THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School

Page created by Audrey Gibson
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School
12 MARCH 2021, Term 1, Issue 1

Wheel of FUN
Welcome to new
staff, students &

Off to a
good start

HCS 2021

                                 Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   1
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School
CONTENTS                                                                                                                      Kia Ora Whānau,                                              Dear HCS Community,
                                                                                                                                 We have so much to                                           A big welcome to all the
                                                                                                                                 praise God for as a                                          new families who are
   FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK                                                                                                     school. Once again, we                                       joining HCS this year; it
    FROM THE EBOT CHAIR.....................................................3                                                    have had outstanding                                         is a privilege to be able to
                                                                                                                                 results from our secondary                                   partner with you in seeing

   SCHOOL WIDE EVENTS                                                                                                            students in NCEA. Our                                        your children journey
   		       - Powhiri .................................................... 4-5                                                   Level 3 students not only                                    towards reaching their
   		       - First Assembly ....................................... 6                                                           had a high pass rate, but
                                                                                                                                                                                              potential in Christ. My
   		- Our leaders ............................................... 7                                                             a touch under 40% of
                                                                                                                                                                                              prayer is that you will
                                                                                                                                 the passes were at the
                                                                                                                                 excellence level. This is                                    find your place within
   PRIMARY THE BEEHIVE                                                                                                                                                                        the HCS family and
   		- First day in the Beehive................... 8                                                                             a remarkable result and
                                                                                                                                 by far exceeded the 17%                                      will quickly make connections within the school.
   		      - The Monarch Butterfly...................... 9                                                                                                                                    Welcome also to the new staff who have joined
                                                                                                                                 excellence rate that schools averaged across New
                                                                                                                                                                                              the HCS team, it is an exciting time for the school

   PRIMARY                  CONSTRUCTION ZONE & BASE                                                                             Zealand. Well done to all our Level 3 students,
                                                                                                                                 and to our teachers who work so hard for their               and it is encouraging to see how God is creating
   		                       - Camp at Narrows..........................10-11
                                                                                                                                 students’ success.                                           His team at the school.
                                                                                                                                 Another area of praise is property. Over the                 With the significantly increased roll, as well as
   		        - Wheel of Fun....................................12-13
                                                                                                                                 holiday period, we relocated the old T Block,                the new building developments taking place this
                                                                                                                                 bringing onto school 4 new classrooms, one office            year, it is easy to be caught up in the day-to-day
   MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                                                 block and refurbished nine classroom spaces. This
   		        - First Day Activities.............................. 14                                                                                                                          busy-ness of school life. This last year has reminded
                                                                                                                                 was all-important so that we could enter 2021 with           us that we need to be flexible in our plans and to
   		        - Raglan Beach Educaion...................15                                                                        our 600 students. We are so grateful to the proprietor       be aware of the needs of our school community.
                                                                                                                                 and their contractors for working through the                While our focus may be on the immediacy of the

                                                                                                                                 holiday season to be ready for this new school
   		       - Mini Golf......................................................16                                                                                                               task at hand, we also hold to the wider perspective
   		- Waterworld.............................................. 16                                                                                                                            that we are helping to disciple those over whom
   		- Karakariki.................................................... 17                                                         In just a few weeks, we will see the beginning of            God has given us stewardship, to shape students
   		- EOTC............................................................. 17                                                      the next big property project, the building of our           who will be life-long learners, and to encourage
   		- Arts and Achievements...................18                                                                                first new classroom block. God is so good.                   each one to find their place in serving God throughout
   		       - Student Council Camp.................... 19                                                                                                                                     their lives.
                                                                                                                                 Throughout this whole journey that we as a
   DISCOVERY MISSION TEAMS ...........................20-21                                                                      school have been on, I have been reminded of the             In all things we are seeking fruit that will last,

   COMMUNITY .............................................................. 22-24                                        17      parable of the talents. God gives us all
                                                                                                                                 responsibilities. It is not the size of the responsibility
                                                                                                                                 that makes it important; it is that the responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                                              - a fruitfulness in the eternal things. John 15:4
                                                                                                                                                                                              reminds us that unless we are connected to
                                                                                                                                                                                              Jesus, who is the true vine, we cannot bear fruit
                    Wednesday 17 March            - 5-7:30 pm - Whānau Picnic & Info evening                                     comes from God that is important. As a school,
dates to remember

                                                                                                                                                                                              that is in keeping with God’s kingdom. So, whether
                    Wednesday 24 March            - 9:00 – 10:00am Expression of Interest Tour                                   we have a long history of people who have been               it be as an individual, or corporately as a community
                    Thursday       25 March       - 8:00am – 4:00pm - Cultural Day                                               guardians of the ministry that God has called us             of faith, we seek to show ourselves to be His
                    Tuesday        26 March       - 8am to 3pm, PhotoLife - Individual and Class Photos                          to. While the school has had fewer students in               disciples, and through Him we will be able to bring
                    Friday 2 April - Public Holiday - Good Friday                                                                the past, the growth that we are experiencing now            glory to the Father and bear much fruit in His name
                    Monday         5 April - Public Holiday - Easter Monday                                                      results from years that the school has been careful          (John 15:8).
                    Tuesday        6 April - Public Holiday - Easter Tuesday                                                     with the number of ‘talents’, in this case, students,
                    Friday 16 April        - Term 1 ends                                                                         that God has given us at any time. I am reminded
                                                                                                                                                                                              I pray that you would know His joy and strength for
                                                                                                                                 that our responsibility is quality, and if God desires,
                                                                                                                                 He will bring growth.                                        the year ahead.
                                                                       SAVE THE DATE:
                         Friday 26 March @ 2:30 pm Ground-breaking ceremony for new classroom blocks.                                                                                         Yours in Christ,
                                                                                                                                 I am looking forward to the future that He has
                                                                                                                                 planned for us.
   HCS POLICIES & PROCEDURES                                                                                                                                                                  Brett Bennett
                                                                                                                                 Blessings, and thank you for journeying with us.             Chairperson
   A reminder that the link to our school policies and                                                                                                                                        Establishment Board of Trustees
                                                                                    Username:        hamiltonchristian
   procedures can be found on our website or                                                                                     Shaun Brooker
                                                                                    Password:        micah
   accessed as link supplied.                                                                                                    Principal
   2          The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                                                                                     Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   3
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School

The Hamilton Christian School year began by welcoming new staff and then new students to th
school through a Pōwhiri. Lyrics were written to state the special character of our school and included
                                                                                                                                                                                                       HCS welcomes      new
acknowledging our heavenly Father. He has blessed the school abundantly over many years and as
a school in Aotearoa, we recognise His blessing. Therefore, as we push the waka further out, we are
excited to see what the future holds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          		in 2021
A huge welcome to our new staff, students and whānau. God has planted greatness in you. Let today
be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts he’s given you. - Joyce Meyer
                                                NEW STAFF TO THE HCS FAMILY

         Corrie Jacobs                     Trish Hodgson
                                                                          Jeremy Kelsen
                      l (SMT)                                                                                              an            Sarah Chryst                       Kayla Mayo
      Deputy Principa                   Team Leader - Year 7-8
                                                                            Counsellor                     Nicole O’Gorm             Teacher Aide
                                                                                                                                                       al                                 r 5-6
                                                                                                           Teacher - Year 5-
                                                                                                                             6                    - Year 5-6            Teacher Aide- Yea

                                  Lesley Vent
                   che                         er                Jana Verbeek                                                                                                     Samantha
    Alida Tereblan              Teacher - Year                                                                                                                                                 Olsen
    Teacher - Year 3-
                      4                        1-2                           cher - Year 8    Roger Hodgson               Rhonda Ray                        Lucy Xu               Teacher - Ye
                                                           The Station - Tea                                                           nes               Teacher-STEM
                                                                                                                                                                                              ar 1-2
                                                                                             Sports Coordinator            Teacher-STE

           Saxon Annand                  Isaiah Vallandingham                 Carli Els
                Driver                  Teacher Aide- Year 5-6                                                      Nev Raynes                      Kirsty Swears           Teacher
                                                                      Launch Zone - Tea                                                                                             - Year 1-
                                                                                        cher - Y 9                  Pastoral Care                Teacher - Humaniti                           2
4   The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                                                                                                    Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   5
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School
SCHOOL WIDE EVENTS                                                                                           2021 STUDENT COUNCIL, YEAR 9 & YEAR 6 LEADERS

This year’s first school-wide assembly was a great time to introduce all the new teachers and senior                                                      MEEGAN
student leaders. Although the weather was skeptical at first, it was awesome to come together for the
start of a new year. With the addition of new students to our school, the hard court was packed. Our new                                                  WILLIAM
Deputy Principal, Mr Jacobs, led us in a fantastic devotion about getting rid of the gunk in our lives and                                                ROSIE
letting go of the strings holding us back. - Sami Savage



6   The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                               Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   7
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School
PRIMARY - BEEHIVE                                                                        LEARNING ABOUT THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY

                                                               This term in the Beehive we have been amazed by God’s creation, learning about the Monarch
                                                               butterfly and what it needs to stay alive. Jelly, the Caterpillar, visited us and answered our questions
                                                               about caterpillars. Some of the facts that the students found out included, what happens inside the
                                                               chrysalis and how much time the caterpillar spends eating before it turns into a chrysalis. We have
                                                               also been watching the caterpillars in our classroom grow and pupate, then emerge into butterflies.
                                                               It has been very exciting to watch the butterflies being released outside.

                                            When you
                                     enter this classroom...
                                        You are scientists,
                                        You are explorers,
                                        You are important,
                                          You are loved,
                                        You are respected,
                                         You are a friend,

                                     You are the reason we
                                           are here!
8   The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                   Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021       9
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School


                                                                                                                                                nce to
                                                                                                                             at I go t a cha I really
                                                                            t                                             th                    t
                                                                      s grea                                    I wish ater slide, bu was
                                                    s f u n , it wa hang                                          y t h e w           h e r y. It
                                                wa               t to                                         t r              e Ar c              ause
                                          Camp use we go s for two                                                  liked th rd to aim bec rd. If
                                            beca our friend chill.                                                 reall  y h a
                                                                                                                                        reall  y  h a
                                           out w le days an
                                                                                                                      u h a d to pull ard it would
                                                                                                                  yo                     h
                                               who         e na k  i                                                          n’t pull             r.
                                                       -D                                                          you did             t he floo
                                                                                                                                d  o n
                                                                                                                               - Ja


 On Thursday the 11th and Friday the 12th of                                                                                                                                                   I loved din
 February, the Year 3-6 students from the The                                                                                                                                                 cause it w ner at camp be-
                                                                                   At camp I liked the                                                                                      loved all as super yummy.
 Base and Construction Zone arrived at the                                                                                                                                                             of                 I
                                                                                everything exce use
                                                                                                     pt                                                                                      bit was d camp but the bes
                                                                                                                                                                                                        oing arch          t
 Narrows camp site for an exciting overnight                                      sleeping beca
                                                                                                                                                                                           though I
                                                                                                                                                                                                      didn’t ge ery, even
 camp.                                                                          everyone was somuch                                                                                          I bounce           ta
                                                                                                                                                                                                       d an arr bullseye,
                                                                                          dn ’t ge t
                                                                                 and I di                                                                                                          top of the ow off the
                                                                                           sleep.                                                                                                             target!
                                                                                          - Guan                                                                                                        -
 The purpose of this camp was to build culture,
 to grow relationships and to start the year off
 with a bang.

 Enthusiastic students were happy to wave their
 parents goodbye, eager to start, their two days
 of “freedom” and independence. Parents, on
 the other hand, had anxious expressions on
 their faces, finding the idea of sending “their
 baby” to a sleep-away camp daunting.

 On picking up the kids a day later, however,                                                                                                                My fa
                                                                                                                                                           prob vourite t
 it was evident that all the kids were given                                                                                                                    ab              hi
                                                                                                                                                            want ly archer ng was
                                                                                                                                                                 e d   o try y. I really
 the gift of magical childhood memories - dirt,                                                                                                           ming
                                                                                                                                                          to be ool but I e swim-
 adventure, story and joke-filled experiences                                                                                                              wate
                                                                                                                                                                r-slid I went on get
 with old and new friends under the stars and                                                                                                                          e in f
                                                                                                                                                                              r      t
                                                                                                                                                                               ee timhe
 around the campfire.                                                                                                                                             -M d    a            e
 This was a truly memorable camp experience!

 From HCS, we would like to thank the Narrows
 Park staff and host for the awesome job and
 looking after us, and a huge thank to all the
 parent helpers without whom this camp would
 not have been possible.

10 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                                                                                                Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   11
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School

Students again thoroughly enjoyed the Wheel of Fun and it is easy to see why it
has become an annual activity with the Year 1 to Year 9 students mixing up and
participating in a range of ‘Top Town’ type activities such as sponge throw, and
wheel barrow races. A few students got wet, and muscles tensed for the tug of
war, as groups rotated around giving each new activity their best. Well done to
our Year 9 students that created the activities, prepared the gear, and led the
activities. Also, a big thank you to our Year 8s who leach led a group of younger
students and watched out for them during the activity. We can’t wait until next

                          FUN of
12 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                   Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   13
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School

 What a great beginning. In the Middle
 school our main aim was to ensure
 that new connections and relationships
 were established - board games,
 arts and crafts, beading, colouring,
 sporting activities and more helped
 the students ease into their new,
 or to some, a familiar environment.
 Friendships started to form,
 conversations fired up and the joy
 of being amongst peers filled the
 grounds. What a blessing to be
 around people who care.
                                                                          beach education
                                                                                                and surf
                                          To kick off the year, our Middle School students
                                          had the privilege of heading to Raglan Main
                                          Beach for the day. There, we got to hang out
                                          with the friendly Surf Lifesaving crew, where we
                                          took a tour of the club house and learnt how to
                                          appropriately respond to water emergencies,
                                          getting safe-smart around rip currents, avoid
                                          drowning and basic protocol. To put this learning
                                          into practice, we completed a number of drills on
                                          the beach and in the water. A big thank you to our
                                          teachers and parent volunteers who made this trip
                                          possible. It was a invaluable learning experience for
                                          our tamariki!

14 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                 Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   15
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School

                    YEAR 10                                               YEAR 11                                               YEAR 12                                                 YEAR 13

            MINI GOLF ADVENTURE                                 WATERWORLD ADVENTURE                                   KARAKARIKI ADVENTURE                                     KARAPIRO ADVENTURE

We walked together as a group from school to           At Waterworld, we were able to go down the            The sun was shining. We had completed our              The Year 13s had a fantastic, fun day at Karapiro
Callum Brae, where students engaged in a photo         hydro-slides, swim in either the outside or inside    school pòwhiri, had a feed and we were off on our      for their first day back.
treasure hunt along the way. They had to identify      pools, sunbathe, or play games we brought from        Y12 first day trip.
the photos given to them and match them up to          home. I went down the water-slide twice. Going                                                               The day dawned beautiful and conditions on the
                                                       down the pitch dark tunnel was terrifying - as if     After a short bush walk out by Karakariki, we          water were perfect for some exciting biscuiting
the real location along the walk.
                                                       I was being tumbled around like clothes in a          set up base and shared some ‘get to know you’          challenges and water-skiing activities. It was great
                                                       washing machine. When I got to the bottom, I          activities. Then it was time for our ‘sermon on the    to see a number of ‘first-timers’ out on the biscuits
Throughout the day at Callum Brae, students had                                                              mount’ from Mr Stevenson, by climbing up one of        or enjoying rides in the boats.
                                                       was welcomed by a tsunami of warm, salty water.
opportunities to do all of the following activities:   Even though I got water up my nose and down my        the hills. Although pretty hot by this stage, we had
reflect on the previous year and think about what      throat, it was still fun.                             a great view of a local waterfall and surrounding      Many thanks to Debbie Heard for organising it all,
they would like to achieve in the coming year.                                                               bush.                                                  our parent helpers Jason Farmer, Sandra Shewan,
They had to film a fun music video that made use of    While others kicked a ball in the grassy area after                                                          Graeme Barlow and Paul Savage for bringing their
the landscape available to them (including the         lunch, I chose to bring a game of Uno to challenge    After more food, we explored a waterhole and then      boats and driving the students up and down the
playground!), and compete against their friends on     my friends, and we enjoyed playing together even      the waterfall. Some chose to chill on the banks        lake all day! It was a great way to start the year.
the mini golf course                                   though one of my friends completely wiped the         and chat, while others ventured into the water.
                                                       floor with me. Overall, I enjoyed spending a day      Lunch back at base in the shade of the trees and
                                                       at Water World. It was a fantastic way to start the   some braving the heat with volleyball concluded
                                                       school year. Thank you to Mr Patton, Mrs Fick and     our time. Then it was back through the bush to
                                                       Mrs Wong who made it possible.                        the vans.

                                                       - Natasha Wanyonyi                                    Thank you, Mr and Mrs van Woerden, Mr Stevenson,
                                                                                                             Mrs Withers, Mrs Swears and Mrs Raynes for
                                                                                                             the day. Thank you to the Clarke Family too for
                                                                                                             access to the waterfall.
16 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                                                                    Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021    17
THE NEWS Pōwhiri Wheel of FUN - HCS 2021 leaders - Hamilton Christian School

The new mural in the front of the school was made by four Year 13 artists, Jennifer Tan, Jordyn Farmer,
William Varley and Ben Hunter. The students wanted to portray our School’s mandate , MICAH 6:8 – Act
Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with God. The painting style that the artists used was inspired by the
NZ artist Ellen Giggenbach, whose work spurred the artists in the direction to also represent the three areas of

the school: Senior School, Middle School and Junior School. Mr. Shaun Gordon helped them to construct and
fix the panels on the wall.

                                                                                                                            We had an absolute blast at the Student Council
                                                                                                                            Camp 2021; it was a perfect way to create and share
                                                                                                                            our visions for the year and overall enjoy each other’s
                                                                                                                            company. The balance between the planning,
                                                                                                                            bonding, and activities was great - allowing
                                                                                                                            us to be able to create spaces for people to be
                                                                                                                            heard and hear from others. It was really great
                                                                                                                            having a decent amount of time to have fun and be
                                                                                                                            able to bond, forming better relationships with our
                                                                                                                            fellow student leaders and teachers. The water
                                                                                                                            slide was a blast, as was the volleyball that went
                                                                                                                            on deep into the night; Quelf was a game we will
                                                                                                                            never forget; the beach and township were great
 SECONDARY SCHOOL                              MIDDLE SCHOOL                         PRIMARY SCHOOL                         to clear our heads between planning sessions.

                                                                                                                            The planning sessions were productive and writing
               HAWK                               WOOD PIGEON                                    KIWI                       our ideas in teams helped us come up with fabulous
                                                                                                                            ideas. We also enjoyed the talk by Mr. Bennet as it
The hawk is a symbol of power,            The wood pigeon’s feathers were       The kiwi is an extremely vulnerable bird.   reminded and encouraged us to lead not only the
strength and broad perspective -          used in the past with which to make   This quality represents us as God’s         face of the school, but also the least at the school (we
having the ability to use intuition and   cloaks with. Therefore, it is the     people, who know our strengths and          were reminded that everyone was important). We
higher vision in order to complete        symbol of caring, protection and      weaknesses. We rely and depend
                                                                                                                            thought about being careful with what we cement
tasks or make important decisions         kindness.                             fully on our Creator in all aspects of
                                                                                                                            in people by the way that we involve them in our
with perspective, patience and insight.                                         life.
                                                                                                                            leadership work to help make them feel valued.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, it was very helpful to hear from
                                                                                                                            Mr. Cook as he shared his insight and vision for the
                                                                                                                            middle and junior school assembly devotions. His
                                                                                                                            way of approaching devotions was an awesome
                                                                                                                            way of how to grab others’ attention, which we will
                                                                                                                            continue to attempt to do throughout the year
                                                                                                                            and onwards.

                                                                                                                            Overall it was an awesome camp experience,
                                                                                                                            nicely topped off with fellowship at the local
                                                                                                                            church - Surfside.
18 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                                                                      Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   19
2021 DMT

                                                                                                                                                               A group of year
 AND SCHOOL NEWS                                                                                                                                                  9s working
                                                                                                                                                                hard to move

                                                                                                                                                                  the library
                                                                                                                                                                 furniture for
                                                                                                                                                               our Junior and

                                                                                                                                                                Middle school

                                                                                                                                     Jandal D onation!!!!!

                                                                                                                     The visual art department is looking for donations of old
                                                                                                                     jandals / flip flops. If you have old jandals (or new ones!)
                                                                                          CONGRATULATIONS            that you would like to donate for an art project, please
                                                                                                                     drop it off at the art class in C3. The size and condition do
                                                                                                                     not matter at all!!!!
                                                                                           Mark Linton               Thank you so much for your support
                                                                                             Year 13 - 2020
                                                                                                                     Johanna Fick
                                                                                           English Scholarship.      Art Teacher

                                                                                                                  We will start our celebrations with a school parade
                                                                                                                  during the morning. The student community isre-
                                                                                                                  quested to come dressed in their traditional wear
2021 Discovery Mission teams (DMT) are again                                                                      or in the colours of their country flag. The wider
                                                                                                                  community is encouraged to come and cheer on
limited to New Zealand shores. The first meeting                                                                  our students (depending on the COVID level). We
was held to discuss ideas our students have                                                                       will keep you updated if there are any changes.
for service and the sharing of Jesus in our
communities. An incredible bunch of 65 students                                                                   As part of their learning of cultures through the
                                                                                                                  day, students will showcase their learning through
arrived with wonderful ideas. Meals, services at
Hilda Ross, activities and prayer for our school                  March 25, 2021                                  various performances in the afternoon. This will be
                                                                                                                  held under the shade cloth from 1pm to 2.15pm.
and community are all in the pipeline.                                                                            Once again we ask our wider community to come
                                                                      Come celebrate the rich pool of
                                                                                                                  enjoy and encourage our students (depending on
                                                               cultural diversity our school has to offer with    the COVID level).
                                                                   the numerous nations represented on
                                                                    campus - both students and faculty.           In the evening after school, we have food
                                                                                                                  trucks / stalls lined up to experience a taste of
                                                                  WIDER COMMUNITY CAN COME                        cultures through a global culinary experience.
                                                                      AND ENJOY THE DAY                           We recommend that students and parents bring
                                                                                                                  cash to buy food from the different stalls (depend-
                                                                                                                  ing on the COVID level).
                                                                 Come taste the cultures through a global
                                                               culinary experience - food trucks / stalls lined   We are also looking for parent volunteers to help
                                                                       up in the evening after school             in preparations and set up. Please message
                                                                                                                  Mingyi Zhang 0211578959 or email Feby,
                                                                                                         Thank you.

20 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                     Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021             21

                                                                                                                 All groups welcome to join the fun at

                                                                                                                     OPEN 7 Days 9.30am – 5.30pm

                                                                                                                            Cafe & Hot Drinks.

                                                                                                                  Groups can bring a packed lunch. Private
                                                                                                                 space provided. Socks required by Adults
                                                                                                                                and Children
                                                                                                                      Cost per child under 5yrs $10.50
                                                                                                                      Cost per child over 5yrs $12.00

                         now available for HCS students                                                            No charge for adults & discounted Hot
                                                                                                                  Kohanga Reo, Early Learning Centres
                                                                                                                      Holiday Programs All Welcome.
                                                                                                                 No advance bookings necessary. Perfect for
Details for bookings are as follows:                                                                             last minute or rainy day cancellations (Z
                                                                                                                        Facebook ~ The Fun Shed
Regular bookings:                                                                                                             Ph. 07 846 2251
These bookings are for families who have a regular schedule. To reflect this the charges are
3:15 – 5:00pm: $12 (late fees will apply)
3:15 – 5:45pm: $19 (late fees will apply)

Please notify us at if your child is not going to be at after school
care for their booked time. Even if school has been notified. We would prefer 24 hours notice for staffing
requirements, but need to know by 12 pm on the day at the latest, Failure to notify us by this time will
result in a $12 charge to cover staff costs.

Casual bookings: These bookings will need to be made 24 hours in advance to arrange correct staffing
numbers and will be charged at the casual rate of $19 with pick up by 5:45 pm; late fees will apply.

Unexpected emergency booking: We understand that things happen, and from time to time, you need
to book your child into afterschool care - ideally, these need to be made within 24 hours of a session.
These bookings will be charged at the casual rate of $19 with pick up by 5:45pm; late fees will apply.

Safety at school booking: This is where a parent has not turned up to pick up their child from school by
3:40 pm. The child will be sent to after school care, and there will be a charge of $19; late fees will apply.

Late fee: Late fee of $1 per child will be charged per minute for all bookings that a parent or caregiver is
late from their agreed pick up time.

   Children need to be picked up by 6:00 pm at the latest, and abuse of this time
                      frame will void their future attendance.
All bookings to be made via the booking form.

We will not be operating on public holidays, teacher only days or school holidays.

Children will need to be signed out at pick up time by the designated caregiver. In the event of pick-up
time changing or if the designated care giver cannot collect, prior notice needs to be given either by email
or contact the afterschool mobile number 020 4088 6124.

We have added an easy booking link to the SchoolApp.

22 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1                                                                                                                               Term 1 - Issue 1 The News 2021   23
COMMUNITY                                            BREAD TAGS FOR WHEELCHAIRS NZ
                                                      Bread Tags for Wheelchairs has been running in South
                                                      Africa since 2006, collecting bread tags which a plastics
                                                      company, Zibo, buys for a small amount per kilo. The
                                                      tags (high impact polystyrene, type 6 plastic) are re-
                                                      cycled, being made into seedling trays. The proceeds
                                                      are used to provide wheelchairs for the needy. At
                                                      present about 500kg are collected per month in South
                                                      Africa, funding 2-3 wheelchairs.

                                                      People who were aware of this program in New Zealand
                                                      had been collecting tags for this cause for many years
                                                      and either taking then to South Africa when they visited
                                                      or posting them. In February 2019, we set up a New
                                                      Zealand arm of Bread Tags for Wheelchairs in order
                                                      to promote the program, increase collection, look into
                                                      local recycling and streamline the transport of the tags.

                                                      Our aim is to have all New Zealand bread tags recycled
                                                      here, with funds remitted to South Africa to buy

                                                         Collect your tags, big and small,
                                                        (even broken ones) and pop them
                                                        into the box provided in your PCG
                                                      Anyone can collect at home, work, school, etc. All you
                                                      need to do is get a jar and throw your tags in, or print off
                                                      some of our labels and signs to collect at work, school,
                                                      your local café, child care centres, nursing homes,
                                                      hospitals etc. When it suits you, drop your accumulated
                                                      bread tags off at one of our collection points, which
                                                      you can find on our map (also accessible from our
                                                      facebook page).

                                                      A collection point is a place where the public can drop
                                                      off their tags. Anyone can host a collection point. It can
                            Ka pai! Aotearoa’s        be at a business, school, child care centre, community
                                                      centre, church, private home – anywhere. You just
                              bread tags have
                                                      need to let us know your location and contact details.
                           funded a heavy duty        We then add you to our online collection points map
                               wheelchair for         so people can find you. For privacy reasons, if a
                            Abraham, who lives        collection point is at your private home, we only show
                               in Colesberg,          the town/suburb, so people will contact you for your
                           South Africa. His bad      exact address. From time to time you will need to
                              back and ankle          get your accumulated tags to one of our central hubs
                           restricts his mobility,    (Whangarei, Auckland, Wellington and Ashburton). For
                           his quality of life will   more information please contact:
                             now be improved
                             thanks to you all.       Email :
                                                      FB    : Bread tags for Wheelchairs NZ
                                                      WWW :

24 The News 2021 Term 1 - Issue 1
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