TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

Page created by Jerome Carlson
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

                                                                                      Edition - December 2019
      OUTLOOK 2020
Instructor Zero
The most
important trends
in 2020
Taran Butler
Mindset of an
effective shooter
Universal Shield
From ancient
warfare to modern
battlefields 2020

                        Mark Human          Wodan Security       Tom Buchino
Industry Outlook 2020   Warrior mindset     Effective Tactical   Better training in
                        and knife defense   Training in 2020     Small Unit Tactics
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek
TACTICAL INDUSTRY OUTLOOK 2020                2

                                       Tactical Industry
                                       Outlook 2020
Idea, Concept and Design
Thomas Lojek
Thomas Lojek
Content Consulting
Thomas Lojek                           Preface by Thomas Lojek ....................................... 03
Editorial Contact;                     Instructor Zero ....................................................... 04
Thomas Lojek                           Taran Butler ........................................................... 09
Valenica, Spain
                                       Paolo Simeone ........................................................ 13
www.thomaslojek.com                    Scott Usry ............................................................... 17
© Thomas Lojek
                                       Rich Graham .......................................................... 19
All Rights Reserved.
The copyrights of content, images      Mark Human .......................................................... 23
and text, in this magazine are fully
owned by the individual                Ralf Kassner ........................................................... 26
Tactical Industry Outlook 2020
                                       Dennis O'Connor ................................................... 29
does not contain paid advertising.
                                       Thomas Lojek ........................................................ 30
This digital magazine can be           Jared Wihongi ........................................................ 31
shared in messengers, social
media, and via Email.                  Universal Shield ..................................................... 32
The usage of this content on third
party websites needs a permission
                                       Brian Naillon .......................................................... 37
in written form.
                                       Paul Bonnici ........................................................... 41
Citing, Copy, Usage, Permission
Third parties need a permission        Tom Buchino .......................................................... 43
in written form to cite, use,
distribute, print or copy the          Miroslav Pasterčík .................................................. 50
content of this publication. No
selling, no reselling, no comercial    Robert Vaughan ...................................................... 51
usage, no commercial distribution
is allowed. The usage in               Ken Witt .................................................................. 54
advertising is prohibited or needs
a permission in written form.          Neil Pollock ............................................................. 55
Photo Credits:
                                       Varg Freeborn ......................................................... 57
Cover Photo © by Dave Young
Photos GTI Government Trading          Federico Frassineti ................................................. 58
Institute: Dave Young
Instagram: Youngbuckdave               Netz Krav ................................................................ 60
Photos by Wodan Security: Peter
Busch, Neuss, Germany
The material and information in
this magazine is for general
information purposes only.
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek
THOMAS LOJEK              3

By Thomas Lojek

The future of special operations and tactical                                       Top: Tactical Training at GTI Government
training is now. The year 2020 will be crucial!                                           Training Institute in South Carolina

I asked some of the best SME for their outlook!
                                        Special Operations are the future. In a     On the following pages you will find
                                        world of complex threats the highly         some of the most lethal and most
                                        trained specialist is the ultimate          effective warriors of our times. They
                                        weapon. But if you think, it is all about   survived places, conflicts, wars, and
                                        cool tactics in good-looking gear while     fights, most people can not even
                                        pointing your assault rifle on moving       imagine. And it made them better.
                                        targets, you are dead wrong.                Many of them decided to become
                                        Everything from special operations to       instructors. It‘s essentially a universal
                                        tactical training is about people. It's     tradition in human warfare: The ones
                                        about to bring together the best team       who mastered the skills and survived
                                        players, the brightest people, the most     the battlefields teach the next
                                        skilled fighters and thinkers. And then,    generation of warriors. There is
                                        make them ready for what they do            wisdom in it. It happens for a reason.
                                        best: stopping bad guys in every            And that‘s why you will read a lot
                                        possible way.                               about the Warrior Ethos in many of
                                        Yes, reaction time, shooting skills and     the following articles. The more
Thomas Lojek                            being a tough guy in CQB is crucial,        advanced skills, gear and technologies
                                        there is no doubt about that. But the       become, the more our today‘s warriors
I am a professional writer for more     essential edge in modern warfare            hunger for the very core of a fighter‘s
than 20 years with some friends in      comes from the mind. From the way           life: The Code of Honor and the
special operations and also in the      our best fighters look at the world,        Warrior Ethos.
tactical training industry. Some-       process its information, and make           The men in this project are good men.
times, I enjoy telling a good story     decisions in the blink of an eye. Is        They shoulder the task to get up early
about what they do. This new            there some alpha male testosterone          in the morning to teach other good
Industry Outlook 2020 is one of         involved? Yes, sure. Being a leader?        men the cutting-edge tactics of giving
these occasions. I hope you enjoy it.   Absolutely. Lethal force? Of course.        bad guys a hard time. And they get
In 2020, my new thriller novel will     But you must also be the guy who has        back home late, after the job is done. It
be out. Let‘s keep in touch. You can    the back of everybody else in the team,     is not an easy life.
follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn         and you must be able to understand
and on Instagram. There is so much                                                  But they all do it for a reason. Now,
                                        the complex nature of modern threats
to do in 2020! Stay safe!                                                           you will have the opportunity to read
                                        while stepping up to take the bad guys      about their motives in our exclusive
                                        out of the game.                            Tactical Industry Outlook 2020.
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

Instructor Zero: My Outlook for 2020
The cognitive challenges in a new area of tactical training

“Virtual range scars“ and intellectual bias                           something, it takes that infor-
                                                                      mation in and creates its own
form counterproductive pattern in your                                reality. There are those out
training and your shooting habits!                                    there who watch shooting
                                                                      videos. Those same people
In today’s information age,        globe. Meanwhile, new techno-      then think they are trained,
emboldened by the modern           logies, give us access to highly   simply because of what they
internet, the line between what    specialized information. We        have seen. Or, they just feel
makes sense and what is utter      should truly be grateful for       better by what they have seen.
nonsense can be thin. This is      this. This is the modern,
especially true for the tactical   exciting world we are living in.   This visual stimulus gives them
training industry.                                                    an adrenaline rush because it
                                   However, on the other hand,        seems exciting and it seems
On one hand, we are living in a    we face a very dangerous and       like it may have some logic.
very blessed time: internet,       counterproductive phenome-         The brain takes this visual
YouTube, and social media          non that I call “The cognitive     stimulus, accompanied by the
have spread the importance of      bubble of YouTube.“ What I         physiological response to the
our profession around the          mean is, if the brain watches      stimulus, and makes its own
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

                  reality, simply because of what       a dangerous bias. This can be
                  was just seen.                        especially true in today’s climate
                                                        of information overload when we
                  The immediate and on demand           are trying to evaluate certain
                  access to this stimulus creates       techniques, while simultaneously,
                  the illusion of being able to         wading through the overflow of
                  perform what the brain has just       too much information.
                   processed due to the accessible
                   visual stimulus. People are          Especially, if you live and work in
                   creating a false sense of            the echo chamber of such a
                   professionalism and security         highly specialized profession
                   when they take this information      such as tactical training or
                   in and then turn it into their       firearms. Any information can be
                   own reality, whether consciously     good and bad at the same time.
                   or subconsciously.
                                                        We must learn how to handle this
                  The end-result is “virtual range      constant flow of information
                  scars“ sneaking silently into         while at the same time, being able
                  your thinking as intellectual bias    to recognize when bias and bad
                  or, as a counterproductive            habits are overtaking what really
                  pattern in your own shooting          makes sense. That will be a huge
                  habits. This one day may result       challenge for our industry. It is
                  in very dangerous outcomes for        very easy to take the opinion of
                  those who act overconfident. It       “The internet is bad“, “YouTube
                  may also be just plain wrong,         sucks“, and so on. We must
                  simply because their brain has        recognize this reaction is narrow-
                  consumed information out of           minded, especially, for a complex
Instructor Zero   context and created its own           profession like tactical training,
                  reality.                              firearms, or close protection.

                  Do not fool yourself, it’s not just   We must master the information,
                  “kids with a keyboard“ syn-           not become enslaved by it.
                  drome. It can even happen to          Understanding this concept will
                  seasoned professionals because        make a huge difference in how
                  it is very easy to overlook a small   and what we train, for a very long
                  error in your thought process or      time.
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

In the security business, if you shoot faster than your brain can process information, it could
mean serious trouble for you. Mechanics, shooting, and tactics are applied based on context.

That leads me to another point      information in a highly
that must be considered based       effective way has an advantage
on where we, as an industry,        over a shooter who is three
stand today. If our industry        times faster.
really wants to deliver on what
it is promising, then we must       Instructors must understand,
instill into the general            that the human brain, not the
populations mindset that all        mechanics, is the key. We must
information, all training, and      of course master the
all drills, are solely based on     fundamentals. However,
context and context alone.          fundamentals only give us the
                                    certainty to act appropriately in
You can train your mind and         a constantly changing or
body to shoot incredibly fast.      challenging environment.
On the range and in                 Fundamentals are the road
competition, this is beneficial.    map, but your brain is the
However, as a professional in       driver. The driver has to
the security business, if you
shoot faster than your brain
can process information, it           Instructors must understand, that the human
could mean serious trouble for
you. Mechanics, shooting, and              brain, not the mechanics, is the key.
tactics are applied based on
context. The key to discovering
what makes sense in your            understand the road he has
personal training regimen will      taken. Driving Rally Dakar is
come only after you have            different than driving New
evaluated your environment,         York rush hour. In both
purpose, and desired outcome.       environments, a driver can fail
The context is everything.          and die. The same can happen
                                    to law enforcement and
In an active shooter situation, a   military operators if they do
person who can process              not understand the very
chaotic and random                  specific parameters applicable
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

to their given situation in a     completely different than in a    this to train good people to
certain environment. The          fun and “Hey, Bro!“               step up against bad guys and
brain must be your ultimate       environment of the shooting       dangerous threats? We are not
advantage, not the trigger.       range, on Sunday. Instructors     a competitive shooter, where
                                  must educate their students       only one person can win the
Remember, it can only be to       about this gap of what they       championship.
your advantage if you train       think they do and what really
your brain to understand,         awaits them should they have      If I think that a team or a
learn, and process information    to draw their gun. It also        student could learn a specific
while countering various          means, we should always teach     skill better in the presence of
environments and conditions.      the simple fact: “If we return    another instructor, I will
Although practicing on a          home without drawing our          always pass them on to the one
shooting range is good, it does   guns, we have done our jobs       who can best serve their needs.
not necessarily prepare you for   right. “                          Why not? If you think you can
real world situations.                                              cover all aspects of such a
                                  So, in this age of information    highly complex task like
Instructors must be fully         in a highly connected world,      firearms training, CQB, or
transparent with this gap and     what could be the ultimate        tactical training, then you are
explain to students on the        advantage for instructors? The    delusional. There is no
range, the differences between    very simple answer is, we need    universal ninja, there is no
what students think they do       to learn from each other. There   universal answer.
while being with us, and what     is so much “My Tactical Kung
really awaits them in the real    Fu is better than your Tactical   The very nature of what we do
world. If you are threatened      Kung Fu“ going on in the          as instructors in tactical and
with the real possibility of      industry. We must ask             firearms training, obligates us
imminent death, you will act      ourselves, why? Are we not in     to be constantly learning.
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

I see myself as a part-time          More openness, more “Come          or your money. No Medal of
instructor, but full-time learner.   over here, let‘s see what we       Honor or a higher ranking in
I can‘t stop learning. If you        have, and let‘s get things         Call of Duty awaits you,
stop learning in this profession,    done!“. This attitude would be     thereafter.
then you are either dead, will       a big step forward for our
be soon, or you simply don‘t         industry. No instructor has a      It is important that we get this
care about your job anymore. If      secret ninja box. However, all     information out into the minds
that is the case, then honestly,     true instructors share a passion   of the public audience. Because
you should quit.                     for learning. We should share      we are dealing with too much
                                     this passion to get better every   false information about the
Constantly learning is the most      day, because in the end, we        truth of our profession. That
crucial ability we need to have      create better students who         false information harms our
and maintain in our profession.      come back to ask for our           reputation collectively as an
You stop learning, and you will      services or recommend what         industry.
die. This death can be               we do, and that will grow our
figurative, meaning                  industry in general.                We should be very clear in
professionally, or personally. It                                        2020: No advanced tactics in
can also be literal through the      I would like to close my            social media! No courses like
hands of a bad guy who fights        outlook with some thoughts          “hostages rescue” for civilians,
you in a manner you didn't           about best practices and ethics. no asymmetric team tactics for
understand in the moment,            Like all industries, we have        civilians. We can teach CQB to
because you got lazy.                some bad apples, and we all         civilians, yes, but if we want to
                                     know it. These companies offer truly be honest, real, and
The truth about our profession       services without background         serious on what we are doing,
is very simple: Get back home        checks. They teach civilians        we should teach them only
in one piece! That‘s it. Then, as    advanced CQB tactics when           individual CQB tactics related
instructors, we must teach           there is no need for civilians to with home defense and
others to come back home in          learn room entries, team tactics, eventually, introduce strategies
one piece. That’s the meaning        or hostage rescue, because          to include our family.
of our profession, plain and         simply put, they will likely
simple. If an operator returns       never need and or use it.           This will help us to create a
to his family, we have done our                                          cleaner and more serious
job. In order to be successful, it   If a civilian gets into trouble, it business environment where
requires constant learning. Not      will most likely happen on the we can prosper in what we
only for the operators we train,     street, around his car, or in his want to stand for: Security and
but also for us, as instructors.     own house. Sorry to crush           responsibility in a world that
The responsibility we shoulder       some dreams, but if you are a       wants to make a big step
is too high to become lazy or        civilian in a defensive situation, forward to becoming safer and
ignorant.                            know that there will be no          better while being less afraid of
                                     team, no good-looking room-         certain elements who threaten
Because the risks and the            entry, no rescue tactics. To put    our people because they don‘t
responsibilities are so high, I      it bluntly, you will have to deal share our values of taking care
would like to see more               with a rough and unexpected         of others and living a
cooperation between                  outbreak of chaotic violence        honorable way of life.
instructors worldwide.               that may, cost your life, your car,
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek

                                       Taran Butler
                                       The core principles that make great shooters
                                       The man who made John Wick a legend tells you the truth!

Taran Tactical Innovations
My life-long passion to shoot and to
learn continues in 2020!

It seems that the industry,
especially in social media,
never gets tired to fight over
the different branches of our
firearms professions. Many
deny the real-world value of
competition shooting, because
it does not take place in the
immediate context of a military
or law enforcement situation.
But this fairly short-sighted.
And I will explain to you why.

The very core of every single
profession related to firearms
is the perfect manipulation and
handling of a firearm. You can
train in the most realistic
tactical environment, if you fail
in the perfect handling and
manipulation of your weapon
you will fail on your mission
later, no matter how tactical
you feel and think about

And I can assure you this,
because I trained some of the
best guys in the military. And
they never hesitate to seek out
to gain knowledge from an
external source, as long as they
were able to learn something.

Everybody is in a box. Lessons
learned and routines can make
you inflexible or short-sighted.
TACTICAL OUTLOOK 2020 - Thomas Lojek
TARAN BUTLER        10

Bottom: Taran and James Cameron   Right: Taran teams-up with the Punisher

                                                                            That's why the best of the best
                                                                            constantly seek out to learn
                                                                            from different sources, even
                                                                            from uncommon ones. And
                                                                            this is where we come in: the
                                                                            guys who aren't military
                                                                            operators, but have a way with

                                                                            For a better understanding, I
                                                                            will give you a brief
                                                                            retrospective of my career. It is
                                                                            necessary to get the full picture
                                                                            of what I would like to explain

                                                                            I got into competition shooting
                                                                            sports in late 1994. Soon, I won
                                                                            my very first match. I came in
                                                                            7th on about 118 people, with a
                                                                            Glock 45. I went on to get a
                                                                            Glock 22 .40 caliber, then a
                                                                            Glock 24, long, 6 inch. I got a
                                                                            Grandmaster Card in little over
                                                                            a year, I am a seven time

                                                                            That was pretty awesome for
                                                                            me at this time, I was pretty
                                                                            happy. I shot pistol for a while.
                                                                            Then a bunch of area matches.
                                                                            All the fun stuff. Then I got
                                                                            into 3-gun. That was when
                                                                            things really took of amazing.
                                                                            Then I ended up, going to the
                                                                            3-gun nationals. And winning
                                                                            those, I went on a 5 or 6 years
                                                                            winning streak.

                                                                            Around this time, I met a lot of
                                                                            military guys. That lead to them
                                                                            coming to train at my place. I
                                                                            did a few military classes, here
                                                                            and there. Law enforcement,
                                                                            too. And what I have learned in
                                                                            the whole thing is that the best
                                                                            guys in the military world were
                                                                            hiring the best 3-gunners and
                                                                            pistol shooters out there.

It is all about how to manipulate your weapons well. The context depends on your profession, but
the core principle of a great shooter is to reach a maximum in effective weapon handling.

Guys like Michael Voigt, Rob        world and different military
Leatham, Todd Jarrett, Robert       guys, they were always eager to
Vogel, Dave Sevigny. The man        seek out to learn from every
that really pioneered a lot of it   available source about how to
was Jerry Barnhart, who wrote       manipulate a weapon well.
the book for West Point on
tactical training.                  There are top competition
                                    shooters, who make a lot of
And the military hired these        money to teach military and
men for training, because they      law enforcement. And this
wanted to learn how to              works well for both sides for a
manipulate a weapon well. And       reason. Because at the end, it is
when 3-gunners came into it,        all about how to manipulate
the whole process became even       your weapons well. The context
more interesting for the            maybe is different or changes,
military.                           depending on your profession,
                                    but the core principle of a
We trained in several military
places. I did not as much as my
other fellow guys in the            The core principle of a great shooter is to reach
industry did then, because
when I started to do the show         a maximum in effective weapon handling.
“Top Shot“, it leads to all kind
of different projects to build
my career bigger. And then, I       great shooter is to reach a
ended up in the world of            maximum in effective weapon
Hollywood, starting with John       handling. And if you keep this
Wick, the biggest thing that        in mind the never-ending
happened to me.                     arguments about who shoots
                                    better or more tactical becomes
And now, I have been flooded        quite pointless, because what
with non-stop movie projects.       we do is fundamental and
But talking with several            every other branch carries
military groups around the          these fundamentals into the
TARAN BUTLER            12

                                       Left: Keanu Reeves at Taran Tactical   Right: A day at Taran Tactical

context of its own profession,
after the training. And this makes
sense. Because there is no “one
fits all“-solution in what we do,
but a constant learning process
and an imperative to stay open-

I still train military and law
enforcement units. None of this
goes out to my social media
channels, because I am simply
not allow to reveal this kind of
information. But it is still a part
of my business,

I enjoy it, and it is a honor to me.
And I will continue to do it, even
when Hollywood takes 70% or
80% of my time, now.

Keanu Reeves is constantly at my
place, because John Wick 4 is
coming soon, and a new Matrix
movie. Guns and Roses are
stopping by. Cast member of the
Mission Impossible movies. A lot
of great people, a lot of fun stuff.

Also, the Vegas SWAT, Anaheim
SWAT, LAPD SWAT, all the local
ones, just a never-ending group
of great people coming by all the

So, 2020 will be a interesting
year. Stay open-minded... and
never stop learning!
PAOLO SIMEONE         13

                                          Paolo Simeone
Tactical Industry Outlook 2020: What will matter next year? From ISIS, over
tactical instructor networking, to warrior ethics. Read my personal outlook, now!

I expect a rise in activities of   civil war around their now lost    tactics. Of course, this has to
terrorist groups in 2020.          „Caliphate“. And these men are     happen in a highly controlled
Especially in Africa and the       available on „the free market of   environment and very
Middle East, as well as in Asia.   international terrorism“ to        responsible, but we need a
Many local terror groups have      teach other groups, e.g. local     more efficient networking than
announced their loyalty to         uprising movements in Central      in the past. Our best subject
ISIS, recently. These things       Africa, how to carry out           matter experts have to form
happen in the shadows, far         sophisticated attacks and          networks and let information
away from the public eye and       advanced guerrilla warfare         and experience flow in our own
media.                             tactics. That‘s very dangerous.    connected and controlled
                                                                      learning environments.
ISIS is far from defeated. This    And this is the reason why we,
notorious terrorist group won’t    as western tactical trainers,      The big military entities of our
die that easily, even if the       need to update our own             world are doing this all the
public opinion and our media       training and tactical toolset as   time: they share intelligence,
have started to believe it. They   soon as possible. This new         they share lesson learned
are wrong. Instead, ISIS is        phase of evolution in the world    databases, training updates,
changing itself into a terror      of international terrorism will    and so on. And we, as tactical
franchise company. It has
changed from a local group to
a global ideology. Now, they
exist to sell and to unify a         We have to connect our trustable sources
general hatred against the
western way of life. And they
                                     and trainers as efficiently as possible!
deliver the tools to fight it.
                                   be a strong reminder for our       training instructors in the
What makes the new ISIS so         tactical industry, and all its     private market, have to mimic
dangerous: They have a lot of      instructors, that we have to       this strategy of the big military
experience in modern warfare.      connect better.                    players, because at the end we
The members of ISIS who                                               face the same opponents:
have survived their defeat in      We have to connect our             terrorists, organized crime, and
Iraq and Syria are skilled         trustable sources and trainers     foreign mercenaries who are
fighter, now. They have gained     as efficiently as possible to      willing to kill. Our ability to
a lot of experience during the     share our experience and           connect and to share crucial
PAOLO SIMEONE             14

                                                                       Top: Paolo Simeone in a briefing during a
                                                                                      tactical training workshop

training instructors in the         in tough operations in the         these things anymore, because
private market have to mimic        more complex than ever war         of regulations and legal issues.
this strategy of the big military   zones of our modern world.         Also, for pure reasons of ethics
players, because at the end we      That also means, that our          and „best practices“ we have to
face the same opponents:            industry is clearly divided into   keep these two worlds apart.
                                                                       Some in our industry are
                                                                       crossing the line: They are
Our ability to connect and to share                                    posting in social media
crucial experience and tactical                                        advanced tactics just for the
information will be the key in 2020.                                   sake of likes, fame, or sales.

terrorists, organized crime, and    two parts: Advanced tactics for
foreign mercenaries who are         customers coming from
willing to kill. Our ability to     military entities or law
connect and to share crucial        enforcement. And „non-
experience and tactical             tactical“ defense courses for
information will be the key.        civilians, like basic pistol
The key for our profession as       workshops and self-defense.
instructors in the civilian         We are not allow to mix up
market. And the key to survive

           Right: Paolo Simeone with
                     Universal Shield

                  Top: Paolo Simeone

They are putting our guys in
danger. CQB, SOF training,
and advanced combat tactics
don't belong in the public.

Not for a meaningless social
media fame, nor for making a
bunch of bloody money. It
doesn't even make any sense!

There is no need for tactics in
the civilian market. Civilians
need self-defense, that‘s it.
Advanced tactics should keep
in the hands of military and
law enforcement.

So, there will be basically two
worlds for our industry in 2020
and beyond, always depending
on what kind of customers ask
for our services.

Follow Paolo on Facebook!
PAOLO SIMEONE           16

                                      Paolo Simeone
                                      What makes a true
                                      warrior in 2020?
                                      The path of the warrior in modern times.

                     Back to the roots: What makes a true        must be our guideline. We must go
                     warrior?                                    back to the roots. We must be
                                                                 attached to the core values of true
                     On our modern battlefields, more            warriors and not too dependent on
                     complex than ever before, we have to        the technology of our gear.
                     return to the very core of warfare: A
                     true and deeper understanding of            You have always to remember
                     what makes a true and highly efficient      yourself: Technology and gear can fail.
                     warrior.                                    And they will fail. It is just a matter of
                                                                 time and your environment.
Top: Paolo Simeone   In a world so excited about drones,
                     cyberattacks, tactical gear, and gadgets,   But what will never fail you is the
                     we have to return to the basics: to the     spirit of your soul as warriors. And as
                     warrior ethos, to what makes a warrior      warriors we have to remember this
                     in its core. Technology is good. But we     spirit to lighten the moments of
                     are putting „things“ on the top of the      darkness that awaits the ones who
                     pyramid. On the top of the pyramid of       fights on the battlefields of our world.
                     true warfare has to be the man. The
                     man and his honor, his capabilities         Your certainty of what you fight for
                     and his ethics.                             cannot not fail you. Because if you
                                                                 fight without true bliefes you enter
                     That‘s why we have to come back to          the battlefield just as dead as the
                     the true meaning of being a „soldier“.      bodies around you, and right before
                     Because we are losing our way. We are       the fight even has begun. And it will
                     putting all our efforts in gear, in         happen completely disregarding what
                     weaponry, and advanced technology.          you wear or carry. Remember that.
                     But our enemies, they are fighting for      Always.
                     a cause. Write or wrong, like it or not,
                     they do it very efficiently. And they are   Technology and gear won’t make a
                     reckless and dangerous only because         worrior out of you. But you can make
                     of their beliefs in what they fight for.    one out of yourself. By making up
                     They will die for their beliefs.            your own combat mindset all the time
                                                                 and by all yourself. By believe in
                     And that‘s something we are losing in       yourself and what you fight for.
                     our western world. Our soldiers are
                     more afraid to die, because there is        And you must do that. Because in the
                     nothing to believe in. Not anymore.         battle of minds, the one with a
                     And it´s all about money. Even on the       stronger combat mindset - even if his
                     battlefield.                                ideology is dead wrong - will win the
                     The path of the warrior, in its very
                     ancient and universal meaning               You can´t allow this to happen. Not in
                     through all epochs and all traditions,      2020. And not beyond.
SCOTT USRY         17

Tactical Training for First Responder
Scott Usry: Director of Training GTI Government Training Institute • Patrol members
are the true first responder of any agency. These men and women are the backbone of
the agency and handle more calls each year then any SWAT team.
In the law enforcement             the situation like any other one   This type of training filled a
community, a lot of time and       that they were not trained nor     void, but little did we know at
money is spent on training and     equipped to handle.                the time, it identified other
equipping Tactical or SWAT                                            shortcomings in the way we do
Teams. The reason for this is      The agencies surrounded the        business.
obvious, because the members       school and held a perimeter
of these elite teams have got to   while SWAT responded and           SWAT team member have to be
be the best at what they do,       entered the school.                precision shooters, so a lot of
when they need to do it.                                              time is spent on these guys
                                   SWAT’s response was to enter       horning their skills. A lot of the
There is an old saying among       the building and clear the         time the SWAT guys will be the
the teams that goes “when the      rooms one by one until they        best shooter in the agency.
public needs help they call the    found the shooters.
Police, but when the Police                                           Not that this is bad, but unless
need help they call SWAT”.         We now know that this caused       these operators are on patrol
                                   a delay in locating and            they will not be the first person
While this saying still holds      neutralizing the shooters.         on scene of an active situation.
true today, the environment
that law enforcement is
operating in has evolved and       Unless SWAT operators are on patrol they will not be
became more and more
unstable and more dangerous.
                                      the first person on scene of an active situation.

Historically, agencies would
respond to certain types of        The lessons learned that day
events and set up a perimeter      caused law enforcement             Patrol members are the true
and wait for SWAT to arrive        agencies across the country to     first responder of any agency.
and resolve the event. This was    re-evaluate their training and      These men and women are the
the norm until the Columbine       how they respond to active         backbone of the agency and
School Shooting.                   shooter incidents.                 handle more calls each year
On April 20, 1999 the norm in                                         then any SWAT team. For this
Law Enforcement changed            Active shooter training was        reason the patrol division needs
forever. At that time,             developed and implemented in       to be trained and patrol
responding agencies handled        nearly all agencies, nationwide.   division needs to be better
SCOTT USRY       18

Patrol members are the true        Basic SWAT or Advanced              without any out of pocket
first responder of any agency.     Tactical Patrol Officer training.   expense to the agency?
These men and women are the
backbone of the agency and         The goal of this type of            What if there was a pot of
handle more calls each year        training is not to make every       money that each agency has
then any SWAT team.                patrol officer a SWAT member,       access to that they might not
                                   but rather better enhance their     even know about? The easy
For this reason the patrol         abilities to perform their          answer to that is there is.
division needs to be trained       duties.
and equipped to handle the                                             The Asset Trading Program,
situations that they are facing    The problem with this train of      offered by the Government
in this ever changing and          thought is that most agencies       Training Institute, is a one of a
evolving environment.              have very limited resources         kind program that allows
                                   and budgets. Agencies want to       agencies to take all the old,
Advanced firearms and tactics      train, but don’t have money in      used, out of date, unwanted or
should be the new norm for all     the budgets to do any               seized equipment they have
members of your agency;            advanced training.                  saved up over the years and
especially the men and women                                           trade it in for cash for new
of you patrol division and         What to do has always been          equipment and/or training.
school resource officers as they   the question agencies have
will be the ones protecting our    asked, a lot of time with no        This program relieves the
children and loved ones.           answer.                             worry about how to afford the
                                                                       training that the patrol
I believe that every member of     What if there was a way to          division needs to be better
these divisions should be          provide agencies with the           trained.
allowed to attend some sort of     training that they needed

  Full Spectrum Warrior USA

  Former Navy SEAL about
  quick thinking and reaction
  skills behind the firearm !

                   When I work with shooters there are            Many significant problems can develop
                   two main things I focus in on:                 if you are breeding a culture of shooters
                                                                  who cannot think or react while they’re
                   1. Building the individual’s ability to        shooting.
                   move effectively from behind the
                   firearm, and...                                Therefore, one of our big goals at FSW
                                                                  has been to set up a variety of training
                   2. Developing the shooter’s ability to         scenarios and drills within our training
                   critically think under stress.                 programs to develop cognitive thinking
                                                                  under stress.
                   By focusing in on these two specific
                   things, people become more well-               By setting up mental obstacles, the
                   rounded shooters, thinkers, and movers         individual is forced to slow down to a
                   behind their weapon. Instead of just           pace that’s slower than they are used to
Top: Rich Graham
                   being able to pull the trigger and hit a       shooting at, but at a pace more
                   target more often, my students know            appropriate to their ability to process
                   where and how to move and why they             the information they are receiving.
                   should do so in different times
                   throughout different scenarios.                In doing so, shooters receive, analyze,
                                                                  and process the data to make specific
                   Many times the shooting world’s focus is       judgement calls or decisions to best
                   in on shooting fundamentals: the actual        engage a target. Where this becomes
                   aspect of shooting the gun. Through this       significantly important is an active-
                   mindset, we have developed many                shooter situation where those
                   shooters to be extremely fast at               responding need to process info quickly
                   performing magazine changes while              and respond effectively rather than just
                   engaging multiple targets.                     bursting in guns blazing.

                   Things of that nature are beneficial, but      Here in America, in an active-shooter
                   one area I feel is personally lacking is       situation we have seen a rise in armed-
                   the individual’s ability to critically think   citizens attempting to help or work
                   under stress.                                  alongside law enforcement officers.
                                                                  Most of these settings are highly
                   The downside to this is we have a              populated areas with a lot of moving
                   bunch of really fast and accurate              parts involved. I have worked with law
                   shooters who lack the ability to process       enforcement agencies and private
                   information as fast as they are able to        citizens around our country to develop
                   deliver rounds down range.                     the two main training focuses: the
RICH GRAHAM        20

Left: Training with Universal Shield   Right: Rich Graham

                                                            Here in America, in an active-
                                                            shooter situation we have seen
                                                            a rise in armed-citizens
                                                            attempting to help or work
                                                            alongside law enforcement
                                                            officers. Most of these settings
                                                            are highly populated areas with
                                                            a lot of moving parts involved.

                                                            I have worked with law
                                                            enforcement agencies and
                                                            private citizens around our
                                                            country to develop the two
                                                            main training focuses: the
                                                            ability to critically think under
                                                            stress and the ability to move
                                                            your body behind the firearm.

                                                            The ability to assess the
                                                            situation and make proper
                                                            judgement calls first before
                                                            engaging is critical to avoid
                                                            putting someone in a position
                                                            where they shoot first and then
                                                            realize “Oh man, I shot the
                                                            wrong target!”

                                                            The ability to move your body
                                                            behind the gun allows those
                                                            responding to situations to
                                                            move in and around crowds,
                                                            through buildings or debris, or
                                                            simply to move to find better
                                                            cover from the target while
                                                            moving into better positioning
                                                            to take down the target.

                                                            In my classes, once we have
                                                            developed a foundation for
                                                            students to work on, we then
                                                            transition into developing their
                                                            ability to move better and

                                                            For almost ten years now, my
                                                            business partner Greg
                                                            Mihovich and I have been
                                                            working on a program we call
                                                            the “Combat Mobility System”.
RICH GRAHAM           21

              This program works to arm a          access the opponent for
              stationary shooter with the skills   weaknesses in his movement or
              necessary to properly move with      fighting style. As you can imagine
              their firearm from position to       someone glued into one position
              position working angles to           without the ability to assess and
              reduce the chance of injury from     analyze information wouldn’t last
              contact with the ground or other     long. Sure they could still use
               objects they might use for cover    their fists to fight but their ability
               or concealment.                     to do so effectively would be
               The best example of this is to
               think about how a boxer or          Transition this scenario to
               mixed martial artist fights. One    shooting. If we took a stationary
               of the first things they learn to   shooter and blindfolded them,
               do when they begin training         most high-level shooters with
               isn’t how to punch or strike but    good fundamentals and accuracy
               how to move their body.             could probably still hit paper.
               Footwork and movement are           However, just like the fighter in
               fundamental and key. Trainers       the ring, the shooter lacks the
               really hammer this home             ability to think under stress, the
               because it is the foundation for    receive and analyze new info, and
               success. We do not see this         to move his or her body in and
               much in the firearms world, but     around the target. Technical skill
               instead see a lot of people         will never overcome one’s ability
               shooting stationary and focused     to think and move his or her
               in on the fundamentals of firing    body in any situation.
              the weapon, becoming accurate,
Rich Graham   and so on. What is significantly     This brings me to a saying we
              lacking is the ability for that      have here in the States. There’s a
              individual to move and think on      gun control joke that goes like
              their feet.                          this: “I left my firearm out on the
                                                   front porch for a week and it
              Imagine how long a fighter           didn’t shoot anybody. Guns don’t
              would last if we sent him into       kill people; people kill people
              the ring with his feet glued into    with guns.” There is truth to that,
              position, without the ability to     but also truth to the fact that the

                Images: Rich Graham

firearm is only as good as the
person who is behind it.

A Samurai’s sword is sharp,
and it can cut, but the
difference is, the Samurai
sword is only as effective is the
person who is wielding it.

It takes finesse rather than just
a baseline knowledge of how to
point a gun and pull a trigger.
The Samurai is a warrior and
his success comes from his
fitness mobility, technical
skillsets, and critical thinking
under stress.

My goal is to develop strong-
moving and critically thinking
warriors who can perceive and
react to a variety situations.

At Full Spectrum Warrior we
train the body and the mind to
be just as effective or more
than the weapons we are
implementing. Rich Graham
MARK HUMAN        23

Mark Human
The Warrior Mind in 2020

What are the challenges of the
modern-day training environment?

                   The Warrior Mind in 2020                     In our age of games, gear and
                                                                technology many people coming into
                   Developing the right work ethic, skill,      the industry and have not been exposed
                   attitude, physical mental resilience.        to true physical violence.

                   Although the majority of my time is          It is also important for combatants to
                   spent developing and presenting              prepare them for the cost (physical,
                   training, I believe that spending time in    emotional and moral) of engaging
                   the field with clients to understand their   enemies in combat.
                   context is important to ensure that the
                   skill sets, we present in our training       What about rules for the “good guys”?
                   curriculums are fully congruent with         The rules of engagement for regular
                   their actual working environment.            forces (private and state) are influenced
                                                                and liable to military and or civilian
 Top: Mark Human
                   One of the challenges in training people     mandates (Law), and held up to the
                   in the modern combat environment is          scrutiny of the world by politically
                   an attitude of “tick the box” or the „I      backed media agendas.
                   been there and done that“ attitude.
                                                                Professional private military entities,
                   There are always the core crew groups        private security and private law
                   that are dedicated to continued training     enforcement are important role players
                   throughout their careers but for many        in this equation.
                   they will not put time and money into
                   training unless it is a requirement to       Often, they are governed by higher
                   work.                                        moral, ethical and performance criteria
                                                                than entities of the state.
                   It always baffles me when I meet people
                   working in some of the most dangerous
                   environments that they do not spend
                   time to invest in acquiring new skills or
                   maintaining existing ones.

                   Along with recognition skills it is
                   critical to foster what I call a
                   “Responsible Warrior Mind supported
                   by physical and mental resilience.”
                   This encompasses instilling pride,
                   identity, purpose and a sense of urgency.
MARK HUMAN           24

                                                                            Top: Mark Human demonstrates combat
                                                                                          tactics around a vehicle

                                                                            Below: Mark Human edged weapon workshop

This means the good guys             Because: “Dithering gets you
better know the game, be             dead!”
skilled and get to know their
enemy.                               There are third/fourth
                                     underlying factors to decisive
The enemy you face does not          action.
play by the rules!
                                     A person’s value and belief
What happens when training fails     system underpinned with their
to address “The Responsible          understanding of the
Warrior Mind” as part of their       consequences for their specific
curriculum?                          actions can often be a stronger
                                     “breaking” or “accelerating”
To act decisively without            mechanisms to decisive action
hesitation requires speedy           than poor or well-honed
decision-making, linked with         physical skills.
the immediate appropriate
response.                            These too need to addressed in
                                     the training environment and
To achieve this, it is obvious       be congruent with action and
that one requires well               pattern recognition skills.
developed “pattern” recognition
skills and have the right            How can this be addressed in the     Put these factors together the right
physical and equipment               training environment?                way and you will come up with the
familiarity skills linked with the                                        best training solution for your
appropriate options for              1. Create context about value        customers.
response in context to any given        of tasks goals and objectives
situation                            2. Clarify mandates                  It is a challenge for us as instructors as
                                     3. Redefine and reset the            it will be for our customers.
It is prudent to ask oneself, why       parameters of their value
then do well equipped, well             and belief system.                But this it what it takes to be prepared
trained individuals dither even      4. Clarify consequences (legal/      for the threats of 2020 and facing a
though they have the above              moral justification) of action/   rising global aggression level.
requirements in place?                  inaction.

                                                   Mark Human
Modern combat has been depersonalised by technology, gaming and gadgets. Edged weapons
work brings back the emotional driving forces that need to be managed to fight for your life!

Why do you place a large              nothing more terrifying for
emphasis on edged weapons             someone in the field trying
training?                             their academy taught
                                      technique in the field while
Edged weapons demonstrate             they are fighting for their life
how low tech in an age that           and their mind is going “this
relies on gadgets and                 shit just does not work!”
technology applied with intent
and skill can be both a useful        In modern conflict, combat has
tool for professionals but a          been depersonalised by
formidable threat in the wrong        technology, gaming and
hands.                                gadgets.

The knife threat is not going to      Edged weapons work brings
go away. And if the “good guys”       back the emotional driving
leave it out of their box of skills   forces that need to be managed
they fail, both to understand         to fight for your life and
the threat as well as loose a
valuable force multiplier in an
anormal or a plan B scenario.
                                         Edged weapon training is a powerful
“To know your enemy” means               tool for developing mental resilience!
for people who do not grow up
in blade cultures can benefit
from training that works on           possibly take a life at bad
physical skills as well as            breath distance.
understanding the mindset of
edged weapon attackers in             I believe even if edged weapon
different arenas.                     skills directly utilised in
                                      combat that edged weapon
Training needs to address             training is a powerful tool for
actual threats faced in the field     developing mental resilience, a
environment. It’s easy to teach       culture of training and a
„feel good“ crap but there is         fighting spirit.

Wodan Security
Tactical Industry
Outlook 2020

Ralf Kassner: What will
be important in 2020?
The short answer is: things will
definitely not be getting any

Political Situation: there are
currently 16 wars and, with the
Ukraine conflict, that includes
one in Europe.

Add to that the 25 limited wars
and 173 violent crises

According to the Heidelberg
Institute for International
Conflict Research’s ‘Conflict
Barometer 2018’ the
perception of the security
situation was never as uneasy
as at present.

The number of returning
foreign fighters from IS via
Turkey and other routes into
Europe is additionally
exacerbating the ever present
threat from terrorism.

What does that mean for us?

The effects in Europe of the
influx of large numbers of
migrants, many unregistered,
WODAN SECURITY          27

Left: Tactical Training during Wodan    Right: Ralf Kassner and Team Wodan
                       Security IBC 4                               Security

                                                                               are well-known: a new form of
                                                                               violence has emerged, not only
                                                                               for law enforcement and other
                                                                               security authorities, but also
                                                                               for normal civilians.

                                                                                The reaction from the Police is
                                                                               an increase in tactical
                                                                               equipment, not only from the
                                                                               specialist units but also from
                                                                               the support units (e.g. USK,
                                                                               BFE) with new level IV
                                                                               ballistic vests, armored
                                                                               vehicles, helmets and
                                                                               specialized weapon systems.

                                                                               Increasingly the Police
                                                                               specialist units are training in
                                                                               military style tactics and there
                                                                               is call for more robust units.

                                                                               Should close protection
                                                                               operators also change their
                                                                               equipment and tactics? The
                                                                               answer is a clear Yes! If there
                                                                               have been no significant
                                                                               changes over the last few years,
                                                                               because everything always
                                                                               went as planned. then make it
                                                                               a consideration for 2020!

                                                                               You need to be at least as well-
                                                                               trained and prepared as a
                                                                               potential enemy. That is the
                                                                               expectation of not only your
                                                                               client, but also of your team
                                                                               and it should be your own
                                                                               personal standard.

                                                                               At our training events and at
                                                                               the IBC, I see more and more
                                                                               professional equipment being
                                                                               used, including level IV
                                                                               ballistic vests, professional
                                                                               medic packs and much more.
                                                                               We are very pleased about this
                                                                               as it indicates the right attitude
                                                                               to the profession.
WODAN SECURITY          28

IBC 5 will take place in       But the decisive element is not   various scenarios in our 2020
September 2020 with            equipment... rather the mind-     training in CQB etc.
                               set... that gives you the edge.
new training scenarios.                                          For 2020, we are planning:
                               Always prepare yourself
                               thoroughly for your operat-       A CQB course in April, in
                               ions. Expect the worst and        Johannesburg, including 2
                               prepare yourself exactly for      days knife training with Mark
                               that. Train alone, train with     Human, and 2 days VC QB.
                               your team, continual               In May, we are planning a 4-
                               repetition of the basics, keep    day Hostile Environment
                               yourself updated, maintain        Training for those operating in
                               contact with other good           crisis areas and conflict zones,
                               instructors, develop contacts     including car shooting, vehicle
                               in other countries, share         drills, live fire with specialized
                               information. Where possible       weapons, Medic and
                               access intelligence sources,      Checkpoint Scenarios.
                               assess them and make the
                               correct decisions for your        Additionally, we plan to offer a
                               team.                             SIA CP Level 3 and FPOS
Ralf Kassner                                                     course for those who require
                               What are we doing, what are       the certification. Once again,
                               we offering in 2020?              the IBC will take place in
Founder and CEO of Wodan
Security (Germany), a former                                     September with a variety of
                               As a result of the increase in    topics planned including
GSG9 SOF unit member,
                               knife attacks in Germany, at      Protective Surveillance, Early
and Germany’s leading
                               the last International            Detection of Attacks, Medic in
expert in tactical training.
                               Bodyguard Conference (IBC)        difficult conditions, such as
Wodan Security’s
International Bodyguard        one of our main themes was        lack of space or darkness, and
                               defense against knife attacks     SF Shooting Drill and much
Conference is one of the
most regarded tactical         with or without weapons           more.
                               taught by the outstanding
training events in Europe.
                               trainer Marc Human. We will       Our training is exclusively for
                               integrate this experience in      professionals.

 Dennis O'Connor
 Government Training Institute

 Year 2020: Physical fitness, range
 training scars, fundamentals, and
 about becoming a great tactician.

                       What I think needs to be communicated         the goal. Any instructor who under-
                       in 2020: Physical fitness is paramount,       stands these steps and where they lead
                       especially how it relates to performance      to, will be ready to do a great job in
                       and decision-making.                          2020.

                       Understanding sustainment training vs         Also, I want to mention PTSD / Suicide
                       attending training is also very               among law enforcement. Its is real. And
                       important. And of course: Range               it is important. We have to make
                       training scars. Your physical fitness can     everybody to understand that the job is
                       be excellent, your training perfectly         not just wearing uniforms and carry
                       adjusted, but if you leave with training      firearms. The job is people. People who
                       scars, you will be in trouble when it         work under tremendous stressful
                       counts the most. All training, no matter      conditions. Who put their own lives into
                       how realistic, isn't real combat. If we       the line. And who see the worst of what
Top: Dennis O'Connor
                       perform habits from a training                humans can do or be. If you think, that
                       environment in a real combat situation        this kind of work keeps people without
                       it could (and mostly will) end up fatal.      scars... physical, emotional, spiritual
                                                                     scars... you are wrong.
                       Instructors really have to look into these
                       habits and let their students leave the       I ask everybody to be more open, more
                       training without them. These first three      conscious, about what it means to carry
                       aspects combined should be the main           that burden. Without judgement. Just
                       fundamental of any good training in           listen sometimes, lend a hand, or take
                       2020.                                         the signs serious. We can‘t let alone our
                                                                     best men who save us from the worst
                       The next aspect is a bit more about           every day. Be aware and be a friend.
                       teaching the mind and a general
                       understanding of what we do. A good
                       training should always end in mastering
                       the “Why” and in a fundamental
                       understanding. That’s what we train for.
                       It also means to balance “tactical theory
                       vs vetted theory“ (and put it into action).

                       And finally, if you put all these pieces
                       together, you will get the right answer
                       for “What will matter in 2020?“: Its all
                       about becoming a great tactician. That’s
THOMAS LOJEK            30

The tactical training industry can become the                                              Top: Photo by Dave Young • GTI

Silicon Valley of modern warfare and counter-
terrorism. A source of excellence, innovation,
and a success where bigger players fail!
                                        The tactical training industry can be     and bureaucratic hurdles of a military
                                        for modern warfare and counter-           organisation or LE will be often
                                        terrorism what Silicon Valley is for      counter-productive. That‘s why small
                                        the technology business. Let me           tactical training companies have to
                                        explain: In technology we have huge       compete where they can beat the big
                                        powerful players like Apple,              players: innovation, creativity, trying
                                        Microsoft, Oracle. They have deep         out new things, bringing in experience
                                        pockets, can invest vast amounts of       that not always match the operational
                                        money. They win big contracts, run        rule book, and giving great SME the
                                        global missions, and have all the         freedom to rewrite the rules (if
                                        media attention. There is a similar       necessary). If a tactical training
                                        pattern in the tactical training          company understands that it has to be
                                        industry: Huge global players with        a small but smart startup business in
                                        global power, tons of money, and          the Silicon Valley of modern warfare,
                                        impressive capabilities. Small tactical   it will excel. Because there is demand.
                                        training companies will never be          There is growth. But it also means,
Thomas Lojek                            able to compete with military             that these smaller companies have to
                                        powerhouses like the Rangers or the       act like Silicon Valley start-ups, too:
                                        Navy SEALs training program, nor          aggressive marketing, effective
                                        will they ever have their                 networking, constant innovation,
                                        technological edge. But: The small        unique selling points, compete for the
                                        tactical training companies, if they      best in the industry. This part may
                                        know what they do, can be for the         sucks, and can be quite a challenge,
                                        military/LE market what Silicon           but this is what it takes. Look at
                                        Valley is for technology: A source of     yourself as a Silicon Valley-like source
                                        flexibility and innovation. If you have   of innovation: agile, smart, aggressive.
                                        to think outside the box, the rules       And deliver the edge! You will excel!

Article by Thomas Lojek • Photo by Dave Young • GTI

                                          Jared Wihongi
                                          The Amalgamation of Combatives with Firearms Training
                                          Industry trend 2020: Combining of combatives with firearms tactics in
                                          extreme-close quarters, because of the high percentage of shootings that
                                          US law enforcement were experiencing at and inside of two meters.

Jared Wihongi
The Amalgamation of Combatives
with Firearms Training
An industry trend I have taken
particular note of in recent years is
the combining of combatives with
firearms tactics in extreme-close
quarters to create CQC training
programs that address this often
neglected range of combat.
I have personally been creating and
teaching programs in this area since
2005, and was invited to teach my
first international course on this
topic in Germany 2006. I
 started my research and
development of these programs
during my tenure as a full-time
Firearms and Use-of-Force Instructor
for the Salt Lake City Police
Department, largely because of the
high percentage of shootings that US
law enforcement were experiencing
at and inside of two meters.
The course I originally developed
was called CQ-FIT (Force Integration
Tactics), because of the integration of
empty-hands, edged/ impact weapons
and firearms at extreme close-
As I look at industry trends moving
forward into 2020, I see more
companies and individuals giving
long overdue attention to this kind of
Admittedly some of this attention is
due to Hollywood trends from movies
like John Wick, but if that's what it
takes to garner attention to this kind
of training there's no problem with
that, so long as serious practitioners
can discern the substance from the
You can also read