The doctor's art collection - Paid for by silver

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The doctor's art collection - Paid for by silver
The doctor’s
                                                                 Pa i d f or b y si l v e r

Edward D. Harris, Jr., M.D.

The author (AΩA, Harvard Medical School, 1962) is editor                 n the summer of 1900, at age 28, eight years after re-
of The Pharos. He recently visited the Barnes collection,                ceiving his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania,
and was inspired to write this essay, which was sent for                 Albert Coombs Barnes paced along the Neckar River in
review under a nom de plume to avoid influencing the re-             Heidelberg, Germany. His mission: to convince a Ph.D. stu-
viewers.                                                             dentabouttodefendhisdissertationinchemistrytocometo
          He was unique; his life and character were a maze of       withagoodbenefit-to-riskandbenefit-to-costratio”2p11that
      confusing contradictions. Though usually blunt and honest      wouldearnthemalotofmoney.
      to a fault, he repeatedly claimed that he made his millions
      through the discovery of Argyrol when, in truth, another       Barnes’s beginnings: Poor but determined
      chemist discovered the medication and Barnes made his              BarnesgrewupinthepoorandoftenviolentKensington
      fortune by promoting it. His Foundation was meant to be        section of Philadelphia. Survival there depended on use of
      an example of democracy at work, yet he ruled over it like a   fists,andhebecameanadeptfighter.Evenasayouth,how-
      monarch and banished all those who defied his wishes. He       ever,hehadaninterestindifferentculturesandart.Hewas
      collected paintings in order to educate the masses, but he     abletopassthestiffentryexamfortheall-maleCentralHigh
      rarely allowed anyone the privilege of entering his gallery.
                                                                     “Dr. Albert C. Barnes,” Giorgio de Chirico, 1926. BF #805.
                                              —Howard Greenfeld      Photograph © 1995. Reproduced with the permission of The Barnes Foundation™. All
                                      The Devil and Dr. Barnes1p3    rights reserved.

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The doctor's art collection - Paid for by silver
The doctor’s art collection

School,thebestbyfarinPhiladelphia’spubliceducationsys-              centuries.TheGreekskeptwaterinsilvervesselstoprolong           morethan$186,000,1p111thanksinparttoaggressivelegalac-          Glackens (also an accomplished artist), Barnes began, at
temforthe“promisingpoor.”                                               itsfreshness,andpioneersintheNorthAmericanWestfound            tionagainstcut-ratesellersofimitationArgyrol.Textbooksof        about the time World War I was precipitated, to purchase
     AftergraduatingfromCentralHigh,Barnesmatriculatedat             thatsilvercoinsinwoodencasksofwaterretardedcontamina-           ophthalmologyofthetimestronglyrecommendedArgyrolfor              paintings of the Impressionists in Europe. One of his first
theUniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofMedicineinthefallof            tion.BarnesknewthatEuropeanchemistshadexperimented               acute conjunctivitis and ophthalmia neonatorum, and some          acquisitions was van Gogh’s “Joseph Etienne-Roulin” (also
1889,andearnedhisM.D.therein1892.Thereisnoevidence               with attempts to bind silver to proteins, and he and Hille    circumstantial evidence supports the belief that the disap-       knownas“Postman”).By1920,Barneshadacquiredmorethan
fromhiswritingsoractionsthathewasatallinterestedin,or           began work on the same project. Mary Ann Meyers, in her       pearanceoftrachomainAustraliasometimebetween1915and             100paintingsbyRenoirandhundredsofothersbyCezanne,
hadthetemperamentfor,diagnosingortreatingsickpatients.              book,Art, Education, and African-American Culture: Albert               1930wasrelatedtotheabundantuseofArgyrol.4                        Monet,Soutine,Matisse,Picasso,Seurat,ElGreco,vanGogh,
He was, however, curious about psychology and psychiatry,            Barnes and the Science of Philanthropy,tellsus,                                                                                                Modigliani,Manet,Degas,andRousseau.Therewasnoroom
and served an internship at a state hospital for the insane in                                                                            The breakup of Barnes and Hille                                          to hang them in his house in Lower Merion, a comfortable
Warren, Pennsylvania. His primary talents and interests were            Barnes [and Hille] extracted gliadin, a protein found in                  In1907,BarnesandHille,afterlongandcontentiouslegal         suburbofPhiladelphia,butBarnespurchaseda12-acreprop-
inchemistry.DuringseveraltripstoGermanyduringthe1890s,                wheat and rye, and, through a processs involving evapora-             battles, broke up. A judge ruled that the two should negoti-   erty,anarboretumacrossLatchLanefromhishouse.Barnes
Barnes became fascinated with the potential of experimental             tion, dehydration, drying, and heating, converted it into a           ateforthebestpriceofbuyingtheotheroutofthebusiness;         recruited Paul Phillipe Cret to design for him within the
therapeuticsandwithhowcleverchemistrymightyielddrugs                   vitellin, a protein occurring naturally in egg yolks and in           Barnes agreed to pay the higher amount and became sole         arboretum a French Renaissance-style structure with many
for treatment ofthe sick. It wasduring that decade that Felix       certain plants. To a salt solution of vitellin, they gradually        ownerofA.C.BarnesCompany.HilleleftforChicago,where             galleriesilluminatedbynaturallight.Thebuilding,namedthe
Hoffman’scompany,Bayer,synthesizedacetylsalicylicacid,the                added [a] concentrated ( percent) solution of silver nitrate        he set up a thriving chemical business of his own, and the   BarnesFoundation,wasopenedin1925,andJohnDeweygave
compoundtowhichpatientsarereturningforreliefofinflam-                  [to final concentrations of  to  percent silver].2p14             twomenhadnomoreinteractionswitheachother.Eachtook             oneoftheinauguraladdresses.Barnesprescribedthelocation
mation and pain now that the reputation of selective COX-2                                                                                  full credit for conceiving and developing Argyrol. We know      ofeachpictureineachgallery,andaddedchairs,tables,and
inhibitors has become tarnished. Aspirin was the first mass-            Afterdrying,thefinalmaterialappearedasbrownorblack          littleaboutHille’spersonality,butthatofBarnes’wasdifficult     wallhangings.
marketeddrugintheworld,andjoinedheroin,morphine,and               brilliantflakesorgranulatedpowder,slowlysolubleinwater,         at best. Howard Greenfeld, in his book, The Devil and Dr.
 quinineasmembersofatinypharmacopeiathatdoctorscould               andinsolubleinalcoholorether.Inthisform,itcouldbesold       Barnes,describeshimas                                                 The bylaws
 dispensetotheirpatients.                                                todruggists,whoreconstituteditinwaterorglycerinforuse                                                                                      Thebylawsofthefoundationweredrawnupin1922,and
     During that period, Barnes worked intermittently for the        bypatients.Notmuchmoreisknownaboutthepreparation                  stubborn, strong-willed, doggedly opinionated, and totally            withcleverlegalhelpBarneswasabletofashionadocument
 H.K.MulfordCompany,thereputabledeveloperofdiphtheria                becauseBarnesandHilleneverappliedforapatent,aprocess             unwilling to compromise. Then, as later, he found it impos-           acceptabletotheCommonwealthofPennsylvania,statingthat
 andtetanusantitoxinandasmallpoxvaccinethatwaseventu-               thatwouldhaverequiredthemtodisclosethemanufacturing                sible to see two sides to any question. He never doubted he           thecharterwouldbegrantedtoaneducationalinstitutionand
 allyboughtbyMerck.2p10ItwasduringthisperiodthatBarnes’           processandtheexactchemicalcomposition.Theydid,how-                  was right, and those who disagreed with him were more                 nottoamuseum,andthatBarneshimselfwouldhavefullcon-
 entrepreneurialinstinctsblossomed.IfHoffman                                      ever,registertheirnameforthecompound,Argyrol,             than merely wrong—they were his enemies.1p23                          trolofthefoundation,evenafterhisdeath.Thebylawsstated
 atBayercouldsucceedwithsuchasimple                                                     asatrademark,onNovember18,1902.                                                                                         thatthecollectioncouldnotbechangedoraddedtoafterhis
 compound,why,socouldhe!                                                                         Thepartners’nextstepsweretoincrease          ArgyrolremainedsuccessfulforBarnes,agoodadministra-            death,norcouldpiecesbemovedfromtheplaceschosenby
                                                                                                 production and to convince others that         torandbusinessman,untilhesoldhiscompanyin1929for$6           Barnes,norcouldanypictureeverbeloaned.
Colloidal silver is a success                                                                    Argyrol was useful. Dr. Edward Martin,         million,justmonthsbeforethecrashofthestockmarket.                  For the next four years, Barnes pursued his goal of link-
     Thepromisesofwealthandscientific                                                      then chair of Urology at Penn, found that                                                                             ing the future of his foundation with his alma mater, the
excitement dangled before Hermann                                                             catgut impregnated with Argyrol reduced        Prescribed learning for the Argyrol workers                              University of Pennsylvania. His final offer, in May 1926,
Hille were sufficient to convince him                                                       cutaneousinfectionaftersuturing.Another           Despite Barnes’s unyielding nature, he was consistently        was a plan whereby Penn would “ultimately have control
to join Barnes. Throughout 1900,                                                            urologist at Penn reported Argyrol to be      generous in thought and deed to the underprivileged, al-         of all of the Foundation’s resources, with an income ample
Barnes and Hille, employed during the                                                       “the best silver compound ever offered to    thoughsomewhatdogmaticinhisopinionsofwhatwasbest               to support it in perpetuity, provide instruction, and award
day by Mulford, set up a laboratory                                                          the [medical] profession for the treat-      for them. The black men and white women he employed in        scholarships.”1p121 This offer was essentially ignored by the
in a converted stable in downtown                                                               ment of gonorrhea.”2p14 Professors of     his enlarging enterprise worked at their jobs only six hours   University. Unpleasant exchanges between Penn and Barnes
Philadelphia. Barnes was the idea                                                                obstetricsrecommendedusingitinthe         each day. During the remaining two hours of their workday      (as well as with the Philadelphia Museum of Art) continued
man, Hille the chemist. In that pre-                                                            eyesofeverynewbornchildinsteadof         they were required to read philosophy, history, novels, and     overthenext25years.Atonepoint,inafitofpique,Barnes
antibiotic era, few compounds were                                                               silvernitrate.                               plays—all selected by Albert Barnes. One of his associates      changedthebylawsofthefoundationtostipulatethatnoone
 known to be active against bacteria.                                                                Barnes traveled abroad to promote     wasgiventhechallengeeachdayof“unpacking”thecomplex             associatedformallywithPenncouldeverserveasatrusteeof
 Oneofthesewassilvernitrate:afew                                                               Argyrol,andby1904,salesofficeshad       ideasof William James,John Dewey,andGeorge Santayana,           theBarnesFoundation.ThebitterdisputeswiththeUniversity
 drops placed in the eyes of newborn                                                            openedinLondonandSydney.In1903,         and presenting them to the minimally educated workers.2p20       ofPennsylvania,withBertrandRussell(whomhehadinvited
 babiesinfectedinuterowithNisseria                                                                a series of 24 cases was reported in   Pragmatism, the belief developed by the three philosophers       to give lectures at the foundation in a five-year contract),5
 gonorrhea could prevent blindness.                                                                the Lancet; using 2.5 to 5.0 percent    thattherearenoforegoneconclusionsinlife,wasdominating          with the city of Philadelphia, and so many others, are sum-
 Unfortunately, however, silver nitrate                                                             solutionsinurethralirrigation,gonor-      Americanphilosophy.Barneswantedeachofhisemployeesto             marizedwellinthebooksofMaryAnnMeyersandHoward
 irritated mucous membranes. Silver                                                                 rhea was symptomatically cured, and      appreciatetheseideas,rootedinabeliefthatmankindcould           Greenfeld.2,1BarnesinsteadforgedarelationshipwithHorace
 initsvariousformshadbeenusedfor                                                                eight successful cases were reported     manipulateitsenvironment.                                              Mann Bond, president of Lincoln University, distinguished
                                                                                                        indetailfromNewZealand.3Argyrol,                                                                                 for educating Thurgood Marshall, Langston Hughes, and
                                                                                                        this nontoxic bactericidal compound       The art collection                                                       many other distinguished African-Americans. Having no
Argyrol. Photograph © reproduced with the                                                               fortopicalorintra-urethrause,wasa         Overshadowing the success of Argyrol, and the disputes        children to benefit from his estate, Barnes gave Lincoln the
permission of The Barnes Foundation™. All rights
                                                                                                        phenomenalsuccess.By1907,thenet         concerningitsoriginsandefficacy,isBarnes’sartcollection.        powertonominate,afterhisdeathandthatofhiswife,four-
                                                                                                        annualprofitforBarnesandHillewas       WiththehelpofoneofhisCentralHighclassmates,William            fifthsofthetrustees.Shortlyaftermakingthisdecision,and

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The doctor's art collection - Paid for by silver
The doctor’s art collection

                                                                                             Fortunately for art, culture, and horticul-       ButArgyrolisnotgone.AnopportunityforArgyrolentre-                 andtheacquisitionofart.AustralNewZealandJOphthalmol1985;
                                                                                        ture lovers, in a case that attracted broad     preneurs came in 1998/99 when the FDA, citing the Dietary            13:391–94.
                                                                                        interest for three years, on December 14,        Supplement Health and Education Act, stated that it would                 5.McArdleCW.Theterrible-temperedDr.Barnes.PartIV.Sat-
                                                                                        2004,JudgeStanleyR.OttoftheMontgomery           nolongerreviewfoodsupplements,andcolloidalsilvercom-                   urdayEveningPost1942;214:20–21,66.
                                                                                        CountyOrphans’CourtruledthattheBarnes            poundsweredeclaredtobeamongthese.Today,itisnotdif-                      6. Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee. Mild Silver
                                                                                        collectioncouldbemovedfromLowerMerion            ficulttofindandpurchaseArgyrolontheInternet.Advertised               Protein.FoodandDrugAdministration1999May7.
                                                                                        to downtown Philadelphia into a new build-        asa“breakthrough,”thecompoundisclaimedtobe“Effective                     7. White JM, Powell AM, Brady K, et al. Severe generalized
                                                                                        ing that would be constructed to recreate        against 650 infectious agents; no known disease-causing or-             argyria secondary to ingestion of colloidal silver protein. Clin Exp
                                                                                        the current Barnes galleries. The move, un-       ganismcanliveinthepresenceofsilver.”Unfortunately,these              Dermatol2003;28:254–56.
                                                                                        less impeded by appeals, will be backed by      adsimplythatArgyrolmighthelptocleansebodysystemsif                      8. Wickless SC, Shwayder TA. Medical mystery–the answer. N
                                                                                        pledges of $150 million from the Annenberg       given by mouth. The result has been more frequent reports            EnglJMed2004;351:2349–50.
                                                                                        Foundation, the Lenfest Foundation, and            ofargyria,thegeneralizedcutaneousdiscolorationcausedby
                                                                                        the Pew Charitable Trust. Opposition from         silversaltdepositioninbasementmembranesofsweatglands                  Theauthor’saddressis:
                                                                                        LincolnUniversitywaswithdrawnafteritwas          anddermalelastin.Oneman,whohadbeeningestingcolloidal                   525MiddlefieldRoad,Suite130
                                                                                        assuredcontinuedhighrepresentationonthe           silverproteinforayeartowardoffcoloncanceranddandruff,                MenloPark,California94025
                                                                                        boardofthefoundation.Admissiontoseethe          hadserumsilverlevelsof76.9nmol/L(normal:0to2.8nmol/         
                                                                                        collectionwillincreasefourfold,andtheprice       L).7 A similar and sad case was reported as a
                                                                                        is likely to be doubled, although, in keeping   MedicalMysteryin2004.Apoignantphoto-
                                                                                        withwhatmighthavepleasedAlbertBarnes,            graphshowsaveryduskygreyyoungman,16
                                                                                        only100visitorswillbeallowedintothegal-         yearsold,sittingbesidehisveryfairmother,
                                                                                        leriesatanygiventime.                               who is holding him with with a combined
                                                                                        The fate of Argyrol                                     colloidal silver “to prevent everyday infec-
                                                                                           But what of Argyrol? Its commercial suc-       tions.”Hissilverlevelwas209ng/ml(normal:
                                                                                        cess was clear: Barnes sold his company in      0to14ng/ml).8Fortunatelyforthesepatients,
                                                                                        1929for$6million,17yearsafterintroducing        internalorganinvolvementisuncommon(in
                                                                                        Argyrol.MyownBaby’sRecordincludesthis            contrast to iron overload syndromes such
                                                                                        entry:                                                  as hemochromatosis), but the grey pigment
                                                                                                                                                caused by deposition silver salts and stimu-
                                                                                           August,  (age  months). He seemed              latedmelaninformationpersists.
                                                                                        to be on the borderline of a cold. Dr.                      What is important about all of this? Not
                                                                                        Hergesheimer suggested olive oil, camphor-              whetherornottheUniversityofPennsylvania
“Joseph Etienne-Roulin,” Vincent van Gogh, 1889. BF #37. Photograph © reproduced        ated oil, and Argyrol, for ears, chest, and nose,       andtheBarnesFoundationtrusteesspeakto
with the permission of The Barnes Foundation™. All rights reserved.                     respectively. Probably kept him in the lake too         each other, nor whether Argyrol advertise-
                                                                                        long on Sunday.                                         mentsonthewebaredeclaredunethical.The
perhapspreoccupiedwithoneconflictoranother,in1951the            Irecovered!Butnotlongafterthis,sulfonamidesand,six          fortheBarnesFoundationcollectioninanew
78-year-oldBarnesranastoplightwhiledrivinghisPackard         yearslater,penicillinbecameavailable.Non-antibiotictherapy        and spacious site so that more and more art
andwaskilledinstantlywhenaten-tontractor-trailerhithim       foreyes,ears,andnosesgraduallydroppedoutofuse.In1985,        lovers can view this unmatched collection.
broadside.                                                             apaperpublishedintheAustralian and New Zealand Journal              Whatevertheoutcome—thankyou,Argyrol!
                                                                       of Ophthalmologystated,“Argyrolhasnowdisappeared.”4p393
The future of the collection                                              In1999,atahearingaboutwhetherornottoadd“mildsil-          References
   Today,thosewhowishtoseetheuniquecollectionatthe          verprotein”tothe“bulkslist”ofthePharmacyCompounding                1. Greenfeld H. The Devil and Dr. Barnes:
Barnes Foundation, with its 170 Renoirs, 55 Cézannes, 20      Advisory Committee of the FDA, Dr. Wiley Chambers re-            PortraitofanAmericanArtCollector.NewYork:
Picassos, and many other works, or the surrounding 12-acre    portedthatanumberofstudies,includingonefromasearly            Viking;1987.
arboretum, must telephone well ahead to reserve a time for   as1928,suggestedthatArgyrolwasnotaneffectiveproduct.6              2. Meyers MA. Art, Education, and African-
admissionbecause,inanagreementwithLowerMerioncom-              The creation of a protein-silver complex produced less mu-       AmericanCulture:AlbertBarnesandtheScience
missioners, only 1200 visitors are allowed each week. The     cousmembraneirritation,butitsrelativeinsolubilityinwater        ofPhilanthropy.NewBrunswick(NJ):Transaction
foundation’s attempts to raise revenue by increasing public    madeitlesseffective.InastudythatcomparedArgyrolwith           Publishers;2004.
access have met with hostility from the neighbors. These      othercompounds,thesilver-proteincomplexwasalesseffec-                3.PurdyJS.Thetreatmentofgonorrheabyar-
restrictions have inexorably dragged the foundation toward      tive bactericidal drug than even thiomersal. Argyrol lost out   gyrol.ScottishMedSurgJ1904May.Reprintedin
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Girl with Pink Bonnet,” Pierre-Auguste Renoir, early 1890s. BF
bankruptcy, despite the collection’s estimated value of more   eventosilvernitrate,thecompounditwascreatedtoreplace.         JNewZealandMedAssoc2004;117:435–39.           #118. Photograph © 1992. Reproduced with the permission of The Barnes Foundation™.
than$1billion.                                                      Silvernitrateisonceagainusedinneonates’eyes.                         4.HodsonTJP,GilliesWE.Argyrol,argyrosis All rights reserved.

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The doctor's art collection - Paid for by silver
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