Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London

Page created by Reginald Singh
Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
Study Guide
Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
Come and
meet us

               Meet our academics and
               students and see our campuses
               for yourself at our open
               evenings. If you can’t visit in
               person, we run virtual open
               days and live chats online.
               Find out more:

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London

Come to Queen Mary               4    Support services           20

Join our global community        6    PhD study                  22

The London advantage             8    Funding and financial
                                      support                    24
Campus living                   10
                                      How to apply and
Your career                     12    application deadlines      28
International students          16    Programme listings         30
World class sport and facilities 18

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
Come to
Queen Mary

                                 Queen Mary say they are
                                 investors in people, and that’s
                                 so true in every sense.
                                 The kind of training, mentoring,
                                 coaching and lecturer-student
                                 relationship I’ve had in the one
                                 year of studying here proves
                                 it. I feel I’ve been challenged
                                 with a responsibility to not only
                                 be a graduate of the school,
                                 but also to go out and be an
                                 investor in other people.
                                 Charles, MSc Global Public
                                 Health and Policy, 2019

At Queen Mary University of
London, we support students
and staff from around the
world to push the boundaries
of knowledge and achieve
the previously unthinkable.
Wherever you are from,
whatever your background,
there is a place for you here.
Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
Leading through research                       Russell Group
Queen Mary is one of the UK’s leading          Queen Mary is a member of the Russell
research-intensive universities. You will be   Group, the 24 leading universities in
taught by world-class academics whose          the UK. This distinction recognises our
research directly informs our wide range       commitment to delivering world-class
of postgraduate programmes. It is this         research, teaching and learning.
environment that makes Queen Mary
such an exciting place to undertake            A history of social justice
your postgraduate study.                       Queen Mary has its roots in four historic
                                               institutions that were founded to help the
                                               less privileged.
  Innovative research and teaching
  Working closely with industry,               At a time when women and working-class
  government, business, communities            communities faced extreme barriers to
  and charities, the outcomes of our           education, the People’s Palace invited
  research are felt around the world,          people from all backgrounds to study
  from the communities of east London          together, and Westfield College was the first
  to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.            residential college in London for women.
    ueen Mary was ranked fifth in the         The London Hospital Medical College
   UK for the quality of research outputs      and St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical
   (4* and 3*) in the Research Excellence      College were founded in 1785 and 1843
   Framework (latest REF, 2014).               respectively, to improve the health of
                                               impoverished communities in the City
    ight of our alumni and staff have
                                               and east London.
   won a Nobel Prize.
                                               These founders aspired to create places
    ueen Mary is in the top ten UK
                                               where everyone would have access to the
   universities for quality of research
                                               same opportunities in education, recreation
   (Complete University Guide).
                                               and culture, regardless of background.

     What we offer
     We offer a wide range of full-
     time, part-time and online
     learning programmes in the
     humanities, social sciences,
     science and engineering, medicine
     and dentistry. Postgraduate
     programmes available in 2020
     are listed on page 30 or visit

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
Join our global

                                 You get to meet people from
                                 different countries, which
                                 gives you the opportunity
                                 to learn about different
                                 cultures, and that prepares
                                 you for the world.

                                 Owusuwaa, LLM Human
                                 Rights Law, 2019

With staff and students
representing over 160
nationalities, Queen Mary is
one of the most diverse higher
education institutions in the
world. Almost two-thirds of
our postgraduates come
from outside the UK.

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
A global education
                                           Queen Mary is in the top
                                           25 most internationally
                                           diverse universities
                                           in the world, based
                                           on the proportion of
                                           international staff and
                                           students, citations
                                           and internationally
                                           co-authored papers,
                                           (Times Higher Education,
                                           We deliver postgraduate
                                           programmes at our
                                           London and international
                                           sites and through
                                           partnerships with
                                           institutions across
                                           Europe, Asia and the US.
We know from experience that diversity
is a potent catalyst for groundbreaking    Find out more about
ideas: in conversations in corridors
snatched between lectures; when science
                                           our global community:
and the humanities work together; and
between students who grew up around
the corner and those from the other side
of the world.

The diverse mix of backgrounds,
nationalities and cultures will not only
challenge you academically, you will
make friends and build networks with
people from all over the world.

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
The London

Studying in London is different
from studying anywhere else.                      London is the
London is the political, financial                quintessential melting
                                                  pot of cultures and
and cultural heart of the UK.                     nationalities. It’s by far the
From West End shows to                            best place to study; you are
                                                  a Tube ride or a walk away
independent cinemas, world-                       from the financial hub of
famous museums to pop-up                          the City of Londonand
                                                  the rich legal history of
restaurants, nightclubs to                        the Courts, and you are
beautiful parks, you will never                   able to explore all of these
                                                  amazing experiences while
run out of things to see and do.                  studying at Queen Mary.

As well as living in one of the most culturally   Hakim, LLM Commercial
exciting cities in the world, you will have       and Corporate Law, 2019
many learning and career opportunities.

Queen Mary’s largest campus is in east
London. We also have campuses in central
London. With the City of London to our
west, the Queen Elizabeth II Olympic Park
to our east, Canary Wharf and Docklands to
our south and beautiful Victoria Park to our
north, you’ll be in the perfect position to
get the most out of living in the capital.
See page 10 for more about our campuses.

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London
Find out more about the
                                                advantages of studying
                                                in London:

Careers                                       Culture and learning
There are many opportunities for work         As a Queen Mary student, you can use the
experience and internships while you study,   University of London’s central facilities,
and when you graduate, you will have access   including Student Central and the Senate
to the London job market. See page 12 for     House Library. In addition, there are
how we will support your career prospects     countless museums, galleries and libraries,
during and after your time at Queen Mary.     which will support your learning and are
                                              often free.
Living in London might not be as expensive    Travel
as you think, especially as Queen Mary        London is a national and international
provides a wide variety of affordable         travel hub, with excellent links to other
accommodation. See page 24 for the            parts of the UK, Europe and the rest of
financial support, including scholarships,    the world.
that is available to you.

Postgraduate Study Guide 2020 - Queen Mary University of London

  Our London campuses are in      It’s been a great experience
                                  living in university
  Zones 1 or 2, so wherever you   accommodation with
  are based, you have quick and   people from all over the
                                  world. It’s so convenient
  easy access to the capital.     being near to the campus
                                  and your classes, as well
  Find out more about our         as all of the other facilities
                                  that are there.
  city-campuses                   Waksh, MSc Accounting
                                  and Finance, 2019

Queen Mary has five campuses
across central and east London
so you can enjoy the security
and friendliness of campus life
within one of the world’s most
exciting cities.

Mile End                                        home to the Barts Cancer Institute, the
Set alongside the historic Regent’s Canal,      William Harvey Research Institute and the
our Mile End site is one of the largest         Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine.
residential campuses in the city and home       It’s also near to the Barbican Arts Centre,
to our new £39m Graduate Centre. Most of        the Museum of London and other famous
our postgraduate taught and postgraduate        London landmarks.
research students across the humanities,
social sciences and science and engineering
are based here.

Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Most of our postgraduate law students are
based at our Lincoln’s Inn Fields campus in
Holborn, the historic legal centre of London.
Located in Zone 1, Lincoln’s Inn Fields is
near to Covent Garden, famous for the
performing arts.

Many of our postgraduate taught and
postgraduate research medicine and
                                                  Queen Mary provides accommodation
dentistry students are based on our
                                                  for postgraduate students across our
Whitechapel campus, next to the Royal
                                                  campuses. We can also provide advice
London Hospital. Whitechapel is a vibrant
                                                  on a range of alternative housing, such
area, famous for its street markets, art,
                                                  as renting, private halls or homestay.
culture and food. The campus has a strong
sense of community with its own library,          Aspire Point, opened in September
and state-of-the-art labs at the Blizard          2018, is home to 445 Queen Mary
Institute.                                        postgraduate students. With stunning
                                                  views over London and the 2012
West Smithfield
                                                  Olympic Park, Aspire Point provides
Our West Smithfield campus in Farringdon
                                                  affordable living and study space in
includes St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Barts)
                                                  Stratford, east London. We also have an
and the West Smithfield Medical Library,
                                                  additional 300 rooms for postgraduate
and is home to cardiovascular, cancer,
                                                  students, available in halls owned
epidemiology and public health research
                                                  by our preferred partner providers.
facilities. Some of our postgraduate taught
                                                  These halls are for students of all
medical students are based here.
                                                  disciplines apart from medicine and
Charterhouse Square                               dentistry students, who have their own
We have a campus at Charterhouse Square           dedicated halls of residence.
for postgraduate taught and postgraduate
                                                  Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 6474
research medical students. Close to the
Barbican in the City of London, this is

Your career

                                      Careers success
                                      93% of our
                                      postgraduates are
                                      in work and/or
                                      study six months
                                      after graduation.
Our Careers and Enterprise team       84% of those in
are here to help you get the skills   work/study are
and work experience you need for      in highly skilled
today’s competitive job market.       work/study (most
Our team can support your career      recent DLHE
planning and connect you to           Survey of 16/17
employers through careers fairs,      leavers)*
sector tasters, internships and       *These figures are for UK-
                                      domiciled students only.
our online vacancy board.
Our location means that we have all of            Enterprise support
London’s industries on our doorstep and           Many students and graduates across
we have links to employers across the             Queen Mary start or grow their own
capital.                                          business or social venture each year. In
                                                  2018/19, Queen Mary gave out £45,000 in
Careers support                                   seed funding to help students start new, or
The services we offer to support your             grow existing businesses.
career development include:
• one-to-one appointments to help you with         We support student entrepreneurs
   your career direction, give feedback on          through:
   job applications, offer insight into the job
   market and prepare you for interviews            •	funding awards
                                                       (of £500, £5,000 or £10,000)
•	workshops to support your career
   development and job hunting                      •	one-to-one advice and workshops

•	employer events attracting recruiters and        •	QIncubator: an 8-week entrepreneur
   alumni from a rich range of sectors                 training programme

• support for finding internships and part-        •	QHacks: three-day entrepreneur
   time jobs                                           bootcamps.

• specialist careers consultants to support
   PhD students through appointments,             Find out more about how we can support
   events and workshops.                          your career:

Your career

                               I knew that studying in
                               London would give me
                               an advantage in getting
                               a job but the dedicated
                               Careers team at Queen
                               Mary have given me even
                               more opportunities.
                               They’ve helped me write
                               my CV and cover letters,
                               given me advice about my
                               LinkedIn profile and put
                               on networking events with
                               alumni that were really

                               Maciej, MSc Investment
                               and Finance, 2019

In 2018/19, we arranged work
experience for over 1,000 of
our students in a rich range
of sectors and roles – from
research internships to
consultancy for start-ups.

Find out more about
                                                  how we can support
Support for international students                your career: careers.
We offer a programme of support for     
international students throughout the year,
which involves talks on how to find graduate
work in the UK and an International             Queen Mary graduates have gone on to
Students Week featuring external speakers.      work in these organisations:
Students can search for jobs across the         • Accenture              • J.P. Morgan
world with our international jobs database,     • Allen & Overy          • Jaguar Land Rover
as well as browse our guides on getting
work in particular markets. All students have   • Arup                   •	Lloyds Banking
access to a rich programme of employer          • AstraZeneca               Group
events and career development workshops,        • Baker McKenzie         •	Natural History
running across the University year.                                         Museum
                                                •	Barts Health NHS
                                                   Trust                 • Penguin
Support after graduation
Our careers support continues after you leave   •	European Central      • PwC
Queen Mary. All graduates have access to our       Bank                  • Queen Mary
Careers and Enterprise services for two years   •	Fintech Innovation    • Save the Children
after graduation. You can:                         Lab                   • Shell
• have free one-to-one appointments            • Google                 • Stella McCartney
   in person, over the phone or via Skype       • HSBC                   • Thales
• attend our employer events                   • IBM                    • Thomson Reuters
• use our online psychometric testing          •	Institute of Cancer   •	World Economic
   and mock-interview software                     Research                 Forum
• access our jobs board – over 3,000           •	Institute of          ...and many more!
   employers uploaded vacancies in 2018/19.        Dentistry


                                     The Chevening Scholarship
                                     helped me to fulfil
                                     my dream, which was
                                     studying in one of the top
                                     universities in the UK. Now,
                                     I’m living my dream and
                                     it’s because of the financial
                                     and academic support.

                                     Shilan, MSc
                                     Gastroenterology, 2019

                                     See page 24 for more
                                     information about

We support students from
around the world to join our
global community at Queen
Mary. Almost two-thirds of our
postgraduate students come
from outside of the UK, which
makes Queen Mary an exciting
place to study for people from
all backgrounds and nationalities.
We will help you every step of the way          Both our pre-masters programmes
from supporting your application, helping       are taught at our Mile End campus.
you with practical arrangements such as         For more information, visit:
visas, funding and accommodation, and 
making sure you have the necessary English
language skills.                                Pre-sessional language programmes
                                                Our pre-sessional programmes are for
Support services                                international and EU students who want
We provide a network of support services to     to improve their English language and
make sure that you get the most out of your     academic study skills before enrolling onto
experience at Queen Mary.                       their chosen postgraduate degree. They run
Before you apply                                over the summer and offer a stimulating
We provide in-country meetings, admissions      learning experience in preparation for
advice and online chat sessions with current    further study. For more information, visit:
students and staff and frequent webinars.

Before you arrive                               In-sessional programmes
We provide pre-departure briefings,             We offer a wide range of English language
an airport collection service, frequent         and study skills modules to help all
webinars and our International Welcome          students improve the quality of their
Programme. We also offer advice about           academic essays and assignments. These
accommodation, scholarships, funding,           free five or ten-week modules help students
Summer School, visas and English language       develop transferable skills, improving their
requirements.                                   employability potential. PhD students can
                                                attend modules on aspects of research,
While you are here                              which accrue Continuing Professional
We provide ongoing support about                Development (CPD) points. For more
accommodation, studying, careers                information, visit:
and funding.                                    centre/in-sessionals/
Pre-masters graduate diplomas                   Contact
Our pre-masters programmes are for              Get in touch with our Global Engagement
international and EU students who do            team:
not meet the academic and/or language
                                                Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 6530
requirements for masters study, or those
who want to switch disciplines from
undergraduate to postgraduate. They give
you the academic, language and study tools      We have representatives in over 50
needed for a full degree, including subject-    countries who help students to apply for
specific knowledge, research skills, academic   Queen Mary’s postgraduate programmes.
writing and speaking, and study skills.         Staff from the university regularly travel
                                                overseas and across the UK.
We offer two pre-masters programmes:
Graduate Diploma in Economics and               For more information and a list of events
Finance and the Graduate Diploma in             visit:
Humanities and Social Sciences.

World class sport
and facilities

Queen Mary offers
exceptional facilities and
activities to make sure
that you get the most out
of your experience as a
postgraduate student with
us. These help to create the
close-knit community that
you will become part of
during your time here.

Exceptional facilities
We have invested £39m in creating a new
Graduate Centre for our postgraduate
students. With stunning views across the
City from its top floor, this impressive space
houses a 200-seat lecture theatre, seminar
rooms, café and a landscaped courtyard.
It also offers 24-hour flexible study areas
tailored to the needs and working patterns
of postgraduates.

Sport at the Students’ Union
                                                Sport at Queen Mary is an important part
                                                of student life. We run a comprehensive
                                                sports programme offering a range of
                                                opportunities and experiences for
                                                everyone to get involved with, including;

                                                •	Qmotion is our on-campus Sport and
                                                   Fitness Centre. It offers excellent facilities,
                                                   40+ exercise classes a week and the
                                                   opportunity to access a free personalised
                                                   gym programme every six weeks.
Students’ Union                                 •	Our 60 sports clubs and the Students’
The Students’ Union supports you                   Union Sport Leagues are a great social
throughout your time at University. It offers      experience and an excellent way to
over 300 diverse societies and sports clubs,       develop your sporting skills. Many of our
a volunteering programme, academic                 teams use facilities at the nearby Olympic
advice service and provides education and          Park, home of the 2012 Olympics, for their
wellbeing support. The Students’ Union             training and matches.
also runs social spaces, a Sport & Fitness
Centre, shops, cafés and bars where you         •	Our Campus Games programme gives
can meet up with friends, take a break or          you the chance to represent your School
grab something to eat. There is a packed           throughout the year, through a range of
programme of events, including dedicated           sporting activities.
events for postgraduate students.
                                                •	The Elite Athlete programme supports
Each year, postgraduate representatives are        students so they can balance a
elected to run activities and events, as well      professional sporting career with
as ensuring the postgraduate voice is heard        a world-class education.
and represented.
                                                •	Get Active lets you take part in sport in a
                                                   fun, affordable and relaxed environment.
Our 24-hour Library in Mile End recently        •	Through our award-winning Community
underwent a £1.5m refurbishment,                   Sport programme, you can act as a
providing even more study and computer             coach, official or mentor in a variety of
spaces.                                            sports projects in the local area.

Medical and dental students can make
use of the specialist medical libraries at
Whitechapel and West Smithfield (site of
Barts hospital). All our students have access      Find out about the sporting
to the University of London’s Senate House         opportunities available to you:
Library in Bloomsbury.                   


We want you to make the
most out of your time at
Queen Mary and have the
best student experience
possible. From financial
guidance to mentoring
schemes, we provide
advice, counselling and
specialist services to help
you get the most out of
your time here.                                Support with your finances
                                               Our specialist Welfare Advisers can help you
Advice and Counselling Service                 identify any funding you may be eligible
The Advice and Counselling Service offers      for. They can provide information on the
a range of free and confidential services to   Student Finance application process,
help all Queen Mary students with financial,   tuition fees and living costs, bursaries and
welfare, legal and also emotional and          scholarships, and what to do if you are
psychological issues. This includes advice     having financial difficulties. See page 24
on visa and immigration issues.                for more on funding and financial support.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8717                       Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8717                   

Disability and dyslexia support                your goals academically and can support
The Disability and Dyslexia Service            you with any personal issues.
(DDS) offers support for all students with
                                               We also have dedicated support if you are a
disabilities, specific learning difficulties
                                               refugee, have been in local authority care or
and mental health issues at Queen Mary.
                                               are estranged from your family or carer.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 2756                                 You can even get in touch with us before
                                               you’ve applied to Queen Mary if you want
School support                                 support with planning your finances and
Every school at Queen Mary has a               practical aspects of student life.
dedicated Student Support Contact who
can support you in your studies. Within        Go to:
your chosen school, there will be a team of    support-for-students/
people who will help ensure you achieve

PhD study

Many of our masters students go on
to PhD study with us. Our academics
supervise a very broad range of thesis
topics. Through close individual
supervision and a substantial schedule of
research training, you will be supported
in both completing your project and
developing as an independent researcher.

If you are interested in studying a
                                                  PhD at Queen Mary, we recommend
                                                  that you find a member of staff with
                                                  interests in your area or find an
After getting my masters degree, I knew           existing research group.
I wanted to explore more the research             To do this and find out more about
world. Going for a PhD seems the natural          our research degree programmes,
continuation of my chemistry studies.             go to:
London – and Queen Mary in particular –
offered the additional opportunity to study
in an international and research-focused        Doctoral College
institution.                                    As a PhD student at Queen Mary, you
                                                will become a member of our Doctoral
My PhD experience at Queen Mary has been        College, a vibrant community of more
challenging and exciting. PhD students get to   than 1,800 postgraduates pursuing
work in a highly motivational environment.      pioneering research across a wide range
The effort we put in our research projects      of academic disciplines. The Doctoral
usually pays off by having our work             College oversees the life cycle of your
published in scientific journals or by going    PhD, supporting you through your
to international conferences to show our        application, enrolment, the development
research. I attended the international          of your research, submission of your
co-ordination chemistry conference in           thesis, and on to the next steps of
Japan and it was an amazing experience!         your career.
The best thing about studying here is           As a member of Queen Mary’s Doctoral
definitely the multicultural and vibrant        College, you will have access to a wide
environment. If at times doing a PhD can feel   range of training and development
stressful and demanding, I know I can always    opportunities, funding and financial
find the support I need from my supervisor      advice for research activities, and
and my colleagues here at Queen Mary.           support in networking and wellbeing.
Martina, PhD in Chemistry                       For further information about PhD study
                                                at Queen Mary, please see:

and financial

  Over the past two years, Queen Mary:
  • awarded £22m to over 2,500
     postgraduate students
  • invested over £3m in postgraduate
     taught students.

                                            We want to attract the best students to
                                            Queen Mary, regardless of their financial
                                            situation. Every year we offer a range of
                                            scholarships for academically excellent

                                            In 2018/19, we awarded 60 Queen Mary
                                            scholarships worth a total of £1,100,000
                                            to postgraduate taught students across
                                            science and engineering, economics and
                                            finance, and law. We awarded over 1,000
                                            Queen Mary scholarships worth a total
                                            of over £9m to postgraduate research

                                            We also co-funded 85 Chevening and five
                                            Commonwealth Scholarships, which are
                                            specifically for international students.

There are a number of funding options
available to help you finance your            Queen Mary Alumni
postgraduate study. These include a
package of competitive Queen Mary             Loyalty Award
scholarships in a range of subject areas,     If you are a Queen Mary
as well as external sources of funding.
                                              graduate, you may be
Tuition fees
Tuition fees for UK, EU and international
                                              eligible for our Alumni
students are listed on each course’s          Loyalty Award for
webpage. Please visit
coursefinder and search for the
                                              masters study (£1,000).
course you are interested in.

Funding and
Funding for international students               Without the loan I wouldn’t
Our partnerships with external funding           have been able to study full
organisations such as Chevening, the             time and perhaps not at
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission              all. I did get some part-time
and numerous governments around the              work, but having the loan
world mean that we can support our               meant that I haven’t had to
international students through scholarships      worry about working too
and funding.                                     many hours and can make
                                                 studying my primary focus.
Postgraduate Masters Loan                        The ability to pay it back like
The Government’s Postgraduate Masters            an undergraduate loan is
Loan offers up to £10,906 per programme          important too. It means it’s
to English students or EU nationals              not going to burden me with
studying in England. International               payments until I can afford
students are not eligible for this loan.         those payments.
The loan is available for any full or part-      William, MSc Computing
time taught masters programme as well            and Information Systems,
as Masters of Research (MRes), though you        2018
won’t normally be eligible if you already
hold a masters degree or higher-level
qualification. Separate loans are available
if you normally live in Scotland, Wales
or Northern Ireland. Loan amounts and
criteria differ; for further information visit
Student Awards Agency Scotland, Student
Finance Wales or Student Finance NI.

Postgraduate Doctoral Loan                       •T
                                                   he UK Government’s website:
You can borrow up to £25,000 with the             funding-for-postgraduate-study
Government’s Postgraduate Doctoral Loan.         •Q
                                                   ueen Mary’s Postgraduate Funding
It is available for any taught or research-       advice guide:
based postgraduate doctoral qualification,
including part-time and distance learning.       •Q
                                                   ueen Mary’s Funding a Masters
If you already hold a doctoral degree, you        webpages:
won’t normally be eligible for this loan and     •Q
                                                   ueen Mary’s Funding a PhD webpages:
other eligibility criteria will also apply.
Further information                              •Q
                                                   ueen Mary’s scholarships webpage:
Find out more about how to apply,       
eligibility criteria and repayments for loans:   •G
                                                   uidance on budgeting:

How to apply
and application

You can find full details                      Please note some courses may have
                                               earlier deadlines – if this is the case the
of how to apply at:                            earlier deadline will be published on the                       individual course pages on our website,
                                               which can be accessed from here:
We encourage you to apply as early as          Help with overseas applications
possible to allow enough time for your         If you are applying from overseas, our
application to be considered. In particular,   authorised local representatives can help
if you are seeking financial support from      you with your application. They can guide
Research Councils or other award-giving        you through the application process and
bodies, you are advised to apply early. If     upload documents online. This service
a course becomes full, we will no longer be    is completely free of charge. You can
able to consider applications. We update       find details of in-country representatives
the relevant course pages on our website       on your country page. You can also find
as soon as a programme becomes full.           information about the equivalent entry
You can check for general application          requirement qualifications for your country.
deadlines via the following links here:
                                               Find details about our in-country
Deadlines for Postgraduate taught:             representatives at:                international-students/countries/
                                               If your country isn’t listed, contact the
Deadlines for Postgraduate research:           Global Engagement team.
                                               Entry requirements
                                               Most of our masters programmes require
                                               an upper second class Honours Degree or
                                               equivalent in a related subject.

Our PhD programmes usually require a          traditional three-year route and is popular
minimum of an upper second class Honours      with students considering a career in law or
Degree or equivalent in a related subject.    with an academic interest in the subject.
Some PhD programmes may require a
postgraduate-level qualification for entry.   Fast-track medicine programmes
                                              Our Graduate Entry Medicine MBBS (four
Please use our programme finder to check      years) is designed to be a fast-track route
the entry requirements for the course you     for graduates who obtained good degrees
are interested in:    in science or health-related subjects. The
                                              first year of study is based on the first two
Law conversion programmes                     years of the five-year MBBS programme.
The Senior Status LLB (two years) is a
qualifying law degree suitable for non-law     For more information, contact:
graduates. It is an accelerated version of the

What postgraduate
courses can I study?
                                                                                             FT = full time
For more information on these programmes                                                    PT = part time
including fees, start dates and duration, please                                       OL = online learning
                                                                                       VM = variable mode

 Programme                                    Qualification   Study mode   Academic school
 Biological Sciences
                                                                           School of Biological and Chemical
 Aquatic Ecology by Research                  MSc             FT, PT
                                                                           School of Biological and Chemical
 Bioinformatics                               MSc             FT, PT
 Biomedical Sciences                                                       School of Biological and Chemical
                                              MRes            FT
 (subject to approval)*                                                    Sciences
                                                                           School of Biological and Chemical
 Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics         MSc, PGCert     FT, PT
                                                                           School of Biological and Chemical
 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology             MSc, PGCert     FT, PT

                                                                           School of Biological and Chemical
 Freshwater and Marine Ecology                MSc, PG Cert    FT, PT

 Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and
                                                                           School of Biological and Chemical
 Conservation (Queen Mary and Royal Botanic   MSc             FT
 Gardens, Kew)

 Business and Management
 Accounting and Finance                       MSc             FT           School of Business and Management
 Accounting and Management                    MSc             FT           School of Business and Management
 Business Analytics                           MSc             FT           School of Business and Management
 Creative Industries and Arts Organisation    MA              FT           School of Business and Management
 Entrepreneurship and Innovation              MSc             FT           School of Business and Management
 Heritage Management                          MA              FT, PT       School of Business and Management
 Innovation and Enterprise                    MRes            FT           School of Business and Management
 International Business                       MRes, MSc       FT           School of Business and Management
 International Business and Politics          MRes            FT           School of Business and Management
 International Financial Management           MRes, MSc       FT           School of Business and Management

 International Human Resource Management      MRes, MSc       FT, PT       School of Business and Management

 Management                                   MSc             FT           School of Business and Management
 Marketing                                    MSc             FT           School of Business and Management
 Public Services                              MRes            FT           School of Business and Management
 Work and Organisation                        MRes            FT           School of Business and Management

Chemical Sciences
                                                                          School of Biological and Chemical
Chemical Research                             MSc            FT, PT
Computing and Data Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Artificial Intelligence                       MSc            FT, PT
                                                                          and Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence                                                   School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT
with Industrial Experience                                                and Computer Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Big Data Science                              MSc            FT, PT
                                                                          and Computer Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Big Data Science with Industrial Experience   MSc            FT
                                                                          and Computer Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Computer Science                              MSc            FT, PT
                                                                          and Computer Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Computer Science by Research                  MSc            FT, PT
                                                                          and Computer Science
Computer Science                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT
with Industrial Experience                                                and Computer Science
Computing and Information Systems                                         School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT, PT
(Conversion Programme)                                                    and Computer Science
Computing and Information
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Systems with Industrial Experience            MSc            FT
                                                                          and Computer Science
(Conversion Programme)
Data Analytics                                MSc            FT, PT       School of Mathematical Sciences
Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist                               School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            PT Jan/Sep
(subject to approval)*                                                    and Computer Science
Financial Computing                           MSc            FT, PT       School of Mathematical Sciences
Financial Computing with Industrial
                                              MSc            FT           School of Mathematical Sciences
                                              MSc, PGCert,
Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning                   FT, PT       School of Mathematical Sciences
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Internet of Things                            MSc            FT, PT
                                                                          and Computer Science
Internet of Things                                                        School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT
with Industrial Experience                                                and Computer Science
Machine Learning for                                                      School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT, PT
Visual Data Analytics                                                     and Computer Science
Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics                                School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT
with Industrial Experience                                                and Computer Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Media and Arts Technology by Research         MSc            FT
                                                                          and Computer Science
Media and Arts Technology by Research
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
(Queen Mary and Ateneo de Manila University   MSc            FT
                                                                          and Computer Science
                                                                          School of Electronic Engineering
Sound and Music Computing                     MSc            FT, PT
                                                                          and Computer Science
Sound and Music Computing                                                 School of Electronic Engineering
                                              MSc            FT
with Industrial Experience                                                and Computer Science

Programme                                     Qualification   Study mode     Academic school
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Craniofacial Trauma Reconstruction            MSc             PT, OL
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              School of Engineering and Materials
 Dental Materials                              MSc             FT
                                               MSc, PGDip,     FT, PT by OL   Institute of Dentistry,
 Dental Public Health, Policy and Leadership
                                               PGCert                         School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Dental Science for Clinical Practice          MSc             FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Dental Technology                             MSc, PGDip      FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Endodontic Practice                           MSc             PT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Experimental Oral Pathology                                                  Institute of Dentistry,
                                               MSc             FT
 (Oral Sciences)                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Minimally Invasive Dentistry                  MSc             PT, FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Oral Biology                                  MSc             FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Oral Medicine                                                                Institute of Dentistry,
                                               DClinDent       FT
 (subject to approval)*                                                       School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Orthodontics                                  DClinDent       FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Paediatric Dentistry                          DClinDent       FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Periodontology                                DClinDent       FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Institute of Dentistry,
 Prosthodontics                                DClinDent       FT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                              Wolfson Institute,
 Creative Arts and Mental Health               MSc, PGDip      FT, PT
                                                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Live Art                                      MA              FT, PT         School of English and Drama
 Theatre and Performance                       MA              FT, PT         School of English and Drama
 Economics and Finance
 Banking and Finance                           MSc             FT, PT         School of Economics and Finance
 Behavioural Finance                           MSc             FT             School of Economics and Finance
 Behavioural Finance (CFA Pathway)             MSc             FT             School of Economics and Finance
 Business Analytics                            MSc             FT             School of Business and Management
 Corporate Finance                             MSc             FT             School of Economics and Finance
 Economics                                     MRes, MSc       FT             School of Economics and Finance
 Economics and Econometrics                    MRes            FT             School of Economics and Finance
 Finance                                       MRes, MSc       FT             School of Economics and Finance

Economics and Finance
Finance (CFA Pathway)                            MSc            FT       School of Economics and Finance
(Queen Mary and FGV, Getulio Vargas              Double MSc     FT       School of Economics and Finance
Foundation, Rio de Janeiro)
Finance (Queen Mary and FGV, Getulio Vargas
Foundation, Rio                                  Double MSc     FT       School of Economics and Finance
de Janeiro) (CFA Pathway)
Finance and Econometrics                         MRes, MSc      FT       School of Economics and Finance
Financial Computing                              MSc            FT, PT   School of Mathematical Sciences
Financial Computing with Industrial
                                                 MSc            FT       School of Mathematical Sciences
                                                 MSc, PGCert,
Financial Mathematics                                           FT, PT   School of Mathematical Sciences
                                                 MSc, PGCert,
Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning                      FT, PT   School of Mathematical Sciences
Investment and Finance                           MSc            FT, PT   School of Economics and Finance
Investment Banking                               MSc            FT       School of Economics and Finance
Investment Banking (CFA Pathway)                 MSc            FT       School of Economics and Finance
                                                 LLM, PGCert,            Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Law and Economics                                               FT, PT
                                                 PGDip                   School of Law
                                                 MSc, PGCert,            Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Law and Finance                                                 FT, PT
                                                 PGDip                   School of Law
                                                 MSc, PGCert,
Quantitative Trading                                            FT       School of Economics and Finance
                                                 MSc, PGCert,
Quantitative Trading (CFA Pathway)                              FT       School of Economics and Finance
Wealth Management                                MSc            FT, PT   School of Economics and Finance
Advanced Electronic and                                                  School of Electronic Engineering
                                                 MSc            FT, PT
Electrical Engineering                                                   and Computer Science
Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering                           School of Electronic Engineering
                                                 MSc            FT
with Industrial Experience                                               and Computer Science
                                                                         School of Engineering and Materials
Advanced Mechanical Engineering                  MSc            FT
                                                                         School of Engineering
Advanced Robotics                                MSc            FT
                                                                         and Materials Science
                                                                         School of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering                            MSc            FT
                                                                         and Materials Science
                                                                         School of Engineering
Aerospace Structures and Materials               MSc            FT
                                                                         and Materials Science
                                                                         School of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering                           MSc            FT
                                                                         and Materials Science
Biomedical Engineering                                                   School of Engineering
                                                 MSc            FT
(Conversion Programme)                                                   and Materials Science

Programme                                     Qualification   Study mode   Academic school
 Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials                                   School of Engineering
                                               MSc             FT
 and Tissue Engineering                                                     and Materials Science
 Biomedical Engineering with                                                School of Engineering
                                               MSc             FT
 Imaging and Instrumentation                                                and Materials Science
                                                                            School of Engineering
 Computational Engineering                     MSc             FT
                                                                            and Materials Science
                                                                            School of Electronic Engineering
 Electronic Engineering by Research            MSc             FT
                                                                            and Computer Science
 Mechanical Engineering                                                     School of Engineering
                                               MSc             FT
 (Conversion Programme)                                                     and Materials Science
 Sustainable Energy Engineering                                             School of Engineering
                                               MSc             FT
 (Conversion Programme)                                                     and Materials Science
                                                                            School of Engineering
 Sustainable Energy Systems                    MSc             FT
                                                                            and Materials Science
                                                                            School of Electronic Engineering
 Telecommunication and Wireless Systems        MSc             FT, PT
                                                                            and Computer Science
 Telecommunication and Wireless                                             School of Electronic Engineering
                                               MSc             FT
 Systems with Industrial Experience                                         and Computer Science
 English and Comparative Literature
                                                                            School of Languages,
 Comparative Literature                        MA              FT, PT
                                                                            Linguistics and Film
 English Literature                            MA              FT, PT       School of English and Drama
 English Literature: Modern and Contemporary   MA              FT, PT       School of English and Drama
 English Literature: Literature and Culture
                                               MA              FT, PT       School of English and Drama
 English Literature: Postcolonial
                                               MA              FT, PT       School of English and Drama
 and Global Literatures
 Film Studies
                                                                            School of Languages,
 Documentary Practice                          MA              FT
                                                                            Linguistics and Film
                                                                            School of Languages,
 Film Studies                                  MA              FT, PT
                                                                            Linguistics and Film
 Geography and Environmental Science

 Cities and Cultures                           MA, MRes        FT, PT       School of Geography

 Development and Global Health                 MA              FT, PT       School of Geography

 Development and International Business        MSc             FT, PT       School of Geography

 Environmental Science by Research             MSc             FT, PT       School of Geography

 Geography                                     MA, MRes        FT, PT       School of Geography

 Global Development                            MA, MRes        FT, PT       School of Geography
 Global Health Geographies                     MA, MRes        FT, PT       School of Geography


Global British Studies                         MA            FT         School of History
(subject to approval)*
Heritage Management                            MA            FT, PT     School of Business and Management
History of Political Thought
                                               MA            FT, PT     School of History
and Intellectual History
Urban History and Culture
                                               MA            FT, PT     University of London Institute in Paris
Taught in Paris
Languages, Linguistics and Culture
                                                                        School of Languages,
Anglo-German Cultural Relations                MA            FT, PT
                                                                        Linguistics and Film
Applied Linguistics                                                     School of Languages,
                                               MA            FT,PT
(subject to approval)*                                                  Linguistics and Film
English Language Teaching                      MA, PGCert,   FT (Jan/   School of Languages,
(subject to approval)*                         PGDip         Sep), PT   Linguistics and Film
English Language Teaching
For English Language teaching - 2 years with                            School of Languages,
                                               MA            FT
pre-Masters Graduate, insert: (subject to                               Linguistics and Film
Cities and Cultures                            MA, MRes      FT, PT     School of Geography
Language Teaching                              MA, PGDip,               School of Languages,
                                                             FT, PT
(subject to approval)*                         PGCert                   Linguistics and Film
                                                                        School of Languages,
Linguistics                                    MA, MRes      FT, PT
                                                                        Linguistics and Film
Urban History and Culture
                                               MA            FT, PT     University of London Institute in Paris
Taught in Paris
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Art, Business and Law                          LLM           FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Banking and Finance Law                        LLM           FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Commercial and Corporate Law                   LLM           FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Commercial Law
                                               Double LLM    FT         School of Law and Singapore
(London/ Singapore)
                                                                        Management University
Comparative and International                                           Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
                                               LLM           FT, PT
Dispute Resolution                                                      School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Competition Law                                LLM           FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Criminal Justice                               LLM, MRes     FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Energy and Natural Resources Law               LLM           FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law
                                                                        Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Environmental Law                              LLM           FT, PT
                                                                        School of Law

Programme                                        Qualification   Study mode   Academic school
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 European Law                                     LLM             FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
 Flexible Study (Laws)
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Taught at multiple locations:                    LLM, PGDip      PT, VM, OL
                                                                               School of Law
 London, Paris, Piraeus
                                                                               Blizard Institute, School of Medicine
 Global Health, Law and Governance                MRes, MSc       FT, PT
                                                                               and Dentistry
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Human Rights Law                                 LLM, MRes       FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Immigration Law                                  LLM, MRes       FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Insurance Law                                    LLM             FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Intellectual Property Law                        LLM, PGCert     FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 International Business Law                       LLM             FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
 International Business Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 (Sorbonne Law School and Queen Mary)             Double LLM      FT
                                                                               School of Law
 Taught in Paris
                                                  LLM, PGCert,                 Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 International Dispute Resolution                                 OL
                                                  PGDip                        School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 International Dispute Resolution (Arbitration)   PGDip           FT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 International Economic Law                       LLM, MRes       FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 International Finance Law                        PGCert, PGDip   FT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 International Shipping Law                       LLM             FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
 International Shipping Law                                                    Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
                                                  LLM             FT, PT
 (Piraeus)                                                                     School of Law
                                                  LLM, PGCert,                 Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Law and Economics                                                FT, PT
                                                  PGDip                        School of Law
                                                  MSc, PGCert,                 Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Law and Finance                                                  FT, PT
                                                  PGDip                        School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Laws                                             LLM, PGDip      FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Legal Theory                                     LLM             FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law
 London-New York LLM
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 (Queen Mary– Fordham University)                 Double LLM      FT
                                                                               School of Law
 (subject to approval)*
                                                                               Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
 Management of Intellectual Property              MSc             FT, PT
                                                                               School of Law

MBA/LLM (ESCP Europe Business
School and QueenMary)
Taught at multiple locations: MBA in Berlin,                                  Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
                                               MBA/LLM         FT
Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw                                               School of Law
LLM in London and Paris
(subject to approval)*
                                                                              Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Medical Law                                    LLM             FT, PT
                                                                              School of Law
Paris (Laws)                                                   FT, PT (Jan/   Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Taught in Paris                                                Sep)           School of Law
                                                                              Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Public International Law                       LLM, MRes       FT, PT
                                                                              School of Law
Regulation and Compliance                                                     Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
                                               LLM, MA         FT, PT, VM
Taught in London and Paris (optional)                                         School of Law
Regulation of Innovation in
Europe: Law, Policy and Practice
(Queen Mary and Maastricht                                                    Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
University Brussels)                           PGCert, PGDip   FT
                                                                              School of Law
Taught in Brussels and Paris
(subject to approval)*
                                                                              Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Tax Law                                        LLM             FT, PT
                                                                              School of Law
Technology, Media and
                                               LLM, PGDip,     FT, PT, OL,    Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Telecommunications Law
                                               PGCert          VM             School of Law
Taught in London or Paris

                                                                              Centre for Commercial Law Studies,
Trade Mark Law and Practice                    PGCert          PT
                                                                              School of Law

                                                                              School of Engineering and Materials
Biomaterials                                   MSc             FT
                                                                              School of Engineering and Materials
Dental Materials                               MSc             FT
                                                                              School of Engineering and Materials
Materials Research                             MRes, MSc       FT
                                                                              School of Engineering and Materials
Polymer Science and Nanotechnology             MSc             FT
Business Analytics                             MSc             FT             School of Business and Management
Data Analytics                                 MSc             FT, PT         School of Mathematical Sciences
Financial Computing                            MSc             FT, PT         School of Mathematical Sciences
Financial Computing with Industrial
                                               MSc             FT             School of Mathematical Sciences
                                               MSc, PGCert,
Financial Mathematics                                          FT, PT         School of Mathematical Sciences

Programme                                    Qualification   Study mode       Academic school
                                              MSc, PGCert,
 Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning                   FT, PT           School of Mathematical Sciences
 Mathematics                                  MSc             FT, PT           School of Mathematical Sciences
                                              MSc, PGCert,
 Quantitative Trading                                         FT               School of Economics and Finance
                                              MSc, PGCert,
 Quantitative Trading (CFA Pathway)                           FT               School of Economics and Finance
 Medicine and Health Sciences
                                                                               Wolfson Institute,
 Advanced Skills in Mental Health             PGCert          FT
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                              MSc, PGCert,                     Blizard Institute,
 Aesthetic Medicine                                           PT, OL
                                              PGDip                            School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Biomedical Science                                                            Blizard Institute,
                                              MSc             FT or PT
 (Medical Microbiology)                                                        School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                              MSc, PGCert,                     Blizard Institute,
 Burn Care                                                    PT, OL
                                              PGDip                            School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Barts Cancer Institute,
 Cancer and Clinical Oncology                 MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, OL
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Barts Cancer Institute,
 Cancer and Molecular and Cellular Biology    MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, OL
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Cancer and Molecular Pathology                                                Barts Cancer Institute,
                                              MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, OL
 and Genomics                                                                  School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Barts Cancer Institute,
 Cancer and Therapeutics                      MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, OL
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               William Harvey Research Institute,
 Cardiac and Vascular Medicine                MRes            FT
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Blizard Institute, School of Medicine
 Clinical Dermatology                         PGDip           PT, OL
                                                                               and Dentistry
                                                                               William Harvey Research Institute,
 Clinical Drug Development                    MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, VM, OL
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               William Harvey Research Institute,
 Clinical Endocrinology                       MSc, PGDip      FT
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Blizard Institute, School of Medicine
 Clinical Microbiology                        MSc, PGDip      FT, PT
                                                                               and Dentistry
                                              MRes, PGCert,                    William Harvey Research Institute,
 Clinical Research                                            PT (Jan/Sep)
                                              PGDip                            School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Institute of Dentistry,
 Craniofacial Trauma Reconstruction           MSc             PT, OL
                                                                               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Wolfson Institute,
 Creative Arts and Mental Health              MSc, PGDip      FT, PT           School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               and School of English and Drama
                                                              FT, PT, VM       William Harvey Research Institute,
 Critical Care                                MSc, PGDip
                                                              OL               School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                               Institute of Health Sciences
 Education for Clinical Contexts              MA, PGCert      PT               Education, School of Medicine
                                                                               and Dentistry

Medicine and Health Sciences
                                                                           Blizard Institute,
Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine        MSc, PGDip      PT, OL
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MSc, PGDip,                    William Harvey Research Institute,
Endocrinology and Diabetes                                  PT, OL
                                            Top Up                         School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                           William Harvey Research Institute,
Forensic Medical Sciences                   MSc             FT
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
Forensic Mental Health                                                     Wolfson Institute,
                                            MSc             FT, PT
(with ELFT, East London Foundation Trust)                                  School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MSc, PGCert,                   Blizard Institute,
Gastroenterology                                            FT, PT, OL
                                            PGDip, Top Up                  School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MSc, PGCert,    FT, PT by OL   William Harvey Research Institute,
Genomic Medicine
                                            PGDip           (Jan/Sep)      School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                            FT, PT
Global Health Geographies                   MA, MRes                       School of Geography
                                            MRes, MSc,                     Blizard Institute,
Global Health, Law and Governance                           FT, PT
                                            PGCert, PGDip                  School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MRes, MSc,                     Blizard Institute,
Global Health Systems Theory and Policy                     FT, PT
                                            PGDip                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
Global Public Health                        MSc, PGCert,                   Blizard Institute,
                                                            PT by OL
(Queen Mary Online)                         PGDip                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MRes, MSc,                     Blizard Institute,
Global Public Health and Policy                             FT, PT
                                            PGDip                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                            FT, PT, OL,    William Harvey Research Institute,
Health Care Research Methods                MSc, PGDip
                                                            VM             School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                           Blizard Institute,
International Primary Health Care           MSc, PGDip      FT, PT
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MSc, PGCert,                   Barts Cancer Institute,
Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical Skills                    FT, PT, OL
                                            PGDip                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
Medicine Graduate Entry
                                            MBBS            FT             School of Medicine and Dentistry
(A top-up undergraduate programme)
Mental Health: Cultural and Global          MRes, MSc,                     Wolfson Institute,
                                                            FT, PT, OL
Perspectives in Mental Health Care          PGDip                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                            MRes, MSc,                     Wolfson Institute,
Mental Health: Psychological Therapies                      FT, PT, OL
                                            PGDip,                         School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                           Blizard Institute,
Migration, Culture and Global Health        MSc, PGDip      FT, PT
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
Molecular and Genomic Medicine
(Queen Mary and International
                                                                           William Harvey Research Institute,
Medical University Malaysia)                Double MSc      FT, PT
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
Taught in Malaysia
(subject to approval)*
                                                                           Blizard Institute,
Neuroscience and Translational Medicine     MSc             FT
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                           Blizard Institute,
Neuroscience and Translational Medicine     PGCert          PT
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                           Blizard Institute,
Orthopaedic Trauma Science                  MSc             PT, OL
                                                                           School of Medicine and Dentistry

Programme                                   Qualification   Study mode   Academic school
 Medicine and Health Sciences
                                                                          Institute of Health Sciences
 Physician Associate Studies                 MSc             FT           Education, School of Medicine
                                                                          and Dentistry
                                                                          William Harvey Research Institute,
 Podiatric Sports Medicine                   PGCert          PT
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                          Institute of Health Sciences
 Prehospital Medicine
                                             MSc             PT           Education, School of Medicine
 (subject to approval)*
                                                                           and Dentistry
                                                                          Blizard Institute, School of Medicine
 Public Mental Health                        MSc             FT, PT       and Dentistry and Wolfson Institute
                                                                          of Preventive Medicine
                                                                          Blizard Institute,
 Reconstructive Microsurgery                 MSc             PT, OL
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                             MSc, PGDip,                  Blizard Institute,
 Regenerative Medicine                                       FT
                                             PGCert                       School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                          William Harvey Research Institute,
 Sports and Exercise Medicine – Medic        MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, VM
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                          William Harvey Research Institute,
 Sports and Exercise Medicine – Physio       MSc, PGDip      FT, PT, VM
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                             MSc, PGCert,                 William Harvey Research Institute,
 Sports and Exercise Medicine – Podiatrist                   FT, PT, VM
                                             PGDip                        School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Sports and Exercise Medicine
                                                                          William Harvey Research Institute,
 (Queen Mary and Universitas Padjadjaran
                                             Double MSc      FT           School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                          and UNPAD
 (subject to approval)*
 Surgical Skills                                                          Barts Cancer Institute,
                                             MSc             PT
 Malta (subject to approval)*                                             School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                          Barts Cancer Institute,
 Translational Immunology                    MRes            FT
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
                                                                          Blizard Institute,
 Trauma Sciences                             MSc             PT, OL
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry

 Trauma Sciences                                                          Blizard Institute,
                                             MSc             PT, OL
 (Military and Humanitarian)                                              School of Medicine and Dentistry

                                                                          Blizard Institute,
 Tuberculosis                                PGCert          PT, OL
                                                                          School of Medicine and Dentistry
 Physics and Astronomy

 Astronomy and Astrophysics                  PGCert          PT           School of Physics and Astronomy

 Astrophysics                                MSc             FT, PT       School of Physics and Astronomy

 Physics: Condensed Matter Physics           MSc             FT           School of Physics and Astronomy

 Physics (EuroMasters)                       MSc             FT           School of Physics and Astronomy

 Physics: Particle Physics                   MSc             FT           School of Physics and Astronomy

 Physics: Theoretical Physics                MSc             FT           School of Physics and Astronomy

Politics and International Relations
                                                                     School of Politics and
 International Business and Politics    MSc             FT, PT
                                                                     International Relations
                                        MSc, PGCert,                 School of Politics and
 International Public Policy                            FT, PT, OL
                                        PGDip                        International Relations
                                        MA, MRes,                    School of Politics and
 International Relations                                FT, PT, OL
                                        PGCert, PGDip                International Relations
                                        MA, PGCert,                  School of Politics and
 International Relations (Paris)                        FT
                                        PGDip                        International Relations
                                                                     School of Politics and
 Public Policy                          MRes, MSc       FT, PT
                                                                     International Relations

*All new courses are required to undergo a two-stage internal review and approval
process before being advertised to students. Courses that are marked “subject to
approval” have successfully completed the first stage of this process. Applications
are welcome but we will not make formal offers for these courses until they have
passed this second (and final) stage.

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Any section of this publication
is available upon request in
accessible formats (large print,
audio, etc). For further information
and assistance, please contact:
Terms and conditions                                        the earliest opportunity and will endeavour to offer a
                                                            suitable alternative programme at Queen Mary. We will
1 Rules and regulations
                                                            also ensure that these changes are reflected on our
The offer of, and acceptance of, a place at Queen Mary
                                                            website as soon as possible.
is made on the understanding that you undertake to
observe the terms and conditions of our Academic
                                                            3 Liability for damage to person or property
Regulations and related policies. These cover, among
                                                            Queen Mary does not accept responsibility or
other things, payment of fees, attendance at classes,
                                                            liability for any damage to students’ property, the
submission of work, attendance at examinations,
                                                            transfer of computer viruses to students’ equipment,
student discipline, complaints procedure, freedom of
                                                            or personal injury to students caused by the misuse or
speech and equal opportunities policies. To read the
                                                            unauthorised use of Queen Mary equipment, or owing
Academic Regulations and related policies, visit:
                                                            to students not taking due care while on Queen Mary
                                                            premises, or engaged in Queen Mary activities.
2 Changes to our programmes
                                                            4 Accuracy of information in this prospectus
We will aim to deliver your programme so that
                                                            Queen Mary has made reasonable efforts to ensure
it closely matches the way in which it has been
                                                            that the information provided in this prospectus is
described to you by Queen Mary, especially at the
                                                            both helpful and accurate at the time of going to print.
point that you accept your offer. However, it is
                                                            However, this information is subject to change over
important to understand that there are circumstances
                                                            time. For this reason, it is important that you check the
in which we may subsequently change aspects of
                                                            website for the most up-to-date information (qmul.
your programme. Our programmes are delivered
                                                   or contact us using the details contained within
within a dynamic, academic community by staff who
                                                            the document.
are actively engaged in research. In this context, we
might make changes so that our students can learn           Applicants are strongly advised to check the course
from the latest academic research. We also value            finder on the Queen Mary website for up-to-date entry
student feedback and provide regular opportunities          requirements before submitting their application:
for our students to comment on the content of their
programme. We may therefore alter your programme
in response to this dialogue with current students.         Read our terms and conditions in full at:
Other circumstances which can lead to changes     
include: staff changes, which can lead to new
modules being offered, modules being withdrawn,
or a change to who teaches the programme; changes
made in response to new requirements from external                        his prospectus was manufactured using
professional or statutory bodies; or changes to the way                  UPM Fine Offset sourced from an ISO
in which universities are funded, which might lead to                    14001 certified mill, where the pulp was
changes in the availability of some student services,                    bleached using an Elemental Chlorine
for example.                                                             Free (EFC) process. The materials
                                                                         followed a Chain-of-Custody scheme,
In the unlikely event that we discontinue a programme                    made of materials from well-managed,
of study, or change it significantly before it begins, we                FSC®-certified forests and other
will inform applicants holding an offer of a place at                    controlled sources.

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