Page created by Allen Kelly
                                                                                                                       June, 2018

                                                                                                               Note on Sources
Information contained in this document is taken from the four party platforms and other materials presented on their websites. It also
    includes public statements and commentary made by leaders and campaign representatives during debates or to the media during
     interviews, and from other media sources. Ontario Liberal Party platform information has also been taken from the spring budget.
2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison

           ONTARIO LIBERAL                          ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                       ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                           GREEN PARTY OF
               PARTY                                CONSERVATIVE PARTY                                 PARTY                                      ONTARIO
Fiscal Plan & Finances (Deficits & Taxes)
   The Liberals outlined their fiscal         Doug Ford has said, if elected, he          The NDP projects its platform will         Green Party objective is to
    plan in the 2018 spring budget,             would run a deficit in his first year.       run five straight deficits.                 achieve tax reform that shifts
    projecting a $6.7-billion deficit in       Core commitment is to cut $6                Ontario would incur a deficit of            taxes off incomes and on to
    2018-19 and did not forecast a              billion from Ontario’s budget                $3.3 billion in 2018-19, peaking at         pollution to generate revenue.
    return to balance until 2024-25.            without laying off public employees          more than $5 billion in 2020-21,           Driving principle is that polluters
   The provincial debt is projected to         by finding “inefficiencies.”                 shrinking to $1.9 billion by 2022-23.       should “pay their fair share”.
    be $325 billion in 2018-19.                PCs have promised to cut the                Platform commits to raise the              Committed to lowering personal
   Interest payments for the current           corporate tax rate to 10.5% from             corporate tax rate to 13% from              income taxes in a progressive
    fiscal year are projected to be $12.5       11.5%.                                       11.5% while maintaining the                 way, raising exemption levels for
    billion.                                   Income tax will be eliminated for            Liberals’ reduction to small                individuals and families with an
   The Liberals have pledged to                minimum wage workers (anyone                 business corporate tax rates.               emphasis on supporting those
    introduce legislation requiring all         making less than $28,000/yr.).              Also pledged to tax tobacco on              lower incomes.
    provincial budget surpluses be             Income tax for middle-income                 value instead of volume.                   Party pledges to increase
    allocated to repaying provincial            earners will be reduced by 20%.             NDP will close the loophole                 corporate taxes by 1-1.5% to pay
    debt.                                      Campaign has pledged to cut the              allowing corporations to qualify for        for essential services while being
   Corporate tax rate will remain at           small business tax rate by 8.7%.             a small business exemption                  able to reduce taxes on small
    11.5% under a Liberal government.          Ford has pledged to scrap Ontario’s          (businesses with payrolls over $3M          local businesses.
   Liberals remain committed to                cap-and-trade system and advocate            will no longer qualify).
    increasing tobacco taxes, following         for the elimination of the federal          Committed to raising income tax on
    through on a three-year plan to             carbon tax.                                  amounts earned over $220,000 by
    increase the price per carton by $10       A PC government would reduce                 1%, and on earnings over $300,000
    by 2019-20.                                 gasoline taxes by $0.10/litre.               by 2%.
                                               The Conservative plan also                  Will add a surcharge for vehicles
                                                promises to reintroduce a “buck a            that cost more than $90,000.
                                                beer” to Ontario, reducing the              Committed to increasing the
                                                minimum price for the sale of beer           Pension Benefit Guarantee Fund
                                                to $1, plus deposit, per bottle.             guaranteed amount to
                                                                                             $3,000/month indexed to inflation.
                                                                                            Promising to expand pension
                                                                                             coverage to more Ontarians by
                                                                                             reducing barriers for workers to
                                                                                             join existing public Jointly
                                                                                             Sponsored Pension Plans.

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
           ONTARIO LIBERAL                           ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                       ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                           GREEN PARTY OF
               PARTY                                 CONSERVATIVE PARTY                                 PARTY                                      ONTARIO
Infrastructure, Transportation & Transit
   The Liberal government has                   Platform includes substantial            Ontario NDP plan pledges to invest          A Green government will increase
    promised $79 billion for different            spending on infrastructure,                over $180 billion in infrastructure,        funding for public transit
    public transit projects, an increase          including:                                 avoiding the use of P3s.                    infrastructure by $1 to $1.5 billion
    of $24 billion from the 2017 budget.          o Two-way, all-day GO service,           Platform commits to expand                   per year over projections in the
    o $11 billion has been pledged to                  supporting expansions and            Community Benefits Agreements,               2018 budget and will fund 50% of
         begin work for the high-speed                 new projects across Southern         making them integral to all                  the operating costs of municipal
         rail line between Toronto to                  Ontario. Current funding to be       infrastructure projects.                     transit systems.
         Windsor.                                      maintained.                         NDP are promising to cover 50% of           Will establish a dedicated long-term
    o The remaining $68 billion would             o Uploading responsibility for             operating costs for municipal               fund for municipal walking and
         be allocated to integrating                   subway infrastructure,                transit, will provide two-way all-day       cycling infrastructure, investing
         municipal projects to support                 including the building and            GO rail service between Kitchener—          $2.17 billion over 4 years on safe
         broader regional infrastructure.              maintenance of new and                Waterloo and Toronto and will have          streets and roads.
   Platform would match a federal                     existing subway lines, from the       year-round GO rail service between         Will implement expert
    infrastructure grant of nearly $5                  City of Toronto to the Province.      Niagara and Toronto.                        recommendations for dedicated
    billion, with a $4 billion contribution            The cost is to be amortized         An NDP government will implement             revenue tools that are fair and
    from the provincial infrastructure                 over the lifecycle of subway         a Northern Rail Strategy that                progressive — such as congestion
    budgets for public transit projects                projects once operational, plus      restores Ontario Northlander’s               charges, parking levies and land
    across Ontario between 2018 and                    $160 million per year for            passenger service and supports the           value taxes — to raise over $3.9
    2028.                                              existing assets.                     Huron Central and Algoma Central             billion annually.
                                                         Add $5 billion in new             Rail Lines.                                 Will dedicate 5% of the
                                                           funding to build the            Platform promises to build Toronto’s         transportation budget for walking
                                                           Sheppard Loop, the Relief        Downtown Relief Line as soon as              and cycling infrastructure.
                                                           Line, and the Yonge              possible and Hamilton’s LRT right
                                                           Extension.                       away.
                                                         Leave responsibility for
                                                           day-to-day operations,
                                                           including labour relations,
                                                           with the City of Toronto.
                                                         Maintain the arrangement
                                                           in which the City keeps all
                                                           revenue generated by the
                                                           subway system.

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
    PARTY                   CONSERVATIVE PARTY                             PARTY              ONTARIO
                        o   Explore the potential for high-
                            speed rail and highway
                            projects, including:
                              Six-laning of Highway 401
                                 to the 416 between
                                 Toronto and Ottawa, and
                                 complete the
                                 environmental assessment
                                 for the GTA West Corridor,
                                 at a total cost of $20
                              Four-lane Highway 17 in
                                 eastern Ontario and
                                 Highway 3 in Southwestern
                                 Ontario, at a cost of $5
                                 million per year over 50
                              Expand natural gas
                                 distribution to rural
                                 communities with private
                                 sector help.
                              Invest the assumed $100
                                 million in savings in cellular
                                 and broadband
                                 infrastructure expansion.
                        o   Cut the aviation fuel tax for the
                            North, costing $11 million
                        o   Reinstate passenger rail service
                            to the North, at a cost of $45
                            million annually for
                            refurbishment and operating

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
           ONTARIO LIBERAL                         ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                      ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                           GREEN PARTY OF
               PARTY                               CONSERVATIVE PARTY                                PARTY                                      ONTARIO
Ontario Economy, Jobs & Wages
   The Liberals have pledged                 PC platform promises to support          NDP platform pledges to make                A Green government would
    numerous increases to social               business by cutting regulations           Ontario a leader in the development          transition the Ontario economy to
    services, healthcare, and childcare        hampering job creation and                and manufacture of driverless                one that is efficient and
    amounting to more than $20.3               economic growth.                          technology, hybrid and electric              sustainable, based on principles of
    billion in new spending over the          Pledges include:                          vehicles.                                    fairness and resilience.
    next three years.                          o Reducing the Small Business Tax        An NDP government promises to               Stop subsidizing businesses that
   Projected annual deficits of                   rate by 8.7%.                         work with First Nations, mining and          pollute and instead provide
    between $6.5 billion and $6.7              o Lowering the Corporate Income           exploration companies, refiners and          incentives to work towards clean
    billion are expected until at least            Tax to 10.5% from 11.5%.              northerners to develop the Ring of           products.
    2020-2021 with provincial finances         o Reducing the manufacturing and          Fire project, tapping into $60 billion      Change government procurement
    not expected to return to balance              processing tax rate.                  in chromite and other reserves and           rules to support low carbon
    until 2024-2025.                          Estimates are that reducing the           creating thousands of jobs.                  products and services.
   Premier Wynne's government has             small business tax will cost Ontario     Platform commits to cut hydro bills         Lower payroll taxes on small local
    increased the minimum wage to              $60 million annually starting in year     30% by bringing Hydro One back in            businesses and non-profits with the
    $14 from $11.60 on Jan. 1, 2018,           two and reducing other business           public hands.                                intent of creating good local jobs
    and plans to increase it further to        taxes will cost $1.3 billion starting    The NDP intends to increase the              with living wages for workers and
    $15 on Jan. 1, 2019. Future annual         in year two.                              minimum wage to $15/hour, but has            fair taxes for small, family
    increases beyond 2019 will be at          Additional promises include:              not provided a timeline for the              businesses.
    the rate of inflation.                     o Cancelling the Jobs and                 increase.                                   Pledging to increase the exemption
   Liberals have pledged to invest                Prosperity Fund (estimated           Also promised is a requirement for           level for the Employer Health Tax
    $170 million over three years in the           savings of $270 million               employers to provide at least three          from $450,000 to $1 million in
    new Ontario Apprenticeship                     annually).                            weeks paid vacation to full-time             payroll for businesses and
    Strategy. Including:                       o Maintain current support for            employees.                                   organizations with payrolls under
    o Expanding the Ontario Youth                  Regional Economic                    Andrea Horwath and the NDP have              $5 million, keeping about $1 billion
        Apprenticeship Program (OYAP),             Development Funds.                    pledged to invest $57 million                available annually to invest in
        providing more high school             o Improved access to                      annually from the Jobs and                   communities and pay workers
        students with trades‐related               apprenticeships and reform of         Prosperity Fund to create                    better wages. To be funded by
        hands‐on learning opportunities.           the foreign credential                opportunities in the trades.                 reversing the Liberal’s corporate tax
    o Improved guidance counselling                recognition process.                 The NDP will work to reduce                  cut for big businesses by 1%.
        resources and local labour             o Introduction of a minimum-              workplace injuries and better               Modernize the apprenticeship
        market information for students,           wage tax credit - individuals         support injured workers by making            application process by leveraging
        parents and educators.                     earning minimum wage pay no           sure WSIB works for them.                    the Ontario College Application
                                                   tax; estimated cost is $558          An NDP government will be                    Service to provide candidates with
                                                   million annually.                     proactive in enforcement of health           an electronic, single-entry access to

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
           ONTARIO LIBERAL                           ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                      ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                          GREEN PARTY OF
               PARTY                                 CONSERVATIVE PARTY                                PARTY                                     ONTARIO
    o A new grant to promote pooled              o Increasing the agriculture sector       and safety standards and will               the apprenticeship application and
        group sponsorship models for                 Risk Management Program cap           increase the number of jobs covered         registration process.
        apprentices.                                 by $50 million annually, starting     under Employment Standards and             Expand and invest in apprenticeship
    o A Local Apprenticeship                         in year three.                        worker safety laws.                         and training programs, including
        Innovation Fund to increase              o Committing $850 million for a          Pledging to work with tradespeople,         incentives for businesses to
        opportunities for apprentices                tax credit for minimum wage           employers, and educational                  participate in apprenticeship,
        and encourage engagement                     earners.                              institutions to ensure that there are       mentoring and co-op programs.
        within the apprenticeship               Doug Ford has promised to scrap           opportunities available for education      Reduce the ratio of journey people
        system across Ontario, as well as        the Liberals’ plan to increase            and apprenticeships, and that               to apprentices to 1:1 in order to
        support regional, local or sector‐       minimum wage next year, holding it        tradespeople have the skills and            open more jobs and training
        specific pilots where there is           at $14/hour.                              knowledge for a lifetime of building        opportunities for our youth and
        demonstrated market need.                                                          Ontario.                                    workers seeking new career
    o Continuing education                                                                                                             options.
        opportunities for trade                                                                                                       Establish a progressive fee schedule
        professionals.                                                                                                                 based on the earnings
   Transform the Apprenticeship                                                                                                       opportunities for each trade.
    Training Tax Credit (ATTC) into the
    new Graduated Apprenticeship
    Grant for Employers (GAGE) to
    encourage employers that
    apprentices complete their training.
   Create a new Office of
    Apprenticeship Opportunity to
    support apprentices from
    underrepresented groups and to
    build an inclusive, diverse
    apprenticeship system. No details
    on when the program will be active.
   The Liberals will invest an
    additional $63 million over three
    years to create the first Ontario
    Training Bank to serve as a one‐
    stop shop for employers, job
    seekers and workers to access the
    skills training that meets their

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
          ONTARIO LIBERAL                      ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                     ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                           GREEN PARTY OF
              PARTY                            CONSERVATIVE PARTY                               PARTY                                      ONTARIO
Electricity, Energy, Hydro & the Environment
 Liberals are promising to reduce       Promising to lower electricity prices    The NDP says its plan would cut             A green government is committed
  hydro bills by 25% for residential      through a series of measures,             hydro bills by 30%. Highlights               to develop a Long-term Energy Plan
  consumers, and up to 50% for those      including:                                include:                                     for Ontario utilizing 100%
  who live in rural or northern           o Scrapping the Green Energy Act.           o Returning control of Hydro One           renewable energy that puts
  communities, or low-income              o Declaring a moratorium on new                 to the provincial government           community benefits before
  Ontarians.                                  energy contracts.                           by buying back the share of the        corporate interests.
 Liberals have pledged to keep           o Cutting residential, agriculture,             utility that’s been sold to           Estimates canceling the Fair Hydro
  Ontario moving towards a more               and small business electricity              private investors.                     Plan will save Ontario $21 to $69
  “competitive and low‐carbon                 rates by 12% by:                        o Cutting rural electricity rates by       billion.
  economy.” To achieve this they               Returning Hydro One                       about 15 per cent.                    Plan will eliminate the rebuilding of
  would:                                          dividend payments to                o Ending time-of-use billing; set a        nuclear plants, saving the Ontario
  o Spend $1.7 billion over three                 taxpayers (estimated cost:              flat rate of 10.3¢ per kWh             government $1.1 billion annually.
      years to support energy-saving              $300-400 million per year).             (Currently, rates fluctuate           Platform proposes to adopt low
      programs under the Green                 Fund conservation programs                between 6.5–13.2¢ per kWh              cost water power from Quebec and
      Ontario Fund.                               out of general government               based on the time of day).             also bioenergy.
  o Invest $52 million over three                 revenue rather than                 o Opening negotiations with the           A Green government pledges to
      years for new technologies to               electricity bills (estimated            federal government to remove           seek an independent public review
      deal with toxic chemicals,                  cost: $433 million annually).           HST on hydro bills.                    of the costs and availability of all
      excessive algae and road salt;           Cancelling energy contracts        An NDP government plans to use               energy sources to make the best
      better manage sewer system                  that are in the pre-              revenue from Ontario’s cap-and-              choices for Ontario’s energy needs,
      overflow.                                   construction phase and re-        trade program to fund part of its            pushing for low cost energy
  o Spend $15 million over the next               negotiating other contracts.      environmental platform, including:           solutions that meet Ontario’s GHG
      three years to protect forests,          Stabilize industrial hydro             $50 million from cap-and-trade           pollution targets.
      wetlands and lakes.                         rates through a package of              programs for new no-interest          Plan commits to target hydro rate
  o Invest more than $90 million in               reforms.                                and on-bill home retrofitting to       reductions to the most vulnerable,
      2017–18 to support commuter              Remove the board of Hydro                 help residents pay for power-          rather than across the board
      cycling.                                    One and its CEO & lower                 saving technology into their           reductions.
                                                  salaries at Ontario Power               homes.                                Green platform pledges to create a
                                                  Generation and Hydro One.            Direct 25% of cap-and-trade              $4.18 billion 4-year Green Building
                                         Platform promises to end the cap                revenue to rural, northern and         and Business fund to provide grants
                                          and trade system and challenge any              lower-income homes and                 and interest free loans to help
                                          attempt by the federal government               trade-exposed industries.              homeowners, renters and
                                          to impose a carbon tax.                      Remediate the mercury in the             businesses invest in energy
                                                                                          English–Wabigoon River in              conservation.

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
    PARTY                     CONSERVATIVE PARTY                          PARTY                            ONTARIO
                         o Estimated cost is $1.9 billion            northwestern Ontario and
                             annually, to be offset by               pledge an additional $12
                             eliminating the funds collected         million to a Mercury Disability
                             from previous auctions.                 Fund for people suffering from
                         o Potential federal government              the complications of mercury
                             challenges are estimated to cost        poisoning.
                             $30 million over the course of         Update the Environmental Bill
                             the mandate.                            of Rights and expand parks in
                        The platform pledges to create a            consultation with First Nations.
                         fund to invest in new, emissions-
                         reducing technology in Ontario,
                         including $500 million for
                         environmental initiatives such as:
                         o Enforcing air quality programs
                              and protecting waterways.
                         o Hiring more conservation
                              officers to improve
                              enforcement of “major
                         o Committing resources to
                              reduce litter.
                        Platform also pledges to move
                         forward with resource revenue
                         sharing for Northern and
                         Indigenous communities, for
                         mining, forestry, and aggregate
                         activity, with an estimated cost of
                         $30 million annually starting in year

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
          ONTARIO LIBERAL                        ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                      ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                           GREEN PARTY OF
              PARTY                              CONSERVATIVE PARTY                                PARTY                                      ONTARIO
Healthcare/Mental Health
  Liberals have committed to                PC platform pledges to invest $3.8        NDP platform is promising provide         Improving access to better mental
   investing $822 million in hospitals        billion in mental health and               free dental and drug coverage for          health services is part of the Green
   over the next year to reduce wait          addictions supports over 10 years          all Ontarians.                             plan to transform the health care
   times.                                     (cost assumed to be shared with           Pledged to put $19 billion over 10         system to focus on preventing
 The plan also promises to cover all         the federal government).                   years into hospitals.                      illness and promoting health in
   medications on the Ontario Drug           Promising to introduce dental             To provide 2,000 hospital beds             addition to treating sickness.
   Benefit program, including drugs           coverage for low-income seniors at         immediately at a cost of $312             A Green government sees a need
   for cholesterol, hypertension,             an estimated cost of $98 million.          million the first year.                    for more investments in primary
   thyroid conditions, diabetes and          Committing to build 15,000 long-          Platform commits to immediately            and community health care, home
   asthma.                                    term care beds over five years and         increase hospital operational              care and senior care.
 Liberals have also pledged to spend         30,000 hospital beds over 10 years.        funding by 5.3%, ensuring all             A Green government will invest
  $300 million over three years for           Estimated cost is $62,000 annually         hospitals receive a base funding           $4.1 billion over 4 years, an
  registered nurses in every long-term        per bed (assuming capital costs            increase that is above inflation.          additional $2 billion above the
  care facility in Ontario and increase       amortized over bed’s lifetime).           Platform pledges to end the                projected increases in the 2018
  the number of hours each RN                Plan will encourage more doctors           underreporting of surgery wait             budget, into mental health services
  spends with patients by 2022.               to move to northern Ontario by             times, increase funding for                as the first step to making mental
 Committed to expanding the OHIP+            cutting their provincial taxes to as       community health centres and               health services part of OHIP+.
  program to cover drug costs to              little as 0%.                              create 70 new public dental clinics       Platform pledges to create a new
  seniors 65 and over beginning Aug.                                                     and seven new mobile dental buses          umbrella organization called
  1, 2019, projected to cost $575                                                        for rural and remote regions.              Mental Health and Addictions
  million.                                                                              Also promised are 360 midwives             Ontario to consolidate and
 Promised to invest $2.1 billion to                                                     and a guarantee that no cuts are           prioritize mental health and
  “rebuild” Ontario’s mental health                                                      made to women’s health centres.            addictions programs and services
  system.                                                                               The NDP are committed to                   consistently across Ontario.
                                                                                         instituting a requirement that all        Ontario can raise half a billion
                                                                                         seniors in long-term care homes            dollars annually year by
                                                                                         receive at least four hours of care        implementing recommendations
                                                                                         per day, for an estimated cost of          from the 2012 government
                                                                                         $257 million per year. It will also        commissioned Drummond report to
                                                                                         create 40,000 new long-term care           improve collections, reduce tax
                                                                                         beds and update the long-term care         avoidance and implement cost
                                                                                         residents’ “Bill of Rights” to allow       recovery for more services.
                                                                                         elderly couples to stay together.

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
          ONTARIO LIBERAL                      ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                     ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                          GREEN PARTY OF
              PARTY                            CONSERVATIVE PARTY                               PARTY                                     ONTARIO
Education & Childcare
 Liberal platform plans to boost          Doug Ford has said he wants to         An NDP government pledges to               A Green government supports
  education spending by $625 million,       “review the curriculum in all core      provide qualifying students with            properly funding higher education
  $300 million of which is to be             subject areas thoroughly” but has      OSAP grants instead of loans and            with public subsidies, eventually
  allocated for special needs                not provided details.                  convert student debt into grants,           guaranteeing fully public tuition for
  education programs.                      Doug Ford has pledged radical           retroactively forgiving interest for        all Ontario residents.
 A Liberal government plans to help        changes to “fix” Ontario’s              anyone with provincial student loan
  low-income students cover tuitions        education system, replacing the         debt.
  through OSAP grants.                      province’s sexual education and        Pledged to invest $16 billion over 10
 Promising to offer OSAP grants for        math programs.                          years to repair public schools.
  lower-income students to cover           PC plan pledges to spend an            Committing to end standardized
  their tuition.                            additional $38 million for children     testing.
 Committing to set aside $411              with autism.                           Will implement a moratorium on
  million to fund a high school            Plan commits to cover 75% of            school closings.
  apprenticeship program.                   families’ child care costs up to       An NDP government promises free
 The Liberals have pledged to              $6,750 for children between the         child care for families earning
  provide free care for children aged       ages of 0 and 15. Estimates are the     $40,000/yr. or less. Those earning
  two-and-a-half until kindergarten,        proposal would cost $389 million        more will pay and an average of $12
  beginning in 2020. Estimates are          annually.                               per day.
  the plan will help families save an
  average of $17,000 per child.
 The Liberals also plan to create
  100,000 new child care spaces over
  five years.

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
          ONTARIO LIBERAL                         ONTARIO PROGRESSIVE                     ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC                         GREEN PARTY OF
              PARTY                               CONSERVATIVE PARTY                               PARTY                                    ONTARIO
   Liberals introduced the Fair Housing      Platform promises to preserve rent       The NDP platform pledges to build        A Green government will require
    Plan in April 2017, which included         control for existing tenants.             65,000 new affordable homes over          new developments to have a
    at 15% foreign buyers' tax.               Intends to increase the supply of         10 years, while overhauling               minimum of 20% affordable homes.
   Also promising to start a fund to          affordable housing in the GTA while       inclusionary zoning regulations and      Platform promises to push for
    create new co-op housing and               protecting the Greenbelt.                 spending $3 million to revive the         innovative solutions such as “tiny
    tighten rental rules to prevent           Doug Ford has said to the Globe           province’s co-op housing sector.          homes,” laneway housing, co-
    unfair “renovictions” and rent             and Mail he would consider                                                          housing and secondary suites.
    increases.                                 abolishing the 15% foreign                                                         Pledging to invest an additional
                                               homebuyers’ tax introduced by the                                                   $200 million over projected
                                               Liberals and create more affordable                                                 increases in the 2018 budget in
                                               housing on underused land.                                                          funding for shelters, social, co-op
                                                                                                                                   and supportive housing.
                                                                                                                                  A Green government is committing
                                                                                                                                   to increase the housing speculation
                                                                                                                                   tax to help the most vulnerable
                                                                                                                                   have a place to call home.

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2018 Ontario Election Campaign Platform Comparison
            PARTY                      CONSERVATIVE PARTY                         PARTY              ONTARIO
Government Accountability
                                   PC plan emphasizes accountability
                                    and fiscal responsibility by:
                                    o Balancing the Budget on a
                                        “responsible” timeframe.
                                    o Launching an independent
                                        commission of inquiry, at the
                                        cost of $1 million, with a
                                        mandate to examine the
                                        deficit. This will include an
                                        independent audit of the
                                        Province’s finances, to be
                                        released publicly.
                                    o Reinstating the Auditor
                                        General’s authority to approve
                                        government advertising.
                                    o Centralizing government
                                    o Conducting a value-for-money
                                        audit of every government
                                    o Preventing government
                                        agencies, boards, and
                                        commissions from purchasing
                                        tickets/tables to political
                                    o Instituting a single-window
                                        access for approvals with a
                                        one-year deadline.

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