The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy

Page created by Byron Rodriguez
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
The Breakwater Buzz                                        May 2021
                                                           Issue 5

          The P rettiest Name
                  All the months have pretty names,
                But I like the name of May the best.
                 It makes me think of meadow lands
               In all their spring gowns neatly dressed.
                   Their bonnets are of marigolds,

 By:              For buttons they use daisy eyes,
                  And for a sash they use a brook

                   Bluer even than Maytime skies,
                   The word October calls to mind

                      Maple leaves a fiery red.
                December makes you think of snow,
                 And woolly blankets on your head.
             But May! That sweet name makes me think
                   Of music on a springtime night!
                    I think it is the prettiest of all,
               Just made of blossoms pink and white.
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Normandy Logistics
     Westwood Lane                Riverwood Lane
      “A Building Rooms”           “B Building Rooms”

   WTR: Theater Room       RKA: Riverwood Kitchen & Arts
   WP: Westwood Pub           RWS: Riverwood Studio
   WGR: Game Room               RS: Riverwood Salon

            Avalon                       Other
       “New Atrium Section”
                                   LC: Lakeview Cafe
  ADR: Avalon Dining Room
                              FC: River Fitness Center
 APD: Avalon Private Dining
                                        L: Lobby
      AVH: Avalon Hall
                               CMC: Cove Media Center
AH: Avalon Hearth (in Atrium)
                                  TL: Thurber Library

                  Daily Dining Schedule
    Lakeview Cafe             Avalon Dining Room

      Breakfast (LC)                Dinner (ADR)
      7 days a week
    7:30am to 10:30am               First Seating
                                 5:00pm to 6:00pm

         Lunch (LC)               Second Seating
       7 days a week             6:00pm to 7:00pm
     11:30am to 1:30pm
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Kenny’s corner
             How Seniors Can Avoid Tax Scams
                            Tax Identity Fraud
Identity fraud can occur when someone uses your personal information,
 such as your name, address, and social security number, without your
permission to commit fraud. In the case of tax fraud, a thief will use your
identity to file a fraudulent tax return to claim a refund. Below are a few
                          ways to protect yourself.

 Protect Sensitive Information: The best advice to avoid this scam to protect
   your personal information, account numbers, social security number,
credit card information, and other identifying personal information. Shred
                          your sensitive documents.

    File your taxes early: Beat them to the punch with your paperwork
 submitted to the IRS as early as possible. If you file your taxes with the
IRS before a thief, you are less vulnerable to a false tax return being filed.

Contact the IRS: If you believe that you are at risk of identity theft , contact
      the IRS immediately so that they can secure your tax account.

                           Phone & Email Scams
  The IRS is Calling You: A phone call from the IRS should be the first and
most important sign that this is a tax scam. IRS representatives do not call
 if you owe money or if they owe you a refund, they will first contact you
by certified mail with a written notice. And if you have a refund, they will
                               send it to you.

 An E-Mail from the IRS: Again, these are tax scams. The IRS will contact
       you by certified mail if there is an issue with your taxes.

   If you think you have been a victim of a scam, please contact Kenny Penny
                            through the Front Desk.
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Resident Spring
 Craft Show
   April 9th, 2021

        Thank you to all of our wonderful residents who
     participated in our first Resident Spring Craft Show!
    It was an honor to display your work and show off your
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Socials at Breakwater
              Tuesday Tea
Tuesday Tea will be held on Tuesday, May 25th
      at 2:00pm in the Westwood Pub.

           Sign Up is NOT necessary!

                         Men’s Group with Ken Penny
                                   Spend some time with the guys!

                      Join Ken Penny on Friday, May 21st at 3:30 PM in the
                       Westwood Pub to hangout with your fellow Normandy
                               friends. Your first beer is on the house!

                                            See you then!

          Cleveland Indians Watch Parties
  It’s that time of year! Time to cheer on our favorite Cleveland
                       Indians baseball team!

        Cleveland Indians vs. Chicago Cubs
 Wednesday, May 12th @ 1:00 PM in the Westwood Pub

        *There will be an all you can eat buffet and one (1)
  soft drink for $6 per person. Please sign up at the Front Desk!*
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
music around the globe

  Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra: Virtual Concert
         Friday, May 14th | 11:00 AM | Avalon Hall

        Come and spend your afternoon enjoying a wonderful
   performance, conducted by Manfred Honeck, that took place in
                        Berlin, Germany.
                     Concert Length: 1h 24min

       We hope you can attend this wonderful virtual concert!

                   *No Sign Up is necessary

Hillary Hahn (Violinist): Beethoven Concerto
  Friday, May 28th | 11:00 AM | Avalon Hall

 In November of 2017.. Hillary Hahn, violinist and conductor
 Leonard Slatkin came together to put on a wonderful concert.
         You will not want to miss this masterpiece!

                    Concert Length: 49 min

                *No Sign Up is necessary
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Weekly G r o c e r y S h o pp in g

       Every Wednesday                                Every Friday
       Giant Eagle                                     Heinens
                                                     Departure Times:
       Departure Times:
                                                        11:00 AM
          11:00 AM
                                                         1:30 PM
           1:30 PM

                                                      Friday, May 7th
      Wednesday, May 5th
                                                     Friday, May 14th
      Wednesday, May 12th
                                                      Friday, May 21st
      Wednesday, May 19th
                                                     Friday, May 28th
     *Wednesday, May 26th

  *11:00 AM Departure ONLY

                                            Please sign up in the Shopping Book
Please sign up in the Shopping Book          located in the Cove Media Center.
 located in the Cove Media Center.

                        Marcs Grocery Store
                           Departure Time: 1:30 PM
                             Wednesday, May 26th
             *Please sign up in the Shopping Book located in the
                              Cove Media Center.
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Dr. Kane Podiatrist                       Pub Spring Specials of
                                               the Month!
   Dr. Kane will be here on
   Wednesday, May 19th
     starting at 1:00PM.

We will have the residents meet
                                     $2.00 Watermelon Vodka
 Dr. Kane in the Riverwood
 Kitchen & Arts Studio at a
       designated time.
                                            Honey Bee $3.00
If you would like to sign up with
Dr. Kane please call down to the
  Front Desk to select your time     Buy 1 get
                                     2nd FREE!   Domestic
                                                  *Dine in Only*

         Chef’s Corner
Thank you to those of you who have
    attended the Food Service           Post Office on Wheels
Meetings. You have given us great
 feedback and wonderful ideas for       Glenn from the Post Office
        future menu items!               will be here on Monday,
                                              May 17th from
 Mother’s Day is right around the        11:35am-12:00pm AM in
corner! We look forward to serving      front of the Lobby doors.
 you and making your day special.
  The special menu item for the          You will be able to send
     Mother’s Day Brunch is             packages, buy stamps and
           Prime Rib!                   save yourself a trip to the
                                               post office!
           - Chef Marc
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Breakwater Resident Spotlight
      Mary Reinmann 204A
  Born & raised in Cleveland, OH
Graduated from Notre Dame College
    Worked at the Lakewood &
        Rocky River Library
     Has 4 daughters & 5 sons
     Has 15 grand children & 4
Enjoys walking, reading and cooking

                                             Daniel Larson 202B
                                   Born and raised in La Porte, Indiana
                                   Graduated from Purdue University
                                     Was a Civil/Structural Engineer
                                   Has 2 children and 6 grand children
                                 Enjoys gardening, golf, travel and bridge
                                Dan worked at NASA for 40 years and built
                                          buildings, test stands,
                                         wind tunnels, and more!

     Mary Lou McCarthy 205A
  Born in Staten Island, NY & raised in
      Wadsworth & Cleveland, OH
    Graduated from Ursuline College
      Was a Histology Technician &
       Tissue Culture Technician
   Has 3 children & 3 grand children
      Enjoys sports, golf & reading
Mary Lou lived in Naples, FL for some time
The Breakwater Buzz May 2021 - The Normandy
Happy Birthday!
       We feel that birthdays are special days! If your birthday is
         this month, a member of our management staff will
                 personally deliver a birthday surprise!

                                             May Flower & Birthstone
            Residents                       Emerald & Lily of the Valley

110A      Maggie Gallagher    5/02       Emerald is the symbol of rebirth, it is
112A      Cecil Maynard       5/03    believed to grant the owner foresight, good
                                        fortune, and youth. The rarest emeralds
417B      Anne Farrell        5/05
                                          will appear to be intense green-blue.
210A      Russel Sanders      5/11       Emeralds are found all over the world,
112A      Elizabeth Maynard   5/12     including Colombia, Brazil, Afghanistan,
408B      Barbara Palumbo     5/12                    and Zambia.
206A      Marie Topole        5/18
                                        Lily of the Valley, the flower meaning
                                      humility, chastity, sweetness, purity, and is
                                       said to bring luck in love. It also means
                                        “the return of happiness”, which is the
            Staff                     reason why it is often used as decorations
                                                     in weddings.
   K      Albina Lleshaj      5/06
   O      Kim Zdanowicz       5/22           Taurus

                                           April 20th -

                                            May 20th


                                                                 May 21st -

                                                                 June 21st
Library News
May 2021

We hope you are enjoying all of the new additions we are receiving from the Rocky
River Library. It is wonderful to have their Outreach Program back visiting us again!

With the return of RR Library Outreach we have gotten a list of all the unreturned
books from the Breakwater. Some of the missing books date back to 2019. All the
books that have not been returned are somewhere in our apartments. PLEASE check
around your book stacks, shelves, or dare I say piles, for one that got lost some how.
They are all LARGE PRINT & have a
green sticker on the spine of the

There is NO OVER DUE FEE but
totaled up we have $300-$400 in
books floating around. There are
only a few facilities like ours that
have this fantastic resource. Thanks
for taking the time to help us out.

Thank you to our wonderful
residents and their families for their
kind book donations this past
month. Especially the donations of
the large print books, which are a
fan favorite!


Barb Palumbo, Laurie Soc &
      Marvalee Brown
Cinco de Mayo Social
                 Wednesday, May 5th

Let’s get our fiesta on! Bring your neighbor and join us
          for a fun margarita-filled afternoon.
      There will be chips and salsa to snack on and
              half-price margarita specials!

      3:00 - 5:00 PM in the Westwood Pub

              We hope to see you there!!

     Memorial Day Cookout
                  Monday, May 31st

     Come and join us for a delicious Memorial
    Day Cookout with your favorite cookout items!
            No Reservation is needed.

           12:00 - 1:00 PM First Seating
          1:00 - 2:00 PM Second Seating

              We hope to see you there!!
may Crafts                                         Please note
                                                    the 1:00PM &
                                                    3:00PM class

Monday, May 3rd
 1:00 PM | RKA             Monday, May 10th
Daisy Paper Wreath          3:00 PM | RKA
  ($5.00 Charge)            Collage Greeting
                              (No Charge)

                                              Monday, May 17th
                                               1:00 PM | RKA
                                           Memorial Day Door Hanger
                                                ($5.00 Charge)

Monday, May 24th
 3:00 PM | RKA
 Mini Lady Bug
  ($5.00 Charge)

     *Craft Sign Up Sheets are in the Cove Media Center*
Guided Meditation Tuesday
    Join the Guided Meditation Group every Tuesday at
                   1:00 PM in the Avalon Hall.
We will listen to a relaxing 30-minute meditation video to help
             clear our thoughts and ease our minds.

                   We hope to see you there!

                        Monthly Food Service Meetings

                                 Monday, May 10th @ 1:00 PM
                                 Monday, May 24th @ 1:00 PM

                       Food Service Meetings are held in the Dining Room.

                   Chef Marc will be discussing upcoming menu selections and
                                   answering your questions!

             Mandala Design Coloring
Bring a friend and a spend some time coloring mandala designs!
This is a fun way to relax and enjoy your afternoon with friends.

Mandala Design Coloring is held every Friday at 3:00 PM in the
             Riverwood Kitchen & Arts Studio.
                 We hope to see you there!
Tap time                                                            Fitness
        Tuesday, May 4th at 3:00 PM in the Riverwood Studio
Come on a musical journey with us as we tap through the ages.. where the young at heart        With
come out to play! This unique class features a gentle and fun way of seated tap dancing to
 classic oldies hits, using custom made taps that are manually attached to the participants
     shoes. This class is not only fun, but a fantastic brain and body exercise! No dance     Melissa
                                    experience is necessary.

                                                            Seated Rhythm
                                     Tuesday, May 18th at 3:00 PM in the Riverwood Studio
                            This Ballroom Dancing inspired seated fitness class when attended regularly can help
                            with muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, mental awareness and functioning,
                               and even mood. From spicy Caribbean and Cuban-beats to Colombian-style and
                            rhythmic ballroom dancing music - this upbeat workout is fun for everyone! Exercise
                                                  brain and body and get fit while you sit!

                          Modified Line dancing
            Tuesday, May 25th at 3:00 PM in the Riverwood Studio
  Dancing is one of the best forms of exercise for brain and body. This class is not only an
        excellent form of exercise for the aforementioned, but for balance and your
   cardiovascular system. This class ranges from different line dances, but if modified to
      eliminate the turns and other moves that may have prevented individuals from
                             participating in line dance classes.

                                                           Silver Strength
                                     Tuesday, May 11th at 3:00 PM in the Riverwood Studio
                            Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase
                          muscle strength, range of movement, activities for daily living and balance. Hand-held
                          weights or elastic tubing with handles. A chair is used for seated exercises and standing
                           support. This class can be adapted by the participant depending on their fitness level
                                                               and abilities.

                    Friday, May 7th | 10:00 AM | Avalon Hall
                  Smithsonian Talk: The Wild Side of STEAM Webinar
Get a glimpse of some un-ZOO-sual careers at the Smithsonian's National Zoo
and Conservation Biology Institute. Join us on the first Friday of every month as
we meet the faces behind saving species and explore a variety of unique careers
          available in science, technology, engineering, art and math.

                              No sign up is necessary!

                        Thursday, May 20th | 2:30 PM | Avalon Hall
                        The Dark Side of the Universe (Virtual Webinar)
    Just over 95% of our Universe comes in the shrouded form of dark energy and matter
    that we can neither explain nor directly detect. Together, these two dark entities play
     out an epic cosmic battle with the gravity of dark matter slowly pulling structures in
    the Universe together, and dark energy fueling the Universe’s accelerated expansion,
                     making it ever harder for those structures to grow.

                                   No sign up is necessary!
                                                           Wednesday Movies
 Saturdays in the WTR at 4:00 pm                    Wednesdays in the WTR at 2:00pm
                  May 1st -
                                                     May 5th - “The Time Travelers Wife”
    “Elizabeth & Margaret: Love & Loyalty”      Chicago librarian Henry De Tamble suffers
 This documentary takes an intimate            from a rare genetic disorder that causes him
      look at the complex, widely              to drift uncontrollably back and forth through
 misunderstood relationship between             time. On one of his sojourns, he meets the
  Queen Elizabeth II and her sister,                        love of his life, Claire.
           Princess Margaret.                       Rachel McAdams & Eric Bana
                 (1h 30m)                                    (1h 48m)

     May 8th - “Dolly Parton: Here I Am”                    May 12th - “Philomena”
 Dolly Parton leads a moving, musical          Irish teenager, Philomena, became pregnant
   journey in this documentary that               out of wedlock and was sent to a convent.
  details the people and places who              When her son was a toddler, he was taken
 have helped shape her iconic career.                away from Philomena and put up for
                (1h 29m)                       adoption in the United States. She searched
                                                tirelessly over the next 50 years for her son.
    May 15th - “7 Yards: The Chris Norton       She travels to American to find her son and
                                               becomes unexpectedly close in the process.
                                                     Judi Dench & Steve Coogan
    The true story of former college
                                                              (1h 38m)
   football player Chris Norton, who
  defied the odds after a devastating
 accident — with the woman he loves                        May 19th - “Steve Jobs”
                                                With public anticipation running high, Apple
               by his side.
                                               Inc. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak get ready
                 (1h 33m)
                                                 to unveil the first Mac in 1984. Jobs must
                                                also deal with personal issues related to ex-
             May 22nd - “Quincy”                    girlfriend Chrisann Brennan and their
 This documentary profiles music and                            daughter Lisa.
   culture icon Quincy Jones, offering           Michael Fassbender & Kate Winslet
 unprecedented access to his private                          (2h 2m)
 life and stories from his unparalleled
                   career.                             May 26th - “The Young Messiah”
                  (2h 4m)                      Mary, Joseph & 7 year-old Jesus embark
                                               on a journey from Egypt to Nazareth after
  May 29th - “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom”       the young boy miraculously brings
      This in-depth biopic portrays               someone back to life. Jesus’ natural
 groundbreaking South African leader            curiosity allows him to understand more
Nelson Mandela’s fight against political                      about the world.
    oppression and virulent racism.               Adam Greaves-Neal & Sean Bean
                 (2h 21m)                                        (2h 0m)
Weekend Movies
 Saturday Nights at 7:00pm in WTR
      May 1st - “Les Miserables” (2012)
Weekend Movies
 Sunday Nights at 7:00pm in WTR
 May 2nd - “The Professor and The Mad Man” (2019)
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