The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT

Page created by Gregory Mckinney
The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
Special Holiday Edition
                 The Loop
                            Waterford Senior Services

                   November / December

                  Join us for several special events this holiday season.
Take a look through the pages of “The Loop” and find out all the great things happening
     at the Community Center ; from exercise classes, card games, BINGO, a special
                Veteran’s Day program and our Annual Holiday Party!
         There are so many things to do at the center!. Remember to take advantage
     of the Energy Assistance program and have your Medicare benefits reviewed
        during the annual “Open Enrollment” period. Stop by or call us today!
             Wishing you and your family all the best this holiday season.
                         ~Lisa, Kathy, Donna and Barb ~

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
Happy Holidays to the Waterford Senior Community!

    We are closing in on the second holiday edition of The Loop during pandemic times.
Although we are not through this yet, conditions are definitely better than one year ago.
My holiday greeting last year came to you all from a Community Center that was not
open to the public. We had great hopes that we would re-open in the new year. Fast
forward to today and the Community Center is open, activities are happening every day
and people are once again filling this building. There are card games, BINGO, fitness
classes, billiards and ping pong to name just a few activities. The theme that runs through
all our activities is the joy of being together and keeping each other safe. There are still
masks required in the building but this is a small price to pay to be able to see our friends
and neighbors.
    I am so proud of the Waterford Senior Community! You have demonstrated true care,
love and concern for your neighbors. Seniors have taken the time to check in with their
friends and family and for some that has made a wonderful difference. I want to wish you
all a sparkling and joyous holiday season.
May you have peace and blessings as we venture into 2022!

Lisa Cappuccio, Director

                                         Our office will be closed on the following days:
                                         Thursday November 24 & Friday November 25
                                          Friday, December 24 & Friday, December 31
                                                    HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2022

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
Join us as we celebrate and thank our Waterford Veterans!
                                          Wednesday, November 10, 2021 starting at 10 AM
                                   Veterans will enjoy a complimentary breakfast sponsored by
                                   Waterford Senior Services and Waterford Police Department.
                                            Special Entertainment by CT State Troubadour
                                                             Tom Callinan
                                         Everyone must register in the Senior Services office.
                                   Waterford Veterans attend free. All other guests must purchase a ticket for $8

                                                   Call 860-444-5839 for more informtion

                    Medicare Open Enrollment is
                   October 15—December 7, 2021
                                   Any changes made will take effect January 1, 2022
                                             During Open Enrollment you can:
     Join a new Medicare Advantage Plan or stand-alone prescription drug plan (Part D) plan.
    Switch between Original Medicare with or without a Part D plan and Medicare Advantage.
                    Appointments are required and generally last about 1 hour.
                             Call us for your appointment: 860-444-5839

    I’d like to thank everyone who cheered me on, sent cards, called, texted and emailed
    me while I was out on medical leave. I’m so happy to be back in the office and
    catching up with so many of you! I REALLY missed you all so much! Please stop
    by or make an appointment to come in and say “hello”.           ~ Kathy~

              “ I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
                      but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou

          “Each day is a gift...that’s why it’s called the present”

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
Annual Holiday Party
    Thursday, December 16, 2021
        Doors open at 11:45 am
      Special Holiday meal catered by
            Matthew’s Catering
      Entertainment & Special Guest,
                 Jose Paulo
Tickets are $10 for residents and available
for purchase at the Senior Services office on
           November 1, 2021
Bring your holiday spirit and dancing shoes!

         Transportation available.

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
Holiday Program for Residents in Need:
    Thanksgiving food baskets as well as holiday food baskets & gifts are available for residents in
            need! Residents interested in applying for a basket must apply in person at:
                                   Waterford Youth & Family Services.
                           Applications for Thanksgiving Food Basket:
                                   November 1st—November 19th
                        Applications for a Holiday Food Basket & Gifts:
                                   November 1st—December 15th
        Residents must have 2 forms of current Waterford mail, a photo ID and income verification.
                              You must be a resident of Waterford to apply.
    Gifts may be available for grandparents to give to their grandchild. Please contact Senior Services if
                                     you have this need. 860-444-5839
                  Seniors who are unable to apply in person may call: 860-444-5848.

    Fight the silent killer and have your blood pressure checked!
The holidays can be a stressful time! Don’t forget to take care of yourself and have
your blood pressure checked regularly. We offer a FREE blood pressure clinic
through the Visiting Nurses. Nurse Judy is here on Wednesdays from
11:45am—1pm to help you monitor your blood pressure, no appointment needed!
The VNA also offers a monthly nurse managed wellness clinic on the last
Wednesday of each month. An appointment is required. Call us at 860-444-5839

                                        Free transportation for Waterford
                                        Seniors ! We can take you to medical
                                        appointments, shopping or personal
                                        errands. You must have a                  Tune in to our podcast;
                                        transportation form completed and
                                                                                  “The Waterford Senior Buzz”!
                                        call the office to schedule your rides.
                                        First appointment time is at 9am and
                                                                                  There are many topics of
                                        the last ride of the day is at 3:30pm.    interest about Medicare, SNAP,
                                                                                  Transportation, and much more!
                                        Call us today for more information.
       Need a Ride?                               860-444-5839                    episodes

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's or Dementia?
We are in the process of restarting our caregiver support group. If you are interested in
resources or just want to talk to other caregivers, please give us a call. Share your name and
contact information with us so we can contact you when the group resumes.
This will be an in person group held at the Community Center. 860-444-5839

                                       TVCCA Energy Assistance
  We are currently scheduling appointments for energy assistance at the Community Center for residents 60
 years of age or older or disabled. Schedule your appointment by calling: 860-444-5839 Remember to bring
       the following documentation with you: Social Security number, documentation of all sources of
current income such as: Social Security, pensions, wages, alimony, rental income, and dividends and interest
   income, and proof of your rent or mortgage amount. This year assets are not being considered. Income
 guidelines are: $39,027 for one person and $51,035 for a two person household. Call for your confidential
                                                                    appointment: 860-444-5839.
  November 1, 2021 – First day for Fuel
     Deliveries that can be paid by the program.
    May 2, 2022 – Deadline for Fuel Authorizations or               Site visits: AHEPA— December 8, 2021
    May 31, 2022 – The last day that a household can            `           Twin Haven—December 14, 2021
     apply to establish its eligibility for benefits.
    June 15, 2022 – last day to submit deliverable fuel        Please note: Residents of these communities must
     bills.                                                    book their appointments through Senior Services.

                                            Waterford Rec & Park Wood Program
                      Proof of income will be required of all applicants. Eligibility is the same as it is for
                      Energy Assistance. Please call Recreation & Parks for additional details.

                                      Holiday Happenings!
    Pearl Harbor Road Race—December 5th @ 11am starts at the VFW
    The Kerry Sullivan Annual Tree Lighting at Town
     Hall—December 7th @ 6pm
    Quaker Hill Tree Lighting—Saturday, December
     11th @ 5pm
    Senior Services Holiday Luncheon—Thursday,
     December 16th @ 12pm
Watch for more events, especially a New Years Eve
activity at Waterford Beach on December 30th. Please
call Recreation & Parks about this event: 860-444-5881

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
2021                                        NOVEMBER                                                    2021
        MONDAY                        TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                      FRIDAY
                        1                              2                               3                            4                              5
                                                                                           9:00 Strength I
9:00 Strength -Zoom          8:30 Cribbage                 8-9:30 Pickleball                                            8:30 Cribbage
                                                                                           10:15 Strength II
9:30 Casual Bridge           9:00 Strength I               9:00 Strength - Zoom                                         10:00 Movement & Dance
                                                                                           11:00 Brain Flex
10:00 Movement & Dance       9:30 Pitch Games              9:30 Casual Bridge                                           11:15 Tai Chi
                                                                                           11:30 Healthy Stretch
11:45-2:15 Pickleball        9:30-11:30 Pickleball                                                                      11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                                                           11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure       12:30 Canasta                12:30 Fireman's Pinochle
1:00 Quilting                10:15 Strength II             Checks
                                                                                           1:00 Coloring Club           12:30 Duplicate Bridge
1-3 Ping Pong                11:30 Yoga                    1:00 BINGO
                                                                                           1:00 Chair Yoga              1:00 Quilting
                             12:30 Pinochle                1-3 Ping Pong
                                                                                           1-3 Ping Pong                1-3 Ping Pong
                             1:00 Matter of Balance

                        8                             9                            10                              11                            12

9:00 Strength -Zoom                                        8-9:30 Pickleball                    VETERAN’S DAY           8:30 Cribbage
                             8:30 Cribbage                 9:00 Strength - Zoom                                         10:00 Movement & Dance
9:30 Casual Bridge
                             9:00 Strength I               9:30 Casual Bridge                                           11:15 Tai Chi
10:00 Movement & Dance
                             9:30 Pitch Games                                                                           11:45-2:15 Pickleball
11:45-2:15 Pickleball                                      10:00 Veteran’s Breakfast
                             9:30-11:30 Pickleball                                                                      12:30 Fireman's Pinochle
1:00 Quilting                                              11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure
                             10:15 Strength II             Checks                                                       12:30 Duplicate Bridge
1-3 Ping Pong
                             12:30 Pinochle                1-3 Ping Pong                                                1-3 Ping Pong

                                                                                                OFFICE CLOSED
                        15                            16                           17                              18                              19
                             8:30 Cribbage
9:00 Strength -Zoom                                        8-9:30 Pickleball               9:00 Strength I              8:30 Cribbage
                             9:00 Strength I
9:30 Casual Bridge                                         9:00 Strength - Zoom            10:15 Strength II            10:00 Movement & Dance
                             9:30 Pitch Games
10:00 Movement & Dance                                                                     11:00 Brain Flex             11:15 Tai Chi
                                                           9:30 Casual Bridge
                             9:30-11:30 Pickleball
11:45-2:15 Pickleball                                                                      11:30 Healthy Stretch        11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                             10:15 Strength II             11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure
1:00 Quilting                                              Checks                          12:30 Canasta                12:30 Fireman's Pinochle
                             11:30 Yoga
1-3 Ping Pong                                              1:00 BINGO                      1:00 Coloring Club           12:30 Duplicate Bridge
                             12:30 Pinochle
                                                           1-3 Ping Pong                   1:00 Chair Yoga              1:00 Quilting
                             1:00 Matter of Balance
                                                                                           1-3 Ping Pong                1-3 Ping Pong

                        22                            23                          24                               25                              26
                             8:30 Cribbage
9:00 Strength -Zoom                                        8-9:30 Pickleball
                             9:00 Strength I                                                                            THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
9:30 Casual Bridge                                         9:00 Strength - Zoom             THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
                             9:30 Pitch Games                                                                                OBSERVED
10:00 Movement & Dance
                                                           9:30 Casual Bridge
                             9:30-11:30 Pickleball
11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                             10:15 Strength II             10-12 Nurse Wellness
1:00 Quilting
                             11:30 Yoga                    1-3 Ping Pong
1-3 Ping Pong
                             12:30 Pinochle
                             1:00 Matter of Balance                                              OFFICE CLOSED
                                                                                                                             OFFICE CLOSED

                        29                            30
                             8:30 Cribbage
9:00 Strength -Zoom
                             9:00 Strength I
9:30 Casual Bridge
                             9:30 Pitch Games
10:00 Movement & Dance
                             9:30-11:30 Pickleball
11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                             10:15 Strength II
1:00 Quilting
                             11:30 Yoga
1-3 Ping Pong
                             12:30 Pinochle
                             1:00 Matter of Balance

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
2021                                           DECEMBER                                                  2021
        MONDAY                        TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                      FRIDAY
                                                                                   1                            2                              3
                                                                                       9:00 Strength I              8:30 Cribbage
                                                           8-9:30 Pickleball           10:15 Strength II            10:00 Movement & Dance
                                                                                       11:00 Brain Flex             11:15 Tai Chi
                                                           9:00 Strength -Zoom
                                                                                       11:30 Healthy Stretch        11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                                                           9:30 Casual Bridge          12:30 Canasta                12:30 Fireman's Pinochle
                                                           11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure   1:00 Chair Yoga              12:30 Duplicate Bridge
                                                                                       1:00 Coloring Club           1:00 Quilting
                                                           1:00 BINGO
                                                                                       1-3 Ping Pong                1-3:00 Ping Pong
                                                           1-3 Ping Pong

                        6                             7                            8                           9                               10
                                                                                       9:00 Strength I
9:00 Strength -Zoom          8:30 Cribbage                                                                          8:30 Cribbage
                                                           8-9:30 Pickleball           10:15 Strength II
9:30 Casual Bridge           9:00 Strength I                                                                        10:00 Movement & Dance
                                                           9:00 Strength -Zoom         11:00 Brain Flex
10:00 Movement & Dance       9:30 Pitch Games                                                                       11:15 Tai Chi
                             9:30-11:30 Pickleball                                     11:30 Healthy Stretch
11:45-2:15 Pickleball                                      9:30 Casual Bridge                                       11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                             10:15 Strength II                                         12:30 Canasta
1:00 Quilting                                              11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure                                12:30 Fireman's Pinochle
                             11:30 Yoga                    Checks                      1:00 Chair Yoga
1-3 Ping Pong                                                                                                       12:30 Duplicate Bridge
                             12:30 Pinochle                                            1:00 Coloring Club
                                                           1-3 Ping Pong                                            1-3:00 Ping Pong
                             1:00 Matter of Balance                                    1-3 Ping Pong

                        13                            14                          15                           16                              17
9:00 Strength -Zoom          8:30 Cribbage                                             9:00 Strength I              8:30 Cribbage
                                                           8-9:30 Pickleball
9:30 Casual Bridge                                                                     10:15 Strength II            10:00 Movement & Dance
                             9:00 Strength I
10:00 Movement & Dance                                     9:00 Strength—Zoom          11:00 Brain Flex
                             9:30 Pitch Games                                                                       11:15 Tai Chi
11:45-2:15 Pickleball                                                                  11:30 Healthy Stretch        11:45-2:15 Pickleball
                                                           9:30 Casual Bridge
                             9:30-11:30 Pickleball
1:00 Quilting                                                                          12:00 Holiday Party
                                                           11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure                                12:30 Fireman's Pinochle
                             10:15 Strength II                                         12:30 Canasta
1-3 Ping Pong                                              Checks                                                   12:30 Duplicate Bridge
                             11:30 Yoga                                                1:00 Chair Yoga
                                                           1-3 Ping Pong                                            1:00 Quilting
                             12:30 Pinochle                                            1:00 Coloring Club
                                                                                                                    1-3:00 Ping Pong
                             1:00 Matter of Balance                                    1-3 Ping Pong

                        20                            21                          22                           23                              24
9:00 Strength -Zoom          8:30 Cribbage                                             9:00 Strength I
                                                           8-9:30 Pickleball                                        CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY
9:30 Casual Bridge           9:00 Strength I                                           10:15 Strength II
                                                           9:00 Strength -Zoom         11:00 Brain Flex
10:00 Movement & Dance       9:30 Pitch Games
11:45-2:15 Pickleball        9:30-11:30 Pickleball         9:30 Casual Bridge          11:30 Healthy Stretch

1:00 Quilting                10:15 Strength II             11:45-1:00 Blood Pressure   12:30 Canasta
                             11:30 Yoga                    Checks                      1:00 Chair Yoga
1-3 Ping Pong
                             12:30 Pinochle                1:00 BINGO                  1:00 Coloring Club
                             1:00 Matter of Balance        1-3 Ping Pong               1-3 Ping Pong                    OFFICE CLOSED

                        27                            28                          29                           30                              31
9:00 Strength -Zoom          8:30 Cribbage
                                                           8-9:30 Pickleball           9:00 Strength I              HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
9:30 Casual Bridge           9:00 Strength I
                                                                                       10:15 Strength II
10:00 Movement & Dance       9:30 Pitch Games              9:00 Strength -Zoom
                                                                                       11:00 Brain Flex
11:45-2:15 Pickleball        9:30-11:30 Pickleball         9:30 Casual Bridge
                                                                                       11:30 Healthy Stretch
1:00 Quilting                10:15 Strength II             10-12 Nurse Wellness
                                                                                       12:30 Canasta
1-3 Ping Pong                11:30 Yoga
                                                           1-3 Ping Pong               1:00 Chair Yoga
                             12:30 Pinochle
                             1:00 Matter of Balance                                    1:00 Coloring Club
                                                                                       1-3 Ping Pong
                                                                                                                        OFFICE CLOSED

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
News from the Waterford Public Library

In this month of Thanksgiving, all of us at the library are thankful to you who both patronize and support
the Waterford Public Library. The past 20 months have been challenging for all of us as we have had to
pivot and adapt services to reduce the spread of the COVID. We hope that we have been able to meet
your reading, learning, and entertainment needs during these unprecedented times!
To support our community’s COVID services, each Wednesday morning, the library is hosting Ledge
Light Health District’s drive-thru COVID testing from 8-11 a.m. in the library’s rear lot. This schedule is
subject to change, so please visit the Ledge Light website at and click on the COVID-19 testing
link or call 211 for the latest updates and full details.
In our meeting room, Monday Night at the Movies continues through November. Each week at 6 p.m.,
we are screening popular films that you may have missed. In December, we are switching to Friday Film
Matinees at 2:30 p.m., join us for a Friday afternoon classic. Full schedules are available on our website
On Zoom, in November & December, we are offering author talks, book groups, and programs about
Kombucha, Medicare, and Aromatherapy. We will also be providing another Grab & Go craft kit and are
planning a live holiday concert by the Waterford Community Band. Sign up for the library’s e-news to
stay up to date on all of our latest offerings.
Don’t have internet at home? Borrow one of the library’s new WiFi hotspots and get online for free.
Hotspots will be available in mid-November and will check-out for two weeks.
On Sunday, November 7, we are pleased to offer the return of our Sunday hours. The library will be open
most Sundays through mid-April from 1-4 p.m.

Best wishes for healthy & happy holidays and we look
forward to seeing you at your Waterford Public Library!

Chris Johnson
Library Director

                                           Advice from a Snowman:
                         Be a jolly, happy soul, spend time outdoors, avoid meltdowns, be
                                        well rounded, live well, life is short!

                                  Join us in wishing Kerry
                                  Sullivan a Happy Retirement!
                                  Kerry served the Waterford
                                  Community for over 40 years on staff
                                  with Recreation & Parks! We will miss
                                  seeing her around the Community
                                  Center. Be on the look out for her
                                  joining in on some of our senior

The Loop Special Holiday Edition - Waterford CT
“Brain Flex” meets every Thursday at 11AM
                                                               Keep your brain healthy and alert!
                                                                  Join this relaxed group of puzzle
                                                                  solvers and trivia lovers! Exercise
                                                                   your mind and meet new people!

    November & December
             November 3
                                                                       PING PONG
            November 17
                                                               Wednesdays & Fridays 1-3pm
             December 1
            December 22
Bingo packages are $5 each , please bring                        Mondays 11:45 - 2:15 pm
       one dollar bills if possible.
                                                               Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30am
 Open for purchasing cards at 12:30pm
      Game start promptly at 1pm

           Casual Bridge                                          Quilting
Mondays & Wednesdays at 9:30 am                           Mondays @ 1:00pm and

      New members welcome!                           the first & third Friday of each month at 1:00pm

                  Our “Computer Tutor” is back!
                  We are so happy to welcome Gaile
                  Greenwood back to provide assis-
                  tance to you with your computer,
                  cell phone, ipad, or tablet! An ap-             Book your therapeutic massage
                  pointment is needed. Times will be            today! Our therapist is here the last
                  available on Wednesdays 1-3pm be-                  Friday of each month with
                  ginning November 10th! Call us for           appointments available starting at 1pm.
WEDNESDAYS 1-3 pm your appointment!                                 You must call us to schedule.

                 Greens Workshop
    Wednesday, December 1st at 1:00pm
It’s that time again! Come out and work on a lovely holiday
 wreath or arrangement. We will provide the greens, wire
   forms and decorations. Bring your gloves and a pair of
clippers. $7.00 per wreath or arrangement. Please call us to
                   register at 860-444-5839
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The Town of Waterford does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion
age or disability. Individuals with disabilities who require modifications to participate in Town of
Waterford (TOW) sponsored programs and activities or to access TOW services or goods are asked to
submit their request with 48 hours notice to the Town’s ADA Coordinator. Reasonable modifications will
be made on a case by case basis. Documentation may be required when requesting modifications.

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