The Apprentice Levy journey - Monday 13th July2020 - Postgraduate Careers Service

Page created by Bill Greene
The Apprentice Levy journey - Monday 13th July2020 - Postgraduate Careers Service
Postgraduate Careers Service

The Apprentice Levy journey

Monday 13th July2020
The Apprentice Levy journey - Monday 13th July2020 - Postgraduate Careers Service
Postgraduate Careers Service

What is an Apprentice-Levy funded MBA?

Senior Leader Master’s Degree Apprenticeship (SLMDA) – Level 7
Funded through Employer and Government contributions, a mechanism that
enables you to:
• Apply the Knowledge you are gaining on the MBA
• Develop the Skills and Behaviours required for Senior Managers

A generic Masters in Business Administration designed to develop the skills
required for careers in business and management. It provides the Knowledge
(theoretical) component of the SLMDA standards aka toolkit required by
Senior Managers across all sectors.
Postgraduate Careers Service

What does the Apprentice’s journey look like?

1.     Skills Scan
       Establishes your ‘starting point’. Compares your current Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours
       against Standards for Senior Managers (1-4 competency scale)*

2.     Gap Analysis
       Simply the difference between your Knowledge Skills and Behaviours against the Standards
       (gaps required!)

3.     Filling the gaps – identifying projects/opportunities
       Identify projects and opportunities within your organisation where you can develop the
       Skills and Behaviours required (the Knowledge development comes from the MBA)

4.     Prepare for Gateway to End Point Assessment
       Collect evidence showing that ALL your Skills and Behaviours are at Senior Manager level
       (Knowledge provided through MBA – required to pass; evidence through application)
*Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IATE) working with a group of employers
Postgraduate Careers Service

How is the Apprenticeship assessed?

                                                                   End Point
    On Programme                       Gateway                                                Qualification
                                                               Assessment (EPA)
     Jul20-Oct22e                       Oct22e                   Dec22/Jan23e
• OTJ (Off The Job            • Award of MBA                 2-hour ‘viva’ at AMBS or    + MBA
  training) log 20% of        • Evidence-based               virtual (conducted by
  your contracted hours         portfolio                    CMI*)                       + Chartered Manager
  (Pebble Pad)                • 4,000 word report on         • Project Showcase (20’     status (awarded by CMI*)
• Evidence of Skills &          Work-Based Project              presentation + 20’
  Behaviours at Senior        • English & Maths Level 2         Q&A) on Work-Based
  Manager level               • Employer confirms               Project
• Work-Based Project            attainment of Senior         • Professional
  (Individual)                  Manager standard                discussion (1 hour
                                                                ‘interview’ ) based on

*CMI = Chartered Management Institute = Assessors of SLMDA
Postgraduate Careers Service

Support and monitoring on the journey

1.    Off-The-Job (OTJ) 20% /@780 hours*
      Record how/where you are developing your Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours using the
      20% Apprentice time agreed with your employer (@30 hours/month). Monitored by your
      Work-Based Mentor (WBM) and the AMBS Practice-Based Tutor (PBT)

2.    Quarterly Review Meetings (QRM)
      Required quarterly meetings (virtual) between MBA Apprentice, WBM and PBT. Last @

3.    Work Based Mentor (WBM)
      The mentor plays a key role both in mentoring you and supporting your access to
      appropriate projects and opportunities, particularly in other areas of your
      business/organisation. Average monthly time commitment (estimate) 1 hour. NB: If the
      WBM is too senior, they may be less available for support and QRM meetings.

*Off the Job = you are learning something NEW that is ALIGNED to Senior Manager Standards; based on Contract hours.
Postgraduate Careers Service

Emma Pownall
Apprentice Levy MBA – July 2019 start (Cohort 2)
Postgraduate Careers Service

  Your Practice Based Tutor* (PBT) team

    Kirsty Stewart                  Jessica Nield   Naomi Blackwell         Jane McKay

    Emily Fenlon                    Sara Russell     Katie Sergeant        Dominique D’Arcy
*Eqch Levy MBA is allocated a PBT
Postgraduate Careers Service

Next Steps

1.   Look out for your Pebble Pad registration
     ‒ sent 13Jul20
2.   Book your ‘First Contact’ phone call
     ‒ Email with doodle poll (availability)
     ‒ 15-30 minutes
     ‒ Before end July
3.   Typical First Contact call agenda:
     ‒ Pebble Pad familiarisation
     ‒ Activating your OTJ aggregator
     ‒ Locate and download Skills Scan
     ‒ Off the Job Training (recording)
     ‒ Work Based Mentor
4.   Quarterly Review Meeting (QRM1)
     ‒ Before end September
Postgraduate Careers Service
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