THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law

Page created by Jane Aguilar
THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law
Winter 2022// VOL. LXVIII

L ast Chance for Businesses to Claim
the Employee Tax Retention Credit
— Rachel L. Partain, Esq.

In March 2020, Congress created the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) to help prevent job
losses and wage reductions as a result of the pandemic. Under the CARES Act, employers that
were forced to suspend operations in full or in part as a result of COVID-19 governmental
orders or that experienced significant declines in gross receipts were eligible for the ERTC.
The ERTC is a credit that is claimed on employment tax returns for qualified wages paid to

Congress, the Treasury Department, and the IRS created a complex set of rules to determine
whether an employer is eligible for the ERTC and the amount of the ERTC available to an
employer. Also, the contours of the ERTC changed several times throughout the program. For        Rachel L. Partain,
example, when the ERTC was first created, employers could not claim the ERTC if they
received a PPP loan. Since most businesses applied for PPP loans, many employers
disregarded the ETRC.

Subsequently, Congress expanded the ERTC to allow employers to claim the ERTC even if they had received a PPP
loan. However, employers cannot use the same wages for both PPP loan forgiveness and the ERTC. Congress made
this change retroactive to March 2020.

The ERTC ended on September 30, 2021 for most employers, although certain small businesses that were formed after
February 15, 2020 could claim the ERTC through December 31, 2021.

We are seeing that many employers have yet to take advantage of the ERTC for 2020 and 2021. Employers may file
amended returns if they were eligible for the ERTC but did not claim the credit on their originally-filed employment
tax returns. Generally, employers have three years from the date they filed their original employment tax returns or
two years from when they paid employment tax to file refund claims.

Employers will need to review the ERTC rules to determine whether they are eligible for the credit, focusing on how
government orders impacted their business operations and revenue. Employers who are in a position to file refund
claims should also try to maximize the amount of credit claimed on their amended returns. In particular, employers
with multiple businesses should determine whether the businesses are affiliated and treated as one employer under
the ERTC.

FDT’s Tax practice group provides guidance to businesses looking to take advantage of tax savings opportunities.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law
                                                                                                                                                            Awards and
                                                                         attended the Harboring Hearts        Lindsay Mesh Lotito attended
Gerard R. Luckman participated       Department’s NCPD Foundation’s
in St. John’s University School of                                       Golf Outing cocktail reception.      London Jewelers’ event
                                     Inaugural Gala.                                                          supporting Rescue Paw
Law’s Student-Alumni Career                                              Jeffrey D. Forchelli, Russell G.
Conference. He was a member of                                           Tisman, Michael A. Berger,           Foundation.
the Corporate, Securities,                                               Richard A. Blumberg, Frank W.
Bankruptcy and Tax panel.                                                Brennan, Lisa M. Casa, Michael
                                                                         A. Ciaffa, Raymond A.
                                                                         Castronovo, Andrew E. Curto,
                                                                         Danielle B. Gatto, Nathan R.
                                                                         Jones, Alexander Leong,
                                                                         Jacqueline A. Rappel, Jonah H.
                                                                         Blumenthal and Danielle E.
                                     Gregory S. Lisi, Mary E.            Tricolla attended the Nassau
                                     Mongioi and Virginia A.             County Bar Association’s             Gerard R. Luckman was a guest         FDT received its first “Best Law Firms” ranking. The firm
                                     Kawochka attended the WE            Judiciary Night 2021.                speaker at the Nassau County Bar      is included in the 2022 Edition of U.S. News – Best
                                     CARE Fund of the Nassau                                                  Association’s Bankruptcy Law          Lawyers’ “Best Law Firms” list as a Tier 2 firm on Long
Daniel P. Deegan hosted a            County Bar Association’s 25th       Jeffrey D. Forchelli attended the                                          Island for Litigation – Labor & Employment.
breakfast meeting for the Long                                           North Shore Historical Museum’s      Committee meeting CLE,
                                     Annual Golf & Tennis Classic.                                            “Review of Small Business
Island Association’s Young                                               Gala.
Professionals Committee. He is a     Judy L. Simoncic, Andrea                                                 Reorganization Under Subchapter
                                     Tsoukalas Curto, Gabriella E.       Mary E. Mongioi, David J.            V.”
member of the LIA’s Board of                                             Borkon, Jeremy M. Musella,
Directors. Robert L. Renda is a      Botticelli, Jessica A. Leis &                                            Gregory W. Carman attended the
                                     Danielle B. Gatto attended the      Kelan C. Sullivan and Michael
member of the Committee.                                                 A. Berger attended NY Vet Expo       Nassau County Village Officials
                                     Collaborate with Edge Leadership                                         Association’s 95th Annual
                                     Conference Welcome Back             in NYC.
                                                                                                              Testimonial Dinner.
                                     cocktail reception.                 Jonah H. Blumenthal
                                                                         participated on a St. John’s         Gregory S. Lisi attended the
                                     Jeffrey D. Forchelli, James C.                                           Nassau County Women’s Bar
                                     Ricca, William F. Bonesso,          University School of Law alumni
                                                                         panel guiding current students       Association’s Annual Holiday          Gregory S. Lisi was honored by Schneps Media as an A
                                     Gerard R. Luckman & Virginia                                             Cocktail Party & Mitten
                                     A. Kawochka and their spouses,      on the transition from law school                                          Lister, which recognizes extraordinary men from
                                                                         to law practice.                     Fundraiser benefitting The Safe       Manhattan to Montauk who make a difference in their
                                     attended the Columbus Citizens                                           Center LI.
                                     Foundation’s 77th Annual            Andrea Tsoukalas Curto &                                                   professions and communities.
                                     Columbus Day Celebration in         Jessica A. Leis hosted a Nassau      Kathleen Deegan Dickson and
Raymond A. Castronovo was a                                                                                   Daniel S. Dornfeld presented,
panelist at the New England Real     New York City.                      County Women’s Bar Foundation
                                                                         fundraiser, “Fashion for a Cause,”   “Zoning and Leasing
Estate Journal’s virtual event,                                                                               Considerations for the Cannabis
“Cannabis Facilities &                                                   with image consultant and
                                                                         branding expert Melanie              Industry,” at the Commercial
Construction.”                                                                                                Industrial Brokers Society’s (CIBS)
                                                                         Lippman. Judy L. Simoncic,
James C. Ricca was the honoree                                           Nicole S. Forchelli, Virginia A.     Lunch & Learn.
at, the Cleary School for the                                            Kawochka, Kristina E. Sornchai,
Deaf’s 30th Annual Golf Classic.                                         Lucy A. Miller and Lindsay
John V. Terrana, Lindsay Mesh                                            Mesh Lotito participated.
Lotito, Kristina E. Sornchai,
Zachary J. Manasia, John P.                                              Andrea Tsoukalas Curto
                                     Gregory W. Carman attended the      attended Bethpage Federal Credit                                           Jeremy M. Musella was inducted into Long Island Business
Bues, Jennifer Menz and Lisa                                                                                                                        News’ 30 Under Thirty Class of 2021.
Coppola attended the dinner.         Nassau County Village Officials     Union’s 13th Annual Turkey
                                     Association’s Dinner & Debate.      Drive benefiting Island Harvest.
FDT’s Long Island General
Counsel Network (LIGCN)              Andrea Tsoukalas Curto, Jessica
sponsored a virtual coffee tasting   A. Leis, Brian W. Kennedy &                                              Elbert F. Nasis, Daniel S.
networking event. FDT’s LIGCN        Erik W. Snipas, and professionals                                        Dornfeld and Brian W. Kennedy
is co-chaired by Joseph V.           from various disciplines,                                                attended the HIA-LI’s 44th
Cuomo and Lisa M. Casa. In           presented a CLE, “Mock Board of                                          Annual Meeting and Legislative
addition to Joe and Lisa, Kristina   Appeals Hearing — A Zoning                                               Program.
                                     Perspective on Opening a                                                                                       Mary E. Mongioi was named a 2022 Crain’s New York
E. Sornchai and Lucy A. Miller                                                                                                                      Business’ Notable Women in Law honoree.
joined the tasting.                  Marijuana Retail Store.” Judy L.
                                     Simoncic and Lindsay Mesh
Andrea Tsoukalas Curto &             Lotito participated in the Zoom.    Mary E. Mongioi, Michael A.
William F. Bonesso attended the                                          Berger, Danielle E. Tricolla &
Nassau County Police                 Russell G. Tisman and his wife
THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law
RECENT SUCCESSES I #FirmAdvantage                                                                           RECENT SUCCESSES:                continued     I #FirmAdvantage

                                                                                                           abuts a preserve. The lot was      unique opportunity for the        methodologies from both the
                                   and $225,000 project loan                                               challenging to develop because
                                   secured by commercial                                                                                      firm’s attorneys to attend        leased fee and fee simple
                                                                                                           it had been abandoned for          educational property tax          schools of thought,
                                   condominium units located in                                            several years and did not have
                                   New York City and the assets                                                                               lectures and stay on the          supported by the actual
                                                                                                           proper access or utility           cutting edge of emergent real     financial experience of the
                                   of Borrower and Guarantors.          LAND USE & ZONING                  connections. Mrs. Curto            estate tax topics. The Firm       subject property, and
BANKING & FINANCE                  Steven G. Gaebler negotiated         Clients Peter Florey and Len       garnered community support         also supports the IPT’s           boosted by comparable sales
James C. Ricca negotiated and      and closed a $11,625,000             D’Amico, of D&F Development        for these projects and             mission by sponsoring the         of similar stores in the area.
closed a $25,000,000 mortgage      mortgage loan secured by             Group, along with Islip Town       addressed neighbor concerns        Symposium annually.               After extensive negotiations,
loan for an Institutional Lender   property in Brooklyn on behalf       Supervisor, Angie Carpenter,       for a successful result in each                                      Ms. Forchelli obtained a real
secured by an apartment            of an Institutional Lender.          cut the ribbon at the opening of   case.                                                                estate tax benefit of more
complex in Stockbridge,            Steven G. Gaebler and                the Bay Shore Senior Residence                                                                          than $160,000 for the client.
Georgia.                           Lindsay Mesh Lotito                  and LGBT Center.
Lindsay Mesh Lotito, on behalf     negotiated and closed a
of New York Community Bank,        $15,500,000 mortgage loan
                                                                                                                                              Tax Certiorari
negotiated and closed a            secured by property in Deer
$26,000,000 mortgage loan          Park, New York on behalf of                                              Real Estate                       John V. Terrana and Robert
secured by a mixed-use luxury      Citibank, N.A.                                                                                             L. Renda represented a            Tax, Trusts & Estates
apartment building in Jersey                                                                               James P. Rosenzweig                regional surgery center and
City, New Jersey.                                                       Rendering of Bay Shore Senior      represented the Riese              medical practice with offices     The firm represented the
                                                                        Residence & LGBT Center            Organization, as landlord, in      in Suffolk County. The client     Sellers in negotiating a series
James C. Ricca closed on behalf                                                                            connection with a Times
of Republic Bank a mortgage                                                                                                                   approached the firm               of integrated contracts, and
                                                                        This affordable housing            Square Manhattan commercial        concerned that the town may       thereafter closing on the sale
loan secured by a commercial                                                                               lease workout. The final
condominium unit located at
                                   Litigation                           community is the first of its                                         have been over-charging           of a group of licensed
                                                                        kind, offering a safe              transaction involved the           them. What Messrs. Terrana        nursing home facilities, both
United Nations Plaza.                                                                                      collection of substantial rent
                                   Danielle B. Gatto and Peter B.       environment and housing for                                           and Renda discovered was          with respect to the business
Lindsay Mesh Lotito and            Skelos were successful in            LGBT seniors. Jessica A. Leis      arrears and the creation of an     excessive taxation by almost      operations and conveyance
James C. Ricca negotiated and      having the appellate division        attended the event. Kathleen       improved lease security            50%. In a pre-trial settlement,   of the underlying real estate.
closed a $6,000,000 term loan      dismiss one appeal and               Deegan Dickson and Ms. Leis        package to guaranty                the firm recovered $330,000       The aggregate selling price
secured by the assets of           otherwise affirm orders from         worked to secure the project’s     continuing cash flow to the        for the client.                   was approximately
Borrower in conjunction with a     the Queens County Supreme            Suffolk County Dept of Health      client.                                                              $83,000,000. This transaction
$6,000,000 unsecured revolving                                                                                                                Douglas W. Atkins
                                   Court, which, through the            approvals, and Daniel P.           James P. Rosenzweig                prosecuted a property tax         was handled almost
line of credit on behalf of an     course of three separate             Deegan secured financial           negotiated and completed for                                         completely by James P.
Institutional Lender.                                                                                                                         case against the Town of
                                   decisions, granted our clients’      assistance and a PILOT on the      Seller an eight-figure contract    Islip on behalf of an             Rosenzweig and Jonah H.
John P. Bues represented an        motion to dismiss the entire         project through the Town of        of sale of a commercial            automotive site owner. Mr.        Blumenthal in coordination
Institutional Lender in closing    case. In the action, the plaintiff   Islip IDA.                         building located on lower          Atkins argued that the town       with Robert H. Groman. The
an $8,200,000 construction loan    asserted causes of action            Andrea Tsoukalas Curto             Broadway in New York City.         was misclassifying the use of     sale included multiple 1031
to finance the construction of a   against our clients for breach of    obtained zoning approvals for      The attorneys from the Tax         the property as service           tax compliant real estate
new medical marijuana              contract, conversion and             a two-lot subdivision of a         Certiorari Department,             instead of its actual use,        exchanges that had to be
processing plant in New Jersey.    intentional infliction of            2-acre estate in the Village of    members of the Institute for       storage. Additionally, Mr.        coordinated with the closing
John P. Bues represented           emotional distress, all of which     Sands Point which was once         Professionals in Taxation          Atkins successfully argued        of the sales. Mr. Rosenzweig
Hanover Community Bank in          were dismissed with prejudice.       owned by crooner Perry Como.       (IPT), attended IPT’s annual       that the assessed value was       work with the 1031 qualified
successfully closing a             Richard A. Blumberg and              She also obtained approvals for    Property Tax Symposium in          well above market. The            intermediary to design and
$6,500,000 loan secured by five    Danielle B. Gatto were               a two-lot subdivision in the       Westminster, Colorado in           result for the client was a       implement a complex deal
(5) apartment buildings located    successful, after an in-person       hamlet of Glenwood Landing,        November, 2021. IPT’s              refund of $107,000.               structure to ensure that the
in Brooklyn and the Bronx.         hearing, in vacating a               Town of Oyster Bay. In             membership includes tax                                              clients’ tax benefits were
                                                                                                                                              Nicole S. Forchelli resolved      preserved and their business
Steven G. Gaebler negotiated       temporary restraining order          addition, Ms. Curto obtained       industry leaders across all        a property tax matter for a
                                   arising from a plaintiff’s claim     variances and site plan            classes of real estate: shopping                                     expectations met.
and closed on behalf of Hanmi                                                                                                                 national department store
Bank a $18,375,000 acquisition     of adverse possession over our       approval for a new multi-          malls, big box retail, senior      chain relating to two of their
loan, a $2,400,000 building loan   client’s property.                   million-dollar residence in the    living, multi-family dwellings,    properties in Upstate New
                                                                        Village of Sands Point which       etc. The Symposium is a            York. Ms. Forchelli proffered
THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law

Newsday                                • Andrew E. Curto was featured in           Association Long Island
                                         the “Ones to Watch Spotlight.”            appointment was published.        Gregory S. Lisi’s Nassau County Bar A ssociaton Presidential Recap
• Daniel P. Deegan was quoted in
  the article, “Virus-fueled           • Judy L. Simoncic, Kathleen              • Gregory S. Lisi was featured
  expansion.”                            Deegan Dickson, Andrea                    in LIBN’s WHO’s WHO in             At the half way point of my term as President of the Nassau County
• Daniel P. Deegan was quoted in         Tsoukalas Curto and Jessica A.            Labor Law Special Section          Bar Association (NCBA), I am proud of the growth we have had
  the article, “Developer wins tax       Leis were featured in the Women         City & State New                     and impressed by the resilience of our members. Despite the
  breaks for 72-unit apartment           in Real Estate (WIRE) Spotlight.        York                                 challenges presented by COVID, we have increased membership
  building in Westbury.”               • Daniel S. Dornfeld was featured         • Gregory S. Lisi was included       for the first time in over a decade as well as put on programs that
                                         in the Year in Review Spotlight.          in Long Island Power 100.          help the general public understand the Rule of Law, embrace
                                       New York Real Estate                      Law360
                                                                                                                      diversity and inclusion, assist people being foreclosed upon and
                                       Journal published:                                                             support people who still have legal issues after Hurricane Sandy
                                                                                 • Danielle E. Tricolla’s article,    and other disasters. We have been able to assist attorneys who have
                                       • Aaron Gershonowitz & Brian                “Practical Considerations for
                                          Kennedy’s article, “Land Use             NY Cannabis Licensing,” was
                                                                                                                      returned to the profession after a long absence due to child rearing
                                          and the Takings Clause of the            included in Law360’s               or disability and helped private companies deal with the ever-
                                          United States Constitution.”             Cannabis: The Top Law360           changing COVID rules and regulations. We provide a lawyer
                                       • Rachel L. Partain’s welcome               Guest Articles of 2021.            referral service to help people who are in need of any attorney but
• Andrea Tsoukalas Curto’s                announcement.                          Nassau Lawyer                        do not know what type of attorney they need, and provide a
  participation in the Bethpage        • John P. Gordon’s article, “Law:                                              charitable arm for attorneys and others to give back to the
  Federal Credit Union’s 13th                                                    • Peter B. Skelos, Jeffrey D.        community. In 2022 we are setting up a victims rights panel and
                                          Prevailing wage law for IDA              Forchelli, Gregory S. Lisi,
  Annual Turkey Drive benefitting         projects goes into effect on Jan. 1,                                        providing more opportunities for companies and individuals to get
  Island Harvest was featured in the                                               Lindsay Mesh Lotito, Robert
                                          2022.”                                   L. Renda and Danielle E.           information on new Covid laws and regulations. We will also
  “On Our Island: Non-Profit                                                                                          increase access to attorneys for questions by businesses and the
  highlights of the week” section.     • Judy L. Simoncic’s appointment            Tricolla were featured in the
                                          to Chair of the NCBA’s                   In Brief column.                   general public. Plus, we are reopening the restaurant for lunch and
• Daniel P. Deegan was quoted in          Municipal Law and Land Use                                                  dinner/weekend catering at our beautiful building in Mineola. It
  the article, “New plan for tool                                                • Stephanie M. Alberts’
                                          Committee.                               appointment to Co-Chair of         has been a great honor to lead the nearly 5,000 attorneys of the
                                       • Zachary J. Manasia’s article,             the NCBA’s Surrogate’s Court       Nassau County Bar Association through a difficult and incredibly
Long Island Business                      “Blockchain Use Cases for Real           Estates and Trusts Committee       memorable year.
News                                      Estate Transactions.”                    was published.
• Jeremy M. Musella’s 30 Under         • Daniel S. Dornfeld & Gregory            • John P. Gordon’s welcome
  Thirty profile was published.           W. Carman’s Page 2 column,               announcement was published.
                                          “Lease Considerations for                                                  Notable Appointments
• Daniel P. Deegan was mentioned                                                 • Judy L. Simoncic’s
  in the article, “LI developer gets      Cannabis Dispensaries – a Brief          appointment to Chair of the
  IDA assist for $26.9M Mineola           Overview.”                               NCBA’s Municipal Law and
  project.”                            Best Lawyers®                               Land Use Committee was
• Daniel S. Dornfeld was quoted in     • Gregory S. Lisi and Danielle E.           published.
  the article, “Häagen-Dazs and           Tricolla were listed in the 2021       • Mary E. Mongioi was named
  Tombstone pizza distributor plans       Business Edition: The Litigation         a Crain’s New York Business’
  new Hauppauge home.”                    Issue                                    2022 Notable Women in Law
• Judy L. Simoncic was featured in     LI Herald                                   honoree.
  WHO’s WHO in Commercial &                                                      • Danielle E. Tricolla & Robert
  Residential Real Estate Law          • Daniel P. Deegan was
                                          mentioned and quoted in the              L. Renda’s promotions
  Special Section.                                                                 announcement was published.
                                          article, “IDA mulls tax breaks for
New York Law                              Baldwin Commons; Affordable            Wagner Magazine
Journal published:                        development takes step                 • Jeffrey D. Forchelli was            Gregory W.             Danielle E.            Robert L. Renda         Stephanie M.         Gerard R.
• John P. Gordon’s welcome                forward.”                                interviewed by his alma mater,      Carman joined the      Tricolla was           was promoted to         Alberts, Partner,    Luckman was
  announcement.                                                                    Wagner College, for the story,                             promoted to            Partner on January      was appointed to
                                                                                                                       firm’s Land Use &                                                                          elected President
• Danielle E. Tricolla, Robert L.                                                  “Back to Business: Seahawk          Zoning, Litigation     Partner on January     1, 2022. He is a        co-chair of the      of the Turnaround
  Renda’s promotions                                                               business leaders tell us about      and Cannabis           1, 2022. She is Co-    member of the Tax       firm’s Tax, Trusts   Management
  announcement.                                                                    their COVID ‘new normal’.”          practice groups as     chair of the           Certiorari practice     & Estates practice   Association’s
                                                                                                                       an Associate.          Cannabis practice      group.                  group.               (TMA) Long Island
• Stephanie M. Alberts’                                                                                                                       group and a                                                         Chapter.
  appointment to FDT Tax, Trusts &                                                                                                            member of the
  Estates Co-Chair.                                                                                                                           Litigation practice
New York Real Estate                   •   Gerard R. Luckman’s
Journal                                    Turnaround Management
THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law THE COUNSELOR - Forchelli Deegan Terrana Law
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