The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex

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The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
The Legend In Coin Flow                             ®

                Case studies
Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats
   tailored to their individual markets and management goals
 enhancing both the customer experience and their bottom line.
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dollar Coin / Quarter @ Attended Laundry

                              Case Study: Laundry Basket

Location: Washington, D.C.
Laundry Owner: Ron Kabran
Operation: Fully-Attended
Dispense Format: Dollar Coins and Quarters
Multi-Coin Acceptance: Dollar Coins and Quarters
Imonex Customer Since: 2014

“F    lexibility— that’s the key,” says Ron Kabran. “It’s a nice
      feeling not being tied to a collection schedule.”

The routine of this seasoned veteran isn’t tethered to money
vaults ready to overflow with quarters after a few days’ time
following his switch to dual coin acceptance bringing higher
denomination dollar coins into the vend mix at both washers
and dryers.

                             Growing up in the family coin-op
                             biz during the heydays of ’60s and
                             ’70s, Kabran knows a thing or two about transitioning from dimes to
                             quarters and, more recently, to dollar coins. He understands customers
                             are creatures of habit, gravitating to multi-load washers and spending
                             what’s dispensed at the changer.

                             To reduce coins but maintain quarter-increment pricing options at his
                             two Laundry Basket coin-ops in the nation’s capital, a mixed dual hopper
                             payout of dollar coins and quarters — backed by a twin hopper dollar coin
                             dispenser, as well as a dedicated floor changer to break $1 coins into 4
                             quarters — are employed to facilitate the flow.

                             With dollar coins circulating throughout the store Kabran still collects,
                             just not as often. And, for his loyal clientele, a welcome change. “Not
                             having to put 28 quarters into a machine — it was ridiculous,” he says.
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dollar Coin / Quarter @ Attended Laundry

                        Case Study: west morton express
  Location: Jacksonville, Illinois
  Laundry Owner: C.J. Flynn
  Operation: Fully-Attended
  Dispense Format: Dollar Coins and Quarters
  Multi-Coin Acceptance: Dollar Coins and Quarters
  Imonex Customer Since: 2012

         t’s easier to put in 6       to enhance the customer            them more familiar with the
         dollar coins than 24         experience and reduce the          usage of the dollar coins,” the
         quarters,” remarks           frequency of her collections at    veteran owner explains.
C.J. Flynn, who operates West         the full-service facility.
Morton Express Cleaners                                                  Her public relations effort has
& Laundromat located in               To better acquaint traditional     paid off, with more of the higher
Jacksonville, Illinois, just west     quarter-only laundry patrons       denomination coins making
of the state’s capital Springfield.   with the simplicity of fewer       their way into the machine
                                      coins to start the store’s high    money boxes.
Flynn’s move to dollar coin/          capacity washers, Flynn’s
quarter dual acceptance on            staff engages first-timers in      “It helps collecting dramatically,”
the store’s lineup of 12 front        conversation during their visit.   she reports. “You don’t have to
load washers was designed             “My attendants go out to make      do it as often.”
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dollar Coin / Quarter @ Attended Laundry

                       Case Study: Maytag just like home
Location: Bourbonnais, Illinois
Laundry Owner: Bruce Page
Operation: Fully-Attended
Dispense Format: Dollar Coins and Quarters
Multi-Coin Acceptance: Dollar Coins and Quarters
Imonex Customer Since: 2014

                                                   Enhancing the customer experience at the
                                                   coin drop was a top priority for Page, who was
                                                   seeking “the easiest payment system” for front
                                                   load washers topping out at 60-lb. capacity and
                                                   commanding $6 vends. Following installation of
                                                   Imonex single inlet $1/25¢ coin drops, customers
                                                   could opt to deposit just six $1 coins instead of

                                                   plunking in a burdensome 24 quarters.
          hen Bruce Page caught wind of a new
          loyalty card-operated laundry breaking   Transitioning to a dual coin format received
          ground across the street, he used the    “total acceptance,” the operator reports, made all
lead time to kick off his quarter-only store’s     the more easier by mixed change dispensing and
top to bottom modernization with upgraded          keeping whole dollar as well as quarter-increment
machinery, a new automatic front door entryway,    vend price flexibility in place at the 30 washer/40
eye-catching décor, and an easier way to pay for   tumbler pocket laundry.
washers and dryers with higher denomination
dollar coins. The strategy paid off, and Maytag    Page’s weekly collections reflect customer
Just Like Home Laundry remains a formidable        habits: “The larger the machine, the higher the
competitor to the newer kid on the block.          percentage of dollar coins that are used,” he says.
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dual Coin / Dual Token @ Partially-Attended Laundry

                      Case Study: Laundry Express

Locations: Eau Claire and La Crosse, Wisconsin
Laundry Owner: Richard Warner
Operation: Partially-Attended
Dispense Format: $1 / 25¢ Coins & $1 / 25¢-valued Tokens
Multi-Coin Acceptance: $1 / 25¢ Coins & $1 / 25¢-valued Tokens
Imonex Customer Since: 2009

      ormer quarter-only          of his La Crosse, Wisconsin,
      operator Richard            Laundry Express was duplicated
      Warner’s desire for         three years later in nearby Eau
non-cash refunds, marketing       Claire during rejuvenation of the     Tokens account for
opportunities, and a credit       61-machine venue.                     approximately 15% of
card option led him to initiate                                         transactions, Warner reports.
dual coin and dual token          Twin multi-denomination               In addition to patrons, a county
acceptance at both a new and      changers dispense a dollar            agency regularly makes bulk
rehabbed laundry. Successful      coin and quarter mix, while           purchases to assist the needy.
implementation of the multi-      a dedicated token dispenser
coin format at the 2009 debut     pays out a blend of dollar- and       The veteran owner considered
                                            quarter-valued tokens       card systems, but opted for
                                            for $5, $10 and $20         tokens as an economical
                                            bills at the same ratios.   alternative and, more
                                                                        importantly, to provide his
                                            Proprietary paper           customer base a payment
                                            “token notes” in $2         format that followed a familiar
                                            and $5 denominations        transactional experience
                                            — redeemable at             handling coinage. Warner says
                                            the dispenser —             the transition from quarter-only
                                            are strategically           to dual coin/dual token “wasn’t
                                            employed for refunds,       a difficult learning curve for
                                            seasonal promotional        patrons,” adding, “For right now,
                                            mailings and in-house       I think what I’ve got is working
                                            customer appreciation       about as good as it can for my
                                            campaigns.                  market.”
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dollar token / Quarter @ Attended Laundry

                          CASE STUDY: IN & OUT LAUNDROMAT
Location: Lowell, Massachusetts
Laundry Owner: Jack Lanning
Operation: Fully-Attended
Dispense Format: Dollar-valued Tokens and Quarters
Multi-Coin Acceptance: $1-valued Tokens / Quarters / $1 Coins
Imonex Customer Since: 2015

              ith tokens you’re    holding to an equal 16-16
              making money         dispense mix for $20 bills.
              from the get-go,”
smiles Jack Lanning, whose 24      On the other side of the
front load/24 tumbler laundry      coin, to help encourage
was designed with multi-coin       token circulation during
capability in mind. He looked      In & Out Laundromat’s
into proprietary card systems      infancy, dryers were
before opening the store, but      programmed offering
nixed the idea after running       bonus minutes for
the numbers on the high cost of    $1-valued token insertions.
entry.                             With token patronage
                                   ramping up and high
A dollar-valued token/quarter      extract washer loads
mixed payout from twin dual        requiring shorter tumbler
hopper bill changers eventually    cycles, the bonuses
got the nod from the first-time    were phased out. Dryer
operator.                          promotions carried on with
                                   half price “Happy Hour”
Desirous of minimizing             specials on selected days.
token refund requests while
maximizing patronage of            The genial owner and his
incremental-priced wash cycle      staff greet newcomers
modifiers, Lanning tweaked         with a handy token tote
the “80/20 Payout Rule”. He        when they step up to the
found his sweet spot in this       dispensers. And with
Massachusetts market by paying     one token-coin hybrid
out more quarters than dollar-     comfortably under his belt,
valued tokens for $5 and $10       it’s on to Store Number Two
bill changer transactions, while   for Lanning.
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex

                     Case Study: CHEETAH SPEED LAUNDRY

Locations: Mobile, Alabama
Laundry Owner: Linh Nguyen
Operation: Partially-attended / 24 hours
Dispense Format: $1 Coins / $1 Tokens
Multi-Coin Acceptance: $1 & 25¢ coins / $1-valued Tokens
Imonex Customer Since: 2017

M    ulti-store operator Linh Nguyen streamlines
     payment and keeps credit card costs in
check at his growing Mobile, Alabama, chain by
employing dollar coins and dollar-valued tokens.

Nguyen embraced dollar coins early on, but
held off implementing whole dollar vend pricing    With his drops having built-in token capability,
when side-by-side designed drops failed him.       Nguyen expanded changer banks with a one-stop
Discovering Imonex’s single inlet solution         credit card-to-token dispensing option. “It’s an
convinced him to move forward and retrofit.        alternative way to offer credit card payment to
                                                   customers without paying a huge credit card fee,”
The savvy operator favors a variety of machine     the owner says. “The most important thing is
brands and capacities at Cheetah Speed Laundry     you don’t have to maintain and repair a bunch of
to keep things running fast. Adapting new          readers. One token machine can compete with 40
acceptors was completed in short order by          to 50 credit card readers.”
Nguyen, who installed the quarter/dollar plus
dollar-valued token drops on everything from top
loaders to large tumblers.
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Quarter token / Quarter @ Partially-Attended Laundry

                      Case Study: Clean Laundry

Locations: Waterloo, Iowa
Laundry Owners: Phil and Ethan Akin
Operation: Partially-attended / 24 Hours
Dispense Format: Quarter-valued Tokens and Quarters
Multi-Coin Acceptance: 25¢-valued Tokens / Quarters
Imonex Customer Since: 2014

          hen tokens first rolled   Ethan to debut the first
          into self-service         of a string of venues that
          laundries back in the     lose the suds but keep the
1980s Phil Akin embraced the        clean — and the tokens.
format like no one else. His
iconic 121-unit Duds ’n Suds        Front and center at
theme store chain gave the          Clean Laundry is a
industry a much-needed shot         bank of multiple token
in the arm with its “Good Clean     dispensers and coin
Fun” formula of bleach and beer.    changers where patrons
Now, after a decades-long hiatus,   can opt to receive quarter-
he has joined forces with his son   valued tokens using
                                    cash and credit/debit
                                    cards or, alternatively,
                                    get traditional quarter
                                    payouts to do wash and
                                    dry. To encourage token
                                    circulation, the Akins offer
                                    bonus payouts of four and
                                    eight extra tokens on $10
                                    and $20 transactions,
                                    respectively, with bill insertions   The younger Akin, who oversees
                                    or card swipes.                      Clean Laundry’s day-to-day
                                                                         operations, reports that tokens
                                    All 34 front load washers and        boost transactions at washers,
                                    matching dryer tumbler pockets       dryers and vending machines
                                    are fitted with Imonex multi-        throughout the store, noting
                                    coin-ready acceptance drops to       “tokens make customers feel like
                                    accommodate insertion of both        they’re getting a deal because of
                                    coins and tokens.                    our discounts.”
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dollar token / Quarter token @ Attended Laundry

                        Case Study: super suds
Location: Long Beach, California
Laundry Owner: Aaron Simmons
Operation: Fully-attended
Dispense Format: Dollar-valued and Quarter-valued Tokens
Multi-Coin Acceptance: Dollar-valued and Quarter-valued Tokens
Imonex Customer Since: 2014

   nside this 8,000-square-foot     Tokens also play a role in Super
   SoCal mega store customers       Suds’ Rewards Program, where
   and a team of drop-off           points can be redeemed for free
laundry specialists activate all    wash and dry cycles.
185 machines exclusively with
customized brass $1-valued and      Simmons says converting
25¢-valued tokens.                  from an archaic quarter-
                                    only payment format to dual
This high volume, full-service      token acceptance is a game
facility regularly processes over   changer. “Our customers
a half-ton of wash-dry-fold         greatly appreciate the ability
laundry orders on a daily basis     to use the $1 tokens to start
with no cash bank — strictly        our larger machines as it saves
tokens — enhancing employee         them a lot of time, frustration,
safety and security, especially     and the need to carry around a
during the overnight work shift.    huge handful of quarter-valued
                                    tokens. As a laundry owner, I
Tokens are available through        see my staff taking less time to
bill changers and a dedicated       start machines and more time
credit/debit card acceptance        to spend processing our wash
dispenser for the convenience       and fold orders. I also benefit    machines as often or empty the
of cash and non-cash carrying       in time savings by not having to   coin boxes on our washers and
patrons.                            fill the hoppers on our change     dryers as frequently.”
The Legend In Coin Flow - Case studies Laundry operators employ various multi-coin acceptance formats - Imonex
Dollar coin @ unAttended Laundry

                        Case Study: washin oxford
Location: Oxford, Alabama
Laundry Owner: Ken Barrett
Operation: Unattended / 24 hours
Dispense Format: Dollar Coins
Multi-Coin Acceptance: $1 & 25¢ coins /$1-valued tokens
Imonex Customer Since: 2012

       atrons washin’ at this     token giveaways to local
       unmanned round-            law enforcement personnel,
       the-clock Alabama          has kept this Alabama town
laundry won’t find any how-to     buzzin’.
instruction signs spelling out
                                  Dollar-valued tokens are
Ken Barrett’s self-described
                                  also utilized for customer
“Dollar Coin Mostly” format.
                                  refunds and redeemable
That’s because this savvy chain
                                  at all of Washin Oxford’s
operator kept things simple
                                  multi-coin capable
and intuitive for English and
                                  machines. And when
Spanish-speaking clientele
                                  collection day rolls around,
when he built out his latest
                                  sorting of the “Dollar
                                  Coin Mostly” bucketfuls
Customers are self-guided by      is handled efficiently with
LED displays counting down        a high speed, compact
the coins inserted into any       counter/offsorter placed
of the 23 front loaders and       on a tabletop in the back
20 full-cycle vended dryer        room. “My sorter saves a
tumblers conveniently priced      lot of time and gives me an
in whole dollar amounts. His      accurate count of how much
dual hopper $1-$20 bill changer   was actually put in the
dispenses only $1 coins and       machines each week, ” the
requires no payout sign. And      operator notes.
those stoppin’ by with quarters
in hand for washin’ and dryin’    Barrett has embraced multi-
can step up to deposit those      coin acceptance at his other
small denomination coins as       Alabama stores as well. “I
well in the single inlet Imonex   think the best part is not
multi-coin-ready drops featured   worrying about being a few
on all machines.                  days late for the normal
                                  collections. Flexibility
A Grand Opening raffle drawing    is why I got into this
with prizes of up to $100 in      industry,” he says. “That
golden brass dollar tokens, as    unexpected busy weekend is
well as free multi-pack laundry   never a problem for me.”
Dollar Coin / Dollar Token @ Unattended Laundry

                        Case Study: Peanuts
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Laundry Owners: Steven Dawkins and Casey Norman
Operation: Unattended / 24 hours
Dispense Format: $1 Coins / $1 Tokens / Secondary Quarters
Multi-Coin Acceptance: $1 & 25¢ coins / $1-valued Tokens
Imonex Customers Since: 2006

     teven Dawkins enjoys more      coin changer
     time atop a Harley with        programmed
     wife Beth while his Peanuts    to pay out
Coin Laundry customers cruise       dollar coins
through vends thanks to shifting    for $1-$20
gears to higher denomination        bills, and four
coins and tokens.                   quarters if a
                                    dollar coin is
Dawkins, who started with           subsequently
a lone self-service coin-op/        inserted into
car wash tandem 17 years ago,       the changer’s
throttled up recently when son-     coin slot.
in-law Casey Norman joined
in to expand operations to six      Patrons
laundries and four car washes.      walk in with
Their early experiences in the      quarters, bills,
wash bays convinced them to         or credit/debit                    clientele’s patronage of dollar-
install over 200 Imonex multi-      cards and can activate 35 whole    valued tokens offered alongside
coin acceptance drops into          dollar-priced washers and 42       $1 coins. “You’ll see them walk
all of the newest unattended        quarter-increment-priced dryers    right up, swipe their card, hit
stores built from the ground up,    seamlessly using coins or tokens   the button, get the tokens, and
including the latest in Augusta,    — without staff assistance.        go back to the machine — they
where coinage is minimized and      Three months after debuting,       figured it out.”
credit cards welcomed.              token transactions at this
                                    24-hour store were up to 25%
The partners desired both           of total revenue and growing.
multi-coin and credit card          The single step card-to-
acceptance at their most recent     token option helps cash-
venue, but without the sky          strapped customers obtain
high price tag. Their answer:       high denomination laundry
Imonex dollar coin/$1-valued        coinage without ATM fees,
token/quarter-capable coin          Dawkins notes.
drops fed by a single-point,
dedicated card-enabled token        “I was kind of shocked. I
dispenser mounted alongside a       thought we’d have to train
dual validator, four-hopper bill/   them,” Dawkins says of his
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