"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm

"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
Minnesota’s Most Rural Diocese Diocese of New Ulm Vol. 36 No. 6 April/May 2022

                                                                           (photo by Christine Clancy)

“The Aroma of Christ” (2 Cor 2:15)
Handmaid of the Heart of Jesus Sister Maria Luz kneels beside five-year-old Frederick Schneider of
New Ulm as he experiences the smell of the fragrant balsam that was to be mixed with the Chrism oil
during the annual Chrism Mass held on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
in New Ulm. Looking on is sibling, Abigail Schneider, a second-grader at St. Anthony Elementary
School in New Ulm. As the diocese awaits a new shepherd, Bishop Emeritus John M. LeVoir returned
to the cathedral to celebrate the Mass and bless the oil of the Sick, the oil of the Catechumens, and
consecrate the Sacred Chrism.
                                                         (More coverage on the Chrism Mass, page 11.)
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
(Photo by Christine Clancy)
                                                                                                                  Conflict Resolution
                                                                                                                   Seasoned Diocese of New Ulm Marriage Preparation Program
                                                                                                                   presenters Roger and Deb Schroeder of Marshall role-play a
                                                                                                                   “heated discussion” for their audience of engaged couples during
                                                                                                                   their presentation on conflict resolution.
        Minnesota’s Most Rural Diocese      Diocese of New Ulm        Vol. 36 No. 6 April/May 2022                       (More on the diocesan Marriage Preparation Program, page 7.)

U.S. bishops to launch three-year Eucharistic Revival
Eucharistic procession on Feast of Corpus Christi to inaugurate revival in diocese
by Fr. Aaron Johanneck                the United States Conference of
Diocesan Director of Worship          Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

NEW ULM – On Sunday, June             The National Eucharistic Revival
19, 2022, the Solemnity of the        is a three-year project which
Most Holy Body and Blood of           officially begins on June 19. The
Christ, better known as the Feast     first year will be a diocesan year
of Corpus Christi, the Diocese of     (2022-23), which will allow every
New Ulm will be taking Our Lord       diocese to have diocesan-wide
Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist      events and catechesis to strengthen
into the streets of New Ulm! And      and equip those who love the
you are invited to attend!            Eucharist to be able to share their
On this day, the diocese will
host a Corpus Christi Eucharistic     The second year (2023-24) will be
procession which will begin at        a parish year and will equip those                                                                                               (Art by Jules Breton)
4 p.m. at the Diocesan Pastoral       who understand the Eucharist to
Center and conclude at the            share that love of the Eucharist      The parish year culminates in the     to celebrate the great gift of the    of Going out on Mission, which
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in      with those Catholics who do not       National Eucharistic Congress in      Eucharist and to enkindle in them     will take place until Pentecost of
New Ulm. The procession will          fully understand. This year will      Indianapolis, July 17-21, 2024,       a missionary fire to share the love   2025.
kick off the National Eucharistic     have catechetical and evangelistic    where it is hoped to gather 80,000-   of Christ in the Eucharist with our
Revival, an initiative organized by   opportunities in every parish.        100,000 Catholics of all ages         country. The final year is the Year              (Continued on page 2.)

       inside                         Bishops meet with state leaders to advocate for families,
                                      the poor and vulnerable, and the common good
                                      by Minnesota Catholic Conference                                                                                  engaged in civil dialogue as all
     Celebrating                                                                                                                                        recognize that these are complex
                                      Each spring, the bishops from                                                                                     issues with myriad considerations.
                                      Minnesota’s six dioceses which                                                                                    The Church’s advocacy is
                   1972               comprise the Minnesota Catholic                                                                                   principled, not partisan, allowing
                   2022               Conference, convene in St. Paul                                                                                   Catholics to work collaboratively
                                      to meet with the Governor and                                                                                     across the political spectrum.
                                      key state legislators. The annual
           Y E A R S of the           day of meetings, which typically
           Diocesan newspaper!                                                                                                                          The policy advocacy of our
                                      occurs around the mid-point of        Walz, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan,        providing equitable funding to
                                                                                                                                                        bishops offers a credible witness
                                      the legislative session, helps give   Speaker of the House Melissa          nonpublic pupil aid programs, and
                                                                                                                                                        to the Gospel and is an expression
  (Anniversary coverage, pg. 8)       momentum to the advocacy of           Hortman, Senate Majority              opposing the legalization of online
                                                                                                                                                        of their pastoral care for all people
                                      MCC staff, who are tasked with        Leader Jeremy Miller, and             sports gambling.
                                                                                                                                                        in the community, especially the
                                      bringing the bishops’ legislative     other key legislative leaders on                                            poor and vulnerable. By modeling
                                      concerns to the attention of          strengthening family economic         As always, these conversations
                                                                                                                                                        principled advocacy, our bishops
      Visit us online!                lawmakers.                            security by creating a Minnesota      showcase an excellent model of
                                                                                                                                                        help our elected officials come to
      www.dnu.org                                                           Child Tax Credit, combating           faithful citizenship. Even during
                                      This year, the bishops focused        homelessness by assisting the         points of disagreement, the
                                      their conversations with Gov.Tim      work of emergency shelters,           bishops and legislative leaders                 (Continued on page 10.)

                                                  The Prairie Catholic             l        Page 1          l        April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
diocesan church
                                                                                   On good ground
                                           cultivate them responsibly, share       assets grew $3,307,000 year-over-     received generous gifts from
                                           them lovingly in justice with           year.                                 estates during the year.
                                           others, and return them with
                                           increase to the Lord. It is a prayer    We see God’s blessings through        The diocese strives to be a good
                                           of thanksgiving and trust not           the strong investment climate         steward of these gifts through its
                                           spoken with our lips but lived          this past year and the government     ministries. Administration of the
                                           through the work of our hands.          programs which supported us           diocese accounts for 37% of its
                                                                                   during the pandemic. Gains in the     total expenses. Evangelization
                                           This month we present our               value of endowments and other         and Catechesis ministries used
                                           annual diocesan financial report        invested funds accounted for          $448,000, Worship and Spiritual
                                           (see page 3 in this issue), for         $2,216,000 of that increase. The      Life ministries used $81,000,
                                           the year ended June 30, 2021,           vast majority of parishes, schools,   Social Ministries used $567,000,                  Prayer for a
 by Monsignor Douglas Grams                in the spirit of transparency and       and the Diocesan Pastoral Center      and formation and care of clergy                  new bishop
    Diocesan Administrator                 thanksgiving for God’s blessings        received SBA Paycheck Protection      used $569,000.
                                           and the selfless support of our         Program (PPP) loans which                                                              Almighty God,
I am reminded of the creation              benefactors. The finances of the        were forgiven during the 2020-        The diocese has emerged from               Who by the Holy Spirit moves
story of Genesis, in which God             diocese are under the oversight of      21 fiscal year. The Statement of      bankruptcy on strong financial              the hearts of Your people,
created every temporal good in             Deacon Rick Christiansen, interim       Activities includes $248,000 PPP      footing. We have been very
the Garden and then entrusted              director of Finance, the College        loan forgiveness income received      prudent in controlling costs                Direct the counsels of those
them to Adam to cultivate and              of Consultors, and the Diocesan         directly by the diocese.              during that time, and we now look                 who are appointed
nurture. Adam was the caretaker            Finance Council. Independent                                                  forward to expanding ministries              to choose a bishop for the
of the Garden, receiving God’s             auditors have issued an opinion         The diocese was also blessed          that build up the Body of Christ                Diocese of New Ulm,
gifts gratefully, entrusted with           that the financial statements           through the generosity of our         when our new bishop is appointed           that we may be given a pastor
cultivating them responsibly. As           present fairly, in all material         benefactors. Parishes directly        as shepherd of the faithful in the        who in faithfulness and wisdom
the diocesan administrator for             respects, the financial position of     supported the work of the diocese     Diocese of New Ulm.                         shall lead Your people in the
the past nineteen months, as we            the Diocese of New Ulm and the          through $1,573,000 contributions                                                          way of holiness.
await the appointment of our fifth         results of its operations and cash      to the Diocesan United Fund           May God richly bless the work of
bishop, I also serve as caretaker          flows.                                  (DUF). The Diocesan Ministries        our hands, and may he pour his            Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
of the temporal goods given to                                                     Appeal (DMA) applied $785,000         Spirit upon us as stewards and                       Amen.
the Diocese of New Ulm for the             We are pleased to report that the       of donor gifts to support the work    caretakers of the temporal goods
Lord’s work.                               Statement of Activities for the         of several outreach ministries.       he has entrusted to us for his glory.       Mary, Mother of the Church,
                                           year reflects a strong financial        DMA donations remain restricted       It is his promise that the Lord will                         pray for us
In fact, as Christian stewards, we         position, with net assets on June       by donors only to be used for         not be outdone in generosity.
all receive God’s gifts gratefully,        30, 2021, of $17,992,000. Our net       those purposes. The diocese also

                                           Eucharistic Procession - “A time to boldly proclaim
   p ra rie
                                           our faith and love for Christ in the Eucharist”
        catholic                           (Continued from page 1.)                and a great renewal in the Church!
                                                                                   The Eucharistic Procession on
                                                                                                                         up a 700-foot brick path to a
                                                                                                                         chapel dedicated to the Mother of
                                                                                                                                                                 the diocese and boldly proclaim
                                                                                                                                                                 our faith and love for Christ in the
                                           According to the USCCB website          June 19 will begin the diocesan       Sorrows.                                Eucharist by taking Him to the
    The Prairie Catholic, the official
 newspaper for the Diocese of New Ulm      for this initiative, “The bishops       Year of Eucharistic Revival here                                              streets!
     since May 1972, is published          of the United States are calling        in the Diocese of New Ulm.            The Diocese of New Ulm
      every six weeks, Sept.-June.         for a three-year grassroots revival                                           Eucharistic Procession is meant to      For further details and updates
                                           of devotion and belief in the           Following the procession there        be a celebration! Consider making       regarding the Diocese of New
    Publisher: Msgr. Douglas Grams         Real Presence of Jesus in the           will be prayers and Benediction       it into a parish or area faith          Ulm Eucharistic Procession on
      Editor: Christine E. Clancy          Eucharist.” The website states          at the Cathedral followed by          community pilgrimage.                   June 19 (Corpus Christi), visit the
  Submission deadline is the 1st of each   that “the bishops believe that          a barbecue in Washington                                                      diocesan website, www.dnu.org.
      month prior to publication.          God wants to see a movement of          Park, across the street from the      Let’s get a huge crowd together
                                           Catholics across the United States,     Cathedral. Parking will be at the     from all over the diocese to
            Publication office:            healed, converted, formed, and          Cathedral. Bus transportation         inaugurate this great revival in
   Diocesan Pastoral Center, 1421 6th      unified by an encounter with Jesus      from the Cathedral to the Pastoral
   Street North, New Ulm, MN 56073;        in the Eucharist - and sent out in      Central will be provided from 3:00
          phone: 507-359-2966,
                                           mission ‘for the life of the world’”    to 3:45 p.m.
           Email: dnu@dnu.org
          Website: www.dnu.org                                                                                                          Learn more about the
                                           The Church teaches that the Holy        Come early to pray the 14
 Postmaster: Send notice on Form 3579,     Eucharist is the source and summit      devotions at the beautiful Diocese
                                                                                                                                    USCCB document on the Eucharist
 “The Prairie Catholic,” 1421 6th Street   of our lives as Catholics. The          of New Ulm’s Way of the Cross                               Watch a free online course
  North, New Ulm, MN 56073-2071.           Eucharist is central. It is the great   located behind the New Ulm
  Periodical postage paid at New Ulm                                                                                       A free course instructed by Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens, bishop
                                           gift of His Presence given to us by     Medical Center which leads up
     and additional mailing offices.                                                                                       of the Diocese of Crookston, Minn., and head of the USCCB
                                           Christ, who desires to remain with      the hill to the Diocesan Pastoral
            USPS 926-760.                  us always and encourages us to                                                  Committee for Evangelization and Catechesis, will help you
                                                                                   Center in New Ulm. This historic
                                           remain with him and receive and                                                 unpack the USCCB document on the Eucharist.
                                                                                   shrine has been part of diocesan
                                           be nourished by him. This great         history for 118 years. Its 14
     The Prairie Catholic                  gift at the heart of the Church is      stations, with statues imported         Visit eucharisticrevival.org for more resources on the revival,
      is available online                  the source of all true renewal. A       from Bavaria depicting the              including a document entitled “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the
       at www.dnu.org                      revival in Eucharistic faith and        Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus,       Life of the Church.”
                                           devotion will bring about healing       provide a quiet, reflective walk

                                                       The Prairie Catholic              l         Page 2         l         April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
diocesan church
                                       Diocese of New Ulm
                          Statement of Activities
                              (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021)

  2020-2021 Revenues $5.7 Million                                             2020-2021 Expenses $2.6 Million

Grants and Other Income     Diocesan United Fund                                     Personnel               Administration
         58%                        28%                                                22%                       37%

                                     Diocesan Ministries Appeal         21%
                                               14%                                    Worship and      Evangelization and Catechesis
                                                                                      Spiritual Life               17%

                          The Prairie Catholic       l       Page 3       l        April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
diocesan church
                En Tierra Buena                                              Priest to mark 50 years of service to diocese
por Monseñor Douglas Grams            durante la pandemia. Las ganancias                                          Monsignor Lozinski was ordained       John-Assumption in Faxon Twp.,
Administrador Diocesano               en el valor de los fondos invertidos                                        to the priesthood for the Diocese     St. Brendan in Green Isle, and St.
                                      representaron $2,216,000. La                                                of New Ulm on May 28, 1972,           Thomas (Oratory) in Jessenland).
Me acuerdo la historia en el libro    mayoría de las parroquias, escuelas                                         at the Church of St. Leo in St.
de Génesis cuando Dios creó           y el pastoral diocesano recibieron                                          Leo by Bishop Alphonse J.             On the diocesan level, he has
el huerto del Edén y lo confió a      préstamos a traves del Programa                                             Schladweiler.                         served as Defender of the Bond
Adán para que lo cultivara y lo       de Protección de cheques de pago                                                                                  and Associate Judge of the
cuidara. Su trabajo fue de cuidar     (PPP), prestamos que fueron                                                 Following ordination, he served at    Diocesan Marriage Tribunal, and
la creación de Dios. Adán cuidaba     perdonados durante el año fiscal                                            the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity     the Bishop’s Delegate for the
del jardin y recibia los regalos de   2020-21. La declaración de                                                  in New Ulm, St. Gregory the           Permanent Diaconate. Monsignor
Dios con gratitud, cultivandolo       actividades incluye $248,000 PPP                                            Great in Lafayette, St. Dionysius     Lozinski holds a Licentiate and
responsablemente. En mi caso,         prestamos perdonados recibidos                                              in Tyler, St. Genevieve in Lake       Masters Degree in Canon Law. He
como Administrador Diocesano          directamente por la diócesis.           Monsignor Eugene Lozinski           Benton, St. Catherine in Redwood      has served as Chancellor of the
durante los últimos diecinueve                                               Monsignor Eugene Lozinski will       Falls, St. Pius X in Glencoe, St.     diocese since 2004.
meses y mientras esperamos el         La diócesis también fue bendecida                                           Mary in Sleepy Eye, St. Paul
                                                                             mark his 50th anniversary of
nombramiento de nuestro quinto        gracias a toda la generosidad                                               in Comfrey, Japanese Martyrs          Monsignor Lozinski currently
                                      de nuestros benefactores. Las          ordination to the priesthood on
Obispo, también soy el guardian de                                           May 28, 2022. There will be a        in Leavenworth, St. Michael in        serves as Spiritual Advisor for the
los bienes temporales entregados      parroquias apoyaron el trabajo                                              Morgan and the oratory of St.         New Ulm Diocesan Council of
                                      de la diócesis a través de sus         Mass of Celebration on Sunday,
a la Diócesis de New Ulm para la                                             June 12, at 2:00 p.m. at the         Joseph in Clements. He currently      Catholic Women.
obra del Señor.                       contribuciones de $1,573,000                                                serves as parochial administrator
                                      al Fondo Diocesano (DUF). La           Church of St. Mary in New Ulm
                                                                             followed by a reception in the       for the Corpus Christi Area           In 2005, he was named Chaplain
De hecho, como administradores        Campaña para los Ministerios                                                Faith Community (St. Mary in          to His Holiness with the title of
                                      Diocesanos (DMA, por sus siglas        church basement.
cristianos, todos recibimos los                                                                                   Arlington, St. Michael in Gaylord,    Monsignor by Pope Benedict
regalos de Dios con gratitud, lo      en inglés) utilizó $785,000 de las     A native of Canby, Minn.,            St. Joseph in Henderson, St.          XVI.
cultivamos responsablemente,          donaciones para apoyar el trabajo
                                      de los diferentes ministerios. Las
compartiendo amorosamente en
materia de justicia con los demás
y devolver en creces al Señor. Es
                                      donaciones del DMA permanecen
                                      restringidas para los ministerios
                                                                             Deacon Stalboerger part of diocese’s first
una oración de agradecimiento y
confianza no dicha por nuestros
                                      designados solamente. La diócesis
                                      también recibió generosos
                                                                             ordination class of permanent deacons
labios sino vivir por el trabajo de   obsequios durante el año.                                                   held on March 21 at the Church of     Deacon Stalboerger was born
nuestras manos.                                                                                                   Our Lady of the Lakes in Spicer,      on July 6, 1946, in Mahnomen,
                                      La diócesis se esfuerza por                                                 with burial in the church cemetery.   Minn. He grew up on the family
Este mes nos enfocamos con el         ser un buen administrador de                                                                                      farm near Waubun and attended
resumen de los estados de cuentas     estos regalos a través de sus                                               Deacon Stalboerger entered the        Waubun High School, graduating
de finanzas en la Diócesis de New     ministerios. La administración de                                           Diocese of New Ulm’s permanent        in 1964. He attended North
Ulm (ver página 3). Este resumen      la diócesis representa el 37% de                                            deacon formation program in the       Dakota State University where he
corresponde al año que finalizó       sus gastos totales. El ministerio                                           fall of 2007 as an aspirant, and      received a bachelor’s degree in
el 30 de junio del 2021, dentro       de Evangelización y Catequesis                                              one year later was admitted to        Animal Science and Economics.
de este marco de transparencia y      utilizó $448,000, el ministerio de                                          candidacy for Holy Orders by
agradecimiento por las bendiciones    Adoración y Vida Espiritual utilizó                                         Bishop John M. LeVoir. He was         On Aug. 23, 1969, he married
de Dios y el apoyo desinteresado      $81,000, el Ministerio encargado        Deacon Kenneth Stalboerger          ordained a permanent deacon           Yvonne Trnka. They had two
de nuestros benefactores. Las         de las cuestiones sociales utilizó                                          on April 21, 2012, by Bishop          daughters, Kim and Kirsten. The
finanzas de la diócesis están         $567,000 y la formación y el           SPICER – Deacon Kenneth              LeVoir at the Church of St. Mary      couple made their home in Fargo
bajo la supervisión del Diácono       cuidado del clero de $569,000.         Stalboerger, a member of the         in Sleepy Eye. He was assigned        and later divorced. On Dec. 16,
Rick Christiansen, Director                                                  Diocese of New Ulm’s first           to his home parish, the Church        1977, he married Elta Solem.
Interino de Finanzas, el Colegio      La diócesis ha salido de la            ordination class of permanent        of Our Lady of the Lakes and          They had three children, Kelsy,
de Consultores y el Consejo           bancarrota con una base de             deacons, died on March 13, 2022,     assisted in the Jesus Our Living      Kate, and Kurt. The family resided
Diocesano de Finanzas.                finanza bien sólida. Hemos sido        at his home near New London,         Water Area Faith Community            in Thief River Falls before moving
                                      muy prudentes en controlar los         Minn. He was 75.                     (St. Clara, Clara City, St. Mary,     to New London in 2000.
Les informo que el estado de          gastos durante ese tiempo y ahora                                           Willmar, Our Lady of the Lakes,
actividades del año refleja un        esperamos ampliar los ministerios      A Mass of Christian Burial was       Spicer.)
estado de finanza sólida, con         para edificar el Cuerpo de Cristo

                                                                             Clergy receive new parish assignments
activos netos al 30 de junio del      cuando el nuevo obispo sea
2021 de $17,992,000. El activo        nombrado como el pastor de los
neto creció $3,307,000 en el curso    fieles en la Diócesis de New Ulm.
de los años.                                                                 NEW ULM – Upon the                   and St. Mary, Cottonwood) and         weekend and holy day assistance
                                      Que Dios bendiga abundantemente        recommendation of the Priest         the parishes of Our Lady of the       in our diocese.
El año pasado vimos las               el trabajo de nuestras manos, y que    Personnel Board, Monsignor           Prairie AFC (St. Mary, Tracy and
bendiciones de Dios como              derrame su Espíritu sobre nosotros     Douglas Grams, administrator of      St. Michael, Milroy.)                 Fr. Zach Peterson to serve as
resultado de una inversion            como administradores y cuidadores      the Diocese of New Ulm, has made                                                           parochial vicar to
sólida y con los programas            de los bienes temporales que nos       the following priest assignments.    Fr. Cornelius Ezeiloaku to serve                      the Church of St.
gubernamentales que nos apoyaron      ha confiado para su gloria.                                                                  as parochial vicar                   Aloysius in Olivia
                                                                             Effective July 1, 2022                                to the Church of                     as well as the other
                                                                             Fr. Shawn Polman to serve as                          St. Catherine in                     parishes in the
 Retirement celebration                                                                   parochial vicar to                       Redwood Falls as                     Heart of Jesus AFC
                  On Sunday, June 12, there will be a celebration in                      the Church of the                        well as the other    (St. Mary, Bird Island and Holy
                  honor of Fr. Keith Salisbury’s recent retirement from                   Holy Redeemer in                         parishes in the      Redeemer, Renville.) In addition,
                  active ministry. A Mass of Celebration will be held                     Marshall as well as     Light of the World AFC (St. Anne,     he will assist with Hispanic
                  at 12 noon at the Church of St Leo in St. Leo. A                        the other parishes      Wabasso and Our Lady of Victory,      ministry at the Church of St. Mary
                  reception will follow from 1-4:00 p.m. in the church                    in the Bread of Life    Lucan). In addition, he will serve    in Willmar as requested by the
                  basement. Fr. Salisbury retired March 31, 2022.            AFC (St. Clotilde, Green Valley      as a fill-in for priests needing      pastor.

                                                   The Prairie Catholic            l        Page 4            l     April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
diocesan church
Ordinations 2022: Soon-to-be priests ready to serve the Church
by Abbigail Saffert                     influenced by the example of
Prairie Catholic correspondent          faithfulness and holiness from
                                        his father. He recalled his dad
Three Diocese of New Ulm                bringing the problems and
seminarians will be ordained            decisions of everyday farm and
priests on Saturday, May 28, 2022,      family life to Mass each week and
at 10:00 a.m. at the Church of          laying them at the foot of the altar.
St. Mary in Sleepy Eye. If a new
bishop of the diocese has not been      “This is what you do as a priest,”
appointed at that time, Bishop          Thooft says. “You have nothing
Emeritus John M. LeVoir will            of yourself to offer. You bring the
return to the diocese to ordain the     parish to the Lord, lay them at            Deacon Tanner Thooft                  Deacon Nathan Hansen                       Deacon Joshua Bot
men.                                    the foot of the altar, and offer the          Scott & Debbie Thooft             Deacon John & Ruthann Hansen              Deacon Bruce & Juanita Bot
                                        sacrifice of the Mass for them.”              St. Edward, Minneota                     St. John, Darwin                      St. Edward, Minneota
Deacon Thooft
Thoughts about the priesthood           Thooft also drew on the lessons
came early for Deacon Tanner                                                    desire to help people,” he recalls.    Through this and many other             fraternity they had. It was different
                                        of the farm. “With the farm, you
Thooft. It was in second grade,                                                                                        moments, God continued to lead          from any other group of guys that
                                        really have to learn to rely on
when he attended regular Saturday                                               Hansen remembers falling asleep        Hansen through seminary. He             I had been a part of up to that
                                        God,” he says. “You do your
night Mass with his family, that he                                             one night thinking that he had no      remembers praying, “Well Lord, if       point. It was a group of guys who
                                        best. . .work and do everything
wondered what it was about the                                                  desire to spend his life behind a      you want me to go, you’ve got to        all wanted to grow in holiness
                                        perfectly, but it’s still up to God
priest celebrating Mass that drew                                               desk. “There’s no peace; there’s       make it happen.”                        and serve God’s Church, while
                                        whether things work out.”
so many people there each week.                                                 no joy there. I told my parents                                                supporting one another in doing
                                                                                and said I think I might be called     Hansen looks forward to seeing          so.”
                                        This focus on God in everyday
“I remember being really intrigued                                              to be a priest instead of spending     the Lord’s work as a priest in the
                                        life is also one of the aspects of
by that,” Thooft says. “There must                                              the year trying to become an           people around him. As a kid, he         Bot decided to enter the seminary,
                                        the priesthood Thooft is looking
be something special, something                                                 engineer.” With his parents’           remembers going with his parents        and in his third year, he spent time
                                        forward to most.
different here.”                                                                support, they all went out to coffee   to daily Mass and listening to the      studying and praying in Rome.
                                                                                to discuss this new path. Through      older generations telling stories       While there, a retreat experience
                                        “One of the great joys will be to
Thooft questioned his parents                                                   this conversation, Hansen decided      over coffee and donuts afterward.       became a turning point for him.
                                        visit with farmers and families, to
about it afterward. Living and                                                  to take a year off to discern. “That                                           “I was just praying to God asking
                                        walk into their everyday life, into                                            “What every priest needs to do
working on a farm with his family                                               was really life-giving for me to                                               him if this was something that I
                                        the joys, sorrows, great things,                                               is listen to his people. I think I
were the two most significant                                                   have that time to process and                                                  could really do, and be fulfilled in
                                        disasters. And I am bringing                                                   learned that when I was young,”
features of his life, so he asked                                               discern,” he says.                                                             doing,” said Bot. Being a husband
                                        Christ into this situation, whatever                                           says Hansen, recalling the stories
where his parish priest’s family                                                                                                                               and father was also something
                                        is happening. Even something like       The discernment led Hansen to          and lessons from those early
and farm were. When his parents                                                                                                                                Bot had a deep desire for, so he
                                        fall harvest, to put in the bulletin    begin speaking with the vocations      times. He continues to look
told him that the parish and                                                                                                                                   spent time praying for clarity. “As
                                        that Father’s day off is Monday,        director for the diocese, but he       forward to “really encountering
community were the priest’s                                                                                                                                    I prayed that prayer, I closed my
                                        and he would love to help in the        remained unsure. He took a             the people, being with them and
spiritual children, Thooft initially                                                                                                                           eyes and saw myself as a husband
                                        fields. The Lord loves these things.    construction job, but “as much as      seeing what God is doing with
thought that this path wasn’t for                                                                                                                              and father in a perfect family, with
                                        He’s given you the vocation to          I enjoy working with my hands,         their lives.” He also hopes to be
him. But yet, he wondered what                                                                                                                                 an awesome job. However, even
                                        be a farmer, so do it well, and         there was still no joy or peace.”      a good administrator and to be a
would make someone give up a                                                                                                                                   though everything was perfect, I
                                        you’re serving Christ - when you                                               faithful steward of the gifts his
family to pursue the priesthood?                                                                                                                               didn’t feel fulfilled,” he recalls.
                                        go to work, to the grocery store,       Hansen’s next step finally became      parish staff brings to the table, “to   When thinking of himself as a
                                        whatever you’re doing.”                 apparent on a TEC retreat              help take that from being a job to
The question of what was so                                                                                                                                    priest, though, even imagining a
                                                                                (Together Encounter Christ) where      being a vocation and having an          situation where everything was
important about the priest’s            Deacon Hansen                           young adults explore and deepen        encounter with the Lord, learning       going badly, Bot still found a
role stuck with Thooft through          Deacon Nathan Hansen started            their faith. “I encountered a guy      to thrive with the Lord and doing       sense of peace and fulfillment. “It
Catholic school and into                to consider the priesthood after        who said ‘seminary is a place for      his work.”                              was as if God was saying, ‘Even
high school when he had the             watching his father become a            young men to pursue the ways of
opportunity to go on a retreat.                                                                                                                                if all you had left was me, I would
                                        permanent deacon for the diocese        God.’”                                 Deacon Bot
At the time, he wasn’t much                                                                                                                                    still be enough for you.’ It was at
                                        in 2012.                                                                       For Deacon Joshua Bot,
interested in the retreat. “I didn’t                                                                                                                           that point that I really made my
                                                                                “That was clear,” Hansen said.         discernment started with a game         decision.”
want to get anything out of it - just   “As I was thinking about what I         “That’s where I want to be.” He        of chess. When his parish priest
get out of school.”                     wanted to do and what my mission        called the vocations director and      came to the family’s home for
                                        is, I started praying and asking                                                                                       Bot is looking forward to many
                                                                                entered the seminary.                  dinner, Bot, then a second-             aspects of being a priest. “I look
However, during a time of quiet         God what His plan was, so I just                                               grader, challenged him to a chess
prayer on the retreat, Thooft found     kept my heart open,” Hansen says.                                                                                      forward to serving God and living
                                                                                Hansen jokes that studying             match. “I lost in two moves,
himself walking the Stations of         “I kind of thought about the Old                                                                                       my life giving myself to Him
                                                                                philosophy in seminary “wasn’t         which immediately earned my
the Cross and feeling the sense         Testament stories, where God calls                                                                                     and his people by saying Mass,
                                                                                what got me out of bed in the          respect and admiration for him,”
that something in life wasn’t           you, but no one had called me like                                                                                     hearing confessions, and serving
                                                                                morning.” At one point while           remembers Bot. “However, I
quite right. “I couldn’t put my         that.”                                                                                                                 the people of God.”
                                                                                studying in Rome, he recalls           started from that time to see
finger on it,” he recalls. “I’ve got                                            seeing another man who loved           priests as more approachable,
friends, good grades, teachers like     While thinking and praying about        philosophy and thinking: “Lord,        which eventually led me asking            The Diocese of New Ulm
me; I love my family. But there’s       the decision, Hansen enrolled in a      I’m not like him. Why should I         myself whether I might be called            priest ordination on
something that’s off.” In praying       community college in Hutchinson,        keep going?” Hansen remembers          to that.”                               May 28 will be live-streamed at
and speaking with God, Thooft           Minn. On the drive to and from          walking by a little chapel and                                                 www.dnu.org. A recording of
realized that doing things his way      school, he listened to clergy speak     having the sense of the Lord           Bot pursued that question by
wasn’t leading to happiness, and        on Relevant Radio and thought                                                  visiting St. John Vianney College           the Mass will remain
                                                                                saying, “Nathan, I call who I call.”
that proved to be the turning point     he could see himself as a priest.                                              Seminary in St. Paul to consider              on the website for
that led him to seminary.               “There’s a lot of good a priest         “It’s not I who chose Him, but He      whether to enter. “I got to know            on-demand viewing.
In seminary, Thooft was                 can do, and I found myself with a       who chose me,” says Hansen.            the seminarians, and I saw that

                                                      The Prairie Catholic               l        Page 5         l      April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
social concerns
Laudato Si’ Action Platform                                                               The Laudato Si’ Goals
seven years to sustainability                                                  1. Response to the Cry of the Earth - Adoption
                                                                               of renewable energies and energy sufficiency measures,

P ope Francis’ encyclical
Laudato Si’, On Care for Our
                             businesses, organizations, and
                             religious orders) over seven
                                                                               carbon neutrality, protecting biodiversity, sustainable
                                                                               agriculture, and access to clean water for all.
                                        years. Any significance to the         2. Response to the Cry of the Poor - Defense
Common Home, was published              number seven?
May 24, 2015, and first released                                               of human life from conception to natural death and
on June 18 of that year. Laudato        A. In sacred Scripture, the            all forms of life on earth, with special attention to
Si’ means “Praise be to You,”           number seven signifies fullness or     vulnerable groups such as indigenous communities,
which is the first line of a canticle   completeness. Think of the seven       migrants, and children at risk through slavery.
by Saint Francis that praises God       days of creation or the seven          3. Ecological Economics - Sustainable production,
with all of his creation.               sacraments. The LSAP suggests          fair-trade, ethical consumption, ethical investments,
                                        the first year should be for           divestment from fossil fuels and any economic activity
In his papal letter, the Holy           planning, assessing where we are       harmful to the planet and the people, and investment
Father unites social justice,           now, and what we want to do to         in renewable energy.
economic inequity, and various          make progress towards the goals.
                                        The next five years are for putting    4. Adoption of Simple Lifestyles - Sobriety
issues related to ecology and the                                              in the use of resources and energy, avoid single-use
environment. The first encyclical       into action the changes needed to
                                        move towards those goals. The          plastic, adopt a more plant-based diet and reduce meat consumption, greater use of public transport, and avoid
of its kind, the pope’s words in                                               polluting modes of transportation.
Laudato Si’ have reached well           seventh-year is to be a time of
beyond the Catholic Church              celebrating!                           5. Ecological Education - Re-think and re-design educational curricula and educational institution reform
and have been highly praised by                                                in the spirit of integral ecology to create ecological awareness and action, promoting the ecological vocation of
people of all faiths.                   Q. Who can use the LSAP, and           young people, teachers, and leaders of education.
                                        how does one join the Platform?
                                                                               6. Ecological Spirituality- Recover a religious vision of God’s creation, encourage greater contact with the
Deacon Tim Dolan, director              A. Parishes, schools, families,        natural world in a spirit of wonder, praise, joy and gratitude, promote creation-centred liturgical celebrations,
of Social Concerns for the              organizations, and individuals         develop ecological catechesis, prayer, retreats, and formation.
Diocese of New Ulm, recently            are encouraged to learn all they
agreed to a question and answer         can about the LSAP. They can do        7. Emphasis on Community involvement - and participatory action to care for creation at the local,
for The Prairie Catholic with           this by going to www.laudatosi.        regional, national and international levels (promote advocacy and people’s campaigns, encourage rootedness in
environmental activist Judy             org, where they will find much         local territory and neighbourhood ecosystems.
Schindler of Bird Island about          information, including a short
Laudato Si’ and the pope’s seven-       video of Pope Francis inviting
year Action Platform.                   everyone to begin a seven-year        Benedict XVI likewise proposed          typical family uses hundreds            Editor’s note: Judy Schindler is a
                                        journey to total sustainability.      “Eliminating the structural causes      of plastics every year, much of         member St. Mary’s in Bird Island.
Q. In 2021, six years after its         They will learn about what is         of the dysfunctions of the world        which ends up in our landfills. The     During the 1980s and 1990s,
release, the Vatican officially         already happening worldwide in        economy and correcting models           Laudato Si’ Action Platform is an       she served on various diocesan
launched a seven-year Laudato           response to the pope’s encyclical     of growth which have proved             excellent start to help encourage       committees, including the
Si’ Action Platform (LSAP),             and practical ideas for moving        incapable of ensuring respect           communities throughout our              Ecumenical Committee, the Adult
a new global campaign to                towards greater sustainability.       for the environment.” He asked          diocese and beyond to begin             Education Advisory Committee,
bring the message of this 2015                                                us to “recognize that the natural       individual efforts like this. I am      and the Evangelization and
encyclical more fully into the          Q. What do you suppose                environment has been gravely            hopeful that the Action Platform        Catechesis Committee. She also
lives of the faithful. What are         inspired Pope Francis to write        damaged by our irresponsible            will inspire significant change         served as the New Ulm Diocesan
the seven goals of LSAP?                Laudato Si’? To whom is it            behavior and we need to                 and spark new ideas suitable to         Council of Catholic Women
A. Discerning a response to the         addressed?                            recognize any higher instance than      our planet earth. As Pope Francis       (NUDCCW) International Affairs
ecological crisis is a profound                                               ourselves, when we see nothing          wrote, “All of us can cooperate as      Commission chairperson and as
                                        A. Interestingly, as a young          else but ourselves.”                    instruments of God for the care         NUDCCW vice-president.
act of care. In his encyclical, the     man, the Holy Father trained
Holy Father states this: “Caring                                                                                      of creation, each according to his
                                        to be a chemist and worked as
for our brothers and sisters means                                            Q. The whole climate issue              or her own culture, experience,
                                        a technician in a food science
                                                                              is pretty overwhelming. Do              involvements, and talents” (LS                Laudato Si’ Week
caring for the home we share.” At       laboratory. To understand how
this point, action is needed, and                                             you feel there is a connection          14).                                          May 22-29, 2022!
                                        he was led to write Laudato Si,
the seven goals found in Laudato                                              between climate change and the                                                   Learn more about this special
                                        we need only to look back to
Si can guide our actions and call                                             issue of right-to-life? And what        United Nations report paints a           week at www.laudatosiweek.
                                        previous popes. Pope Francis
for both a spiritual and cultural                                             are some steps ordinary people          dire picture of our future.
                                        included some of their documents,                                                                                      org. This year’s theme is
revolution to realize essential                                               can start doing right now to help       According to a United Nations
                                        writings, and quotes that focused                                                                                      Integral Ecology: Pursuing
ecology.                                                                      slow the climate change process?        report on April 4, 2022, we
                                        on environmental concerns in his                                                                                       the Common Good for our
                                                                                                                      learned that if we do not reduce
The seven goals of this vital           encyclical. For example, in 1971,     A. As a Catholic, the issue of          pollutant-bearing emissions and          Common Home. For resources,
Action Platform are:                    Saint Pope Paul VI referred to        right-to-life holds a high standard.                                             ideas, and inspiration,
                                                                                                                      other contaminants across all
1. Response to the cry of the           the ecological concern as “a tragic   I agree with the United Nations                                                  visit The Catholic Climate
                                                                                                                      sectors, limiting global warming
    earth;                              consequence” of unchecked human       Environment Programme (UNEP)                                                     Covenant website, www.
                                                                                                                      to 1.5°C is beyond reach. Though
2. Response to the cry of the poor;     activity: “Due to an ill-considered   website, www.unep.org, when                                                      catholicclimatecovenant.org/.
                                                                                                                      this report tends to paint a dire
3. Ecological economics;                exploitation of nature, humanity      it states: “Human rights and the                                                 For more information about
                                                                                                                      picture of the future, it also
4. Adoption of sustainable              runs the risk of destroying it and    environment are intertwined;                                                     the LSAP, contact the diocesan
                                                                                                                      indicates that there is still time
   lifestyles;                          becoming, in turn, a victim of this   human rights cannot be enjoyed                                                   Office of Social Concerns,
                                                                                                                      to mitigate the most severe
5. Ecological lifestyles;               degradation.” Saint John Paul II      without a safe, clean, and healthy      consequences of climate change.          tdolan@dnu.org; (509) 233-
6. Ecological spirituality; and         became increasingly concerned         environment; and sustainable            Positive changes made now can            5326.
7. Community resilience and             about the environmental issue.        environmental governance cannot         allow for a livable future, and it is
   empowerment.                         He warned that human beings           exist without the establishment of
                                                                                                                      important that each one of us take
                                        frequently seem “to see no            and respect for human rights.”
                                                                                                                      the time to learn what we can do
Q. The pope’s encyclical                other meaning in their natural        One way to make a positive
                                                                                                                      as a society that will stimulate us
is addressed to all people of           environment than what serves for      change is to reduce the amount
                                                                                                                      to do what must be done to clean
goodwill. The LSAP is addressed         immediate use and consumption.”       of single-use plastics such as
                                                                                                                      up “our common home.”
to seven sectors (families,             Subsequently, he would call for       grocery bags, straws, and take-
parishes, schools, hospitals,           global ecological conversion.         out containers that we use. A

                                                    The Prairie Catholic             l         Page 6         l         April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
family life
Diocese of New Ulm Marriage Preparation Program provides tools to
build a strong and healthy marriage for engaged couples
by Katie Ballalatak                      CrM FertilityCare practioner.
Prairie Catholic correspondent           Beyond coordinating the
                                         Marriage Preparation Program
NEW ULM – Each year, the                 and its presenters, she spends
Diocese of New Ulm Office of             considerable time collaborating
Family Life conducts up to six           with other diocesan Family Life
Marriage Preparation Programs            offices throughout the state. “We
that allow engaged Catholic              as family life directors have
couples to study and understand          ongoing conversations about how
the richness and beauty of               we think we can most effectively
the teachings of the Catholic            reach our couples today. What are
Church on marriage and family.           the specific needs of our couples
These one-day programs feature           that are coming to us? How do we
committed Catholic married               respond to the needs that society
couples who present on the topic         presents?”
of marriage. They bring these
teachings to life through the            As a result of these discussions,
sharing of their own experiences         all Minnesota dioceses have a
– all to help engaged couples            standard pre-marriage preparation
prepare for the Sacrament of             program, and each meets the
Marriage.                                requirements needed to get
                                         married in the Catholic Church.
Roger and Deb Schroeder,                 This allows engaged couples to
parishioners of Holy Redeemer in         attend any of the pre-marriage
Marshall, and Deacon Russ and            programs in the state, should
Debbie Blaschko, parishioners            scheduling conflicts come into
of St. Peter in St. Peter, have          play.
served the diocese as marriage
preparation presenters for 20            “I think that’s been a real positive   Sr. Candace Fier (front), director of the diocesan Office of Family Life is pictured with her team of
and 34 years, respectively. Both         for us in the sense that it makes it   marriage preparation presenters (front-back) Roger and Deb Schroeder and Debbie and Deacon Russ
couples consider this opportunity        much easier to serve our couples,”     Blaschko.                                                                          (Photo by Christine Clancy)
a gift – one they genuinely love         says Sr. Candace.
giving again and again to Catholic                                                                                     important. It might not always          marriage is not easy. You need the
                                         Above all, Sr. Candace says            During their years of marriage
couples throughout the year.                                                                                           look like a retreat. But especially     grace of matrimony to survive the
                                         it’s important for the diocese to      presenting, the Schroeders
The Marriage Preparation Program         provide engaged couples with           have primarily spoken on               after kids and careers take over        long haul,” said Deacon Russ.
focuses on six C’s.                      good role models and support           communication and conflict –           our lives, it’s so important to have
s Commitment unfolds marriage            from couples living strong faith       topics they say they “fell” into but   dedicated time as a couple,” said       Like Roger and Deb, Deacon Russ
as a sacrament, a visible sign of        lives. “All of our presenters view     consider of the utmost importance.     Roger.                                  and Debbie’s years in marriage
God’s love, that is faithful, fruitful   their presentation as a gift to the    “Communication is just so key                                                  ministry have also positively
and forever.                             future marriage of each couple.        and so important in a marriage.        Meet the Blaschkos                      affected their family life. “I feel
s Communication explores ways            I encourage couples to take            It’s something we’ve worked            Deacon Russ and Debbie, who             like this is the perpetual marriage
for couples to share themselves,         advantage of that – to take the        hard to keep open in our own           will celebrate 40 years of marriage     class,” says Debbie. “Because we
their values, ideals, and hopes for      time to ask questions and really       marriage,” said Deb.                   in September, started presenting        always have to go through our
their own relationship, their family                                                                                   in 1988.                                talks and update things, and then
                                         be enriched by what those couples
and beyond.                                                                     In between presentations, Roger                                                we’re forced to discuss things.”
                                         can give.”
s Conflict resolution explores                                                  and Deb make themselves                At that time, the couple presented
skills to restore harmony in             Meet the Schroeders                    available and have had couples         on finances and career due to           For Deacon Russ, the experience
relationships in a Christ-like and       Married for 28 years and the           approach them to talk about            Deacon Russ’ background in              of marriage ministry always
charitable manner.                                                              addiction, family life, or specific    banking. Today, they continue to        reminds him that his children
                                         parents of seven children, Roger
s Career and finance speaks of                                                  questions they didn’t feel             give the career talk, but also speak    are constantly watching their
                                         and Deb ultimately became
time, talent, and treasure and the                                                                                     about children and natural family
                                         involved in marriage ministry to       comfortable bringing to a larger                                               marriage. “They have been
sharing of those in the family, the                                                                                    planning, something they really
                                         give back to engaged couples in        group setting.                                                                 learning by how we interact, how
Church, and the world.                                                                                                 have a passion for “because it’s
s Children and parenting                 the Catholic Church. Twenty years                                                                                     we embrace each other, how we
                                         later, their intention remains the     The Schroeders’ time spent in          healthy, effective, and a gift,” said   solve our problems,” he said.
highlights the relationship of
                                         same. “We believe so strongly          marriage ministry has helped build     Deacon Russ.                            “All married couples should live
family and how the couple is
enriched through their use of            in the sacrament of marriage,”         and strengthen their marriage                                                  their lives knowing their children
natural family planning (NFP), as        said Roger. “We know the joys of       as well: “Every time we are            When it comes to finances, the          are going to imitate the way they
they seek to parent their children.      being married and the importance       preparing to present, we see things    Blaschkos recommend and work            worked through marriage. If I live
s Church explores faith and              of staying together, and we like       from a different light which has       with the couples through the idea       my marriage with joy and hope
spirituality in marriage,                helping where we can.”                 just enriched our own marriage         of “family backgrounds” and how         and reconciliation, I can hope my
highlighting interfaith issues and                                              along the way,” said Deb.              an individual’s family background       children will observe that and will
the importance of prayer.                Deb agrees: “We love having                                                   may affect how a couple interacts       do the same.”
                                         the opportunity to share our           When it comes to fostering a           with each other.
Sr. Candace Fier, ISSM, is the           experiences and some of our            marriage after the wedding, Roger                                              Editor's note: Couples interested
director of the Office of Family         own ups and downs of marriage          and Deb encourage couples to           The common theme of                     in becoming a Marriage Program
Life for the Diocese of New              with others so they can gain           continue to dedicate time to the       sacramental grace weaves                presenter should contact the Office
Ulm. She holds a masters degree          information that could potentially     relationship, specifically through     throughout the Blaschkos’               of Family Life, cfier@dnu.org,
in Marriage and Family and               help them in their own marriages,”     marriage retreats. “That time          presentations. “We invite them to       (507) 233-5328.
is also a nurse and a certified          she said.                              dedicated to your relationship is      ask for the grace of matrimony. A

                                                      The Prairie Catholic              l        Page 7          l      April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm

Extra! Extra! The Prairie Catholic celebrates 50 years of pastoral news
by Christine Clancy
The Prairie Catholic

T he year was 1972, and the first issue of
NEWSLETTER rolled off the press!

Here’s the rest of the story. . .

On Nov. 18, 1957, the Diocese of New
Ulm was established. Bishop Alphonse J.
Schladweiler was appointed to shepherd the
newly formed diocese. Up until 1972, the
                                                 The NEWSLETTER was the result of several years of planning by clergy, religious,
majority of the news about the new see was
                                                 and lay people. The newspaper’s first editorial team included Margaret Knutson,
relayed to the diocesan faithful through a       (left), Bill McGarry, Fr. Donald Eichinger-editor, Fr. Henry LeMay, Lois Willette,
single-page information sheet maintained         and Fr. Eugene Brown.                          (Photos from Prairie Catholic archives)
by a close association with The Catholic
Bulletin, (renamed The Catholic Spirit in        the 15 counties comprising the Diocese of            Marshall, Minn. allowed the NEWSLETTER
1996), the newspaper of the Archdiocese          New Ulm.                                             production team to use his company’s
of Saint Paul. (The archdiocese was                                                                   printing press. Mailing labels were provided
renamed the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and        The newly formed newspaper’s production              by Dave Theisen of the Crow River Press
Minneapolis in 1966).                            team included the editor, Fr. Donald                 in Hutchinson, Minn.
Early in his leadership, Bishop Schladweiler     Eichinger, who at the time was also serving
expressed his desire to have greater             as pastor of the Church of the Japanese              When the Marshall newspaper changed                 Above: Front page of NEWSLETTER’s
communication with pastoral leaders and          Martyrs in Leavenworth, Margaret Knutson             hands that same year, Fr. Eichinger arranged        premiere issue on May 27, 1972. In
the diocesan faithful he was entrusted to        of Hutchinson, Bill McGarry of Appleton,             for the printing and addressing of mailing          1986, the paper was renamed The Prairie
care for. Acting on the recommendation           Fr. Henry LeMay who was also serving                 labels to be done by Mickelson Media of             Catholic.
of the diocesan Liturgical Commission,           as pastor of the Church of St. Andrew in             New Ulm. By the end of the first year, the
the bishop gave his approval for a “news         Granite Falls, Lois Willette of Olivia, and          entire printing of the NEWSLETTER was
sheet” that would be mailed once a month,        Fr. Eugene Brown who was also serving as             managed by the House of Print in Madelia,           a need for another publication in our midst?
free of charge, to every registered Catholic     pastor of the Church of St. Leo in St. Leo.          Minn. The Prairie Catholic continues to be          There is because this paper will be storied
household. It would include information                                                               printed in Madelia.                                 applications of our day-to-day Christian
about the activities of parishes and             Newspaper a concerted effort.                                                                            experiences. No other paper tells of this
significant diocesan and parish events.          Regional secular newspapers in the diocese           In his first pastoral letter published in           daily struggle and the triumphs and failures
                                                 pitched in to help with the production of the        the NEWSLETTER, Bishop Schladweiler                 of the people of God in the Diocese of New
After several years of planning by numerous      NEWSLETTER, which was being financially              expounded on the newspaper’s mission. He            Ulm.”
clergy, religious, and laypersons, the first     supported by the Diocesan United Fund, an            wrote: “Today, the diocese ventures into
edition of the eight-page NEWSLETTER             annual parish assessment that helps support          journalism. There has been a long period            Newspaper gets a new name!
was printed on May 27, 1972. It was              all of the ministries of the diocese.                of expectation. Our priests and people have         In 1975 Bishop Schladweiler’s request for
produced ten times per year, September                                                                greatly desired this paper. I look upon it          retirement was accepted by Pope Paul VI,
through June, and was mailed to households       For the first number of issues, A.J. Henle           first of all as a reflection in print of our holy
of the nearly 70,000 registered Catholics in     of the Lyon County Independent in                    faith and of the Catholic way of life. Is there                          (Continued on page 9.)

Pope Francis expresses ‘sorrow and shame’ for Catholic role in abuse against
Indigenous peoples; meets Canadian Indigenous leaders at the Vatican
by Catholic News Agency               saying he was sorry for the historic       He condemned the colonization             – for the role that a number of         rendered to the Gospel,” he added.
                                      evil committed against Canadian            which broke the Indigenous peoples        Catholics, particularly those with
Editor’s note: On April 1, 2022, at   Indigenous peoples.                        away from their native land and           educational responsibilities, have      “It is my hope,” Francis continued,
the Vatican, Pope Francis made                                                   ways of life, stating that “in this       had in all these things that wounded    “that our meetings in these days
a historic apology to Indigenous      Pope Francis, who had private              way, great harm was done to your          you, in the abuses you suffered and     will point out new paths to be
peoples for the “deplorable” abuses   meetings with the Métis, Inuit,            identity and your culture, many           in the lack of respect shown for your   pursued together, instill courage
they suffered in Canada’s Catholic-   and First Nations delegations, said        families were separated, and great        identity, your culture and even your    and strength, and lead to greater
run residential schools and said he   “listening to your voices, I was able      numbers of children fell victim           spiritual values,” he stated.           commitment on the local level.
hoped to visit Canada in late July    to enter into and be deeply grieved        to these attempts to impose a                                                     Any truly effective process of
to deliver the apology in person to   by the stories of the suffering,           uniformity based on the notion that       “All these things are contrary to       healing requires concrete actions.
survivors of the Church’s misguided   hardship, discrimination and various       progress occurs through ideological       the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” he         In a fraternal spirit, I encourage
missionary zeal.                      forms of abuse that some of you            colonization, following programs          underlined. “For the deplorable         the Bishops and the Catholic
                                      experienced, particularly in the           devised in offices rather than the        conduct of those members of the         community to continue taking steps
VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis           residential schools.”                      desire to respect the life of peoples.”   Catholic Church, I ask for God’s        towards the transparent search
has expressed his “sorrow and         “It is chilling to think of determined     The pope said that learning about         forgiveness and I want to say to you    for truth and to foster healing and
shame” for the role Catholics have    efforts to instill a sense of              these situations made him feel deep       with all my heart: I am very sorry.”    reconciliation.”
played in the abuse of Indigenous     inferiority, to rob people of their        indignation and shame, “because it        “Clearly, the content of the faith
peoples in Canada, especially         cultural identity, to sever their roots,   is not right to accept evil and, even     cannot be transmitted in a way          “I wish to tell you that the Church
in residential schools. During a      and to consider all the personal and       worse, to grow accustomed to evil,        contrary to the faith itself: Jesus     stands beside you and wants to
meeting with representatives of       social effects that this continues to      as if it were an inevitable part of the   taught us to welcome, love, serve       continue journeying with you,”
the Métis, Inuit, and First Nations   entail: unresolved traumas that have       historical process.”                      and not judge; it is a frightening      Pope Francis said.
groups at the Vatican on April 1,     become intergenerational traumas,”                                                   thing when, precisely in the name
the pope condemned colonization,      he said.                                   “I feel shame – sorrow and shame          of the faith, counter-witness is

                                                  The Prairie Catholic                  l          Page 8           l          April/May 2022
"The Aroma of Christ" (2 Cor 2:15) - Diocese of New Ulm
Catholic life
A final farewell                                                                                                        Easter - a time to encounter
New Council president installed at April convention                                                                     the Resurrection of our
                                        Those of us serving on the             Finstad, a member of the Cathedral
                                        NUDCCW board continued to
                                        make plans for upcoming events,
                                                                               of the Holy Trinity in New
                                                                               Ulm, was installed as the new            Risen Lord
                                        which often had to be canceled.        NUDCCW president. She has
                                        We went from meeting in person to      served on the NUDCCW Board as
                                                                                                                               hen the risen Jesus
                                        meeting via Zoom, which provided       president-elect since last summer.
                                                                                                                        encounters his disciples on the
                                        yet another new adventure for          (More about Finstad and the
                                        many of us board members. It was       convention will appear in the June       road to Emmaus, it is quite clear
                                        a presidency that provided many        issue of The Prairie Catholic.)          that their journeying away from
                                        twists and turns (not unlike those                                              Jerusalem is in fact a journeying
                                        who came before me), but it was        Jackie is a warm and welcoming,          away from hope.
                                        definitely different.                  faith-filled woman who will bring
                                                                               a fresh perspective that breathes        They have witnessed their friend,
                                        As I am writing this, final            new life into the Council of             their hoped-for savior die; they
      by Barb Mathiowetz                preparations are being made for        Catholic Women.                          have seen their community            as members of God’s one human
   former NUDCCW president              the annual NUDCCW Convention,                                                   scattered; they have understood      family.
This is my last article as the New      which will have taken place on         As I write these final words, I          their trust in God to have been
                                        April 30. I would like to thank        would like to thank all those in the     misplaced. What is left for them     We encounter Christ, too,
Ulm Diocesan Council of Catholic
Women (NUDCCW) president, a             the women of Holy Redeemer             Diocese of New Ulm who do so             now?                                 within ourselves. And in these
position I have held for two years.     Catholic Church for all their          much through the DCCW.                                                        encounters, we have reason to
My term began at the end of             hard work and dedication in the                                                 Jesus, of course, turns them         hope. Because God is not done
April 2020, which was also the          planning and hosting this day          I am inspired by your faith and          around – quite literally. The        yet – and so long as we have
beginning of the COVID-19               which they had initially planned       the love you bring to our Church         encounter with the risen Christ      strength to continue the work of
pandemic. Back then, no one knew        for in 2020 and then re-planned for    and communities. With a sincere          means a renewed encounter with       building a culture of encounter,
what the months ahead would             2021 and planned again for 2022!       and grateful heart, I say my             hope; that God is not done yet;      of responding to our Gospel call,
entail for NUDCCW and like                                                     final farewell as the president of       that darkness and suffering do not   neither are we.
everyone else, we took it one day       New president installed.               NUDCCW. May God’s blessing be            have the final word.
at a time.                              At the April convention, Jackie        upon each one of you.                                                         How are you called to join with
                                                                                                                        Indeed, this story continues to      others to “turn around” and
Newspaper a key instrument of evangelization                                                                            unfold in our own time. We
                                                                                                                        look out at a world wracked by
                                                                                                                                                             challenge injustice that you see
                                                                                                                                                             or experience?
(Continued from page 8.)                From 1986 to 2017, The Prairie         valuable teaching tool that aims to      hunger, poverty, war, injustice
                                        Catholic continued publishing ten      assist the bishop and his diocesan       and we, too, feel like walking       How can you work with others to
and a new shepherd was named.           times a year, September–June. In       staff, clergy, and parishes. It has      away. Where should we place our      be a sign of Christ’s Resurrection
Bishop Raymond A. Lucker was            March of 2017, when the diocese        remained a key instrument of             hope when the challenges seem        in your community?
installed on Feb. 19, 1976, as the      filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy        evangelization and an essential          insurmountable?
second bishop of the diocese.           to manage legal expenses and           presence in the life of the Diocese                                           Editor’s note: This reflection
                                        facilitate settlements with clergy     of New Ulm. For some in the              This is the story of resurrection.   was first published in CRS
Recognizing the growing                 sexual abuse survivors, the            diocese, the newspaper is their          We encounter Christ daily in the     Rice Bowl’s Encounter Lent:
interest and a need for improved        Communications office was              only means of Catholic education         faces of our neighbors, of those     Theological & Scriptural
communication with the people of        downsized to a staff of one, and the   and spiritual formation.                 we meet in our work, our home,       Reflections and appeared on
the diocese, in 1979 Bishop Lucker      newspaper was reduced to seven                                                  on our streets, those whom we        WeAreSaltAndLight.org.
formed the diocesan Office of           issues published every six weeks       Although e-newsletters, websites,
                                                                                                                        have yet to meet face to face but
Communications and appointed Fr.        (September-June).                      social media, blogs, and email
                                                                                                                        with whom we are intricately tied
Dennis Labat to serve as part-time                                             have become an essential part
director while remaining associate      The diocesan newspaper continues       of any Church communications
pastor of the Church of St. Mary        to be financially supported by the     strategy, by the grace of God
in Sleepy Eye and teaching at St.       Diocesan United Fund (DUF), in         and the financial support from
Mary’s High School.                     addition to donor contributions        the faithful in the pews, the
                                        to the annual United States            diocesan newspaper will continue
In 1984, Paula Marti was hired to       Conference of Catholic Bishops         to make an imprint in helping
serve as the first full-time director   Catholic Communications                those in our parishes deepen their
of the Office of Communications         Campaign, as well as an annual         understanding of their Catholic
and assumed the newspaper editor        Home Missions Grant. The               faith and be a part of the life of the
responsibilities shortly thereafter.    newspaper continues to be mailed       Church.
In 1986, NEWSLETTER readers             free to all registered Catholic
were invited to participate in a
“Name the Diocesan Newspaper”
                                        households in the diocese.             Editor’s note: Christine Clancy
                                                                               is editor of The Prairie Catholic.                           Summer Camps
contest. The expectation of the         Valued teaching tool.                  She has served the Diocese of New
contest was to find a name that         Throughout these past 50 years,        Ulm Office of Communications                tCamp Beloved - Girls’ Camp
would more clearly reflect what         the diocesan newspaper has been a      since 1987.                                 July 23-25 (grades 6-8) July 26-29 (grades 9-12)
the diocese was – A people and
a place in one of the most rural
dioceses in the nation.                                     Newspaper archives now available                               tCamp Greatness - Boys’ Camp
                                                                                                                           July 3-Aug. 1 (grades 6-8) Aug. 2-5 (grades 9-12)
                                                           The Prairie Catholic and the NEWSLETTER
Out of the nearly 300 names                                are now available digitally through an online
submitted, Betty Heymans of                                archive. Be sure to check out this great resource                Held at Schoenstatt-on-the-Lake in Sleepy Eye
Sleepy Eye won with her entry,                             for documented voices, events, and Christian
The Prairie Catholic. The                                                                                                  Online registration is available through the diocesan Office of
                                                           teachings that have shaped the Diocese of New
new masthead appeared in the                                                                                               Youth & Young Adult Ministry, www.dnu.org/youth, or contact
                                        Ulm for the past 50 years. Visit www.dnu.org - The Prairie Catholic
September 1986 edition of the                                                                                              Kevin Losleben, director, klosleben@dnu.org, (507) 233-5327.

                                                  The Prairie Catholic              l          Page 9           l         April/May 2022
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