The Lions Chatter March 2015

Page created by Ken Deleon
The Lions Chatter March 2015
The Lions Chatter
                                                       March 2015

                                            Lions Center Roaring
                                       Red Hatters Select New
                                                     Queen Mother
The Lions Center Roaring Red Hatters met on January
27, 2015 and several new members joined the group at  and Princess
that time. New members include Marilyn Kelso, Mary
White, Peachie Werner, and Helen Gorsuch. The
membership selected Ramona Warder as the new Queen
Mother and Anna Croston was selected to serve as
princess for the group. The membership enjoyed snacks
and social time and a number of door prizes were award-
ed. The Red Hat Society started in 1998 and is an organi-
zation that focuses on providing opportunities for wom-
en to enjoy social interactions and develop      support-
ive relationships with other women. Red Hatter chap-
ters focus on creating opportunities for fun, friendship,
freedom, fulfillment and fitness. The next meeting of the
Roaring Red Hatters is slated for March 24th at 2:30 pm .
                                                            Queen Mother Ramona Warder

                             Resident & Staff Event Being
                             Sponsored by Red Hatter’s Family
                             In honor of their Red Hatter aunt, resident Pauline
                             Howdyshell, residents and staff will be
                             treated to a pizza party and music by
                             the Take Two Variety Band at an event
                             scheduled for April 2, 2015. Watch for
                             more details coming in the April 2015
  Princess Anna Croston      Lions Chatter.
                                            Thank You
                                      to Tom and Barb Lyons
                              for Your Generous Support of The Event!!
The Lions Chatter March 2015
The Lions Chatter March 2015
Family Council News
Congratulations to Megan Sgaggero who was the winner of the
“Thoughtful Sentiments Gift Basket” that the Council raffled off on
February 20, 2015. Congratulations Megan!!! The Family Council
appreciates everyone’s support of their fund raising efforts
on behalf of the residents of The Lions Center. Upcoming
events sponsored by the Family Council include a Taco
Salad luncheon scheduled for March 26th. The menu in-
cludes a Taco Salad, assorted desserts and drink for $5.00.
Sign up sheets will be posted in advance of the event. With
Easter just around the corner, the Family Council’s next
basket raffle will feature an “Easter Treats and Treasures”
gift basket. The basket will feature holiday decorations
                                           and an assort-
                                           ment of sweet, holiday themed treats
                                           just in time for Easter morning. Chances
                                           are on sale now and are available from
                                           any Family Council member or in the
                                           Social Services office. As usual, chances
                                           will sell for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The
                                           drawing for the Easter Treats basket will
                                           be held on April 5th. The next Family
                                           Council meeting will be held on March
                                           16th at 10 am in the Lions Center confer-
                                           ence room. Everyone has an open
                                           invitation to join the group!

                      Dog Show Rescheduled!
                   Much to everyone’s disappointment, the dog show
                  previously scheduled for February 21st was can-
                  celled due to lack of cooperation on the part of
                  Mother Nature! But GOOD NEWS!!!! The event
                  has been rescheduled for March 28th at 2:30 pm .
A new sign up sheet has been posted in the front lobby area by the fish tank. Please
sign up to help us prepare an adequate number of gifts for all of the show partici-
pants. With this additional notice of the rescheduled date, we are hoping for in-
creased participation. The event is a highlight for many of the Lions Center resi-
dents. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Linda
Welsh or any of the Lions Center activity staff who would be glad to answer your
The Lions Chatter March 2015
Lions Center Honors Staff on
                           Employee Appreciation Day—
                                  March 6, 2015
                   The staff of Lions Center will be treated to pizza on March 6, 2015 in
                   recognition of Employee Appreciation Day. While one single day is
recognized as Employee Appreciation Day, please read the following message from Lions
Center Administrator, Troy Raines, regarding his thoughts about employee recognition.

From the Administrator’ Office…….
I have served as the Administrator of The Lions Center for the last 20 years, and I can
honestly say that I feel the Lions Center is blessed with a terrific group of employees. The
staff of each and every department at the Lions Center does their best everyday to provide
quality, compassionate care to the residents of the Lions Center. Our staff treats the
residents, as well as their colleagues like family. There is a true sense of community among
the staff of the Lions Center, and that makes our facility special. A single day might be set
aside to formally recognize and voice our appreciation for our employees, but I appreciate
the Lions Center employees each and every day. They make the Lions Center what it is,
and I’m honored to be a part of the team here. Thanks to everyone for the role you play
and the contribution you make to the mission of the Lions Center. You Are the Best!

                             March Birthdays

             Residents                                             Staff

           Betty Smith                                      Lucrecia Hull
        Dorothy Stinebaugh                                    Christy Lee
           Peggy Kolb                                      Mariah Swanger
                                                          Brittany Hansford
                                                             Pam Glenn
                                                          Catherine Dersin
                                                            Kristy Lindsay
                                                            Renee Kepple
                                                             Tasha Lamb
                                                          Kimberly Kaisner
                                                            Tamra Dicken
The Lions Chatter March 2015
Daylight Savings Time Returns
                               Daylight savings time returns on March 8, 2015 at 2 am in the
                               morning. Don’t forget to turn your clocks       forward 1 hour.
                               Loosing that one hour of sleep isn’t pleasant but
                               gaining that extra hour of daylight in the eve-
                               nings is a welcome change from the short days of
                               winter and yet another sign that winter is loosing
                               its grip on us and that warm enjoyable summer
                               temperatures are just around the corner.

                                          National Agriculture Day
                                       Celebrates the American Farmer
                                       DID YOU KNOW THAT….American farmers are
                                       among the most productive in the world and that Ameri-
                                       cans enjoy one of world’s safest and most   affordable
                                       food supplies? Let’s see how much you know about
                                       American and Maryland agriculture. Answer the
                                       following questions about agriculture in the United
                                       States and Maryland.

1. On average, how many people does the average American farmer feed?

2. What percentage of American farms are considered family owned/operated farms?

3. Out of each dollar spent on food in the United States, how much does the farmer
   actually get?

4. How many gallons of milk does the average dairy cow produce per day?

5. What is the average age of farmers in the United States?

6. What percent of farmers are female?

7. What percentage of the land in Maryland is used in agricultural opera-

8. How many farms are there in Maryland?

9. What is the average size of a farm in Maryland?

10.40% of all Maryland farm income in 2013 was from the sale of what
(Answers to these agriculture trivia questions can be found on page 7 of the newsletter)
The Lions Chatter March 2015
Oh Say Can You See?
   March 3rd is designated as National Anthem Day and
   commemorates the writing of the song that would eventually
   become the official National Anthem of the United States. See
   how much you know about our National Anthem.
   ♫ - Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
   ♫ - What war was being waged at the time that the Star
       Spangled Banner was written?
   ♫- Where was the battle that inspired the writing of the
   ♫ - Who was the seamstress who made the flag that was flying during the battle
       that inspired the writing of the anthem?
   ♫ - The original flag from 1812 that inspired the anthem still exists. Where is
        it kept?                      (Answers are on page 7)

                                                 I was always taught to respect my el-
                                                 ders, but it keeps getting harder to find

In 1990, President George Bush, formally         How come we choose from just 2 peo-
designated March 30th of each year as the day    ple to run for President and over 50
to formally recognize, honor and thank Ameri-    for Miss America?
ca’s physicians. Here at The Lions Center we
would like to recognize and thank the            I’m always disappointed
physicians who join us in providing quality,     when a liar’s pants don’t ac-
compassionate care to the residents of The
                                                 tually catch on fire.
Lions Center.

      Our Thanks Go Out To:                      Wouldn’t you know it….. Brain
                                                 cells come and brain cells
     Dr. Shin—Medical Director                   go…..but Fat cells live forever!
       Dr. Gupta
       Dr. Sidhu                                 Frustration is trying to find your
                                                 glasses without your glasses!
      Dr. Khanna
       Dr. Shakil                                My wife and I had words….but I didn’t
         Dr. Tan                                 get to use mine!
The Lions Chatter March 2015
Ag Day Trivia Question Answers :
                   1. Today each American Farmer feeds 155. In 1960, each
                   farmer fed 25 people.
2.   97% of all American farms are owned by individuals, family partnerships or
     family corporations.
3.   On average, farmers get 16 cents from each dollar spent to buy their
     products. In 1980, it was 31 cents.
4.   The average dairy cow produces 7 gallons of milk each day. That’s 2555
     gallons per year!
5.   According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, the average age of the American
     farmer is 58 years. 94% of all farmers are over 35 years or age. 6% are under
     the age of 35. The increasing age of the American farmer has steadily in-
     creased over the last 30 years.
6.   14% of American farmers are female.
7.   32% (2.05 million acres) of Maryland’s land is used for agricultural
1.   There are 12,400 farms in Maryland.
2.   The average Maryland farm is 165
3.   Chickens raised for meat.

                                            Spring Returns March 20th!
                                            The spring equinox will occur on March 20th
                                            this year. Given the prolonged, bitterly cold
 National Anthem Trivia Answers             temperatures that we have endured this winter
1. Francis Scott Key wrote the Star         Spring can’t arrive any too soon! What exactly
   Spangled Banner.                         is the equinox? The equinox is the time in the
2. The War of 1812.                         year when there are approximately the same
3. At Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Mar-       hours of daylight and nighttime throughout
                                            most of the world. After the spring equinox the
   yland.                                   days become longer the farther north you go,
4. Mary Pickersgill constructed the flag    and shorter the farther south you go. Regard-
   that flew over Fort McHenry during       less of the scientific definition of spring, the best
   the battle. The flag measured 30 feet    things about spring include the emergence of
   x 40 feet and was made of wool.          flowers and leaves, birds starting to sing again,
5. Today, this flag is housed at the        green returning to the landscape, the warmth of
                                            the sun, and the general spring in our step that
   Smithsonian Institute in Washington      warmer weather brings.
                                              Welcome Back Stranger!
The Lions Chatter March 2015
The Lions Center is a 101-bed non profit skilled nurs-
ing facility that has been providing quality care to
residents of Allegany County and surrounding commu-
nities since 1969. Our trained professional staff pro-
vide 24-hour skilled nursing services. The Lions Cen-
ter is committed to providing the best possible care in
a friendly, loving way, that will insure maintaining
each resident’s dignity and individuality. We provide
services to nourish the whole person—body, mind and
spirit. We encourage participation is daily activities
such as games, crafts, exercise, music, and bedside
activities. Pastoral services are also provided by vari-
ous denominations to meet the resident’s spiritual
needs. exception of photographs of events are the
courtesy of Google Images. No copyright infringement
is intended.

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                                                           The Lions Center Newsletter is also
                                                           available on the facilities website at

The Lions Chatter March 2015 The Lions Chatter March 2015
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