Bilingual Dictionary Induction for Bantu Languages

Page created by Greg Guerrero
Bilingual Dictionary Induction for Bantu Languages

                                                                                        Ndapa Nakashole
                                                                                Computer Science and Engineering
                                                                                University of California, San Diego
                                                                                       La Jolla, CA 92093


                                             We present a method for learning bilin-
arXiv:1811.07080v1 [cs.CL] 17 Nov 2018

                                             gual translation dictionaries between En-
                                             glish and Bantu languages. We show that
                                             exploiting the grammatical structure com-
                                             mon to Bantu languages enables bilingual
                                             dictionary induction for languages where
                                             training data is unavailable.

                                         1   Introduction                                               Figure 1: Bantu languages are spoken over much
                                                                                                        of central and southern Africa.
                                         Bilingual dictionaries mostly exist for resource-
                                         rich language pairs, for example, English-German
                                         and English-Chinese (Koehn and Knight, 2002;                      As with other low resource languages, labeled
                                         Haghighi et al., 2008; Ammar et al., 2016;                     data for Bantu languages is scare. We seek to
                                         Faruqui and Dyer, 2014). Such dictionaries                     exploit the Bantu grammar structure to mitigate
                                         are useful for many natural language processing                lack of labeled data. More specifically, we ask
                                         (NLP) tasks including statistical machine trans-               the following question: given a small bilingual
                                         lation, cross-lingual information retrieval, and               dictionary between English and one Bantu lan-
                                         cross-lingual transfer of NLP models such as those             guage, Lbantu1 , can we 1) infer missing entries
                                         for part-of-speech tagging and dependency pars-                in the English − Lbantu1 dictionary 2) generate
                                         ing (Täckström et al., 2012; Guo et al., 2015;               a new bilingual dictionary English − Lbantu2 for
                                         Gouws and Søgaard, 2015). In this paper, we                    another Bantu language for which labeled data is
                                         consider the task of bilingual dictionary induc-               unavailable. To answer this question we propose
                                         tion for English and Bantu languages. Bantu lan-               an approach based on distributed representations
                                         guages are a family of over 3001 mutually in-                  of words (Turney and Pantel, 2010; Mikolov et
                                         telligible languages spoken over much of cen-                  al., 2013a). The first step is to create a vector
                                         tral and southern Africa, see the map2 in Figure               space for each language, derived from a text cor-
                                         1 (Guthrie, 1948; Nurse and Philippson, 2003).                 pus for the language. Notice that these text cor-
                                         About a third of Africans speak a Bantu language               pora need not be aligned. The second step is to
                                         as their native language (Nurse and Tucker, 2001).             perform dictionary induction by learning a linear
                                         The most widely spoken, with over 10 million                   projection, in the form of a matrix, between lan-
                                         speakers3 each, include Swahili (Kenya, Uganda),               guage vector spaces (Mikolov et al., 2013b; Dinu
                                         Shona (Zimbabwe), Zulu (South Africa), and Kin-                and Baroni, 2014; Lazaridou et al., 2015). Our
                                         yarwanda (Rwanda, Uganda).                                     key insight for Bantu languages is that one can
                                                                                                        create a single vector space for them, obviating
                                              Between 300 and 600, depending on where the line is       the need for learning a projection matrix for each
                                         drawn between language and dialect.
                                            2                                                           Bantu language. This means we only need to learn
                                               Image from
                                         stammen/bantu-stammen                                          a single projection matrix, for inducing multiple
                                                                    English to Bantu bilingual dictionaries, using the
small bilingual dictionary English−Lbantu1 . Ad-       tions from the source language to the target lan-
ditionally, we modify the corpus corresponding to      guage. Training data is comprised of vector repre-
Lbantu2 to have a greater vocabulary intersection      sentations of word pairs Dtr = {xi , yi }m
                                                                                                i=1 , where
with Lbantu1 . This step is inspired by the exten-     xi ∈ Rs is the vector for word i in the source lan-
sive use of bases and affixes, common to Bantu         guage, and yi ∈ Rt is the vector for its translation
languages. Words with the same meaning often           in the target language. At test time, we predict the
differ only in the affixes with the base being simi-   target word translations for new source language
lar or the same. We therefore use edit distance to     words, Dte = {xj }ni=1 where xj ∈ Rs . In our
replace some fraction of the words of Lbantu2 with     case, the source language is a Bantu language and
similar words in Lbantu1 .                             the target language is English.
                                                          This approach assumes that there is linear rela-
Contribution. 1). Unsupervised Bantu lan-              tionship between the two vector spaces. Thus, the
guage dictionary induction: To the best of our         learning problem is to find a matrix W that maps a
knowledge, our work is the first effort to cre-        source language word vector xi to the vector of its
ate bilingual dictionaries for Bantu languages us-     translation yi in the target language. As in (Dinu
ing unsupervised machine learning methods. 2)          and Baroni, 2014), we use an l2-regularized least
Data: We collect corpora for seven Bantu lan-          squares error to learn the projection matrix W.
guages. Having had access to a first language
speaker of two Bantu languages, we obtained la-              Ŵ = arg min ||XW − Y||F + λ||W||                  (1)
beled which we make available along with the                       W∈Rs×t
corpora, for further research into NLP for Bantu
                                                       where X and Y are matrices representing the
languages. 3) Dictionary induction almost from
                                                       source and target vectors in the training data, re-
scratch: We propose a method for dictionary in-
                                                       spectively. For a new Bantu word whose vector
duction that only requires training data in one of
                                                       representation is xj ∈ Rs , we map it to English by
the Bantu languages. Our experiments show the
                                                       computing yˆj = Ŵxj where yˆj ∈ Rt , and then
potential of our approach.
                                                       finding the English word whose vector represen-
2     Approach                                         tation is closest to yˆj , as measured by the cosine
                                                       similarity distance metric.
2.1    Distributed Representation
                                                       2.3    Bantu Language Structure
Distributed representations of words, in the form
                                                       The word “Bantu” is derived from the word
of real-valued vectors, encode word semantics
                                                       for “people”, which has striking similarities
based on collocation of words in text (Turney
                                                       in many Bantu languages (Guthrie, 1948;
and Pantel, 2010; Mikolov et al., 2013a; Ammar
                                                       Nurse and Philippson, 2003). In Zulu (South
et al., 2016). Such vector representations have
                                                       Africa) “abantu” 4 means people; in Swahili
been shown to improve performance of various
                                                       (Kenya, Uganda) “watu” ; in Ndonga (Namibia)
NLP tasks including semantic role labeling, part-
                                                       “aantu”; in Sesotho (Lesotho) “batho”; in
of-speech tagging, and named entity recognition
                                                       Herero (Namibia) “ovandu”; and in Kwanyama
(Collobert et al., 2011). In this work we use the
                                                       (Namibia, Angola) “ovanhu”. it is often used
skip-gram model with negative sampling to gen-
                                                       in the philosophical sense ” 5 . While Bantu
erate word vectors (Mikolov et al., 2013a). It is
                                                       languages may differ in vocabulary, in some
one of the most competitive methods for generat-
                                                       cases quite substantially, they share the same
ing word vector representations, as demonstrated
by results on a various semantic tasks (Baroni et          4
                                                             Ubuntu is Zulu for humanity or the essence of being hu-
al., 2014; Mikolov et al., 2013b).                     man.
                                                             South African Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond
                                                       Tutu describes Ubuntu as: ”It is the essence of being human.
2.2    Bilingual Dictionary Induction                  It speaks of the fact that my humanity is caught up and is
                                                       inextricably bound up in yours. “A person with Ubuntu is
To induce a bilingual dictionary for a pair of lan-    open and available to others, affirming of others, does not
guages, we use the projection matrix approach          feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a
(Mikolov et al., 2013b; Dinu and Baroni, 2014;         proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or
                                                       she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when oth-
Lazaridou et al., 2015). It takes as input a small     ers are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or
bilingual dictionary containing pairs of transla-      oppressed. ”
Voca-    KW            English -EN        Kwanyama-KW           Ndonga-ND
                       Tokens        bulary   vocab ∩       people             ovanhu                aantu
 KW-kwanyama           732,939       33,522   33,522        return             aluka                 galuka
 ND-Ndonga             732,939       33,522   3,769         child              okaana                omunona
 SW-Swahili            694,511       49,356   173           things             oinima                iinima
 KK-Kikuyu             718,320       53623    126           ears               omakutwi              omakutsi
 SH-Shona              570,778       64,073   222           women              ovakainhu             aakiintu
 CW-Chewa              669, 352      53148    206           tongue             elaka                 elaka
 TS-Tswana             101,1750      23,384   126           darkness           omulaulu              omilema
 EN-English            875,710       13,897   26            feet               eemhadi               oompadhi
 IT-Italian            829,709       29,534   78            sins               omatimba              oondjo

Table 1: Corpora crawled from seven          Table 2: Examples of English, Kwanyama, and
Bantu and two Indo-European languages.                  Ndonga translations

                                                                           Target           Training
grammatical structure. A prominent aspect of the                           Vocabulary       Dictionary        Test
grammar of Bantu languages is the extensive use             EN-KW          33,522           2,142             107
of bases and affixes. For example, in the country           EN-IT          200,000          5,000             1,500
of Botswana, from the base Tswana, the people               EN-ND          32,026           0                 104
of Botwana are the Batswana, one person is a
Motswana, and the language is Setswana. We
                                                        Table 3: Training and test data for dictionary in-
seek to exploit this property by performing edit
distance corpus modifications before learning the
projection matrix.
                                                        Cbantu = Cbantu1 ∪ Ĉbantu2 . Applying the skip-
2.4     Single Projection Matrix                        gram model to Cbantu , generates word vectors, ev-
We hypothesize that we only need to learn one           ery wi ∈ Cbantu has a vector xi ∈ Rs . For En-
projection matrix, W in Equation 1. Our labeled         glish, we use the 300-dimensional pre-trained vec-
data is a small bilingual dictionary English −          tors trained the Google News dataset 8 , so that ev-
Lbantu1 , between English and a Bantu language          ery English word has a vector yi ∈ Rt . Finally, we
Lbantu1 . We would like to be able to infer missing     W using the training data, Dtr = {xi , yi }mi=1 . At
entries in the English − Lbantu1 dictionary, and        test time, we predict the target word translations
to generate a new dictionary, English − Lbantu2 ,       for unseen Bantu words, Dte = {xj }ni=1 , which
a language pair for which labeled data is unavail-      can either be in language Lbantu1 or Lbantu2 .
able. The core idea is to create only one vec-          3        Experimental Evaluation
tor space for the two Bantu languages. First we
generate a lexicon, lexb2 , containing words that       Data. We crawled for bibles of 9 lan-
appear in the corpus of Lbantu2 . Next, for each        guages, 7 Bantu and 2 Indo-European, Italian
w ∈ lexb2 we find all words in lexb1 , the lexicon      and English. The latter were used for compari-
of language Lbantu1 , whose edit distance to w is       son. Corpora statistics are shown in Table 1. In
a small value Φ6 . Thus, each word w ∈ lexb2            our experiments, we focused on Kwanyama, spo-
has a list of words from lexb1 , Sw = {w1 ∈             ken Namibia and Angola, as we had access to a
Lexb1 : editditance(w, w1)
P@1     P@5    P@10     RD
                                                                                                              EN-ND (J-KW-R)
                                             =0.10                                     EN-KW                  EN-ND (RD)
 EN-KW               0.30    0.56   0.58     0.86                                      EN-KW(RD)              EN-ND-IT
                                                                              1                           1
 EN-KW (RD)          0.00    0.00   0.00     0.10
                                                                             0.8                        0.8
 EN-IT               0.34    0.48   0.54     0.94

                                                         Precision @ top-K
 EN-IT (RD)          0.00    0.00   0.00     0.10                            0.6                        0.6
 EN-ND (J-IT)        0.00    0.00   0.00     0.39
                                                                             0.4                        0.4
 EN-ND (J-KW)        0.07    0.16   0.18     0.63
 EN-ND (J-KW-R)      0.10    0.18   0.20     0.60                            0.2                        0.2
 EN-ND (RD)          0.00    0.00   0.00     0.1
                                                                              0                           0


Table 4: Precision at Top-K for various language                                            K                       K
                                                                                   Figure 2: Trend for precision at top-k

in common have different meanings. For exam-
                                                        before combining the two corpora, and using the
ple: The word “male” in English refers to gen-
                                                        EN-KW training data. Among these three op-
der, in Kwanyama “male” means “tall” or “deep”.
                                                        tions, EN-ND (J-KW-R) performs best, especially
Our Kwayama first language speaker also has five
                                                        at small values of k, ie, k =1, 5, 10. Addition-
years of formal training in Ndonga, which is a di-
                                                        ally, EN-ND (J-KW) outperforms EN-ND (J-IT),
alect of the same language as Kwanyama. We
                                                        which is to be expected because ND, Ndonga,
therefore focus on these two Bantu languages in
                                                        a Bantu language is much more similar to KW,
our experiments. Table 2 shows some examples of
                                                        Kwanyama than to the Indo-European language,
English, Kwanyama and Ndonga translations. De-
                                                        IT, Italian.
tails of the training and test data are shown in Ta-
                                                           Figure 2 shows the top-k precision trends for
ble 3. For all languages, we used 300-dimensional
                                                        various values of k. For the EN-KW pair, left
word vectors.
                                                        of Figure 2, there is a bigger gap between EN-
                                                        KW and random chance EN-KW (RD). On the
Results. Table 4 shows the main results in terms
                                                        other hand, for the EN-ND pair, the right of Figure
of precision at top-k, the last column, RD = 0.10
                                                        2, the gap between our approach EN-ND (J-KW-
shows precision at the value of k which yields ran-
                                                        R) and random choice, EN-ND (RD) is smaller.
dom chance of 10% precision. The top two rows
                                                        However, it is also clear that the precision at top-k
show the results of bilingual dictionary induction
                                                        trend is much better when we make use of train-
between English and Kwanyama. We compare
                                                        ing data from Kwanyama EN-ND (J-KW-R), in-
the projection matrix approach, EN-KW, to ran-
                                                        stead of training data from Italian EN-ND (J-IT).
dom chance, EN-KW (RD). We can see that EN-
                                                        This result is encouraging for future work towards
KW far outperforms chance. This result is promis-
                                                        inducing accurate bilingual dictionaries for Bantu
ing given that our annotator only generated about
                                                        languages without labeled data. Future directions
2, 142 labeled examples. In particular, English-
                                                        include collecting more training data from pop-
Italian (EN-IT) with a larger dictionary of 5, 000
                                                        ular Bantu languages such as Swahili and Zulu;
word pairs, produced by (Dinu and Baroni, 2014),
                                                        proposing alternative methods to dictionary induc-
achieves similar numbers, however it is worth not-
                                                        tion; and inducing dictionaries for more Bantu lan-
ing that the EN-IT test data set is also much larger.
For the English-Ndonga, EN-ND, language pair,
we have no labeled data. We consider three cases:       4                    Conclusion
1) EN-ND (J-KW), for this case, we concatenate
the Kwanyama and Ndonga corpora and use the             In prior work, bilingual dictionary induction has
EN-KW training data to induce the EN-ND dictio-         been studied mostly for resource rich languages.
nary. 2) EN-ND (J-IT), we concatenate the Italian       (Lazaridou et al., 2015; Upadhyay et al., 2016;
and Ndonga corpora and use the EN-IT training           Faruqui and Dyer, 2014; Mikolov et al., 2013b;
data to induce EN-ND dictionary. 3) EN-ND (J-           Ammar et al., 2016; Haghighi et al., 2008). We
KW-R), this is our approach where we first modify       have introduced an approach where we create one
the Ndonga corpus to look more like Kwanyama            vector space for Bantu languages in order to ex-
ploit labeled data available for one language but
not for another. Given that there are over 300
Bantu languages, and not all of them have train-
ing data, we believe approaches that rely on their
shared grammar will be important for bringing
NLP methods to this family of languages.
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