The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET

Page created by Daryl Harrington
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
om e ,
                    A Supplement to
                Church Point News
                   March 31, 2021
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
Page 2 - A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Stay safe when working in the yard this spring and summer
Courtesy of MetroCreative        fore mowing. Knowing the        recommends applying sun-        duce your risk of falling. If   ing them vulnerable to bites
                                 terrain in your own yard        screen 30 minutes before        cutting large branches, cut     and stings. That can be
  A day spent working in         can reduce the risk for acci-   going outside to allow the      them piecemeal to reduce        very dangerous for anyone,
the yard is an ideal way         dent or injury. This can be     sunscreen to bond to your       the risk of being injured by    and especially so for people
to pass the time on spring       especially important when       skin. Reapply sunscreen at      heavy falling branches.         with a history of allergic
and summer afternoons. A         mowing the lawn with a          least every two hours, and        • Inspect the property for    reactions to insect bites or
pristine landscape can add       riding mower. Adhere to         more often if you’re sweat-     insect hives. The OIP notes     stings. Inspect areas where
value to a property and in-      manufacturers’ recommen-        ing excessively. The SCF        that the most common in-        you’ll be working to make
still pride in homeowners        dations regarding inclines      recommends broad spec-          sect stings in spring come      sure insects haven’t put
who put a lot of thought         to reduce tip-over accidents    trum sunscreens, which          from bees, wasps and hor-       down roots in your proper-
and effort into their lawns      that can pin riders beneath     protect the skin from both      nets. Homeowners who are        ty. If you discover any hives
and gardens.                     the mower. Study hilly ar-      UVA and UVB rays. Though        not careful can inadvertent-    and are hesitant to remove
  A sun-soaked day can           eas of the yard prior to        a product with a sun pro-       ly come across hives when       them on your own, contact
make it easy to overlook po-     mowing so you know which        tection factor (SPF) of at      doing spring cleanup, mak-      a local landscaping firm.
tential threats when work-       areas are safe to mow with      least 15 is acceptable when
ing in a lawn or garden. But     a riding mower and which        walking the dog or driving
safety precautions are of        areas are best mowed with       to work, the SCF advises
the utmost necessity when        a walk-behind mower. For        using a product with an
working in the yard, where       greater control when using      SPF of 30 or higher when
the risk for serious injury is   a walk-behind mower on an       engaging in extended out-
considerable. For example,       incline, mow parallel to the    door activities like garden-
the American Academy of          slope.                          ing or mowing.
Orthopaedic Surgeons re-           • Apply and reapply sun-        • Employ the buddy sys-
ports that, in 2016, more        screen. Sunburns may not        tem. Use the buddy system
than 90,000 patients, in-        require trips to the emer-      when pruning tall trees or
cluding nearly 5,000 chil-       gency room, but they can        performing any tasks that
dren, were treated in hos-       still be serious. In fact,      require a ladder. The Or-
pital emergency rooms for        the Skin Cancer Founda-         thopedic Institute of Penn-
lawn mower-related inju-         tion notes that sunburn is      sylvania reports that more
ries.                            a leading cause in the ma-      than 164,000 people are
  Lawn- and garden-related       jority of cases of basal cell   injured each year falling
injuries can be prevent-         carcinoma, squamous cell        off a ladder. Ask a signifi-
ed without going to great        carcinoma and melanoma,         cant other or neighbor to
lengths.                         which is the deadliest form     hold the ladder in place
  • Know your terrain be-        of skin cancer. The SCF         while you climb up to re-

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The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - Page 3

                                                                               Sunset Garden Club to host
                                                                               Herb and Garden Festival
                                                                                 The Herb and Garden Festival                  Drinks will be provided by the
                                                                               will be hosted by the Sunset Gar-             Sunset Garden Club. Posters are
                                                                               den Club on Saturday, May 1 from              $15, and there will be face painting
                                                                               9 a.m.-4 p.m.                                 and train rides for $2 for children.
                                                                                 The festival will offer fresh herbs,          Rain date will be Sunday, May 2
                                                                               herbal products, yard art, native             from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Herb and Garden Fest will be hosted by the Sunset Garden Club on           plants, and also plants and flow-               For more information, visit www.
Saturday, May 1 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Submitted photo)                           ers.                                

How ergonomic tools can help gardeners
Courtesy of MetroCreative           cluded that horticultural thera-    to their landscapes.                    tools do more than just reduce
                                    py may be an effective treatment                                            gardeners’ risk of injury.
Gardening is a rewarding activ-     for people with dementia.               Choosing the right tools            • Ergonomic tools increase effi-
ity that has been found to pro-     Gardeners have a host of tools at   The West Virginia University            ciency. Wasted motions are less
vide a host of benefits beyond      their disposal to help turn their   Center for Excellence in Disabil-       likely when using ergonomic
ensuring readily available ac-      lawns and gardens into awe-         ities notes that gardeners will         tools. That can improve effi-
cess to fresh fruits, vegetables    inspiring landscapes. Among         know they have chosen the right         ciency in the garden, allowing
and awe-inspiring blooms.           those options are ergonomic         ergonomic gardening tool for            gardeners to get more done in
The Centers for Disease Control     tools. Ergonomic tools can ben-     the job when they do not have           the same amount of time. And
and Prevention says many gar-       efit gardeners of all ages, but     to adapt the tool. Ergonomic            because ergonomic tools are de-
dening tasks qualify as light to    they may prove especially valu-     tools should match gardeners’           signed to work with the body,
moderate exercise, which means      able for aging men and women.       heights, fit their grip and feel        gardeners likely won’t need to
raking the leaves and cutting                                           comfortable when in use.                take breaks due to aches and
the grass can be just as benefi-         How ergonomic tools                                                    pains, which also makes it eas-
cial as cardiovascular activities        differ from traditional               Specific benefits                ier to be more efficient when
like brisk walking or jogging.               gardening tools                  of ergonomic tools                working in the garden.
In addition, a 2017 study pub-      Ergonomic gardening tools are       Ergonomic gardening tools are           • Ergonomic tools increase
lished in the journal Preventive    designed to ensure that using       designed in a way that can re-          gardeners’ capabilities. The
Medicine Reports found that         them has as little effect on the    duce stress on the body while           WVUCED notes that principles
gardening can help aging men        body as possible. Ergonomic         performing various tasks. Gar-          behind ergonomics keep gar-
and women offset age-related        tools align with how a person       deners know that aches and              deners using the tools in natural
weight gain. And the health ben-    naturally moves his or her body,    pains can add up after a day            positions. That means garden-
efits of gardening go beyond the    which can reduce the likelihood     spent kneeling in the garden,           ers won’t lose power to bending
physical. In 2014, a systematic     that gardeners will suffer any      raking soil and carrying sup-           and twisting, enabling them to
review of randomized controlled     strains or sprains while garden-    plies from a shed or garage             do more in the garden than they
trials published in Complemen-      ing or experience any aches and     around the property. But the            might be able to do when using
tary Therapies in Medicine con-     pains after a day spent tending     WVUCED notes that ergonomic             non-ergonomic tools.

                                                                                                                25th Annual
  GUARANTY GLASS, INC.                                                                         Herb & Garden’s Fest!
                                                                                                     Hosted by Sunset Garden Club

                     • Auto • Commercial • Residential
                                                                                                   Saturday, May 1st 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                                                                   Master Gardeners Sessions - 9 a.m. - 12 noon
                          • Shower Doors • Mirrors                                                   Native plants, flowers, fresh herbs,
                                                                                                        garden art, herbal products.
                                                                                                                                            • Silent Auction: 9am-2pm
                                                                                                                                                  • Train Rides ~ $2
                       Hours: Monday - Friday • 8 am - 4 pm                                    Lunches will be provided!                         ATM MACHINES

              24 Hour Emergency Service                                                    $
                                                                                                               (337) 662-3542
                                                                                                                                                 No Ice Chests
                                                                                                                                                    or Pets

  446 W. Canal
  Church Point, LA 70525                             684-3504                                                             Rain Date-
                                                                                                                        Sunday, May 2nd
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
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     4 - A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Quality Equipment and Superb Service at Spanky's
   In its 11th year of operation
and conveniently situated at the
corner of Main and Plaquemine
in Church Point, Spanky's Small
Engine Repair & Mower Sales
has top-of-the-line lawn mowers,
handheld       equipment       and
accessories to keep your home or
business looking pristine.
   Spanky's delivers more mower
for your money, and our goal is
satisfied customers.
   Spanky's has a full line of
outdoor lawn equipment including
SCAG zero-turn lawn mowers and
accessories; Bad Boy Mowers;
Big Dog mowers; and a full line
of STIHL outdoor handheld
equipment including reasonably               Spanky's Small Engine Repair & Mower Sales is located at 332 N. Main St. in Church Point.
priced battery-powered hedge
trimmers, blowers, trimmers and        technicians for all the products   engines, and, we offer pickup and   saws, chain saws, trimmers,
chain saws.                            we sell. Spanky's is a certified   delivery service.                   hedgers and water pumps.
   Repair and warranty services        warranty center for Kawasaki,         We also have rental equipment      Call 337-684-2077 or come in
are     provided    by    certified    Kohler and Briggs and Stratton     available including augers, pole    and see us today.

   p r i n g
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 Pla                                           
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                                                             SPANKYʼS SMALL ENGINE REPAIR & MOWER SALES
    ฀฀฀740฀S.฀Main฀Street฀•฀Church฀Point                              332 North Main Street • Church Point, LA 70525
  684-5431 • 319-3957                                                          337.684.2077
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - Page 5

Bad Boy Mowers Selling Great at Spanky's
   Spanky's Small Engine Repair & Mower Sales
has Bad Boy Mowers in stock.
   Bad Boy Mowers is a popular brand offering
more mower for your money. From commercial
to residential models, every Bad Boy mower has
a heavy-duty construction and is built to last.
   The Outlaw series of commercial-grade zero-
turn mowers features a design built from the
blades up based on professional users and
owners input.
   The ZT Elite is a residential zero-turn mower
designed to be stronger, smoother and more
   The Maverick is a commercial-grade mower
with the patented EZ-Ride® System.
   These zero-turn mowers feature powerful
engine options and offer just the right mix
of power for professionals and price for
   Call 337-684-2077 or stop by Spanky's today.

Did you know?
According to the Environmental          while the substances are being ap-
Protection Agency, air currents can     plied. Those who live near fields and
carry pesticides that were applied to   parks where pesticides are routine-                                                            ®

nearby properties. That means even      ly applied can plant hardy, thick-
people who do not apply pesticides      branched trees to reduce their risk
in their lawns and gardens can still    of airborne exposure. The EPA notes
be at risk of exposure to these po-     that such plants and shrubs can
tentially harmful chemicals. People     serve as buffers against airborne
concerned by the prospect of being      pesticides, essentially acting as walls
exposed to the pesticides being ap-     around a property that prevent gusty
plied by their neighbors can stay in-   winds from blowing pesticides into
doors with their children and pets      yards and gardens.
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
Page 6 - A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Exploring different backyard structures
Courtesy of MetroCreative                             ly Egyptian and Roman gardens and were used
                                                      throughout Europe by the late 16th century.
Designing an ideal backyard space requires fore-      • Pergola: The words arbor and pergola are of-
thought and an eye for style. Knowing which fea-      ten used interchangeably, but to suggest the two
tures to include in a yard often boils down to        structures are the same would not be accurate.
what homeowners want to achieve in the space.         Pergola comes from the Italian word “pergula,”
Will it be a relaxing oasis or a central entertain-   which means “projection.” Pergolas were once
ing focal point?                                      projected from exterior walls and supported on
People often look to various structures to add        one side by pillars or columns. Today, arbors
height and visual interest to outdoor spaces.         are usually freestanding units with two or four
Homeowners will likely come across structures         posts. Pergolas may be connected on one side
like arbors, gazebos, pergolas, and even trellis-     to a home or another structure. Some are free-
es as they wade through the variety of features       standing units supported by four posts. Pergo-
they can incorporate into backyard plans. Each        las tend to be larger and offer more privacy and
of these structures can add appeal, but they also     shade than arbors.
can offer shelter from the sun and privacy when       • Gazebo: Gazebos are more defined garden             Incorporating structures into backyard de-
enjoying the yard. There are significant differ-      buildings, states the contractor referral site Net-   signs can provide functionality and appeal.
ences between each structure, so here’s an in-        work. Gazebos are freestanding units that can         (Photo courtesy of MetroCreative)
depth look at what sets them apart.                   be built in various shapes. Some are octagonal,
• Arbor: An arbor is one of the more simple           others are square. Like a pergola, a gazebo is        • Trellis: A trellis is a simple, geometrically-
garden structures. It is usually a frame that         supported by columns and may have low rail-           shaped structure that provides a surface for
is arched or square-cornered. Most homeown-           ings or built-in benches. Gazebos also may have       climbing plants. A trellis also may support fruit-
ers use it as an entryway to a garden or even         a more solid roof than arbors or pergolas, pro-
                                                                                                            bearing trees. Trellis work may be used in con-
the front of the home. Those with green thumbs        viding sun and other weather protection. The
may cover the arbor with climbing and trailing        roof may have added architectural appeal, like        junction with an arbor or pergola, or be installed
plants. The Spruce says arbors date back to ear-      a cupola.                                             on fencing.

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The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - Page 7

Low-maintenance lawn alternatives
Courtesy of MetroCreative                               Moss
                                          Moss can thrive in shady areas
  A traditional lawn may not be         and ones where the soil tends to
right for every property nor de-        stay a bit damp. Moss is velvety
sired by every homeowner. There         soft and green, so it can mimic the
is no denying that lawns take time      look of a traditional lawn but won’t
and effort to establish and daily       require mowing and other upkeep.
or weekly maintenance to thrive.        Because it spreads quickly, moss
Homeowners who find that a tra-         can take over quite rapidly. You
ditional lawn is not practical can      will need to protect areas where
explore some low-maintenance al-        you do not want moss by creating
ternatives.                             barriers to stop spread.

        Wildflower meadow                              Gravel
  Homeowners with wide swaths             Stone and gravel areas can re-
of property may discover meadows        duce maintenance in the landscape
are cost- and time-efficient. Stores    and require very little upkeep.
sell special wildflower meadow mix-     When gravel is installed correctly,
es of seeds or homeowners can use       weeds may not grow readily. Grav-
wildflower plug plants through-         el installation may include laying
out areas where grasses are left to     heavy-duty, semi-permeable land-
grow longer. This natural area can      scape fabric, which is available in
be a home to wildlife and an idyllic    home improvement centers. Gravel
backdrop to a home. Most mead-          is cheaper than pavers and can be       Grass may be ideal for some, but there are alternatives for people who
ows only require a spring or sum-       just as beautiful.                      have troublesome landscapes or desire a low-maintenance product for
mer and autumn cut to thrive and                                                their homes. (Photo courtesy of MetroCreative)
look good.                                          Artificial turf
                                                                                                             t                   Fe a
                                                                                                       Sq F                           tu r
                                          If the desired look is a lawn with-
        Ornamental grasses                                                                    00    0                                      ing
                                        out all the upkeep, there are vari-
                                                                                       e w           a t e                       6  0V           O ve
  Partition areas of the property       ous artificial grass options on the
                                                                                  *  N       C l i m         a *                         e n d        r
for ornamental grasses to grow.         market. Homeowners who opt for                   of         d A   re                                   o rs !
The gardening resource Elemen-          artificial turf can save money and
                                                                                          t ro l
tal Green says ornamental grasses       space devoted to lawn mowers and             Con

                                                                                           Becky’s Barn
tend to be drought-resistant and        other lawn tools.
low-maintenance. They won’t need          Artificial turf
much fertilizer and are often resis-      If the desired look is a lawn with-
tant to pests as well. Ornamental       out all the upkeep, there are vari-                                                   LA-0001926804

                                                                                              ~ Best Selection of Magnalite
grasses grow in tufts or sprays and     ous artificial grass options on the
will not require mowing. However,       market. Homeowners who opt for
they are not ideal for areas that get   artificial turf can save money and                       and Black Iron Pots ~
foot traffic.                           space devoted to lawn mowers and
                                        other lawn tools.                                   Used Furniture • Appliances • Jewelry
                                                                                              Clothing • Antiques • Collectibles
                                                                                                    Glassware • Art Decor
                                                                                                   ~ Call for Directions!!
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                                                                                              1145 Hwy 357 • Opelousas, La
                                                                                               (1/4 mile from Vidrine’s Cafe in Lewisberg)
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
Page 8 - A Supplement To The Church Point News - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Lawn watering and fertilizing techniques
Courtesy of MetroCreative                             izer during the lawn’s most active growing period
                                                      may be helpful, advises the home improvement
  A lush, green lawn is a sight to behold. Many       resource Tools Around the House. An annual
variables are involved in growing and maintain-       application (late spring for warm-season grass
ing grass, and water and fertilizer are among the     or fall for cool-season grass) may be all that’s
most important components.                            needed.
  Knowing how much water and fertilizer to ap-          Certain fertilizers need to be applied and wa-
ply and when to apply it can make a big differ-       tered in. Others may be combined with weed-
ence in the appearance and health of a lawn.          control products and must be set on top of damp
That’s because a well-fed and watered lawn will       grass. Read packaging to determine the right ap-
develop a better root system, which makes the         plication.
lawn less vulnerable to stressors like drought,
mowing, foot traffic, and heat, according to the                            Water
Scotts® company.                                        The right watering schedule and techniques
                                                      can help a lawn thrive. Scotts® says adjusting
                     Fertilize                        for climate and nature can help grass to grow          Azaleas can be found in the yards of many
  There is no magic formula governing when to         strongly. A lawn that has a grayish cast or ap-        homes in Church Point. (Photo courtesy of
fertilize a lawn. The type of grass and how well-     pears dull green is telling an owner that it needs     MetroCreative)
established a lawn is must be considered. Ex-         water. Another test is to step on the lawn. If foot-
perts suggest having the soil tested to determine     prints disappear quickly, the grass blades have        tribute to disease.
its pH levels and if any nutrients are lacking. A     enough moisture to spring back.                           Scotts® says to water an established lawn un-
fertilizing schedule can then be developed after        Water the lawn in the morning before 10 a.m.         til the top six to eight inches of soil is wet. Most
testing.                                              when it’s cooler and the winds tend to be calm so      lawns need one to 1.5 inches of water per week
  Keep in mind that overfeeding a lawn will not       that the water can soak in. For those who must         from rain or a hose to soak the soil that deeply.
make it grow any better and actually can dam-         water at night, do so in early evening so that the        Newly established lawns may require more wa-
age the turf. Several small applications of fertil-   water can dry before nightfall and will not con-       ter to keep the soil moist but not soggy.

   • Hunter Ceiling Fans                   • Valspar Paint Dept.
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   • LED Lighting                          • Pool Supplies                                       Over 9,000 Sq. Ft. Covered Shopping!
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                                                                                                     “Your Complete Garden Center”
                                                                                                             (337) 948-7343
                                                                                                  3934 I-49 North Service Rd. • Opelousas
                                                                                                               Across from OGHS South

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                Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7 to 7: Sundays 9 to 5
The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET The Church Point News - March 31, 2021 - NET
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