The Use of Precision Teaching to Teach Basic Math Facts
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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS 2014, 15, 225–240 NUMBER 2 (WINTER 2014) 225 The Use of Precision Teaching to Teach Basic Math Facts Børge Strømgren, Cathrine Berg-Mortensen, and Linn Tangen Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences A Precision Teaching program for basic math facts was designed for students in the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade level in a regular primary school. Forty-eight typically developing students who were nominated by their teacher as falling behind their classmates in multiplication and division participated. Following a randomization there were two groups of 24 each: one that received Precision Teaching and one that received treatment as usual. The Precision Teaching intervention was put in place for 20 minutes each school day of the week for eight weeks. Tests were performed before and after the program, and also at follow up which was one month after termination of the Precision Teaching intervention. The group receiving Precision Teaching improved more on the tests than did the group receiving “treatment as usual”, i.e. the regular mathematic instruction. Furthermore, on an individual level, more students in the Precision Teaching group showed reli- able improvement. This study adds to the knowledge of the efficacy and importance of Precision Teaching and mathematic performance monitoring. Key words: Precision Teaching, mathematics, multiplication, division, math facts, mathematic performance monitoring Mathematics is considered one of the Mathematics and Science Study," 2013). core subjects in the Norwegian compul- Both assessment programs have assessed sory education system, along with reading, mathematic proficiency repeatedly over the writing and computer skills. Mathematics last decade. There have been four assessments have been prioritized since 2006 with the from the PISA conducted in the years of national initiative called Kunnskapsløftet 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012, and four as- [The Knowledge Promotion, our translation] sessments from the TIMSS conducted in the (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2013). Despite years of 1995, 2003, 2007 and 2011. this priority, skills in mathematics have Results from the Norwegian PISA assess- not shown much improvement since the ment show that the proportion of students implementation of The Knowledge Promo- performing at the lowest proficiency level has tion. Norwegian students have participated not changed – or improved – from 2003 to nationwide in international assessments of 2012 (Kjærnsli & Olsen, 2013). The PISA basic skill knowledge, more specifically the mathematics proficiency level 1 is stated as: Programme for International Student Assess- ment (PISA) ("Programme for International At level 1 students can answer questions Student Assessment ", 2013) and the Trends involving familiar contexts where all relevant information is present and the questions are in International Mathematics and Science clearly defined. They are able to identify Study (TIMSS) ("Trends in International information and to carry out routine pro- cedures according to direct instructions in explicit situations. They can perform actions Correspondence concerning this article should be that are obvious and follow immediately addressed to Børge Strømgren, Oslo and Akershus Univer- sity College of Applied Sciences. e-mail: Borge.Stromgren@ from the given stimuli (Kjærnsli & Olsen, 2013, p. 54). 225
226 Børge Strømgren et al. Also, results from TIMSS showed only should be able to “ … find common denomi- a slight improvement in mathematical skills nators and carry out addition, subtraction from 1995 to 2011. In fact, the 2011 TIMSS and multiplication of fractions … ” (Utdan- assessment showed that 37 % of students in ningsdirektoratet, 2014b). the 4th grade scored at or below the Low Thus, the latest PISA and TIMSS findings International Benchmark competence level, reflect that many Norwegian students do not while the corresponding proportion was 49 meet the competency aims after seven years % for students in the 8th grade (Grønmo et of schooling. This may hamper competency al., 2012). development in further education (Nasjonalt According to Mullis, Martin, Foy & organ for kvalitet i utdanningen [NOKUT], Arora (2012) the TIMSS-definition of Low 2008) and thus have a long term negative International Benchmark competence in societal impact as mathematic proficiency 4th grade arithmetic is “Students have some may affect national growth (Hanushek & basic mathematical knowledge. Students Kimko, 2000). The Norwegian minister of can add and subtract whole numbers. …” education stated that “We have a problem (p. 87). In 8th grade mathematics the with scientific subjects, and it is grave” definition of Low International Bench- (Grande & Gjerde, 2013). Furthermore, in mark competence is “Students have some the developed and modern western society, knowledge of whole numbers and decimals, a lack of mathematic proficiency may af- operations, and basic graphs. …” (p. 113). fect individuals’ ability to lead a successful The Intermediate International Benchmark life, ranging from reduced levels of income competence in arithmetic is defined (Mullis (Murnane, Willett, & Levy, 1995) to mak- et al., 2012) for the 4th grade as “Students ing informed decisions about health issues can apply basic mathematical knowledge (Reyna & Brainerd, 2007). in straightforward situations. Students at During the debate following the PISA this level demonstrate an understanding and TIMMS findings, suggestions aimed at of whole numbers and some understand- improving the mathematical proficiency in ing of fractions. …” (p. 87), and for the primary and secondary schools have mainly 8th grade as “Students can apply basic revolved around improving teacher profi- mathematical knowledge in a variety of ciency in mathematics, which is proposed situations. Students can solve problems to be accomplished by the introduction of involving decimals, fractions, proportions, a new 5-year teacher education program for and percentages. They understand simple new teachers as well as further training for algebraic relationships. …” (p. 113). teachers currently employed. According to The definition of competence levels Hattie (2009) this is generally in the low ef- provided by (Mullis et al., 2012) seem to fect range and thus below the zone of desired be in accordance with the competency level effects, i.e. below an educational effect size of aims stated by Utdanningsdirektoratet [The .40 (Cohen’s d). The debate has not resulted Norwegian Directorate for Education and in any salient suggestions to focus upon Training], as their mathematics education learning strategies in order to improve the plan declare that students by the end of the students’ basic mathematical skills and ways 4th grade should be able to “ … develop to make sure that more students advance and use varied methods of multiplication from the lowest proficiency levels to more and division, use these in practical situa- advanced levels. According to Hattie (2009), tions and use the standard multiplication teaching strategies are generally of medium table counting in one’s head and for solving effectiveness and thus within the zone of equations… ” (Utdanningsdirektoratet, desired effects, i.e. an educational effect size 2014a), and by the end of the 7th grade of .40 or more (Cohen’s d).
Precision Teaching to Teach Math Facts 227 On a general level, the focus is upon mathematic proficiency both in primary and developing students’ conceptual understand- secondary schools. In PT, true proficiency is ing of mathematical problems in favor of termed fluency, which is determined by both training basic facts before working towards accuracy and speed. So being accurate is not understanding (Kjærnsli & Olsen, 2013). enough; one also needs to be accurate with Wu (1999) contended that the dichotomy sufficient speed. Children who can solve a between basic skills and conceptual un- number of arithmetic problems with 100 % derstanding is bogus, and that basic skills accuracy will not be considered fluent if it are a necessary part of understanding; “ … takes the child too long to solve them (Kubina The truth is that in mathematics, skills and & Morrison, 2000). understanding are completely intertwined. In order to generate fluency, certain In most cases, the precision and fluency in frequency aims, or performance standards, the execution of the skills are the requisite have been proposed. Johnson and Street vehicles to convey the conceptual under- (2013) propose frequency aims of 160-130 standing” (Wu, 1999, p. 1). Also, Gersten correct digits per minute when writing num- et al. (2009) recommend teaching practices bers 0 - 9, and 100-80 correct answers per such as building fluent repertoires of math minute when seeing single digit problems fact retrieval along with explicit and system- (e.g., 3 × 9) and writing answers, which they atic instruction including guided practice, term Math Facts. Math problems including corrective feedback and frequent cumulative multiple digits (e.g., 13 × 9, or 27 × 17) they review. term Computation, and they aim for 60- Precision Teaching (PT) is generally an 65 answered digits per minute. Haughton efficient strategy for teaching primary school (1972) proposed a frequency aim of 40-50 students basic and more complex academic correct problems (and 80 correct digits) as skills as well as to remedy academic skill defi- appropriate for basic math fact computation, cits in secondary school (Johnson & Street, as lower frequencies would slow the learner 2013; Kubina & Morrison, 2000; Kubina & down as the student progressed through the Yurich, 2012). The PT teaching strategy is curriculum or the amount of time spent general and therefore not dependent upon working increased (in PT the ability to keep the subject taught, the learning objectives, or up performance is termed Endurance). Also, the curriculum. Basic principles are that the Binder (1996) suggested that frequencies of learner always knows best (i.e. if the learner between 50-70 are necessary in order to main- does not learn, the learning problem is due tain performance during short (two minutes) to the teacher’s lack of appropriate teaching and long (four minutes or more) intervals. strategies) and that the focus is on observable The PT focus upon universal screening behavior. Furthermore, PT is not a method and pinpointing also fits nicely within the of teaching per se, but a teaching strategy Response to Intervention framework, where comprising five process steps; (1) defining it is recommended that these evaluations be learning objectives (also termed pinpoint- done three times each school year in order to ing), (2) arranging learning materials and identify learneras at risk for learning problems procedures to ensure practice, (3) timed (Lembke, Hampton, & Beyers, 2012). practice with frequency counting of perfor- VanDerHeyden and Burns (2009) per- mance, (4) daily charting of performance, formed a brief experimental analysis with 2nd and (5) teacher review of performance and to 5th grade students in which they screened intervention as needed (Johnson & Street, math proficiency in multiplication, division 2013; Kubina & Yurich, 2012). (Math Facts) and Fact Families. They found PT has been used to diagnose, or pin- that 4th and 5th graders showed an average point, mathematic proficiency, and to build frequency of 42.79 correct division problems
228 Børge Strømgren et al. (÷ 0 to ÷ 12) and 46.95 correct multiplica- On the pretest, all 5 students receiving the tion problems (× 0 to × 12). Also, the aver- intervention performed similar to or worse age frequency of correct answers for Fact than the 25 remaining students in the class. Families (mixed ÷ ⁄× 0 to ÷⁄× 12) was 43.15. The mean score for the intervention group They concluded that frequency levels that was 1 correct response per minute while the predicted retention were 61 (÷ 0 to ÷ 12), mean score for the remaining students was 63 (× 0 to × 12), and 64 (÷⁄× 0 to ÷⁄× 12). 3.7 correct responses per minute. Follow- Lin and Kubina (2005) performed a ing the intervention, all 5 students receiving screening of fluency levels in 5th graders in the intervention out-performed 24 of the order to look at the association between flu- 25 remaining students in the class receiving ency and accuracy in multiplication. They treatment as usual with the mean score for aimed for 80-120 correct digits per minute the intervention group being 13.2 correct with single digit problems (Math Facts), and responses per minute, while the mean score 40-60 correct digits per minute for multiple for the rest of the class was 4.2. digit problems (Computation). Results Gallagher (2006) also carried out a 12- showed a mean frequency of 57.01 correct week PT program in order to teach multipli- digits per minute for single digit multiplica- cation timetables to primary school students. tion problems (Math Facts) – only 14 % of The program was used in a classroom where 8 the participants performed at the aim of 80- students – nominated by class teacher as lag- 120. For the multiple digit problems (Com- ging behind the rest - followed the PT-course putation), results showed a mean frequency format (PT-group) and where the remaining of 18.71 correct digits per minute and only 15 students in the class followed a Transfer 3.2 % of the participants performed at the Test1 preparation course with regular instruc- aim of 40-60. They concluded that accuracy tion format (TT-group). A pre-intervention was not sufficient to master new and more and a post-intervention test were employed complex calculation skills, or Computation, for both groups. The test comprised 80 and that fluency have a significant role in randomly selected multiplication problems this respect. (Math Facts) from × 1 to × 6 (e.g., 5 × 4, 8 × We have found two studies demonstrating 6). At the pre-intervention, test the PT-group the use of PT in order to build proficiency mean score was far below the TT-group mean in basic math facts with typically developing score, with a mean of 16.38 correct answers children in a regular school setting. Chiesa for the PT group and a mean of 26.86 for the and Robertson (2000) delivered a 12 week TT group. At the post-intervention test, the PT-program to 5 primary school children PT-group mean score had improved, a mean who – by teacher nomination – were identi- of 22.75, whereas the TT-group mean score fied as lagging behind in basic multiplica- now was 27.13. At both pre- and post-inter- tion and division curriculum progress. The vention the TT-group showed a higher mean remaining 25 students in the class received score than the PT-group did, but the point treatment as usual, that is regular mathematic here is that the regular instruction format (TT instruction. Both a pre-intervention and a group) did not show any improvement, while post-intervention test were employed for the the students in the PT-instruction format did. 5 students receiving the intervention, and The current study investigated the effects also for the remaining 25 students in the of a Precision Teaching intervention in math class. The test consisted of Computation of division problems, specifically two-digit Fotnote 1. In UK the Transfer Test examination tests numbers divided by one up to five (e.g., 70 a student's ability to solve problems using verbal reasoning ÷ 1 to 75 ÷ 5), which were performed during and mathematics, and it was used to determine which type of school the student should be placed in after primary school; one minute probes. grammar, secondary or technical school.
Precision Teaching to Teach Math Facts 229 facts (multiplication and division) when de- 5th grade, six girls and three boys from the livered in addition to a treatment as usual pro- 6th grade, and four girls and two boys from cedure (regular classroom-based mathematics the 7th grade. The PT group comprised 24 teaching) as opposed to a treatment as usual participants: four girls and five boys from the procedure alone. We were looking to test four 5th grade, four girls and five boys from the hypotheses. First, we predicted that more 6th grade, and four girls and two boys from students receiving Precision Teaching would the 7th grade. double their test score from a pre-intervention test to a post-intervention test and follow-up Setting test than would students receiving treatment All tests and PT training sessions were as usual. Second, we predicted that more conducted at the participants’ regular prima- students receiving Precision Teaching would ry school in a designated training room. The show statistically and clinically reliable change room was usually assigned to teaching digital at post-intervention and follow up tests than skills and had 10 desks and a cupboard. Seven would students receiving treatment as usual. of the desks had computers; they were not Third, for the Precision Teaching participants used and were moved towards the wall side we predicted that a frequency aim of 50 of the desk with the screen facing the wall. correct answers per minute or more would predict Endurance and Stability in the same PRE, POST and FU Test for Both Groups frequency range, and that a lower frequency Stimuli and materials. Following ran- aim would not. Fourth, we predicted that domization, we constructed a test in order the Precision Teaching participants would to obtain Pre-intervention (PRE), Post- rate their participation in the PT-intervention intervention (POST) and Follow-Up (FU) favorably. measures of correct answers per minute (CAPM) in both multiplication and division. Method The test was based upon a typical test that had previously been used at the participating Participants school. It consisted of 5 worksheets with 250 Typically developing students from the mixed multiplication and division problems 5th, 6th, and 7th grades in a regular primary (50 mixed problems per work sheet) printed school participated (n = 48). All participants on white A4 sheets. The mixed problems had been introduced to basic multiplication ranged from multiply by one (M1) and di- and division math facts via regular classroom vide by one (D1) to multiply by 12 (M12) teaching procedures. Class teachers nominat- and divide by 12 (D12). Test sheets with ed students who they regarded were lagging corresponding answer keys were generated behind the rest of the class in basic multiplica- and downloaded from the website http:// tion and division skills. Written and informed consent was obtained from nominated stu- Procedure. Participants from both dents and their parents/guardians. groups completed the test before the PT- Nominated students were randomly al- instruction commenced (PRE), after PT- located to either a PT-intervention (PT) or instruction was terminated (POST), and treatment as usual (TAU) group. In order to one month after the termination of the force equal sample sizes we used a restricted PT-instruction (FU). Participants were random assignment method (Shadish, Cook, given a maximum of 20 minutes to complete & Campbell, 2002). Following the ran- the test. Some participants finished before dom allocation, each group consisted of 24 the maximum time limit, and for those participants. The TAU group comprised 24 participants, the PT-instructors noted the students: six girls and three boys from the amount of minutes spent completing the test.
230 Børge Strømgren et al. During the course of the test, there were up From the TAU group, one participant to 10 participants and four PT-instructors dropped out from POST; consequently, chi- present at anyone time. square analyses of group test scores and RCI Dependent measures and reliability. analyses of individual test score changes for The participants’ written answers (i.e., this group was calculated with 23 partici- corrects and learning opportunities) were pants. From the PT group, two participants independently scored and recorded by two withdrew from the PT-procedure and three PT-instructors. Each participant’s num- participants dropped out from POST or ber of correct answers was divided by the FU. Therefore the chi-square analysis of PT amount of time that participant sat for the group test scores was calculated with 19 par- test in order to calculate correct answers ticipants, and the RCI analysis of individual per minute (CAPM). All reported scores score changes with 22 participants. are expressed as correct answers per minute (CAPM). Inter Observer Agreement (IOA) Precision Teaching for the PT Group was calculated for all scores by means of the Participants following formula: number agreed/(number Stimuli and materials. Each PT group agreed - number disagreed). The IOA scores participant had his or her own folder con- were 99.8 % (SD 0.45, range 98 - 100) for taining Timings Charts (TC) and Standard PRE, 99.9 % (SD 0.33, range 98.5 - 100) Celeration Charts (SCC) (one SCC for for POST, and 99.9 % (SD 0.33, range multiplication and one SCC for division), 98.5 - 100) for FU. and a log form to be filled in at the end of Design and data analysis. For the each session. We used separate work sheets purpose of analyzing initial group differ- for each multiplication and division table, i.e., ences we performed a Mann-Whitney U from multiply by 1 (M1) to multiply by 12 test which showed that both groups scored (M12) and from divide by 1 (D1) to divide by equally at PRE, U = 261, p = .950. The PT 12 (D12). Work sheets with corresponding group had a mean rank of 21.63 and the answer keys were generated and downloaded TAU of 21.39. For the purpose of analyses from the website http://themathworksheet- of between group differences we used non- Each worksheet consisted of 50 parametric chi-square statistics to analyze problems, and was printed on white A4 size the amount of participants who had doubled paper. In addition to work sheets, each par- their test score from PRE to POST and from ticipant had a timer, a pencil and the answer PRE to FU. key. During Stability tests, which are timed In order to analyze variability and practices with distractions (e.g. music played), change for each participant in both groups, participants used headphones with music we used the Reliable Change Index (RCI) played from a mobile phone. (Christensen & Mendoza, 1986; Jacobson Procedure. The present study was con- & Follette, 1984; Jacobson & Truax, 1991; ducted over a period of eight weeks dur- Speer, 1991). The RCI makes it possible to ing the school spring semester, from late determine which test scores showed a clini- January to mid March with a one week cally and statistically significant improve- pause in mid February due to school winter ment or decrement from PRE to POST holiday. Training sessions were conducted and from PRE to FU. The initial standard each school day during regular school hours deviation for both groups scores combined, when students’ regular schedule permitted. together with the TAU group PRE to POST Participants were thus pulled out during dif- and PRE to FU test-retest reliabilities were ferent subjects, usually Norwegian, English, used for calculating RCI by the formula Social Studies, Science, RLE (religion, phi- provided by Jacobson and Truax (1991). losophy of life and ethics) and Mathematics.
Precision Teaching to Teach Math Facts 231 During the course of the study, there were CAPM based upon the suggestions from from one to 10 participants and from two Haughton (1972) and Binder (1996). The (the second and third author) to four PT- M1/D1 functioned as a prolonged introduc- instructors present at anyone time. tion as it made it possible for participants Precision Teaching instruction. Previous to get familiar with the timings procedure to PT-instruction in multiplication and divi- and materials in addition to scoring their sion, we conducted an introductory lesson SCC. Also it provided an opportunity for where participants were informed about and participants to experience improvements in received instruction in the timing procedures rates, or celeration, from timing to timing. and use of materials such as the TC and the Finally it provided an opportunity for the SCC. The learning channel was see problem PT-instructors to assess each participant’s / write answer throughout the study, meaning Personal Best (PB) frequency level potential, that the students saw the math problem on when their celeration “flattened out”. Each the work sheet and were required to write participant’s PB score at M1/D1 served their answer on the work sheet. as a guide for future frequency aims and M1/D1 instruction. All PT group par- intervention procedure decisions for that ticipants started with M1 and D1 problems, participant. Participant’s M1/D1 Personal and kept at that level until they reached Best, Stability and Endurance scores are their Personal Best (PB) frequency limit or depicted in the M1 CAPM and D1 CAPM a initial preset overall frequency aim of 70 columns in Table 1. Table Table 11 PT Groupparticipant’s PT group Participant’s ID,ID, Grade Grade Level, level, total Total numberNumber of Sessions, of Sessions, M Training M Training Details, details, M1 scores,M1 Scores, D D Training Training Details, details, and and D1 Scores. D1 scores. Mtraining M1scores Dtraining D1scores ID Grade Sessions Timings Level Test PB Stability Endurance Timings Level Test PB Stability Endurance PT01 5 25 87 5 M3 60 82 66(1) 94 5 64 72 67 PT02 5 27 116 4 M2 46 60(2) 39 137 4 63 60 45 PT03 5 24 93 4 M2 55 52 45 122 4 61 62 58 PT04 5 27 150 6 M3 50 62 55 116 5 45 58 52 PT05 5 27 116 6 M3 58 80 65 119 5 D3 65 64 56 PT06 5 25 106 4 M2 58 60 51 110 4 61 56 49 PT07 5 26 142 5 M3 63 62 61 108 4 81 76 63 PT08 6 26 105 6 M4 63 72 67 145 5 60 74 69 PT09 6 19 42 4 M2 61 52(2) 59 117 3 D2 65 60 62 PT10 6 25 116 6 55 86 62 94 5 D3 66 72 67 PT11 6 28 116 6 65 76(4) 59(1) 103 5 D4 30 72 60 PT12 6 27 91 7 M7 52 39 154 8 D4 61 72 54 PT13 6 28 95 10 M2 148 10 D2 PT14 6 31 108 8 M4 60 98(2) 88 124 9 D7 73 100 75 PT15 6 27 101 8 M3 59 72(4) 64(1) 86 7 D7 65 74 61(1) PT16 6 26 88 6 M4 63 76 70(1) 137 6 63 84 75 PT17 7 20 62 3 M3 56 82 71(1) 126 4 41 84 71 PT18 7 19 90 7 M4 96 7 D7 PT19 7 26 111 7 M3 67 84 66 125 6 61 70 60 PT20 7 25 133 6 44 74(2) 66(1) 93 5 D4 67 82 57 PT21 7 24 162 4 M3 57 76 57 79 3 63 64 55 PT22 7 30 106 5 60 48 49(1) 160 6 D3 45 82 50 Notes: Sessionsaretotalnumberofsessions.TimingsaretotalnumberoftimingsinMandD.LevelisM/Dlevelreachduringtraining. Note: Sessions TestisMorare total Dlevel number atwhich of sessions. LaterPersonal Timings Best(PB)Stability are (S),and total number Endurance ofperformed. (E)testswere timings in M and D. Level is Numbersinparentesesrepresentlearningopportunities M/D level reached during training. Test is M or D level at which later Personal Best (PB) Stability (S), and Endurance (E) tests were performed. Numbers in parentheses represent learning opportunities.
232 Børge Strømgren et al. Session preparation and closure. PT- not met, or if a celeration from timing to instructors prepared each session by means timing was lacking. One of three general of consulting logs from the previous train- principles were employed: (1) a shortened ing session, placing the participants’ train- timings interval, (2) simplify the task with ing materials on their designated desk and fewer math problems or learning opportu- collecting participants from their regular nity tasks only, or (3) advancement to the classroom session. After session closure, the next level despite lower frequency perfor- PT-instructors followed participants back mance than initial PB if (1) and (2) proved to their class. PT sessions lasted 25 minutes. unsuccessful. Some participants received Session procedure. All practice was extra un-timed practice with a PT-instructor timed, usually with 30 second timings, using the learning channel see problem / say with a maximum of 10 timings per par- answer, and some participants earned awards ticipant per session. Each participant set (e.g., listening to music) following an agreed and started his or her timer and answered upon number of timings. as many math problems as possible during Stability and endurance testing. We the timing. Following the timer buzz, par- performed Stability and Endurance tests ticipants stopped writing answers, checked at different times for different students by their answers with the answer key, counted using the same work sheets as in ordinary correct responses and learning opportuni- timings, see Table 1, Test columns for details. ties, and filled in on their TC. Any math Endurance tests were timed to 90 seconds, problem that had been skipped during and Stability tests were timed to 30 seconds timing counted as a learning opportunity. with music in earphones as distractor. At the end of the session, each participant Dependent measures and reliability. plotted his or her best session score on All reported scores are correct answers per the SCC. PT-instructors were available minute (CAPM). We initially aimed for if help or new material was needed. After an overall frequency of 70. However, some the session, all work sheets, TCs and SCCs PT-group participants failed to reach that with pupil recorded corrects and learning frequency aim and/or celeration, and if opportunities were reviewed by the PT- their celeration flattened out, they could instructors. The M training columns in still advance to the next level as explained in Table 1 depicts the participant’s number of the Intervention procedures section. We still M timings, M level reached, and M level at wanted to see frequencies of at least 40-50. which later tests of Stability and Endurance Personal best, stability and endurance. were performed. The D training columns Twenty-two participants completed the PT in Table 1 depicts the participant’s number intervention, and 21 received Stability and of D timings, D level reached, and D level Endurance tests at different M or D levels at which later tests of Stability and Endur- throughout the intervention (See Table 1). ance were performed. For these 21 participants, IOA was calcu- Instruction from M2 /D2 and through- lated for actual Personal Best, Stability and out. Participants advanced to the next level Endurance scores by means of the following (i.e., from M2 to M3, or from D2 to D3) formula: number agreed/(number agreed - when they reached their initial M1/D1 number disagreed). A total of 81 IOA scores score, or when their scores “flattened out” were calculated, all showed 100% IOA. in three or more consecutive timings dur- Post PT-inter vention question- ing a session, indicating a PB for that level. naire. Participants were asked to fill Intervention procedures. Intervention in a questionnaire at time of PT-in- procedures were conducted if celeration struction termination in order to judge towards the initial PB M1/D1 scores was their perception of the PT-instruction.
Precision Teaching to Teach Math Facts 233 18 participants answered the questionnaire. TAU group did, a statistically significant dif- Among the questions asked were: (i) “Follow- ference, χ2 (1, 42) = 4.10, p = .043. The effect ing PT-instruction, do you think it has been size is medium, Cramer’s V = .31, p = .043. useful?”, (ii) “Would you consider participat- At FU, the difference was maintained with 9 ing in PT instruction for another math skill out of 19 students in the PT group doubling (e.g., fractions)?”, (iii) “Would you consider their test score from PRE to FU, while 2 out recommending PT-instruction to someone of 23 in the TAU group did, a statistically else?”, and (iv) “Overall, how satisfied are significant difference, χ2 (1, 42) = 8.05, p = you with the PT-instruction?” .005. The effect size is medium, Cramer’s V = .44, p = .005. Results The overall picture from the chi-square analysis is maintained when each group PRE, POST and FU Test for Both Groups member’s test score changes are considered As described in the Method section, the individually. Changes from PRE to POST are groups’ mean CAPM test scores did not differ displayed in Figure 2 with the RCI marked as at PRE. Results from subsequent tests, POST horizontal dotted lines. Specifically, from PRE and FU, show that both groups made progress, to POST the RCI is ± 3.63, indicating that test and that the PT group made larger progress. score changes of greater magnitude indicate The PT group had the following mean CAPM a reliable change. For the PT group, seven test scores at PRE; POST and FU; 5.16 (SD = participants showed reliable improvement and 2.87), 8.04 (SD = 4.59) and 9.10 (SD = 6.0). one participant showed reliable decrement. Corresponding mean CAPM test scores for For the TAU group one participant showed the TAU group were 5.07 (SD = 2.21), 6.21 reliable improvement and none showed reli- (SD = 2.05), and 7.17 (SD = 2.86). able decrement. As can be seen in Figure 1, in the PT group, From PRE to FU the RCI is ± 3.16, 5 out of 19 students doubled their test score indicating that test score changes of great- from PRE to POST, while 1 out of 23 in the er magnitude indicate a reliable change. Doubledvs.notdoubledCAPMtestscores DoubledCAPMtestscore DidnotdoubleCAPMtestscore 25 Numberofpar cipants 20 15 10 5 0 PTPRE-POST PTPRE-FU TAUPRE-POST TAUPRE-FU 1 Figure 1. Doubled test scores (x2) from PRE to POST and from PRE to FU for the PT and TAU groups.
234 Børge Strømgren et al. 2 Figure 2. Reliable Change scores from PRE to POST for the PT group TAU group participants. 3 Figure 3. Reliable Change scores from PRE to FU for the PT group TAU group participants. For the PT group, eight participants showed (later M test). At M1 participant PT02 had a reliable improvement and none showed reli- PB score of below 50 but scored higher on S able decrement. For the TAU group seven and lower E. PT02 maintained the PB score participants showed reliable improvement at a later M test but scored far below on S and none showed reliable decrement. and E. 6 participants (PT04, PT03, PT17, PT21, PT05, PT06, & PT15) had a PB score Individual Scores for the PT Group of between 50 and 60 at M1 and all but for Multiplication. We obtained Personal two (PT03 and PT06) improved at S and E. Best (PB), Stability (S) and Endurance (E) Only two (PT06 and PT15) maintained their scores for both M1 and later M tests for 15 PB score at a later M test, and only two (PT04 participants. Details are depicted in Figure 4 & PT17) had an S score above their PB score. upper left panel (M1) and upper right panel 7 participants (PT01, PT14, PT09, PT07,
Precision Teaching to Teach Math Facts 235 PT08, PT16 & PT19) had a PB score between All but for one (PT12) maintained or im- 60 and 70 at M1, and all but for one (PT09) proved at S, and all but for one (PT05) main- maintained or improved their M1 S and E tained or improved at E. At later D test only scores. At a later M test none maintained any three (PT12, PT09 & PT15) maintained or of their M1 scores. improved their PB score, and only one (PB14) Division. We obtained PB, S and E scores improved at S. for both MD1 and later D tests for 9 partici- pants. Details are depicted in Figure 4 lower Post PT-intervention Questionnaire left panel (D1) and lower right panel (later D 18 PT group participants answered the test). At D1 two participants (PT11 & PT22) post-intervention questionnaire. 14 out of 18 had a PB score below 50, but higher S and E rated the PT-instruction as “rather” or “very” scores. At a later D test PT11 had a PB score useful. 9 out of 18 would have participated above the D1 PB score, but did not main- for another skill (e.g., fractions). 14 out of tain that score at S and E. PT22 decreased 18 would consider recommending this PT- from D1 at all later D tests. 7 participants instruction to someone else, and 15 out of (PT12, PT05, PT09, PT15, PT10, PT 20, 18 were “rather” or “very” satisfied with the & PT14) had a PB score above 60 at D1. PT-instruction?” !"#$%&'()*"$+,)-+'./(/+0)'&1)2&13#'&4")5%#)6)'&1)7 !"#$%&'()*+#,%'-# !"#.-*/0+0-1# !"#2)34&*)5%# 6*-%&#!#$%&'()*+#,%'-# 6*-%&#!#.-*/0+0-1# 6*-%&#!#2)34&*)5%# ;
236 Børge Strømgren et al. Discussion We think that the randomization pro- cedure rules out some of the weakness The purpose of the current study was to represented by the nomination uncertainty. evaluate an eight week PT intervention in We were not able to perform a screening order to teach basic math facts. We were procedure prior to the teacher nomination; looking to test several hypotheses, which we were only allowed to perform a pre- will be summarized and commented at the intervention test after teacher nomination, group and individual level. parent/student informed consent and our randomization. The groups did not differ at PRE, POST and FU Test for Both Groups the pre-intervention test, but we still would We predicted that more students receiv- have preferred to do an initial screening of ing PT would double their test score from a all students in the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade pre-intervention test to a post-intervention at the participating school. By doing a test and follow-up test than would students screening, we could have been more certain receiving TAU. As the difference was statis- that the invitation to participate actually tically significant both from PRE to POST was aimed towards the lower performing and from PRE to FU, this prediction held students. true. We also predicted that more students The test scores from the present study receiving PT would show statistically and represent Math Facts; thus they may be clinically reliable change at POST and FU compared to the Math Fact screening and tests than would students receiving TAU. test scores found in previous studies (Gal- Results indicate that this prediction also lagher, 2006; Lin & Kubina, 2005; Van- held true; more PT group students than DerHeyden & Burns, 2009). The mean TAU group students showed reliable change test scores from PRE, POST and FU are at POST and FU. lower than the mean score of 57.01 reported A possible weakness with the present by Lin and Kubina (2005), lower than the study is that teachers nominated participat- mean score of 43.15 reported for 4th and ing students as lagging behind the rest of 5th graders by VanDerHeyden and Burns the class. The pretest data from Chiesa and (2009), and also lower than the mean scores Robertson (2000) and Gallagher (2006) of 16.38 to 27.13 reported by Gallagher studies, indicated that teacher nomination (2006). This may reflect that we managed is a questionable selection criterion alone to recruit low performers, and that teacher as some students in their treatment as usual nominations were accurate; but again - since groups scored similarly to students in the we were not allowed to perform the test Precision Treatment groups at pre-training for all students, we cannot say this with tests. Furthermore, they did not use ran- certainty. domization when selecting participants to The fact that the test scores are lower in either the Precision Teaching or the treat- the current study may also be a function of ment as usual groups, but relied instead the test procedure. Participants could sit on teacher nominations alone. Thus, the for 20 minutes, which may have caused a present study represents an improvement in decline in speed of responding during the the field, as we used a randomized assign- test period. VanDerHeyden and Burns ment to either PT or TAU among those (2009) used two minute probes while Lin students that were nominated. We have not and Kubina (2005) used a one minute as- found studies involving students in primary sessment timing procedure which would be school where randomized allocation to a less prone to a decline in speed. The test PT-intervention or treatment as usual has scores may also be a case of participants be- been employed. ing conscious about making any mistakes.
Precision Teaching to Teach Math Facts 237 They preferred taking their time in order For timings up to 2 minutes, initial frequen- to be accurate and thus avoid mistakes. cies of 50 per minute would suffice to main- This preoccupation with failure avoidance tain performance, and initial frequencies of was also salient in later timings with the PT 40 would show some decrements. group participants; this may be seen from the Figure 4 show individual PB scores for M1/D1 scores in Table 1, which show very some participants on M1 and a later M few occurrences of learning opportunities or timing (top panels) and on D1 and a later skipped problems. Furthermore, the nature D timing (bottom panels). The PB scores of the test material with randomly mixed on M1 and D1 can be regarded as being problems up to ×12 and ÷ 12 may have con- close to number writing only as there is tributed to the low scores, as participant may not much of a multiplication or division have faced math problems they did not know task other than repeating the original (e.g., 12 ÷ 9), which in turn may have caused number multiplied or divided by 1. As some to spend too much time trying to solve such, the M1/D1 PB scores may serve as a the problem in order not to get a mistake, or baseline for a participant’s number writing caused some to give up all together as some proficiency. The PB scores are still below did quit before the allowed time given to sit the aim proposed for number writing by for the test was up. Johnson and Street (2013), Binder (1996), Thus, test scores in the current study may and Haughton (1972). At both M1 and not be directly comparable to test scores in the D1, most participants scored above 50, above-mentioned studies. Still, we think, the and maintained their scores at Stability important issue here is the improvement in and Endurance tests. For later M and D test scores from PRE to POST and also from levels we saw a marked reduction in PB PRE to FU. 5 out of 19 students in the PT scores and also in Endurance scores. Still, group doubled their scores in eight weeks 8 participants scored between 40 and 50 (from PRE to POST). Kubina and Yurich in the later M PB and 6 in the later D (2012) classify a growth of times two as mas- PB. As we did not perform Stability and sive if it is achieved in a week. A growth of Endurance tests at several time intervals, times two in eight weeks will be around times we cannot say whether this level was suf- 1.25 in a week, which is classified as accept- ficient to maintain the same level of PB able. Thus, for 5 of the PT group participants scores throughout the PT intervention; but the growth from PRE to POST can be viewed from the reliable change differences along as acceptable or better. Data from the reliable with the different M and D levels reached change calculation support this notion that for each participant, we can conclude that a portion of the PT group participants did some probably did not. achieve a noteworthy improvement form their The lack of PRE to POST reliable im- participation in the PT instruction. provement for 12 out of 19 participants may be due to procedural or organizational Individual Scores for the PT Group reasons. Novice trainers carried out the PT For the PT group students, we assumed procedure, and they found it difficult to that a frequency aim of 50 correct answers overcome the participant’s focus on avoid- per minute or more would predict similar ing errors, or learning opportunities. This Endurance and Stability scores, and that a can be seen by the fact that Endurance lower frequency aim would not. Binder (1996) scores were lower than PB scores, which indicated that number-writing frequencies of would be expected with longer timings. below 70 per minute probably would result in Bear in mind that skipping a task also performance decrements during long timing counted as a learning opportunity; so with intervals (i. e., timings of 4 minutes or longer). longer timings they took more time to
238 Børge Strømgren et al. ponder with the math problem or find the may be overlooked as the main focus often answer in the available answer key before they is upon communicating the effectiveness wrote an answer and moved on. Some were of the intervention. In order to advocate also anxious not to look at the answer key interventions based upon behavior analysis during the test as this usually is considered in regular settings, be it regular schools cheating. Stability tests, which hade the same with typically developing students or other timing as the PB score, did not show the same regular recipients, it is also important to overall score drop as Endurance, because the communicate that the recipients themselves condition did not leave them more time to judge the intervention as favorable. ponder with the problem or looking at the answer key before writing an answer. Recommendations The trainers used interventions such as We recommend performing a universal shortened timings and/or simplified tasks or screening in order to identify learners at risk learning opportunity tasks only but still some for learning problems (Lembke et al., 2012), did not improve in the current or subsequent possibly by means of a brief experimental M or D levels. Extra time spurts with the see analysis (VanDerHeyden & Burns, 2009) problem / say answer were used with some, or a one minute timed screening (Lin & again with sparse improvement in the cur- Kubina, 2005). This will help identifying rent or subsequent M or D levels. It may students at risk and furthermore help to have been that these interventions should pinpoint each student’s level of proficiency, have been used to a larger degree with some thus ensuring that students’ receive indi- participants. The organization of the PT vidualized intervention at the proper level, intervention may in part explain why this was as was the case with previous studies (Chiesa not done to a larger extent as there were up & Robertson, 2000; Gallagher, 2006). Also, to 10 participants and 2-4 PT-instructors in developing math fact tests with a narrower the designated training room at any one time. array of problems, for example, with tests of Participants kept track of their own timings say from (×1 to ×3), and then from (×4 to and scores and the PT-instructor reviewed ×6) and so forth will allow for a more fine- all timings charts and logs after sessions, grained pinpointing. thus it is possible that some opportunities to We also recommend Endurance and intervene were lost or put in place too late. Stability testing before every shift (e.g., from M1 to M2, from M2 to M3 and so on), Post PT-intervention Questionnaire this will help assure that the performance We also assumed that students participat- does not drop as the students move to more ing in the PT group would rate their partici- complex mathematical skills. Furthermore, pation in the PT-intervention favorably, and we recommend the approach described by most did. Only half would consider partici- Johnson and Street (2013) in which they pating using this same procedure for another train say ×2, the ×3, then a mix of ×2 and math skill. This may be due to the organiza- ×3 before moving on to ×4 and so forth, tion of the questionnaire; it was administered again with Endurance and Stability tests in connection with the POST test. These before each shift. This strategy may also be answers do not constitute a measure of social helpful in order for PT-instructors to keep validity, which usually is done before an in- pace with each student’s progress and put in tervention commences but merely a measure place necessary interventions in due time. of participants’ point of view. In behavior Another recommendation is to spend analysis these measurements, of social valid- enough time in instructing students in the ity before an intervention commences and use of the Timings Chart and the celeration participants’ judgment after termination, aim line, and teaching students to solicit
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