The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship

Page created by Clarence Fletcher
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
Loyola's Official Student Newspaper                                            April 2, 2019
                                      Semper veritatem quaerens                                                  Volume XVI, Issue II

                                  The Loyola News
      Inside this issue:          Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
 Current News         1-5

 Arts and Culture     6-9         By JARRETT                           Logan Suh, Julian Tasca, Nich-
                                  KETTERLING                           olas Saldanha and Connor
 Sports and Clubs     10-15
                                                                       Rooney; six sliver medals: Ina-
                                  The Loyola wrestling team
                                                                       ki Sastron-Navarrete, Peter
      News of interest:           finished its season on February
                                                                       Griffin, Luca Lacroix, Elio
                                  14 at Heritage Regional High
Page 3: A Surging Stress                                               Cariglia, Andrew Boyer and
Problem by Midhurshaan            School where the GMAA city
                                                                       Nicholas Cross; as well as four
Nadarajah                         championship was being held.
                                                                       bronze medals: Bryce Rooney,
                                  At the meet, the Warriors won
                                                                       Joshua     Roberts,    Zachary
                                  their fourth consecutive GMAA
                                                                       Gauthier and Nicholas Franco.
                                  championship and in the pro-
                                                                       Once again, it was a brilliant
                                  cess, completed their third un-
                                                                       team effort.
                                  defeated season in a row.
                                          The team won five                                                    Pictured above: gold medal
                                                                                    (Continued on page 10)
                                                                                                                 winner Connor Rooney
                                  gold medals: Kyan Sabapathy,
Page 4: Staff Feature: Mr.
Denburk Reid by Jordan Giangi
Jarrett Ketterling

Page 5: Student Features by
                                  Are Teens Talking to Their Parents?
Justin Djurovich-Thow and Dylan
                                                By DIEGO               on the parents to make the ef-
Page 6: The War That Got Away                   HANDINERO              fort. Many parents are unaware
by Rocco Santaguida                                                    of what their kids do in their
Page 7: Hemp: The Tale of an                                           social life. Their children could
Illegal Plant by Dylan Bicknell                                        be depressed or doing some-
                                  Often, teenagers are hesitant to     thing dangerous and they would
Page 9: The Dangers of Gay        talk to their parents about their    not know.
Conversion Therapy by Giovanni
Pedicelli and Nicholas Martino    social life. Many parents are                                              family, especially your parents,
                                                                                 Young children tend
                                  not aware of what their kids do                                            will always be there for you. In
                                                                       to tell their parents everything.
Page 14: ESports at Loyola?       in their social life. According to                                         addition, friends do not have
By Michael Di Marco                                                    However, many teenagers
                                  an anonymous online survey of                                              the answer to every question
                                                                       begin to break down communi-
                                  teens conducted by author Kris-                                            because they are the same age
                                                                       cation with their parents and
                                  ten Hatton from the website                                                as you. Your parents are wiser,
                                                                       tend to share aspects of their
                                  Rooted.Minstry, the most com-                                              and can offer great advice, be-
                                                                       personal life with their friends.
                                  mon answers to why teens are                                               cause they most likely have
                                                                       The fault lies with both the
                                  not talking to their parents are                                           gone through similar experienc-
                                                                       teens and parents. The problem
                                  “I don’t trust them,” “it’s awk-                                           es in their lives.
                                                                       is that friends may not always
Quote of the Day:                 ward,” “they won’t under-
                                                                       be there for you. At one point                 Understandably, teen-
“I count him braver who over-     stand,” and, “I don’t want them
comes his desires than him who                                         in your lives, you and friends        agers do not want their parents
                                  to worry about me.” If kids do
conquers his enemies: for the                                          will part ways and take differ-       to worry about them. Adoles-
hardest victory is over self.”    not want to make the effort to                                                           (Continued on page 2)
                                                                       ent paths through life. Your
- Aristotle                       talk to their parents, the onus is
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
Page 2                                The Loyola News                                                                           Volume XVI, Issue II

Are Teens Talking to Their Parents? continued from Page 1
cents do not want to be a bur-       As teenagers get older, they                   If parents want their      sional Mental Health Counseling |
den and think that their caregiv-    want to be more independent         kids to start talking to them,        Children, Kids, Adolescents, Parenting
                                                                                                               Therapist, 6 July 2016,
ers have enough to deal with in      and want to accomplish things       they have to listen and offer
their daily life. However, the       on their own. This is under-        support, love and advice. As          parents/.
teenage years are a crucial peri-    standable but can be a hin-         well, teenagers should start
                                                                                                               “Why Teens Don't Talk to Their Par-
od of emotional and intellectual     drance to solving problems.         opening up more to their par-         ents.” TEEN LINE, 16 Oct. 2015, teen-
development and teens are ex-        Every person, regardless of age,    ents because this will help them
posed to many different stress-      at some point in his or her life,   in the future. Parents have been
ors. Establishing a positive and     will require the help of another    through life and they know the        “Why Teenagers Don't Talk to Their
                                                                                                               Parents and What You Can Do About It
trusting relationship between        person. Teens need to put their     difficulties. Most important,         Now With Your Toddler.” Peaceful
parent and child is precisely        pride aside sometimes and be        they love you and want you to         Parents, Confident Kids, 26 Aug. 2017,
what is needed during this time.     thankful that they have parents     succeed.                              m/2015/02/teenagers-dont-talk-to-their-
                                     who care and love for them and                                            parents/.
           Another reason why
teens do not talk to their parents   are willing to lend an ear at any   Sources                               Statton, Kristen. “Why Teens Don't
                                     time.                                                                     Talk to Their Parents.” Rooted Minis-
is that they do not want them to                                         Russell, Kate. “Why Teenagers Don't   try, 6 June 2016, www.rooted minis-
fix their problem or situation.                                          Talk to Their Parents.” Jack Dross
                                                                         Omaha Counselor | Licensed Profes-

Radiation Information
              By NICOLAS             The closer the antenna is to the    minutes, the brain tissues on the     then switch to airplane mode to
              BANOUSIS               body, the larger the expected       respective side use more glu-         reduce the amount of unneces-
                                     exposure to the RF energy is.       cose than on the other side of        sary radiation.
                                     The body tissue closest to the      the brain. Glucose is a sugar,
                                                                                                                         Many cellular devices
                                     antenna absorbs most of the         that is also used as the brain’s
                                                                                                               do give off radiation when used,
In a world filled with smart         energy.                             fuel, and it changes when cer-
                                                                                                               even if it may not directly cause
phones, cellular radiation is                                            tain actions are performed.
                                            A few studies have also                                            cancer. This does not mean that
found everywhere. An im-                                                 Thinking, moving and speak-
                                     looked at possible links to other                                         we should not take precautions.
portant question many people                                             ing, cause the glucose levels to
                                     types of cancer, such as skin                                             Using your phone safely and non
have with cellular devices is, do                                        change in a good fashion. How-
                                     cancer and testicular cancer.                                             -excessively is the only way we
they cause cancer?                                                       ever, the health effects of the
                                     Skin cancer would be result of                                            can prevent the amount of radia-
                                                                         phone causing the levels of
          Many phones work by        the body tissue absorbing the                                             tion our bodies encounter. In a
                                                                         glucose to change, is still some-
sending and receiving signals        RF waves. Testicular cancer                                               world that increasingly relies on
                                                                         what unknown.
from cell towers using RF            would be result of many people                                            technology that emits radiation,
waves. RF waves are a type of        keeping their phones in their                 The American Acade-         we must take precautions to pre-
non-ionizing radiation that          pocket and the radiation being      my of Pediatrics recommends           serve our overall health.
doesn’t carry sufficient energy      attracted to the lower body.        the following safety tips for         Sources
to directly cause cancer. At the                                         anyone using their phones. Use
                                            Many lab studies suggest                                           “Cellular Phones.” American Cancer
highest levels, RF waves can                                             texting when possible or speak-
                                     that the RF waves attracted to                                            Society, 4 Dec. 2014,
heat body tissue, but at the lev-                                        er when making calls to avoid         cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-
                                     the cellular device do not actu-
el that phones emit these waves                                          having you phone close to your        exposure/cellular-phones.html.
                                     ally carry enough radiation to
there is no fear of a significant                                        head for extended periods of          “Medical Doctors Consensus State-
                                     do damage directly to the DNA
temperature increase in the                                              time. When on the phone, it is        ments and Recommendations on Cell
                                     of the user. A recent study done
body. These waves are trans-                                             recommended to keep it an inch        Phones/Wireless.” Environmental
                                     in Washington showed that
                                                                         or more away from your head.          Health Trust,
mitted to the antenna of the         when a user holds their cell                                              medical-doctors-consensus-statements-
handheld phone, which is locat-                                          If you plan to watch a movie on
                                     phone up to their ear for fifty                                           recommendations-cell-poneswireless/.
ed in the body of the device.                                            your device, download it first,
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
The Loyola News                                                                        Volume XVI, Issue II                                   Page 3

A Surging Stress Problem
              BY                    ing non-stop at school and then       having an argument or skiing         nutrition can improve the body’s
              MIHURSHAAN            go home to do more work. This         down a steep hill are examples       ability to handle stress and the
              NADARAJAH             can be overwhelming.                  of acute stress. Acute stress is     way it does that is by strengthen-
                                              Lack of sleep is an-        healthy and is the body’s way        ing your immune system. Lastly,
                                    other factor for rising levels of     of coping with dangerous situa-      nurturing a healthy lifestyle with
                                    stress in teens. Many students        tions. Chronic stress, on the        daily episodes of physical exer-
In recent years, stress amongst     will use schoolwork as the rea-       other hand, is a form of stress      cise is a strong factor in both
teenagers has been rising and is    son they lack sleep, which can        that lasts for long periods. It      reducing stress and increasing
taking a toll on their academic     be a possibility, but it is not the   can last weeks and even months       one’s ability to deal with stressful
performance. These high levels      only justification. Students may      and can lead to health prob-         situations.
of stress cause adolescents to      not want to admit it, but tech-       lems. One of the biggest prob-
undergo emotional and cogni-        nology plays a huge role in why       lems with chronic stress is that     Sources
tive changes, such as appearing     they are lacking a healthy            people can get used to it and        Smith, Kathleen. “6 Common Triggers
agitated, anxious and/or de-        amount of sleep. Teens are            not be able to realize it is an      of Teen Stress.” - Mental
                                                                                                               Health Treatment Resource Since 1986,
pressed, a decrease in concen-      often texting their friends and       issue. Side effects of chronic
                                                                                                               25 Nov. 2018,
tration, forgetfulness, and care-   spend a considerable of their         stress can include high blood        common-triggers-teen-stress/.
lessness. Global News stated        time on social media. When            pressure, heart disease, diabe-
                                                                                                               “Stress and Your Health: MedlinePlus
that twenty percent of young        they go to bed, many take their       tes, and obesity.                    Medical Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus,
Canadians have a mental issue.      digital devices with them and                    Stress is unavoidable.    U.S. National Library of Medicine,
What is causing teenagers’          them and the blue light pro-          Although a person cannot pre-
stress levels to rise to such an    duced by these screens trick the      vent stress from entering their      article/003211.htm.
unhealthy level? How can one        brain into thinking it is the         life, there are steps that prepare   “Stress.”, bod-
prevent and lower these stress      morning. Normal sleeping pat-         them to deal with it. One of the
levels?                             terns become disturbed and            biggest ways to deal with stress     gethealthfeature/stress.Vuchnich, Alli-
          High stress levels are                                                                               son, and Carmen Chai. “Young Minds:
                                    lack of sleep has numerous            is getting enough sleep. The
a side effect of many things.       repercussions on our overall          average teenager needs at least      Stress, Anxiety Plaguing Canadian
For teenagers, the most com-        health.                               eight hours of sleep, and during     Youth.” Global News, Global News, 29
                                                                                                               Jan. 2016,
mon source of stress is home-                 There are two main          times of increased stress, get-
work and school in general.         forms of stress: acute and            ting extra sleep can be very         canadian-youth/.
The reason why school is one        chronic stress. Acute stress is a     beneficial. The second way to
of the stress factors in adoles-    short-term stress that goes away      handle stress is by eating a bal-
cents is that students are work-    very quickly. Situations like         anced and nutritious diet. Good
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
Page 4                                The Loyola News                                                                           Volume XVI, Issue II

Staff Feature: Mr. Denburk Reid
            By JORDAN               tradition will be continuing          pants “develop a multitude of
            GIANGI                  with his children. His eldest son     skills through experiential
                                    plays basketball for LaSalle,         learning during team practices
                                    and his two youngest children         and diverse workshops. They
                                    have just started playing.            hone both their physical and
                                                                          mental agility and resilience.
                                             Outside of Loyola,
                                                                          They learn positive communi-
Recognized as the head coach        Denburk founded the Montreal
                                                                          cation strategies to build rap-
of the Juvenile basketball team     Community Cares Foundation
                                                                          port and open doors to promis-
at Loyola High School,              (MCCF) in 2012. According to
                                                                          ing futures.”
Denburk Reid, however, is           their    mission      statement,
much more than that. “I am          “Because the next generation                   Back at Loyola, Mr.
very busy, always busy,”            holds the key to Montreal’s           Reid helps organize external
claimed Mr. Reid. His official      future, Montreal Community            and internal events. This is a
title at Loyola is Director of      Cares Foundation aims to em-          very important aspect of
                                                                                                               coaching at the school, his Midg-
Community Relations. He helps       power youth by developing
                                                                          maintaining quality education        et team ended up going undefeat-
plan masses at Loyola; he           their leadership skills through
                                                                          in the private system. “I am a       ed during the season before com-
works with many adolescents         programs,     workshops     and
                                                                          part of the school’s strategic       peting in the provincials. Loyola
by coaching them on and off         events, and by building bridges
                                                                          core,” claims Denburk. This          is fortunate to have Mr. Reid
the court and by being an advi-     between communities.”
                                                                          means that he, along with many       bring his community service ex-
sor. Mr. Reid also helps recruit               Mr. Reid also devel-       other teachers and staff, have to    perience      and       basketball
candidates for enrollment Loy-      oped the Red Rush basketball          strategically plan for the long-     knowledge to Loyola.
ola.                                leadership that he founded in         term vision of the school. Mr.
          Denburk Reid is mar-      2006. He began this program           Reid helps to open the doors to      Sources
ried to Lorie Geddes and has        with only fifteen participants,       more inner-city kids and others
six children – four girls and two   and it has since grown into a         who come from less privileged        Montreal Community Cares Founda-
boys. His eldest child is twenty-   program that gives hundreds of        backgrounds.                         tion,
six years old and his youngest      kids the opportunity to play
                                                                                   Due      to     Denburk
is six. Mr. Reid also has three     basketball at a higher level. Not                                          Giangi, Jordan. “Staff Feature: Denburk
                                                                          Reid’s history in basketball, it     Reid.”
grandchildren - one boy and         only does Coach Reid help
                                                                          would only make sense for him
two girls. Basketball is in his     individuals with their basket-
                                                                          to be coach of a Loyola basket-
blood, and it appears that the      ball skills, he also helps partici-
                                                                          ball team. After his first year of

Loyola Classes Participate in Hippodrome Redevelopment Project
              By KONRAD             ring a few bells for some. The
              NAWACKI               Hippodrome was a horseracing
                                    track that closed down in 2009,
                                    and is now being demolished.
                                    The city has proposed to create
The secondary four Art and          mixed housing where the Hip-
Architecture classes have a         podrome used to stand.
very unique project this year.               The task of the sec-
Ms. Berner and Ms. Forese are       ondary four art and architecture
collaborating on this project,      classes is to design a public
which will take up the entire       building, such as a library,
third term. The name of this        pool, community centre, etc.
activity is The Hippodrome
                                              The project has many
Project, which started on Feb-
                                    different aspects, with a few of
ruary 6.                                                                           This is an opportunity      and is a very exciting addition
                                    them being 3D modelling, pub-
        The Montreal Hippo-                                               for students to integrate their      to the standard curriculum.
                                    lic art, exterior and interior
drome (pictured at right) may                                             class work with the real world,
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
The Loyola News                                                                        Volume XVI, Issue II                                Page 5

Student Feature: Renaissance Man Thomas Khairy
             By JUSTIN                          Some individuals can     perfect score; a default victory.
             DJUROVICH-              be considered as renaissance        Due to the win at the national
                                     men in our own community. In        level, he was also named pro-
                                     fact, I discovered Loyola High      vincial champion. This was not
                                     School’s very own renaissance       the first time Thomas had com-
                                     man. Thomas Khairy is a sec-        peted in a computing and math-
The Merriam-Webster diction-         ondary four student who has         ematics competition. Thomas
ary defines a renaissance man        accomplished many great feats.      was also the school champion
as “a person who has wide in-        Whether it is on the soccer field   in the Canadian intermediate
terests and is an expert in sever-   or in the classroom, his skills     math contest hosted by the
al areas.” This term originally      are noticeable. Thomas puts         Centre for Educating Mathe-
referred to a man of the Renais-     great effort into everything he     matics and Computing as well
sance who was particularly           does and for this reason suc-       as other prior competitions.
cultured, knowledgeable, edu-        ceeds in both academics and                   While sitting down
cated or proficient in a wide        athletics.                                                                teachers have been so helpful and
                                                                         with Thomas, it became obvi-
range of fields. One of the                                                                                    encouraging, and never stopped
                                               Most recently, Thom-      ous that he cares for math, edu-
greatest minds in medieval                                                                                     believing in me. It is truly hum-
                                     as represented Loyola at a math     cation and the Loyola commu-
history who performed bril-                                                                                    bling to have won awards for my
                                     and computing competition           nity. “I am indebted to Loyola
liantly in many fields, Leonar-                                                                                school.”
                                     held by the University of Wa-       for the support I have received
do da Vinci, has been regarded
                                     terloo. He ended up winning         in the Science Fair and numer-
as the ideal renaissance man.                                                                                                 (Continued on page 18)
                                     the national competition with a     ous math competitions. My

Student Feature: Musician Evan Hardy
             By DYLAN                2014 and fell in love with them.    Chris Hardy, Gus Lowe, Evan
             BICKNELL                Despite his love for the drums,     Hardy and Zach Aubin.
                                     this has not stopped Evan from
                                                                                   The Revolution once
                                     playing other instruments such
                                                                         played a gig at an old rundown
                                     as the flute, alto sax, bass and
                                                                         prison. Evan stated, “It had
                                                                         been converted to a museum,
                                               “The Revolution has
The Revolution took the stage                                            but they still had a lot of prison
                                     come a long way. We started
during Loyola Talent Night as a                                          -like things. To get the drums
                                     out as a band in order to play in
reoccurring act. This has war-                                           inside the wall, we had to pass
ranted the rock band significant                                         through the old gates and
traction from the student body.                                          barbed wire fences, which was
Evan Hardy, the drummer for                                              weird. Then, to top it all off, the
The Revolution, is a hard-                                               stage was placed opposite to
working academic at Loyola.                                              the gallows. So, throughout the
However, his quiet and shy                                               show, I had a view of the gal-
demeanour leaves his fans with                                           lows platform right in front of
many questions. Who is this                                              me.”
mystery musician, dubbed,                                                                                               Evan is an inspiration to
                                                                                  Evan Hardy is clearly        many young artists, but where
“Drummer Boy”?                                                           musically talented, but what not
          Evan Hardy began his                                                                                 did he get his inspiration? Evan
                                                                         many know is that the student         reported, “My inspiration for
musical career in grade four                                             musician is also an up and com-
when he played the recorder.                                                                                   playing music is a mixture of
                                     our grade six talent show and       ing rapper. In the world of rap,      wanting to see how good I can
He and his classmates reported-      then got going from there.          Evan is known as “Rhythm
ly called this instrument “the                                                                                 get and to see how far I can push
                                     We’ve      added     members,       Boy.” Rhythm Boy’s latest             myself and still create something
plastic tube.” He began his          changed a few, but we still         project was an English class rap
main instrument of choice, the                                                                                 amazing, something people can
                                     keep going.” The current mem-       song about the plot of the epic                      (Continued on page 18)
drums, during the summer of          bers of The Revolution are          poem, Beowulf.
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
Page 6                                The Loyola News                                                                            Volume XVI, Issue II

                                           ARTS AND CULTURE
Lucas Orion: A Spirited Loyola Drama Production
              By GEORGE                        Many people have            graduated from Loyola and            his first Loyola play, Franken-
              SPYROPOULOS            heard of Shakespeare’s most           pursued this passion throughout      stein, back in 2016 when he was
                                     popular works, such as Romeo          CEGEP and university.                in secondary one. In the upcom-
                                     and Juliet, Macbeth and Ham-                    The actors will be         ing play, he will play the role of
                                     let. However, Coriolanus does         putting in countless hours of        Tyke Spitzer, the president of the
                                     not fit in this category of well-     practice to ensure that the per-     student      council.    Gregory
                                     known plays. When asked why           formance is a success. Mr. Parr      acknowledged that there is still a
This year’s school play, Lucas       he took inspiration from this         is happy with the way that           lot of work to be accomplished
Orion, will be performed on          play, Mr. Parr replied, “It was       things are coming along, stat-       before they are ready to perform,
Friday, April 5 and Saturday,        kind of by accident. It was a         ing, “There are a lot of actors      “The play will be difficult to
April 6. The presentations will      play that I had not heard a lot       that are very talented, some of      perform this year. The rehearsals
take place in the Maclean Cen-       about and I thought that many         them in supporting roles and         are scattered. Instead of 3:15,
ter at Loyola High School. Fac-      people had not been exposed to.       some in major roles. Kevin           they begin at 4:00 because we
ulty member Mr. Joshua Parr,         I found the character in the          Thompson, who has the lead           have to wait for other schools.
wrote the play and is its direc-     Shakespeare version to be a           role, has been doing a fantastic     However, the cast has a lot of
tor. Many talented students will     very compelling character.”           job in rehearsals. He is emi-        talent, and they are all very dy-
feature in this play, including                Mr. Parr teaches sec-       nently professional, very well       namic and energetic.” It will be
Kevin Thompson, who will be          ondary two math and Introduc-         prepared, has great suggestions      interesting to see what they can
playing the lead role.               tion to law in secondary five.        for what he can do with the          produce as they aim to put on a
          The play is based on       He also runs the Reach for the        role. He is also very generous       memorable show in April.
William Shakespeare’s tragedy        Top Club, the Model UN Club           with his fellow actors in terms
Coriolanus, which was written        and Loyola’s Math Team. The           of working with them. Overall,       Sources
in the early 17th century. This is   Math Team provides opportuni-         there are a lot of strong contrib-
one of Shakespeare’s last two        ties for students to push their       utors to the cast and it has been    Parr, Joshua. Personal Interview. 22
tragedies. In this play, the pro-                                                                               Jan. 2019.
                                     limits in prestigious competi-        fun seeing them grow into their
tagonist goes from being the         tions. Many students have             roles.”                              Wight, Gregory. Personal Interview. 21
hero of the people of Rome to        achieved great success in these                 Gregory Wight, a           Jan. 2019.
being exiled by them, and is         contests. Mr. Parr is also an         secondary 4 student, is among
ultimately assassinated by the       experienced play director. He         those who will be featuring in
men of his worst enemy,              began directing plays after he        the performance. He starred in

The War That Got Away
              By ROCCO               plain sight.” However, there is
              SANTAGUIDA             no name for when one does evil
                                     but breaks no laws or when one
                                     is not trying to hide but goes
                                     unnoticed by all. Although it
The metaphor, “A wolf in             does not have a metaphor or a
sheep’s clothing”, is used to        catchphrase, this unimaginable
describe a situation when some-      scenario has a name: the Iran-
one or something’s outward           Saudi Arabia Proxy Conflict.
appearance is friendly and wel-      This devastating feud has left
coming but under their cos-          thousands dead; millions dis-
tume, they are truly foul and        placed and allows for the con-
mean spirited. When something        tinuation of violence and ag-
is trying to avoid being caught      gression in the Middle East..
by acting normal or blending in                The Kingdom of Sau-
with the crowd, it is “hiding in                  (Continued on page 16)
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
The Loyola News                                                                          Volume XVI, Issue II                               Page 7

                                             ARTS AND CULTURE
PewDiePie: Trying to Dethrone the People’s King
              By NICOLAS              Series was projected to surpass       corporate, then something else
              BANOUSIS                Felix’s record amount of sub-         will take its place."
                                      scribers. T-Series is an Indian
                                                                                      PewDiePie has also
                                      music record label that has seen
                                                                            gained the massive support of
                                      a major increase in subscribers
                                                                            other creators on YouTube such
Felix Kjellberg, know online as       due to India’s emerging online
                                                                            as Mr. Beast and Markiplier.
PewDiePie, is the king of             population. The channel mainly
                                                                            These creators have encouraged
YouTube. PewDiePie is the             consists of new music being put
                                                                            their own fan bases to subscribe
most subscribed to person on          out by artists under the record
                                                                            to Felix in the effort to keep
YouTube, with his channel             label. Both channels are cur-
                                                                            him at the number one spot.
boasting almost ninety million        rently running neck and neck
                                                                            Bhushan Kumar, chairperson of
subscribers. Felix has held the       with total amount of subscrib-
                                                                            T-Series, had this to say about
title of the most subscribed          ers.
                                                                            the race, "I am really not both-
person on YouTube for the last                   The race between           ered about this race. I do not      “diss-track” on his channel titled,
six years without much adver-         these two channels has been           even know why PewDiePie is          “B**** Lasagna,” and gained
sary.                                 making waves in mainstream            taking this so seriously. He is     over 6.5 million subscribers last
         However, last Octo-          media. Felix’s perspective on         getting his people to push him,     December alone. The recent rise
ber, things were projected to         this is as follows; “I don't really   promote him. We are not com-        in popularity of the so-called
change. Another YouTube               care about T-Series, [...] but I      peting with him."                   “race” has brought up some quite
channel by the name of T-             think if YouTube does shift in a                                                         (Continued on page 18)
                                                                                     PewDiePie released a
                                      way where it does feel more

Hemp: The Tale of an Illegal Plant
               By DYLAN               its story? If it has so many ben-     What’s more, the car ran on a
               BICKNELL               efits, why is it illegal?             combination of vegetable and
                                                Hemp, also known as         seed oils, including hemp.
                                      the “King of Seeds” has been                    Hemp seeds are edible
                                      traced back to 8,000 BC in            and are exceptionally nutritious
Hemp is a multipurpose plant          China and Taiwan. The majori-         and rich in healthy fats, protein
of the cannabis sativa species.       ty of hemp cultivation occurs in      and various minerals. Though
President Donald Trump made           the northern hemisphere. Hemp         hemp seeds have only recently
hemp legal in all fifty states last   is a multi purpose plant with         become popular in the West,         clean-up areas around the Cher-
December when he signed the           over 40,000 different uses. The       they are a staple food in many      nobyl disaster. Hemp might be an
2018 Farm Bill Trump that             most common uses for hemp             societies and provide excellent     extremely beneficial plant when
allows for hemp cultivation and       are clothing, rope and paper.         nutritional value. Hemp is also     it comes to absorbing toxins like
the transfer of hemp-derived          Hemp is by far one of the most        easy to cultivate and grow. This    heavy metals and more” (Using
products across state lines for       versatile substances on the           is because hemp aerates the         Hemp for Radiation Clean-Up).
commercial or other purposes.         planet. One example of its ver-       soil, allowing the conditions of    This process is called phytoreme-
This plant has been around for        satility is when Henry Ford           the soil to get better for farm-    diation.
centuries, helping humanity by        made a car out of a combina-          ing, which in turn produces                 Considering all the
being a main source for a myri-       tion of bio-plastics and hemp.        more hemp. Hemp is able to          good aspects of hemp, what
ad number of products. Why is         The panels of the car were ten        absorb toxins from the ground.      could be stopping it from being
                                                                                                                                (Continued on page 19)
this plant so beneficial? What’s      times more resilient than steel.      “Scientists even used hemp to
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
Page 8                              The Loyola News                                                                      Volume XVI, Issue II

                                       ARTS AND CULTURE
Separating Art From the Artist
          By GIOVANNI              be hypocritical, by choosing
          PEDICELLI,               which people should be
          (Editor-in-Chief)        shunned and which should be
                                             While R. Kelly was
                                   accused of sexual misconduct
In wake of the recent docu-        in July 2017, the accusations
series Surviving R. Kelly and      have returned and there has
the ongoing #MeToo move-           been a significant impact on R.
ment, many people have muted       Kelly and his future in the mu-
disgraced artists, such as R.      sic industry. With multiple
Kelly, Kevin Spacey, and Louis     women       coming      forward,
C.K.Some have decided to ig-       Sony’s RCA Records have
nore the artist’s past and con-    released him, but this did not
tinue to enjoy their work,                                            change concerning sexual as-        choosing to listen to his music in
                                   result in the decrease of R.
whether it be in music, film, or                                      sault and harassment. The           an attempt to show their support
                                   Kelly’s music being streamed.
comedy. For instance, The Cos-                                        #MeToo movement has given a         is quite odd.
                                   His hit songs, such as
by Show is unwatchable for                                            voice to everyone who has been
                                   “Ignition” and “I Believe I Can                                                  Wesley Morris, a cul-
some because of Cosby’s des-                                          a victim of sexual misconduct
                                   Fly”, returned to the Billboard                                        ture critic for The New Y ork
picable actions; as well as                                           and subsequently, society has
                                   Top 100 after the release of the                                       Times, weighs in on the topic, “...
House of Cards may be avoided                                         become stricter with the ac-
                                   docu-series. In addition, two R.                                       in the same way we think about
because of Kevin Spacey’s                                             cused offenders. But this begs
                                   Kelly compilation albums have                                          where our fruit comes from or
wrongdoings.       Nevertheless,                                      the question, “why are people
                                   re-entered the R&B Albums                                              where our potatoes come from,
should Michael Jackson be                                             continuing to purchase and
                                   Chart.                                                                 you need to be asking where
muted because of his two sexu-                                        stream R. Kelly’s music? In my
                                                                                                          your entertainment is coming
al abuse cases, both in 1991                In the last decade, our   opinion, the notion of people
                                                                                                          from. Who is making it? How
and 2005? This is an example       society and pop culture have       learning about R. Kelly’s
of how people can sometimes        been undergoing a cultural         wrongdoings and purposely                          (Continued on page 19)

Regional Robotics Competition Slated for April 3-6
             By MICHAEL            design.                            the parts.”                                Currently, the students are
             Di MARCO                                                                                     working hard on making the ro-
                                        To get the full details on               When asked about the
                                                                                                          bot that they have designed to fit
                                   the new season for our robotics    benefits for students in putting
                                                                                                          their playstyle and strategy for
                                   team, I sat down with one of       in all this hard work, Mr. Ver-
                                                                                                          the new competition. In the pro-
                                   many mentors for the team,         gara responded, “It is so that
The thirtieth installment of                                                                              cess, they will also build up team
                                   Brandon Vergara (Class of          we get to compete in an inter-
FIRST Robotics Competition                                                                                chemistry and spirit alongside
                                   2006). When asked about the        national competition, it also
has lifted off with a new com-                                                                            each other. The main event for
                                   event itself and what the stu-     allows to instill a keen interest
petition known as Destination:                                                                            the robotics team is the Festival
                                   dents do, Mr. Vergara stated,      in our students around the sub-
Deep Space. The competition                                                                               de Robotique a Quebec City Re-
                                   “We are a participant in this      jects of S.T.E.A.M.” For those
was revealed to all of the                                                                                gional April 3-6. More infor-
                                   event and we are constructing a    who do not know what
FIRST teams on January 5                                                                                  mation about the competition is
                                   robot to score points by placing   S.T.E.A.M. means, it is an ac-
through a Twitch livestream.                                                                              available       here:       https://
                                   game pieces in scoring zones.      ronym for five words: Science,
The rules and specifications for                                                                
                                   Now the students get involved      Technology, Engineering, Arts
the robot then become available                                                                           frc/game-and-season
                                   through CADing (3D computer        and Mathematics that imply the
online for teams to go over        designing), manufacturing parts    various relevant education dis-
before moving to strategy and      and assembling the robot with      ciplines.
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
The Loyola News                                                                      Volume XVI, Issue II                              Page 9

                                          ARTS AND CULTURE
The Dangers of Gay Conversion Therapy
                                    orientation change efforts that     people from being lesbian, gay,     Agency still considers these
                                    portray homosexuality as a          bisexual,                      or   “faith-based” organizations as
                                    mental illness or developmental     transgender” (NCLR). Howev-         registered charities. Hence, Cana-
                                    disorder and to seek psycho-        er, according to a 2009 report      dians reimburse the donors when
                                    therapy, social support, and        by the APA, “The techniques         paying taxes. Journey Canada, a
                                    educational services that pro-      therapists have used to try to      gay conversion therapy institu-
                                    vide accurate information on        change sexual orientation and       tion, earned a reported $444,615
By NICHOLAS MARTINO                 sexual orientation and sexuali-     gender identity include induc-      in receipted donations. However,
(Assistant Editor) &                ty, increase family and school      ing nausea, vomiting, or paraly-    these heinous practices could all
GIOVANNI PEDICELLI,                 support, and reduce rejection of    sis while showing the patient       be halted if legislators begin
(Editor-in-Chief)                   sexual minority youth.” The         homoerotic images; providing        campaigning for a ban on gay
Canada has a worldwide repu-        Pan American Health Organi-         electric shocks; having the indi-   conversion therapy. It is a matter
tation for being a modern and       zation also states that these       vidual snap an elastic band         of life or death for some LGBT
affluent society filled with lib-   practices “lack medical justifi-    around the wrist when aroused       youth.
eral and accepting people who       cation and represent a serious      by same-sex erotic images or
believe in equal opportunities      threat to the health and well-      thoughts; using shame to create     Sources
for all. However, some parts of     being of affected people.”          aversion to same-sex attrac-
our history would disagree with                                         tions; orgasmic reconditioning;     “Born Perfect: The Facts About
                                              According to the Hu-                                          Conversion Therapy.” National
that claim. In fact, some current                                       and satiation therapy.” The list
                                    man Rights Campaign, repara-                                            Center for Lesbian Rights, National
laws and regulations in our                                             goes on and on from this point:
                                    tive therapy can lead to depres-                                        Center for Lesbian Rights, 8 Nov.
country would disagree with                                             some cases even involve hyp-
                                    sion, anxiety, drug use, home-                                          2018, 
that claim. One major issue in                                          nosis.
                                    lessness, and suicide. These                                            bornperfect-the-facts-about-
our society is the idea of gay      practices are targeted towards                Garrard Conley is a       conversion-therapy/.
conversion therapy. According       minors, who are especially          survivor of gay conversion
to the New York Times, con-                                                                                 Ghose, Tia. “Why Gay Conversion
                                    vulnerable. San Francisco State     therapy and has written a mem-      Therapy Is Harmful.” LiveScience,
version therapy is, “The action     University conducted research       oir named Boy Erased, in
of changing someone’s sexual                                                                                Purch,     10      Apr.    2015,
                                    on the topic and found that         which he describes his experi-
orientation or gender identity      LGBT youth who were subject-        ences in reparative therapy and     gay-conversion-therapy-
through torture practices.” We      ed to practices similar to con-     the effect it has had on his        harmful.html.
know that these things are          version therapy were eight          health and family. Conley’s
wrong, yet they are still hap-      times more likely to commit         parents were ultra-conservative     Hicklin, Aaron. “I Was 19, Gay
pening. Up until today, conver-     suicide. Conversion therapy         southern Baptists, who inter-       and Ready to Be 'Cured' by Con-
sion therapy is only banned in                                                                              version Therapy.” The Guardian,
                                    therapists promise a change in      preted the Bible in a literal
Nova Scotia, Ontario and the                                                                                Guardian News and Media, 10
                                    sexual orientation, but the re-     sense. When Conley began            June 2018,
city of Vancouver. This means       sults of these programs have        displaying homosexual tenden-
that gay conversion therapy is                                                                              lifeandstyle/2018/jun/10/i-was-19-
                                    detrimental effects on the ado-     cies, his parents forced him to     gay-and-ready-to-be-cured-by-
legal in our home province of       lescent’s mental and psycho-        enter the conversion therapy        conversion-therapy.
Québec, and sometimes even          logical health. In addition, the    program. He is currently an
government funded.                  treatments damage a person’s        activist for the nationwide ban     “The Lies and Dangers of
                                    self-esteem and intensify self-     on gay conversion therapy in        ‘Conversion Therapy.’” Human
          Conversion therapy is                                                                             Rights Campaign, Human Rights
a practice that anyone with         hatred. Unfortunately, this is a    the United States. He described
                                                                        one of the ridiculous practices     Campaign,
common sense would know is          major issue in the United States
unjust and not realistic. This      and Canada, that has affected       in his memoir, “a 19-year-old       therapy.
opinion has the support of psy-     over 700,000 Americans and          “defector” was forced to submit
chologists all around the world,    more LGBT youth are being           to a mock funeral, as other         Paperny, Anna Mehler. “Canada
proving that the practice is dat-   tortured at this moment.            members read out his obituary,      Still Has 'Gay Conversion' Groups;
                                                                        describing his slow decline into    Some Get Tax-Deductible Dona-
ed and unnecessary. Mental                    Many people believe                                           tions.” Global News, Global News,
health professionals have all                                           HIV and then AIDS”. While
                                    that the practices used in gay                                          9 Oct. 2015,
come to an agreement that                                               Conley has reunited with his
                                    conversion therapy are no long-                                         news/2264263/canada-still-has-gay
these practices are ineffective                                         parents, who have now accept-
                                    er harmful or induce pain; how-                                         -conversion-groups-some-get-tax-
and in most cases harmful. Ac-                                          ed his sexuality, he mentions
                                    ever, this is simply not true. In                                       deductible-donations/.
cording to the NCLR, the                                                that the wounds are not entirely
                                    the past, some of the practices
American Psychological Asso-                                            healed”.
                                    used in gay conversion therapy
ciation (APA), “Parents, guard-     could be “institutionalization,              The conversion thera-
ians, young people, and their       castration, and electroconvul-      py program may be frowned
families should avoid sexual        sive shock therapy to try to stop   upon, but the Canada Revenue
The Loyola News Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship
Page 10                            The Loyola News                                                                     Volume XVI, Issue II

                                        SPORTS AND CLUBS
Wrestlers Win Fourth Straight Championship, continued from Page 1

(Continued from page 1)           proving their craft, along with            When a student first
                                  the dedication of our coaches,    joins the team, and has never
         I had the opportunity    Jordie Steen and Dajinder         wrestled before, what is the
to talk with the head coach of    Singh, have been the key to our   process implemented to develop
the wrestling team, Mr. Bruno     success.                          him into a champion?
Cyr, and ask him a few ques-
                                            Who were some of                  The first step is to
tions about this year’s champi-
                                  your most significant leaders     identify which weight category
onship team.
                                  on the team this year?            is best suited for the athlete.
          How can you explain                                       We want to make sure we have
                                           Our team captain this
the phenomenal success of the                                       at least one wrestler in each
                                  season was Zachary Gauthier,
Loyola Wrestling Team over                                          weight category, but having
                                  who’s had a steady influence                                           Pictured above, from left to right
the past four years?                                                two is best. That way, it pro-
                                  on our team. Liam Wozny,                                               and top to bottom: team captain
                                                                    motes competition within the
          Our success has been    David Ballard and Elio Cariglia                                        Zachary Gauthier, gold medal
                                                                    team and it gives each athlete
based on student participation    are also some of our veterans                                          winners Kyan Sabapathy, Logan
                                                                    someone his own size with
and teamwork. Over the years,     who’ve had a positive influence                                        Suh, Julian Tasca, Nicholas
                                                                    whom he can practice his tech-
we’ve managed to put a full       on the team, as they demon-                                            Saldanha and Connor Rooney.
                                                                    niques. That way, the develop-
team on the mat, filling most,    strated a strong dedication to
                                                                    ment is done safely while at the     Tom Reynolds' pictures of the
or all, of the sixteen weight     the team. I should also mention
                                                                    same time developing competi-        championship final are available
categories in any given compe-    some of the younger wrestlers
                                                                    tion within the team. Ultimate-      on our SmugMug site at
tition, including the GMAA        who had a lot of success this
                                                                    ly, it makes all of us better, but
championships. The wrestlers      season: Kyan Sabapathy, Logan
                                                                    safety has to be at the core of
doing their part in attending     Suh and Julian Tasca, just to
                                                                    what we do.
practice and working at im-       name a few.
The Loyola News                                                                   Volume XVI, Issue II                             Page 11

                                         SPORTS AND CLUBS
Bantam Basketball Braves Win City Championship

                                                                                                         Pictured above: championship
                                                                                                         final MVP Eshai Rasheed Lawal-

By JARRETT                        times in other tournaments,        have ever had. They were a lot      Braves. “This was a team that
KETTERLING                        garnering a 5-2 overall record     of fun.”                            was easy to fall in love with.
                                  versus their biggest competi-                                          They were eclectic, authentic and
The Bantam Braves basketball                                                   Longtime        Loyola
                                  tion.                                                                  talented. They had an edge and
team won the GMAA city                                               teacher and Juvenile basketball
                                                                                                         yet they had a focus. It was a
championship on February 20,               On February 25, I had     coach, Mr. Kelly Burke, who
                                                                                                         team you wanted to watch, you
defeating crosstown rivals        the chance to discuss the team’s   retired last year, quickly ended
                                                                                                         enjoyed to watch, and yet some-
Selwyn                   House    season with head coach Mr.         his coaching retirement this
                                                                                                         times you cringed. Sometimes
50-32. The team was led by        Ryan Hurst, and one of the         season to help out Mr. Hurst.
                                                                                                         they started off weak but they
Eshai Rasheed Lawal-McKend,       team’s biggest fans, Mr. Peter     “He has not coached at the
                                                                                                         had a way of finishing hard.
who won the game MVP              Racine.                            Bantam level in over two dec-
award. Coaches Hurst and                                             ades, noted Mr. Hurst, “and                   “The energy that night
                                            The Braves quickly
Burke were extremely proud of                                        when he got involved, it was        during the championship match
                                  became known as a very excit-
the team, as they represented                                        because of the players. Mr.         was fantastic. It was the first
                                  ing and talented team to watch.
Loyola with style and class.                                         Burke really enjoyed it. For me,    basketball showcase that I have
                                  At the beginning of the season,
          Loyola finished first                                      it was a reversal of roles be-      witnessed in my eighteen years at
                                  Coach Hurst had some con-
in their division at the end of                                      cause I was his assistant coach     Loyola. Bantam, Midget and
                                  cerns about team chemistry. “It
the regular season but second                                        about ten years. He would al-       Juvenile on a Wednesday night,
                                  was the first time we had six
overall to Selwyn House. The                                         ways give me help and point-        in February, in the Loyola open
                                  triple A players on the team. As
Braves lost one regular season                                       ers. It was fun to have my men-     gymnasium. We had two teams
                                  a coach it was pretty intimidat-
game to the Gryphons but de-                                         tor driving the car with me.”       in the finals, the Bantams and the
                                  ing because you want to know
feated them in the final of the                                                                          Midgets. What a night. There
                                  how they will gel as a team,                 Mr. Peter Racine was
Loyola-Ed Meagher Sports
                                  and they were the most unself-     able to provide a fan’s perspec-                   (Continued on page 15)
Tournament and four more
                                  ish basketball players that I      tive on the city champion
Page 12                                The Loyola News                                                                        Volume XVI, Issue II

                                            SPORTS AND CLUBS
Warriors of Winter: Dicriscio, Handinero and Ballard
              By KONRAD              letes here at the school is Juve-
              NAWACKI                nile hockey player Anthony
                                     Dicriscio. Anthony is best
                                     known for his great shot and
                                     vision on the ice, and is an all-
                                     round skilled player. Not only
With the season of spring now
                                     can Anthony put the puck in the
upon us, student athletes are
                                     net, he is also a playmaker. Last
beginning to gear up for the                                                    Pictured above, from left to right, the Warriors of winter:
                                     season, in twenty-two games,
rugby, track and field and Ulti-                                                Anthony Dicriscio, Diego Handinero and David Ballard
                                     Anthony had sixteen goals and
mate seasons. But before we
                                     eighteen assists. Anthony aver-
turn the page completely, lets
                                     aged a very impressive 1.54          shooting guard positions and is     the school pride, and I think
look back on some of the out-
                                     points a game. Anthony has           one of the stars of the Juvenile    wrestling is a great sport. It is an
standing athletes at Loyola who
                                     been playing hockey since he         basketball team. Diego is a very    honour to represent the school,
represented their schools in the
                                     was four, and has played for         talented player, who has great      whether it be sports, art, science,
winter sports of hockey, basket-
                                     Loyola throughout his high           speed and ball handling skills.     or any club.” According to Da-
ball and wrestling.
                                     school career. When asked why        Diego is also able shoot a three    vid’s wrestling coach, Mr. Bruno
           The annual Loyola-Ed      he liked playing hockey at           when needed. I asked Diego          Cyr, “David Ballard and Elio
Meagher Sports Tournament is         Loyola, he replied “The reason       what he loved about basketball      Cariglia are…some of our veter-
always a very exciting time in       why I enjoy playing school           and playing for Loyola, and he      ans who’ve had a positive influ-
the Loyola community. The            hockey is because I am in an         said, “I love competing and         ence on the team as they demon-
tournament consists of hockey,       environment with a bunch of          playing basketball, and being       strated a strong dedication to the
basketball, and wrestling. The       guys that I go to school with        able to do so with my friends,      team.”
teams are usually very strong        every day which allows us to         which makes it even more fun.”                Loyola has great sports
and competitive and have lots        grow tremendous friendships.”                Although it is only Da-     teams with amazing athletes. We
of talent. Here are three athletes            Diego Handinero has         vid Ballard’s second year wres-     are fortunate to have such a
that led their teams during the      been a star basketball player        tling at Loyola, he has shown       strong sports program and hard
winter season: Anthony DiCri-        ever since his first year at Loy-    that he is determined to be one     working faculty and staff to sup-
sio, Diego Handinero, and Da-        ola when he made a great con-        of the best. He focuses on the      port these programs. Keep your
vid Ballard-representing hock-       tribution to help the Bantam         basics, which is going for the      eyes open for more rising stars
ey, basketball, and wrestling        Braves win the GMAA city             legs, having a good defence,        within the sports program.
respectively.                        championship. Diego has              and moving your opponent
                                     played both the point guard and      around. David told me, “I love
          One of the best ath-

Model UN: Santaguida Earns Special Recognition
After toughing through the end       Conference. Adamo Hartley            the book The Man in the High
of the term two, members of          and Duncan Lessard sought to         Castle. Finally, Rocco Santa-
the Loyola Model UN Club             quell tensions in the South Chi-     guida earned special recogni-
these students spent February 9      na Sea, Alexandre Siou worked        tion for his work as John XXIII
and 10 bringing their diplomat-      on a space elevator to help col-     in the Deceased Leaders com-
ic skills to bear on real and        onize the moon in 2040 and           mittee.
fictional world problems during      Paolo Petroni immersed him-
the Marianapolis Model UN            self in the fictional intrigues of
The Loyola News                                                                        Volume XVI, Issue II                          Page 13

                                             SPORTS AND CLUBS
Belley Breaks Through in Darts
On February 10, Wilson Belley                                                       With membership at        mation. New members are al-
(pictured at right) defeated Jar-                                         an all-time high, league com-       ways welcome.
rett Ketterling in the final of the                                       missioner Jarrett Ketterling is
                                                                                                              Singles Rankings (Top 10)
St. Valentine Open to become                                              very happy with the state of the
only the eight player in the five                                         organization and with the re-       # Player                 Points
year history of the club to win a                                         cent expansion to the Apollo
tournament. Belley is currently                                           Darts Arena. “On January 28,        1 Jarrett Ketterling        238
the number nine seed in the                                               the three new courts opened.
                                                                                                              2 Andy Plimer               232
Loyola Tournament Darts Club                                              As well, new equipment stands
(LTDC). Wilson has burst on to                                            were added to all eight courts.     3 Stephen Wight             187
the tournament darts scene in                                             The new model includes dart
his rookie year. Along with his                                           holders, space for digital devic-   4 Nick Newton               156
one title, Belley won a bronze        the Year Award.                     es and hooks for blazers. We        5 Kevin Thiruchelvam        131
medal in the most recent Spiral-                                          are thankful for the kind dona-
ling Vortex Open.                               In the doubles catego-    tion which will enable us to        6 Justin Néemeh             119
                                      ry, the newly formed team of        more easily accommodate our
          Wilson is one of the        Stephen Wight and Michael                                               7 Michael Adkins              96
                                                                          growing number of archers
harder workers on tour and has        Adkins defeated the team of         going forward.”                     8 Mike Elie                   74
become a crowd favourite with         Noah Miranda and Wilson Bel-
his bombastic and animated            ley 2-0 in the final of the most             Visit the official site    9 Wilson Belley               72
style of play. He is also the         recent Fish and Chips Open.         of the LTDC at
front runner for the Rookie of                                            LTDC for more club infor-           9 Giancarlo Paolucci          72

Garofalo is Making History in the Table Tennis Club
                                      was a record sixth straight tour-
                                      nament win for Charles who
                                      was also named the league
                                      MVP. The Most Improved
                                      Player award went to Maxim
                                      Forget and Colin Fenner won
                                      the Most Dedicated Player
                                                Congratulations as
                                      well to Louis Genest, who was
                                      inducted into the LTTC Hall of
Congratulations to Charles
                                      Fame. Louis won two tourna-
Garofalo (pictured above) who
                                      ments this year, bringing his
defeated Justin Néemeh on
                                      career total to eight, which is
March 26 in the final of the St.
                                      the most in club history.
Michael Tour Championship,
which was the final event of the      Pictured at right: Colin Fenner,
sixth Loyola Table Tennis             Charles Garofalo and Maxim
Club’s (LTTC) sixth season. It        Forget (left to right).
Page 14                               The Loyola News                                                                        Volume XVI, Issue II

                                            SPORTS AND CLUBS
ESports at Loyola?
               By MICHAEL            in competitive gaming at the       offers courses to assist gamers.    son d’être of an eSports club is
               Di MARCO              school.                            During the first year, students     not only to play games. An
                                                                        work on the improving their         eSports club has many benefits.
                                            Many universities are
                                                                        skills for popular games like       ESports can increase an individu-
                                     now offering eSports scholar-
                                                                        Fortnite, Overwatch and             al’s perceptual skills, decision-
                                     ships and some have even start-
ESports (electronic sports) is                                          League of Legends. In the sec-      making abilities, multitasking
                                     ed to offer professional gaming
competitive video gaming,                                               ond year, students are divided      fluency, and improve basic lan-
                                     as a course of study. According
where people play against each                                          and the best players focus on a     guage, math, reading and social
                                     to the MMOExaminer, there is
other online and at spectator                                           professional career while others    skills. A new wave of jobs is
events. With the growing popu-                                          learn how to organize, promote      resulting from this global phe-
larity of eSports around the                                            or coach eSports events. Loyola     nomenon. Should Loyola take
world, should Loyola take part                                          will probably not be on this        action and try something new for
in eSports? Loyola already                                              level of eSports’ involvement       the students?
offers a wide variety of sports                                         anytime soon, but the school        Sources
and clubs that helps guide stu-                                         can create a starting ground for
                                                                                                            “The Popularity of eSports Around
dents in doing what they love,                                          aspiring eSports competitors.
                                                                                                            the World.” MMOExaminer, 28 May
along with keeping up with                                                     After almost four years at   2018, “The Popularity Of
their studies. The beginning of                                         Loyola High School, I have          ESports Around the World.” MMOEx-
eSports at Loyola could start                                           witnessed the ever-increasing       aminer, 28 May 2018,
with an extracurricular club.                                           popularity of video games.
The popularity of the Super          a college in China that is dedi-   Finding enough players to start     -of-esports-around-the-world/.
Smash Bros. tournament last          cated to the training and tutor-   and eSports club should not be      “British eSports Association.” British
December at Loyola demon-            ing of eSports players. The        difficult aside from a financial    eSports Association, british-
strated the high level of interest   Lanxang Technical School           investment. However, the rai-

Spikeball is a Hit at Loyola
               By JOEY               come popular in 2008 when a        After the ball is served, the       surprised many people at Loyola.
               HUMENAY               manufacturer of equipment for      returning team takes posses-        The next big step for Loyola
                                     the sport, Kankakee Spikeball      sion. Once the ball is hit and      would be to create a club so that
                                     Inc., began promoting it.          returned by the non-serving         its many supporters can be happy
                                                                        team and hits the net, the pos-     could compete regularly in the
                                            The materials used in
                                                                        session moves to the other          sport.
                                     Spikeball consist of a small
The newly introduced sport of        trampoline-like object with
Spikeball is a smashing success      string netting, a small bouncing             Possession changes
at Loyola High School. Spike-        ball and four players (two         whenever the ball hits the net.
ball, also known as Roundnet,        teams of two players). Players     During each possession, a play-
has been a sensation ever since      from the same teams line up        er can execute three passes to
it was added as an activity for      next to each other around the      his partner; however, the team
students to play at lunch in the     net. The game begins when one      does not have to use all of their
Bishops’ Atrium.                     team serves to another team by     passes. A team gains a point
                                     bouncing the ball on the tram-     once the other team does not
      Spikeball is an activity       poline.                            manage to hit the ball on the
inspired by concepts from the                                           net.
sport of volleyball. Jeff Knurek               Once the ball is
originally created it in 1989.       served, players on both teams            Spikeball is a very enjoy-
However, it only started to be-      can move wherever they want.       able game that has pleasantly
The Loyola News                                                                        Volume XVI, Issue II                             Page 15

                                              SPORTS AND CLUBS
Bantam Basketball Braves, continued from Page 11
(Continued from page 11)             last game of the season, He-         Azemard. “If he couldn’t get        coach.
                                     brew Academy. In that game,          the baskets, he would help in
                                                                                                                        “The last guy I have to
was tremendous participation         everything that could go wrong       little ways on defense and on
                                                                                                              mention, and he did all the thank-
by our faculty and staff to pull     went wrong. We didn’t play as        the boards. He would always
                                                                                                              less things, he did all the little
off a very smooth night. And to      a team, and we lost. As a coach,     hustle and I gave him the nick-
                                                                                                              things right, like rebounds, steals,
start off the tournament, with a     I thought it was the best time to    name Ice Man because he did-
                                                                                                              diving on the floor, Quasy Buck-
win, against a rival, a rival we     lose because when we showed          n’t show much emotion. He’s a
have known for many, many            up to play them again in the         great young man.
years, it was perfect. Although      semifinals, we showed them                                                         The Braves would like
                                                                                    “Another big contrib-
the boys started off a little slow   what we were about.           We                                         to thank all the fans for their sup-
                                                                          utor was        Eshai Rasheed
and it was head to head, guess       played hard. It was close, like                                          port throughout the season.
                                                                          -McKend who was the game
what? Like all great teams, they     the finals, until the fourth quar-                                       However, the season is not over
                                                                          MVP in the final. It’s hard to
said, Enough, we’re pulling          ter when we pulled away. I                                               yet. The Bantam Braves will be
                                                                          get emotion out of him. He is
ahead. This is probably the          don’t think one individual                                               competing in the provincial
                                                                          like the silent assassin. He just
most unique team I have ever         could ever beat an entire team,                                          championships from April 12-14.
                                                                          stays there, he plays great de-
seen across the board in any         and our team showed that.”
                                                                          fense, and gets key buckets.
sport at Loyola for eighteen
                                               Coach Hurst was for-
years.”                                                                              “Forward James Rid-
                                     tunate to have a great bunch of
                                                                          dell is a forward who would get
          Coach Hurst couldn’t       players who bought in to the
                                                                          us key rebounds, and Curtis
be more proud of his players.        team mentality and maintained
                                                                          Corby-Gabriel who led us on
“We went through the semifi-         a high level of comradery. One
                                                                          offense. Curtis would make a
nals, and we played a team that      standout, is his team captain
                                                                          great coach in the future be-
we had lost to in our third-to-      and team MVP, Jaysiah
                                                                          cause he sees the court as a

Chess Club
Michael Tomiuk continues to          Chess Club Player Rankings
hold on to first place in the
Tournament of Champions              Player                    Rank
following his victory over Sam
                                     Michael Tomiuk               1
Barrett on February 26. Aydan
Guzevicius trails in the stand-      Aydan Guzevicius             2
ings by only a point and a half.
The last games prior to March        Peter Tzaferis               3
break took place on February         Sam Barrett                  4
27. The final tournament of the
year got underway on Monday,         Leo Boudreau                 5
March 25. The tournament will
                                     Daniel Magee                 6
be on Days 1, and A-days and
runs until Easter break.
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