The Informer - St John UCC

Page created by Chad Mccoy
The Informer - St John UCC
the Informer

Each Wednesday of Lent
  March 4th – April 1st
  6:00 pm in the Theater
   light refreshments provided

             Lenten Workshop – Faith 5
                    Hosted by Youth Ministries
           Church families, members and guests are invited
           to stop by the Youth Ministries table during the
           Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 15 from 10-10:30
           a.m. to participate in our Lenten Workshop.
           Families will be equipped with instructions and
           materials to follow five easy steps each evening
           before bed to encourage, shape, support, and
           enrich faith formation in the home.

The Informer - St John UCC
Another Acknowledgement of the
                                                                     “UBUNTU” Spirit
                                                          [Some of the ideas shared in this month’s newsletter
                                                          article repeat ideas share previously. The repetition is
                                                          entirely intentional because we are, once again,
                                                          approaching a critical and defining point in the Interim
                                                          Process. The St. John Pastoral Search Committee is now
                                                          actively engaged in conducting interviews with
prospective Senior Minister candidates. What a tremendous blessing it is to have reached this important
milestone. Nevertheless, even at this late date, some church members, whose thoughts and ideas we value,
have not been directly engaged in the growth and careful reflection that has occurred among us. Therefore, if
the repetition, in this article, seems odd, that will be OK. Comments and reactions to it will be one indication
that people really are paying attention to these monthly articles.]
The annual celebration of Black History Month and the earlier observance of the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. always remind me of the spirit of “ubunto”: “I am because we are.” This ancient concept, derived
from and expressed in the Zulu culture, was summarized by Dr. King as follows: “We are caught in an
inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all
indirectly. This is the interrelated structure of all reality. You can never be what you ought to be until I become
what I ought to be.” The spirit of ubuntu reminds us of the power of joining soulfully with others.
When the former president of the United States, Barack Obama, made a speech two years ago, in
Johannesburg — at the 2018 Nelson Mandela annual lecture — he said that Mandela “understood the ties
that bind the human spirit.” He added, “There is a word in South Africa — Ubuntu — that describes
(Mandela’s) greatest gift: his recognition that we are all bound together in ways that can be invisible to the
eye; that there is a oneness to humanity; that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with others, and
caring for those around us.”
The spirit of ubuntu has valuable lessons for us all. It’s about empathy and compassion for others, building
community, appreciating diversity and knowing that our highest potential is ripened and nurtured through our
I have been blessed to serve as Intentional Interim Pastor of the St. John congregation for nearly three years.
Dr. King’s words and later those of former President Obama, regarding general human relationships, resound
equally true, during a pastoral interim and when applied to relationships within a faith community. During our
time together, I’ve tried to allow my relationships with you to be shaped by this same philosophy of Ubuntu.
During these nearly three years of service, I have learned so many things, grown and been strengthened in so
very many ways because you, the members of St. John, are who you are. Those church participants who have
been most actively engaged, during this interim period have had similar experiences in their own relationships
with one another. As is true in any congregation, some members and expected participants at St. John have
chosen to remain “absent.” I suppose some of those who have remained absent have waited on the sidelines
to see what the outcome of the interim process will be. Such persons, while still very much a part of the
church family, have chosen to miss out on what has proven to be one of the most creative periods in the life of
the St. John congregation, while the rest of the community has been deeply engaged in the interim process.
The obvious lament regarding those who have remained absent is that we’ve not been blessed with their
The Informer - St John UCC
individual and collective wisdom, during these 35 months. Therefore, whatever conclusion the congregation
reaches, regarding the next settled pastor, will lack their valuable input and runs the increased risk of being a
choice with which those who have been absent may not agree.
These newsletter comments are not intended to set up an unfair “we/they” dichotomy between those who
have remained involved and those who have not. Instead, they are intended as a fervent appeal to all prior
St. John church participants, who care about the future of this dynamic and meaningful community of faith.
As we prepare to call a new senior pastor, we urge you to “come home”, where your gifts for ministry will
be warmly embraced. The St. John Church is who it is because you are who you are. And, we are far better at
being who we are, when all of you, are with us.
My final day in ministry with you will be, Sunday, April 19, 2020. As we continue in ministry together, during
these next few weeks, my most fervent prayer is that all of us will experience and reflect a sense of “Ubuntu,”
as we reassess, with the help of God, what it means to be a growing, increasingly-inclusive faith community.
May the Peace of Christ be with you, always!
Marvin L. Morgan
Interim Senior Pastor

                              Pastor Search Committee Update
                                        March 2020
The Pastor Search Committee (“PSC”) gave two updates to the congregation during January. The
first presentation was made on January 12th to both worship services . The PSC provided an
overview of the many steps and activities involved in the search process, and reported on progress to
date, including how many pastoral profiles had been received. We also reviewed the pastor traits and
competencies identified by the congregation that would inform the Committee’s evaluation of
The second presentation was made on January 26th at St. John UCC’s Annual
Meeting. The PSC provided an update on the search process and played a
video entitled “Look Who God Sent”. The video provided deeper insight and
understanding of the search process through the reflections and recollections of
a search committee from Kenilworth UCC in Buffalo, NY. It also shared the
wisdom and experiences of several Pastors that have sought a call in the UCC.
If you are interested in watching the video, please contact Amy Rhymer in the
church office.
As of the date of this writing, the PSC has received 22 pastoral profiles. We are continuing to meet 2
to 4 times a week to review these profiles and interview candidates. Again, we ask that you pray for
our congregation and the PSC as we continue to discern and seek the person that God has already
chosen to join us as our next Senior Pastor.
Beth Bancroft                         Megan DeLong                          Stephanie Vandeford, Recorder
Darryl Collins                        Nancy Fitzgerald, Chaplain            Mark Waltermire Co-Chair
Stu Craig, Co-Chair                   Erin Milkert                          Cindy Welch

The Informer - St John UCC
Sunday Attendance
January             Special    9:00          10:30       Sunday
                    Worship   Worship       Worship      School
January 5th                      140           40          19
January 12th                     100           41          15
January 19th                     103           31          12
January 26th                     121           51          11
Average                          116           41          14

                                                    Church Financials
                                        January 2020                 Month       Year-To-Date
                                        General Fund Income         $81,441.69      $81,441.69
                                        General Fund Expenses       $61,930.89      $61,930.89
                                        Difference (General Fund)   $19,510.80      $19,510.80

Pledges made for Forward                        $647,722.31
in Faith capital campaign:
Donations through January 2020                  $361,798.75

Expenditures through January 2020               $156,362.33

Balance in Forward in Faith                     $205,436.42
capital campaign fund

                                                    New Member Luncheon
                                                        Sunday, March 8, 12:00 pm
                                                           Colton’s Steakhouse

                                       Join us for a meal, conversation, and orientation for
                                         anyone interested in becoming a member of our
                                                     St. John UCC congregation.

The Informer - St John UCC
Dear St. John Church,
We are so grateful for the donation of $1,131.30 collected as part of our 2019
M&M Fundraiser for the S.O.S. Soup Kitchen. We could not help the families of
the Collinsville area without support like yours. The Soup Kitchen feeds on
average 174 people per week, spending approximately $5.09 per meal plus an
additional $1.59 for the sack lunch we send home with the patrons. Last year
St. John served 822 meals to patrons, with 70 take home meals with a total of
202 volunteers. Support like yours makes a difference in our community.
Without it, we could not minister to so many of our neighbors. Thank you for your donation.
Yours in Christ,
Dana Callahan

Dear Faith Partner and Supporter,
You were unbelievable in your prayers, thoughtfulness and especially, sharing and giving. We have
heard so many “thank you” and “What a great surprise” and “who does this sort of thing!” If only we
could record! There may not be a lot of words but I think you will feel the HEART. From the staff and I,
we thank you for all and everything you have done to make life better and happier for our children,
families, and community.
Brenda Crisp – Executive Director
Kindercottage Staff and Major Anderson & Family

Those receiving our Meals on Wheels volunteers during cold days in January were greeted
with friendly conversation and warm meals. A big thank you to Clyde & Vicki Donovan, Phyllis
& Ken Waltermire, Dave Sheahan & Jean Nicolussi, Lois & Ed Bluemner, and Nancy Blumberg
& Paul Werner. Thank you for serving the community of Collinsville.

As I began another journey with cancer, I felt your caring thoughts and uplifting prayers
sustaining me. I wish to thank all for your support during this time. Treatment will be
ongoing for quite some time, but my cancer markers are already declining. A reason to be
thankful and hopeful. Much gratitude for your love and prayers. Our God is a powerful God.
Blessings, Valerie Bates

Gifts to the Church
General Fund
   • In memory of Cynthia Regan from Ted & Audrey Sanders.
   • In memory of Alma Buente from Jerry & Pat McChristian, Lloyd
     Worley, Glenda Moore, Jim & Gail Herren, Rich & Joyce
     Skelton, Clyde & Vicki Donovan, Don & Karen Take, Ken & Phyllis Waltermire, and
     Carolyn Wells.
   • In memory of Dorothy Hamilos from Clyde & Vicki Donovan.

The Informer - St John UCC
Pastor Morgan’s Interim Ministry Nears Completion
Pastor Marvin Morgan has informed the Church Council that his last day of ministry at St.
John will be April 19, 2020. Pastor Marvin has faithfully and successfully guided our
congregation and the Transition Team through a period of prayer and reflection where we
have paused to discern who we are as a people of God, and what it is God calls us to be.
He has also prepared the Search Committee to independently continue their work with
ongoing support from the Illinois South Conference. Pastor Marvin feels that mid-April is
the appropriate time to end his interim ministry here at St. John and allow a time of
transition as the congregation prepares to embrace a new settled senior pastor.

The Search Committee is diligently working to identify our next settled senior pastor, but
there is no timeframe for when their work will be completed. In the interim, Pastor Katie
Jo will handle the pastoral duties with some additional support that the Council is working
with Pastor Katie Jo to define. We will share more detailed plans with the congregation as
we have them.

We thank Pastor Marvin for his leadership during this interim period. Plans for a
celebration of Pastor Marvin’s ministry at St. John will be announced in the next few

                                 Capital Campaign Follow -Up Task Force
                           I am delighted to report that, as of February 7, we have received
                           $362,945.75 in Capital Campaign donations from 132 givers. That is
                           56% of total pledges of $647,722.31.

26 pledges have been paid in full. Nearly all the rest have been paid up-to-date based on our
understanding of the giver’s intended schedule. In addition, several gifts have been received from
individuals who did not make pledges.

Capital Campaign funds have already enabled us to repave the west parking lot, improve outside
lighting, install a new lift in the Faith Hall lobby, and commit to organ repairs. We should be very
proud of our congregation for both their commitment to maintain and improve our campus and
their faithfulness in fulfilling their pledges. We realize that pledges often stretch a member’s
budget, so it can take a real commitment to keep up with payments. Thank you to each and every
one of you who is sharing your financial blessings with your church family. It is wonderful to have
well-maintained buildings to use as we extend God’s love to so many, both within and outside our

Capital Campaign Follow-Up Task Force – Nancy Berry, Judy Brickey, Tammy Craig
The Informer - St John UCC
Open and Affirming Update
Upcoming events are listed below as we as a congregation continue
a period of study to determine whether we wish to adopt an Open
and Affirming (ONA) covenant within the United Church of Christ
Bible Study – March 4, 11, 18 at 6 p.m. in the Theater
Through video, Bible Study, and discussion, explore the Bible
passages cited against homosexuality, giving consideration to the
history and cultural practices of the time as well as translations from the original language
of the Bible. Sessions will last one to one-and-a-half hours. If you have any questions or
concerns and would like to know more about what it means to be an ONA Congregation,
please join us in the Theater on March 4, 11 and 18 at 6:00 p.m.
Webpage Resources Available
Information about the Open and Affirming process is now available on the St. John
website. There are links to articles, books and videos for Bible Study and for a better
understanding of why the Open and Affirming process is important. Books that are
referenced on the webpage are available in the church office. You may access the
webpage by going to the main St. John website and clicking on “O and A” on the far right
of the top menu bar, or by going directly to

                  Church Council Highlights
                       February 2020
   • The lift installation has been completed and inspected.
   • The Council accepted the 60-day notification from Pastor
     Morgan on his departure as Interim Senior Pastor. His last
     day will be April 19, 2020.
   • The Council approved Pastor Shana Johnson preach on April 19, 2020.
   • The Council approved three events for Men’s Fellowship – April 5, 2020 Pancake &
     Sausage Breakfast, September 17, 2020 Church Picnic, and October 15, 2020 Wurst
   • The Council approved two events for the Evening Circle – May 6, 7, and 8, 2020 for
     the Rummage Sale and June 18, 2020 for the Fashion Show
   • The Council approved the following Extra Step Offerings: March 22 – OCWM (Our
     Church’s Wider Mission); May 31 – Du Bois Center; October 4 – Emmaus Home.
      *Please Note: Final Council and Special Congregational Meeting minutes are available from the church office
      upon request.

The Informer - St John UCC
Happy Wanderers is planning a trip on Thursday, April 30
to Arthur, Illinois and the Amish country. We will have a
step on guide from the community and will be her guest
in her home for one of her famous meals. The specifics
of this trip will be in the office or the Narthex starting the
first of March. Reservations will need to be in by the end
of March. Please stop by to see all that this trip offers.
Any questions may be directed to Vicki Donovan (344-6809)

                                                   Monthly Donations for
Thank you for your continued support of Kindercottage. Needed items are listed in the Informer each
month. When out shopping please consider purchasing any/all of the listed items, and bring them to the
church. A container, marked ‘For Kindercottage’, is located in the Atrium. Each month the donated items
are delivered to them.
                                 The requested items for March are:
 Pine Sol, Windex, oven cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, tub & tile cleaner, disinfectant
                       wipes, bleach, stainless steel cleaner.
             Your support is greatly appreciated by the staff and children of Kindercottage.

                   Our book club has chosen the next book we will be reviewing;
                   Code Talker: The First and Only Memoir By One of the Original Navajo
                   Code… by Chester Nez.

                    His name wasn’t Chester Nez. That was the English name he was assigned in
                    kindergarten. And in boarding school at Fort Defiance, he was punished for
                    speaking his native language, as the teachers sought to rid him of his culture and
traditions. But discrimination didn’t stop Chester from answering the call to defend his country after
Pearl Harbor, for the Navajo have always been warriors, and his upbringing on a New Mexico
reservation gave him the strength—both physical and mental—to excel as a marine. During World
War II, the Japanese had managed to crack every code the United States used. But when the Marines
turned to its Navajo recruits to develop and implement a secret military language, they created the
only unbroken code in modern warfare—and helped assure victory for the United States over Japan
in the South Pacific.

 Everyone is welcome. Plan on reading the book prior to attending the book review. Bring your
thoughts and come share in the discussion. We plan on meeting on Tuesday afternoon, March
17th at 1:30 p.m. in the Atrium. For planning purposes, count on the meeting lasting 1 ½ hours.
We hope you will be able join us.
The Informer - St John UCC
Faith Walking
January Mileage – 709 miles
March Prayer Theme: The Dice Prayer
7 to 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Greeters help you log your progress! Free-Will Offering
NO WALKING MARCH 10 (Learning Tree Nursery Rhyme)

AND THE RACE IS ON! Faith Walkers are taking the Iditarod
Challenge this March – the ultimate Alaskan adventure! Faith
Walkers will work together to reach a goal of 975 miles in a month.
The Iditarod® starts the first Saturday of March, but our race will
start on March 2. It takes the musher and their team of dogs from
8-12 days to travel from Anchorage to Nome, but our race is
extended until March 31. You can follow the mushers progress in
real time at Stop by the bulletin board in Faith Hall to
see the map of the Iditarod National Historic Trail in Alaska! Mush on!

Zumba                                                  Adult Basketball
Tuesdays at 7 p.m.                                     Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
$5 at the Door.                                        Free-Will Offering
Open to the public!                                    Open Play

Pickleball                                             TOPS – Weight Loss Support Group
Mondays at 5:30 p.m.                                   Weigh In Begins at 6:30 p.m.
Free-Will Offering                                     Faith Hall Stage Conference Room
                                                       Contact Carolyn Peter at 345-6218 for more

                         S.O.S. Soup Kitchen
                         St. John Church will host S.O.S. on Thursday, March 5 in Faith Hall.
                         Please look in the Narthex on Sunday, March 1 for a sign-up sheet to
                         volunteer to help or provide food. The Learning Tree will be helping
                         serve S.O.S. on March 5. The next Soup Kitchen Coalition meeting is on
                         Thursday, March 26 at 7 pm in Faith Hall. All are welcome!
The Informer - St John UCC
                                                  THE HHH FAMILY FUN NIGHT

                                           The last day of HHH for the school year is Tuesday, March
                                           31. After tutoring, we will have a pizza party to celebrate the
                                           student’s accomplishments. We need six volunteers to help
prepare, serve and clean-up after the party on March 31. Volunteers should arrive by 4:30 to make
drinks and the salad, plate the dessert, set the tables, separate the pizza slices, serve the dinner, and
then clean-up after dinner. We are finished at 7 pm. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Please
contact Dana at 344-2526 if you can help with this outreach ministry.

HHH Summer Camp
The planning begins in earnest for the HHH Summer Camp free lunch program after the school year
HHH program finishes on Mar 31. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the lesson planning and
volunteers willing to help with the meal prep and serving and the activities portion of the program.
Contact Dana at 344-2526 if you can help!

                        Wrangle & Ride
                      Saturday, April 4, 2020
                        9:00 am – 5:00 pm
A great opportunity for horse lovers! Beginners are introduced to basic skills,
while riders with more experience work on refining theirs. It’s a day of bonding
with the ponies including grooming, tacking, riding and other horse related
activities. Lunch is provided. Cost is $65 per person. Registration deadline is
March 21 (if space is still available). Early Bird – Save $5! More information is
available at

       Father-Son Retreat                                                      Registration Deadline:
            April 24-26                                                            Friday, April 10
Friday 7:00 pm – Sunday 1:00 pm                                           Early Bird (by April 3)– Save $10
                                                                               Age              Cost
A weekend of “fellow”ship, faith-filled fun and good food!                     18+              $130
Join DuBois Center staff, volunteers, family and friends for a                 12-17            $108
weekend of fishing, hiking, boating and hanging out together. We’ll
                                                                               5-11             $98
share vespers, make cool crafts and work on our archery skills.
Horseback riding is available for an additional fee.
Includes: 2 nights lodging, five meals, program activities and supplies. Register Online at
Save the Date!
                                                             2020 VBS
                                                         Wilderness Escape
                                                   “Where God Guides & Provides”
                                                          JULY 13-17, 2020

Sunday School Physical Offering
The Sunday School children will continue collecting fruit cups and granola bars to
put into the sack lunches prepared each week at S.O.S. for the patrons to take
home for the next day. There will be a bin in the Atrium marked S.O.S. if you
would like to contribute to this mission, too!

                               Sunday School News
Preschool Class
3 & 4 Year-Old Preschool students are dropped off in Room 5 of the
Education Building and picked up from Holystone Hall following worship.
They must be signed in and out. K-6th grade students start in worship with
their parents and are excused to go to Sunday School. Parents pick up their
K-4th grade children in the Art Room after worship.
March Sunday School Lessons for the 9:00 A.M. Pre-K through 6th Grade:

      March   1 – The First Sin – Genesis 3:1-27
      March   8 – Abram’s Call – Genesis 12:1-4a
      March   15 – Woman at the Well – John 4:5-42
      March   22 – Pool of Siloam – John 9:1-41
      March   29 – Lazarus – John 11:1-45

Sunday School Notice: There will not                   Junior & Senior High Sunday School
be Sunday School on Easter Sunday, April 12            Jr. and Sr. High Sunday School is a fun way to
so that our teachers may worship with their            connect with your friends starting with a light
families. The Crib Room will be open for               breakfast in the Faith Hall Kitchen before
parents to use as needed, but it will not be           moving to their classrooms.
staffed so that attendants may worship with
their families.
                     DURING THE 10:30 WORSHIP SERVICE
Miss Larissa needs volunteers to help her during the Mosaic Service on the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Sundays
of the month! If you would like to care for our little cherubs for one hour a month, please contact
Dana at 344-2526.

              BACKPACK DRIVE
        Help Support Youth Ministries
Youth Ministries is collecting backpacks to be given out at the annual St. John Church Splash Bash on
Sunday, July 19. In support of HHH and St. John Church VBS, Molina Healthcare will be sponsoring a
school supply give-a-way at Splash Bash for all the children in attendance and each child will be able
to pick out a backpack from those donated from this drive. Our goal is for the children in our
programs to receive all of their school supplies without it being a financial burden on their families.
We are starting early because we need approximately 250 backpacks. You may be able to purchase
backpacks on sale or even clearance. We will need backpacks for preschool through high school age
Donations may be left in the Atrium or the church office. Your help is greatly appreciated!

                    Sausage, Eggs & Pancake Breakfast
                           Sponsored by Men’s Fellowship
                        Sunday, April 5th – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

              ST. JOHN’S SAUSAGE LINKS

                   $7 – ADULTS
                  $5 – AGES 7-12
                  $2 – AGES 3-6
             FREE – CHILDREN UNDER 3

Winter is almost over, and spring is on the way. Springtime at Learning Tree means it is
time again for our Annual Nursery Rhyme Program and Preschool Circus. This year will
be our 44th Circus!! The children and teachers have started to prepare for these big
events and would like to invite everyone to come and see what they can do! The
Nursery Rhyme Program highlighting our 3-year-olds will be on the evening of
Tuesday, March 10th. The Circus with our 4-year-olds and TK students will be on
Thursday, April 2nd and Friday, April 3rd beginning at 7:00 pm in Faith Hall.

Our next and final Family Fun Night for this school year will be on March 18th. Family
Fun nights are so much fun, and we can’t thank Dana Callahan enough for setting
up these evenings!

Open registration for the 2020-2021 school year continues with Mrs. Rose. If you know
of any families with 2-, 3-, or 4-year-olds who may be interested in attending Learning
Tree, please pass on this information. They can call the school for more information at

Learning Tree is sponsoring a Bowling Fundraiser on Sunday, Marth 15th at 2:00 pm at
Camelot Bowl in Collinsville. Cost is $15 per person. Children are welcome!! For
reservations, contact Gina at 618-580-4555 or

Summer Tree classes will be offered again this summer for children who have finished
a 3-year-old school program through age 6. The schedule will be listed in the April

We are in need of small prizes or toys to be given away as prizes for the games at our
year end carnival. If you have extra party favors, McDonald’s toys, etc., please bring
them to Mrs. Rose. These can be new or gently used. Thank you!

Happy Spring!
Karen Rose
Learning Tree Director

222 Goethe Ave.
                                                                                      Collinsville, IL 62234

Community Care News from Nancy Berry

Our annual Surviving Caregiving Seminar for family caregivers will be held in Faith Hall on Saturday,
April 4. There is additional information on the enclosed flyer. Please be sure anyone you know who is
caring for another adult is aware of this event. It is free and complimentary care for the individual
with impairments is available. Those who attended in past years have found it to be valuable.

Brain Wave classes for individuals experiencing memory loss begin again on Wednesday, March 4.
Brain Wave meets for ten weeks in the Senior High/Conference Room in Faith Hall on Wednesdays
and Fridays from 10:00 to 2:00 pm. If you or someone you know might be interested, schedule an
interview with Stacey Rhodes right away to determine if there is room in the class and if this this is an
appropriate resource. There is a cost involved, but we will work with the family to make it affordable.

Are you familiar with The Thread? It is a faith-based feature on Channel 2 hosted by Tim Ezell. Kay
O’Neill, whom many of you know, helps him produce it. If all goes well, Tim and Kay will film a session
of our Cardinals Reminiscence League on February 20 to use for a segment to help kick off opening
day for the Cardinals. I do not have a broadcast date but expect it to be in late March. Check your
listings! First home game is April 2.

On February 26, our Fund Development Committee will be baking chocolate chip cookies to give to
our new Love from Lois Giving Society (individuals who donated at least $1,000 to Community Care in
2019). This group was named in memory and honor of Lois Schoeber who was very active in leading
St. John’s Community Care in recent years, and who supported our outreach ministries to caregiving
families. Those of you who knew her best were privileged to enjoy her chocolate chip cookies, which
must have been exceptional. We are honoring her memory by trying to replicate her recipe in order
to recognize the generosity of these generous donors.

I will be a speaker at IL South Conference’s Day of Discipleship on February 29, sharing our expertise
on supporting families living with dementia.

The Healing Community Board is delighted to welcome Joyce Biegert, Megan Kocs, Debi Ralston, Pam
Waltermire, Melanie Whitworth, and Larry Wood as new members. Megan is our Washington
University Olin Board Fellow; Joyce and Larry are community representatives, both of whom have
used our services to help them care for a loved one.

St. John United Church of Christ
 307 West Clay Street
 Collinsville, IL 62234

the Informer
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   Sunday Preaching Schedule
   *March 1st           9:00 a.m.               Classic Worship             Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
                        10:30 a.m.              Mosaic Worship              Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
   March 8 th
                        9:00 a.m.               Classic Worship             Rev. Katie Jo Bielke
                        10:30 a.m.              Mosaic Worship              Rev. Katie Jo Bielke
   **March 15   th
                        9:00 a.m.               Classic Worship             Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
                        10:30 a.m.              Mosaic Worship              Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
   March 22  nd
                        9:00 a.m.               Classic Worship             Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
                        10:30 p.m.              Mosaic Worship              Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
   March 29  th
                        9:00 a.m.               Classic Worship             Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
                        10:30 a.m.              Mosaic Worship              Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
  *Communion will be served during worship.
  **Coffee Hour – Refreshments will be served by the Church Council between worship services.
  Office Hours:                                                         Contact Us:
  9:30 am – 3:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday                    Phone: 618-344-2526
  12:00 pm – 6:00 pm on Wednesday                                       Email:

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