Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah

Page created by Alexander Cross
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah
August 2019 • Volume 38 • Issue 7          A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

                Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year!

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah
                    Believe it or not, its that time of the year again…another rotation around the sun, Children are
                    heading off for a new school year and the Jewish world is starting to prepare for Holy Days. Rosh
                    Hashanah is rapidly approaching! At this writing it is 7 1/2 weeks away, September 29th to be

                    While it can feel like an incredibly busy time right now, it is also an opportunity for self-reflection,
growth and discovery to prepare for the holidays and the new year ahead. Giving oneself time for this preparation is
an important gift for it will bring meaning and purpose to the upcoming holiday experience and life in general.
As a classmate of mine teaches, “in our busy, modern world, we often find ourselves living moment to moment
without time to stop and reflect on how we are actually living our lives…the weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah
offers us an opportunity to take that time to consider whether we’re living our truest selves, our deepest values and
to do so not in the abstract, but with consideration for the details—the specific actions that make up our lives; the
words we’ve spoken; the deeds we’ve done; where we’ve succeeded and what we’ve failed to do and say, in each
relationship and every realm of our lives—work, home, neighborhood and society.”

Below, I have listed a few books I’ve found useful for these weeks of preparation. Don’t try to read them all!
Spending quality time with one good book can be an excellent way to open up the dialogue with our heart and soul.

        Preparing Your Heart for the High Holy Days ,Kerry Olitzky and Rachel Sabath
        Opening Your Heart With Psalm 27: A Spiritual Practice for the Jewish New Year, Debra
        This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of
             Transformation ,Alan Lew
        Days of Awe: A Treasury of Jewish Wisdom for Reflection, Repentance, and Renewal on the
             High Holy Days , S.Y. Agnon.
        Entering the High Holy Days: A Complete Guide to the History, Prayers and Themes,
             Reuven Hammer

Of course there is always the Machzor-the prayer book for the High Holy Days. One way to prepare is to read the
prayers ahead of time and ponder their words; there meanings while you have time to do so without rushing. We
have copies of the new Machzor, Mishkan HaNefesh in the synagogue library. Come by, have a cup of tea and spend
some quiet time reading the beautiful prayers and poems.

Go ahead and give yourself this much needed time for self-reflection… you will find yourself on the path towards a
better tomorrow… our tradition and God knows you’re worth this sacred gift.

Hodesh Tov!                                 P.S. Other Heart Opening opportunities you might consider
                                                Rosh Hodesh August 7 & September 4, with Dr. Terry
                                                Dorice Horenstein’s talks September 6-8, (see page 6)
                                                Mindful Meditation Event September 15 , brought to you
                                                by Carol Lipinsky

                                                                               News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah


Back in late June, I attended, as written about previously, the annual cantor’s convention which
this year was held in Atlanta. The focus of this year’s convention was how we, as cantors, can use
our voices and actions to more pro-actively reflect the values of Judaism, specifically causes that
elevate the status of various compromised and marginalized populations. We interacted with a local organization
called “Fearless Dialogues” which helps people with opposing beliefs and perspectives better communicate with
each other. A week or so later I happened to have watched the movie “Best of Enemies” about racial tensions in
Durham, NC in 1971 and how a version of fearless dialogues moved this community forward.

As I contemplate how to become a better person, relative, friend and cantor, I am often drawn to the image
associated with Kabblah – a diagram of 10 emanations (sefirot) of God that either balance each other and/or lead
to more elevated understandings of the one-ness of God and our efforts to emulate that one-ness. Almost in the
middle of this diagram are two opposites that very much need each other: Chesed and Gevurah. Chesed is the
quality of compassion and mercy and Gevurah is the quality of strength associated with justice. We should pursue
justice with compassion.

At Temple Beth Tikvah, I find that our membership hold many different views on how to live Jewishly and how to
balance Chesed and Gevurah - and……that’s OK! The important thing is to not become too rigid in our thinking.
This rigidity hinders personal understanding and growth, a hindrance which extends outward into the community.

                                                  TISHA B’AV

On Aug. 10, in the evening, we will be observing “Tisha B’Av”, a day commemorating the Destruction of the Temple
and other catastrophes in our people’s past. It’s not the easiest holiday for Reform Jews to connect to but when I
associate Tisha B’Av with the divisiveness amongst Jews, I find my hook. I lament the divisiveness and pray for our
coming together as a community. On Tisha B’Av we chant from the biblical book of Lamentations. But one should
not lament without hope for things to change. And one should not hope for things to change without considering a
personal and pro-active role in that change.

-Cantor Nancy Kassel

    Join us in our collaborative
   Tisha B’Av commemoration:

       Saturday, Aug. 10,
     Congregation Etz Chaim,
            7:30 PM

                                                         3      News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah
                               Suzanne Hurwitz is excited to join
                               the staff of Temple Beth Tikvah as
                               Interim Education Director.
                               Her main goals are to ensure that
                               our religious school education
                               remains top-notch, that our
                               students are engaged in their
                               learning, that our teachers are
                               supported and that we continue to

                                                                              DATES TO REMEMBER
                               foster a love of Judaism and of
                               community for all TBT families.
                                                                            First Sunday - Tikvahpalooza!
Suzanne grew up in Toronto, Canada and has lived in Atlanta
since 1998, other than a brief stint in Florida. She holds a                August 25th 9:30 AM—12:00 PM
Masters degree in Social Work with a certificate in Jewish
                                                                            First day of Kesher (8th & 9th Grades)
Communal Service and Jewish Studies from the University of
Michigan. She has always worked in the Jewish community,                    August 26th 6:45 PM—8:30 PM
primarily in formal and informal education. Past jobs include               First Extended Hebrew
director of the Jewish Healing Program at JFCS of the Suncoast,
founding director of the MJCCA’S Srochi Jewish Children’s                   September 8th 12:00 –1:30 PM
Museum, program coordinator of TheTemple’s religious school,                First Tuesday Hebrew
and teaching in several area religious schools and preschools.
Suzanne enjoys traveling, walking and hiking, games, reading and            September 10th 5:00 PM—6:30 PM
spending time with family and friends. She and her family –                 First day of Confirmation/Kivinium
husband Phil and teen daughters Katie and Emma – live in Johns
Creek and have been members of TBT for four years.                          September 16th 6:45 PM—8:30 PM

Shalom from the Religious School education office at TBT! Things are gearing up for our 2019-2020 school year, and if you have a child
entering our religious school, you have A LOT to look forward to.
First and foremost, we have a top-notch group of teachers ready and eager to work with our children and teens. Most have been teaching
here for several years, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Teacher Rachel Wilson is returning for her 13 th year as a 6th grade teacher, and says
she is excited “to instill a love of Judaism in our students”. That goal is shared by all in TBT’s education department!
We are implementing a new curriculum, Shalom Learning, for our kindergarten through 7 th grade Judaics classes. Shalom Learning was
founded in 2011 and is based on Jewish values. It combines all types of learning and media modalities – drama, music, video, discussion,
reflection and more – and prides itself on being engaging and relevant to today’s Jewish families. We are excited to join the more than 100
synagogues across the United States and Canada who have adopted Shalom Learning.
Our madrichim program will include quarterly leadership training sessions for these hardworking teens. It is our hope that our madrichim will
grow to become strong Jewish leaders --- and perhaps our religious school teachers of tomorrow.
Our school is dedicated to being accessible to all! We are proud to be the recipient of a grant from the Jewish Abilities Alliance, enabling us to
create a unique “Rogah Room”. “Rogah” is the Hebrew word for calm, and this dedicated sensory room will serve as a space in which our
religious school and preschool students can spend time if they need to disengage.
We are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a “Shinshin” once again this year. The Jewish Federation’s shinshinim program brings
Israeli scouts to the US for one year before beginning mandatory army service. Dor Almog lives near Tel Aviv and he will be partnering with our
school to bring his Israeli culture and “ruach” (spirit) to our school.
Finally, our grade-based family education programs will continue to teach and engage parents and children “b’yachad”, together.
If you have not turned in your religious school forms, please do so today. Our first day of Sunday school will be August 25th and we invite
parents to stay for meet and greets, assembly and much more! Kesher (8 th and 9th grades) will begin on
Monday, August 26th.
If you have any questions, please reach out. We look forward to opening the doors to your children later this
month, and we thank you for entrusting us with their formal religious school education.

                                                                                News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah
                         It happens every year. Sometimes early in August, sometimes later in August. But it happens. Teachers
                         prepare and prepare, and it comes and goes quickly. Parents are excited, children are nervous, and
                         classrooms are ready. It’s the first day of school. And although we do it every year, each year it is a new
                         experience/a shehecyanu moment!
                         In preschool, the first day of school can bring out an array of emotions. Parents are excited that their
                         “baby” is growing up and able to experience school but are also nervous that their “baby” is growing up
                         and able to experience school! Children are apprehensive and scared, but also intrigued by all the new
                         experiences they see. And teachers…. well, teachers are filled with every emotion possible!

To make the first day of preschool a little easier on all involved, here are a few suggestions:

                Meet the teacher: If possible, take your child to a Meet the Teacher program or Open House and let her play on
                the playground before school starts.

                Play dates: Try to enroll her in a class where she already knows some of the other children. If that’s not possible,
                ask if you can have the class list before your child starts school. You could offer to make your email available to
                the other parents so that you can arrange a play date before school begins. Perhaps several play dates can be
                arranged, or you will meet someone who would like to exchange play time. Don’t be shy. The children will
                benefit from seeing a friendly face the first day of class.

                Practice separation: Leave your child with others for short lengths of time so that they know you will return.

                Backpack and lunchbox: Before school starts, help them become excited about starting school by empowering
                them to pick out a backpack and lunchbox. Keep in mind everything you need to fit in these items, such as an
                extra set of clothes, water bottle, extra set of clothes and the art projects that will be coming home.

                Independent skills: If your child is staying for lunch, let them pack some of the food. That way, they will feel like
                they have some control.

                Focus on your child: Make the whole experience as fun as possible. Give your child your full attention on the way
                to school. Phone calls can wait. Tell stories about when you were little and how much you liked school. Sing
                songs. Try a spin-off version of “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”. Make it, “If you’re excited to
                go to school, clap your hands!” Be excited, smile a lot, and be happy. Children quickly feed off our emotions.

                Communicate: Tell them it is okay to be afraid, but that there are always adults to help and it is ok to ask for help
                any. Let them know that you will pick them up in a few hours or after a certain activity at school – like when the
                teacher sings a certain song or reads the last book of the day.

                Don’t linger: When it’s time for drop-off, keep your goodbyes short, sweet and simple. Take advantage of
                carpool opportunities. Give a quick hug, tell them how much you love them, and leave her in the hands of the
                capable teacher. Even if they are crying hysterically, they will likely only cry for a few minutes once you’re out of
                sight. But if you linger, the crying will probably last longer.

Trust in the fact that your child is in good hands, and any crying or not wanting to go to school will soon taper off. Remember
that time is the key to building any good relationship! Be
calm, supportive and positive and your child (and you) will
have a wonderful school year!                                                      Meet and Greet
                                                                       August 16th 10:00 AM—1:30 PM
                                                                                First day of School
Sheri Baker                                                                      August 19th 9:30 AM

                                                                          News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah

                    Dorice Horenstein is a master teacher turned author and speaker!
                    Dorice Horenstein was born and raised in Israel and moved to Portland
                    after completing her service as an officer in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
                    She worked in Jewish education for more than 30 years, transferring her
                    love to Jewish traditions and the Hebrew language.
                    Today, the world is her classroom.
                    Her book Moments of the Heart, the four relationships everyone should
                    experience to live wholeheartedly is infused with Jewish knowledge,
                    spirituality and the Hebrew language.
                    Her book is praised by Rabbi Telushkin as powerful and beautiful. He says
                    “What I have read is passionate, very spiritual, and well-reasoned, three
                    things that don’t always go together. Rabbi Stampfer of Congregation
                    Neveh shalom says—“This is a thoughtful and insightful work of an Israeli-
                    American woman which speaks directly from the heart!”


Saturday, September 7th
  3:00 PM    Women’s Shabbat Event “Blessings In Our Lives”
                         Afternoon Wine & Nibbles

  7:00 PM    Dorice will speak about her book, “Moments of the Heart”.
             **This event is free and open to the community**

Sunday, September 8th
  9:45 AM    Adult Program “Mystery of the Hebrew Letters”

  11:00 AM   Family Education Day for Grades K-2—Parents and their kiddos will
             participate in a Rosh HaShanah themed activity

                                             News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah

High Holy Days 2019/5780
We especially look forward to this year’s High Holidays, beginning with Erev Rosh
Hashanah on Sunday, September 29th when we will introduce our new beautiful
Holy Day prayerbook Mishkan HaNefesh. Cantor Kassel and Rabbi Shuval-Weiner
have enjoyed the summer months studying the new Machzor and creating
beautiful worship experiences for these holiest of days for the entire TBT com-
Watch for information about the High Holidays in the September Kol Tikvah
Bulletin and via email.
Please note, High Holiday tickets will be mailed in September to members in
good standing. If you have not yet made arrangements concerning your
synagogue dues, we encourage you to do that now.
Eric Chanin will be delighted to speak with you by calling 770-642-0434.
For special accommodations you or a family member may need to make your
visit and involvement in TBT more comfortable please contact Kim Weindorf in
the synagogue office to discuss your needs.

      Welcome to our new
Steve Brooker & Jenny Taratoot
Jenifer Collins
Moishe & Miriam Elinger
Andrew & Jane Glickman                                                Honor a person or
                                                                     event with a leaf on
Bruce & Hydi Kalmin                                                          our

Louis Schlesinger & Ina Chanin                                             Tree of Life.
                                                                    Call the office to find out how
Jon Zarett                                                                 (770) 642-0434

                                                   News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah
              Find out what’s happening!!
                   HOTTY Facebook Page:
          HOTTY website: hotty.tyg.weebly.com
             HOTTY Remind101 text updates:
                     text @826ef3 to 81010
                TBT YOUTH Facebook Page:

                                             COLLEGE CONNECTION
                                                   Parents of College Students-Submit Addresses for
                                                                     2019-2020 School Year
The College Outreach Committee is gearing up for the 2019-2020 school year. Keeping our students connected to the
TBT community is so important, and this effort lets them know that they are still with us, even when they’re far away.

We are in the process of collecting mailing addresses for our college students for the upcoming school year, and ask that you
submit all the information online by visiting the website below to complete the form:

You’ll be receiving an email from Susan Wynne with a link to the form as well,
so keep an eye out for that.

The more kids we can reach, the better, so please take a few minutes to
provide the information.

Please email scwynne530@gmail.com if you have questions or comments.

Thank you!

                                                                        News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah

Calling all TBT Families!
We hope you'll join us for the 2019 TBT Family Retreat, to be held at URJ Camp Coleman the weekend of
October 25-27, 2019. This year's retreat theme is B'reshit, “Beginnings” and we are excited to welcome
Beth Hamon, (http://www.beth-hamon-music.com/) as our Artist-in Residence. In celebration of creation
and the world around us, we look forward to a full weekend CREATING. On Friday night, we will compile a
piece of artwork to be displayed outdoors at TBT for years to come. On Saturday, participants will
CREATE musical instruments (out of found and recyclable materials) and use them to CELEBRATE Shabbat
together. Finally, Sunday, we will CREATE planters (out of old shoes) to line the paths at Camp Coleman. In
between, expect rest, relaxation, a chance to participate in all of your favorite camp activities, and some
great TBT family time!
What if I want to come, but can't make the whole weekend? This year, for the first time, we are offering the
option for families to join us on Saturday afternoon and evening (2-8 PM). Enjoy 2 sessions of camp
activities, and join in on the instrument making and singing fun. Stay for dinner and head home after

How can I help? Sign up, and tell your friends to sign up too! If you are interested in helping group-lead or
run camp activities, please reach out to Judy Limor (limormomof3@gmail.com).

                                                            News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Welcome to the 2019/2020 School Year! - Temple Beth Tikvah
                        Shalom Sisterhood ladies! Is it August already???? Wow this summer is flying by! Hope your summer is going
                        swimmingly well. A few things to cover in this Kol Tikvah :
                        You will already have received your temple member package in the mail, and in this pile of paperwork is a
                        note from Sisterhood regarding membership dues. If any of your contact information has changed from last
                        year please let us know so that we can update our addresses and you can continue to get up to date
                        information about Sisterhood programming. And if you haven’t already done so, please keep current your
                        Sisterhood membership dues.
                         We have Honey for Sale!!! Don’t delay and purchase your honey as soon as possible. Be advised that
shipping is free for orders placed on the website by midnight August 5th. After that date, a shipping charge of $5.00 per bottle will be
added to your order. So, place your order today at www.orthoney.com/BTR
Sisterhood is making ice cream (again) for Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin’ event benefiting The Drake House. Please look for the
Evite sent out for the two dates (Sunday morning August 18th and Tuesday evening August 20th) and RSVP. No ice cream making
experience needed!
Please keep your eyes open for details about a joint program with Men’s Club where we will prepare, deliver and serve food to the
Zaban Shelter. Details of an informational meeting to follow. Also, coming soon-The Sisterhood Opener. We will let you know the
what/when/where soon.

That’s it for now. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
Ilana Zalkin

                                     Miss Mary’s Ice                                                   Rosh Chodesh—
                                     Cream Crankin!                                                      A Women’s
                                         August 25th                                                  Spirituality Group
                                      2:00—4:00 pm
                                      Roswell Square                                                  Led by Dr. Terry
Temple Beth Tikvah will once again be participating in Miss                                          Wednesday, August 7
Mary's Ice Cream Crankin' event in support of the Drake
House. The event is August 25th from 2—4pm on the Roswell                                                 7:00 PM
Square. A huge thanks to Sisterhood for making all of the
homemade ice cream we will be serving!! We need volunteers
to help serve the ice cream. All volunteers will need to pay the    Rosh Chodesh is the celebration of the new moon and the
$7 entrance fee and will be able to sample the many different       new month, according to the Jewish calendar. Rosh
flavors being served.                                               Chodesh has long been recognized as a women’s holiday. In
                                                                    midrash Pirke DeRabbi Elezer, Chapter 45, we are told that
                                                                    in the incident of the Golden Calf, the women refused to
If you are interested in scooping please sign up for a shift
                                                                    relinquish their earnings to the men who were building the
at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C44ACAA23A31-
                                                                    idol. As a reward, God gave them an extra holy day each
                                                                    month, free from work.
                                                                    Our themes will be based on each Hebrew month and will
Please only register for one 15 minute shift. Thanks so much!
                                                                    be explored through discussions, meditations, journaling,
Contact Rachel Wilson with any questions at 678-469-3816 or         connection to nature, arts & crafts and creative ritual.
                                                                    Sign up at www.bethtikvah.com

                                                                            News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
                              Halle Rose Levine will be called to                                Blake Hilsen, son of Mitch and Julie
                              the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on                                      Hilsen and little brother to Reese,
                              August 3, 2019. She is the                                         will be called to the Torah on August
                              daughter of Jenn and Ron Levine                                    17, 2019.
                              and sister to Nate. Grandparents
                                                                                                 Blake is a top ranked tennis player
                              are Ellen and Ralph Levy of
                                                                                                 reaching Top 12 in the nation this
                              Marietta and the late Celia and
                                                                                                 year. His hard work and good
                              Chester Levine of St. Petersburg,
                                                                                                 attitude shine in competition. He
                              FL. orchestra. Halle will be a 7th
                                                                                                 also enjoys coaching tennis in the
                              grader at Hightower Trail

Middle School, where she is on the honor roll and plays the          Special Olympics Special Props program. He has increased his
violin in the orchestra. Halle also loves to ride horses and has     role and leadership in the program over the last three years.
recently begun to play tennis.                                       Blake has been preparing for his Bar Mitzvah since his first
Her favorite Mitzvah project was organizing and completing a         religious school class in Coffee and Cuddles as a two year old at
pet supply drive to benefit Angels Among Us Pet Rescue. Halle        TBT. Hs religious education has been priceless and part of the
loves animals (especially her schnoodle, Zoe) and wanted to find     fabric of his childhood as his teachers and Rabbi’s have been
a way to help pets in need. The donation drive lasted a few
                                                                     amazing mentors and examples. He is a kind and perceptive
weeks and Halle delivered a van full of pet food, towels,
                                                                     person who lives by the values of Judaism by living life
blankets and toys to the organization.
                                                                     everyday in kindness and gratitude. He is proud to represent
Halle wants to thank family and friends near and far for sharing     his faith and hopes the community will come support and
this special day with her.
                                                                     celebrate with him on his Simcah.

                                         Molly Ziskind will be                                  Matthew Haber will be called to the Torah
                                         called to the Torah                                    as a Bar Mitzvah on August 24, 2019.
                                                                                                Matthew is the son of Marcia and Larry
                                         as a Bat Mitzvah on
                                                                                                Haber and brother to Adam. He is the
                                         August 17, 2019.                                       grandson of Stephen and Diane Haber of
                                                                                                Glen Rock, NJ. and Miriam and Charles
                                         Molly     is  the
                                                                                                Lasky of Newport, RI, of blessed memory.
                                         daughter of Mark
                                                                                                Before “Grammy’s” passing, she started
                                         Ziskind and Shana
                                                                                                making the tallis bag that Matthew will use
                                         Ziskind.                                               on the Bimah and will cherish forever.
Molly is the Granddaughter of Sam Abraham, of Phoenix,               Matthew is in the 7th grade at Dodgen Middle School where he
Arizona, Steve and Reva Ziskind, Dr. John Morris Stallings,          participates in Junior Beta Club. Matthew’s passion is playing on his
and the late Nancy Stallings, of Memphis, Tennessee.                 travel baseball team as well as playing soccer and basketball. He also
Molly has two younger brothers, Eli (age 2) and Leo (age             enjoys hanging out with his friends and family, attending sporting
11). Leo attends Beth Tikvah Hebrew School and will be               events and playing video games.
entering the 6th grade this coming school year.
                                                                     For his Mitzvah project, Matthew wanted to help those who are unable
Molly will be entering the 8th grade at Wood Acres School.           to afford the equipment needed to play youth sports. He collected
Molly’s hobbies include performing with her competitive              used sports equipment from all over Atlanta. He donated carloads of
dance company, spending time with family and friends,                items to the JCC, which partners with several organizations locally to
and creating hilarious family movies.                                help kids in need. Matthew also donated items to the H.A.S.
                                                                     Foundation which provides need-based scholarships to young athletes,
As part of her Bat Mitzvah study and requirements, Molly             enabling them to participate in local recreational team sports.
is leading several Mitzvah projects for good causes and
charitable organizations, including the Saint Jude                   Thank you to Rabbi Shuval-Weiner and Cantor Kassel for preparing
Children’s Research Hospital, Cool Girls Incorporated, and           Matthew for this special day. A special thanks to all the Hebrew school
the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.                                  teachers and tutors at TBT who have taught Matthew since he was 3
                                                                     years old.

                                                                          News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
B’NAI MITZVAH continued
                             Evan Daniel Cohn will be called to the                                              Marley Elinger will be called
                             Torah on August 31, 2019 with his                                                   to the Torah as a Bat
                             cousin, Marley Elinger.                                                             Mitzvah on August 31,
                             Evan is the son of Michael and Marlene                                              2019.
                             Cohn, and big brother to Lauren. He is
                                                                                                                 Marley is the daughter of
                             the grandson of Harry Cohn of Boynton
                                                                                                                 Jerry and Robin Elinger and
                             Beach, Florida and the late Pearl Cohn,
                                                                                                                 sister to Casey Elinger.
                             (‫ )ז״ל‬and Ruth and Lee Zendel of
                             Rochester Hills, Michigan.
                                                                              She is the granddaughter to Moshe and Miriam Elinger of
                                                                              Roswell, GA and members of TBT and the late Max and
Evan is an 8th grader at Dickerson Middle School in Marietta where            Hedy Pollack of Nashville, TN.
he is an honor roll student. Evan enjoys playing the alto saxophone in
the symphonic band and competing on his school’s Jeopardy-style               Marley is in the 8th grade at St. Francis School where she
reading bowl team. He also enjoys playing tennis and skiing, leading
                                                                              plays on the school softball and basketball teams. Marley’s
                                                                              hobbies include spending time with her family and friends,
the way between trees and down aggressive black diamond runs.
                                                                              watching cooking shows, photography, and playing on the
Most of all, Evan loves spending summers with his close friends at
                                                                              Roswell Summer All Star Softball Tournament Team .
URJ Camp Coleman.
Evan is passionate about helping others. He has been volunteering             Some of her meaningful community service mitzvah
with various food banks and food-related organizations for several            projects include volunteering at The Packaged Good, Kate’s
years. This past year, he volunteered numerous hours at the                   Club, and educating her youngest cousin on Judaism out of
Community Assistance Center (CAC) in Sandy Springs where he helps             her Jewish Library.
stock the pantry for our neighbors in need.                                   Marley would like to thank Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, Cantor
Evan and his family are excited to celebrate this simcha with friends         Kassel, her tutors, friends and family (with a special call out
and family from near and far. They are also very appreciative of the          to her cousin, Evan Cohn) for all of their help and support in
Rabbi and Cantor’s help in preparing Evan for this meaningful                 making this a moment she will remember forever.

                                                            MAZAL TOV
Joe and Waynah Dunn welcomed a                            Anne and David Strauss are thrilled to                    If you have a simcha to
                                                                                                                 share—Let’s Kvell together!!
granddaughter. Dylan Rose Dunn born                       announce the arrival of their new
May 9, 2019 to Michael and Jaime                          granddaughter, Zoey Arielle born June 20,
Dunn.                                                     2019.

They also welcomed a grandson, Jackson Riley              Parents are Elaine and Benjamin
Sapir born May 29, 2019 to Brad and Sarah Sapir.          Strauss of Peachtree Corners.                         Contact kim@bethtikvah.com, so
                                                                                                                we may share your good news!

   Have a simcha to                                                      Potluck or other Non-Catered Events
                                                   TBT affirms our commitment to observance of the Kashrut (dietary guidelines) for all formal
     celebrate??                                   and informal synagogue events. By following these simple guidelines and principles, we can
                                                   be assured that all members of our community are able to fully participate in the beautiful
                                                   and sacred experience of sharing our meals and blessings.
         Sponsor a kiddush
                                                   1. Food items may be vegetarian, dairy, or fish (including tuna fish and egg dishes) but may
           lunch or oneg                           not contain meat or seafood (shellfish, un-kosher fish, etc.) ingredients of any kind or in any

  For more information, contact                    2. Prepare sufficient amounts of entrée, salads, or side dishes to feed ten adults.
         the front office                          3. Food items must be served in disposal containers so nothing is left at TBT.
                                                   4. Please take your leftovers, utensils, and containers home with you.
             (770) 642-0434
                                                   5. If you have any questions relating to these guidelines contact Rabbi Shuval-Weiner or the

                                                                         12             News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

                                                October 27—November 2
                                                    Sign up will open soon

                      Have you ever wondered about your thoughts and the power they have?
                      Have you ever considered how your thoughts might affect you or those
                      around you?
                                            Join TBT and Mindy Searcey for

                                        Mindful Meditation
                                            Sunday, September 15
                               9:45 —11:45 am OR 2:00 - 4:00 pm
                                          Click HERE to sign up
Mindy has practiced Yoga for over 22 years and taught for almost 21 years. Her deep well of
knowledge is phenomenal. She has an ability to work with you in a way that not only
approaches you where you are but also in a way that serves where you want to be. She is a light
worker, healer and tattooed rule breaker.
She will give you all the tools you need to succeed as well as be there to assist in applying them
to your life on and off the mat.
Mindy has written for several Twitter feeds, been featured in Holistic Fashionista magazine, is a
best selling published author and leads international retreats. She owns a lovely boutique studio
in the gorgeous North Georgia Mountains.

                                                              News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
                                     The 2018-19 Annual Campaign has concluded.             A sincere thank you to all those who have
                                     contributed to this effort ! These gifts allow us to provide wonderful programming and engagement
                                     opportunities for our congregational family. We continue to explore ways to sustain ourselves
                                     financially with excellent stewardship, and we are grateful for your support and generosity.
                                     Thank you very much !                                    Mark Rudel, Philanthropy Chair

Andy and Julie Aaronson                   Michael and Anna Gutkin                        Betty Rickles
Barry and Shari Alhadeff                  Scott and Nancy Harris                         Anthony Rosenberg
Pam Alterman                              Sam and Alice Herndon                          Russell and Gailen Rosenberg
Lee and Ellen Altschuler                  David and Ellen Herold                         Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig
Allan and Pam Apple                       Michael and Kim Hirsch                         Brian and Danielle Rubenstein
Barry and Beth Asher                      Phil and Suzanne Hurwitz                       Kevin and Andrea Rubin
Steve and Teri Astren                     Carol Jacobs                                   Mark and Gail Rudel
Jay Bailey and Elaine Wilco               David and Beth Janes                           Chad and Jules Salinas
Steven and Sheila Barid                   Peter and Sharon Jedel                         Robert and Donna Schacher
Dale and Wendy Bearman                    Frances Jordan                                 Douglas and Lisa Schiffer
Bruce Beck                                Daniel and Stephanie Joseph                    Caryn Schilstra
Paul and Anne Beckman                     Jill Kaplan                                    Joel and Kathleen Schoenblum
Michael and Jeannine Bernstein            Jeffrey and Beth Kess                          William and Terry Schwartz
Bernice Bickwit                           Sharon Khoury                                  Bart and Kara Segal
Peter and Linda Birnbaum                  Jeff and Cindy Klein                           William and Majory Segal
Sheryl Blechner                           Marc and Deborah Klein                         David Shapiro and Ilene Alter-Shapiro
David and Robin Bledsoe                   Sam and Wendy Klein                            Ira and Brenda Share
Scott and Mary Block                      Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank                   Stacy and Alicia Sher
Todd and Jennifer Boehm                   Karen Korshak                                  David and Elisa Siegel
Adam and Adrienne Bruckman                Steven and Helen Kraus                         Sandy and Nancy Simon
Gene Carasick and Terry Apt               Robert and Karen Kremer                        Stuart and Frances Solomon
Lois Clymin                               Scott and Sheryl Lasky                         Fern Soniker
Jerome and Margie Cohen                   Hal and Jill Leitman                           Richard and Susan Staviss
Michael and Marlene Cohn                  Mike and Kathy Levin                           Eric and Victoria Stein
Steve and Arlene Cohn                     Judy Levine                                    Barry Steinberg and Terri Cohen
Mark and Stephanie Craig                  Melvin and Tobi Levine                         Brian and Jennifer Steinberg
Carole Crenshaw                           Ronald and Jennifer Levine                     Steven and Linda Steinberg
Marvin and Trudy Davis                    Emily Lewit                                    Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz
Renee Davis                               Gary and Michal Loventhal                      Mathew and Dani Stordy
Dan and Laura DeRiemer                    Hadley and Lisa Lowy                           Ronald and Leslie Swichkow
Charles and Lynne Dhuyvetter              Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig                       Donald and Marilyn Tam
Joseph and Waynah Dunn                    Murray and Sonia Lynn                          Rosalind Taranto
William and Susan Farina                  Phyllis Madans                                 Steven and Abbe Tobin
Elliot and Donna Feller                   Jerred and Debbie Malever                      David and Christine Toltzis
Steven and Amy FIne                       Sidney and Lois Malkin                         Mark and Sally Vosk
Aaron and Amy Frank                       Joel and Aviva Margolies                       Bruce and Bonnie Walkes
Steve and RoseAnn Gerson                  Jonathan and Helene Masor                      June Wallach
Ed and Cindy Getty                        Jim and Marsha Mathis                          Jay Weiner and Alexandria Shuval-Weiner
Glenn Goldberg and Linda Leibowitz        Howard and Helaine Medoff                      Robert and Ellen Weiner
Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro          Evan and Missi Mermelstein                     Clifford and Loretta Weiss
Marshall and Roberta Goldman              Scott and Lisa Morchower                       Mark and Debbie Weiss
Robert and Cindy Goldstein                Ted and Melanie Nathan                         Douglas Wexler and Jane Greensberger
Michael and Audrey Gordon                 Bernie and Gail Natter                         Jeffrey Willard and Steve Mahan
Harlan and Ivie Graiser                   Keira Oseroff                                  Bram and Dana Wieskopf
Mark and Karen Greenspan                  Marcia Pearl                                   Herbert and Marsha Williams
Trey and Lesly Gregory                    Shirley Plotkin                                Mark Williams and Michelle Easton-Williams
Adam and Bobbee Griff                     Scott and Rhonda Povlot                        Todd and Rachel Wilson
Burton and Sara Grossman                  Herbert and Bunny Renkin                       Andrew and Ilana Zalkin
Dick Grosswald                            Robert and Ellen Rickles                       Seth and Ellen Zimmer

                                                                                News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Donations            (donations    received as of 7/28/19)

ANNUAL CAMPAIGN 2018/2019                                                   Gail and Bernie Natter in memory of Cydel Feldser, mother of Gail
Nancy and Sandy Simon in memory of Ruth Berney and Roy Meeks, Sr.           Natter
Ron and Leslie Swichkow in memory of Harriet Marks                          Kenneth and Helene Skolky in memory of Dora Breines
Marvin and Trudy David in memory of Pauline Davis                           Sheryl Blechner in honor of a speedy recovery of Ivie Graiser
Wendy and Dale Bearman in memory of Samuel Bearman                          Sheryl Blechner in honor of Kathy and Mike Levin’s 45th Anniversary
Steve and Linda Steinberg in memory of Muriel and Herbert Steinberg
Marvin and Trudy Davis in memory of Gerald Rein                             PRAYERBOOK FUND
Steve, Amy , Jennifer & Ellen Fine in memory of Marvin Fine & Flora         Jay and Lois Barucs in honor of Bruce and Bonnie Walkes 50th Wedding
Fine and George Wise                                                        Anniversary
Suzanne and Phil Hurwitz
Steve and Linda Steinberg in memory of George Rosen                         RABBI SHUVAL-WEINER DISC. FUND
Dave and Dalia Faupel in honor of their son Jayson Faupel becoming a        Brad and Sarah Sapir in honor of the birth of Jackson Riley Sapir
Bar Mitzvah                                                                 Peter Klokow in honor of his conversion
Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Natalie Berlin                           Charlene Milstein in appreciation of Rabbi Shuval-Weiner
Joseph and Waynah Dunn in appreciation of Ron and Leslie Swichkow           Robin and David Bledsoe in memory of Morris Raiken
Joseph and Waynah Dunn in memory of Irene Milligan                          Joan and Jon Marks in memory of Harriet Marks
Dale and Wendy Bearman in memory of Leo Ebstein                             Ellen and Seth Zimmer in memory of Edward Gralnick
Marvin and Trudy David in memory of Sam Davis                               Ed and Cindy Getty in appreciation of the honor of carrying the Torah at
Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Jerome Weiss                             Shavout Services
                                                                            Jerry and Marcy Kaufman in memory of Max Kaufman
BUILDING FUND                                                               Sharon Khoury in honor of Joseph Guidry
Valorie Rapowitz in memory of Sharlene Silver and Harriet Gutman            Mark and Sally Vosk in memory of Harry Solomon
                                                                            Sheryl Blechner for camp scholarships
CANTORS FUND                                                                Mariann Mamberg in memory of Lola Mamberg
Paul and Jewel Rubin in memory of Nelson Moore                              Rabbi Arthur and Mrs. Renee Baseman in honor of Jayson Faupel’s Bar
Joseph Guidry in appreciation of Cantor Kassel                              Mitzvah
Lori Shapiro and Cary Goldenthal in memory of Harriet Marks                 Dave and Dalia Faupel in appreciation of Rabbi Shuval-Weiner
Arlene and Steve Cohn in memory of Roy Meeks, Sr.                           Ilene Monat Fader in memory of Daniel Kaufman, father of Ilene Monat
Charlene Milstien in appreciation of Cantor Kassel                          Fader
Jerry and Marcy Kaufman in memory of Rose Berg                              Shirley, Chuck, Jon and Hal Plotkin in memory of Saul Plotkin
Sharon Khoury in memory of Nelson Moore, Jewel Rubin’s father               Paul and Julie Rubin in memory of Nelson Moore
Sharon Khoury in memory of Roy Meeks, Sr., Pam Alterman’s father            Jerry and Margie Kaufman in memory of Minnie Friedman
David and Marci Slotin in memory of Lorrie Bernstein, Marshall              Ben and Amy Tolchinsky in memory of Carol Tolchinsky
Bernstein, Marian Slotin                                                    Shari and Barry Alhadeff in memory of Esther Kirchheimer
Laura and Dan DeRiemer in memory of Lorraine DeRiemer                       Marilyn Wasserman in appreciation of Sheila and Steve Barid
Ed and Cindy Getty in appreciation of the beautiful Shavout service         Max and Carol Wolf in honor of Harris Seidband’s Bar Mitzvah
Joan and Jon Marks in memory of Harriet Marks
Bruce Beck in memory of Herman Beck                                         RABBI TAM DISC. FUND
Robert and Adele Toltzis in memory of Adele Toltzis, Harriette Seifstein    Max and Carol Wolf in honor of Harris Seidband’s Bar Mitzvah
Peter Klokow in honor of Peter’s conversion                                 Steven and Sheila Barid in memory of Richard Barid
Jim and Marsha Mathis in memory of “Papa”, Roy Meeks, Sr.                   Steve and RoseAnn Gerson in memory of Helen Reiber, Gertrude
Dave and Dalia Faupel in appreciation of Cantor Kassel                      Gerson and Keith Wiener’s cousin, Sanford Wiener
Max and Carol Wolf in honor of Harris Seidband’s Bar Mitzvah
Lisa and Hadley Lowy in memory of Harry Lowy and Richard Cooper             RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ENRICHMENT FUND
                                                                            Mark Williams and Michelle Easton-Williams
Lisa and Hadley Lowy in memory of Harry Lowy and Richard Cooper             RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
                                                                            Mark Williams and Michelle Easton-Williams
Joseph and Jill Segal in honor of Jarrett Leitman’s Bar Mitzvah             MICHAEL ZALKIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND
Steve and Linda Steinberg in memory of Thelma Rosen                         Mark and Gail Rudel in memory of Harriet Gutman, mother of Andy
Howard Hecker in memory of Evelyn Berkowitz                                 Gutman
                                                                            SOCIAL ACTION FUND
HOSPITATLITY FUND                                                           Arlene Linder in memory of Richard and Renee Linder
Joyce Wice in honor of Joseph Guidry
                                                                            YOUTH GROUP FUND
KEHILLAT CHESED/CARING FUND                                                 Denise and Frank Rindsberg in honor of Harris Wolf Seidband’s Bar
Sheila and Aaron Stieglitz in memory of Ann Efruss and Jack Stieglitz       Mitzvah
Cliff and Loretta Weiss in memory of Fred Knieberg

                                                                                   News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
     News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

                      In the Fertility Buddies peer support program, we practice
                      “relationship based support.” The emphasis is on building a
                      secure and trusting relationship. Being “held” emotionally is
                      something that makes us feel loved and valued. Fertility
                      Buddies are there, regularly and consistently and give the
                      freedom and space to process your own experience. They are
                      not there to direct the experience or give advice. This allows
                      you to feel safe enough to take what you need from the
                      relationship. Confidentiality is an important part of this
Every Monday at TBT
                      Fertility Buddies are paired up according to geography,
   7:15—8:30 PM       style, needs, and preferences and trained by a licensed
                      infertility therapist. www.jewishfertilityfoundation.org/

                       17    News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Thank you to our volunteers!              Order your Memorial Plaques by AUGUST !5th to be up
                                                   on the wall in time for the High Holidays!
          Marsha Mathis
        Renee Weiskopf
            Ellen Frank

                    We Must Know
             Before We Can Respond                                             In Memoriam
If you are grieving or struggling with illness, or if you are           Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges
celebrating a birth or a new love, we want to be there. That’s             with sorrow the passing of:
what community’s all about, that’s what family’s all about.
                                                                                 Harriet Marks
                                                                                 Harriet Gutman

Let us know how we can support you or anyone else in our
community by calling                                                       May God console you among all the
                                                                                    mourners of
Kim Weindorf, Clergy Assistant, 770-642-0434                                    Zion and Jerusalem.

                                                                 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
     News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Alexandria Shuval-Weiner
Donald A. Tam
Rabbi Emeritus
Nancy Kassel
Sheri Baker
Acting Preschool Director

Rhonda Povlot
Caryn Schilstra
Vice President
Tony Rosenberg
Vice President
Andrea Rubin
Vice President

Joe Dunn
Dalia Faupel
Beth Asher
Board of Education

                            Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons
     Budget & Finance                Human Resources              Ritual
     Karen Korshak                   Seth Zimmer                  Rick Winer
     karcpa@comcast.net              sz4941@att.com               rsw@drrickwiner.com
     Camp/Israel Scholarship         Kehillat Chesed (Caring)     Security
     Marcia Haber                    Leslie Swichkow              Jay Sausmer
     marciahaber@yahoo.com           lswichkow@comcast.net        jsausmer@gmail.com
     Chavurot/Affinity Groups        Library                      Seniors
     Donna Goldenberg                Ilana Zalkin                 Steve Mahan
     donnagoldenberg0@gmail.com      ilanaz@att.net               smahan206bc@yahoo.com
                                     Membership Recruitment &     Sisterhood
     College Outreach
                                     Retention                    Ilana Zalkin
     Susan Wynne
                                     Jill Leitman                 sisterhoodtbt@gmail.com
                                      jaarons2@yahoo.com          Social Action/Social Justice
                                      Rachel Wilson               Michele Gergans
     Marlene Cohn
                                      rachelw65@gmail.com         michelegergans@hotmail.com
                                     Men’s Club                   Will Shields
     Family Promise                                               w_shields@bellsouth.net
                                     Peter Hartog
     Tony Rosenberg
                                     althazyr@gmail.com           Website Development
                                     Mark Greenspan               Scott Povlot
     Philanthropy                    mgreenspan86@gmail.com       spovlot@yahoo.com
     Mark Rudel
                                     Nominating Committee         Youth Group
                                     Wendy Klein                  youth@tbt.com
     Ted Nathan

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