The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP

Page created by Enrique Burgess
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP

The Local Enterprise
Partnership for Derby,
Derbyshire, Nottingham and
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
At a Glance                                                                                   Outgoing D2N2 Chair, Peter Richardson, looks back at more than five years in the role

                                                                                                                        Welcome to this year’s D2N2
                                                                                                                        LEP Annual Review and the last
                                                                                                                                                                                             work and expertise shown by the D2N2 staff behind it.

Contents              Here’s how D2N2 has been:                                                                     			 time I will write such an                                            Current and new key sectors have developed over the last
4&5                                                                                                                 			 introduction, as I step down as                                      five-plus years, Governments changed along with their business
The Year in Brief     Improving our visitor offer - New Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre                              			 Chair after more than five years                                     priorities, and our trading relationship with Europe is undergoing
                      receives £500,000 D2N2 funding                                                                			in the role.                                                          a change, but the vision set out in our first Strategic Economic
6&7                                                                                                                                                                                          Plan remains the same – to create ‘a more prosperous, better
State of the          An RSPB-led consortium, working in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council,
                      is responsible for the project to replace the 1970s-built Visitor Centre at Sherwood          			                      When I was appointed Chair in                   connected, and increasingly resilient and competitive economy’
Economy and
financial facts.      Forest, which is costing more than £5million.The existing site will remain open until the     			                      November 2012; D2N2’s Board had                 for all communities in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and
                      new building is complete. The new Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre is set to be fully open      only been operational for two years, we’d yet to launch our              Nottinghamshire.
8&9                   in Autumn 2018.                                                                               funding programmes sites and the LEP had only one permanent
Our Local Growth
                                                                                                                    employee, Matthew Wheatley – now our Interim Chief Executive.            Of course, the practical ways in which we deliver this vision have
Fund and capital                                                                                                                                                                             had to adapt to circumstances to face the future. Our Interim
spending –                                                                                                          So much has changed.                                                     Chief Executive has more to say on that below.
How and where
                      Promoting our Key Sectors – Locate Therapeutics receives
D2N2 is building      £400,000 from Midlands Engine Investment Fund                                                 D2N2 is still a lean organisation, with less than 20 permanent           I would like to thank him, his dedicated staff and my fellow D2N2
the economic          Based in Medicity, Nottingham, Locate Therapeutics specialises in regenerative medicine,
                                                                                                                    employees; but now wields considerable Government and EU-                Board members for their expertise and support over the years. A
infrastructure.       including stem cell and a targeted drug delivery system.The £250million Midlands Engine
                                                                                                                    allocated financial resources (£500million-plus) to deliver our          Chair’s job really would be impossible without such team effort
                      Investment Fund – part-funded by £11.75million D2N2 funds – is allocating £400,000
10                    to Locate Therapeutics from the MEIF Proof of Concept & Early Stage Fund. This will
                                                                                                                    economic strategy.                                                       behind you.
D2N2 Growth
                      be to test that the business model which Locate Therapeutics will follow is feasible and      During my time at the LEP our D2N2 Growth Hub has engaged                UK Plc has much work to do over the next few years, as it forges
Hub – backing
small and medium-
                      sustainable. FOR MORE ON D2N2’S KEY SECTORS, GO TO PAGE 13                                    with over 6,000 businesses and received great client feedback;           a new path for itself in the world. I’m in no doubt that D2N2’s
sized businesses.                                                                                                   more than £100m of capital funding has been injected into major          successes – of which the latest are recorded in this Annual Review
                      Backing Businesses – Paper Escape
11                    Paper Escape are one of the country’s leading document scanning and document                  jobs creating projects such as the BioCity Discovery building and        – and those of its fellow LEPs will be crucial to that work.
Using our EU          management specialists, based in Chapel-en-le-frith, Derbyshire. The company has built        Infinity Park Derby; and EU-funded programmes have addressed
                                                                                                                    skills, employment and financial exclusion issues, particularly in       Thank you,
Funding to deliver    up great working relationships with clients including solicitors, finance companies, health
growth                                                                                                              our poorest areas.                                                       Peter.
                      care, NHS, councils, housing associations, estate agents and charities.
12                    Paper Escape was looking to expand, and searching for suitable premises within the
                                                                                                                    I’m proud of our track record during my tenure, and the hard
The Skills Set        local area proved challenging as the company really wanted to stay in the High Peak and
– how business        retain its local workforce. Eventually a suitable piece of employment land was identified.
leaders are           Managing Director Adrian Hill knew that this land would be suitable however a new             Matthew Wheatley, D2N2 LEP Interim Chief Executive, on a strategy for the future
advising schools on   build project would involve a greater commitment for the company.At that point Adrian
students’ careers.    approached the D2N2 Growth Hub for support in completing the application for funding
                                                                                                                    			                         There’s no way to fully                      in Nottinghamshire and the maintenance depot at Staveley in
13                    from the D2 Enterprise Growth Fund (DEGF).
                      FOR MORE ON HOW THE D2N2 GROWTH HUB IS HELPING D2N2 AREA BUSINESSES, GO TO PAGE 10            			                         determine the future. Some                   Derbyshire, our supply chain manufacturers are in a position to
Promoting our Key                                                                                                   			                         things we know, some things we               benefit significantly from HS2-related contracts.
                      Delivering Skills for business across the D2N2 area –The D2N2                                 			                         don’t and life always throws in
14 & 15               Enterprise Adviser Network – Derby Moor Academy                                               			                         some surprises. This can be both             Looking regionally, the D2N2 area will have a lot going on in the
Looking ahead –       “I wanted to sign up to the D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network, because I’ve been involved       			                         exciting and daunting in equal               next 10-15 years. Government is looking to close all coal-fired
What’s in store for   for 6-7 years doing things like mock interviews, CV workshops and 1-1 mentoring. The          			                         measure. But either way, the                 power stations by 2025, which includes two at Cottam and West
our area? The new     opportunity came up to join the D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network and get more                  			                         future is coming whether we like             Burton A in North Nottinghamshire, and one at Ratcliffe-on-Soar,
Strategic Economic                                                                                                                                                                           in South Nottinghamshire. This will present opportunities for
                      involved in the strategy of a school, and working with one school in particular, Derby        			                         it or not, and sooner than we think.
Plan, Midlands                                                                                                                                                                               D2N2 area businesses, but there will be work to be done.
                      Moor, has helped me get a better insight into the strength and depth of school activities,
Engine, the
                      to give D2N2 area students the skills and knowledge to get ahead in the modern                In supporting our area’s economy, we as the LEP for Derbyshire
Industrial Strategy
                      workplace.” – Martin Care, Bombardier Bid Director                                            and Nottinghamshire are working with businesses, local                   There are also a lot of things coming up at a national level.
and HS2.
                      “In school, you don’t know how the outside life is, so you need to have work experience to    authorities, skills and training providers, and community and            Government will be planning for the UK’s economy post-
                      get a better idea.” – Maydiyyah Noor, a Year 11 pupil at Derby Moor Academy (pictured).       voluntary organisations, to make our area economically stronger,         Brexit, and D2N2 will be supporting the implementation of the
                      “It’s important for schools to sign up to the D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network. Ofsted is      more competitive and more resilient.                                     Government’s Industrial Strategy, by working with partners at a
                      saying that we should have a broader set of measures for schools, employability skills are                                                                             local level.
                      definitely going up the agenda.” – Ian Greenaway, D2N2 Employability Champion                 D2N2 performs well and our track record is noticed nationally,
                      FOR MORE ON THE D2N2 ENTERPRISE ADVISER NETWORK, GO TO PAGE 12                                but there is still work to be done. D2N2 is halfway through its ten      These represent huge opportunities for the D2N2 area and the
D2N2 Annual                                                                                                                                                                                  wider East Midlands and we at D2N2 want to be in place to
                                                                                                                    year plan to create 55,000 new private sector jobs by 2023, as we
Review                The Year at a Glance – Major study on science and innovation in                               reach the five year point, we’re taking stock. This means looking        get the most out of them. This is why we’re gathering evidence
2017/18               the D2N2 LEP area released                                                                    at what we set out to do, to what degree we’re doing it and more         and research, working with our area’s universities and our LEP
Editor, writer and    Greater investment in research and development across the economy, strengthening the          importantly, how we can do it better. We’re also looking at how          partners to develop our Strategic Economic Plan for the economy
design:               skills base to better engage with the digital revolution, and improving ambitious firms’      we can build on our assets, such as our key sectors and the great        of the future.
D2N2                  access to growth finance are key to enhancing science and innovation in the D2N2 Local        variety of businesses in our area.
Communications        Enterprise Partnership area, says a new study.                                                                                                                         But whilst we’re looking to the future, we’re still focused on
Manager Sean Kirby
                      The Science and Innovation Audit for the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Area (or           As well as looking at what we’ve got, D2N2 is also looking at new        delivery.The D2N2 Infrastructure and Investment Board continues
Writer and design:
Social Media and      SIA) was commissioned and funded by the D2N2 LEP. Science and innovation’s positive           and emerging businesses and industries, such as robotics, Artificial     to appraise projects which will reshape and improve the economy
Marketing Officer     impact on the D2N2 area economy is examined in the research report, produced by               Intelligence, mechatronics and the digitalisation of manufacturing.The   across our area, the D2N2 Growth Hub is still delivering free and
Sam Burbage           leading economic and social development consultants SQW. The report looks at how              D2N2 area is full of fresh, innovative businesses and entrepreneurs,     impartial support and advice to businesses, reaching over 6,000
Photos:               targeted investment could help accelerate productivity growth in science and innovation       and a rich and varied knowledge base. I believe that we’re well-placed   to date. Our Enterprise Adviser Network continues to work with
D2N2, and by kind
                      in this area.                                                                                 to embrace the opportunities that will arise.                            schools across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, to help prepare
permission of LEP
partners and area     For more on the D2N2 SIA, visit                                                                                            the next generation for the world of work. This is because D2N2
                      FOR MORE ON D2N2’s STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE, GO TO PAGE 14
                                                                                                                    There is also the impact that HS2 will have on Derbyshire and            is firmly committed to helping all aspects of its economy and
                                                                                                                    Nottinghamshire. With the East Midlands Rail Hub at Toton                people to grow and prosper, now and in the future.                   3
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
At a Glance                                                                                   Outgoing D2N2 Chair, Peter Richardson, looks back at more than five years in the role

                                                                                                                        Welcome to this year’s D2N2
                                                                                                                        LEP Annual Review and the last
                                                                                                                                                                                             work and expertise shown by the D2N2 staff behind it.

Contents              Here’s how D2N2 has been:                                                                     			 time I will write such an                                            Current and new key sectors have developed over the last
4&5                                                                                                                 			 introduction, as I step down as                                      five-plus years, Governments changed along with their business
The Year in Brief     Improving our visitor offer - New Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre                              			 Chair after more than five years                                     priorities, and our trading relationship with Europe is undergoing
                      receives £500,000 D2N2 funding                                                                			in the role.                                                          a change, but the vision set out in our first Strategic Economic
6&7                                                                                                                                                                                          Plan remains the same – to create ‘a more prosperous, better
State of the          An RSPB-led consortium, working in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council,
                      is responsible for the project to replace the 1970s-built Visitor Centre at Sherwood          			                      When I was appointed Chair in                   connected, and increasingly resilient and competitive economy’
Economy and
financial facts.      Forest, which is costing more than £5million.The existing site will remain open until the     			                      November 2012; D2N2’s Board had                 for all communities in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and
                      new building is complete. The new Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre is set to be fully open      only been operational for two years, we’d yet to launch our              Nottinghamshire.
8&9                   in Autumn 2018.                                                                               funding programmes sites and the LEP had only one permanent
Our Local Growth
                                                                                                                    employee, Matthew Wheatley – now our Interim Chief Executive.            Of course, the practical ways in which we deliver this vision have
Fund and capital                                                                                                                                                                             had to adapt to circumstances to face the future. Our Interim
spending –                                                                                                          So much has changed.                                                     Chief Executive has more to say on that below.
How and where
                      Promoting our Key Sectors – Locate Therapeutics receives
D2N2 is building      £400,000 from Midlands Engine Investment Fund                                                 D2N2 is still a lean organisation, with less than 20 permanent           I would like to thank him, his dedicated staff and my fellow D2N2
the economic          Based in Medicity, Nottingham, Locate Therapeutics specialises in regenerative medicine,
                                                                                                                    employees; but now wields considerable Government and EU-                Board members for their expertise and support over the years. A
infrastructure.       including stem cell and a targeted drug delivery system.The £250million Midlands Engine
                                                                                                                    allocated financial resources (£500million-plus) to deliver our          Chair’s job really would be impossible without such team effort
                      Investment Fund – part-funded by £11.75million D2N2 funds – is allocating £400,000
10                    to Locate Therapeutics from the MEIF Proof of Concept & Early Stage Fund. This will
                                                                                                                    economic strategy.                                                       behind you.
D2N2 Growth
                      be to test that the business model which Locate Therapeutics will follow is feasible and      During my time at the LEP our D2N2 Growth Hub has engaged                UK Plc has much work to do over the next few years, as it forges
Hub – backing
small and medium-
                      sustainable. FOR MORE ON D2N2’S KEY SECTORS, GO TO PAGE 13                                    with over 6,000 businesses and received great client feedback;           a new path for itself in the world. I’m in no doubt that D2N2’s
sized businesses.                                                                                                   more than £100m of capital funding has been injected into major          successes – of which the latest are recorded in this Annual Review
                      Backing Businesses – Paper Escape
11                    Paper Escape are one of the country’s leading document scanning and document                  jobs creating projects such as the BioCity Discovery building and        – and those of its fellow LEPs will be crucial to that work.
Using our EU          management specialists, based in Chapel-en-le-frith, Derbyshire. The company has built        Infinity Park Derby; and EU-funded programmes have addressed
                                                                                                                    skills, employment and financial exclusion issues, particularly in       Thank you,
Funding to deliver    up great working relationships with clients including solicitors, finance companies, health
growth                                                                                                              our poorest areas.                                                       Peter.
                      care, NHS, councils, housing associations, estate agents and charities.
12                    Paper Escape was looking to expand, and searching for suitable premises within the
                                                                                                                    I’m proud of our track record during my tenure, and the hard
The Skills Set        local area proved challenging as the company really wanted to stay in the High Peak and
– how business        retain its local workforce. Eventually a suitable piece of employment land was identified.
leaders are           Managing Director Adrian Hill knew that this land would be suitable however a new             Matthew Wheatley, D2N2 LEP Interim Chief Executive, on a strategy for the future
advising schools on   build project would involve a greater commitment for the company.At that point Adrian
students’ careers.    approached the D2N2 Growth Hub for support in completing the application for funding
                                                                                                                    			                         There’s no way to fully                      in Nottinghamshire and the maintenance depot at Staveley in
13                    from the D2 Enterprise Growth Fund (DEGF).
                      FOR MORE ON HOW THE D2N2 GROWTH HUB IS HELPING D2N2 AREA BUSINESSES, GO TO PAGE 10            			                         determine the future. Some                   Derbyshire, our supply chain manufacturers are in a position to
Promoting our Key                                                                                                   			                         things we know, some things we               benefit significantly from HS2-related contracts.
                      Delivering Skills for business across the D2N2 area –The D2N2                                 			                         don’t and life always throws in
14 & 15               Enterprise Adviser Network – Derby Moor Academy                                               			                         some surprises. This can be both             Looking regionally, the D2N2 area will have a lot going on in the
Looking ahead –       “I wanted to sign up to the D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network, because I’ve been involved       			                         exciting and daunting in equal               next 10-15 years. Government is looking to close all coal-fired
What’s in store for   for 6-7 years doing things like mock interviews, CV workshops and 1-1 mentoring. The          			                         measure. But either way, the                 power stations by 2025, which includes two at Cottam and West
our area? The new     opportunity came up to join the D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network and get more                  			                         future is coming whether we like             Burton A in North Nottinghamshire, and one at Ratcliffe-on-Soar,
Strategic Economic                                                                                                                                                                           in South Nottinghamshire. This will present opportunities for
                      involved in the strategy of a school, and working with one school in particular, Derby        			                         it or not, and sooner than we think.
Plan, Midlands                                                                                                                                                                               D2N2 area businesses, but there will be work to be done.
                      Moor, has helped me get a better insight into the strength and depth of school activities,
Engine, the
                      to give D2N2 area students the skills and knowledge to get ahead in the modern                In supporting our area’s economy, we as the LEP for Derbyshire
Industrial Strategy
                      workplace.” – Martin Care, Bombardier Bid Director                                            and Nottinghamshire are working with businesses, local                   There are also a lot of things coming up at a national level.
and HS2.
                      “In school, you don’t know how the outside life is, so you need to have work experience to    authorities, skills and training providers, and community and            Government will be planning for the UK’s economy post-
                      get a better idea.” – Maydiyyah Noor, a Year 11 pupil at Derby Moor Academy (pictured).       voluntary organisations, to make our area economically stronger,         Brexit, and D2N2 will be supporting the implementation of the
                      “It’s important for schools to sign up to the D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network. Ofsted is      more competitive and more resilient.                                     Government’s Industrial Strategy, by working with partners at a
                      saying that we should have a broader set of measures for schools, employability skills are                                                                             local level.
                      definitely going up the agenda.” – Ian Greenaway, D2N2 Employability Champion                 D2N2 performs well and our track record is noticed nationally,
                      FOR MORE ON THE D2N2 ENTERPRISE ADVISER NETWORK, GO TO PAGE 12                                but there is still work to be done. D2N2 is halfway through its ten      These represent huge opportunities for the D2N2 area and the
D2N2 Annual                                                                                                                                                                                  wider East Midlands and we at D2N2 want to be in place to
                                                                                                                    year plan to create 55,000 new private sector jobs by 2023, as we
Review                The Year at a Glance – Major study on science and innovation in                               reach the five year point, we’re taking stock. This means looking        get the most out of them. This is why we’re gathering evidence
2017/18               the D2N2 LEP area released                                                                    at what we set out to do, to what degree we’re doing it and more         and research, working with our area’s universities and our LEP
Editor, writer and    Greater investment in research and development across the economy, strengthening the          importantly, how we can do it better. We’re also looking at how          partners to develop our Strategic Economic Plan for the economy
design:               skills base to better engage with the digital revolution, and improving ambitious firms’      we can build on our assets, such as our key sectors and the great        of the future.
D2N2                  access to growth finance are key to enhancing science and innovation in the D2N2 Local        variety of businesses in our area.
Communications        Enterprise Partnership area, says a new study.                                                                                                                         But whilst we’re looking to the future, we’re still focused on
Manager Sean Kirby
                      The Science and Innovation Audit for the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Area (or           As well as looking at what we’ve got, D2N2 is also looking at new        delivery.The D2N2 Infrastructure and Investment Board continues
Writer and design:
Social Media and      SIA) was commissioned and funded by the D2N2 LEP. Science and innovation’s positive           and emerging businesses and industries, such as robotics, Artificial     to appraise projects which will reshape and improve the economy
Marketing Officer     impact on the D2N2 area economy is examined in the research report, produced by               Intelligence, mechatronics and the digitalisation of manufacturing.The   across our area, the D2N2 Growth Hub is still delivering free and
Sam Burbage           leading economic and social development consultants SQW. The report looks at how              D2N2 area is full of fresh, innovative businesses and entrepreneurs,     impartial support and advice to businesses, reaching over 6,000
Photos:               targeted investment could help accelerate productivity growth in science and innovation       and a rich and varied knowledge base. I believe that we’re well-placed   to date. Our Enterprise Adviser Network continues to work with
D2N2, and by kind
                      in this area.                                                                                 to embrace the opportunities that will arise.                            schools across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, to help prepare
permission of LEP
partners and area     For more on the D2N2 SIA, visit                                                                                            the next generation for the world of work. This is because D2N2
                      FOR MORE ON D2N2’s STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE, GO TO PAGE 14
                                                                                                                    There is also the impact that HS2 will have on Derbyshire and            is firmly committed to helping all aspects of its economy and
                                                                                                                    Nottinghamshire. With the East Midlands Rail Hub at Toton                people to grow and prosper, now and in the future.                   3
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
D2N2 Year                                                            August
                                                                         ‘Scale Up Service’ launched by D2N2

    in Brief                                                             Growth Hub
                                                                         Ambitious businesses are offered a helping hand to step up to the
                                                                         next growth level, as the D2N2 Growth Hub launches its ‘Scale
                                                                         Up Service’.

    2017                                                                 Firms employing at least ten people, with a turnover between
                                                                         a million and £15m per year, and which have shown consistent
                                                                         annual growth of 20% or more for three years can access grant
    July                                                                 and specialised help to take their business to the next level. The
                                                                         Scale Up Service is delivered in partnership with Nottingham Trent
    2017 ‘D2N2 Rural Means Business                                      University’s Nottingham Business School, the Professional Coaching
    Conferences’.                                                        Alliance, the Centre for Management & Business Development and
    The second of two free 2017 ‘D2N2 Rural Means Business               East Midlands Chamber.
    Conferences’ was held at Belper Town Football Club, Belper.
    The first had been held in February 2017 at Nottingham Trent         October-November
    University’s Brackenhurst Campus.
                                                                         D2N2 Business Breakfasts series
    Delegates heard how to access growth finance and about other
                                                                         Six free Business Breakfasts held by D2N2 in October/November
    help at the Conferences, hosted by the D2N2 Local Enterprise
                                                                         – venues in Derby, Nottingham, Pinxton, Mansfield, Buxton and
    Partnership and D2N2 Growth Hub; including through the
                                                                         Worksop – attracted 277 delegate bookings.
    £3million in European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
    (EAFRD) funding, available via D2N2’s European Structural and        Audiences heard from D2N2’s Chair, Chief Executive and senior
    Investment Funds (ESIF) allocation.                                  officers; and guest speakers including Brendan Moffett, CEO of
                                                                         Marketing NG; James Berresford, Chair of the Buxton Crescent
    Particular sectors targeted for growth included food processing,
                                                                         and Thermal Spa Heritage Trust; Claire Monk, General Manager
                                                                                                                                                 November                                                              January
    tourism infrastructure and business development.
                                                                         and Brewer at Welbeck Abbey Brewery, near Worksop; and Isobel           Enterprise Adviser Network Conference                                 £20million programme to unlock
                                                                         Brown, Midlands Engine Interim Programme Director.                      Some of the 70 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire business leaders        Nottinghamshire towns’ growth -
                                                                                                                                                 volunteering their time to improve school and college pupils’
    Migrant Communities research                                         October                                                                 career prospects attended the D2N2 LEP area’s first Enterprise        Pictured immediately above

    In-depth research commissioned by D2N2 showed emerging                                                                                       Adviser Network Conference.                                           Schemes to reinvigorate town and local centres in Kirkby-in-
    migrant communities’ impact on the area’s economy. Report
                                                                         East Midlands HS2 Growth Strategy                                                                                                             Ashfield,Worksop, Beeston,Arnold, Carlton, Mansfield and Newark
                                                                                                                                                 The event at the Jurys Inn Hotel, East Midlands Airport, recognised
    authors S4W Ltd and Richmond Baxter Ltd analysed national and        published - Pictured Page 5, left photo of bottom row                   the efforts of D2N2-employed Enterprise Co-ordinators, and the        would receive £7.6million, via D2N2.
    regional data, spoke to business representatives, and met with                   ‘People, place and connectivity’ are the focus of an        schools and business volunteers they work with, as part of the        The contribution towards Nottinghamshire County Council’s
    community and voluntary service (CVS) providers, and led an                        East Midlands HS2 Growth Strategy, published by the       initiative managed and invested in – to the tune of £300,000 –        £20m ‘Unlocking Growth in N2 Town Centres’ programme – to
    online survey of 27 CVS organisations. Research found the                           East Midlands HS2 Strategic Board.                       by the LEP and the Government-backed Careers & Enterprise             attract more shoppers, improve accessibility, create jobs, and bring
    D2N2 area had seen proportionally less migration than the                                                                                    Company.                                                              in new businesses and investment – was agreed from the LEP’s
                                                                                    The partnership of the region’s local authorities,
    UK as a whole, migrants locally were from over 100 countries                                                                                                                                                       Local Growth Fund allocation, by the D2N2 Infrastructure and
                                                                                    businesses and Local Enterprise Partnerships (including
    but that Eastern European states accounted for many migrants;                                                                                                                                                      Investment Board (IIB).
    and most migrants were of working age, mostly with
                                                                                    D2N2) revealed how the planned high speed rail HS2           December
                                                                                    network line through Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire                                                                                March
    qualifications, and that language difficulties and ethnicity (over
                                                                                    – the ‘Phase 2b’ line, or ‘eastern leg’ – could drive long
                                                                                                                                                 D2N2 Growth Hub’s third anniversary -
    nationality) were barriers to employment.                                                                                                                                                                          New multi-million pound innovation
                                                                                      term growth for the economy, equivalent to an              Pictured above, top middle row.
                                                                                     estimated additional 74,000 jobs and almost £4billion       On its third anniversary, the D2N2 Growth Hub reveals it has          facility to be created at Infinity Park
                                                                                     of GVA (Gross Value Added) by 2043.                         so far engaged with more than 6,000 small and medium-sized            A collaboration agreement was signed between Derby City
                                                                                              On current estimates, the HS2 line would           enterprises (SMEs).                                                   Council, the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and one of the
                                                                                                open fully in 2033, but a planned East           Businesses which have benefited from its experts’ help in accessing   world’s leading manufacturing research institutions to establish a
                                                                                                    Midlands hub station could partially         growth finance, exploring new markets and export opportunities,       new multi-million pound innovation facility at Infinity Park Derby.
                                                                                                                            open by 2030.        developing new products, or assistance with management training       Proposals have been approved to enable the University of Sheffield
                                                                                                                                                 or expansion planning, gather at The Village Hotel in Nottingham.     Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) to establish
                                                                                                                                                 A March 2017 survey of 200 D2N2 Growth Hub business clients           a new 50,000 square foot base on the 100 acre manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                 found 88% (176) would recommend its services to another               focused commercial and technology site; one of four sites in the
                                                                                                                                                 company.                                                              Nottingham & Derby Enterprise Zone which D2N2 oversees.

                                                                                                                                                 2018                                                                  Careers strategy event puts D2N2 area
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       schools ahead of the game
                                                                                                                                                 January                                                               How to get ahead of the game:The Careers Strategy and the D2N2
                                                                                                                                                 Derby Silk Mill ‘Museum of Making’                                    Approach event brought together 80 senior education figures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       including headteachers, careers leaders and Enterprise Advisers; to
                                                                                                                                                 project - Pictured Page 4, main image                                 learn how to improve the career opportunities of young people in
                                                                                                                                                 The £16.4million Derby Silk Mill ‘Museum of Making’ project was       Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire April 2018.
                                                                                                                                                 awarded £3.7m, via the D2N2 LEP’s Local Growth Fund allocation.
                                                                                                                                                 The expanded site, due to open in summer 2020, would display items
                                                                                                                                                 from Derby’s industrial past, and provide learning programmes and     Nottingham City Hub groundbreaking -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pictured above, top row right
                                                                                                                                                 Derby City Council and Derby Museums Trust, promoting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Construction began on the brand new, £58million further education
                                                                                                                                                 Museum of Making plan, estimate that it could eventually add
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and training facility, Nottingham City Hub, in June 2018, thanks to
                                                                                                                                                 £4.24m a year (net additional GVA) to Derby’s economy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       £30million Local Growth Funding by the D2N2 Local
                                                                                                                                                 create around 141 (direct and indirect) jobs.
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Enterprise Partnership.                                             5
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
D2N2 Year                                                            August
                                                                         ‘Scale Up Service’ launched by D2N2

    in Brief                                                             Growth Hub
                                                                         Ambitious businesses are offered a helping hand to step up to the
                                                                         next growth level, as the D2N2 Growth Hub launches its ‘Scale
                                                                         Up Service’.

    2017                                                                 Firms employing at least ten people, with a turnover between
                                                                         a million and £15m per year, and which have shown consistent
                                                                         annual growth of 20% or more for three years can access grant
    July                                                                 and specialised help to take their business to the next level. The
                                                                         Scale Up Service is delivered in partnership with Nottingham Trent
    2017 ‘D2N2 Rural Means Business                                      University’s Nottingham Business School, the Professional Coaching
    Conferences’.                                                        Alliance, the Centre for Management & Business Development and
    The second of two free 2017 ‘D2N2 Rural Means Business               East Midlands Chamber.
    Conferences’ was held at Belper Town Football Club, Belper.
    The first had been held in February 2017 at Nottingham Trent         October-November
    University’s Brackenhurst Campus.
                                                                         D2N2 Business Breakfasts series
    Delegates heard how to access growth finance and about other
                                                                         Six free Business Breakfasts held by D2N2 in October/November
    help at the Conferences, hosted by the D2N2 Local Enterprise
                                                                         – venues in Derby, Nottingham, Pinxton, Mansfield, Buxton and
    Partnership and D2N2 Growth Hub; including through the
                                                                         Worksop – attracted 277 delegate bookings.
    £3million in European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
    (EAFRD) funding, available via D2N2’s European Structural and        Audiences heard from D2N2’s Chair, Chief Executive and senior
    Investment Funds (ESIF) allocation.                                  officers; and guest speakers including Brendan Moffett, CEO of
                                                                         Marketing NG; James Berresford, Chair of the Buxton Crescent
    Particular sectors targeted for growth included food processing,
                                                                         and Thermal Spa Heritage Trust; Claire Monk, General Manager
                                                                                                                                                 November                                                              January
    tourism infrastructure and business development.
                                                                         and Brewer at Welbeck Abbey Brewery, near Worksop; and Isobel           Enterprise Adviser Network Conference                                 £20million programme to unlock
                                                                         Brown, Midlands Engine Interim Programme Director.                      Some of the 70 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire business leaders        Nottinghamshire towns’ growth -
                                                                                                                                                 volunteering their time to improve school and college pupils’
    Migrant Communities research                                         October                                                                 career prospects attended the D2N2 LEP area’s first Enterprise        Pictured immediately above

    In-depth research commissioned by D2N2 showed emerging                                                                                       Adviser Network Conference.                                           Schemes to reinvigorate town and local centres in Kirkby-in-
    migrant communities’ impact on the area’s economy. Report
                                                                         East Midlands HS2 Growth Strategy                                                                                                             Ashfield,Worksop, Beeston,Arnold, Carlton, Mansfield and Newark
                                                                                                                                                 The event at the Jurys Inn Hotel, East Midlands Airport, recognised
    authors S4W Ltd and Richmond Baxter Ltd analysed national and        published - Pictured Page 5, left photo of bottom row                   the efforts of D2N2-employed Enterprise Co-ordinators, and the        would receive £7.6million, via D2N2.
    regional data, spoke to business representatives, and met with                   ‘People, place and connectivity’ are the focus of an        schools and business volunteers they work with, as part of the        The contribution towards Nottinghamshire County Council’s
    community and voluntary service (CVS) providers, and led an                        East Midlands HS2 Growth Strategy, published by the       initiative managed and invested in – to the tune of £300,000 –        £20m ‘Unlocking Growth in N2 Town Centres’ programme – to
    online survey of 27 CVS organisations. Research found the                           East Midlands HS2 Strategic Board.                       by the LEP and the Government-backed Careers & Enterprise             attract more shoppers, improve accessibility, create jobs, and bring
    D2N2 area had seen proportionally less migration than the                                                                                    Company.                                                              in new businesses and investment – was agreed from the LEP’s
                                                                                    The partnership of the region’s local authorities,
    UK as a whole, migrants locally were from over 100 countries                                                                                                                                                       Local Growth Fund allocation, by the D2N2 Infrastructure and
                                                                                    businesses and Local Enterprise Partnerships (including
    but that Eastern European states accounted for many migrants;                                                                                                                                                      Investment Board (IIB).
    and most migrants were of working age, mostly with
                                                                                    D2N2) revealed how the planned high speed rail HS2           December
                                                                                    network line through Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire                                                                                March
    qualifications, and that language difficulties and ethnicity (over
                                                                                    – the ‘Phase 2b’ line, or ‘eastern leg’ – could drive long
                                                                                                                                                 D2N2 Growth Hub’s third anniversary -
    nationality) were barriers to employment.                                                                                                                                                                          New multi-million pound innovation
                                                                                      term growth for the economy, equivalent to an              Pictured above, top middle row.
                                                                                     estimated additional 74,000 jobs and almost £4billion       On its third anniversary, the D2N2 Growth Hub reveals it has          facility to be created at Infinity Park
                                                                                     of GVA (Gross Value Added) by 2043.                         so far engaged with more than 6,000 small and medium-sized            A collaboration agreement was signed between Derby City
                                                                                              On current estimates, the HS2 line would           enterprises (SMEs).                                                   Council, the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and one of the
                                                                                                open fully in 2033, but a planned East           Businesses which have benefited from its experts’ help in accessing   world’s leading manufacturing research institutions to establish a
                                                                                                    Midlands hub station could partially         growth finance, exploring new markets and export opportunities,       new multi-million pound innovation facility at Infinity Park Derby.
                                                                                                                            open by 2030.        developing new products, or assistance with management training       Proposals have been approved to enable the University of Sheffield
                                                                                                                                                 or expansion planning, gather at The Village Hotel in Nottingham.     Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) to establish
                                                                                                                                                 A March 2017 survey of 200 D2N2 Growth Hub business clients           a new 50,000 square foot base on the 100 acre manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                 found 88% (176) would recommend its services to another               focused commercial and technology site; one of four sites in the
                                                                                                                                                 company.                                                              Nottingham & Derby Enterprise Zone which D2N2 oversees.

                                                                                                                                                 2018                                                                  Careers strategy event puts D2N2 area
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       schools ahead of the game
                                                                                                                                                 January                                                               How to get ahead of the game:The Careers Strategy and the D2N2
                                                                                                                                                 Derby Silk Mill ‘Museum of Making’                                    Approach event brought together 80 senior education figures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       including headteachers, careers leaders and Enterprise Advisers; to
                                                                                                                                                 project - Pictured Page 4, main image                                 learn how to improve the career opportunities of young people in
                                                                                                                                                 The £16.4million Derby Silk Mill ‘Museum of Making’ project was       Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire April 2018.
                                                                                                                                                 awarded £3.7m, via the D2N2 LEP’s Local Growth Fund allocation.
                                                                                                                                                 The expanded site, due to open in summer 2020, would display items
                                                                                                                                                 from Derby’s industrial past, and provide learning programmes and     Nottingham City Hub groundbreaking -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pictured above, top row right
                                                                                                                                                 Derby City Council and Derby Museums Trust, promoting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Construction began on the brand new, £58million further education
                                                                                                                                                 Museum of Making plan, estimate that it could eventually add
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and training facility, Nottingham City Hub, in June 2018, thanks to
                                                                                                                                                 £4.24m a year (net additional GVA) to Derby’s economy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       £30million Local Growth Funding by the D2N2 Local
                                                                                                                                                 create around 141 (direct and indirect) jobs.
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Enterprise Partnership.                                             5
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
Claimant count (number)*          ESA claimants (number)               Working days lost due to                   Gap in the employment rate
                      State of the Economy and Annual Accounts                                                                                                                                                                                              sickness (%)                               between those with a learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       disability and the overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       employment rate, % pt

                                                                                                                                             HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                        D2N2           England             D2N2            England                 D2N2             England                D2N2              England
                                                                                                                                                                                        27,850         759,610             88,790         1,893,290                 1.0%              1.2%                  70%               68.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                       (+11.5%)        (14.4%)           (-1.4% pt)       (-3.5% pt)             (-0.5% pt)        (-0.1% pt)            (+0.4% pt)         (0.6% pt)
                                                                                                                 Red: Getting worse
                                                     HEALTH AND                         SOCIAL
                                                    SUSTAINABILITY                    INCLUSION                  Yellow: Staying the same
                                                      INDICATORS                     INDICATORS
                                                                                                                 Green: Getting better

                                                                                                                                                                                     2014                    2018      2013                      2017           2012                         2016      2013                        2017

                                                                                                                                                                                     Gap in the employment rate        CO2 emissions per capita             Days air quality exceeds                   Vehicle miles by cars (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                     for those in contact with         (tonnes)                             ‘moderate’ or higher
                       Private sector employees     Productivity (GVA per FTE)   Total employees (number)      Business start-up rate (%)                                            secondary mental health                                                threshold across D2N2 sites
                           D2N2        England         D2N2         England         D2N2         England          D2N2          England                                              services and the overall                                               (average number of days
                          760,694     21,017,840      £58,410       £70,253         930,95      25,352,553        12.7%          15.0%                                               employment rate, % pt                                                  across all sites)**
                          (+2.2%)      (+2.3%)        (+2.3%)       (+2.3%)        (+1.9%)       (+2.0%)        (-2.6% pt)     (+0.3% pt)                                                D2N2           England            D2N2            England                D2N2                 England                D2N2           England
                                                                                                                                                                                         65.2%           67.4%              7.1              5.6                    7.4                  10.4                  77.8%          78.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                       (-0.4% pt)      (0.2% pt)          (-3.3%)          (-4.6%)               (+10.4%)              (-2.8%)               (0.0% pt)      (-0.2% pt)

                        2012                2016    2012                 2016    2012                  2016    2012                  2016
                                                                                                                                                                                     2013                    2017      2011                      2015           2012                         2016      2012                        2016
                       Unemployment rate (%)        Employment rate (% of        Working age population with   Business 3-year survival

                                                    economically active)         NVQ4+ qualifications (%)      rate (%)

                                                                                                                                                   SOCIAL INCLUSION INDICATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                     Male healthy life                 Female healthy life                  Households experiencing                    Households experiencing
                           D2N2        England         D2N2         England          D2N2        England          D2N2          England                                              expectancy at birth               expectancy at birth                  fuel poverty (numbers)                     fuel poverty (%)
                            4.1%         4.9%          95.8%         95.1%           31.6%         8.3%           60.1%          60.4%                                               (years)                           (years)
                         (-0.3% pt)   (-0.3% pt)     (+0.4% pt)    (+0.3% pt)      (-0.4% pt)   (+0.4% pt)      (+1.6% pt)     (+3.3% pt)                                                D2N2          England             D2N2        England                     D2N2                 England               D2N2           England
                                                                                                                                                                                          60.8           63.3               59.9         63.9                     116,559              2.502,217              12.7%           11.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                        (+5.0%)        (+0.3%)            (-1.3%)      (+0.2%)                   (+25.4%)               (+5.2%)              (+2.6%)         (+0.4%)

                        2013                2017    2013                 2017    2013                  2017    2012                  2016                                            2012                    2016      2012                      2016           2011                         2015      2011                        2015

                       Business 5-year survival     Apprenticeship starts        Working age population        Working age population with
                                                                                                                                                                                    D2N2 - Monthly actuals 2017-18
                       rate (%)                     (number)                     with no qualifications (%)    NVQ3+ qualifications (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                    		APR                     MAY       JUN      JUL       AUG         SEPT       OCT         NOV        DEC        JAN         FEB      MAR       TOTAL
                                                                                                                                                                                    		2017                    2017      2017     2017      2017        2017       2017        2017       2017       2018        2018     2018      2018
                           D2N2        England          D2N2        England         D2N2          England         D2N2          England                                             LEP Income         53,920 57,761    99,544   63,757    66,096      72,987     80,348      98,735     63,089     76,383      65,871   108,689   907,179
                           43.5%        44.0%          23,750       485,500          8.6%           7.6%          51.8%          57.1%                                              Expenditure
                         (+0.8% pt)   (+2.6% pt)       (-2.4%)     (-3.7% pt)     (+0.5% pt)     (-0.2% pt)     (-1.6% pt)     (+0.3% pt)                                           Gross Salaries     37,245 36,875    39,072   40,090    39,414      36,200     32,986      41,318     39,323     44,613      46,813   85,383    519,332
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Staff Costs 44,355 43,954     46,427   47,790    46,624      43,130     39,579      49,100     46,657     52,995      55,959   95,599    612,169
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Direct Costs 9,566  13,807    53,117   15,966    19,472      29,857     40,769      49,634     16,432     23,388      9,911    13,090    295,010
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Expenditure 53,920 57,761     99,544   63,757    66,096      72,987     80,348      98,735     63,089     76,383      65,871   108,689   907,179
                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial Summary 2017/18		2017/18		2017/18		2016/17		2016/17
                                                                                                                                                                                    				Income		Expenditure                                  Income		Expenditure
                                                                                                                                                                                    Local Growth Fund        Capital £66,388,375 £66,388,375 £55,400,930 £55,400,930
                                                                                                                                                                                    Growth Hub		Revenue £430,540		£430,540		£430,500		£430,500
                        2012                2016    2012                 2016    2013                  2017    2013                  2017
                                                                                                                                                                                    Resource Funding		Revenue £ -		£378		£ -		£572
                                                                                                                                                                                    Careers & Enterprise     Revenue £218,652		  £165,061		  £103,476		  £115,762
                      Notes: The (un)employment rates are based on those living in the D2N2 area regardless of where they work.                                                     TDE Project		Revenue £ -		£33		£ -		£13,500
                                                                                                                                                                                    HS2 Growth Strategy      Revenue £ -		£608,584		£1,250,000           £239,069
                      *Claimant count indicator reflects the switch from Job Seeker’s Allowance to Universal Credit. ** Based on measures                                           TOTAL				 £67,037,567                        £67,592,971 £57,184,906 £56,200,333
                      at 3-5 sites in D2N2 - Chesterfield Loundsley Green, Chesterfield Roadside, Nottingham Centre, Nottingham Western
                                                                                                                                                                                    Year End Closing Balance		        2017/18		            2016/17
                      Boulevard, Ladybower and 62 nationally, subject to meeting inclusion criteria.                                                                                Resource Funding		        Revenue £45,534.45           £45,912.30
                      Sources: Annual Population Survey, Business Register and Employment Survey, Business Demography, Education and                                                Careers & Enterprise      Revenue £88,731.90           £35,140.60
                      Skills Funding Agency, Public Health Outcomes Framework Data, Department for Transport, ONS Regional accounts,                                                TDE Project		             Revenue £15,166.70           £15,200.00
                                                                                                                                                                                    HS2 Growth Strategy       Revenue £402,346.71          £1,010,931.11
                      Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                    LGF interest in reserve   Revenue £470,245.91          £281,379.62
         6                                                                                                                                                                          				£1,022,025.67                                      £1,388,563.63                                                                                     7
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
Claimant count (number)*          ESA claimants (number)               Working days lost due to                   Gap in the employment rate
                      State of the Economy and Annual Accounts                                                                                                                                                                                              sickness (%)                               between those with a learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       disability and the overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       employment rate, % pt

                                                                                                                                             HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                        D2N2           England             D2N2            England                 D2N2             England                D2N2              England
                                                                                                                                                                                        27,850         759,610             88,790         1,893,290                 1.0%              1.2%                  70%               68.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                       (+11.5%)        (14.4%)           (-1.4% pt)       (-3.5% pt)             (-0.5% pt)        (-0.1% pt)            (+0.4% pt)         (0.6% pt)
                                                                                                                 Red: Getting worse
                                                     HEALTH AND                         SOCIAL
                                                    SUSTAINABILITY                    INCLUSION                  Yellow: Staying the same
                                                      INDICATORS                     INDICATORS
                                                                                                                 Green: Getting better

                                                                                                                                                                                     2014                    2018      2013                      2017           2012                         2016      2013                        2017

                                                                                                                                                                                     Gap in the employment rate        CO2 emissions per capita             Days air quality exceeds                   Vehicle miles by cars (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                     for those in contact with         (tonnes)                             ‘moderate’ or higher
                       Private sector employees     Productivity (GVA per FTE)   Total employees (number)      Business start-up rate (%)                                            secondary mental health                                                threshold across D2N2 sites
                           D2N2        England         D2N2         England         D2N2         England          D2N2          England                                              services and the overall                                               (average number of days
                          760,694     21,017,840      £58,410       £70,253         930,95      25,352,553        12.7%          15.0%                                               employment rate, % pt                                                  across all sites)**
                          (+2.2%)      (+2.3%)        (+2.3%)       (+2.3%)        (+1.9%)       (+2.0%)        (-2.6% pt)     (+0.3% pt)                                                D2N2           England            D2N2            England                D2N2                 England                D2N2           England
                                                                                                                                                                                         65.2%           67.4%              7.1              5.6                    7.4                  10.4                  77.8%          78.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                       (-0.4% pt)      (0.2% pt)          (-3.3%)          (-4.6%)               (+10.4%)              (-2.8%)               (0.0% pt)      (-0.2% pt)

                        2012                2016    2012                 2016    2012                  2016    2012                  2016
                                                                                                                                                                                     2013                    2017      2011                      2015           2012                         2016      2012                        2016
                       Unemployment rate (%)        Employment rate (% of        Working age population with   Business 3-year survival

                                                    economically active)         NVQ4+ qualifications (%)      rate (%)

                                                                                                                                                   SOCIAL INCLUSION INDICATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                     Male healthy life                 Female healthy life                  Households experiencing                    Households experiencing
                           D2N2        England         D2N2         England          D2N2        England          D2N2          England                                              expectancy at birth               expectancy at birth                  fuel poverty (numbers)                     fuel poverty (%)
                            4.1%         4.9%          95.8%         95.1%           31.6%         8.3%           60.1%          60.4%                                               (years)                           (years)
                         (-0.3% pt)   (-0.3% pt)     (+0.4% pt)    (+0.3% pt)      (-0.4% pt)   (+0.4% pt)      (+1.6% pt)     (+3.3% pt)                                                D2N2          England             D2N2        England                     D2N2                 England               D2N2           England
                                                                                                                                                                                          60.8           63.3               59.9         63.9                     116,559              2.502,217              12.7%           11.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                        (+5.0%)        (+0.3%)            (-1.3%)      (+0.2%)                   (+25.4%)               (+5.2%)              (+2.6%)         (+0.4%)

                        2013                2017    2013                 2017    2013                  2017    2012                  2016                                            2012                    2016      2012                      2016           2011                         2015      2011                        2015

                       Business 5-year survival     Apprenticeship starts        Working age population        Working age population with
                                                                                                                                                                                    D2N2 - Monthly actuals 2017-18
                       rate (%)                     (number)                     with no qualifications (%)    NVQ3+ qualifications (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                    		APR                     MAY       JUN      JUL       AUG         SEPT       OCT         NOV        DEC        JAN         FEB      MAR       TOTAL
                                                                                                                                                                                    		2017                    2017      2017     2017      2017        2017       2017        2017       2017       2018        2018     2018      2018
                           D2N2        England          D2N2        England         D2N2          England         D2N2          England                                             LEP Income         53,920 57,761    99,544   63,757    66,096      72,987     80,348      98,735     63,089     76,383      65,871   108,689   907,179
                           43.5%        44.0%          23,750       485,500          8.6%           7.6%          51.8%          57.1%                                              Expenditure
                         (+0.8% pt)   (+2.6% pt)       (-2.4%)     (-3.7% pt)     (+0.5% pt)     (-0.2% pt)     (-1.6% pt)     (+0.3% pt)                                           Gross Salaries     37,245 36,875    39,072   40,090    39,414      36,200     32,986      41,318     39,323     44,613      46,813   85,383    519,332
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Staff Costs 44,355 43,954     46,427   47,790    46,624      43,130     39,579      49,100     46,657     52,995      55,959   95,599    612,169
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Direct Costs 9,566  13,807    53,117   15,966    19,472      29,857     40,769      49,634     16,432     23,388      9,911    13,090    295,010
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Expenditure 53,920 57,761     99,544   63,757    66,096      72,987     80,348      98,735     63,089     76,383      65,871   108,689   907,179
                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial Summary 2017/18		2017/18		2017/18		2016/17		2016/17
                                                                                                                                                                                    				Income		Expenditure                                  Income		Expenditure
                                                                                                                                                                                    Local Growth Fund        Capital £66,388,375 £66,388,375 £55,400,930 £55,400,930
                                                                                                                                                                                    Growth Hub		Revenue £430,540		£430,540		£430,500		£430,500
                        2012                2016    2012                 2016    2013                  2017    2013                  2017
                                                                                                                                                                                    Resource Funding		Revenue £ -		£378		£ -		£572
                                                                                                                                                                                    Careers & Enterprise     Revenue £218,652		  £165,061		  £103,476		  £115,762
                      Notes: The (un)employment rates are based on those living in the D2N2 area regardless of where they work.                                                     TDE Project		Revenue £ -		£33		£ -		£13,500
                                                                                                                                                                                    HS2 Growth Strategy      Revenue £ -		£608,584		£1,250,000           £239,069
                      *Claimant count indicator reflects the switch from Job Seeker’s Allowance to Universal Credit. ** Based on measures                                           TOTAL				 £67,037,567                        £67,592,971 £57,184,906 £56,200,333
                      at 3-5 sites in D2N2 - Chesterfield Loundsley Green, Chesterfield Roadside, Nottingham Centre, Nottingham Western
                                                                                                                                                                                    Year End Closing Balance		        2017/18		            2016/17
                      Boulevard, Ladybower and 62 nationally, subject to meeting inclusion criteria.                                                                                Resource Funding		        Revenue £45,534.45           £45,912.30
                      Sources: Annual Population Survey, Business Register and Employment Survey, Business Demography, Education and                                                Careers & Enterprise      Revenue £88,731.90           £35,140.60
                      Skills Funding Agency, Public Health Outcomes Framework Data, Department for Transport, ONS Regional accounts,                                                TDE Project		             Revenue £15,166.70           £15,200.00
                                                                                                                                                                                    HS2 Growth Strategy       Revenue £402,346.71          £1,010,931.11
                      Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                    LGF interest in reserve   Revenue £470,245.91          £281,379.62
         6                                                                                                                                                                          				£1,022,025.67                                      £1,388,563.63                                                                                     7
The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
D2N2 Local Growth Fund & Infrastructure Projects
    Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country                        Over the entire course of the Local Growth Fund Programme, it is anticipated that Local
    that works for everyone.                                                                                                                                        Growth Funding will create 29,000 jobs, 10,700 homes and will leverage an additional
    That’s why by 2021 Government will have invested over £12billion through the Local Growth Fund, allowing LEPs to use their local                                £760million of funding across the D2N2 area.
    knowledge to get all areas of the country firing on all cylinders.
    Analysis has shown every £1 of Local Growth Fund invested could generate £4.81 in benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Project Name: Nottingham Castle
    Project Name: Silk Mill                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Location: Nottingham
    Location: Derby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Total Cost: £31.3 million
    Total Cost: £16.4 million                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LGF Allocation: £5 million
    LGF Allocation: £3.7 million                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Project completion date:
    Project completion date: July 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                        December 2019
    Project Lead: Derby City Council                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Project Lead: Nottingham City
    Approval Date: December 2017                                                                            High Peak                                                                                                                                         Council
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bassetlaw                                                              Approval Date: May 2018
    Expansion and improvement of the Silk
    Mill ‘Museum of Making’. The project is                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A programme of works to develop
    a collaboration between partners to                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a new Visitor Centre at the world
    increase the amount of visitors to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                    famous Nottingham Castle. The
                                                                                                                                 North East
    world’s first factory. Alongside visitor                                                                                     Derbyshire                                                                                                                   project will also fund the renovation
    increases the project will create jobs                                                                                                                   Bolsover                                                                                         of the Castle building to create a new
    and create volunteer opportunities on                                                                               Derbyshire
                                                                                                                                                                          Mansfield                                                                           Robin and the Rebels themed visitor
    the site.                                                                                                             Dales                                                                                                                               attraction, creating new jobs and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Newark and
                                                                                                                                                                                              Sherwood                                                        attracting new visitors to Nottingham
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and the D2N2 area.
                                                                                                                                        Amber Valley                      Gedling

                                                                                                                                                                            City of
                                                                                                                                       City of Derby

    Project Name: Infinity Park                                                                                                        South
    Location: Derby
    Total Cost: £31.4 million                                                                                                                                                                                    Project Name: Sherwood Energy                Project Name: N2 Town Centres
    LGF Allocation: £12.995 million                                                                                                                             Project Name: Nottingham City                    Village                                      Programme
    Project completion date: 2021                                                                                                                               Hub                                              Location: Ollerton                           Location: Nottinghamshire wide
    onwards                                           Project Name: Derby Cycling &                                                                             Location: Nottingham                             Total Cost: £3.3 million                     Total Cost: £20 million
    Project Lead: Derby City Council                  Placemaking                                       Project Name: Tudor Cross                               Total Cost: £58 million                          LGF Allocation: £0.5 million                 LGF Allocation: £7.63 million
    Approval Date: December 2015                      Location: Derby City Centre                       Location: Bolsover                                      LGF Allocation: £30 million                      Project completion date: May 2018            Project completion date: 2021
    Infinity Park is one of the sites in the          Total Cost: £1.9 million                          Total Cost: £18.41 million                              Project completion date:                         Project Lead: Coalfields                     Project Lead: Nottinghamshire
    Nottingham and Derby Enterprise                   LGF Allocation: £1.65 million                     LGF Allocation: £5.8 million                            September 2020                                   Regeneration Trust                           County Council
    Zone. The EZ’s strategic development              Project completion date:                          Project completion date: June 2019                      Project Lead: Nottingham College                 Approval Date: September 2017                Approval Date: January 2018
    is overseen by the D2N2 LEP.                      Project Lead: Derby City Council                  Project Lead: Derbyshire County                         Approval Date: March 2018                                                                     The N2 Town Centres Programme will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 D2N2 part funded a series of new
    D2N2 is investing £12.9million                    Approval Date: March 2017                         Approval Date: October 2016                             A major new college building in                                                               deliver a set of physical improvements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 business units at the Sherwood Energy
    in Infinity Park’s roads and other                A collection of placemaking and                   Large scale clean-up works to the                       Nottingham City Centre providing a               Village in Ollerton. The project aims        within key towns and local areas
    infrastructure over six years, through            cycling initiatives to regenerate and             former Coalite Site in Bolsover. The                    range of Higher and Further Education            to develop new commercial space for          across Nottinghamshire, designed to
    its LGF allocation, including the recent          renew areas of Derby City Centre.                 project will help to bring the disused                  courses. The centre will become the              small businesses, to grow in an area         stimulate economic growth. Towns
    Victory Road re-alignment, in June of             The works will look to improve cycling            former chemical works site back into                    central hub of the new Nottingham                where commercial space is limited            such as Newark, Worksop, Mansfield,
    this year (2018) and open up the site             and pedestrian links throughout the               use to create land for housing and                      College. This is D2N2’s single largest           in stock and helps to regenerate the         Kirkby in Ashfield and Beeston are all
    for new investment and job creation.              city centre.                                      employment uses.                                        investment.                                      former coalfield area.                       targeted through the intervention.

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The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
D2N2 Local Growth Fund & Infrastructure Projects
    Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country                        Over the entire course of the Local Growth Fund Programme, it is anticipated that Local
    that works for everyone.                                                                                                                                        Growth Funding will create 29,000 jobs, 10,700 homes and will leverage an additional
    That’s why by 2021 Government will have invested over £12billion through the Local Growth Fund, allowing LEPs to use their local                                £760million of funding across the D2N2 area.
    knowledge to get all areas of the country firing on all cylinders.
    Analysis has shown every £1 of Local Growth Fund invested could generate £4.81 in benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Project Name: Nottingham Castle
    Project Name: Silk Mill                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Location: Nottingham
    Location: Derby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Total Cost: £31.3 million
    Total Cost: £16.4 million                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LGF Allocation: £5 million
    LGF Allocation: £3.7 million                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Project completion date:
    Project completion date: July 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                        December 2019
    Project Lead: Derby City Council                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Project Lead: Nottingham City
    Approval Date: December 2017                                                                            High Peak                                                                                                                                         Council
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bassetlaw                                                              Approval Date: May 2018
    Expansion and improvement of the Silk
    Mill ‘Museum of Making’. The project is                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A programme of works to develop
    a collaboration between partners to                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a new Visitor Centre at the world
    increase the amount of visitors to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                    famous Nottingham Castle. The
                                                                                                                                 North East
    world’s first factory. Alongside visitor                                                                                     Derbyshire                                                                                                                   project will also fund the renovation
    increases the project will create jobs                                                                                                                   Bolsover                                                                                         of the Castle building to create a new
    and create volunteer opportunities on                                                                               Derbyshire
                                                                                                                                                                          Mansfield                                                                           Robin and the Rebels themed visitor
    the site.                                                                                                             Dales                                                                                                                               attraction, creating new jobs and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Newark and
                                                                                                                                                                                              Sherwood                                                        attracting new visitors to Nottingham
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and the D2N2 area.
                                                                                                                                        Amber Valley                      Gedling

                                                                                                                                                                            City of
                                                                                                                                       City of Derby

    Project Name: Infinity Park                                                                                                        South
    Location: Derby
    Total Cost: £31.4 million                                                                                                                                                                                    Project Name: Sherwood Energy                Project Name: N2 Town Centres
    LGF Allocation: £12.995 million                                                                                                                             Project Name: Nottingham City                    Village                                      Programme
    Project completion date: 2021                                                                                                                               Hub                                              Location: Ollerton                           Location: Nottinghamshire wide
    onwards                                           Project Name: Derby Cycling &                                                                             Location: Nottingham                             Total Cost: £3.3 million                     Total Cost: £20 million
    Project Lead: Derby City Council                  Placemaking                                       Project Name: Tudor Cross                               Total Cost: £58 million                          LGF Allocation: £0.5 million                 LGF Allocation: £7.63 million
    Approval Date: December 2015                      Location: Derby City Centre                       Location: Bolsover                                      LGF Allocation: £30 million                      Project completion date: May 2018            Project completion date: 2021
    Infinity Park is one of the sites in the          Total Cost: £1.9 million                          Total Cost: £18.41 million                              Project completion date:                         Project Lead: Coalfields                     Project Lead: Nottinghamshire
    Nottingham and Derby Enterprise                   LGF Allocation: £1.65 million                     LGF Allocation: £5.8 million                            September 2020                                   Regeneration Trust                           County Council
    Zone. The EZ’s strategic development              Project completion date:                          Project completion date: June 2019                      Project Lead: Nottingham College                 Approval Date: September 2017                Approval Date: January 2018
    is overseen by the D2N2 LEP.                      Project Lead: Derby City Council                  Project Lead: Derbyshire County                         Approval Date: March 2018                                                                     The N2 Town Centres Programme will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 D2N2 part funded a series of new
    D2N2 is investing £12.9million                    Approval Date: March 2017                         Approval Date: October 2016                             A major new college building in                                                               deliver a set of physical improvements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 business units at the Sherwood Energy
    in Infinity Park’s roads and other                A collection of placemaking and                   Large scale clean-up works to the                       Nottingham City Centre providing a               Village in Ollerton. The project aims        within key towns and local areas
    infrastructure over six years, through            cycling initiatives to regenerate and             former Coalite Site in Bolsover. The                    range of Higher and Further Education            to develop new commercial space for          across Nottinghamshire, designed to
    its LGF allocation, including the recent          renew areas of Derby City Centre.                 project will help to bring the disused                  courses. The centre will become the              small businesses, to grow in an area         stimulate economic growth. Towns
    Victory Road re-alignment, in June of             The works will look to improve cycling            former chemical works site back into                    central hub of the new Nottingham                where commercial space is limited            such as Newark, Worksop, Mansfield,
    this year (2018) and open up the site             and pedestrian links throughout the               use to create land for housing and                      College. This is D2N2’s single largest           in stock and helps to regenerate the         Kirkby in Ashfield and Beeston are all
    for new investment and job creation.              city centre.                                      employment uses.                                        investment.                                      former coalfield area.                       targeted through the intervention.

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The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire - D2N2 LEP
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