Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 host a volunteer, please contact Alice Melsheimer by phone or e-mail. Volunteer Placement Secretary: Office Hours The office is open from Monday to Friday 9am - Alice Melsheimer 12 and 1 - 5pm. In case of an emergency please contact the duty manager of the Lancaster Hall Volunteer Placement Services: Hotel on 020 7723 9276. Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195 Programme Booking If you would like to take part in our activities you can book in person, by telephone or e-mail. Volunteers (on placement): Jan Kümmel Mouna Mouami The German YMCA is a Christian movement which Michele Parisi welcomes people regardless of their gender, age, religion or ethnic background.
German YMCA 35 Craven Terrace London Founded in London 1860 Reg. Charity No. 250118 W2 3EL Accommodation Hotel Rooms Youth Wing Conference Facilities TO BOOK +44 (0)20 7723 9276 POST OFFICE Main Entrance and Reception: ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL E T Lancaster Hall Hotel E T R 35 Craven Terrace PADDINGTON S STATION D LO E Offices and Youth Lounge: N A D R O N P E EA 31 Craven Terrace ST D ST S . G N BO PADDINGTON E W U UNDERGROUND D RN A R E A R TE G E R. W X ES R E TB S O SP O D S RI A U U MARBLE ARCH RN G A N D S LO G O D E UNDERGROUND ST EV U R C . O ES N N TE E SH V R IR TE A E T. R RD S R. TE C OXFO R. LL CR TE HI R. MARBLE ARCH AV R. N L A NC A S T E R T E VE A D R O EN A CR LANCASTER GATE T E R TE UNDERGROUND W A R. Y S B A PA HYDE PARK RK G ATE TE R C AS LA L AN NE THE FOUNTAINS KENSINGTON THE SERPENTINE GARDENS
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