The Effect of Schedules on HVAC Runtime for Nest Learning Thermostat Users - Nest Labs, Inc. September 2013

Page created by Terrence Schultz

    The Effect of Schedules on
    HVAC Runtime for Nest
    Learning Thermostat Users

    Nest Labs, Inc.
    September 2013

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1. Introduction

    Since the launch of the Nest Learning Thermostat™ in October of 2011, Nest has
    undertaken several efforts to quantify the savings potential for customers who install the
    thermostat. The first of these efforts was a simulation exercise which modeled typical
    household HVAC use with and without the Nest thermostat, the difference being our first
    estimate of savings.

    As we approach our two year anniversary, we now have a large body of data on actual HVAC
    usage from Nest thermostats in the field. This allows us to release this second step
    towards the documentation of our energy savings potential, in which we compare actual
    with-Nest runtime data against two modeled pre-Nest baselines. As with previous studies
    in this field, using models to estimate baseline usage means that the results are heavily
    dependent upon the assumptions underlying those models.

    The next step in our journey will be to compare actual customer energy data pre and post-
    Nest thermostat installation. We anticipate that the runtime reduction claims contained in
    this paper may be slightly higher than what we will find in those future studies as this
    paper explores a constant hold temperature pre-Nest thermostat baseline, which is
    expected to represent only a portion of the overall customer population.

    In this study, we estimate how much a Nest thermostat’s schedule reduces HVAC runtime
    compared to two different constant hold temperatures. In one model, we use a 72 ˚F hold
    temperature baseline, as has been used in other industry studies. In the other model, we
    calculate the hold temperature as the 90th percentile of a customer’s Nest thermostat
    schedule set points. For both models, we show how much the Nest thermostat’s schedule
    - whether learned or set manually - reduces heating runtime in winter and cooling runtime
    in summer.

    Customers with a Nest thermostat have schedule set points that vary significantly from
    hour to hour and day to day.     When averaged across all hours of the day, a schedule
    effectively reduces the heating set point in the winter and increases the cooling set point in
    the summer when compared to a hold temperature baseline. For the 72 ˚F model, these
    temperature deltas created by the schedule result in heating and cooling runtime
    reductions of 25% and 26%, respectively. For the 90th percentile model, these runtime
    reductions are 16% and 20%.

    While this study does not purport to document pre-Nest behavior, this level of runtime
    reduction is believed to be significantly higher than the runtime reduction achieved with
    non-learning thermostats. There is ample qualitative and quantitative documentation of
    the shortcomings of programmable thermostats to create granular schedules – mostly

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because users resort to set-and-hold behavior or manual adjustments that vary modestly
    with changes in weather or other factors. [See Fraunhofer, Meier]

    Importantly, this study estimates only the runtime reduction from Nest users’ schedules.
    No savings due to HVAC control features – such as Airwave™ or Heat Pump Balance™ – are
    included because, although those features lead to substantial efficiency savings, they do
    not impact the HVAC schedule. Similarly, this study does not measure the effect of
    efficiency-encouraging features such as the Leaf™, Seasonal Savings™, or other features
    that encourage a user to adopt a more efficient level of temperature set points .

2. Methods

    The savings attributable to schedules implemented on Nest thermostats are based on a
    statistical analysis of the relationship between actual temperature set points and heating
    and cooling runtime, taking into account actual outdoor temperature and thermostat level
    effects. The schedule data used for this study is taken from tens of thousands of Nest
    thermostats running during the summer and winter of 2012, distributed across multiple
    climate regions. The temperature data is taken from actual average daily temperatures (by
    region) during those sample windows. Using this data, we can determine how much less
    time (on average) the heating and cooling system worked because of the Nest thermostat
    schedule than it would have without the schedule.

    For the following paragraphs, heating is used as an example but the methodology is the
    same for cooling.

    As a baseline for measuring the effect of schedules actually implemented on Nest devices,
    we used the 90th percentile high set point for each Nest during the study period. Using the
    90th percentile helps account for daily variability in set points. It also creates a more
    conservative baseline than the 72 ˚F baseline typically used by industry studies measuring
    thermostat efficiency. We calculated this by determining the average set point for each
    hour for each Nest during the study period and then calculating the 90th percentile of
    these hourly values for each device for all days with heating operation. The use of the 90th
    percentile rather than the maximum allows for a little more than two hours each day where
    the actual set point could be above what the baseline steady temperature would have

    We next created a linear regression model that estimated the total daily runtime. The
    specific statistical model fit was a fixed effects regression:

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Eit = a + b * ( T_targetit – T_target90thi ) + c * T-outit

    with thermostat level fixed effects


    Eit = the daily run time of the heating system for thermostat i on day t

    T_targetit = the average target temperature for thermostat i on day t

    T_target90thi = The 90th percentile of all hourly set points for thermostat i during days
    where Eit is greater than zero

    T-outit = the average daily outdoor temperature at thermostat i on day t


    a = model constant = average daily run time when target temperature equals the baseline
    and outdoor temperature is 0ºF

    b = estimated additional run time from a 1 ˚F delta in target temperature above baseline

    c = estimated additional run time from a 1 ˚F increase in outdoor temperature

    The inclusion of thermostat-specific fixed effects means that each thermostat has a fixed
    average daily run time and all variables in the model are essentially treated as deviations
    around their device-level mean values.

    After solving from a, b, and c, the avoided heating runtime and the runtime reduction
    percentage are calculated from the model output as:

             Avoided heating runtime (AHR) = b * Mean( T_targetit – T_target90thi )

                         Runtime reduction % = AHR / (AHR + Mean( Eit ))

    In other words, the runtime reduction is calculated as the percentage of the overall runtime
    that would have occurred had it not been for the reduction in set points below the baseline.

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3. Results

    The calculations are conducted on data accumulated between December 1, 2012 through
    December 31, 2012 (for the heating data) and August 1, 2012 through August 31, 2012 (for
    the cooling data). Only devices with reliable log data were included in the analysis, and
    certain data exclusions were implemented for statistical sampling accuracy (e.g., devices
    that were cooling during winter, or devices with greater than 90% duty cycle, or devices
    outside of the US). These criteria resulted in a sample size of tens of thousands Nest
    thermostats. The model was fit for the full dataset and also fit separately for each climate
    zone as the coefficient b is expected to vary with climate – taking on smaller values in
    colder climates and larger values in milder climates.

    For Heating

    For heating, the mean target temperature (65.3 ˚F) was 3.9 ˚F below the 90th percentile
    temperature (69.2 ˚F) and the mean daily run time was 3.06 hours per day (24hrs), a
    12.75%, duty cycle. The regression analysis resulted in calculating the coefficient b at
    0.0063, measured as a duty cycle, or an additional .15 hours (about 9 minutes) of runtime
    per 1 ˚F delta in temperature above the 90th percentile.        A 3.9 ˚F mean temperature
    difference from the 90th percentile, therefore, avoids 35 minutes of heating per day. And
    the estimated runtime reduction percentage is 16.2% ((0.0063 * 3.9) / (0.1275 + (0.0063 *

    Note that the coefficient estimates have very small standard errors, yielding narrow
    confidence intervals – the 95% confidence interval on the key coefficient b ranges from .
    0075 to .0078.

                           % of runtime reduction compared to % of runtime reduction compared to
                                      72 ˚F baseline                90th percentile baseline
         Very Cold                        25.5%                              14.6%
           Cold                           23.1%                              14.3%
       Mixed Humid                        26.4%                              16.8%
         Mixed Dry                        33.5%                              21.8%
          Marine                          25.4%                              17.1%
          Hot Dry                         25.9%                              19.0%
         Hot Humid                        38.4%                              24.7%
                                        24.9%                               16.2%
    (weighted by region)

    For Cooling

    For cooling season, the mean target temperature (75.9 ˚F) was 2.7 ˚F above the 90th
    percentile temperature (73.2 ˚F). The mean daily runtime was 29.2%, measured as a duty
    cycle relative to a 24 hour day, or about 7 hours.      The regression analysis resulted in

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calculating the coefficient b at 0.0267, measured as a duty cycle, or an additional .63 hours
    (about 38 minutes) of runtime per 1 ˚F delta in temperature above the 90th percentile. A
    2.7 ˚F mean temperature difference from the 90th percentile, therefore, avoids 103
    minutes of cooling per day.      And the estimated runtime reduction percentage is 19.8%
    ((0.0267 * 2.7) / (0.292 + (0.0267 * 2.7))).

                           % of runtime reduction compared to % of runtime reduction compared to
                                      72 ˚F baseline                90th percentile baseline
         Very Cold                        13.4%                              14.7%
           Cold                           22.2%                              19.8%
       Mixed Humid                        25.9%                              21.8%
         Mixed Dry                        27.6%                              20.1%
          Marine                          24.2%                              18.7%
          Hot Dry                         28.1%                              17.5%
         Hot Humid                        30.6%                              21.3%
                                          26.1%                             19.8%
    (weighted by region)

4. Extrapolating to an Estimated Savings on Heating and Cooling

    We have measured clearly the average effect of the schedule variability implemented on
    each Nest thermostat device in summer and winter. Because this study does not include
    an authoritative pre-Nest thermostat or non-Nest thermostat control group, we cannot
    conclusively attribute all the reduced runtime effect of Nest thermostat schedules as
    energy savings due to owning a Nest thermostat. Further, because we do not have a
    scientifically accurate measure of our users’ behavior before installing a Nest thermostat,
    we stop short of concluding that all of the benefit of schedule variability is attributable to
    using a Nest thermostat.

    However, if we were to assume that a user without a Nest would have a simple set-and-
    hold behavior at the 90th percentile of their temperature variability, then all the savings
    created by having a schedule could be attributed to a Nest thermostat. This is a
    supportable assumption based on the literature documenting the non-use of
    programmability in other thermostats [see Fraunhofer, Meier].           The 90th percentile
    temperature likely approximates the actual user’s “comfort” temperature – the
    temperature used when efficiency and other factors don’t come into play. And the 90th
    percentile in our case – 69 ˚F in the winter and 73 ˚F in the summer – are actually more
    statistically supportable than a simple 72 ˚F assumption used as the baseline by the EPA
    and others attempting to estimate behavior.

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5. References

    [Fraunhofer]     O. Sachs, V. Tiefenbeck, C. Duvier, A. Qin, K. Cheney, C. Akers, K. Roth, Field
    evaluations of programmable thermostats, Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy
    Systems, Cambridge, MA, December 2012

    [Meier]            A. Meier, C. Aragon, B. Hurwitz, D. Mujumdar, P. Daniel, T. Peffer, M. Pritoni,
    How people actually use thermostats, Controls and Information Technology, U.C. Berkeley,
    01/01/2010, also see other studies by same author(s)

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