The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones

Page created by Stephen Coleman
The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
August 2021

The Benefice Magazine   40p
The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
Who’s Who…
Parish Priest:                   The Revd Fr John Baines                                01298 83411

Curate:                          The Revd Fr David Green                                0748 688 9322

                   Please contact Fr John if you want to arrange a Wedding,
                    a Baptism (also known as a Christening), or a Funeral.

                 Fr John’s Rest Day is Friday & Fr David’s Rest Day is Saturday

Lic’d Funeral Minister:          Karen Kidd                                             01298 78849

Safeguarding:                    Janet McNicol                                          01298 812053

Church Wardens:                  Nanette Riley (Longnor)                                01298 83314
                                 David Twigg (Longnor)                                  01538 373999
                                 Margaret Clulow (Quarnford)                            01538 381896
                                 Karen Kidd (Quarnford)                                 01298 78849
                                 Ann Belfield (Sheen)                                   01298 84396
                                 George Grindon (Sheen)                                 01298 84492
                                 Rachel Moorcroft (Warslow with Elkstone)               01298 84568

Treasurers:                      Nanette Riley (Longnor)                                01298 83314
                                 Glenn Leathley (Quarnford)
                                 Christopher Belfield (Sheen)                           01298 84809
                                 John Gilman (Newtown)                                  01298 83486
                                 Marjorie Mycock (Reapsmoor)                            01298 84585
                                 Emma Gould (Warslow)                                   01298 687190

Magazine Reps:                   Nannette Riley (Longnor)                               01298 83314
                                 Post vacant (Quarnford)
                                 Joan Gregory (Reapsmoor)                               01298 84429
                                 (if no rep listed for your church/village, please contact the appropriate
                                 Church Warden above with magazine enquiries).

Headteachers:                    Anne Collins, St Bartholomew’s Longnor                 01298 83323
                                 Janette Mountford-Lees, Hollinsclough                  01298 83303
                                 Judith Ackers, Manifold Academy Warslow                01298 84320

Methodist Minister:              The Revd Andrew Parker, (Hollinsclough)                01298 23556

The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
Working with the biggest corporation in
the world – the church
August is perhaps the month we most associate with overseas experiences,
and Revd Philip Swan recollects some home-from-home moments.
Can you guess the source of this headline? It is in fact taken from a recent article in The Guardian
which went on to say that even ‘China Petro-Chemical, the largest corporation in the world with a
labour force of around 1,190,000 employees, is still at least a thousand times smaller than this global
movement’. In 2020 there were an estimated 2.4 billion Christians, making up approximately a third
of the world’s population.
We are accustomed to receiving global news instantly and the current pandemic and the climate
crisis underline our interdependence with everyone on this planet. And yet many of us find it hard to
see the bigger picture. Milton Jones, a comedian who is something of an expert in humorous one-
liners and a recurring guest panellist on ‘Mock the Week’ suggested poignantly that “The biggest
question the church is asking the world is: Can we have some money for a new roof?”
I remember celebrating Easter Morning on the border of Uganda with a congregation of Anglican
Christians. There were no church roofs to worry about – we met in the shade of some large trees.
Many had walked considerable distances from the surrounding villages to be there and brought with
them costly and sacrificial gifts such as eggs, chickens, cassava and in some cases money for the
much-extended time of joy-filled offering. Afterwards we shared in a magnificent feast at which all
were welcome.
I have been so blessed and enriched through my friendships and encounters with the world-wide
church. Lichfield Diocese has for many years taken very seriously its part in the world- wide Anglican
Communion through partnerships and links with other dioceses. Currently, as I anticipate my
impending retirement from what has been a wonderfully fulfilling and rewarding job as World Mission
Enabler in this diocese, we have been running a number of Zoom sessions with our global
companions from S. Africa, S.E. Asia, Ireland, Canada and Northern Germany. We have celebrated
our shared past, become informed about our present realities and committed ourselves to journeying
together into God’s future.
A former General Secretary of the Church Mission Society, Max Warren, said ‘It takes the whole
world to know the whole Christ’. In other words the insights we gain from new and different
perspectives and from the experiences of others in following Christ across different cultures and
contexts help shed light on God in human form – and so we are not just stuck with our particular and
limited view of things. Let’s work with the biggest corporation in the world – it’s a win-win.
                                                                                      Revd Philip Swan
                                                      diocesan World Mission coordinator since 2010
The Lichfield Diocese website includes more about our links with the Church in other parts of the
world – see

The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
Froghoppers and Cuckoo Spit!
Have you ever wondered what makes the white, frothy clumps of bubbles that you sometimes see
on plants during the summer? Known as Cuckoo spit, Frog spit or Snake spit this is not actually
spittle at all, but is produced by juvenile Froghoppers or Spittlebugs. The larva feeds on plant sap
and much of the liquid passes through its little body and out again, under pressure. The grub blows
a little air into the sticky sap and it bubbles up to form the clump of bubbles. These bubbles provide
excellent protection for the growing bug, insulating it from changes in temperature and from drying
out. It is also a deterrent against predators. If you look inside the protecting bubbles you will find a
single young froghopper, pale green like the plant on which it feeds.
Adult Froghoppers have a different system for avoiding predation, as their name suggests, they
hop, sometimes jumping up to 70cm vertically, over 100 times their own length of between 5 and
7mm! They are often brown in colour, and thought to look a little like frogs.

Churchyards and cemeteries can hold a wide range of insect species, in part because of the lack
of insecticides used. Most burial grounds have changed little over the decades and centuries, and
this has allowed a wide range of insect species to build up. It is not uncommon for entomologists to
find rarities in these special places. You can help insects by having differently managed areas
within your churchyard. How about some short grass for solitary bees and wasps, longer grass for
bees, butterflies and froghoppers and also an area of coarse or tussocky grass and plants such as
cow parsley, perhaps against a hedge or wall. This will provide overwintering places for all sorts of
animals as well as insects.
All the best, Harriet Carty
Diocesan Churchyard Environmental Advisor,, - individuals and groups in the
diocese receive 20% members discount on all CfGA materials. Use
the discount code Lich19

The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
From the Vicarage

Having missed it, I’m so glad that the clock in St Bartholomew’s Church in Longnor is working again.
It’s needed to be dismantled because the high winds had pushed one of the hands into the other
and they were clashing together as they passed. The damaged hand has been welded back where
it had cracked and it has been reinforced.

The chimes have returned to punctuate the day, but please don’t worry if they fall silent for a while:
the hammer that strikes the bell has become very worn, and it needs to be sent away for new
bushings to be fitted.

We don’t know when that will happen, because it will need to fit into the clock makers timetable and
our financial calendar as well. So don’t worry when it falls silent again – it’s planned, and only short

The clock in Longnor getting back to normal is timely, and so is the fact that all our churches and
their villages are getting back to normal – there are flower festivals planned for some, and harvest
festivals will return later in the year.

In the midst of things getting back to normal, some things will still feel strange: like lots of people, I
am wary of changing too much too soon. My main hope is to create an environment in all of our
churches where everyone feels safe and welcome.

So, rather than put everything back exactly as it was ‘before’ all in one go, things will return gradually.

For example, we will start to sing hymns together again, and we will also have the chalice offered
during Holy Communion.

However, it will be up to each individual whether they wish to receive from the chalice: I will continue
to place a few drops of wine onto each wafer of bread in advance of the service so that bread and
wine can be consecrated together.

I will also invite people to continue wearing masks during the services, especially whilst singing.

I’m going to be keeping an eye on the information as it comes from the Government and the Diocese,
but, as I say, my hope and intention is to keep everyone safe.

Lastly, it has been so long since we were able to bring Holy Communion to those of you who are
stuck at home, so Fr David or myself will be in touch soon to arrange times – but please feel free to
get in touch with us if it seems we’re not getting to you soon enough!

With my love and prayers, Fr John.

The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
High Days and Holy Days in August

Editor: Kings and mystics, writers and martyrs – August does well with its feast days that
remember outstanding Christians.

1 Ethelwold - Saint of Wessex
4 Sithney
5 Oswald – a king with faith, courage and humility
6 The Transfiguration of Jesus
7 Cajetan
8 Dominic
9 Mary Sumner – founder of the Mothers’ Union
10 Laurence of Rome
11 Clare
13 Radegund
14 Maximilian Kolbe - heroic Christian amidst 20th century suffering
16 The Blessed Virgin Mary
16 Laurence Loricatus
17 Jeanne Delanoue
23 Rose of Lima - patron saint of South America
27/28 Monica and Augustine – mother and son
28   Augustine of Hippo – great theologian
29 Beheading of St John the Baptist
30 John Bunyan
31 Aidan - the great Celtic saint of Lindisfarne
31 Raymond Nonnatus

6th August: The Transfiguration of Jesus

It’s an unusual story. One day, Jesus is with three disciples on a high mountain in Galilee,
when His appearance dramatically changes. Also, Moses and Elijah suddenly appear, and
from a cloud comes the voice of God. What is this all about?

This event was witnessed by James, Peter, and John. They were close friends of Jesus. In
the future, they were to become prominent leaders in the Early Church. They needed to
see something special that would help them remember Jesus in the difficult years ahead.
They had a glimpse of Christ in His divine glory. His face shone like the sun and His
clothes turned white as light.

While this was an extraordinary sight for the disciples, it served to encourage Jesus who
once had glory and majesty in Heaven. One day He would have it again. But firstly, He
had to fulfil His mission: to suffer on the cross and die.

Why were Moses and Elijah standing with Jesus? Moses was the giver of the Law and
Elijah represented all the prophets. They had pointed people to the promised Messiah.
Jesus was about to complete God’s plan of salvation.

God’s voice was heard to remind Peter there was no need to build shelters. They were not
going to stay on the mountain. God spoke to get the disciples to fix their attention of Jesus.
The wonder of the Transfiguration was a short interlude before Jesus had to return to His
work and subsequent death on the cross.

The Benefice Magazine - August 2021 40p - Elkstones
This story is a reminder that our times of spiritual blessing have to be followed by down-to-
earth commitments and responsibilities. In the same way that Jesus gave His friends a
glimpse of His awesome glory, to help them face challenging and traumatic times ahead,
our special times in His presence are provided to encourage us and equip us for the trials
we may have to face.

Our journey through life may sometimes rise to the peaks but we can’t stay on a ‘high’ all
the time – no matter how much we want it! We have to descend to face everyday
challenges if we are to fulfil our calling in Christ. From our mountain-top experiences we all
need to find a balance between times alone with God and serving Him in the company of

God in the Sciences: Physicist and Priest: John Polkinghorne (1930-2021)

At the age of 48 the Cambridge Professor John Polkinghorne decided he’d done his bit for
physics and that it was time for a different sort of adventure. Resigning his academic
position, he trained for ordination in the Church of England. In an interview 40 years later
he said, “It’s one thing to go to church on Sundays but to give up a professorship and train
for something else – that was a bit more than a gesture…I think a lot of people realised I
was a religious person but they didn’t expect me to take it quite that seriously…People
were saying to me, ‘Oh John what are you up to?’ They mostly weren’t thinking so much
about my becoming a clergyman but just the fact that I was a Christian.” (From Test of
Faith, Paternoster, 2009)

John saw his work in science as a Christian vocation, and felt a responsibility to use his
talents in that area. Once ordained he found himself thoroughly engaged in the
conversation about science and religion. One of his main messages was that “I’m not a
vegetarian butcher. There is a cousinly relationship between thinking about theology and
thinking about science.”

When asked for a Bible passage to appear at the end of his 2009 interview John chose
Colossians 1:15–20: ‘He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born over all creation.
For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for
him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the
body, the church; he is the beginning and the first-born from among the dead, so that in
everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness
dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or
things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.’
John’s explanation for his choice speaks volumes to anyone interested in the science-faith
dialogue. “I value this passage because it speaks of the cosmic significance of Christ, the
One in whom all things hold together and who redeems all things (notice, not just all
people) by the blood of his cross. Here meet my deepest religious beliefs and my
strongest scientific concerns.”

General Benefice News
Local Police Number                                     Deadline for the Magazine
Our new NON emergency no. is 101. (The old
0300 123 44 55 is still working BUT we are              All material should be delivered to the
encouraging people to use 101). The system              editor by 22nd of the month for the next
recognises where you are calling from                   month’s edition. Please send to:
whether mobile or landline and will give you            Denise Eassom
options for the nearest Police Service.                 Meadowside, Newtown, Longnor, Buxton,
                                                        Derbyshire SK17 0NE
    101    For all non-emergency calls                  Telephone 01298 83611 or email
Used Postage Stamps
                                                        We are able to send the magazine by email.
Please consider saving these                            If anyone would like to change or to
as they are valuable to the charities who rely          subscribe, please let me know.
on this income. Remember to leave a
margin of envelope round each stamp.
                                                        Thank you to Father David for extra
Teddies for Tragedies                                   items plus puzzles. The answers to
                   Please keep up the
                                                        the crossword and the Sudoku
                   good work.                           solution are on page 15
                   Janet McNicol
                    Tel: 01298 812053

Peak District National Park
Authority – Local Access Forum
If you have any issues relating to footpaths
or bridleways, please contact ALISON
TURNER (Reapsmoor) on 01298 687424 or

    Paid box adverts at £2/month
  (£20/year) to be in all editions of
      the Benefice Newsletter

Payment for all adverts should please be sent to
Longnor Vicarage, Gauledge Lane, Longnor,
SK17 0PA
Cheques made payable to Longnor PCC.
Payment by BACS
Bank: RBS
Acc No.: 12096717 ,
Sort Code: 16-15-15,
As reference could you put your ad name in

                                                             We are pleased that to say that Edward Kidd is
                                                             now back at home after his stay in hospital and
                                                             hope he makes a good recovery.
The clock has now been repaired, very glad to
hear it striking again! It is something that you take        Take care everyone.
for granted until it isn't there. Thank you very
much to William Gould for his generous donation
                                                             Flash Village Hall is available for hire
towards the repair of the clock. Thanks also to
                                                             Suitable for Parties, concerts, Club meetings etc
Laurence and Margaret Coupe for their kind
                                                             Hire rate is £8.50 / hour (minimum 2 hours)
donation. Another generous donation towards
                                                                     To book the hall contact:
the repair of the clock from Joe and Teresa Riley.
                                                             Sue on 07773881761
                                                             or email:
Congratulations and best wishes to Harrison
Mellor and Frances Griffiths who will marry at St
John's Church, Upper Denby on Saturday 21st
August.                                                      Sheen
                                                             GIFT DAY – We would like to thank Lillian & Nick
Flower Festival,                                             for their gift day donation and everybody else who
31st July -4th August.                                       has donated. We have raised a total of £480 this
The theme this year is Trees                                 will go towards the upkeep St Luke’s.
Any help with the providing and serving of
refreshments will be very much appreciated.                  WILD CHURCH – Once again we had an
We will also have a raffle during this time.                 exceptionally good wild church. “Jesus said
Songs of Praise service during the flower festival           follow me “
will take place at 6-30pm on Sunday 1stAugust.               We made boats and sailed them in a paddling
                                                             pool. We also drew and decorated fish then made
Thank you very much to everyone who works                    a fishing rod so we could go fishing. Thank you to
tirelessly to keep the Church Yard mown during               everyone who worked so hard to make it an
the summer months. To all the people who                     enjoyable day.
provide their time and machines for free, your               Wild church is not just for Sheen people anyone
efforts are very much appreciated.                           is welcome to join us. Our next get together is on
                                                             Saturday 7th August 21 at 3pm.
Thank you to Richard and Carol Gould for their
generous donation towards the part of the Church             FLOWER FESTIVAL -This year’s flower festival
yard mowing which we have to pay for.                        will take place from Saturday 21st August to
                                                             Friday 27th August. It will be open daily from 11am
As restrictions are lifted please take care and              to 6pm. We would like donations of cakes for
keep safe.                                                   each day and tombola prizes these can be left in
                                                             church or given to any member of the PCC If you
Donation received in loving memory of a dear                 are able to give a little time to sit in church while
Dad John Riley who died on the 16/8/13 from                  the flower festival is on that would be appreciated
Christine and Brian.                                         a rota will be in the kitchen nearer the time.

Quarnford                                                    AFTERNOON TEA – We will be serving
                                                             afternoon tea on Sunday 22nd August 2021 from
It has been a quiet month for us at St Paul’s, but           2pm until 5pm in Sheen Village Hall £8 per
all the farmers have been very busy in the fields            person.
or sheep shearing . We hope all the school                   Booking is essential please contact Ann on
children are looking forward to the school                   01298 84396 to book a place and time slot.
                                                             FLOWER FESTIVAL SERVICE – The church
We look forward to the scarecrow festival and                service will be at 6pm on Sunday 22nd August
harvest in September at Flash.                               everyone is very welcome to join us.

100 CLUB RESULTS – July 2021 –                              small village churches and hopefully keeping
1st 98 Susan Critchlow £20,                                 them open.
2nd 82 Pauline Grindon £15                                  Pauline
3rd 83 Jean Belfield £10,

4th 71 Julie Critchlow £6

Thank you for all your ongoing support with the
100 Club. New members are always welcome.                     Flash Village Hall Open Day
BRASS CLEANING – The Gould family
                                                            Sunday 15th August, 11am - 4pm
                                                                 Tea, coffee and cakes
PLEASE STAY SAFE AND GOD BLESS                                 View our newly refurbished
Acknowledgements.                                           kitchen and catch up with friends
Our dearly beloved Paul of Under Whitle,                             and neighbours
Sheen, died peacefully on May 4th and was
laid to rest at the farm on May 20th.
Elspeth, his wife, Steven, Alex and Sarah and                       Flash Duck Race
all the family would like to thank the many
people, who despite the atrocious weather,                          Friday 6th August
gathered at the farm gate to pay their last                          At Manor Farm
respects to Paul; to the doctors and staff at                           Gradbach
Hartington surgery, our local care team and
the wider NHS for the wonderful care that                            Gates open 6pm
Paul received and to the many people who                               Bar & BBQ
sent cards, messages of sympathy and                           Fun and lots of games for all
and gave donations to the Alzheimer’s                                     ages
society. And finally, to David H. Smith,
funeral directors, who enabled us to create a               Warslow
fitting tribute
to Paul’s life. Thank you all.                              Services
                                                            The wearing of masks is optional and Holy
                                                            Communion will be as normal, communicants can

Newtown                                                     now take wine. Hand sanitiser is still to be used.
                                                            FLOWER FESTIVAL
As you may be aware John has passed the                     Thank you to everyone who has contacted me to
monthly write up for Newtown to me. I hope that             express interest in the Flower Festival. This will
I will be able to follow in his footsteps, as he has        take place in September. This will be a ‘Jam Jar
done a fantastic job over the years. So – a huge            Flower Festival’ where members of the local
thanks to you John.                                         community produce an arrangement, in a jam jar,
                                                            to commemorate or celebrate special events or
Now, we all hope that the church will be ready              people in our lives – it is hoped that this will be
for the Harvest Festival and future events soon.            less labour intensive than our usual Flower
The church has undergone some repairs                       Festival, for this year, and bring our community,
recently: pointing to the outside, re-plastering            old and new, together in celebration. If you would
the ceiling, and hopefully interior redecoration in         like to take part- contact Emma Gould.
the next few days. John is hopeful that we can              REGULAR GIVING
restart Thursday morning services soon.                     As we have lost over a years income from
                                                            fundraising and services, the sustainability of our
Thanks to Mark and Alex who have created wild               Church is, therefore threatened for the future. On
flower islands un the church grounds.                       this note, we would value and appreciate, anyone
                                                            who can make a regular donation to our Church
In these times when there are churches closing              by way of regular giving, all donations however,
it is nice to see people taking an interest in these        small will make a difference to our Church and
help to keep the Church in our village, open for            Let’s spread a little Christmas cheer this year by
important moments in our lives. If you are a Tax            lighting up your homes and make Warslow a
Payer you can Gift Aid your donation, which                 place to visit.
means that the church will receive extra money at           Decorations/lights to be up by 18th December-1st
no extra cost to you. If this is something that you         January. Judging to take place during this period.
are interested in – please contact the Treasurer –          1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes up for grabs.
Emma        Gould     on      01298    687190     or, all donations are                    Congratulations to Lee and Ann on your wedding
treated in the strictest of confidence and will make        day (August 3rd). Wishing you lots of love and
such a difference. Thank you in anticipation.               happiness.

Coffee Morning                                              With the Village Hall being closed for 14 months
The Vicar is hosting a Coffee Morning on 14/8/21 at         due to the pandemic, we have used this
the Vicarage, the proceeds to be divided between all        opportunity to improve our facilities. Thank you to
the Benefice. If anyone has bric- brac, cakes,              those who have helped behind the scenes.
homemade jam, chutney, old books please contact
Rachel Morcroft or Emma Gould or can man the stall
on the day. THANK YOU.                                                                           L.G
Donations                                                                Warslow Village Hall
                                                            Warslow Village Hall is clean, spacious and well
Thank you to Margaret Gregory and Miriam                    equipped for all occasions. Hire charges as little
Kirkham for their kind donation to the Church.                  as £15. Now taking bookings for 2022.
                                                                              Licensed bar.
Please contact the Vicar if you want to take part             Birthdays-Christenings-Meetings-Funerals
in Zoom Services.
                                                                          Call: 01298 84984
If anyone wants to talk to somebody in confidence
or just for a chat, because they are lonely or
                                                                          Visit our website:
anxious, please contact a member of the church
team. We all need each other, never more than
                                                                        Like us on Facebook!
now in these uncertain and challenging times.

80/20 Auction Sale                                          The Farming Life Centre supports rural life in
Saturday 21st August 2021                                   the Peak District, working with farmers and their
Viewing from 9am, sale will commence at 11am                families to help create more robust businesses
prompt                                                      and communities.
Booking in nights: Wed, Thu & Fri evening, 6-8pm                Our services are aimed at improving
only.                                                       wellbeing and resilience and all our support is
Refreshments available                                      free of charge, impartial and confidential.

Hand sanitiser stations, windows & doors will                                          What services do
remain open for ventilation, track & trace/QR                                       we offer?
codes in place, face masks recommended.                                                Social and health
                                                                                    groups and projects:
Annual Christmas Fayre                                         Rural Social Group
Saturday 27th November 2021                                    Rural Befriending Service
12-4pm                                                         Macmillan Rural Health Outreach Service
                                                               Walking for Health
Refreshments available
Stalls £7.00 each, to book please contact Laura
                                                                Practical business support:
on 01298 84984
                                                               Basic bookkeeping advice
Slightly smaller scale than previous years due to
COVID but we will be back to normal in 2022.                   Grant application trouble shooting
                                                               Guidance on livestock record keeping
                                                               Advice on preparing for audits (e.g. Farm
Warslow Christmas Lights Competition                           Targeted workshops and forums
   Signposting to support agencies                           butterflies: your clothes were covered with
                                                              butterflies. It was like an enchanted land, but in
    To find out more about any of our services call           the place of fairies there were thousands of little
us     on      01629      810903      or      email:          white crosses, marked “Unknown British Soldier”        Visit our            for the most part’.
website at to keep up             John Ruskin wrote `the poppy is the most
to date with the latest news from The Farming Life            transparent and delicate of all the blossoms of the
Centre.                                                       field’.
You can follow The Farming Life Centre on                     There are many types of poppy: the common,
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter                               corn or field poppy is perhaps the best known,
                                                              then the Oriental (red) poppy, Opium (purple) and
                                                              Welsh (yellow) to name a few. I always look out
Flower of the month                                           for a bright red clump at the top of Knowsley Hill
AUGUST                                                        on the way to Sheen, and this year a white poppy
Psalm 103:15 As for man ……..he flourishes like                appeared in my garden – not planted by me, but
a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it          very welcome.
is gone, and its place remembers it no more.                  Hymn 505 Think of a world without any flowers,
POPPY family Papaveraceae                                     think of a world without any trees, think of a sky
Most people probably know of the habit of                     without any sunshine, think of the air without any
wearing poppies on 11th November by way of                    breeze. We thank you, Lord, for flowers and trees
remembering those who died in war, but the                    and sunshine, we thank you, Lord, and praise
scarlet poppy’s association with death and new                your Holy name.
life, with corn and harvest, is as old as agriculture,        J.Mc
or maybe as civilisation itself. Poppy seeds have
been found mixed up with grains of barley in relics           Crossword
found in Egypt from before 2500 BC. They have
flourished in the Holy Land, across the Middle
East and the Mediterranean where they became
complex symbols of growth, blood and new life.
The Assyrians called them `the daughters of the
field’. For the Romans, they were the sacred plant
of their corn goddess Ceres. Garlands for her
statue were made from poppies interwoven with
barley or bearded wheat, and the poppy seeds
were offered up in rituals to ensure the fertility of
the crops. In Christianity, poppies are associated
with sacrifice. The red of the poppy symbolises
the blood of Christ and His sacrifice on the cross.
Corn poppies probably reached Britain mixed up
with the seed-corn of the first Neolithic settlers
and were regarded as signs of fertility and death.
They have been known as corn-roses,
thundercups, thunderflowers and lightnings, and
there was fear that if poppies were picked, a                 Across
storm would happen and ruin the crops.                        1 Of Moses (6)
Poppies thrive on disturbed land and the war                  4 ‘You have been weighed on the — and found
artist, William Orpen, visited the battlefields in the        wanting’
summer of 1917, six months after the carnage of                  (Daniel 5:27) (6)
the Somme, and was mesmerised by it. He wrote                 7 Where Jesus performed the first of his
`No words could express the beauty of it. The                 miraculous signs (John 2:11) (4)
dreary dismal mud was baked white and pure –                  8 Roman emperor who ordered all the Jews to
dazzling white. White daisies, red poppies and                leave Rome (Acts 18:2) (8)
blue flowers (probably cornflowers), great                    9 Member of a conservative Jewish party in the
masses of them stretched for miles and miles.                 Sanhedrin which believed there was no
The sky a pure, dark blue, and the whole air, up              resurrection
to a height of about forty feet, thick with white                (Acts 23:8) (8)

13 South London Mission (1,1,1)                          Sudoku Grid:
16 Sure of one’s own ability (2 Corinthians
11:17) (4-9)
17 ‘At this the man’s face fell. He went away — ,
because he had great wealth’ (Mark 10:22) (3)
19 Airs used (anag.) (8)
24 ‘The Lord is my — , I shall not be in want’
(Psalm 23:1) (8)
25 ‘He has sent me to — up the broken-
hearted’ (Isaiah 61:1) (4)
26 At or towards the rear of a ship (6)
27 Cross-carrying evangelist and world
traveller, — Blessitt (6)

1 Ridicule (Luke 18:32) (4)
2 Encased in strapped-on light shoes (Song of
Songs 7:1) (9)
3 Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union
4 ‘Father, give me my — of your estate’ (Luke
15:12) (5)
5 Assistant (4)                                          ACROSS
6 On a par (John 5:18) (5)                               1 Mosaic; 4 Scales; 7 Cana; 8 Claudius; 9
10 Credo (anag.) (5)                                     Sadducee; 13 SLM; 16 Self-confident; 17 Sad;
11 Beaten with a rod (5)                                 19 Radiuses; 24 Shepherd; 25 Bind; 26 Astern;
12 The fourth of Job’s ‘comforters’, who deferred        27 Arthur
making his contribution because of his junior
status                                                   DOWN
  (Job 32:6) (5)                                         1 Mock; 2 Sandalled; 3 CICCU; 4 Share; 5 Aide;
13 Chosen as a temple attendant, he was                  6 Equal; 10 Décor;11 Caned; 12 Elihu; 13
described by Ezra as ‘a capable man’ (Ezra               Sherebiah; 14 Moth; 15 Uses; 18 Ashes; 20
8:18) (9)                                                ASEAN; 21 India; 22 Apse; 23 Eder
14 ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on
earth, where — and rust destroy’ (Matthew 6:19)          Sudoku Solution:
15 Employs (4)
18 Associated with penitence for sins, along with
sackcloth (Matthew 11:21) (5)
20 Association of South-East Asian Nations
21 Sub-continent to which Baptist missionary
pioneer William Carey devoted his life (5)
22 Recess at east end of a church (4)
23 One of the nine sons of Beriah (1 Chronicles
8:15) (4)

All Occasions Events & Catering         PAUL LINES
 Are you planning a special event?        HEATING ENGINEER
                                          All aspects of oil-fired heating and
          We can cater for
           • Outside bars                 Range Cooker Specialist
 • Hog Roast, Lamb Roast or Beef          Aga- Rayburn-Stanley
             Spit Roast                   ‘phone 07773 035695
               • BBQ's          
              • Buffets                   15 Grange Road, Cheddleton, Leek,
 • Birthday, Wedding, Christening,        ST13 7HU
  Anniversary & Christmas Cakes
         Call 07837 350887                                  K & K Gas
                                              John and Debbie - Suppliers of Bottle Gas
                                                         Westside Cottage
            NICK LUCKING                                    Ecton Road
       PROFESSIONAL PAINTER                         Hulme End, Buxton, SK17 0EY
              DECORATOR                                Phone 01298 84735
               LOCAL MAN                               Mobile 07949409921
             FROM SHEEN                                  07729694641
        Telephone 01298 84638
         Mobile 07969 828376

Richard Fletcher
Joinery and Property Repair
                                                                       Cushions by

                                          Soft furnishings made to order
                                          Cushions, bolsters,
Mobile: 07870948880                       box cushions, window seat cushions,
Home: 0129878985                          bed valances, piping, covered buttons, zips.

                                          Curtains, pelmets made to your
Trailer need a service                    requirements- pencil pleat, pinch pleat, triple
or repair?                                pleat, eyelet finishes, lined, interlined, black
 Cattle, Flatbed, Plant                   out lining.
 Boxvan or Horsebox                       Website
(Mechanical or Electrical)                Tel: 01298 83611
No job too big or small                   mob: 07976573408
Fair/Competitive rates
Contact: - Simon 07974676644

R J Mellor Electrical Contractors                                                                             UK2670
                                                                    EC                                          EC
     Professional, Reliable & Reasonably Priced
I have worked in the local villages for 5 years now &
 have over 12 years of experience prior to that. I am
    fully qualified, insured and registered with a
national governing body. I am able to undertake all              On site Licenced Abattoir & Cutting Plant
    aspects of electrical work including Electrical
 Installation, Inspection & Certification, PAT testing                        We supply to wholesale, retail butchers,
               & Earth Electrode testing.                                     restaurants & farmers, offering a bespoke
                 Robert James Mellor                                                  service 'from farm to fork'
                     07816985291                               Abattoir services for farmers, which includes
                                                                             full traceability, yield and percentages, with
                                                                                       full veterinary supervision.

                                                                            Delivery of fresh local meat to your door or
                 NC Joinery                                                           collection from the farm.
        Bespoke joinery manufacturer
                                                                                 We supply beef, pork, lamb, veal, goat,
 We produce and fit made to measure internal
                                                                                  game & chicken for your own freezer
 and external doors, windows, staircases plus
many more projects to customer's requirements.                                     Full Butchery and packing service

 Solid fuel available: house coal, cobbles, duck                                 Next day delivery available Monday to
eggs, all available in builders bags or 25kg bags.                                              Saturday
 Seasoned and unseasoned logs, kindling and                                          Call Lee or Carla
                     briquettes.                                        Office: 01538 304721 Lee: 07792 205079
                                                                                   Carla: 07837 350887
               Free local delivery.
       Telephone Nigel on 07846885613                         Wellcroft Farm Meats Ltd, Grindon, Leek, Staffordshire,
E-mail                                                     ST13 7TT

                                                                             N Gilman - Livestock Fencing

                                                                 All aspects of agricultural fencing covered in
                                                                              the local area.
             We’ll bring the bar to you!
 Parties . Weddings . Events . Fully Licenced,/tipsycowmoobilebar
                                                                                  For a local, professional,
 Carla Critchlow         Mob: 07837 350887
                                                                                  Reliable service call Nick
                                                                                      on 07773 768 785

Carla Critchlow – Your Personal Wellness Coach
                                                     Are you looking to improve your health?
                                                           Lose weight and body fat.
                                                           Lead a healthy active lifestyle.
                                                           Gain weight and lean muscle.
                                                           Have more energy.
Introducing your new local mobile Hairdresser
                                                           Sleep better.
               and Nail technician
                                                           Healthier looking skin.
                 Alice Johnson
                                                           Improve your sports performance.
Hairdressing & Barbering for the whole family
                                                     Are you being paid what you are worth?
      Brow Waxing, Shaping and Tinting
                                                     Earn an extra income around your current
                  Lash Tinting                       commitments.
        Nails and Hair for any occasion!             100% support given.
   For more information call 07792 756 728           Call: 07837 350887
   Call to avoid a disappointing wait when           Email:
               lockdown is lifted          

     Quality, seasoned LOGS
  Free local delivery from Flagg
 (includes 5-mile radius around
   Call Steve on 01298 83822 /
          07875 580879 /                                        FOOD TO TAKE
                                                              TUESDAY            11.30-1.30     6.00-8.00
                                                              THURSDAY           11.30-1.30     6.00-8.00
                                                              FRIDAY             11.30-1.30     6.00-8.00
                                                              SATURDAY           11.30-1.30     6.00-8.00

                                                     It would be help if you telephoned your order through
                                                     first so that it can be ready for you to pick up. Orders
                                                     are being taken from 5.30pm for the evening
                                                                         Tel: 01298 83317
                                                                  The Market Square Longnor,
                                                                Near Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 0NT

Family beef boxes and mini beef

                                                               boxes available to order

                                                               All beef is home bred and

                                                                    reared in Sheen

                                                              Red Tractor Farm Assured

                                                               Family beef boxes contain


                                                             3 roasting joints, 4 packs of

                                                                stewing/braising steak,

                                                                3 packs of minced beef.
Unable to reach or cut your own toe nails?
                                                              Perfect for stocking up the

    Nail trimming / Fungal nails / Cracked heels                        freezer.

Corns & calluses (hard skin removal) / Athletes foot         Telephone 07969951101 for

 Reduction of thickened nails / Ingrowing toe nails
                                                                 or to place an order
All instruments single use only & sterilised to 134ºC

           Call Caroline SAC Dip FHPT / FHPP

       Book your home appointment today.

     07870 573 279 or 01298 72166
Full PPE worn as per government guidance

 Still Waters Counselling – Marie Brockley -
                    07861 676751
            Staffordshire Moorlands
   I am a Counsellor offering face to face and
virtual appointments throughout the Moorlands,
   with a therapy room based in Leek. If life is
getting you down and you need someone to talk
to, I can be that person. My specialisms include
 supporting with Childhood and Adult Trauma,
 Stress, Depression, Life changes and Anxiety.
Please give me a call if you think I can help you,
             it is always good to talk.

Services in the Benefice – August 2021
                                                 There is a service every Sunday somewhere in the Benefice, if you’re willing to travel!

     Date:                     Longnor      Quarnford        Sheen       Newtown      Reapsmoor        Warslow      Elkstone

                               6:30pm                       11am HC          *                                      9:30am
        1st August 2021        Songs of                                                                               HC
                                                                             *        9:30am HC         11am
        8th August 2021                                                                                Baptism

                               11am HC       9:30am                          *
       15thth August 2021                    BCP HC

       22nd August 2021                                      Songs of        *         11am HC       9:30am HC


       29th August 2021
                               11am HC                                       *
                                             BCP HC

      5th September 2021                     11am **
                                                            11am HC          *                       9:30am HC
                                            Pet Blessing

                              HC = Holy Communion; MP = Morning Prayer; EP = Evening Prayer; FF = Flower Festival Songs of Praise;
                              BCP = Book of Common Prayer; WD = Well Dressing Service; LL = Lay Led Service (usually Evensong)

             Zoom Services:   There is an online service Thursdays 10am – contact the Vicar for details.

            * Inspection and repair works in progress at Newtown. The regular Newtown congregation are especially
                            encouraged to attend the 10am Service on Zoom (others are welcome).
     It is assumed that it will be possible to hold in-place services throughout August. If government guidance on Covid-
        19 restrictions should change what we are able to do, we will place notices on church notice-boards and on our
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