THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...

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THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
Indicative Site Boundaries

Midhurst, West Sussex

Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs National Park
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                                                                  2

• Exceptional historic estate comprising
  a former sanatorium that has been
  superbly restored to deliver luxury
  apartments by award winning conversion
  specialists, City & Country Group;
• The estate includes listed buildings and
  new build development set in a 165 acre
• Advantageous location within South
  Downs National Park, benefitting from
  uninterrupted views over beautiful
• Close proximity to established towns,
  including Midhurst 5.5 km (3.4 miles) and
  Haslemere 11.6 km (7.2 miles);
• Renowned recreational facilities available
  at nearby Cowdray Park and Goodwood
• Last remaining land parcels within the
  estate for sale with detailed planning
  permission in place;
• Lot 1 (Eastern Courtyard) – planning
  permission for 28 new-build terraced
  houses & 20 apartments;
• Lot 2 (Western Courtyard) – planning
  permission for 51 new-build apartments;
• Freeholds for sale with vacant
• Unconditional offers invited.

                                                   View over South Downs National Park. Sanatorium facing South
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                          3

King Edward VII Hospital was founded in 1901 to care for those
suffering from tuberculosis and was officially opened in July 1906 by
His Majesty King Edward VII. The institution was given the name King
Edward VII Sanatorium. The estate provided a bright, south facing
hillside outlook with excellent views of the South Downs. After the
eradication of tuberculosis, the hospital was later used as a modern
hospital admitting NHS and private patients. The hospital eventually
closed in 2006 and was left abandoned and in decline until City &
Country acquired the site.

City & Country acquired the King Edward VII Hospital and
surrounding grounds in 2009, before achieving planning permission
in 2011 for comprehensive redevelopment of the estate. They have
restored and transformed the existing buildings and estate, to create
an exceptional place to live, having due respect for the historic
detailing and features of both the listed buildings, the setting and
wider landscape.The restoration includes the conversion of Grade II
and II* listed buildings, most notably the former sanatorium building,
as well as the historic Gertrude Jekyll gardens.
Across the 165 acre estate, a total of approximately 218 dwellings
have been delivered to date together with leisure facilities for the
benefit of all residents. These facilities include a swimming pool in
the restored Chapel and communal rooms within the Sanatorium.
City & Country have worked with high quality new build developers
Millgate Homes, Metis Homes and Cala Homes to deliver the majority
of the new build units so far.
The final phases of the estate are underway with City & Country
currently working to complete the final residential conversion of
the former Engine and Motor House’s and associated new build
Cottages. In addition, a luxury retirement scheme is in the process
of design/planning on another part of the site (Kings Green East and
part of Superintendents Drive).
All of the units completed to date have been finished to a high
standard and the development is now well established and
recognised as an aspirational place to live. City & Country are looking
to identify a developer that will strive to maintain this standard of
quality design and construction, building on the legacy created.
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                                                                                                                                                    4

LOCAL AREA                                                                                                          CONNECTIVIT Y
Located in the Parish of Easebourne, the estate is      As well as local towns and villages, the estate is within
approximately 4.8 km (3 miles) north of Midhurst and    close proximity of the south coast, with excellent
3.2 km (2 miles) south of Fernhurst, near Haslemere,    opportunities for sailing at Chichester and Bosham.         The estate is well connected via local roads including the A286 that runs
Surrey. Midhurst is a market town that provides a       Golfers will also be spoilt for choice with over 30 golf    north to Haslemere and south towards Chichester. The A272 also runs
range of local and national retailers, coffee shops,    courses within a fifteen mile radius of the estate, the     directly from Midhurst and leads west towards Petersfield and the A3.
bars, restaurants and local pubs. The A286 (North       closest of which is Cowdray Park Golf Club.                 The A3 provides excellent connectivity to Guildford, London and the M25
Street) runs through the centre of Midhurst acting as                                                               northbound, as well as Portsmouth southbound.
the high street, leading towards Easebourne in the      Situated in the heart of the South Downs National
                                                        Park and within an area of Outstanding Natural              International travel can be easily reached from both London Heathrow and
north and Goodwood in the south.
                                                        Beauty, the site benefits from views over a                 Gatwick Airports. Heathrow is situated 77.2 km (48 miles) north east of the
Continuing 11.6 km (7.2 miles) further north, the       spectacular landscape.                                      site and Gatwick is 62.8 km (39 miles) to the east, both of which can be
A286 also leads towards Haslemere, a larger market                                                                  accessed via the A3 and M25.
town that provides more comprehensive range of
facilities including Waitrose and Marks and Spencer                                                                 Rail
supermarkets as well as Haslemere Leisure Centre.                                                                   Haslemere railway station is approximately 11.7 km (7.3 miles) north, providing
                                                                                                                    regular train services between Portsmouth Harbour and London Waterloo via
                                                                                                                    Guildford, run by South Western Railways. Approximate journey times:

                                                                                                                    RAILWAY TERMINAL                        APPROXIMATE JOURNEY TIME
                                                                                                                    London Waterloo                         49 – 72 minutes
                                                                                                                    Guildford                               16 - 23 minutes
                                                                                                                    Portsmouth & Southsea                   36 – 51 minutes
                                                                                                                    Gatwick Airport                         69 – 107 minutes (via Guildford)

                                                                                                                    The nearest bus stop is King Edward VII Hospital Turn which is situated at
                                                                                                                    the end of Kings Drive, where the road joins with the A286. This bus stop is
                                                                                                                    located 1.4 km (0.9 miles) east of the estate and provides direct services to
                                                                                                                    Midhurst and Guildford, via the neighbouring towns and villages with bus
                                                                                                                    numbers 70 and 470. The service is run by Stagecoach South.

                                                                                                                    COWDRAY PARK AND GOODWOOD
                                                                                                                    An affluent area within West Sussex, the estate is close to the world renowned
                                                                                                                    recreational facilities of the Goodwood Estate and Cowdray Park. Cowdray
                                                                                                                    Park Polo Club hosts matches every week from April to September, the main
                                                                                                                    event being the Gold Cup for the British Open Championship, attracting
                                                                                                                    many international players. Additionally, Goodwood Estate provides excellent
                                                                                                                    events such as the Festival of Speed and the Goodwood Revival, whilst horse
                                                                                                                    racing takes place regularly at Goodwood Racecourse.
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                                                                                                       5

Site Description
The Eastern Courtyard is a cleared land parcel and benefits from two planning
permissions. It is currently utilised for temporary surface level resident’s car
parking. The first planning permission was granted in 2011 for 68 assisted
living units. The second planning permission was granted in 2016 for 28
houses and 20 apartments with a further variation to the 2016 permission.

Planning History
                            Assisted Living Scheme – this permission was varied by a
11/03635/FUL as varied by   Section 73 variation planning, consented 29/11/2012. The
12/01392/FUL                amendments sought under this permission did not relate
                            to the area of the site currently offered for sale.
                            COU from Assisted Living to Residential – granted
                            11/01/2016 for a change of use from Assisted Care Living
15/02213/FUL                (Use Class C2) to Open Market Residential Properties
                            (Use Class C3). This permission has been implemented
                            and is extant.
                            Variation of Conditions to Residential Scheme –
                            granted 26/10/2018 to vary the wording of various
                            conditions to reduce level of details to be provided
18/02811/CND                pre-commencement. This application also provided
                            the relevant information to discharge the remaining
                            pre-commencement conditions attached to permission
                            15/02213/FUL in order to allow for lawful implementation.
                            Certificate of Lawful Development - this certificate                                            Indicative Site Boundary
                            granted on 19 February 2019 confirms that permission
                            15/02213/FUL as varied by 18/02811/CND was lawfully
                            implemented on 12 December 2018.                            Eastern Courtyard East Elevation

                            Design Amends to Residential Scheme - application
                            approved 02/12/2019 for amendments to the design
                            and layouts of the East Apartments, East Courtyard
                            Terrace Houses and Superintendents Drive Houses and
                            to re-configure the vehicular access route into the East
                            Basement Car Park off Kings Drive.

Basement Car Park
The latest variation to the planning permission also includes a basement car            Eastern Courtyard North Elevation
park consisting of 188 parking spaces.
The purchaser of the Eastern Courtyard will need to provide 74 car parking
spaces for the Sanatorium however, they will be provided with 96 spaces in
the west underground car park, which has already been developed. Please
be advised that the 96 spaces in the west underground car park, will only be
provided if the two land parcels are purchased together.
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                                                                   6

Site Description
The Western Courtyard consists of a cleared land parcel with planning
permission for 51 apartments within a multi-storey block, southwest of the
former Chapel. The planning permissions granted permission for a single
block, however a Section 73 application has been submitted to vary the
design and layout, splitting the block into three separate buildings. This also
includes internal reconfigurations of layouts and the basement. A feature of
the design is the inclusion of private balconies or terraces for all apartments.
The West Apartments will include the delivery of a gymnasium that will need
to be made available for all residents across the Estate. The facilities will be
managed by the Estate Management Company.

Planning History
                            Residential Scheme - erection of 51 apartments
11/03635/FUL (11/03640/LBC) comprising 7 no. 1 bed, 41 no. 2 bed and 3 no. 4 bed
                               Amendments to Residential Scheme - amendments
                               to the proposals approved by permission 11/03635/
12/01392/FUL (12/01391/LIS)
                               FUL. Erection of 48 apartments, known as West
                               Design Amends - amendments to the design and
18/03485/CND* & 18/03486/
                               layouts associated with the West Apartments,
                               increasing the number of units from 48 to 51.
                               Section 73 Application - variation of Condition
                               1 on planning consent SDNP/12/01392/FUL. This
20/04766/CND - pending         application is for the reordering of the approved West
                                                                                        Indicative Site Boundary
                               Apartments from one large block to three separate,
                               smaller buildings.

Western Elevation
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                                                                                                                                              7

DEMOGRAPHICS                                                      PREVIOUS SALES DATA AND                                         SUMMARY
The previous phases at King Edward VII Hospital, has              FORECASTS                                                       The last remaining parcels at King Edward Hospital VII
demonstrated the buyer demographics that are drawn to                                                                             present an excellent opportunity to develop a scheme within
this location. Previous phases undertaken by prestigious          Across the estate, the previous phases have sold to provide     an established estate located in the heart of the South Downs
developers, such as Millgate Homes, Metis Homes and CALA          a firm evidence base of sales data. The benefits of place-      National Park, surrounded by 165 acres of woodland. With
Homes have delivered premium houses which appeal to               making have become obvious due to the sale prices achieved      the benefit of existing place making and through delivery
affluent young families and up-sizers. In addition to this, the   in the later phases of the development. Please refer to our     of a high quality specification, we believe premium sales
conversion of the former sanatorium, undertaken by City &         data room for a break down of these sales figures.              values could be achieved for the proposed schemes. Despite
Country, has delivered large luxury apartments that have          The average UK house price has continued to rise strongly       challenging conditions throughout the last 18 months due
attracted downsizers and second-home owners seeking a             in 2021, increasing by +5.6% in the first six months of the     to COVID-19, the demand for properties in out of town rural
rural bolthole.                                                   year according to the Nationwide index. Despite the rush of     locations has increased. The appeal of these properties tends
                                                                  activity prior to the stamp duty deadlines of March and June,   to be driven by proximity to the countryside and the provision
It is anticipated that the dwellings to be delivered by these                                                                     of private and communal gardens.
last remaining parcels will continue to appeal to these buyer     we are continuing to see elevated levels of demand against
types. The South East housing market has boomed during the        the backdrop of limited supply. This imbalance looks set to
COVID-19 Pandemic, with demand for new-build properties           maintain growth for the second half of the year meaning we
in rural locations such as Midhurst primarily being driven by a   expect annual house price growth across the UK as a whole
change in consumer preferences. We expect the behavioural         to end 2021 at 9.0%. Market in Minutes - Savills Research
changes that have evolved as a result of the COVID-19
Pandemic, most notably increased working from home and
a desire for additional space and gardens, will amplify the
demand for the proposed dwellings.
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
The King Edward VII Estate Midhurst, West Sussex                                                                                                                            8

                                                   TITLE AND TENURE                                                VIEWINGS
                                                   The freehold interest in the sites will be                      Viewings are strictly by appointment only.
                                                   sold with vacant possession. Lot 1 and Lot                      Please contact Edward James or Tessa
                                                   2 are offered separately or together.                           Wright at Savills to make an appointment.

                                                   METHOD OF SALE                                                  DATA ROOM
                                                   The sites are offered for sale by informal                      Further information relating to the site is
                                                   tender unless sold prior. Offers are                            available for download from our online
                                                   invited for the freehold interests on an                        data room:
                                                   unconditional basis.
                                                   Please note that the Vendors reserves the                       Hospital_VII
                                                   right not to accept the highest or any offer,
                                                   withdraw the site from the market or to
                                                   alter the method of sale at any time.
                                                                                                                   For further information please contact:
                                                   VAT                                                             Edward James
                                                   The Vendors will not elect to charge VAT.
                                                                                                                   07812 965300

                                                                                                                   Tessa Wright
                                                                                                                   07977 030108

                                                   IMPORTANT NOTICE
                                                   Maps are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office.
                                                   © Crown copyright licence number 100022432 Savills (UK) Ltd, and published for the purposes of identification only
                                                   and although believed to be correct accuracy is not guaranteed.
                                                   Savills, their clients and any joint agents give notice that:
                                                   1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here
                                                      or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for
                                                      any statement that may be made in these particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract
                                                      and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.
                                                   2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only
                                                      and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning,
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                                                      must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.
                                                   Designed and Produced by Savills Marketing: 020 7499 8644 | September 2021
THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ... THE KING EDWARD VII ESTATE - Midhurst, West Sussex Residential development opportunity located within historic estate situated in the South Downs ...
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