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Volume 53, ISSUE 2 (MAY - AUG), 2019                                                                     ISSN: 0008-6452

      #Dec18- Twitter Based Trend Analysis Using
                     BoW Models
                                         P.SuthanthiraDevi1, S.Karthika2, and R. Geetha3
                            1, 2, 3
                                  SSN College of Engineering, Department of Information Technology,
                                         Kalavakkam, Chennai-603 110, Tamilnadu, India

     Abstract - Social media is an interactive personal tool to articulate an individual's cognizance. This research work
     involves one such microblogging platform namely Twitter. Trends can simply be defined as the frequently mentioned
     topics throughout the stream of user activities. Mining Twitter data for identifying trending topics provide an
     overview of the topics and issues that are currently popular within the online community. There is a need to
     implement the most effective and suitable methodology for identifying the short term high-intensity discussion topic.
     The trigrams or higher order n-grams are used to determine the trending topic. The trend analysis is performed
     using empirical and linguistic approaches. The empirical approach uses four metrics namely frequency, TF-IDF,
     normalized term frequency and entropy to evaluate the performance of uni-grams. In the case of n-grams, the
     linguistic-based BoW model adapts PMI collocation measure to identify the most trending event within a period of
     time. The proposed tweet based trend analysis experimented during December 2018.

     Keywords-Trends, BoW model, Uni-gram, n-gram, Twitter, Hashtag.

                                                     I. INTRODUCTION

        Twitter is a micro-blogging and social networking website, where users are socially
     connected across the globe. With the advancements in networking, the entire human
     population is brought together under a single umbrella. In Twitter, people convey their
     messages in simple and short posts called tweets that can be 280 characters or less. According
     to a recent study, there are more than 330 million users who contribute nearly a minimum of
     340 million tweets per day [7]. A user can follow any other Twitter user just by clicking the
     „follow‟ button. As a follower, the person can see all the updates posted by that person. The
     hashtag is used in twitter by the users while tweeting about any real-time event making it
     easy for other users to follow about a specific topic. Twitter‟s streaming data provides quite a
     huge number of tweets that can be mined. Twitter consists of a lot of personal and irrelevant
     information in the context of trend analysis. The bursty tweet which leads to a sudden
     increase in a number of tweets on a specific topic at a specific period majorly contributes to
     this work. This research work deals on expanding the unigram BoW model to bigram,
     trigrams and higher order n-grams to deal with all unseen and unknown words combination
     for analyzing the online trends.

                                                   II.   RELATED WORK
        The researches on trend detection mainly focus on a number of tweets posted about the
     emerging topic. The goal of this research is to detect the most trending topics in a given time
     period using the aggregation of the state of art algorithms to deal with higher order grams.
     James Benhardus discussed different unigram and bigram techniques like relative normalized
     term frequency analysis and inverse document frequency analysis to detect trends in the
     collected data. The results are then evaluated with the standard metrics and compared with the
     real world trending events [3]. A simple model has been proposed for finding bursty topics
     from micro blog‟s that considers both temporal and user‟s personal information. The
     unwanted information is filtered out by different techniques to effectively analyze the data.
     The result is then compared it with the outcome of the standard LDA [1], [5].
     Luca Maria Aiello, et al. proposed a topic detection method that uses consistent ranking
     methods and preprocessing methods including tokenization, stemming and aggregation [2].
     Ishikawa, Shota, et al. introduced a novel detection scheme for hot topics on Twitter by
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Volume 53, ISSUE 2 (MAY - AUG), 2019                                                    ISSN: 0008-6452

     ranking the number of topic‟s tweets. Data from a local geographical region is collected for a
     specified time period and classifies the tweets according to the keywords found in them. They
     also find the semantic fluctuations in the collected data that may prove as a challenge for pre-
     processing [9], [8]. „Eventradar‟ is a real-time local event detection scheme that detects social
     events currently happening around the user with DBSCAN algorithm. The scheme focuses on
     local events detected that were left as unrelated by previous systems that considered only
     global events in the given time period [4]. The work done on analyzing new topics in Twitter
     by Rong Lu and Qing Yang monitors keywords and finds trend momentum to predict the
     trends and discuss the changes in trends using tendency indicators in technical analysis of
     stocks[10], [13]. Carlos Martin has proposed a paper for detecting real-time topics using
     bursty n-grams. They have detected the real-time trending topics using tweets that were found
     to be drastically increased compared to other tweets in their collection [11]. Mikhail Dykov in
     his paper described a method, which evaluates grammatical relations in a flow of messages on
     a particular subject taking into consideration both the frequency and semantic similarity
     among the pairs of relations [6].
        In this paper, the authors have used the Twitter Streaming API to build the repository of
     tweets. The tweet features like id, source attributes, time of the tweet, retweets and user‟s
     personal details are identified. The tweets are further pre-processed based on the short text
     and standard NLP rules. It is then subjected to different state of art algorithms and finally, the
     recognized term vectors of each model are compared to detect the list of trending topics over
     a period of time. The trending topic analysis is carried out in two phases. In the initial phase,
     the empirical and linguistic approaches are used to analyze uni-grams and bi-grams
     respectively. In the later phase, the recognized BoWis evaluated based on the correlation
     metrics. The empirical approach performs the analysis using raw frequency, TF-IDF,
     normalized TF-IDF, and entropy. The linguistic approach uses word collocation for bi-gram,
     tri-gram, and n-grams.
     Empirical approach: The raw frequency methodology is a brute force approach but it
     identifies the trending topic by counting the number of time a particular word occurs in the
     collection of tweets. This method cannot be used autonomously as it only considers the mere
     count of the terms. This count factor is used in the following approaches to set sensible
     threshold. In some cases, certain terms will have higher frequency but their need for the
     analysis is least required. For instance, the terms like “I” “we” “rt” (retweet), etc., are
     miscellaneous words whose occurrences are identified based on the raw frequency and they
     are appended to the stop word list [18]. The TF-IDF is Term Frequency-Inverse Document
     Frequency approach uses the indexing of vector terms to reflect the significance of a word in
     the collection of documents and also shows its relevance. The documents can either be tweets
     collected at certain time intervals or every tweet can be considered as a document. In the
     proposed implementation, each tweet is taken as a document. The TF-IDF score is always
     greater than 0. Normalized term frequency is the next method that uses each and every term‟s
     frequency in the given document [3]. The following equations illustrate the term frequencies
                              tfi,j = ni,j                                        (1)
     where ni,j is the number of times word i occurs in document j.
                              idfi = log d                                        (2)
     where di is the number of documents that contain word i and D is the total number of
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Volume 53, ISSUE 2 (MAY - AUG), 2019                                                            ISSN: 0008-6452

                            TF-IDF=tfi,j*idfi                                   (3)
                             tf(i, j) = log ( 1 + fi,j)                         (4)
     Entropy illustrates the certainty of a vector which is used for the trend identification. The
     entropy weights are never a negative value as it is a probabilistic approach of identifying the
     certainty of vector occurrence.
                                      n ji         n ji
                             Hi=-   j N      log                                         (5)
     where nj,i is a number of times word j occurs in the collection of tweets containing term i.
                             N = - j nj,i                                           (6)
     Linguistic Approach: The linguistic approach adapts the evaluation based on bigrams,
     trigrams, and quadgrams [17]. A bigram is a sequence of two adjacent elements from
     a string of tokens, which are typically words or terms. A bigram is an n-gram for n =
     2.Trigrams are a special case of the n-gram, where n is 3. This method calculates the
     collocation measure for all the bigrams and trigrams in the document. Collocation is a co-
     occurrence analysis where a sequence of vectors co-exists more often than by chance. The
     association scores like Mutual Inclusion (MI), t-scores or log likelihood are used to rank the
     collocated results [12].MI is a measure of mutual dependence between two random variables.
     It quantifies the amount of information obtained about a random variable through another
     random variable. Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) is a measure of association used
     in information theory and statistics. Mathematically, PMI of a pair of outcomes representing
     the vectors in the higher order n-grams is used to quantify the discrepancy between the
     probability of their coincidence given their joint distribution and their individual distributions.
                               PMI(x;y)=log p                                             (7)
                                                          x p(y)
      The following pseudo-code formally represents the proposed trend analysis:
                                     TABLE I.             ALGORITHM FOR TREND ANALYSIS

            Algorithm: Trend analysis
            Input: Tweets collected using streaming API
            Output:Vectors of trending event
                            /* Tweet collection using Twitter Streaming API */
           auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
           auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
            stream = tweepy.Stream(auth, l)
                                        /* Pre-processing of tweets*/
           tokens = word_tokenize(text)
           tokens = [w.lower() for w in tokens]
           words = [word for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
           stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
           for word in tokens
                                          /* Empirical approach*/
           for word in match_pattern:
           count = frequency.get(word,0)
           frequency[word] = count + 1                               /* Raw frequency*/
           frequency_list = frequency.keys()
           files = glob.glob("*.txt")                               /*Makes a list of all files in
           bloblist = [ ]
           for file1 in files:
           with open (file1, 'r') as f:
           data = f.read()                                     /*Reads document content into a
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Volume 53, ISSUE 2 (MAY - AUG), 2019                                                           ISSN: 0008-6452

           document = tb(data.decode("utf-8"))                    /*Makes TextBlob object*/
           def tf(word, blob):
                return (float)(blob.words.count(word)) / (float) (len(blob.words))
           def idf(word, bloblist):
                return (float)(math.log(len(bloblist)) / (float)(1 + n_containing(word, bloblist)))
           def tfidf(word, blob, bloblist):
               return (float)((float)(tf(word, blob))) * (float)(idf(word, bloblist))
               scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words}
           for x in iterator():
           p_x = float(data.count(chr(x)))/len(data)
                 if p_x> 0:
                    norm += math.log(1 + (p_x, 2))
               return norm
           for y in iterator():                            /* Computation of entropy*/
           p_y = float(d.count(chr(y)))/len(d)
                 if p_y> 0:
                    entropy += - p_y*math.log(p_y, 2)
              return entropy
                                           /* Linguistic Approach*/
           tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(raw)
           bgs = nltk.bigrams(tokens)                  /* Computation of bi-grams */
           fdist = nltk.FreqDist(bgs)
           trgs = nltk.trigrams(tokens)             /* Computation of tri-grams */
           fdist = nltk.FreqDist(trgs)
           tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(raw)                               /* Computation of quad-
           grams */
           quadgram_measures = QuadgramAssocMeasures()
                                  /* Computation of collocation metrics */
           bigram_measures = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
                     finder = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(tokens)
                     results = finder.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.pmi)
           trigram_measures = nltk.collocations.TrigramAssocMeasures()
                     finder = TrigramCollocationFinder.from_words(tokens)
                     results = finder.score_ngrams(trigram_measures.pmi)
           finder = QuadgramCollocationFinder.from_words(tokens)
                     results = finder.score_ngrams(quadgram_measures.pmi)

                                          IV.   RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

     In the twitter streaming API is a python data scrapper. The data set was built using the
     hashtags like #new, #RAW, #Christmas, #love, #ashes during December 2018. It resulted in
     2, 42,700 English tweets from 350 users. The collected data can either be stored in JSON
     object format or it can be stored in any non-SQL database for further parsing using scripts.
     The tweets collected using twitter API were preprocessed using the six rules namely removal
     of URLs, Unicode characters, punctuations, hashtags and stop words. The authors present the
     following tweet collected under the hashtag #RAW which is a famous and professional
     woman wrestling TV program for analyzing and understanding the empirical and linguistic
     approaches [14] [15].

       “RT @NoelleFoley: WOMEN\u2019S ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH?!?!?!? OHHHH
     GOOSEBUMPS!!!!! #\u2026”.
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Volume 53, ISSUE 2 (MAY - AUG), 2019                                                   ISSN: 0008-6452

                               Sample Data                      Preprocessed Data
                  #new Digital Hair Straightener           Digital Hair Straightener
                  & Detangling Brush-Ceramic           amp Detangling Brush
                  Iron Teeth Heated Straightening          Ceramic Iron Teeth Heated
                  Comb-Professional Salon S\u2026          Straightening       Comb
                  https://t.co/1izK9ceoWq                  Professional Salon
                  RT @TheHarryNews: #New | Harry Harry fan NYC July
                  with a fan in NYC \n\nJuly 21, 2018
                  \u2022                        \u00a9
                  RT @DanGriffinWLWT: #NEW at              Two women NKY out
                  11: Two women from NKY are out           tonight trying to make sure
                  tonight trying to make sure people       people     without   home
                  without a home are staying warm and      staying warm alive
                  alive in\u2026

     After pre-processing the above tweet, women royal rumble match god goosebumps are the
     identified term vectors.Figure1 presents the results based on empirical analysis. The raw
     frequency shows that the term vector match is in the highest occurrence.

                  Fig. 1. An empirical approach using raw frequency, TF-IDF, Entropy

     The presence of the terms God and goosebumps were not recognized using this technique. In
     the latter approaches, all the terms were identified. The vectors match and women have been
     the most influential terms in TF-IDF and Entropy. The threshold value is set as 0.001 for TF-
     IDF. The value appears to be trivial. Contradictorily, it highlights the fact that all the tweets
     are collected based on a specific hashtag and so the term vector and tweet correlation are very
     high resulting in lower threshold value. Similarly, the threshold for entropy is 1.0 as all the
     terms contribute to the gain value and always retains positive values only.

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                    Fig. 2. Linguistic trend analysis using Bi-gram and Tri-grams

     Figure 2 presents the sample of frequently occurring bi-grams and tri-grams using raw
     frequency. It can be inferred that the #RAW has been widely discussed by the users followed
     by the #Christmas. The linguistic approach has been improved by using the collocation
     metric. This presents the semantic correlation among the n-grams in the tweets.

                                                                        PMI       Trending
             Method      Terms
                                                                        Score     Topic
                         ('professional', 'wrestling')                   9.026    RAW
                         ('live', 'christmas')                           8.616    Christmas

             Tri-        ('professional', 'wrestling', 'urn')            18.565   RAW
             gram        ('Christmas', 'night', 'Chicago')                        Christmas
             Quad-       ('suffered', 'right', 'arm', 'injury')          23.741   RAW
             gram        ('tonight', 'female', 'superstars', 'raise')             RAW

     The above-presented table illustrates the highly related term vectors based on the PMI score.
     In the case of n-grams, PMI determines the collocation of terms in conjunction with each
     other and also the impact of the same independent vectors. The analysis presents that the
     #RAW and #Christmas are predominantly discussed during December 2018 [16]. The authors
     conclude from the quad-grams results is that the impact of n-grams will become constant after
     a specific value of n. In the above case, as the value of n was increased above 4 the results
     remained unchanged and higher order n had no impact in trend analysis.
                                    V.    CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
     The proposed research work has explored the empirical and linguistic approaches for Twitter-
     based trend analysis deploying short text. It has been inferred that topic detection is usually
     done through unigrams and bigrams but when trigrams and quad-grams are selected, the users
     can semantically derive better results. The conclusion work includes proving that there is a
     saturation of recognizing the trending term vector as the value of n increases beyond the

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     value of 4. In the timeline of December 2018, it has been found that #RAW and #Christmas
     have been predominantly trending. This work can further be extended for spam detection.
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