THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ...

Page created by Steve Bennett
THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ...

Your quarterly VMCC update

Happy Holidays                                                 Founder's Message

Colleagues and Industry Friends,                               Fortis: Tilbury Highlight
2021 has been an absolutely amazing year for VMCC!             GSTS & Port of Halifax
We have seen so much growth in both our organization
and the valuable work that each of you are doing in the        Collaboration Project
face of a global climate emergency.
                                                               Congratulations Offshore Design
Recalling our launch on April 30th, we celebrated with
over 100 virtual guests who joined from across North           Ltd.
America and overseas, and heard key notes from
                                                               VMCC Member Decarbonization
Minister Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister Bernadette
Jordan and Canada's Ocean Superclusters' CEO Kendra            Projects
                                                               2021 Fall Forum Recap
Since our launch, VMCC has grown to 40 members and
is gearing up to announce three major pilot projects,
ready for roll out in 2022. We have firmed up an affiliate
                                                             Dates to remember:
partnership with Climate Smart, and Lloyds Register has
joined us as a foundational partner.                           Friday December 24th- VMCC
I want to thank each of you                                    Closed
for your ongoing support. We
                                                               Friday January 28th- Steering
could not do this without you.
                                                               Committee Meeting
Enjoy a safe and happy
holiday with your loved ones.                                  Thursday February 9th 2022-
                                                               All Hands: Member Roundtable

Elisabeth Charmley
VMCC, Executive Director
THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ...
FortisBC Tilbury                     to the petroleum-based marine           alongside, thereby drastically
 Operating Plant &                    fuels used today.                       reducing emissions of transient
                                                                              ships entering the East Coast
 Expansion                            The development of a proposed
 FortisBC has been fuelling local     marine jetty adjacent to Tilbury
                                      facilitates ship-to-ship fuelling of    Optimization of non-ship
 ferries with liquefied natural gas
                                      a new generation of LNG                 components is widely seen as
 (LNG) from its Tilbury LNG
                                      powered trans-Pacific vessels           integral to eliminating GHG
 facility since 2016. Serving local
                                      and FortisBC is developing an           emissions from transient
 marine customers through a
                                      expansion to meet this market           shipping and VMCC hopes to
 world-first on-board truck-to-
                                      demand.                                 work with GSTS and regional
 ship bunkering service.
                                                                              terminal operators to bring this
 Fuelling ships with LNG from         Canadian Based                          unique solution to the West
 FortisBC’s Tilbury facility is one   GSTS & Halifax Port                     Coast of Canada in 2022.
 of the most significant near-term
 contributions FortisBC is making
                                      Authority: Sequence
 to reduce global GHG emissions.      Planning Tool
                                      East Coast Canadian innovator,
                                      Global Spatial Technology
                                                                              Design Ltd.
                                      Solutions (GSTS) Inc. has               VMCC would like to
                                      developed a Sequence Planning           congratulate Vancouver based
                                      Tool (SPT) with the Halifax Port        member, Offshore Designs Ltd.
                                      Authority as part of its'               on their award of funding from
                                      OCIANATM suite of vessel                ABCMI to develop and
                                      logistics management                    implement a method for routine
                                      capabilities.                           bio-fouling surveys of ocean-
 Tilbury is unique amongst global     The SPT will allow terminal             going vessels in BC.
 LNG facilities because it is         operators to determine the              The project will be done in
 powered almost entirely by           optimal sequence of operations          collaboration with BC Ferries
 renewable hydroelectricity,           for vessels arriving in port and       and Bailey Environmental and
 giving it an edge in lifecycle       the optimal allocation of port          enables vessel operators to
 emissions analysis. LNG from         resources (tugs, pilots, cranes,        implement an environmentally
 Tilbury can reduce GHG               drayage trucks, etc.) to minimize       responsible hull and propeller
 emissions 27 per cent compared       idling time both at anchor and          cleaning solution for their fleets.

VMCC Member Decarbonization Projects
 Electrification and hybridization of BC vessels underway to reduce emissions:
    BC Ferries -2 newbuild battery-hybrid vessels in service, 5 more on order. Designed ready for all-electric
    Seaspan Ferries - 2 vessels retrofitted for battery hybrid, 2 more on order.
    HaiSea Marine (Haisla Nation and Seaspan) has ordered two all-electric harbour tugs.
    Inland Ferries - A new electric-ready vessel is currently under construction in Nelson BC, and the vessel is
    expected to enter service in 2023.
 Corvus Energy - Almost 350 million liters of diesel saved and almost 1 billion kg of CO2 reduced by vessels using
 Corvus batteries around the world.
 Seaspan Ferry Corporation - Seaspan Ferry Corporation is first operator of a marine vessel powered by
 renewable LNG on the West Coast of North America.
 FortisBC - In the coming weeks, FortisBC will reach 4,000 successful on-board LNG bunker events since late
THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ...

             Ship Owners Summit
             Corvus Energy hosted VMCC at it's
             facility in Richmond, for our first
             Annual Ship Owners Summit. Kicking
             off with a tour of their recently
             modernized facility, followed by an in
             depth discussion between regional
             and global ship owners.

                                                       Networking Event
                                                       VMCC was proud to host our first in
                                                       person networking event since our
                                                       founding in early 2020. Held at
                                                       Steamworks Brewpub and sponsored
                                                       by Canada's Ocean Startup Project,
                                                       members came together to discuss
                                                        maritime decarbonization and ways
                                                       to accelerate the transition to zero.

            Technical Sessions
          Moving into 2022, VMCC will continue to     VMCC would like to thank all of our
          host its annual forum in a virtual format   members and industry partners who
          complemented by hybrid events. This         contributed to the forum as moderators,
          year speakers joined us from across         speakers and sponsors. The contribution
          North America and Europe to tackle          of your time and insights are very much
          topics related to decarbonization.          appreciated. Thank you.

VMCC is thankful to our sponsors
THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ...
VMCC Champions                    Vard Marine Inc.                   Pacific Institute for Climate
Association of British Columbia   VoltSafe Inc.                      Solutions (PICS)
Marine Industries                 Wartsila                           Radicle Balance
Ballard Power Systems Inc.                                           Robert Allan Ltd.
BC Ferries
                                  VMCC Members                       Schneider Electric
Brightspot Climate Inc.           AES Engineering                    Seaspan ULC
Chamber of Shipping               Aspin Kemp & Associates            Synergy Enterprises
Canadian Hydrogen Full cell       Association of British Columbia    Techsol Marine
Association (CHFCA)               Marine Industries                  Teekay
Corvus Energy Inc.                BC Bioenergy Network               The University of British
Council of Marine Carriers        BC Maritime Employers              Columbia (Green Shipping
Dasivedo Design & Consultancy     Association                        Project)
Det Norsk Veritas (DNV)           Brightspot Climate Inc.            Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
Fortis BC Energy Inc.             Canada's Ocean Startup Project     Vancouver Maritime Museum
HTEC (Hydrogen Technology         Capilano Maritime Design Ltd.      Vard Marine Inc.
Energy Corporation)               Chamber of Shipping                VoltSafe Inc.
Lloyds Register Canada Ltd.       Corvus Energy Inc.                 Wartsila
METIS Cyberspace Technology       Dasivedo Design & Consultancy
(Canada) Inc.                     Foreship LLC                       VMCC
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada      Fortis BC Energy Inc.              Foundational
LLP                               Global Spacial Technology
                                  Solutions Inc.
Pacific Basin
                                  Green Marine                       Lloyds Register
Port of Prince Rupert
                                  Iain Braidwood Consulting Ltd.     Norton Rose Fulbright Canada
Robert Allan Ltd.
                                  Lloyds Register Canada Ltd.        LLP
Schneider Electric
Seaspan Ship Management           METIS Cyberspace Technology        VMCC
Seaspan ULC                       (Canada) Inc.
                                                                     Event Sponsors
Shipping Federation of Canada     Norton Rose Fulbright Canada
                                  LLP                                Hull Wiper
                                  Oceans North                       METIS Cyberspace Technology
The University of British
                                  Offshore Designs Ltd.              (Canada) Inc.
                                                                     Canada's Ocean Startup Project

                                         GET IN TOUCH




                        LET'S DO BETTER-

THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ... THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ... THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ... THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ... THE LOOKOUT ISSUE 4. | DECEMBER 2021 - Vancouver Maritime Centre for ...
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