Page created by Josephine Oconnor
Festival & Outdoor              THE LATIN SIDE
                    Concert Guide                OF HOT HOUSE P42
                     pages 30-41

June 2018                          
Smoke Jazz & Supper Club   Page 17   Blue Note                  Page 19

        Lezlie Harrison                      Paquito D'Rivera

        Randy Brecker                            John Bailey
Jazz Forum                 Page 10   Smalls Jazz Club           Page 10

             Where To Go & Who To See Since 1982
WINNING SPINS                                                         By George K anzler

     cally extroverts, confident and proud
  with a sound and tone to match. That's
                                                           outing on soprano sax.
                                                              Live 1988, Randy Brecker Quintet
                                                           (MVDvisual, DVD & CD), features the
  true of the two trumpeters whose albums                  reissue of a long out-of-print album as a
  comprise this Winning Spins: John Bailey                 CD, accompanying a previously unreleased
  and Randy Brecker. Both are veterans of                  DVD of the live date, at Greenwich
  the jazz scene, but with very different                  Village's Sweet Basil, one of New York's
  career arcs. John has toiled as a first-call             most prominent jazz clubs in the 1980s
  trumpeter for big bands and recording ses-               and 1990s. The DVD shows the wood walls
  sions in multiple genres for over 30 years,              that made the club's acoustics appealing
  but never before releasing an album in his               for live recordings, while also showing the
  own name. While Randy has had a major                    late 1980s fashion for wide shoulder pads,
  career that saw his first disc as a co-leader            worn by Randy and tenor saxophonist Bob
  with his late brother, saxophonist Michael,              Berg, the latter also sporting a then trendy
  50 years ago.                                            turtleneck. Included on the DVD are two
     In Real Time, John Bailey (Summit                     bonus tracks not on the audio album,
  Records), reveals a trumpeter in his prime,              which has seven selections.
  reeling off runs and phrases with consum-                   Except for Cole Porter's "Love for Sale,"
  mate technique and admirable logic. John                 all the tunes on both discs are Randy's
  leads a piano-less quintet featuring Stacy               originals, many of them with elaborate
  Dillard, tenor and soprano saxes; John                   melodic lines. But what distinguishes this
  Hart, guitar; Cameron Brown, bass, and                   recording is the intense energy of the
  Victor Lewis, drums. Seven of the CD's                   music, a reflection of the volatile times. It
  nine tracks are originals by the leader that             is very much a chronicle of the moment,
  range from hard bop to blues to a swinging               the band fueled by Joey Baron's volcanic,
  waltz. The two other tunes are by giants of              whirling dervish attack on his drum kit,
  Brazilian music.                                         Cameron Brown's hefty, thumping bass,
     On Milton Nascimento's "Morro Velho,"                 and David Kikoski's two-fisted approach to
  John plays flugelhorn with Leo Grinhauz,                 both piano and synthesizer.
  cello; John's wife, Janet Axelrod, flute;                   But it is Joey's ebullient polyrhythms,
  Cameron and Victor. His captivating, exot-               reminiscent of Elvin Jones, that bolster
  ic arrangement pairs flugelhorn and cello                every tune and solo, pushing especially the
  echoing and soloing with each other.                     horns to febrile heights, like Randy's
  Tandem soloing from trumpet, guitar and                  brash, high flying excursion on "Mojoe," a
  tenor sax also dominates the other                       tribute to Joe Henderson. "Ting Chang," a
  Brazilian tune, Gilberto Gil's bossa                     speedy hard bop tune, begins with an
  "Ensaio Geral," the bright, short conclu-                explosion of drums and piano that contin-
  sion to the album.                                       ues under kinetic solos from Bob's growl-
     The CD kicks off with John's                          ing, hard-edged tenor and Randy's daz-
  "Rhapsody," a piece that belies its name                 zling, mercurial trumpet. Randy's composi-
  with a rollicking rhythm and joyful, exu-                tional talents shine on "Moontide," a piece
  berant solos. John mines his bebop and                   that plays off the "spacier" vibe of Herbie
  hard bop knowledge on three originals:                   Hancock tunes like "Maiden Voyage,"
  "Triplicity," a multi-strand theme with                  trumpet and tenor weaving through a
  quick-step trades between the horns and                  modal-like theme with fluid, contrasting
  guitar; "Blues for Ella," a fast, staccato bop           times.
  blues line with an especially fluent, crisp                 Randy nods to the Miles Davis influence
  trumpet solo; and "Stepping Up," a hard                  on "Love for Sale," employing a Harmon
  bop piece that culminates in exhilarating                mute over Joey's brushes. "Hurdy Gurdy"
  four-bar trades.                                         evokes the title instrument in David's syn-
     John's versatility comes to the fore on               thesizer and in hard beats over a circus
  three other tracks. "My Man Louis!" (for                 inspired melody. It all adds up to an ener-
  his teenage son, not Satchmo) rides over a               getic revival of a most worthy item in
  jaunty ostinato riff from bass and guitar                Randy's discography.
  and a trumpet solo of precisely clipped
  notes. "Lovely Planet" is a melodically ele-                John Bailey's quintet celebrates the
  giac ballad with Cameron's bass prominent                release of In Real Time at Smalls Jazz
  under John's trumpet. And "Children's                    Club, June 22-23. The Randy Brecker
  Waltz" is in a seductively swinging 3/4,                 Quintet is at Jazz Forum, June 1-2.
  John's flugelhorn joined by Stacy's only

10 D'Rivera cover photo by Geandy Pavon, Harrison by David A. Powell.
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PUBLISHER/MANAGING EDITOR:                                 For advertising requests and listing
Gwen Kelley (formerly Calvier)                                information contact Gwen Kelley                                    203-434-4646/
COPY EDITOR: Yvonne Ervin                              Hot House Jazz Magazine is published monthly and all
                                                        copyrights are the property of Gwen Kelley. All rights
                                                    reserved. No material may be reproduced without written
                                                      permission of the President. No unsolicited manuscripts
Karen Pica
                                                        will be returned unless enclosed with a self addressed
                                                   stamped envelope. Domestic subscriptions areavailable for
Ken Dryden, Nick Dunston,
                                                          $37 annually (sent first class). For Canada $39 and
Yvonne Ervin, Ken Franckling,                                                                international $50.
Raul da Gama, Seton Hawkins,                         PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Dave N Dittmann
Eugene Holley Jr., Stephanie Jones,                         CO-FOUNDERS: Gene Kalbacher,
George Kanzler, Elzy Kolb, Michael G. Nastos,                   Lynn Taterka & Jeff Levenson
Cary Tone, Gary Walker, Eric Wendell               For press releases and CD revues send a copy to
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER: Fran Kaufman          Gwen Kelley: PO Box 20212 - New York, NY 10025

                                                                            UPPER MANHATTAN
                                                                                 (Above 70th Street)
                                                                  449 LA: 449 Lenox Av (bet 132nd & 133rd Sts).
                                                                     212-234-3298. Sun: 1-3:30&4-7pm Patio
                                                                     Jazz; Thurs: 1-3:30pm Jazz & Dessert; Fri-
                                                                  BILL’S PLACE: 148W 133rd St (bet Lenox & 7th
                                                                     Sat: 8:30pm.
                                                                     Avs). 212-281-
                                                                     0777. Fri-Sat: 8&10pm $20 don Bill Saxton
                                                                  BLOOMINGDALE SCHOOL OF MUSIC:
                                                                     Bebop Band.
                                                                     323W 108th St. 212-663-
                                                                  CLEOPATRA’S NEEDLE: 2485 Bway (bet
                                                                     6021. Jun 1: 7pm free adm Zach Lapidus Trio.
                                                                     92nd & 93rd Sts). www.cleopatrasneedleny.
                                                                     com. 212-769-6969. Sets: Early (E), Late (L);
                                                                     Sun E 4-8pm, L 9pm-1am; Mon-Tues E 8-
                                                                     9pm, L 10pm-1am; Wed-Thurs E 7-11pm, L
                                                                     11:30pm-2:30am; Fri-Sat E 8pm-12am, L
                                                                     12:30-3am. Free adm/$10 min. Trios except
                                                                     Mon&Thurs Duets. L Jam. Residencies: Sun
                                                                     E Open mic w/Keith Ingham, L Kelly Green;
                                                                     Mon Jon Weiss; Tues Marc Devine; Wed E
                                                                     Open mic w/Les Kurtz, L Nathan Brown;
                                                                     Thurs L Kazu; Fri L Ben Zweig; Sat L T. Kash.
                                                                     Jun 1: Libby Richman; 2: Phil Briggs Band;
                                                                     7: Sonelius Smith; 8: Ship Shelton; 9: Denton
                                                                     Darien; 14: Matt Baker; 15: Dante James; 16:
                                                                     Carol Sudhalter; 21: David Peal; 22: Julie
                                                                     Bluestone; 23: Walter Williams feat Gitesha;
                                                                     28: Durrah David; 29: Art Lillard; 30: Barbaro
                                                                  GIN FIZZ: 308 Malcolm X Blvd at 125th St. 2nd
                                                                     Fl. 212-289-2220.
                                                                     Fri: 7-8&8:30-9:30pm My Billie Holiday
                                                                     Tribute series 917-863-7854. Jun 8: Irene
                                                                     Blackman; 15: Ayana Lowe; 22: Tommy
                                                                  GINNY’S SUPPER CLUB: At Red Rooster.
                                                                     Campbell; 29: Judi Jackson.
                                                                     310 Lenox Av (bet 125th & 126th Sts).
                                                                     Sets: 7&9pm. Jun 1: $15 adm RITA; 8: $40
                                                                     Bobbi Humphrey; 9: closed; 14: $15/20
                                                                     Johnny O'Neal; 15: $15/20 “King” Solomon
                                                                     Hicks; 16: $20 Charenée Wade; 21: $15/20
                                                                  MANNA HOUSE: 338E 106th St (bet 1st & 2nd
                                                                     Pedrito Martinez; 22-23: $25 Nicole Henry.
                                                                     Avs). 212-722-
                                                                     8223. First Sun: 4pm $15-7 adm MEEE Jazz
                                                                  MARCUS GARVEY PARK: 122nd St at
                                                                     Concert series. Jun 3: Craig Harris.
                                                                     Manhattan Av. 212-
                                                                  MINTON’S: 206W 118th St (bet St. Nicholas Av
                                                                     866-4900. Jun 21: 7-8:30pm free adm tba.
                                                                     & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd). 212-243-2222.
                                                            Sets: 7:30&9pm,
                                                                     Thurs-Sat 7:30&9:30pm. Residencies: Sun
                                                                     except 06/3 (R) Singer Meets Saxophonist
                                                                     feat Christopher McBride w/guest; Tues
                                                                     Syndee Winters & Suite Assembly; Thurs
                                                                     except 06/7 John Benitez. Jun 1: Oscar
                                                                     Feldman; 2: “King” Solomon Hicks; 3: New
                                                                     Orleans Swamp Donkeys; 6: Greg Skaff; 7:
                                                                     Berta Moreno; 8: The Swing Machine; 9: JC
                                                                     Hopkins Biggish Band; 10: R w/Mimi
                                                                     Jones; 13: Tommy Morimoto Qrt; 15: Emily
                                                                     Braden; 17: R w/Kate Kelsey-Sugg; 18:
                                                                     Michael Blake Qrt; 20: Antonio Ciacca; 22:

12   For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to
Davis Whitfield Qrt; 24: R w/Marcelino
 MIST HARLEM: 46W 116th St (bet Lenox & 5th
    Feliciano; 27: Antonio Ciacca.
    Av). 646-738-3043. Fri:
    10pm-2am $10 adm Harlem Late Night Jazz.
    58W 129th St at Malcolm X Blvd. 212-348-
 PARIS BLUES: 2021 Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
    Blvd at 121st St. 917-257-7831. Sets: Early (E) 5-
    9pm, Jam 9pm-1am. Free adm. Sun: E
    Double G & the Possee, 9pm La Banda
    Ramirez; Mon: Keyed Up series w/John
    Cooksey Qrt; Tues: Charles Davis Trio; Wed:
    Les Goodson & the Intergalatic Soul Jazz
    Band; Thurs: Tyrone Govan & Der Secret; Fri:
    Tiger & Beautiful Journey Band; Sat: Tom &
 RUMSEY PLAYFIELD: Central Park. 212-360-
    The 69th Street Band.
    2756. Jun 9: 7pm
    SummerStage feat Evan Ziporyn & Ens LPR
 SHOWMAN’S: 375W 125th St at Morningside.
    + Donny McCaslin Gp.

 SHRINE: 2271 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd 212-864-8941.
    (bet 133rd & 134th Sts). 212-690-7807. Sets: Early (E) 6-7pm,
    Late (L) 7-8pm. Residencies (R): Sun 6-8pm
    Jam w/Andrew Kushnir; 1st Sun 8-11pm The
    Shrine Big Band. Jun 3: R; 4: E Erli Perez; 5:
    E Gil Schwartz; 6: L Westet; 7: E Max Logue;
    8: E Nick Di Maria, L Northbound Trio; 9: E NY
    Jazz Force; 10: R; 11: E Stan Killian; 12: E
    Rebecca Chubay; 14: E Julian Velasco/
    James Labrosse; 15: E David Stern; 16: L
    Trio-Some; 17: R; 18: E Claudia Tebar; 19: E
    Takeshi Otani Band; 21: E-L Shawn Maxwell
 SILVANA: 300W 116th St at Frederick Douglass
    & New Tomorrow Band; 22: E Thrio; 24: R.
    Blvd. 646-692-4935.
    Sets: Early (E) 6-7pm, Late (L) 7-8pm. Jun 2: E
    Grand Maujern; 4: E Aidan O'Connell Trio; 6: E
    Takeshi Otani Band; 7: E-L Josh Levinson
    Spt; 8: E Erli Perez; 9: E Today's Unicorn; 11:
    E Rajiv Jayaweera; 12: L Kevin McNeal &
    BluesWing; 14: E-L Clark Gayton; 15: E Trio-
    Some; 20: E-L Extended; 21: E-L Brandon Lee
    + 9; 22: E Shavit Prince, L Thrio; 28: E-L Last
    Minute Sxt; 29: E The Dom Palombi Project;
    30: E David Stern, L Cat Rickman.
    (bet 105th & 106th Sts). 212-864-6662. Sets: Early (E), Late
    (L), Brunch (B); Sun B 11:30am,1&2:30pm, E
    7,9&10:30pm, L 11:45pm; Mon E 7&9, L
    10:30pm; Tues&Thurs E 7,9&10:30pm, L
    11:30pm; Wed E 7,9&10:30pm, L 11:45pm; Fri
    E 7,9&10:30pm, L 11:45pm&12:45am; Sat E
    7,9&10:30pm, L 11:45pm; adm/min vary.
    Residencies: Sun B Annette St. John Trio, L
    Willerm Delisfort Qrt; Mon (R) E Vincent
    Herring Qrt, L The New Smoke Jam Session;
    Tues (R) Mike LeDonne & Groover Qrt; Wed
    (R) E Lezlie Harrison, L Emmet Cohen Organ
    Trio; Thurs L Nickel & Dime OPS; Fri L SaRon
    Crenshaw Band; Sat L The Harlem Sessions
    by Marc Cary. Jun 1-3: Renee Rosnes Qrt; 4-
    6: R; 7: Misha Piatigorsky Qnt; 8-10: Buster
    Williams & Something More; 11-13: R; 14:
    Tootie Heath Trio feat Emmet Cohen; 15-17:
    Peter Bernstein Qrt; 18-20: R; 21: Spike
    Wilner Qnt feat Buster Williams; 22-23: One
    for All; 24: Alexis Cole; 25-27: R; 28:
    Champian Fulton Qrt; 29-Jul 1: Charles
 SUGAR BAR: 254W 72nd St (bet Bway & West
    Tolliver Music inc.
    End Av). 212-579-0222.
    Sets: 8pm/$10 adm unless otherwise noted.
    Residencies: Wed Electrikana; Thurs 9pm

For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to   13
Open Mic w/Sugar Bar All Star Band. Jun 1:                         Shelton Peacetime Ens; 19: E Dave Frank/
  Rob Silverman Qrt; 2: 9pm Irini Res & the                          Randy Klein; 21: 9:15pm Francis Hon Qrt;
  Jazz Mix; 8: $15 Nat Adderley Trio; 9: Lakou                       22: L Moth to Flame Jazz; 23: E The Afro
  Brooklyn; 22: Jon Sheckler Trio; 29: $15 Joe                       Sambas Ens & Andres Laprida; 24: E-L Miles
SYMPHONY SPACE: 2537 Bway at 95th St.
  Bonacci.                                                           Jaye Davis; 26: 8pm Ross Kratter Jazz Orch;
                                                                   DAMROSCH PARK: 62nd St (bet Columbus &
                                                                     29: L Circular Time; 30: E Andres Laprida.
  Jun 8: 8pm $15-30 adm Ron Wasserman &                              Amsterdam Avs). 212-721-6500. www.mid
  The New York Jazzharmonic Trad-Jazz Sxt                   Music: 7:30-10pm.
  tribute to James Reese Europe & the Harlem                         $25/17 adm. Jun 26: Bria Skonberg &
  Hellfighters; 9: 9pm E. J. Decker & A Mystery                      Sisterhood of Swing feat Regina Carter &
  Player; 14: 8pm $10-20 Mike Holober &                              Anat Cohen; 29: Gerard Carelli Orch; 30:
                                                                   DIMENNA CENTER FOR CLASSICAL
  Balancing Act; 28: 7:30pm $35-85 Alex                              Glenn Crytzer Orch.
TRIAD: 158W 72nd St (bet Bway & Columbus).                           MUSIC: 450W 37th St (bet 9th & 10th Av).
  Conde. 212-362-2590. Adm varies                 212-594-6100. Jun
                                                                   DIZZY’S CLUB COCA-COLA: At Jazz @
  + 2 drink/min. Jun 16: 7pm Uncommon Chord;                         14: 8-10pm $20/15 adm Steve Sandberg Qrt.
  18: 9:30pm Andrea Brachfeld; 23: 7pm Sharon
The WEST END LOUNGE: 955 West End Av.
  North; 30: 7pm Rose Mallet.                                        Lincoln Center. 10 Columbus Cr at 60th St.
                                                                     5th Fl. 212-258-9800. Sets/ adm
  212-531-4759.                            unless otherwise noted: 7:30&9:30pm,
  Jun 17: 4-6:45pm Another Sunday Serenade                           11:30pm Late Night Sessions; Sun-Wed $35,
  917-882-9539/ $25 adm feat                          Thurs-Fri $40, Sat $45; $10 min. Jun 1-3:
  George Coleman Qrt.                                                Benny Green Trio; 4: Jazz at Lincoln Center
                                                                     Youth Orch; 5: $30 Alex Sipiagin Sxt; 6: $30
                                                                     Sharel Cassity Elektra; 7: Felix Peikli/Joe
      MID-TOWN MANHATTAN                                             Doubleday & Showtime Band; 8-10: $45 06/8
                                                                     & $30 06/10 Dion Parson & 21st Century
          (Between 35th & 69th Street)                               Band; 11: $30 Tarek Yamani; 12-13: $30 06/13
BIRDLAND: 315W 44th St (bet 8th & 9th Avs).
                                                                     Paul Nedzela; 14-17: Victor Goines; 18:
                                                                     Uptown Jazz Tnt; 19: Jazztopad Festival feat
  212-581-3080. Sets:                          Maciej Obara Qrt; 20: Shamie Royston Trio;
  Early (E) 6pm; 8:30&11pm, except Sun                               21-24: $45 06/21-22, $30 06/24 Ann Hampton
  9&11pm & Mon 7&9:30pm. Adm varies.                                 Callaway; 25: tba; 26-27: Christian Sands
  Residencies: Sun except 06/17 (R) Arturo                           Trio; 28-30: Adrian Cunningham Qnt w/spec
  O’Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orch; Mon                          guest Brianna Thomas. Late Night Sessions
  9:30pm Jim Caruso Cast Party; Wed 5:30-                            w/Jun 1-2: Mathis Picard; 5-9: Joel Ross; 12-
  7pm David Ostwald & Louis Armstrong                                16: Sam Chess; 19-23: Charles Turner III; 26-
                                                                   DON’T TELL MAMA: 343W 46th St at
  Eternity Band; Fri 5:15-7pm The Birdland Big                       30: Melanie Charles.
  Band; Sat E except 06/16&30 Veronica
  Swift/Emmet Cohen Trio. Jun 1-2: Marcos                            Restaurant Row. 212-757-0788. www.dont
  Valle w/spec guests Paula & Jaques                        Jun 1: 9:30pm $20 adm
                                                                   IGUANA RESTAURANT: 240W 54th St at
  Morelenbaum; 3: E Danny Bacher + R; 5-9:                           John Minnock.
  Stacey Kent; 7: E Tiffany Austin Spt feat spec
  guest Carl Allen; 10: E Bruce Harris + R; 12-                      Bway. 212-765-5454.
  16: Maria Schneider Orch; 14: E Sean                               Mon-Tues: 8-11pm Vince Giordano & The
                                                                   The IRIDIUM: 1650 Bway at 51st St. 212-582-
  Harkness Duo; 16: E Marilyn Scott; 17: E The                       Nighthawks.
  City Rhythm Orch, 9pm Manhattan Bridges
  Orch feat Memo & Jacquelene Acevedo; 19-
  23: Freddy Cole Qrt w/Joel Frahm; 21: E Joe                        2121. Sets & adm
  Alterman Trio; 24: E Benny Bennack III feat                        unless otherwise noted: 8:30pm, $25 adm/15
  the DW Jazz Orch + R; 25: 7pm Ken Laub,                            min. Jun 1-3: $25/35 adm Simon Phillips &
  Natalie Douglas, Veronica Swift, Clint                             Protocol; 4: $30 Frank Vignola; 9: $55/75
  Holmes, Nicolas King w/the Diva Jazz Orch;                         Adrian Belew Power Trio; 18: Ed Palermo Big
  26-30: Ravi Coltrane; 28: E Denise Reis; 30: E                     Band; 19: Pete Levin & the Mobius Band; 20:

BRYANT PARK: 6th Av (bet 41st & 42nd Sts).
  Eric Comstock Duo.                                                 Jaimoe & Jasssz Band; 22-23: $27.50 Virgil
                                                                     Donati; 27-28: $35/45 Tuck & Patti; 29: $27.50
                                                                   JAZZ AT KITANO: 66 Park Av at 38th St. 212- 212-768-4242. Mon-Fri:                         Jimmy Vivino & The Bluesoul Rockers.
  12:30-2:30pm Piano in the Park. Jun 1: Sue
  Maskaleris; 4-8: Todd Robbins; 11-15: Dona                         885-7119. Sets/adm: Sun
  Carter; 18-22: Luiz Simas; 25-29: Joel                             12-2:30pm, Mon-Tues 8-11pm, Wed-Sat 8-

  Forrester.                                                         9:15&10-11:15pm; Sun $45 buffet, Mon-Tues
                                                                     free/$15 min, Wed-Thurs $18/$20 min, Fri-
  69th St (bet Bway & Columbus Av).                                  Sat $34/$20 min. Residencies (R): Sun Jazz 212-787-2755. Jun 3:                            Brunch w/Tony Middleton; Mon Jam by Iris
  3pm $22/17 adm PRISM Qrt w/Tyshawn                                 Ornig; Tues except 06/5 Micah Thomas Solo.
                                                                     Jun 1-2: Lee Konitz Qrt; 3-4: R; 5: Paul Shinn;
CLUB BONAFIDE: 212E 52nd St (bet 2nd &
  Sorey & Susie Ibarra.                                              6: Ken Kobayashi Trio; 7: Ben Cassara Sxt; 8:
                                                                     Ronny Whyte Qrt; 9: Jamie Baum & Short
  3rd Avs). 3rd Fl.                            Stories; 10-12: R; 13: Judimarie Canterino
  646-918-6189. Sets: Early (E) 7:30pm, Late                         Qrt; 14: Carl Bartlett, Jr. Qrt; 15: Jason Ennis
  (L) 9:30pm; Sun E 7pm, L 9pm; Fri-Sat E                            Qnt; 16: Nancy Marano Qrt; 17-19: R; 20:
  6pm, L 8pm, Night (N) 10pm, Late Night (LN)                        Toku/John DiMartino Qrt; 21: Mayu Saeki
  11:30pm. Jun 1: E Maria Alejandra                                  Qrt; 22-23: Eddie Henderson Qrt; 24-26: R;
  Rodriguez, N Meredith Dean Augustin; 2: E                          27: Jonathan Saraga Qrt; 28: MJ Territo & The
  Andres Laprida, L MARIPOSA; 3: E Julie E.                          Ladies Day Qrt; 29: Alan Broadbent/Georgia
                                                                   JAZZ AT LINCOLN CENTER: 10 Columbus
  w/Andres Laprida & Helio Schiavo; 5: 8pm                           Mancio Qrt; 30: The Royal Bopsters.
  Lou Caputo & The Not So Big Band; 9: E
  Andres Laprida, L BluesBall; 10: E Julie E.                        Cr at 60th St. 5th Fl. 212-258-
  w/Andres Laprida & Helio Schiavo; 12: 8pm                          9800. Appel Room (AR), Rose Theater (RT).
  Dennis Hernandez; 16: L Juliana Areias, N Ty                       Jun 1-2: AR 7&9:30pm Eddie Daniels,
  Stephens & the Souljaazz; 17: E The Chip

14   For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to
Harlem String Qrt & Ted Nash; 7-9: RT 8pm                         Thurs-Sat $10/10 min. Jun 1: Sharp Tree
   The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orch w/Wynton                          Trio; 2: E Ken Kobayashi Trio, L the
   Marsalis, Doug Wamble, Jazzmeia Horn,                             Highliners, N Craig Brann Trio; 3: Bill
   Brianna Thomas, Camille Thurman, Wendell                          Stevens Trio; 4: L Miyoko Yamakawa Duo, N
 KAYE PLAYHOUSE: At Hunter College. E68th
   Pierce.                                                           Nicholas Brust Duo; 5: L Dorian Devins, N
                                                                     Alex Humburger Duo; 6: L Michael Gallant
   St at 3rd Av. 212-772-4448. www.kayeplay                          Trio, N Paul Lee Duo; 7: E Jasper Dutz Duo, Jun 12: 7:30pm                             L Greg Merritt Trio; 8: Takenori Nishiuchi Qrt;
   National Jazz Museum in Harlem Gala feat                          9: E Rocco John Trio, L Daniel Bennett Trio,
   Arturo O’Farrill Afro Latin Jazz Ens & Jon                        N Candice Reyes Qnt; 10: Yoshiki Miura Trio;
 MICHIKO STUDIOS: 149W 46th St (bet 6th &
   Batiste, honoring Bertha Hope.                                    11: L Wishing on Star Trio, N Tomoko
                                                                     Yanagita Duo; 12: L Abel Mireles Trio, N
   7th Avs). 3rd Fl. 212-302-4011. www.                              Yukiyo Masuda Duo; 13: L David Love, N Yuto Jun 2: 7:30-9pm Yoham                         Kanazawa Duo; 14: E Miho Sasaki, L Atsushi
 RUSSIAN SAMOVAR: 256W 52nd St (bet
   Ortiz.                                                            Ouchi Trio; 15: tba; 16: E Akihiro Yamamoto
                                                                     Trio, L Standard Procedure, N Sharp Tree; 17:
   Bway & 8th Av).                           Adam Kahan; 18: L Andrew Licata Trio, N
   212-757-0168. Sun: 3-7pm Jazz Brunch. Jun                         Juan Carlos Polo Duo; 19: L Kanacept, N
   3: Marcus Persiani Band; 10: Tommy                                Miyoko Yamakawa Duo; 20: L Kazuya Araki
   Morimoto Qnt; 17: LeeOlive Tucker Band; 24:                       Trio, N Richard Thai Duo; 21: E Yuko Togami

 SAINT PETER’S CHURCH: 619 Lexington Av at
   the Soul Guard.                                                   Trio, L Linda Presgrave Qrt; 22: Takenori
                                                                     Nishiuchi Qrt; 23: E Ken Kobayashi, L-N tba;
   54th St. (Citicorp Bld).                     24: Kengo Yamada; 25: L Andrew Kushnir
   212-935-2200. 1st Mon: 7:30pm $5 adm                              Trio, N tba; 26: L Joe Spinelli Trio, N Tomoko
   International Women in Jazz Jam; Wed: 1pm                         Yanagita Duo; 27: L tba, N Maricio Garcia
   $10 don Midday Jazz Midtown; Sun: 5pm free                        Duo; 28: E Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio, L Senri
   adm Jazz Vespers. Residency: Sun Chris                            Oe; 29: Kuni Mikami Trio; 30: E Richard Thai
                                                                   The TOWN HALL: 123W 43rd St (bet 6&7th
   Dingman. Jun 6: Cynthia Sayer, Adrian                             Trio, L Kathryn Allyn, N Sharp Tree.
   Cunningham & Mike Weatherly; 13: Stephen
   Richman & Harmonie Ens NY; 20: Eric                               Avs). 212-840-2824.
   Comstock/Barbara Fasano; 21: 7:30pm Duke                          Jun 26&30: 8pm Blue Note Jazz Festival
   Ellington Society meeting; 27: David                     feat 06/26 Art

 SCANDINAVIA HOUSE: 58 Park Av (bet 37th
   Chamberlain & Band of Bones.                                      Garfunkel, 06/30 Al Di Meola.

   & 38th Sts).
   212-879-9779. Thurs: 7pm $15/10 adm. Jun 7:                               LOWER MANHATTAN
   Northbound; 14: Helle Henning Qrt; 21:
   Kaisa’s Machine; 28: Thomas Strønen & Time                                       (Below 34th Street)
 SONY HALL: 235W 46th St (bet 7th & 8th Avs).                      55 BAR: 55 Christopher St (bet 6th & 7th Avs).
   is a Blind Guide. 212-997-5123. Blue Note                          212-929-9883. Sets: Early
   Jazz     Festival      www.bluenotejazzfesti                       (E) 7-9pm except Sun&Fri-Sat 6-9pm, Late Sets: 8pm unless otherwise noted.                         (L) 10pm. 1st Mon: E Sean Wayland; 1st
   Jun 2 7pm & 3-4 8pm: Gregory Porter; 13:                           Thurs: E Amy Cervini; 1st Sat: E Ayana lowe;
   Gordon Lightfoot; 14: Eddie Palmieri Salsa                         2nd Thurs: E Nicole Zuraitis; 2nd Fri: E Tessa
   Orch; 15: 7:30pm Bilal w/Victory; 20: The                          Souter; last Wed: E Paul Jost; last Fri: E
                                                                   75 CLUB: At the Bogardus Mansion. 75 Murray
   Manhattan Transfer; 22: Robert Cray Band;                          Kendra Shank.
   24-25: 8&10:30pm Chris Botti; 27: Carl
   Palmer & ELP Legacy; 28: Average White                             St (bet W Bway & Greenwich St). 212-268-
   Band; 30: Sergio Mendes.                                           1746. Wilbur Ware
                                                                      Institute presents Wilbur’s Warehouse
   (bet 49th & 50th Sts). 917-409-5868. www.the              Sets/adm: Free adm/2 drink                          8&10pm; Tues-Thurs free, Fri-Sat $20.
 SWING 46: Jazz & Supper Club. 349W 46th St
   min. Jun 22: 7&9pm Gabriele Tranchina.                             Residencies: Tues-Wed Tardo Hammer/John
                                                                      Webber; Thurs Richard Wyands Trio. Jun 1-2:
   (bet 8 & 9th Avs). 212-                           Ehud Asherie feat Scott Robinson; 8-9: Bill
   262-9554. Sets/adm: Sun-Thurs 8:30-                                Easley Trio; 15-16: Harry Allen Qrt; 22-23:
                                                                   B FLAT: Basement 277 Church St (bet Franklin
   11:30pm/$15, Fri-Sat 9:30pm-1am/$20.                               Gary Smulyan; 29-30: Patience Higgins Trio.
   Residencies (R): Mon Swingadelic; Tues
   George Gee Swing Orch; Wed Stan Rubin                              & White Sts). 212-219-2970.
   Orch w/Joe Politi. Jun 1: George Gee Swing                         Sets: Mon 8-11pm, Wed 8:30-11:30pm, Sat
   Orch; 2: Crescent City Maulers; 3: Tulivu                          10pm-12am. Mon&Wed: Jordan Young Trio.
   w/Harlem Renaissance Orch; 4-6: R; 7-8:                            Jun 2: BLACU; 9&23: Takeshi Asai Trio; 30:
                                                                   BAHA’Í CENTER: 53E 11th St (bet Bway &
   George Gee Swing Orch; 9: Singadelic; 10:                          Charlie Apicella & Iron City.
   Fleur Seule Latin Big Band; 11-13: R; 14:
   Eyal Vilner Big Band; 15: Ron Sunshine                             University). 212-222-
   Orch; 16: Joe Politi Orch; 17: Kai Lovelace                        5159. Tues: 8&9:30pm $10/15 adm. Jun 12:
   Band; 18-20: R; 21: Vanessa Trouble Red Hot                        Ray Blue Ens; 19: Corina Bartra Afro
                                                                   BAR NEXT DOOR: 129 McDougal St. 212-529-
   Swing; 22: George Gee Swing Orch; 23:                              Peruvian Jazz Ens; 26: Lou Volpe Gp.
   Gordon Webster & friends; 24: Harlem
   Renaissance Orch; 25-27: R; 28: Fat Cat Big                        5945. Sets: Sun
   Band; 29: Ron Sunshine Orch; 30:                                   8&10pm, Mon-Thurs Early (E) 6:30-7:45pm,
 TOMI JAZZ: 239E 53rd St (Bet 2nd & 3rd Avs).
   Swingadelic.                                                       Late (L) 8:30&10:30pm, Fri-Sat 7:30,9:30&
                                                                      11:30pm. Adm: $12 all night + 1 drink min/set
   Lower level. 646-497-                            except Fri-Sat $12/set + 1 drink min/set, E
   1254. Sets: Early (E), Late (L), Night (N); Sun                    free. Mon-Thurs: E Emerging Artists series;
   8-11pm; Mon-Wed L 8-11pm, N 11pm-                                  Mon: L Vocal Mondays series. Residencies
   12:30am; Thurs E 7-8:30pm, L 9-11:30pm; Fri                        (R): Sun except 06/17 Peter Mazza, Wed L
   9pm-1am; Sat E 6-7:30pm, L 8-10:30pm, N                            Jonathan Kreisberg. Jun 1: Perry Smith; 2:
   11pm-1:30am. Adm: Sun-Wed free/$5 min,                             Ed Cherry; 3: R; 4: E Alan Kwan, L Melissa

For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to   15
Stylianou; 5: E Cole Davis, L Olli Hirvonen; 6:                   L 10pm, N 1:30am. Residencies (R): Sun E
  E Jonah Udall, L R; 7: E tba, L Kevin B Clark;                    Terry Waldo & Gotham City Band, N The
  8: Mike Baggetta; 9: Pasquale Grasso; 10: R;                      Program; Mon N Billy Kaye; Tues E except
  11: E Ryan Hernandez, L Deborah Latz; 12: E                       06/5 Saul Rubin Zebtet; Wed E Raphael
  Joey Lamb, L Prawit Siriwat; 13: E Julphan                        D'Lugoff Trio + 1, N Ned Goold; Fri L The
  Tilapornputt, L R; 14: E Andrew Pereira, L                        Supreme Queens; Sat N Greg Glassman. Jun
  Jon Irabagon; 15: Sebastian Noelle; 16:                           1: E Maniacs of the Fourth Dimension, L R +
  Michael Vitali; 17: Ricardo Grilli; 18: E Luke                    Jared Gold/Dave Gibson, N Yoshi Waki; 2: E
  Schwartz, L Gabrielle Stravelli; 19: E David                      Roberto Quintero Latin Jazz Qnt, L Raphael
  Leon, L Nanjo Lee; 20: E Paul Jubong Lee, L                       D'lugoff Qnt, N R; 3: E R, 8:30pm Jade
  R; 21: E Sun Kim, L Kyle Nasser; 22: Sheryl                       Synstelien & FCBB, N R; 4: E Abhik
  Bailey; 23: Craig Brann; 24: R; 25: E Elijah                      Mukerjee, L Behn Gillece, N R; 5: E Corin
  Shiffer, L Beat Kaestli; 26: E David Stern, L                     Stiggall, L Cocomama, N Craig Wuepper; 6: E
  Tom Finn; 27: E Jonah Udall, L R; 28: E                           R, L Groover Trio, N R; 7: E Adi Meyerson
  Vaughn Stoffey, L Paul Jones; 29: Randy                           Qnt, L Saul Rubin Zebtet, N Paul Nowinski; 8:
BLUE NOTE JAZZ CLUB: 131W 3rd St at 6th
  Villars; 30: Brandon Coleman.                                     E La Descarga, L R + Troy Roberts & Nujive,
                                                                    N Will Terrill; 9: E Steve Blum Trio, L Camile
  Av. 212-475-8592.                           Gainer Jones, N R; 10: E R, L Willie
  Sets: 8&10:30pm + Fri-Sat 12:30am Late                            Applewhite, N R; 11: L Ned Goold Qrt, N R;
  Night Groove series, Sun 11:30am&1:30pm                           12: E R, L Peter Brainin & the Latin Jazz
  Sunday Brunch. Adm varies. Jun 1-3: The                           Workshop; 13: E R, L Harold Mabern Trio, N
  Bad Plus; 4: Southside Johnny Performing                          R; 14: L Greg Glassman Qnt; 15: L R; 16: E
  The Music Of Billie Holiday; 5-10: Keyon                          Vanderlei Pereira & Brazilian Jazz Qrt, L
  Harrold & friends; 11: McCoy Tyner w/spec                         Bruce Williams, N R; 17: E&N R; 18: E George
  guests; 12-17: Paquito D'Rivera Ens; 18:                          Braith, N R; 19: E R; 20: E R, L Don
  Sarah McKenzie; 19-23: Victor Wooten Trio;                        Hahn/Mike Camacho Band, N R; 22: L R; 23:
  24-26: Monty Alexander; 27-Jul 1: Lettuce.                        N R; 24: E&N R; 25: N R; 26: E R, L Itai Kriss
  Late Night Groove w/Jun 1&8: Mwenso & The                         & Gato Gordo, N John Benitez's Latin Bop;
                                                                  GREENWICH HOUSE MUSIC SCHOOL: 46
  Shakes; 9: Dudley Music; 16: Jason Stein &                        27: E&N R; 28: L POD; 29: L R; 30: N R.
  friends. Sunday Brunch w/Jun 23: Walk Away
CITY WINERY: 155 Varick St (bet Spring &
  feat Dean Brown.                                                  Barrow St (bet 7th Av S & W 4th St). 212-242-
                                                                    4770. Jun 15:
  Vandam Sts). 212-608-                         7:30-10pm $20 adm honoring Connie
  0555. Jun 7: 8:30pm Strictly Sinatra feat                         Crothers feat Sheila Jordan, Jay Clayton,
  Michael Dutra; 24: 12:30pm Julie E w/Andres                       Dori Levine, Linda Satin, Andrea Wolper,
  Laprida.                                                          Cheryl Richards, Alexis Parsons & Lynnie
                                                                    Bongiorno. Sound It Out series: 7:30pm $20
  Cornelia St.                          feat 06/16 Gordon Grdina Qrt + Oscar
  212-989-9319. Sets unless otherwise noted:                        Noriega & Crooked Trio, 06/23 Sean Conly
  Sun-Thurs 8&9:30pm, Fri-Sat 8:30&10pm.                            Trio + Santiago Leibson Trio, 06/27 8pm
  Adm varies. Jun 1: Francisco Mela & The                           Lucia Cadotsch & Speak Low; 30: 7&8:30pm
                                                                  HIGHLINE BALLROOM: 431W 16th St (bet 9th
  Crash Trio “Fe”; 2: Mike Moreno Qrt; 3:                           Evan Harris.
  Michael Blanco Qrt; 4: 8:30pm Amram & Co;
  5: 6pm Eve Packer + Daniel Carter + M.L.                          & 10th Avs).
  Liebler, 8pm Beekman, 9:30pm Zach Lapidus                         212-414-5994. Jun 15&26: Blue Note Jazz
  & Disquiet; 6: 8pm Andrew D'Angelo Trio,                          Festival feat
  9:30pm Scree; 7: The Streams Trio w/Billy                         06/15 7pm Ghost-Note feat MonoNeon &
  Drewes; 8: Jochen Rueckert Qrt; 9: Dan                            Brass Against The Machine, 06/26 8pm Pablo
                                                                  JAZZ GALLERY: 1160 Bway at 27th St. 5th Fl.
  Weiss Trio; 10: Brad Brose; 11: 8:30pm                            Ziegler/Chano Dominguez.
  Lainie Cooke; 12: 8pm Rajiv Jayaweera,
  9:30pm Patrick Cornelius Oct; 14: Or Bareket             646-494-3625. Sets/
  Qrt; 15: Igor Lumpert & Innertextures; 16: Ari                    adm: 7:30&9:30pm $15, $25/10 Fri-Sat. Jun 1-
  Hoenig Trio; 17: Livio Almeida Gp; 19: 6pm                        2: Melissa Aldana; 5: Real Feels + Endless
  Adi Meyerson, 8&9:30pm Kind Folk; 21:                             Field; 7: Ben Goldberg Qnt; 8: Chris Potter &
  Michaël Attias Qnt; 22: 6pm Vicki Burns Trio;                     BOP; 9: closed; 12: Peter Evans/Cory
  23: 6pm Audrey Silver Qrt w/Marcus Printup;                       Smythe; 14: Theo Walentiny; 15-16: Jason
The CUTTING ROOM: 44E 32nd St (bet
  24: 8pm Yotam Ben-Or; 26: Matthew Sheens.                         Palmer Qrt; 20: Will Vinson Trio; 21: Lex
                                                                    Korten; 22: Ricky Rodriguez Gp w/spec
  Madison & Park Av). 212-691-1900. www.the                         guest Miguel Zenón; 23: Alternative Guitar Jun 1: 9:30pm $20/25                          Summit feat 1:30-3:30pm $60 Workshop,
  adm Miles Evans & the Gil Evans Orch; 20:                         8pm feat Rez Abbasi/Jeff Miles, Peter
  7:30pm $15/20 Darren Lyons Gp; 23: 1pm                            Bernstein/Gilad Hekselman, Joe Morris/
  $30/40 Brunch w/The Buddy Rich Band feat                          Matteo Liberatore, Joel Harrison/Anthony
  Cathy Rich & Gregg Potter w/spec guest                            Pirog; 28: Darius Jones/Jure Pukl; 29-30:
The DJANGO: At Roxy Hotel. 2 Av of the                            JAZZ STANDARD: 116E 27th St (bet Park &
  Max Weinberg; 30: 9pm $20/25 Cocomama.                            Joel Ross.
  Americas at Walker St. www.roxyhotelnyc.                          Lexington Avs). 212-
The EAR INN: 326 Spring St (bet Greenwich &
  com. 212-519-6600.                                                576-2232. Sets/adm unless otherwise noted:
                                                                    7:30&9:30pm/$30; Sun 2-3pm $5 don; Sun
  Washington Sts). 212-431-                         Brunch (B) 12-2:10pm/$10, $35 all-inclusive.
  9750. Sun: 8-11pm EarRegulars feat Jon-Erik                       Residencies: Mon (R) Mingus Monday feat

FAT CAT: 75 Christopher St at 7th Av. 212-675-
  Kellso & friends.                                                 Mingus Big Band; Sun B except 06/10 The
                                                                    Smokestack Brunch. Jun 1-3: $35 06/1-2
  6056. $3 adm/no min.                         Joey DeFrancesco Trio; 3: B Emmet Cohen
  Sets unless otherwise noted: Early (E), Late                      Organ Qrt; 4: R; 5: $35 Joey Alexander Trio;
  (L), Night (N); Sun E 6pm, L 9pm, N 1am; Mon                      6: $25 Alina Engibaryan; 7-10: Dafnis Prieto
  E 6pm, L 9pm, N 12:30am; Tues E 7pm, L                            Big Band; 11: R; 12-13: Ralph Peterson &
  9pm, N 12:30am; Wed 7pm, L 9pm, N                                 Triangular Trio; 14-17: $35 Terence
  12:30am; Thurs 7pm, L 10pm, N 1:30am; Fri                         Blanchard feat The E-Collective; 17: B
  6pm, L 9pm + 10:30pm, N 1:30am; Sat E 7pm,                                                         continued on page 18

16   For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to
    years over whether humans possess
bioluminescence. Lezlie Harrison proves
they do. Setting the bandstand aglow with           self, get to know yourself a little bit more.
warmth and vulnerability, the singer and            It will help you 'go in,' and help you relate
master song interpreter delivers a kind of          to your audience, not just sing to the audi-
phrasing that captures the fragility and            ence."
enduring spirit of humanity.                           Another overlap Lezlie has found to
   A musician whose passion extends                 exist between theatre and music is reliance
beyond the bandstand, Lezlie has earned             on spontaneity. Lezlie, who never writes
her place as a community facilitator and            out her set lists, credits the freedom she
true ambassador of the music. She is a              feels to stay in the moment, embracing ver-
founding member of The Jazz Gallery and             satility and risk taking, to working with
has worked in various capacities for                like-minded artists who support each other
WBGO, the radio station that offered                and serve the sound. Wednesdays at
Lezlie her very first job as a young college        Smoke, Lezlie plays with her organ trio
graduate.                                           comprising Saul Rubin on guitar, Anwar
   “I wear all these different hats, and I try      Marshall on drums and Ben Paterson on
to keep them separated but they're all              Hammond B3.
joined together by the music," she says. "I            "My band, they know me; we know each
love this music that we call jazz. It has sus-      other," she says. "I can feel Anwar carry
tained me, financially, wink-wink, and              me. I can feel Saul Rubin; it's just a feeling.
spiritually for a very long time. And what I        We're locked in it together. Sometimes I'll
love the most, out of all of that, of course,       call a song that we've maybe never done. I
is performing."                                     might start singing it just because it's been
   As a performer, Lezlie feels at home, no         in my head all day and I want to try it. I'll
matter where the work sends her. One rea-           start singing it a cappella and Ben might
son why she won't accept a full time gig at         pick up on it, Saul might pick up on it or
WBGO is because she enjoys the freedom              they might just lay out and let me do it a
to tour whenever she has the opportunity.           cappella; then maybe it becomes part of
When she does hit the bandstand, a back-            our repertoire. It's very important to not
ground in theatre allows Lezlie full range          get stale, and for the audience to see that
of dramatic devices with which she might            process."
approach any moment of any tune.                       Lezlie’s way includes so much of the
   "I often say: 'I, Lezlie Harrison, am            work and passion that goes into the music
going to my gig tonight at Smoke. But the           between hits. And part of the global
person I bring with me, when she gets on            process of being a New York musician, for
stage, is a totally different person.' Of           Lezlie, means availing herself to younger
course, it's me, but it's my theatre training       members of the community, so she ensures
connecting with an audience, delivering             the music extends and evolves, generation
the lyrics, really feeling the lyrics, it's very,   to generation.
very personal. . . I kind of go deep when I'm          "When I first started out, I wasn't
on stage and that is my theatre training."          singing. I was going out and listening to
   While her acting lessons help Lezlie             singers like Carmen and Betty and Abbey
interpret the lyrics, what's at the heart of        and Cassandra," she says. "I just wanted to
each tune is an authentic connection to the         see the process of how they tell the story.
music. "Recently, I was having a really bad         Sometimes young people are afraid to
day," she says, "and I went to do my show           approach us 'seasoned' musicians, but I
on Wednesday and one of the owners,                 think that's the best way to learn. I don't
Frank, said, 'Lezlie, did you have a bad day        teach singing, but I speak to a lot of young
today?' I said, 'Well, yeah, in fact I did.'        vocalists who call me up and ask me about
And he said, 'Because you are killin it!' So,       stage performance. I definitely want to go
I try to give the best performance that I           down as being part of trying to better the
can with my truest self possible."                  music, presenting it and performing it and
   Asked her recommendations for young              keeping jazz alive."
singers who struggle with delivering an
honest performance, Lezlie has some con-              Lezlie Harrison performs with Saul
crete advice: Take an acting class. "It will        Rubin, Ben Paterson and Anwar
help you to just free yourself up," she says,       Marshall at Smoke Jazz & Supper
"and help you be your silly self, your sad          Club every Wednesday.

                                                                 Harrison photo by Caroline Conejero.   17
continued from page 16                                               Ilgenfritz; 19-23: Brian Marsella; 26-30:
                                                                   NORTH SQUARE: At Washington Square
  Allegra Levy; 18: R; 19-20: Django Bates Trio;                     William Parker.
  21-24: Vinicius Cantuária; 24: B Chris
  Pattishall Trio; 25: R; 26: $25 Julian Siegel                      Hotel. 103 Waverly Pl at McDougal.

JOE’S PUB: At Public Theater. 425 Lafayette St
  Qrt; 27: Duchess; 28-Jul 1: Grant Green.                  212-
                                                                     254-1200. Sun: 12:30&2pm free adm Jazz
  & Astor Pl. 212-967-7555.                         Brunch Trios. Jun 3: Kate Baker w/Vic Juris;
  Adm varies. Jun 21: 7pm Barbara Dane; 28:                          10: Roz Corral w/Jim Ridl & Paul Gill; 17:
  9:30pm Lucia Cadotsch; 29: 7pm Pedro                               Vicki Burns; 24: Roz Corral w/Gilad

KNICKERBOCKER BAR & GRILL: 33                                      NUBLU 62: 62 Av C (bet 4th & 5th Sts). 212-
  Giraudo Tango Qrt.                                                 Hekselman & Evan McGregor.

  University Pl at 9th St. 212-228-8490.                             375-1500. Jun 2: 10-11:30pm Fri-Sat:                         Shokazoba; 14: 8pm The Funky Knuckles,
                                                                   NUBLU 151: 151 Avenue C (bet 9th & 10th
  9pm-1am. Jun 1-2: Luis Bonilla Trio; 8-9:                          10:30pm Linetilter.
  Matthew Fries Duo; 15-16: Russ Kassoff/
  Boots Maleson; 22-23: Joseph Camardo/                              Sts). Jun 1: 7pm Molly Tigre;
  Justin Fink; 29-30: Joel Forrester/David                           11: 8pm $12/15 adm Nicole Mitchell; 22: 8pm
LE POISSON ROUGE: 158 Bleecker St at
  Hofstra.                                                           $25/30 Alternative Guitar Summit feat Jazz-
                                                                   NUYORICAN POETS CAFÉ: 236E 3rd St (bet
                                                                     Rock-Funk Throwdown.
  Thompson St.
  212-796-0741. Adm varies. Jun 16: 7:30pm                           Avs B & C). 212-780-
  $25/30 adm Vijay Iyer Trio w/Matana Roberts;                       9386/212-505-8183. Sets: 9:30pm. Tues: $10
  17: 8pm $25/30 Marc Ribot y Los Cubanos                            adm Latin Jazz feat 06/5 Chembo Corniel,
  Postizos w/Anthony Coleman & Sephardic                             06/12 Bronx Conexión, 06/19 Willie Martinez
  Tinge; 21: 7&10pm $35/45 Alternative Guitar                        & La Familia Sxt; 1st Wed: $13 All That - Hip
  Summit feat Bill Frisell & Guitar Invitational                     Hop Poetry & Jazz; 1st Sat: $15 Banana
                                                                   ROCKWOOD MUSIC HALL: 196 Allen St at E
  w/spec guests Julian Lage, Marvin Sewell,                          Puddin’ Jazz series feat Rome Neal + Jam.
McKITTRICK HOTEL: 530W 27th St (bet 10th
  Brandon Ross & Matt Munisteri.
                                                                     Houston St.
  & 11th Avs). Jun                          212-477-4155. Jun 10: 7pm Gabriela Martina;
  10: 2pm-12am New York Brass Festival                               13: 7pm Danny Green Trio + String; 17: 7pm feat Slavic Soul Party,                        Arthur Sadowsky & The Troubadours; 19:
  David Ostwald & Louis Armstrong Eternity                           7pm Sara Gazarek; 21: 8:30pm Deicont-
  Band, NOLA On Hudson Second Line                                   Phillips Collective, 10pm Marius Neset; 29:
  w/Mariel Bildsten, Sugartone Brass Band,                           8:30pm Brian Charette/Ari Hoenig w/spec
                                                                   RUSS & DAUGHTERS CAFE: 127 Orchard St
  Frank London & Klezmer Brass All-Stars,                            guest Melanie Scholtz.
  Hungry March Band, Gato Loco, Drumadics
  Beat-N-Brass Band, Transglobal Fanfare jam                         (bet Delancey & Rivington Sts). 212-475-
MEZZROW: 163W 10th St (bet 7th Av &
  w/Matt Moran.                                                      4880. Last
                                                                     Thurs: 8pm free adm The Stone at Russ &
                                                                   SMALLS JAZZ CLUB: 183W 10th St at 7th Av.
  Waverly Pl). 646-476-                             Daughters Cafe. Jun 28: Anthony Coleman.
  4346. Sets/adm: 8-10:30pm, Late (L) 11pm-
  close; adm varies. Residencies: Sun L                              212-252-5091. Sets:
  except 06/24 John Merrill & friends; Mon L                         Afternoon (PM) Sun 4:30-7pm, Sat 4-7pm,
  Pasquale Grasso; Tues L Jam w/Miki                                 Early (E) 7:30-10pm, Late (L) 10:30pm-1am,
  Yamanaka & Adi Meyerson; Wed L Pete                                Night (N) 1-4am; jam following N; adm varies.
  Malinverni; Thurs L Spike Wilner w/spec                            Residencies (R): Sun 1pm Vocal masterclass
  guest. Jun 1: David Bryant & Trismic, L Steve                      by Marion Cowings, PM Sacha Perry Trio, N
  Ash; 2: David Bryant & Trismic, L Theo Hill; 3:                    06/3&17 Jon Beshay, 06/10 Hillel Salem; Mon
  Nancy Harms/Aaron Goldberg; 4: Hendrik                             E except 06/11 Ari Hoenig Trio, L 06/4&18 Joe
  Meurkens Trio; 5: Nitai Hershkovits Trio; 6:                       Farnsworth Gp, 06/11 Jonathan Barber Gp,
  Gary Versace Trio; 7: Jimmy Bruno/Craig                            06/25 Jonathan Michel Gp, N After-hours
  Thomas; 8: Ted Rosenthal Trio, L Greg                              Jam; Tues L 06/12 Abraham Burton Qrt,
  Murphy; 9: Ted Rosenthal Trio, L Anthony                           06/19&26 Frank Lacy Gp, N After-hours Jam;
  Wonsey; 10: 4:30-7pm Damien Sneed/                                 Fri N 06/1,15&29 JD Allen, 06/8&22 Corey
  Shenel Johns, 8pm Marianne Solivan Qrt;                            Wallace; Sat N 06/2,9&23 Philip Harper, 06/16
  11: Fred Hersch/ Dayna Stephens; 12: Daryl                         Brooklyn Circle, 06/30 Eric Wyatt. Jun 1: E
  Sherman/Warren Vaché; 13: Brenda Earle                             Neal Smith New Breed Sxt, L Michael Weiss
  Stokes Trio; 14: Bill Goodwin Trio; 15: Ethan                      Qrt, N R; 2: PM Jimmy O'Connell Sxt, E Neal
  Iverson/Ron Carter, L Eden Ladin; 16: Ethan                        Smith New Breed Sxt, L Michael Weiss Qrt, N
  Iverson/Ron Carter, L Jon Davis; 17: Ethan                         R; 3: 1pm-PM R, E Deborah Davis, L Bruce
  Iverson/Ron Carter; 18: Mike Lipskin Trio; 19:                     Harris Gp, N R; 4: R; 5: E-L tba, N R; 6: E Lage
  Roseanna Vitro/Kenny Werner; 20: Gene                              Lund Qrt, L Fukushi Tainaka Qnt, N Jovan
  Bertoncini/ Rufus Reid; 21: Michael Wolff;                         Alexandre; 7: E Lage Lund Qrt, L Jure Pukl
  22: Joanne Brackeen/Richie Goods, L                                Qrt, N Charles Goold; 8: E Venture, L Mike
  Jeremy Manasia; 23: Joanne Brackeen/                               Rodriguez Gp, N R; 9: PM Buzz Donald, E
  Ugonna Okegwo, L Joe Davidian; 24: closed;                         Michael Cochrane, L Mike Rodriguez Gp, N
  25: Larry Fuller Trio; 26: Teri Roiger Qrt; 27:                    R; 10: 1pm-PM R, E tba, L JC Stylles Organ
  Ben Paterson Trio; 28: Noah Haidu Trio; 29:                        Qrt, N R; 11: E Joel Frahm Trio, L-N R; 12: E
  Melissa Aldana/Spike Wilner, L Lafayette                           Charles Blenzig Gp, L-N R; 13: E Carlo De
  Harris; 30: Melissa Aldana/Aaron Diehl, L                          Rosa Gp, L Kennci 4, N Isaiah Thompson;
  Jon Davis.                                                         14: E Harish Raghavan Qnt, L Hailey
                                                                     Niswanger Gp, N Davis Whitfield; 15: E
  (bet Jones & Cornelia Sts). 212-691-1770. 1st                      Brian Charette Trio, L Spike Wilner Gp, N R;
  Fri: 8&9:30pm free adm All Things Project                          16: PM Jon Roche & friends, E Brian Jun 1: Caroline                          Charette Trio, L Spike Wilner Gp, N R; 17:
  Davis Qrt.                                                         1pm-PM R, E Ehud Asherie Trio, L Richie
  SPACE: 55W 13th St, 5th Fl. 212-229-5488.
                                                                     Vitale Qnt, N R; 18: R; 19: E Robert Edwards
                                                                     Gp, L-N R; 20: E Nick Finzer Sxt, L Harold Tues-Sat: 8:30pm                           Mabern Trio, N Aaron Seeber; 21: E Frank
  The Stone at the New School. Jun 1-2: Marty                        Perowsky Gp, L Bruce Williams Qrt, N
  Ehrlich; 5-9: Jad Atoui; 12-16: James                                                               continued on page 20

18   For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to
ing a combination of selections from many
                                               different recordings, and I'm trying out
                                               some new music."
                                                  Jazz Meets the Classics, a 2012 live
                                               recording, features Paquito's ingenious
                                               and infectious takes on work by composers
                                               from the European and Latin American
                                               classical canons, featuring the samba-
                                               infused syncopations of Chopin's "Fantasia
                                               Impromptu,"         the      cajon-cadenced
                                               "Beethoven Peru," the New Orleans second
                                               line swing of "Adagio" from Mozart's
                                               Clarinet Concerto in A Major and the
                                               Cuban zarzuela composer Ernesto
                                               Lecuona's "Al Fin Te Vi."
                                                  Paquito & Manzanero, a 2016 CD, fea-
                                               tures selections from the songbook of
                                               Mexican composer Armando Manzanero,
                                               including the fascinating rhythms of
                                               "Amanecer," the 4/4 swing of "Mia" and the
                                               touching tango-milonga, "Te Extranjo."
                                                  Paquito just composed The Rice and
                                               Beans Concerto, a three-movement opus
                                               for clarinet, violoncello and orchestra, for
                                               his friend, cellist Yo Yo Ma, employing
                                               melodies, harmonies, rhythmic cells and

                                               instruments from China, Brazil, Cuba and
   IZZY GILLESPIE PREDICTED                    elements of jazz.
   that one day, "the music of the                "The piece is a commission from
Americas will be unified." For five decades,   Kennedy Center with an important erhu
three of them in the United States after he    (Chinese violin) part in the orchestra. I call
defected from Cuba in 1981, his protégé,       Yo Yo, 'Rice' because he's Chinese, and he
Paquito D'Rivera, has fulfilled his men-       calls me 'Beans' because I love black beans
tor's prophecy.                                and rice," Paquito says with a laugh.
   A multi Grammy award-winning saxo-             Paquito's ability to speak multiple
phonist, clarinetist, composer and band-       musical languages was imprinted on him
leader, Paquito was a founding member          from the moment he picked up the clarinet,
with pianist Chucho Valdes of Orquesta         growing up as classically trained child
Cubana de Musica Moderna in 1967, the          prodigy in Havana. "I was listening to all
Cuban jazz group Irakere in 1973, and the      types of music my whole life," Paquito
Caribbean Jazz Project with steel pans         says. "My father was a classical saxophone
player Andy Narrell in 1993.                   player, but he loved Stan Getz, Lester
   An NEA Jazz Master, he has worked as        Young and especially Benny Goodman. He
a sideman with everybody from Wynton           played his 1938 Carnegie Hall Concert LP
Marsalis and McCoy Tyner, to Mario             back-to-back with Goodman's recording of
Bauza and Cachao, and recorded over 40         Mozart's Clarinet Concerto." Paquito, who
albums as a leader. Blessed with a fiery       played clarinet and saxophone beginning
and fluid improvisational style, Paquito's     at age 5 with Cuba's National Symphony
wide-ranging, woodwind wizardry fluently       Orchestra, also counts French classical sax-
speaks many of our hemisphere's musical        ophonist Marcel Mule as a major influence.
languages: from American bebop to the             His broad musical education is evident
Argentine tango.                               throughout his recordings. They include
   Paquito, who received an Honorary           Why Not!, Explosion, Havana Café,
Doctorate from the Manhattan School of         Brazilian Dreams, A Night in Englewood
Music in May, performs at the Blue Note        (with the United Nation Orchestra) and
Jazz Festival with his longtime cohorts:       the Latin jazz soundtrack, Calle 54. Dizzy
Pianist and violinist Alex Brown, Peruvian     Gillespie remains a dominant influence on
bassist Oscar Stagnaro, drummer Mark           Paquito. He met the trumpeter when he
Walker, Argentine trumpeter and valve          visited Cuba as part of U.S. State
trombonist Diego Urcola and Curaçao per-       Department tour in 1977. Paquito worked
cussionist Pernell Saturnino. He brings his    closely with Gillespie, especially in his last
Pan-American set list to the stage in an       ensemble, the United Nation Orchestra,
especially festive mood because his birth-     comprising musicians from the Caribbean
day is June 4.                                 and Latin America, which he led after
   "The Blue Note is going to be like a 70th   Gillespie died in 1993.
birthday celebration," Paquito says. "We're       Now, entering his eighth decade,
going to be playing music from my more         Paquito feels that the most important
recent releases, Jazz Meets the Classics       thing he learned from Gillespie is that one
and Paquito & Manzanero. I'm also play-                                     continued on page 29

                                                               D'Rivera photo by Geandy Pavon.   19
continued from page 18                                            BROOKLYN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC:
  Asaf Yuria; 22: E John Bailey Qnt, L Ken                           58 7th Av. 718-622-3300. Jun
  Fowser Gp, N R; 23: PM Jade Synstelien Trio,                       1: 7pm Roger Lent w/spec guest Olivia
                                                                  BROWNSTONE JAZZ: 107 Macon St at
  E John Bailey Qnt, L Ken Fowser Gp, N R; 24:                       Chindamo.
  closed; 25: R; 26: E Steve Nelson Qrt, L-N R;
  27: E Emanuele Cisi Gp, L George                                   Nostrand Av. 917-704-9237. https://www.
  Papageorge Gp, N Mike Troy; 28: E Darrell                 Fri-Sat:
                                                                  COURTYARD IN ST. GEORGE: 10 Richmond
  Green Qrt, L Keith Brown Gp, N Jonathan                            9pm-12:30am Jazz Fish Fry fest.
  Thomas; 29: E Andy Fusco Qnt, L Dmitry
  Baevsky Qrt, N R; 30: PM Ben Barnett, E Santi                      Ter. Staten Island. Fri: 5-8:30pm free adm

  DeBriano Qrt, L Dmitry Baevsky Qrt, N R.                           Court Yard Fridays. Jun 22: Papo Vázquez;
                                                                  I-BEAM: 168 7th St.
                                                                     29: UTA All Stars.
  315W 22nd St (bet 8th & 9th Avs). 212-929-1955. Jun 14-16:                         Sets: 8:30pm $15 don. Jun 1: Ed Neumeister
  Chelsea Music festival feat 06/14 7:30-                            Qrt; 2: Judith Berkson/Ty Citerman; 15: Ben
                                                                  JAZZ 966: 966 Fulton St. 917-593-9776.
  8:30pm Rogério Boccato Quarteto,        9:30-                      Perowsky Trio.
  11pm Adam Birnbaum Trio, 06/15 9:30-11pm
SUBCULTURE: 45 Bleecker St at Lafayette St.
  Aaron Diehl Qrt, 06/16 8-10pm Helen Sung.                        Fri:
                                                                     8&10:15pm $15 don. Jun 1: Kim Clarke &
                                                                     Aqua Ninjaz Ens; 8: Danny Mixon Qnt; 15:
                                                                  KORZO RESTAURANT & BAR: 667 5th Av 212-533-5470.                           SaRon Crenshaw Qrt; 22: Sharp Radway.
  Jun 15: 8pm $20/25 adm Amy Cervini.
                                                                     (bet 19th & 20th Sts). 718-499-1199.
  199 Chambers St. 212-                 Tues: 9&
  220-1460. Jun 21: 8pm $45/50 adm                                   10:30pm $10 don/$10 min Konceptions
  Highlights in Jazz series feat Salute to                           Music series by James Carney. Jun 5: 9pm
  Russell Malone w/Jimmy Heath & Houston                             Dezron Douglas & Black Lion Trinity,
  Person, Lewis Nash, Willie Jones III, Jeremy                       10:30pm Davy Lazar; 12: 9pm This Against
  Pelt, Gene Bertoncini, Steve Nelson, Luke                          That, 10:30pm Dingo Rataplan; 19: 9pm Jeff
VILLAGE VANGUARD: 178 7th Av S at 11th
  Sellick.                                                           Davis & Catchfoot, 10:30pm Kris Davis Trio;
                                                                     26: 9pm James Carney Qrt, 10:30pm Ethan
                                                                  MURMRR: 17 Eastern Pkwy. 516-510-1477.
  St. 212-255-4037.                         Iverson Trio.
  Sets: 8:30&10:30pm. Adm: $30/1 drink min.
  Residency (R): Mon Vanguard Jazz Orch. Jun                Jun 25: 8pm $37.50/45
  1-3: Billy Hart Qrt; 4: R; 5-10: Scott Colley                      adm TEN w/Terri Lyne Carrington, Esperanza
  Trio; 11: R; 12-17: Joe Lovano/Dave Douglas                        Spalding & Nicholas Payton; 26: 8pm
                                                                  NATIONAL SAWDUST: 80N 6th St. 646-779-
  Qnt; 18: R; 19-24: David Murray & Class                            Meshell Ndegeocello.

ZINC BAR: 82W 3rd St (bet Thompson &
  Struggle; 25: R; 26-Jul 1: Tom Harrell Qnt.
                                                                     8455. Sets: 7pm.
  Sullivan). 212-477-8337.                          Jun 15: Yosvany Terry & Baptiste Trotignon’s
  Residencies: Sun 9pm Zinc Tango Trio; Sat                          Ancestral Memories Qrt; 16: 11am Oran
                                                                     Etkin feat Timbalooloo; 23: Barbara Parker
                                                                  PROSPECT PARK BANDSHELL: at 9th St.
  10pm Monika Oliveira & The Brasilians. Jun                         Trio; 27: The Stone feat Jon Irabagon.
  4: 10pm-2am VandoJam feat Tom Walsh; 5:
  7&8:30pm Melanie Charles; 6: 8&10pm Janis                          Park Slope. 718-
  Siegel & Lauren Kinhan w/spec guest Jo                             855-7882. Jun 22&29: 7:30pm free adm BRIC
  Lawry; 8: 7&8:30pm Bob Merrill Trio; 13:                           Celebrate Brooklyn! festival feat 06/22
  8&10pm Lew Tabackin Trio; 14: 7&8:30pm                             Robert Glasper & R+R=NOW, 06/29 Branford
                                                                  ROULETTE: 509 Atlantic Av at 3rd Av.
  Xiomara Laugart; 16: 8-9:30pm Bill Warfield                        Marsalis.
  & the Hell’s Kitchen Funk Orch; 18: 8&10pm
  String Attached feat Chico Pinheiro; 22:                  917-267-0363. Sets: 8pm.
  7&8:30pm Silvano Monastorios Trio; 23: 8pm                         Jun 18: $20 adm Samuel Blaser Trio; 24: $15
                                                                  SHAPESHIFTER LAB: 18 Whitwell Pl.
  Matt Wilson Qrt; 28: 7&8:30pm Curtis                               Jonathan Finlayson.
  Brothers Qrt.
                                                                     Sets/adm unless otherwise noted: Early (E)
                      BRONX                                          7pm, Late (L) 8:15pm, Night (N) 9:30pm; $10

                                                                     adm. Jun 1: E Triple Tea, L Fany de la Chica;
                                                                     2: 8pm $20 The Reggie Young Band +
  Southern Blvd. 718-817-8700.                         Hadrien Feraud; 5: E Ayman Fanous Ens, L
  Jun 22: 7-8:30pm Salute to Crescent City-                          $8 Fumi Tomita Gp; 6: E $15 Broadbelt Qrt; 7:
                                                                     7:30pm $20 Duke Guillaume & The
  New Orleans at 300 feat Evan Christopher.                          Metropolitan Gospel Big Band; 10: L $8
                                                                     Shawn Lawson & The Progression Ens; 12: E
                                                                     Evan Ryan Gp, L Daryl & Trifecta; 13: E Jacob
                  BROOKLYN                                           Varmus & Drift-Steer, L Killick & Rauh; 14:

440 GALLERY: 440 Sixth Av. 718-499-3844.
                                                                     $15/10 E Susan Wagner H.S. Jazz Band, 8pm
                                                                     Arturo O'Farrill & the Afro Latin Jazz Orch;
                                                                     15: $35 7:30&9pm Jack DeJohnette/Ravi 1st Sun: 4:40pm $10                            Coltrane/Matthew Garrison; 18: E Dry Hands,
  don Me, Myself and Eye. Jun 3: Billy Mintz.                        8pm Unified Field Orch; 19: $8 E Gaya
         30 Lafayette Av. 718-636-4100.                              Feldheim Schorr Spt, L Mareike Wiening Qnt; Jun 7: 12pm Bernard Purdie &                          20: E Andy Bianco Qnt; 21: E-L $10/12
  All-Star Shuffle w/guests Bobbi Humphrey &                         Britpop Choir & Choir, N Mateusz
BARBÈS: 376 9th St at 6th Av. Park Slope.
  Quiana Lynell.                                                     Smoczynski Qnt; 22: E-L $10/12 Britpop
                                                                     Choir & Brooklynite Choir, 9pm $15/10 718-965-9177.                              ShoutHouse; 24: 5,6&7pm $20 Bernard
  Residencies: Sun 9pm Stephane Wrembel;                             Woma memorial feat Mark Stone, David
  Mon 7pm Brain Cloud; Tues 9pm Slavic Soul                          Rogers, Raul Rothblatt & Famoro Dioubate;
                                                                  SISTAS’ PLACE: 456 Nostrand Av at Jefferson
  Party; Wed 10pm Mandingo Ambassadors;                              25: E Jon Snell Trio.
  Fri 5pm The Crooked Trio. Jun 22: 8pm Ben
  Holmes & Naked Lore.                                                                                continued on page 24

20   For comprehensive daily updated listings with sort-by options—by artist, location, day or time—go to
-*"   -",      Ê 9Ê               /

                NEW JERSEY JAZZ
                          Gary Walker, “Morning Jazz Host”, WBGO, 88.3 FM/
                    VIC JURIS
                    RIVERV R IEW JA
                           RV       J ZZ FESTIVA  V L at J. OWEN GRUNDY PIER / JUNE 1
                    In his Jersey City home, a 10-year-old Vic Juris picked up a guitar and never let go.
                    With near 30 recordings as a leader, Vic has also shared his phenomenal fl    f exibility
                    with Larry Coryell, Sarah Vaughan, Jimmy Smith, James Moody and Dave Liebman.
                    Honored as a top guitarist by the Jazz Journalists Association, Vic has authored
                    numerous books on jazz guitar and technique. Vic's new recording, Ey      E e CoC ntact
                    (Steeplechase) displays his inspiring interpretation of the music of Wayne Shorter,
                    Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, Jule Styne and Jimmy Van Heusen, alongside a rework-
                    ing of an original fr
                                       f om his early recording days and the bossa-fl
                                                                                   f avored title track. Vic
                    kicks off
                            f the weeklong 2018 Riverview Jazz Festival with fe
                            ff                                                     f llow guitarists Dave
                    Stryker and Apicella. He also perfo  f rms with Erik Lawrence at the Port Imperial
                    Sunset Music series June 21.
                    R Y MANTILLA
                    GATEWAY 2 / JUNE 6
                    Absorbing the rhythm-rich, dance-crazed atmosphere of his birthplace in the South
                    Bronx, master percussionist Ray Mantilla was playing Afr  f o-Cuban rhythms with jazz
                    harmonies early on with Ray Barretto and Eddie Palmieri. Ray quickly added steam
                    to bands led by Herbie Mann and Max Roach and he toured the world with Art
                    Blakey's Jazz Messengers. Ray's diversity included work with Charles Mingus, Cedar
                    Walton, Eartha Kitt and Shirley Scott. On his latest recording, Hi
                                                                                     igh Vo  a e (Savant),
                                                                                         V ltag
                    the percussive fi
                                    f re and textures are all there, revisiting "Comin' Home Baby" and
                    "Cedar's Blues," a scorching "Solar" and some conguero call and response on Ron
                    Carter's "Third Plane." Ray's own "Lane Change" shows the versatility one can expect
                    f om any Mantilla moment. Ray's sure to have you dancing on your lunch hour!
                    BEHN GILLEC      CE
                    HYATT NEW BRUNSWICK / JUNE 14
                    For vibraphonist Behn Gillece, teenage studies in classical percussion led to the jazz
                    world, where he's developed into a signifi f cant musical fo
                                                               fi                 f rce. Behn's quiet fi
                                                                                                       f re on a
                    bebop smoker or a peacefu  f l ballad statement can be heard on fo
                                               fu                                        f ur co-led recordings
                    with saxophonist Ken Fowser and three as leader fo    f r the Posi-tone label, or as a wel-
                    come sideman on eff ffo
                                         forts fr
                                               f om saxophonist Walt Weiskopf,     f trombonist Michael Dease
                    and singer Melody Gardot. Behn's new off    ffe
                                                                fffering, Straig
                                                                               i ht Fo
                                                                               ig     F rward (Posi-tone) is as
                    part of the group New Faces with trumpeter Josh Lawrence, saxophonist Roxy Coss,
                    pianist Theo Hill, bassist Peter Brendler and drummer Vinnie Sperrazza. They cele-
                    brate the fi
                              f re and hush of this new album with originals and a nod to Herbie Hancock.
                    CARRIE JA  J CKSON
                    1867 SANCTUARY     R AT EWING / JUNE 16
                    For Newark native Carrie Jackson, the spirit of song started at age 6 singing at Mount
                    Calvary Baptist Church and developed in school with piano and voice studies with
                    Duke Anderson, eventually singing profe f ssionally with Duke's big band. Comfo
                                                            fe                                     f rtable
                    in the worlds of jazz, pop, blues and gospel, Carrie and her musical fr
                                                                                          f iends regularly
                    share with audiences the spirit of Basie, Ellington, Armstrong, Gillespie and Waller,
                    spicing things up with the best of the Great American Songbook. Carrie's recording, A
                    T ibute to Sa
                    Tr          S rah Va
                                       V ug
                                         u han, Ne       ' Own (C-Jay) is a swinging, poignant acknowl-
                                                  N wark's
                    edgement to The Divine One, divinely done. Whether it's "This Can't Be Love," "On
                    the Street Where You Live" or "Send in the Clowns," Carrie embraces jazz standards
                    with style and grace to make these gems her own.

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