THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery

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THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
Motor retail in a changing world
THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
                                                                                     The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world   3

We have seen two                                             STAYING IN TOUCH
years’ worth of digital                                      WITH CUSTOMERS
transformation in                                            IN A DIGITAL WORLD
two months
                                                             The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every individual and
                                                             every business across the UK, in ways that would have been
                                                             hard to imagine before the first lockdown in March 2020.

                                                             However, when considering the consequences for how motor
Jared Spataro                                                retailers interact with consumers, it can be argued that the
Corporate Vice President, Microsoft 365                      pandemic has merely brought forward a shift in mindset and
                                                             process that was regarded by many as inevitable.

                                                             Change has been driven largely by the transformation in how
                                                             customers prefer to engage with retail businesses, linked to
                                                             their widespread adoption of digital communications and the
                                                             use of social media platforms. Against this backdrop we have
                                                             seen improvements in data capture and data handling by
                                                             dealers (with encouragement from data privacy legislation),
                                                             and increased availability of software tools that can map and
                                                             respond to online behaviours.

CONTENTS                                                     More motor retail businesses than ever before rely on digital
                                                             processes to drive their revenues and profitability. We
                                                             might not have yet seen the oft-heralded shift towards full
                                                             automotive ecommerce throughout the sector, but making

4      ccelerating the shift to a digital world
      How the pandemic has forced dealers to embrace
      new technologies
                                                             the most of a ‘virtual showroom’ is now mission-critical for any
                                                             successful motor retail business.

                                                             So, what comes next?

6     The dealers’ perspective
        Leading UK car retailers talk about how they have
        faced the challenges brought on by the pandemic
                                                             The current heightened level of digital communication will
                                                             become the norm in the motor retail sector. Within just a few
                                                             months, car retailers and workshops have embraced digital
                                                             strategies like never before. If 2020 was a year of reacting

8    	Divergent attitudes across the UK                    to circumstances, 2021 will be a year in which businesses
                                                             augment and perfect their digital operations.
        One country, four nations: how car buyers’
        attitudes differ from one region to the next         This is why we have produced this report, drawing on the latest
                                                             consumer research involving motorists in England, Scotland,

10   	Automation in aftersales
        Overcoming the logistical challenges of filling up
        your workshop
                                                             Wales and Northern Ireland. Car retailers and workshops face
                                                             myriad challenges in 2021 and we hope this report provides
                                                             retailers with practical guidance for staying in touch with
                                                             customers in an uncertain world.

13   	The shift to digital
        How to establish an effective digital showroom
                                                             Jeremy Evans
                                                             Managing Director, Marketing Delivery
THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
4 The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world                                                                                                                                     The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world   5

                                                                                                                                                                 of customers now expect dealers to
                                                                                                                                                               be quicker at responding to any social
How the pandemic has forced dealers to
embrace new technologies                                                                                                                                             media enquiries they may have

        ver recent years businesses worldwide              The most important headline for UK dealers is                               The demand is still there                       to customers, but drawing on data and
        have diligently researched how best                that 40% of customers are now less likely to visit a                        Although fewer customers are visiting the       technology to ensure their business is chosen
        to adapt their customer engagement                 car dealership in person when researching a car                             showroom, demand has remained strong.           over any another.
strategies for a digital age. Many had started             purchase because of the outbreak of Covid-19.                               32% of motorists say they have found
to put these strategies into action. Then the                                                                                          themselves more frequently browsing dealer      Thanks to technology, this certainly doesn’t
pandemic kicked in.                                        Significantly, they also now expect vehicle                                 and classified websites during periods of       mean abandoning the personalised service
                                                           retailers to be more responsive during the                                  lockdown, looking at new or used cars.          and customer relationship-building that has
‘Covid-19 was the digital accelerant of the                period when social distancing measures are                                  This fact is borne out by internal data         served car retailers so well for so long. It means
decade’, reports communications provider                   in place. 65% of customers say they expect                                  released by Auto Trader UK***, which saw        adopting flexible, programmatic tools that
Twilio (Covid-19 Digital Engagement Report),               dealers to respond more quickly to their                                    the average number of monthly visitors to       help engage customers automatically, but
which surveyed thousands of corporate                      emails, while 62% expect dealers to be quicker                     rising by over 20% year-on-    still on a personal level and taking account of
decision-makers.                                           at returning their phone calls (if they can’t get                           year in the months following the end of the     their particular circumstances and needs.
                                                           through first-time).                                                        first lockdown in 2020.
Necessity is the mother of invention, so the                                                                                                                                           This could mean using automated emails
saying goes. The pandemic has meant                        In addition, 44% of customers now expect                                    Furthermore, according to our data, 33% of      to alert prospective used car buyers to
businesses – including car retailers and                   dealers to be quicker at responding to any                                  motorists say they are now more seriously       new stock that matches their specific
workshops – have had to quickly adopt new                  social media enquiries they may have. This                                  considering the purchase of a car, thanks to    requirements.
tools and processes to sustain customer                    could be anything from asking about vehicles                                their reduced household expenditure in 2020.
communication during a period when face-                   that a retailer may have in stock, raising a                                                                                For others, social media might be key to
                                                                                                                                       Among Londoners this figure is even higher,
to-face interaction has been problematical                 complaint, or simply enquiring about opening                                                                                generating conquest custom. Dealers can
                                                                                                                                       with over half of respondents (54%) now more
at best, and patterns of enquiries and sales               hours and the ‘Covid-safe’ measures that a                                                                                  capitalise on a growing opportunity to target
                                                                                                                                       seriously considering the purchase of a car.
have fluctuated wildly.                                    sales or aftersales business has in place.                                                                                  buyers who research potential purchases
                                                                                                                                       Our research also highlights the increased      within social platforms.
The Twilio report found that Covid-19                                                                             Sources:             numbers of younger people looking to buy
had accelerated respondents’ digital                                                                              *Twilio,                                                             Many other businesses will find rich pickings
                                                             Changing demands of UK car buyers                                         a car. Among 18- to 30-year-olds across the
communications strategies by a global                                                                             ‘Covid-19 Digital
                                                                                                                                       UK, almost two thirds (59%) said they were      among their aftersales customers. This is
average of six years. In the UK, the average                                                                      Report’, 2020        more seriously considering buying a car         hardly a surprise when so many drivers have
was estimated at 5.3 years.                                                                                       **Marketing
                                                                                                                                       due to reduced financial outgoings during       delayed an MOT or service for their car due
                                                                                                                  Delivery, OnePoll
                                                                                                                                       lockdown.                                       to lockdown. Digital tools make this seamless,
The changing demands of UK car buyers                                                                             consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                       with a programmatic eCRM-based aftersales
                                                                                                                  survey of 1,000
With five years’ digital development                                                                              UK motorists,        Optimising a virtual showroom                   campaign providing workshops with a
condensed into a matter of months, or                                                                             November 2020
                                                                                                                                       With staffing levels lower than normal, and     competitive edge.
even weeks, many car retailers have                                                                               ***Auto Trader
                                                                                                                                       with limited scope for face-to-face customer
                                                                                                                  UK press release:
proven themselves adept at engaging with                                                                          ‘Growing demand      appointments, businesses are more reliant       For hundreds of UK dealers, electronic
potential customers online. Yet Marketing                                                                         for digital retail
                                                                                                                                       now than ever on their ‘virtual showroom’.      customer relationship management (eCRM)
Delivery’s latest consumer research** has                                                                         offers ‘huge’                                                        tools are now helping to maintain a steady
                                                                                                                  opportunity to
identified some ongoing challenges that                                                                           accelerate sales’,
                                                                                                                                       There’s a greater need for motor retailers to   stream of enquiries on new and used
dealers now face.                                                                                                 20 November 2020     ‘think digital’ – offering the same services    vehicles, as well as drive workshop utilisation.
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6 The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world                                                                                                                                             The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world   7

THE DEALERS’                                                                                           MEET THE PANEL


Leading UK car retailers talk about how they have
faced the challenges brought on by the pandemic
                                                                                                          Jeremy Evans
                                                                                                        Managing Director
                                                                                                        Marketing Delivery
                                                                                                                               data has been critical for some time,       “The ever-changing guidance on                    Having our data in
                                                                                                                               so we were already in a good place          vehicle servicing and MOT was a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                good shape has
                                                                                                                               when the lockdowns started.”                particular challenge and the email
                                                                                                                                                                           campaigns we’ve run have meant                  enabled us to use the
                                                                                                                               KJ: “We know that some dealers              we could keep our guests informed               eCRM tools available
                                                                                                                               desperately tried to ‘fix’ their customer

   he Covid-19 pandemic, and the                           many of the casual, face-to-face
                                                                                                                                                                           at all times during a worrying and                to us and maintain
                                                                                                                               data issues during lockdown, but for
                                                                                                                                                                           confusing time.”                                 quality contact with
   resulting sequence of lockdowns                         conversations with new and long-                                    us it has been a long-term project,

   that closed showrooms and                               standing customers where you find                                   underpinning our digital strategy.          KJ: “Looking across our various                        our customers
workshops across the UK, has created                       out how people really feel. And,                 Ian Godbold        Having our data in good shape has           digital channels, we have probably
an extremely turbulent trading                             if you’re talking to someone in a            Marketing and CRM      enabled us to use the eCRM tools            had more interactions with customers
environment for motor retailers.                           showroom, that is obviously with              Director, Cambria     available to us and maintain quality        and prospects than in previous
                                                           a person who has overcome or set                 Automobiles        contact with our customers.                 years, even with fewer colleagues
We spoke to a number of leading                            aside their concerns. But it’s clear                                                                            available to us. The data-driven
franchised dealers to gather their                         that there is greater hesitancy in                                  “It’s about having the right customer
                                                                                                                                                                           electronic communications have
perspectives on recent challenges,                         the market as a whole.”                                             consents in place, too. We’ve done a
                                                                                                                                                                           been indispensable, doing the heavy
and to explore how they plan to                                                                                                lot of work to ensure we’re ready and
                                                                                                                                                                           lifting and ensuring our customers                   Our survey data
flourish in an increasingly digital-                       Dean Adams: “We’ve done a lot to                                    able to interact with customers online,
                                                           give reassurance about sanitisation                                 and permissions are key. If you don’t       are aware of the changing situation             suggests that 40% of
focused retail landscape.
                                                           at our facilities, but there is obviously                           have consent, it doesn’t matter how         and how we are continuing to look             customers are now less
Reductions in showroom footfall                            a change in attitude toward visits. It’s                            good your data is. The efforts we have      after them.”                                      willing to visit a car
Jeremy Evans: “Our survey data                             meant even more people are moving                                   made over the past few years are                                                           showroom as a direct
suggests that 40% of customers                                                                                                                                             DA: “We’ve used our social media
                                                           enquiries and general communication                                 certainly paying dividends now.”                                                             consequence of the
are now less willing to visit a car                                                                       Keith Jackman                                                    channels even more during the

                                                           online, rather than casually dropping
showroom as a direct consequence of                                                                     Head of Marketing      Changing nature of online interaction       uncertain lockdown periods. As a                       Covid outbreak
                                                           in. More consumers are now aligning
the Covid outbreak. Is that borne out                                                                   and CRM, Sandown       JE: “People talk quite generically about    way of keeping information flowing
                                                           themselves with our existing digital-
by your own experience?”                                                                                  Mercedes-Benz        digital interaction, but have you found     to our community – and enabling
                                                           centric strategies.”
                                                                                                                               that certain channels or forms of digital   us to continue to present offers
Ian Godbold: “It isn’t easy to assess                      The importance of quality data                                      communication have been busier for          and stock – the use of Facebook in
consumer sentiment regarding                               JE: “Given the growing importance of                                you than others during recent months?”      particular has been very effective.
showroom visits. But the simple fact is                    digital communication, have you felt                                                                            Being able to automate some of that
our retail facilities have been forced                     able to rely on your customer data as                               IG: “Email has been so important for        activity has allowed us to maintain
to close periodically, overall footfall is                 much as you’ve needed to?”                                          us. We’ve utilised email to keep our        a strong local presence.                              Email has been so
consequently down, and anecdotally                                                                                             used car stock in front of our guests at                                                   important for us. We’ve
it’s clear that customers are wary about                   IG: “During the lockdowns our ability                               a time when dealerships were closed,        “But it’s not just about one channel,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            utilised email to keep
visiting any physical retail location.”                    to use our data to remain in contact                                and to maintain engagement with the         and it never will be. We have a diverse
                                                           with the right people at the right                                  guest electronically until such time as     digital comms approach to reflect                 our used car stock in
Keith Jackman: “I wouldn’t dispute                         time was a safety net we couldn’t do            Dean Adams          we could welcome them back or bring         the changing needs of a diverse                 front of our guests at a
those numbers. Social distancing                           without. In truth, we’ve felt that having   Head of Marketing and   associates back into the business to        audience. Automation tools help us             time when dealerships
measures mean we’re missing                                rapid access to high-quality customer        CRM, Sinclair Group    talk to them.                               keep the digital plates spinning.”                          were closed
THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
8 The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world                                                                                         The shift to digital: motor retail in a changing world   9

                                                                                                                                                Proportion of respondents who say they would
                                                                                                                                                be more likely to stay in touch with a dealer that

                                                                                             Every nation is                                    shares alerts about relevant vehicle stock via
                                                                                                                                                social channels

                                                                                             best at something




One country, four nations: how car buyers’ attitudes
differ from one region to the next                                                                                                                  0%
                                                                                                                                                           England Scotland   Wales   Northern

     he UK’s primary legislative regions – England, Scotland,                                 of customers expect quicker                       Proportion who say they would be more likely
     Wales and Northern Ireland – have sometimes taken very                                                                                     to book their car in for a service or MOT with a
                                                                                              responses to an enquiry                           dealer that monitors the date on which it is due
     different approaches to dealing with the pandemic. That
might be one reason why we are seeing some distinct regional                                  following the Covid-19 outbreak                   and makes the effort to contact them

differences in our latest consumer survey that benchmarked
attitudes towards the car buying process and how people
prefer to engage with car dealers and workshops.


Proportion who say they are less likely to visit a
car dealership in person when researching a car
purchase because of the outbreak of Covid-19

                                                           Northern Ireland                        of aftersales customers are

                                                                                                   more likely to book an MOT                   Proportion of buyers who say they would take
                                                                                                   with a dealer if that business               their custom to another dealer if they didn’t
                                                                                                                                                receive a response quickly enough
                                                                                                   monitors the test’s due date
                                                           of used car buyers are                  and reminds them to book
                                                           receptive to dealers                    at the right time
                                                           emailing them with details of
                                                           relevant new vehicle stock
Proportion of respondents who say they                                                                       Because of Covid-19 outbreak,
would be more likely to stay in touch with                 Wales                                             the proportion who would now

a dealer that shares alerts about vehicle                                                                    expect a quicker response from
stock similar to their initial enquiry                                                                       a dealer to a sales enquiry (all
                                                                                                             forms of communication)

                                                           of customers are likely to take
                                                           their custom elsewhere if they
                                                           don’t get a response to their
                                                           enquiry quickly enough
THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
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Overcoming the logistical challenges of filling up your workshop

        ur latest consumer research suggests                on file. It also enables workshops to issue
        that 70% of motorists are more likely to            automated MOT or service reminders to
        book a service or MOT with a workshop               customers at set intervals to help instigate
that monitors the due date and makes an                     and manage aftersales custom.
effort to contact them about it in advance.
                                                            Aftersales eCRM: helping dealers to generate
Contacting individual customers regarding                   and retain more aftersales business
forthcoming MOTs might seem like a simple                   MOT Box integrates with our Aftersales
process, but it all-too often falls down due                eCRM (electronic customer relationship
to the logistical complexities of capturing                 management) system. This helps dealers
relevant data and consents for a large                      and workshops engage customers with
number of customers, and then acting on                     mobile-responsive email, SMS and social
that information in a timely fashion.                       media messages.

It’s important to respect preferences for how               The Aftersales eCRM platform is designed
customers wish to be contacted, wherever                    to enhance aftersales retention by sending
practicable (see data below).                               automated marketing messages and MOT
                                                            and service reminders to potential aftersales
We recently launched a digital tool to help                 customers. It can also help dealers track
UK vehicle workshops identify and target                    customer responses to aftersales marketing,
all customers whose vehicle MOT is due                      helping service teams to target future
soon. MOT Box can quickly cross-check                       campaigns even more effectively.

a workshop’s entire customer database
against more than 30 million MOT records
held by the UK’s Driver and Vehicle
Standards Agency (DVSA).                                     Preferred method for customers to be contacted
                                                             by a workshop with MOT and servicing reminders
The system automatically identifies customers
in the workshop’s database who own a
vehicle over three years old with an upcoming
MOT due date. It produces a data extract at
the click of a button, helping dealers target
potential MOT customers with reminders and
aftersales marketing messages in a GDPR-                                                                         of motorists are more likely to
compliant way.
                                                                                                                  book a service or MOT with a
MOT Box can be tailored to the needs of any
individual site or dealer group to integrate                                                                    workshop that monitors the due
directly with their dealer management system,
so dealers can easily review and augment                                                                           date and makes an effort to
records with MOT dates and scheduled
servicing due dates, for all customer records                                                                 contact them about it in advance
THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
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                                                            THE SHIFT
                                                            TO DIGITAL
                                                            How to establish an effective virtual showroom

                                                              f 2020 was the year when dealers              MOT records, the system automatically
                                                              exploited digital communication to            produces a data extract at the click of
                                                              help them withstand a maelstrom of            a button, helping dealer staff target
                                                            unprecedented challenges, 2021 can and          potential customers with reminders
                                                            should be the year in which they hone their     and aftersales marketing messages in
                                                            digital offerings to maximise the myriad        a GDPR-compliant way.
                                                            possibilities and opportunities.
                                                                                                            If you are interested to learn more
                                                            Below is a summary of our product offerings,    about how to increase the effectiveness
                                                            and what they can help you achieve:             of your own virtual dealership, contact
                                                                                                            Marketing Delivery on 01892 599 911 or
                                                            VoiceBox – Sales and aftersales eCRM  
                                                            solutions feature automated ‘programmatic’
                                                            technologies that let dealers control and       Jeremy Evans
                                                            personalise their electronic output. High-      Managing Director, Marketing Delivery
                                                            quality, timely and relevant contact can
                                                            be maintained simultaneously with all
                                                            customers and prospects, tailored to reflect
                                                            previous contact.

                                                            Car Alerts helps keep consumers informed
                                                            either when they have been marked as a
                                                            ‘lost’ lead or after they enquire about a
                                                            vehicle but do not proceed to a purchase.
                                                            Consumers are auto-enrolled, providing
                                                            them with ‘real-time’ alerts when new stock
                                                            arrives that matches their initial enquiry.

                                                            SocialStock targets relevant prospects
                                                            through tailored social media marketing.

    30 million
                                                            Developed specifically for car retailers,
                                                            SocialStock integrates stock remarketing
                                                            and social media advertising tools, and
                                                            automated lead capture for Facebook.
                                                            SocialStock is suitable for any dealer, from
                                                            independent solus sites to larger groups with
                                                            numerous locations and brands.
    MOT records can be cross checked
                                                            MOT Box helps dealers keep on top of
    quickly against a workshop’s entire                     their customer’s MOT requirements. Able
                                                            to quickly cross-check a workshop’s entire
    customer database                                       customer database against over 30 million
THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
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East Sussex TN3 9BD
01892 599 911
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THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery THE SHIFT TO DIGITAL Motor retail in a changing world - Marketing Delivery
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