The American Brittany - July 2021 Volume LXXIII Number 7 - PAID POSTAGE

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The American Brittany - July 2021 Volume LXXIII Number 7 - PAID POSTAGE
The American Brittany
                 July 2021 • Volume LXXIII • Number 7

Marshfield, MO
The American Brittany - July 2021 Volume LXXIII Number 7 - PAID POSTAGE
The American Brittany - July 2021 Volume LXXIII Number 7 - PAID POSTAGE
                                                 Objective and Purpose:
             To promote cooperation and friendship among the breeders and owners of Brittanys and to encourage higher
          standards in breeding, training and showing of Brittanys in the field and in the show ring; to discourage the breed
          from becoming split into groups of “field dogs” and “show dogs” and to strive to keep it forever a “dual dog”.

Special Features
    4.     ABC Michigan Brittany Classic/Championship
    25.    All About Puppies by Dave Webb

    2.     Officers & Directors                                       37.      Listings: Kennels, At Stud, Trainers & Handlers
    3.     Magazine & Advertising Rates                               38.      Calendar Of Events
    35.    Regional Club Secretaries, Web Sites & Directors           39.      National Champions
    36.    Other Web Site Listings                                    40.      Application for Membership

Frequent Features
    29.    Action at AKC by Jeri K. Conklin
    34.    Futurity Litter Nomination Form

Field Trials, Hunt Tests & Specialty Shows
    FIELD TRIALS                                                       19.      Oregon
    8.   Southern New England                                          20.      2021 Western Brittany Shooting Dog Championship
    9.   Anthracite, Central New England                               21.      Western Brittany All Age Championship
    10.  Ohio, Michigan                                                22.      Whid Isle, Inland Empire
    11.  Niagara Frontier, Hawkeye                                     23.      Washington
    12.  Greater Milwaukee                                             24.      Idaho, Wasatch Front
    13.  Badger, Minnesota, Sooner
    14.  2021 Texas Amateur All Age Championship                       HUNT TESTS
    15.  Southern Kansas                                               27.  La Salle, Buckeye, Southern Kansas
    16.  Region 17 AAA Championship
    17.  Nebraska, 2021 Nebraska Open All Age

                            Cover: 2020 National Specialty Best Junior Handler Paige Gieble
Sponsored by:                                                                 Please send Change of address notices to

                                                                                         ISSN 0199-7297 • P.O. Box 503
                                                                                               Orefield, PA 18069
The American Brittany - July 2021 Volume LXXIII Number 7 - PAID POSTAGE
Webster County Printing, Publisher
                        P.O. Box 616 • Marshfield, MO 65706
                        (417) 468-6250 • FAX (417) 468-5860
                       Magazine Chairman, Dana Na’ayem
                       P.O. Box 616, Marshfield, MO 65706
                (417) 468-6250 • Email:
                            CONTRIBUTING EDITORS:
 Carla Simon • Mary Jo Trimble • Jeri Conklin • Kent Patterson
  Rick Smith • Sharon Potter • Marty Garrell • Sheila Cordner
           Bob Fleury • Tom Word • Hank Hartnek
 Sponsored by: PURINA Chosen by Champions,
            a GARMIN company Making it easier for dogs to learn.

                                   President: Ed Janulis
                      26110 S. Cherry Hill Rd., Manhattan, IL 60442
                            (815) 666-8370 •
        1st V.P.: Kent D. Patterson,1139 Dora Whitley Rd., Franklin, TN 37064
                         (615) 390-7439 •
      2nd V.P.: Jeri Conklin, 9590 E Blazing Star Circle, Prescott Valley, AZ 86315
                         (817) 771-7707 •
            3rd V.P.: Bryce Novotny, 1020 Smith Drive, Metairie, LA, 70005
                        (504) 352-2738 •
                                   4th V.P.: Lisa Pollock
                     305 Medford Mt. Holly Road, Medford, NJ 08055
                         (908) 963-7994 •
                           Executive Secretary: Mary Jo Trimble
                          10370 Fleming Road, Carterville, Ill 62918
              (618) 985-2336 •
                Secretary: Jan Kilpatrick, 7865 CR 271, Hico, TX 76457
                           (254) 485-0844 •
        Treasurer: Gerilyn Sennott, 352 Whitney Road, Lake Zurich. IL 60047
                      (847) 736-2622 •
         Statistician: Mary Karbiner, 884 FM 1288 S, Bellevue, TX 76228-2411
                        (940) 928-2315 •
   ABC Webmaster: Steve Ralph, 25256 Kettle River Blvd., Forest Lake, MN 55025
                    (651) 303-0129 •
      ABC Facebook: Robin Tomasi,
     AKC Delegate: Terry Hilliard, 8496 Hensingersville Rd., Alburtis, PA 18011
                   (610) 349-3460 •
                    ABC/Pro Plan Coordinator: Joe Gower
                  (916) 712-0031 •
                       Futurity Chairman: Leslee Masolotte
                      6533 W Lakeside CT, Littleton, CO 80125
        Futurity Secretaries: 1st Litter Nomination send to: Sue Lehosky
           1249 Copeland Road, Leechburg, PA 15656 • (724) 339-4616
                Final Futurity Forfeits, Running: Jacqui Campbell,
                    19721 133rd Ave. SE, Snohomish, WA 98296
                  (425) 308-0750 •
       Summer Specialty: Dawn Droel, 20380 Olinda Trail, Marine, MN 55047
                      (651) 260-3272 •
     Membership Data Chairman: Deb Rudert, P.O. Box 503, Orefield, PA 18069
           (610) 248-2394 •
The American Brittany (ISSN 0199-7297) (USPS 544-240) is published monthly by The
American Brittany Club, Inc., P.O. Box 616, Marshfield, MO 65706. Periodical postage paid at
Marshfield, MO. Postmaster:
Send address changes to The American Brittany Club, P.O. Box 503, Orefield, PA 18069
Views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publication, American Brittany
Club, Inc., its Officers, or Directors.

All ads for stud dogs or dogs for sale must show OFA or Penn HIP
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   send payment directly to the Membership Data Chairman.                       To pay for advertisements by credit card, please call The American
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  Breeders, Kennels, At Stud, Trainers & Handlers are $60 per year
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  Additions, changes, and renewals can be made, when received by
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ABC Michigan Brittany
                                                              April 5-8, 2021
      The running of the 2021 American Brittany Club / Michigan Brittany       Eileen Gust and handled by Al Cropek. Amos broke away and headed
Classics was hosted by the Michigan Brittany Championship Association for the edges to get to the front. He ran a strong race and his application
on April 5-8 at the Ionia Recreation Area, Ionia, MI. The Ionia Grounds        was what you would hope from an outstanding derby dog. He had four
Association prepares the grounds and facilities to allow the dogs to           finds with excellent style allowing his handler to get in front, flush and
display their keen properties and perform optimally.                           shoot with fall broke derby manners.
      There were four venues run during this period; Open Derby (45                 Over Under Reign the Field, owned by Samantha Nowak and also
minute heats), Grand Open Limited All Age, Grand Open Limited Gun              handled by Al Cropek, earned the red ribbon. Reign showed with a big
Dog, and Grand Amateur Walking Limited Gun Dog. To run this kind of            race hitting the edges of cover exhibiting speed and independence. She
trial it takes effort and dedication from many people, from the Chairman       had nice style on both her finds, allowing the handler to call point from a
Kathy Gulembo and Secretary Donna Janulis to the workers planting              distance and remaining steady through the flush and fire.
birds (Kent Lipki, Ron Gulembo, Al VanWieren, Ed Janulis, Ron Auten)                Third place went to Black Creek Augustus owned and handled by
to driving the dog wagon, (Ed Janulis, Ron Gulembo, John Hall, Tom             John Hall. Gus had a lot of run and his handler had to work to keep a
Kuzak) to the officers of this association and many others.                    handle on his far-reaching casts. Just seconds before time, off in the
      We continue to thank Purina for their continuing support of this         distance, the scout called point. Riding to the call, the judge was able to
championship. Purina’s continued support, year after year, allows the          observe the point to finish the 45 minutes.
Michigan Brittany Classic the resources to plan this event for years to
come extending the tradition that already exist with this contest. Their       Black Creek Kelly, handled and owned by Ron Harling Jr., garnered the
food products are first class. It should be noted that Purina extensively      fourth-place spot. During the brace, the weather gods threw it all on the
supports the American Brittany Club with support to many different             course, a typical Michigan mixture from sunshine to rain/thunder and
venues within the ABC organization.                                            hail. But through it all you could not ask for more from a young dog
      The many judges who volunteer to judge the events are also               which showed style and nice course application. Kelly was rewarded for
well appreciated. We had an excellent slate, deep in experience and            her work with one find.
knowledge. A special note is given to Ed Graves who was needed to
substitute, on short notice for the Grand Amateur                                    2021 ABC Michigan Derby Classic
Walking Limited Gun Dog.
      While still experiencing effects of the Covid
19 pandemic it was appreciated to all the
participants their efforts to keep social distancing
and other preventive practices to keep this threat
to a minimum.
      We were also appreciative of some of
the out of state participants who participated;
these included long standing Brittany trainer
professional Chad Holman and new professional
Al Cropek. These individuals bringing their string
of talented dogs helped make this completion
competitive and exciting.
      Other out of state individuals included Al and
Sharon VanWieren, Judge Tom Jagelski, Jeff
Stanton, Ed and Judy Graves, John and Joan
                                                       Carlos Gust, Al Cropek, Eileen Gust with Over Under Amos Moses, Ron Gulembo (judge), John Hall
Perry, Rebecca Walters and others I may have           with Black Creek Augustus, Ed Janulis, Ron Harling Jr with Black Creek Kelly, Jim Cipponeri (judge)
missed. Over the years due to logistics changes
some competitors have skipped the prestigious
Michigan Championship for newer, closer venues. This has caused the            2021 ABC Michigan Derby Classic
attendance to suffer.                                                          Open Derby 45min(10S)
                                                                               J: Ron Gulembo & Jim Cipponer
Open Derby                                                                     1 - OVER UNDER AMOS MOSES (D), by DC/AFC A Trace Of Bourbon
      This year’s Classic was judged by Jim Cipponeri and Ron Gulembo                With Diamonds x Ch Over Unders Kick It Out JH; o Eileen & Carlos
who gave full attention to each dog even though “Ole Mother Nature” put              Gust, h Al Cropek, Jr.
the field of 10 through every imaginable type of weather condition. The        2 - OVER UNDER REIGN THE FIELD (B), by DC/AFC DC/AFC A Trace
quality of the competitors made for hard decisions by the judges.                    Of Bourbon With Diamonds x CH Overunders Kick It Out JH; o
      First place went to Over Under Amos Moses, owned by Carlos and                 Samantha Nowak, h Al Cropek, Jr.
3 - BLACK CREEK AUGUSTUS (D), by Black Creek Whizki Skip x                        hunting likely areas for birds while responding to Al’s commands.
     Black Creek Bell II; o/h John Hall                                           Entering into the derby area Ringo established point along the far tree
4 - BLACK CREEK KELLY (B), by Black creek’s Comeback Kid x Black                  line. Al successfully located and flushed the bird with Ringo sustaining
     Creek’s Hammerin’ Jackie; o Ronald W. Harling, Jr., h Ron Harling            manners during the event. He continued through cardiac hill, the Boy
                                                                                  Scout Bridge and entered into the all area at a good range. He finished
Grand Open Limited All Age (in honor of Wade Haines)                              in a pleasing manner to the front.
     This event began after the running of the Derby stake. It was judged
by two seasoned veteran judges, Jim Cipponeri and Jeff Stanton. They              2021 ABC Michigan Brittany Amateur Walking Shooting Dog
gave each dog a fair look at their performance.                                   Championship 1hr(10S)
     The winner of this event came out of the third brace, Gun Creek              J: Ed Graves & Carlos Gust
Gangster, owned by Ed and Donna Janulis and handled by Chad                       1 - NGDC/NAWGDC/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC MAGNUM HIGH VELOCITY
Holman. Doc, as he is called responded well to Chad’s direction starting               (D), by FC/AFC High Hopes Tiger Jac x High Hopes Dots Original
out from the clubhouse side and establishing a far reaching run as                     Spice; o/h Vincent Anderson
he travelled through the course. Doc found birds in Hires field, the              2 - FC KDEL’S EAGLE MAGNUM HOTSHOT JHA (D), by NGDC/GFC/
orchard area, the old derby course and just prior to the creek crossing                FC/AFC Magnum High Velocity x AFC Kdels Eagle’s Chance To
approaching the gun dog parking lot. All four of these finds were without              Soar JHA; oKenrick J. DeLong, h Ken De Long
flaws and with excellent style and intensity that drew positive comments          3 - DC/AFC WAYPOINT DEACON OF THE HUNT SH (D), by
from the gallery. On this particular brace Chad Holman demonstrated his                Waypoint Chancey Diamond Riker x Ammo’s Arms Deal; o/h Thom
ability as a professional “handler” guiding Doc to get him to reach the far            Christnagel
limits of the course as the hour wound down through setting his speed             4 - FC AYERIE’S PALADIN OF AUTEN JH (D), by High Hopes Dark
and direction well. He showed the difference of “handling” vs. “running” a             Nite x Auten’s Super Nova Of Grousehav; o Raymond & Kimberlee
dog.                                                                                   McVeigh, h Paul Renius
     Second placement was awarded to TJ’s Black Diamond owned
by John and Joan Perry and handled by John Perry. Coal broke away          Grand Open Limited Gun Dog
under John’s guidance from the Oak Tree and established a forward               The open limited gun dog began on a sunny and cool day, optimal
pattern throughout the hour. He had two bird finds, one in the old derby   for the event. The judges for this championship were Al Van Wieren and
course and one as we wound up the hour in the all age half hour course     Tom Jagielski; both knowledgeable with a lot of years of experience
exhibiting good manners on both events.                                    judging these types of competitions.
     Third place was given to Black Creek Whizki Skip call name                 The winner, Black Creek Summit, owned by Ron Harling Sr. and
Skip. He is owned by John Hall and was handled by Chad Holman.             handled by Chad Holman, came out of the first brace. From the start of
Breaking away from the oak tree Skip established a good run, keeping a     the brace throughout the hour you could sense the partnership between
consistent pattern reaching out during some of the areas, including the    dog and handler. Chip handled pleasingly, exhibiting a medium range,
old derby course and shortening while traversing the Boy Scout Bridge      turning when needed with little direction. He had two finds, one in the
and fields beyond before establishing a more stretched out pattern         orchard tree line on the all-age course and one in the old derby course
through the all age course. Skip had a single find, as he entered the      on the second tree line heading towards the creek. He completed the
all age course along the west tree line. All manners were in order; and    hour as he started, handling pleasingly with stamina to spare far to the
finishing the hour going away.                                             front.
     Fourth place ribbon was awarded to Walkers Prairie Bandit, owned           Second place was awarded to High Velocity Copper Magnum,
by Samantha James and Dan Dodson, handled by Al Cropek. Ringo              owned and handled by Vince Anderson. Colt ran in the fifth brace
started his run from the oak tree and broke nicely towards the far tree    starting from the headquarters. Colt handled pleasingly to his handler
line hunting them with experience. Ringo continued at a medium pace        Vince hunting the tree lines in a mature manner. He was awarded three
                                                                                                    distinct finds. The first was in Hires field, followed
        2021 ABC Michigan Brittany Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship
                                                                                                    by a find in the derby course followed by the
                                                                                                    orchard area in the gun dog course. During
                                                                                                    all the finds Colt exhibited good manners. He
                                                                                                    completed the hour to the front at a moderate
                                                                                                            Third place, Walkers Prairie Bandit, is
                                                                                                    owned by Samantha James and Dan Dodson.
                                                                                                    He was handled by Al Cropek. Ringo worked the
                                                                                                    tree lines of the all-age course with intelligence
                                                                                                    and keen hunting ability and transitioned well
                                                                                                    into the gun dog course objectives. He captured
                                                                                                    four bird contacts two on the all-age course, one
                                                                                                    in the derby course and one just before pick-up
                                                                                                    in the gun dog course. Ringo handled all bird
                                                                                                    contacts well showing style and discipline. He
                                                                                                    also completed the hour forward.
   Vince Anderson with Magnum High Velocity, Carlos Gust (judge), Ken DeLong with KDel's Eagle
                                                                                                            Fourth place was awarded to Fairleah’s
          Magnum Hotshot, Ed Graves (judge), Ray McVeigh with Ayerie's Paladin of Auten
                                                                                                    Gambit; owned by Richard and Sharon Johnson
and handled by Al Cropek. Chess came from the same brace as the   animated fast forward race. He was very mature in his application,
second-place dog. The two dogs complemented each other on their run
                                                                  which resulted in multiple finds with excellent style and intensity.
and application. Again, the scenting conditions seem to improve as theIn second, was K-Dels Eagle Magnum Hotshot, owned and handled
day developed. Chess established point on three occasions during the
                                                                  by Ken DeLong. Shooter ran a fast forward race, scoring a single find
hour. He held solidly to flush and fire on all the contacts. He also finished
                                                                  near the end of the hour.
he hour moderately to the front.                                      Third, Waypoint Deacon of the Hunt, owned and handled by Thom
                                                                                          Christnagel and fourth place, Ayers Paladin
               2021 ABC Michigan Brittany Open Shooting Dog Championship                  of Auten, owners Raymond and Kimberlee
                                                                                          McVeigh, handled by Paul Renius, were brace
                                                                                          mates in the 1st brace. They put down strong
                                                                                          hunting efforts which were rewarded with
                                                                                          multiple finds and backs. Their manners were
                                                                                          impeccable honoring each other on sight with
                                                                                          no cautioning required. Ray was called away for
                                                                                          a family emergence, Paul was called upon to
                                                                                          handle Pike for the first time. Pike also came up
                                                                                          with two woodcock finds.

                                                                                                         2021 ABC Michigan Brittany Open All Age
                                                                                                         Grand Open Limited All Age 1hr(15S)
                                                                                                         J: Jim Cipponeri & Jeff Stanton
   Al Van Wieren (judge), John Hall with Black Creek Summit, Ed Janulis, Vince Anderson with High        1 - FC GUN CREEK GANGSTER (D), by FC/
   Velocity Copper Magnum, Thom Jagielski (judge), Cindy Cropek with Walker's Prairie Bandit, Al         AFC Odyssey’s Ace Of Hearts x Dixie Brandons
                                    Cropek with Fairleah's Bandit                                        Joy; o Ed & Donna Janulis, h Chad Holman

                                                                         2021 ABC Michigan Brittany Open All Age Championship
2021 ABC Michigan Brittany Open Shooting
Dog Championship
Grand Open Limited Gun Dog 1hr(16S)
J: Al Van Wieren & Tom Jagielski
1 - BLACK CREEK SUMMIT (D), by Black
     Creek Tim x Black Creek Gypsy; o Ronald
     W. Harling, Sr., h Chad Holman
     by NGDC/NAGDC/DC/AFC High Hopes
     Dark Nite x High Hopes Dots Original Spice;
     o/h Vincent Anderson
     NFC/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC Uncle Kracker x
     Skys Pearlscent Glow; o Samantha James
     & Dan Dodson, Al Cropek
                                                        Donna Janulis, Ed Janulis, Chad Holman with Gun Creek Gangster, Joanne Perry, John Perry with
4 - FC FAIRLEAH’S GAMBIT (D), by Ajax Jaro’s
                                                        TJ's Black Diamond, Jim Cipponeri (judge), John Hall with Black Creek Whizki Skip, Jeff Stanton
     Josey Wales MHA x Fairleah’s Fantaisie; o                           (judge), Al Cropek with Walker's Prairie Bandit, Cindy Cropek
     Richard & Sharon Johnson, h Al Cropek

Grand Amateur Walking Limited Gun Dog                                               2 - FC/AFC TJ’S BLACK DIAMOND (D), by shadow attack x Sniksoh
     Thank you to judges, Carlos Gust and Ed Graves, giving their                        Tequila Caliente; o John A. & Joanne Perry, h John Perry
experience and attention to this year’s participants.                               3 - BLACK CREEK WHIZKI SKIP (D), by Black Creek Blaze x Gun
     The weatherman called for strong storms, with thunder, lightning and                Creek Whizki; o John Hall, h Chad Holman
hail. The start of the amateur walking gun dog was held off until 11:00             4 - FC WALKER’S PRAIRIE BANDIT (D), by NFC/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC
a.m. to allow the storms to pass. Near the end of the 2nd brace another                  Uncle Kracker x Skys Pearlscent Glow; o Samantha James & Dan
short squall hit with all of the above elements. After a short break for                 Dodson, h Al Cropek
sandwiches and dry clothes, the championship resumed with good
conditions the rest of the day.
     The course for the amateur walking gun dog is inside the park. It is a
series of open fields bordered by woods and swamps. It requires a dog
to reach in open areas and handle through tight areas.
     The winner of this event went to Magnums High Velocity, owned
and handled by Vince Anderson. Gauge showed his experience in an


All Agenda Items, officer and committee reports for the ABC Board Meeting to be conducted at the AA
National Championships in Booneville, AR, must be submitted by September 1, 2021, to be included in
the Agenda Book and put up for consideration at the meeting as per policy book stipulations. Early
submission allows us to put the topics for consideration on the website and to get books to the Directors in
time for meaningful input from the general membership. Action items submitted late and not in writing
submitted by bringing 20 copies to the meeting but any Action Items from any officer or director,
committee chair, etc. should be submitted by the deadline. Please include a copy of the current
policy in the Policy Book along with suggested wording changes.

Officers, Board Members, Committee Chairman, or Regional Clubs may submit agenda items.
Items from individual members must be supported by ten member signatures.

We have always published Officer and Committee Reports in the ABC Magazine. This can be a very
difficult task to accomplish since most of the reports have to be retyped. Please help us by sending
your Agenda Reports in a .doc or .rtf format by email to:

ABC Agenda Chairman Jan Kilpatrick,

It would also expedite matters if you would also CC to the following so we can work on publishing
information in the magazine and on the website:

Mary Jo Trimble,
Ed Janulis,
Dana Na'ayem,

If you cannot send as a .doc or .rtf file, mail to Agenda Chair Jan Kilpatrick, 7865 CR 271, Hico,
TX. 76457


Mary Jo Trimble
ABC Executive Secretary

Field Trials
                                                         sweet Treat; o Sarah G. Wilson, h Gary Guz      1 - COACH’S COPA KONOPKA GIFT (D), by
         EAST COAST                                  4 - BIRCH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by                 Red Rock Rusty III x Copa Konopka Montana
                                                         NAFC/GAFC/FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x               Memory; o/h Paul Arcand
   SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND                                  FC Sam Hill’s Bell O’ The Ball; o Phil & Sherry 2 - BLACK CREEK DALLAS (D). by Black Creek
               Flaherty Field                            Thayer, h Phil Thayer                               Summit x Gun Creek Harmony; o/h Paul
              East Windsor, CT                                                                               Arcand
                                                     Amateur Walking Gun Dog (20S)                       3 - BIRCH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by
              April 10-11, 2021                      J: Mitch Swierczynski & Sarah Conyngham                 NAFC/GAFC/FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x
                                                     1 - FC SHIRLEY’S BRIE FROM SARATOGA JHA                 FC Sam Hill’s Bell O’The Ball; o Phil & Sherry
       We had a very successful weekend with
                                                         (D), by Guinness du widgeonlee hunrunr x            Thayer, h Phil Thayer
two separate trail events. In order to attract
                                                         Jade Tricky du toga; o/h Paul Shirley           4 - SARADAC’S DIAMOND FACET (B), by DC/
more walking handlers, two walking adult stakes
                                                     2 - ROYAL FLUSH SIR OLIVER TWIST JH (D),                GFC/AFC A Trace of Bourbon With Diamonds
were offered. For the horseback handlers,
                                                         by Walker’s Prairie Bandit x Royal Flush            x FC/AFC Saradac’s Dangerous Diamond
there was an open gun dog and an amateur
                                                         Honky Tong Girl; o John & Morgan DiPerrio; o        Caper; o Ed Kostka & Darlene Dow, h Darlene
gun dog stake. Four juvenile stakes completed
                                                         John De Perriro                                     Dow
our roster. Our judges’ panel was comprised of
                                                     3 - SNIKSHO’S HIGH HOPES ROXY (B), by
many well-respected and experienced trailers.
                                                         Snicksoh Spank’s Hank x High Hopes Little
The committee worked continually both days.
                                                         Ann; o/h Keri Gelenian
Fortunately, many people stepped up during the
                                                     4 - GCH/CH TRULY LOVELONG & HOLD FAST
trial. We had two helpers who are not even club
                                                         CD BN SH CGC (B), IS
members volunteer. Due to Covid restrictions
there was no happy hour. This was sorely missed.
                                                     Open Gun Dog (17S)
Many thanks to the participants, judges, bird
                                                     J: George Habecker & Ed Kostka
planters, marshals, and every volunteer. Everyone
                                                     1 - CENTERVILLE’S SONNY (D), by NFC/AFC/
contributed to a very smooth-running two-day
                                                         FC Piney Run Art x Centerville’s Dot; o/h
event. Hope to see everyone in the fall.
                                                         Sarah Conyngham
                                                     2 - FC/AFC MARJO’S FILLE DE LA BRETAGNE                              MY LITTLE COLT 45
April 10, 2021
                                                         (B), by Hit’s For Pete’s Sake x Mrjo’s Cruzan
                                                         Rovan; o/h Robert Goldman                         Amateur Gun Dog (17S)
Amateur Walking Puppy (8S)
                                                     3 - SECOND AMENDMENT (B), by Boy’s Quick              J: Ed Kostka, Jr. & Andrew Campbell
J: Brent Rupnow & Joe Sikorski
                                                         Draw x Smoke’s Shoting Star; o John &             1 - MY LITTLE COLT 45 (D), by GFC/FC AFC
                                                         Joanne Perry, h John Perry                            Black Creek Deacon x Black Creek’s Dot On
     GFC/AFC A Trace of Bourbon With Diamonds
                                                     4 - THIS LITTLE BULLET IS FOR YOU (D),                    The Horizon; o/h Shan Wessels
     x FC/AFC Saradac’s Dangerous Diamond
                                                         by FC Black Creek Blaze x Black Creek             2 - FC COOS TRIPLE SIX (D), by FC/AFC
     Caper; o Ed Kostka & Darlene Dow, h Darlene
                                                         Hammerin Jackie; o/h Shan Wessels                     Rylee’s Rolling Thunder of Coos x Ruby
                                                                                                               Mountain of Coos; o Brent & Marcia Rupnow,
                                                     April 11, 2021                                            h Brent Rupnow
     Rocky Rusty III x Reba’s red Rum Runner; o/h
                                                                                                           3 - FC/AFC MARJO’S FILLE DE LA BRETAGNE
     Henry Weirzbicki
                                                     Open Puppy (4S)                                           (B), by Hit’s For Pete’s Sake x Marjo’s Cruzan
                                                     J: Mitchell Swierczynski & Shan Wessels                   Rovan; o/h Robert Goldman
     NAFC/GAFC/FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x
                                                     1 - REIDYHILL’S MAGGIE MCFLY (B), by Red              4 - REIDYHILL’S DOWN AND DIRTY (B), by
     FC Sam Hill’s Bell O’ The Ball; o Phil & Sherry
                                                         Rock Rusty III x Reba’s Red Rum Runner; o/h           NAF/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC Spanish Corral’s
     Thayer, h Phil Thayer
                                                         Henry Wierzbicki                                      Sonny Patch x DC/AFC Alar’s Dirty Dancer;
                                                     2 - REIDYHILL’S LOCK AND LOADED (D), by                   o/h Henry Wierzbicki
     GFC/FC Shailorvilles Gunner x Lily’s Dolly of
                                                         DC/GFC Almaden’s Under Lock and Key x
     Coos; o/h Raymond Gorman
                                                         Tequila’s Hot Tamale; o/h Henry Wierzbicki        Open Walking Gun Dog (18S)
                                                     3 - BIRCH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by               J: Brent Rupnow & Joe Sikorski
Open Derby (7S)
                                                         NAFC/GAFC/FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x             1 - FC/AFC RUSTY NAIL OF COOS (D), by FC
J: Brent Rupnow & Joe Sikorski
                                                         FC Sam Hill’s Bell O’ The Ball; o Phil & Sherry       One Off Mojito Mike x FC Penelope of Coos;
                                                         Thayer, h Phil Thayer                                 o/h Tom Wood
     Red Rock Rusty III x Copa Konopka Montana
                                                     4 - MORNINGSIDE BABY STEPS (B), by                    2 - CH MOUNTAIN VIEW’S LUCKY STAR MH
     Memory; o/h Paul Arcand
                                                         Morningside First Choice x FC Morningside             (D), by CH Mnt View’s Déjà vu x CH Mnt
2 - BLACK CREEK DALLAS (D), by Black Creek
                                                         sweet Treat; o Sarah Wilson, h Gary Guz               View’s Snow White MH; o/h Janet Lioy
     Summit x Gun Creek Harmony; o/h Paul
                                                                                                           3 - BURNING GLEN COVER GIRL (B), by
                                                     Amateur Walking Derby (7S)                                Magnum High Velocity x High Hopes Nite
                                                     J: Henry Wierzbicki & Sarah Conyngham                     Moves Dot Com; o/h Michael Mercanti
     Morningside First Choice x FC Morningside
4 - PINE TOP PRETTY BOY (D), by Shining                     Moves Dot Com; o/h Michael Mercanti               who entered dogs!
     Bright Oakley x Mossberg Molly Gingrich; o/h 2 - DIAMOND HILL DANGEROUS ODDS (D), by                     Arthur Hembrough
     Kris Nordby                                            Diamond Hill Dangerous Weapon x Diamond           Field Trial Secretary
                                                            Hill Sonshine and Whiskey; o Lisa & Paul
                                                            Pollack, h Lisa Pollack                           Amateur Walking Puppy (4S)
                  ANTHRACITE                            3 - C.A.D.A’S HIGH TIDE JERSEY BOY (D), by            J: Jane Bjork & Sarah Conyngham
                                                            Magnum High Velocity x CADA’s Mazing Racy         1 - OTTER CREEK MOUNTAIN ASH (D), by
                 Greenwood WMA                              Gracie; o/h Douglas Ackroyd                           Jake’s Hammering Rebel x FC Belle’s Special
                     Barnegat, NJ                       4 - FC SHIRLEY’S BRITT FROM SARATOGA                      Bullet; o/h Hope Pinkerton
                  April 24-25, 2021                         JHA (D), by Guinness Du widgeonlee hunrunr        2 - BIRCH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by
                                                            x Jade’s tricky du toga; o/h Paul Shirley             ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Sam Hill’s Bell O’ The
       The Anthracite Brittany Club held a walking                                                                Ball; o/h Phil & S. Thayer
trial on April 24-25, 2021 at the Greenwood WMA Open Walking Gun Dog (17S)                                    3 - DIPERRIO’S SWEET MISS LIBERTY (B),
in Barnegat, NJ. The grounds were in great shape J: John Frank & Bobbie Sigmund                                   by ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Bower’s Touchdown
for the trial with just enough cover to hold the birds, 1 - AFC JOLLY’S CHRISTMAS HOLLY JH (B),                   Iowa; o Morgan DiPerrio, h John DiPerrio
but no so much that you couldn’t see your dog.              by R&R’s Scottish Ste-wee x Jolly’s Maggie; o     4 - JUSTUSS PHOEBE MOON, by Sovereign’s
The weather cooperated for us. The breeze that              Dan & Jacquie Jolly, h Dan Jolly                      Fast And Furious x Reidyhill’s Long Kiss
plagued the futurity on Thursday and Friday went 2 - BURNING GLEN COVER GIRL (B), by                              Goodnight; o/h Kristina & B. Wittchen
away and left behind a nice mild and sunny day              Magnum High Velocity x High Hopes NIte
for Saturday. Sunday started out misty and drizzly          Moves Dot Com; o/h Michael Mercanti               Open Walking Puppy (5S)
for the derby. But the rain stopped and brought a 3 - STILLHUNTER’S BOILERMAKER (D), by                       J: Mitch Swierczynski & Carl Correra
cool and overcast afternoon which was perfect for           Stillhunter’s Red Solo Cup x Stillhunter’s When   1 - OTTER CREEK MOUNTAIN ASH (D), by
the amateur stake. Everyone deserves thanks in              the Bell Stops; o Sandra Sargent & Steve              Jake’s Hammering Rebel x Bell’s Special
helping us have a successful and fun field trial.           Tubach, h Sandra Sargent & Steve Tubach               Bullet; o/h Hope Pinkerton
                                                        4 - WINDSOR’S BLEU SKY (D), ES                        2 - BRICH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by
Open Walking Puppy (5S)                                                                                           ANJ’s Ohihotle Moon x Sam Hill’s Bell ‘O’ the
J: John Frank & Brent Rupnow                                                                                      Ball; o/h Phil & S. Thayer
1 - BUCK’S ROSE OF HYBRITTIN (B), by Piney                    CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND                             3 - DIPERRIO’S SWEET MISS LIBERTY (B),
     Run Rex x Waypoint Priceless serendipity; o/h                                                                by ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Bower’s Touchdown
     Frank Boccanfuso                                                       Exeter, RI                            Iowa; o Morgan & J. DiPerrio, h John DiPerrio
2 - SARADAC’S DIAMOND FACET (B), by A                                     May 1-2, 2021                       4 - EIGHT RED REMINGTON (D), by Red Rock
     Trace of Boubon with diamonds x Saradac’s                                                                    Rusty III x Lampson’s Lady; o/h Craig Stockwell
     Dangerous Diamond Caper; o Edward W.                     CNEBC held our trial after a year
     Kostka, Jr. & Darlene Dow, h Darlene Dow           absence at the beautiful field trial section at the   Amateur Walking Derby (4S)
3 - DIPERRIO’S SWEET MISS LIBERTY (B), by Arcadia Wildlife Management Are in southern                         J: Tristan Boscardin & Sarah Conyngham
     ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Bavers Touchdown Iowa; Rhode Island. The state has also done some                   1 - PEAT (D), S
     o John & Morgan DiPerrio, h John DiPerrio          management work making the trial area even            2 - BIRCH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by
4 - Withheld                                            better than years’ past. The club started the             ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Sam Hill’s Bell O’The
                                                        plans and permitting processs in mid-January;             Ball; o/h Phillip & S. Thayer
Open Walking Derby (4S)                                 due to the virus situation, things were a bit         3 - COLDBROOK’S PRINCETON LADY (B),
J: Charles Zito & John Perry                            cumbersome but we pulled it together. The Field           by Schonhund Winning Wager x Flashfires
1 - MARJO’S STELLA ON TAP (B), by Marjo’s Trial Committee of Paul Shirley, chair; Arthur                          Duchess of Oak; o/h William Whittling
     Johnnie Walker x Marjo’s dirty Dancing with Hembrough, Secretary; M.J. Haesche; John                     4 - BIRCH SPRING ROYAL FLUSH (B), by
     Tequila; o Megan Herbert, h Jack Herbert           DiPerrio; Roger Gilma; Cathy Shirley; Robert              Schonhund Winning Wager x Birch Spring LA
2 - KALA’S TO INFINITY AND BEYOND (D), by White; o Craig Stockwell and Jane Bjork were                            Ziva Be Mine; o/h Phillip & S. Thayer
     Marsport Hot to Ride Lucky Seven x Kala’s on hand both days to marshal and bird plant.
     Sweet Dreams are made of This; o Douglas Our judges gave their full attention when in the                Open Walking Derby (5S)
     Tighe & Kassandra Hamaker, h Martin Veilleux saddle. Several others pitched in doing chores.             J: Mitch Swierczynski & Carl Correra
3 - DIPERRIOS SWEEP MISS LIBERTY (B), by CNEBC thanks all of them for their efforts. We                       1 - BROWN BEAR’S WOLF PLAINS BROOK
     ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Baver’s Touchdown Iowa; had a decent turn out, considering the times.                   WITCH HAZEL (B), GSP
     o John & Morgan DiPerro, h John DiPerro            Of note in the Open Gun Dog Stake, Jane               2 - PEAT (D), S
4 - KALA’S ON THE BRINK (B), by Marsport Hot Bjork’s Coltan made it through to earn his first                 3 - BIRCH SPRING HELLS BELLS JH (D), by
     to Ride Lucky Seven x Kala’s Sweet Dreams blue ribbon. In the Amateur Gun Dog, the tireless                  ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x Sam Hills Bell O’The
     are Made of This; o Theresa & Martin Veilleux, team of Paul Shirley and his Brittany Toga earned             Ball; o/h Phil & S. Thayer
     h Martin Veilleux                                  their AFC title, with a second-place finish. Toga     4 - EIGHT RED REMINGTON (D), by Red Rock
                                                        gained the point needed to put him over the top.          Rusty III x Lampson’s Lady; o/h Craig Stockwell
Amateur Walking Gun Dog (20S)                           In Junior stake CNEBC’s John DiPerrio and Craig
J: Charles Zito & John Perry                            Stockwell had their young guns get a few ribbons.     Amateur Walking Gun Dog (16S)
1 - BURNING GLEN COVER GIRL (B), by In our Fun stake AWHD, Chris Norcross got the                             J: Tristan Boscardin & Sarah Conyngham
     Magnum High Velocity x High Hopes Nite red to close out Saturday afternoon. Thanks to all                1 - WOLF PLAIN BROOK’S BABA O’RYLEE (B), GSP
2 - FC SHIRLEY’S BRITT FROM SARATOGA             Region 4 Grand Amateur Limited All Age                 Richard Pristov.
    JHA (D), by Guniess du widgeonlee x Jade’s   Grand Amateur Limited All Age 1hr(16S)                        The Michigan Brittany Club would like to
    Fricky du toga; o/h Paul Shriley             J: Run Harling, Jr. & Blake Rizzo                      thank our judges for their decisions and time
3 - SNIKSHO’S HIGH HOPES ROXY (B), by            1 - NAFC/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC RU-JEM’S “LAST”               over the weekend. The club would also like to
    Sniksoh Spanks Hank x High Hopes Little           PENNY (B), by Trademarks Atm x Red                thank everyone who pitched in and helped make
    Ann; o/h Keri Gelenian                            Bud Zipper; o Jerry & Ruth McGee, h Stan          our trial a successful one. Special thanks go
4 - LTS JUST ZIP IT (D), by Spanish Corral’s          Williamson                                        out to Carlos Gust, Dick and Kathryn Lipski, Ed
    Sundance Kid x FC Blew By Yet?; o Mitch      2 - GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC J.J.’S LEVI THE LION               and Donna Janulis and Ray McVeigh. Field Trial
    Sweirczynski, h Loudon Swierczynski               HEART (D), by Spanish Corral’s Sundance           Committee members Ron Auten and John Hall
                                                      Kid x Sandbank Rose; o/h Joe Williams             should also be recognized for all of their hard
Open Walking Gun Dog (14S)                       3 - JAGOUB’S SPELL CASTER (B), by Jagoub’s             work behind the scenes to make our trial operate
J: Mitch Swierczyski & Carl Correra                   Buzz’n Bayou x Super Natural; o Tom &             smoothly. Judy Marinelli deserves a huge thank
1 - CH ALAR’S CHASING PAYDIRT (D), by                 Debbie Jagielsky, h Crystal Alexander             you for taking care of the rosettes and placement
    Sovereign’s Chasing Legends; o/h Jane Bjork 4 - Withheld                                            prizes. The club would also like to thank Will
2 - CENTERVILLE’S SONNY (D), by Piney Run                                                               Langley for providing horses for our trial. The field
    Art x Centerville’s Dot; o/h Sarah Conyngham                                                        trial committee missed John Marinelli’s presence
3 - WOLF PLAIN’S BROOKS’ SIEBEN BIEBER                              MICHIGAN                            and help at the trial and wishes him a speedy
    (B), GSP                                                                                            recovery.
4 - CH BIRCH SPRING DARK SIDE OF THE                                  Ionia, MI                                The MBC thanks professionals Al Cropek
    MOON (D), by J&A’s Magnificent Obsession                     April 9-11, 2021                       and Chad Holman for entries as well as everyone
    Of Acton x Birch Spring PC Luna Eclipse; o/h                                                        else who entered a dog or two in our trial. We
    Phil Thayer                                        The Michigan Brittany Club hosted their          hope you had a great weekend. The MBC hopes
                                                 annual spring field trial on the heels of the          to see all of you at our fall trial in September.
Amateur Walking Hunting Dog (5S)                 Michigan Brittany Championship Association’s trial
J: John DiPierrio & Craig Stockwell              and the Western Michigan Brittany Club’s trial.        Amateur Walking Puppy (6S)
1 - PEAT (D), S                                  The MBC trial started on Friday, April 9th with an     J: Kim McVeigh & Paul Renius
2 - LINDEREE ROGERS RANGER BROWNIE Open Limited All Age stake. Judges Blake Rizzo                       1 - GUN CREEK BRIGHT SKY (D), by FC Jac’s
    (D), by Lowderer Chuck x Stonewalls and Bill Branham watched with keen attentiveness                    Ray of Sunshine II x Gun Creek Nova; o Chad
    Redwinged; o Chris Worcross                  to the 16 dogs that came to the line. Taking               Holman, h Ed Janulis
3 - NYM DE L’ESCARBOT, by Ispo Facto du the blue was Walker’s Prairie Bandit handled                    2 - CENTER RIDGE’S RUE THE DAY (B), by
    Comte de Bats Castel x Fabienne de by Al Cropek and owned by Samantha James                             FC Hehi’s Slim Chipley x CH Center Ridge’s
    L’Escarbat; o Tom Cherry, h Barbara Cherry   and Dan Dodson. Owner/handler Josef Smith’s                Barrel of Monkeys JH; o Pam & Harold Darga,
4 - J&A’S MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION OF Pointer Sunny in the Bank took second with a                             h Pam Dorga
    ACTON (B), by Birch Spring LH Ziva Be Mine strong showing. Rounding out the placements              3 - MAPLEHILLS FRANKIE DANDY (B), by
    x Birch Spirng PC Lunar Eclipse; o/h Phil were Patrick & Joan Koczenasz’s Kozy’s Rocky                  Maplehills Slingblade x Maplehills Sugarfoot;
    Thayer                                       Mountain Gambler handled by Al Cropek with                 o/h Charles Fenech
                                                 owner/handler Vince Anderson’s Magnum’s High           4 - GUN CREEK KATE (B), by Black creek Summit
                                                 Velocity Top Gun taking fourth.                            x Gun Creek Harmony; o/h Charles Fenech
                                                       Saturday morning arrived bringing near
                                                 perfect weather for the weekend and our trial. On      Open Puppy (4S)
       EAST CENTRAL                              this day the stakes that were held were the Open       J: Blake Rizzo & Charlie Fenech
                                                 Puppy stake judged by Blake Rizzo and Charlie          1 - BLACK CREEK AUGUSTUS (D), by Black
                                                 Fenech. Judges LeRoy Long and Carlos Gust                  Creek Whizki Skip x Black creek Bell II; o/h
                       OHIO                      joined the Open All Age stake while the Amateur            John Hall
              Bloomingdale, OH                   Walking Derby stake was judged by Harold               2 - CENTER RIDGE’S RUE THE DAY (B), by FC
                March 20, 2021                   Darga and Paul Renius. Rounding out Saturday’s             Hehi’s Slim Chipley x CH Center Ridge’s Barrell
                                                 stakes was the Amateur Gun Dog stake judged by             of Monkeys JH; o/h Pam & Harold Darga
                                                 Richard Pristov and Harold Darga. The rain held        3 - TRIUMPHANT’S ABSOLUTE JUICE JH (B),
                                                 off until the day’s activities were completed and          by GCHS/CH Triumphant’s Chances Are JH x
                                                 then a heavy downpour saturated the grounds                CH Triumphant’s Absolute Obsession; o Gwen
                                                 during the night.                                          Hayes & Linda McCartney, h Gwen Hayes
                                                       The rain moved out Sunday morning and the        4 - RED SAGE OF SEVEN CROWNS (D),
                                                 day started off with a couple of challenges, but the       by DC/NGDC/GFC/AFC Hope’s Chief of
                                                 field trial committee made the adjustments and             Crosscreek x DC Autens Woodland Sage; o/h
                                                 the stakes started on time. Judging the Amateur            Robert & Scott Watson
                                                 Walking Puppy stake were Kim McVeigh and Paul
                                                 Renius. Blake Rizzo and Charlie Fenech judged          Amateur Walking Derby (5S)
                                                 the Amateur All Age stake. Putting a full day in the   J: Harold Darga & Paul Renius
                                                 saddle judging the 24 Open Gun Dogs that came          1 - AYERIE’S LIL SPITFIRE JH (B), by FC
           J.J.’S LEVI THE LION HEART            to the starting line were judges LeRoy Long and            Ayerie’s Paladin of Auten JH x CH Alar’s
Tequila in the Shadows; o Raymond &                        Black Creek Blaze x Gun creek Whizki; o/ 3 - GROUSEBEND’S SUNSHINE & WHISKEY
    Kimberlee McVeigh, h Kim McVeigh                           John Hall, h Chad Holman                     (B), VIZ
    of Sunshine II x Gun Creek Nova; o Chad                    NAGDC/NGDC/AFC High Hopes Dark Nite x        SKYE (B), by GCH/CH Labyrinth N Illusion
    Holman, h Ed Janulis                                       Windswept’s War Bonne; o Samantha James      Slippery When Wet JH x CH Vem Call Me
3 - MAPLEHILL ZIP CODE (D), by Maplehills                      & Dan Dodson, h Albert Cropek, Jr.           Sassie Sue MH; o Vickie Manifold & Nickie
    Magic Bullet x Maplehill Speed Queen; o/h              4 - Withheld                                     Redick, h Eddie Manifold
    Charles Fenech
4 - TRIUMPHANT’S ABSOLUTE JUICE JH (B),                    Open Limited All Age (16S)                        Open Gun Dog (26S)
    by GCHS/CH Triumphant’s Chances Are JH x               J: Blake Rizzo & Bill Branham                     J: Brian Riggle & Brandon Kreuer
    CH Triumphant’s Absolute Obsession; o Gwen             1 - FC WALKER’S PRAIRIE BANDIT (D), by            1 - FALCON’S CLEARCUT CASTAWAY (D), GS
    Hayes & Linda McCartney, h Gwen Hayes                      NFC/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC Uncle Kracker x           2 - FC SNIKSOH BOOM’S BABY BE GOOD
                                                               Sky’s Pearlscent Glow; o Samantha James &         (B), by FC/AFC High Hope’s Tiger Jac x
Amateur Gun Dog (22S)                                          Dan Dodson, h Al Cropek, Jr.                      High Hopes Dots Original Spice; o/h Vincent
J: Richard Pristov & Harold Darga                          2 - SUNNY IN THE BANK (D), P                          Anderson
    MAGNUM HIGH VELOCITY (D), by FC/AFC                        by DC/NAGDC/NGDC/AFC High Hope’s Dark             EVERYTHING (D), VIZ
    High Hopes Tiger Jac x High Hopes Dots                     Night x FC/AFC Gunn’s-A-Blazin; o Patrick &
    Original Spice; o/h Vincent Anderson                       Joan Koczenasz, h Al Cropek, Jr.              Open All Age (16S)
2 - ALDER GAMBLERS FOLLY (D), by DC High                   4 - MAGNUM’S HIGH VELOCITY TOP GUN                J: Andrea Spiegel & Laura Bauman
    Hopes Big Gamble x Alder GT Lucifer; o/h                   (D), by NGDC/NAWGDC/GFC/GAFC/FC/              1 - BLACK AND BLUE (D), P
    Dennis Sloan                                               AFC Magnum High Velocity x GCH/DC/AFC         2 - ALDER SNIKSOH MOLLY (B), by GFC/FC/
3 - FC UBETCHA WHITE DIAMONDS LIZZY (B), P                     Copley’ sDangerous Three; o Vince & Denise        AFC Sniksoh Spank’s Hank x NAGDC/GAFC/
4 - FC AYERIE’S PALADIN OF AUTEN JH (D), by                    Anderson, h Vince Anderson                        FC/AFC High Hope’s Little Ann; o Dan &
    High Hopes Dark Nite x Auten’s Super Nova                                                                    Allison Riedl, h Al Cropek
    of Grousehaven; o Raymond & Kimberlee                                                                    3 - MAGNUM’S HIGH VELOCITY TOP GUN (D),
    McVeigh                                                        NIAGARA FRONTIER                              by NWAGC/GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC Magnums
                                                                                                                 High Velocity x GCH/DC/AFC Copley
Open Gun Dog (24S)                                          Pennsylvania Brittany Club Grounds                   Dangerous Three Olive Martini; o Vincent &
J: Richard Pristov & LeRoy Long                                          Polk, PA                                Denise Anderson, h Vince Anderson
1 - SOUTHWINDS THINGS HAPPEN FOR A                                   April 24-25, 2021                       4 - GCH/CH SILVER BULLET IZ YOU IS MY
    REASON (D), VIZ                                                                                              BABY (B), GSP
2 - ALDER GAMBLERS FOLLY (D), by DC High                   Open Puppy
    Hopes Big Gamble x Alder GT Lucifer; o/h               J: Ed Manifold & Andrea Spiegel
    Dennis Slaon                                           1 - RED OAK’S DELLA ROSE (B), VIZ
3 - LAPAT’S CODY (D), by FC LaPat’s Rocky x                2 - RIPPER’S TEQUILA BANDIT (D), by Walker’s                   CENTRAL
    LaPats Queen; o Larry McDonald, h Albert                   Prairie Bandit x Tequila Short Shot JH; o
    Cropek, Jr.                                                Raelle Felhch & Mark Auman, h Mark Auman
4 - KOZY’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN GAMBLER (D),                     3 - RED OAK’S BELLE STAU (B), VIZ
    by DC/NAGDC/NGDC/AFC High Hopes dark                   4 - RED OAK’S BLAZIGN SADDLES (D), VIZs                           HAWKEYE
    Night x FC/AFC Gunn’s-A-Baz’n; o Patrick &                                                                             Bird Dog Ranch
    Joan Koczensz, h Albert Cropek, Jr.       Open Derby (4S)                                                                 Thayer, IA
                                              J: Jesse Chapman & Marc Horton                                               April 9-11, 2021
Amateur All Age (8S)                          1 - RED OAK’S DELLA ROSE (B), VIZ
J: Blake Rizzo & Charles Fenech               2 - RED OAK’S BELLE STARR (B), VIZ                             Open Puppy (10S)
1 - WALKER’S PRAIRIE BANDIT (D), by NFC/ 3 - RIPPER’S TEQUILA BANDIT (D), by Walker’s                        J: Ed Tillson & Jessica Carlson
    GFC/GAFC/FC/AFC Uncle Kracker x Skys          Prairie Bandit x Tequila Short Shot JH; o                  1 - WICHITA HOPE (B), by NAFC/FC/AFC Jim De
    Pearlscent Glow; o Samantha James & Dan       Raclle Ferlhch & Mark Auman, h Mark Auman                      Bob’s Sparks A Dan D x MK’s My Lil Classic; o
    Dodson, h Dan Dodson                      4 - GROUSEBEND’S SIR REDDINGTON (D),                               Chris & Laura Roberds, h Scott Johnson
2 - FC/AFC AUTUMN ANNIE (B), ES                   VIZ                                                        2 - SOVEREIGN’S LEGENDARY WINGMAN (D),
3 - DUAL CH AUTEN’S WOODLAND SAGE (B),                                                                           by GCHS/DC Sovereign’s Chasing Legends x
    by NCDC/DC/AFC High Hopes Dark Nite x Amateur Gun Dog (19S)                                                  Shelbey Winnin; o Dawn & Joe Droel, h Bob
    CH Autens Supernova of Grousehaven; o Ron J: Jesse Chapman & Mark Horton                                     Burchett
    & carol Auten, h Ron Auten                1 - NAGDC/NGDC/NWGDC/NAWGDC/GFC/                               3 - SNIKSOH SEE SPOT RUN (B), by FC/AFC
4 - Withheld                                      GAFC/FC/AFC MAGNUM HIGH VELOCITY                               Sniksoh Free Boy x Sniksoh Pattyann; o/h Jeff
                                                  (D), by FC/AFC High Hope’s Tiger Jac x                         Hoskins
Open All Age (15S)                                High Hope’s Dots Original Spice; o/h Vincent               4 - PHILLIPS’ SIR LOUIS WE GOT TO GO (D),
J: Leroy Long & Carlos Gust                       Anderson                                                       by Kid’s Red devil x Shiner Creek Kate; o
1 - SUNNY IN THE BANK (D), P                  2 - OREOLES ON A LARK AT ZODIAK SH (B),                            Dale Phillips, h Jon St. Clair
2 - BLACK CREEK WHIZKI SKIP (D), by FC            GSP
Open Derby (20S)                                                                                              Spell Caster; o Tom & Debra Jagislski, h Tom
J: Stan Truksa & Tommy Thomas                                                                                 Jagielski
1 - SNIKSOH SONIC BOOM (D), by FC/AFC                                                                     4 - TURNING POINTS ENDLESS FIRE (B), by A
    Sniksoh Free Boy x Sniksoh Pattynaa; o                                                                    Trace Of Bourbon With Diamonds x Turning
    Dawn & Joe Droel, h Bob Burchett                                                                          Point Shenanigans; o/h Hailey Gould
    Willie Makeit x MK’s My Lil Classic; o Harlene                                                        Open Derby (9S)
    Hoyt, h Scott Johnson                                                                                 J: Dennis Lutynski & Edward Brock
3 - WILLY’S MO HEILI-ON WHEELS (D), by                                                                    1 - VENATRIX TOUCH OF ANGELS (D), by
    NAFC/GAFC/FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x                                                                     DC Ammo’s Denver Briar Patch x GCH/DC
    Sniksoh Willy’s Warrior Princess; o/h Mitch                                                               Copley-Shelttany Echo Of Angels JH; o/h Julio
    Sims                                                            ANJ’S OHIO HELLION                        Rodriguez
4 - SOVEREIGN’S LEGENDARY TALE (D), by Open All Age (32S)                                                 2 - REMI LITTLE LIGHTNING MASON (D), by Mr
    DC/CH Sovereign’s Chasing Legends x CH J: Todd Parmenter & Rodger Fiorito                                 Impressive x Fearless; o Bob & L. Mason, h
    Sovereign’s Orange Crush; o Dawn & Joe 1 - NAFC/GAFC/FC/AFC ANJ’S OHIO HELLION                            Bob Bakes
    Droel, h Bob Burchett                                 (D), by DC/AFC Grand Junction Jake x FC/        3 - JAGOUB’S AYYYY! (D), by NFC/NAFC/GFC/
                                                          AFC High Hopes Little Ann; o Mike Poehler, h        GAFC/FC/AFC Glade Run Irish x Jagoub’s
Amateur Gun Dog (18S)                                     Bob Burchett                                        Spell Caster; o Tom & Debra Jagielski, h Tom
J: Kelli Atkin & Richard Beaver                       2 - FC SNIKSOH WORTHY EXPENSE (D), by                   Jagielski
1-3 - Withheld                                            GFC/FC/aFC Sniksoh Spank’s Hank x GFC/          4 - PATRIOT’S DARK SIDE (B), GSP
4 - DC/AFC TNT’S SIRIUS RENEGADE BUDDY                    GAFC/FC/AFC MK’s My Lil Ammo; o/h Jeff
    BOY (D), by TNT’s Sirius Medicine Man x               Hoskins                                         Amateur Walking Gun Dog (15S)
    TNT’s Renegade Gal Pal; o/h Tommy Thomas 3 - MCCHESNEY’S ALL DOWN THE LINE (D),                       J: Rob Tomczak & Dave Oberst
                                                          by DC/AFC Grand Junction Jake x FC/AFC          1 - ROCKWOODS LITTLE NUTSY (D), VIZ
Open Gun Dog (41S)                                        High Hopes Little Ann; o John Chejne &          2 - FC SAM HILL’S BELL O’ THE BALL (B), by
J: Jeff Hoskins & Kendall Brown                           Connie McCaffrey, h Scott Johnson                   DC Shadow Attack x Decan’s Casino Roy-ale;
1 - N G D C / G F C / A F C S N I K S O H L I T T L E 4 - TEQUILA CHICA BONITA (B), by Spanish                o Sam Thompson, h Sam & Kim Thompson
    DIAMOND (B), by FC/AFC Shady’s Count Kid              Corral’s Sundance Kid x Sniksoh Tequila         3 - OUTBAK’S GUNPOWDER AND LACE (B), GSP
    x Diamond Hill’s Magical Mollie; o Tom & Jane         Caliente; o Richard A. & M. Beaver, h Richard   4 - BRADLEY’S ALL RYLED UP (B), GSP
    Wonderling, h Scott Johnson                           A. Beaver
2 - NGDC/DC/GFC HOPE’S CHIEF OF                                                                           Open Gun Dog (20S)
    CORSSCREEK (D), by CH Hopes’ Ranger                                                                   J: Harold Heather & Dennis Lutynski
    Rick x Sanbar Crosscreek Play By Play; o                                                              1 - WILD FIRE’S ABBY (B), GPS
    Wayne & Barbara J. Pepin, DVM & Bob &                     GREATER MILWAUKEE                           2 - NALKO DES DU RAMIER II (D), by Best dela
    Polly West, h Bob Burchett                          Richard Bond State Recreation Area                    Source Aux Perdrix x Ibane du mas D’Eyraud;
3 - NAGDC/FC/AFC HURRICANE BANJO (D),                                 Kansasville, WI                         o Ronnie Stephens, h Clint LaFary
    by FC Ringo Rascal x Dogwood’s Haley; o                          April 10-11, 2021                    3 - WEGLER’S ALL THAT JAZZ (D), VIZ
    Rodger & M.K. Fiorito, h Rodger Fiorito                                                               4 - CH/AFC IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE (D),
4 - CH STARLIGHT’S CALLISTO MOON (D), by Open Puppy (8S)                                                      by GFC/FC Touch of Bourbon Little Chug x
    FC/AFC Roustabout’s Flat Out x CH Starlight J: Dave Obenat & Rebecca Walters                              FC/AFC Bark River Queen of Diamonds JH;
    Lola Borealis; o Teresa Richmond, h Bob 1 - KJ’S ALL TANKED UP (D), by NAFC/GAFC/                         o/h Rebecca Walters
    Burchett                                              FC/AFC ANJ’s All Tanked Up x FC Sam Hill’s
                                                        Bell O’ The Ball; o/h Kim Thompson-Mehring
Amateur All Age (18S)                               2 - SAM HILL’S REMEMBERING FLYAWAYJACK
J: Kelli Atkin & Stan Truksa                            (D), by Sam Hill’s One Wild Ryde x CH
1 - EL GRANDE (D), by Cowboy Way x Special              Kruse’s K-Nine Blaze’s Last Dance JH; o/h
    Hope; o Robert R. Myers & Rob Rohner, h             Sam Thompson
    Robbie Myers                                    3 - SHILOH’S DON DIEGO VEGA (D), VIZ
2 - FC SNIKSOH WORTHY EXPENSE (D), by               4 - RAMBO SUR LE DELAVAN (D), by Leo Sur
    GFC/FC/AFC Sniksoh Spank’s Hank x GFC/              Le Delavan x Hera De L’Etoile Du Nord; o/h
    GAFC/FC/AFC MK’s My Lil Ammo; o/h Jeff              Clint LaFary
3 - CH TNT’S COUNTRY ROAD RUNNER                    Amateur Walking Derby (7S)                                     REPEAT’S LITTLE 501 BLUES
    (D), by Country Roads Firecracker x CH          J: Rebecca Walters & Kim Thompson
    TNT’s Renegade Gal Pal; o Tommy & Linda         1 - MILLER CREEKS ON THE HORIZON (B), GSP             Open Limited Gun Dog (9S)
    Thomas, h Tommy Thomas                          2 - REMI LITTLE LIGHTNING MASON (D), by Mr            J: Harold Heather & Dennis Lutynski
4 - FC/AFC FARM GIRL PEARL (B), by GFC/FC               Impressive x Fearless; o Bob & L. Mason, h        1 - NALKO DES DU RAMIER II (D), by Best de la
    Touch Of Bourbon Little Chug x Sniksoh Little       Bob Mason                                             Source Aux Perdrix x Ibane du mas D’Eyraud;
    Diamond; o/h Bruce Heiter                       3 - JAGOUB’S AYYYY! (D0, by NFC/NAFC/GFC/                 o Ronnie Stephens, h Clint LaFary
                                                        GAFC/FC/AFC Glade Run Irish x Jagoub’s            2 - IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE (D), by
GFC/FC Touch of Bourbon Little Chug x FC/         of Bourbon Little Chug x MJ’s Sweet Sugar        Amateur Walking Derby (11S)
    AFC Bark River Queen of Diamonds JH; o/h          Magnolia; o/h Robert Bakas                       J: Jill Piechowski & Todd Piechwoski
    Rebecca Walters                               3 - CH RED GRANITE’S HENRY WILL BE A                 1 - REBELFLAME BRAZEN DANICA (B), by
3 - GCH/CH/AFC REPEAT’S LITTLE 501                    STAR (D), by Starlight’s Where There’s A Will        vande Hei’s Rimarda Jack x Vande Hei’s
    BLUES JH BN RE SH OA OAJ OAP NJP                  x Dr Jac’s Ruby Tuesday; o/h Robert Bakas            Kickin’ Up Dust; o/h Mary Tyson
    NF NFP CAA CGC TKA (D), by GCH/DC/ 4 - CH/AFC IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE (D),                        2 - PINE STRAW HOT CHOCOLATE (B), ES
    AFC Havapal’s Rev Me Up Repeat x CH               by GFC/FC Touch Of Bourbon Little Chug x         3 - MILLER CREEK’S THE STORM WITHIN (D), GSP
    Dogwood’s Gilmore Girl; o/h Julie A. Asmus        FC/AFC Bark River Queen of Diamonds; o/h         4 - RED GRANITE’S TAKIN’ CARE OF
4 - FC/AFC BARK RIVER QUEEN OF                        Rebecca Walters                                      BUSINESS (B), by FC/AFC Starlight’s Where
    DIAMONDS (B), by terra’s Cabo Wabo x                                                                   There’s A Will x CH Dr Jac’s It Must Have
    Double Ups TNT Tori; o/h Jeff Stanton         Open Gun Dog (18S)                                       Been the Roses; o Julie Asmus & Lois &
                                                  J: Sam Thompson & Kimberly Thompson                      Jerome & Rachell Boettcher, h Julie Asmus
Open All Age (5S)                                 1 - CH/AFC IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE (D),
J: Dave Oberst & Edward Brock                         by GFC/FC Touch of Bourbon Little Chug x  Open Walking Derby (5S)
1 - CH BISCUIT’S ME WEARING THE PANTS                 FC/AFC Bark River Queen of Diamonds; o/h  J: Chris Meyer & Dan Voss (5S)
    (D), by DC/AFC Biscuit’s Ecko of Dreams           Rebecca Walters                           1 - BANTAM ‘N DR JAC’S SHOOTER (D), by
    JH x CH Jagoub’s Zydekoko; o Thomas W. 2 - CLARICE HAVAPAL’S POCKET PISTOL (B),                 GCH/CH Bantam’s Spittin’ Image JH x GCH/
    Jagielski & Debra M. Connell, h Tom Jagielski     by Ginger’s Ty Can Fly x Clarek’s High CaliberCH Dr Jac’s Anna B Rose Tessa Rae O’Dee
2-4 - Withheld                                        Bullet; o/h W. Holtz                          JH; o Mike Magnuson & Diane Hedstrom, h
                                                  3 - HIGHROLLER’S LIVING ON THE EDGE (B), GSP      Mike Magnuson
                                                  4 - Withheld                                  2 - REBELFLAME BRAZEN DANICA (B), by
                 BADGER                                                                             Vande Hei’s Rimarda Jack x Vande Hei’s
                                                   Open Limited Gun Dog (20S)                       Kick’n Up Dust; o/h Mary Tyson
             Pine Island WMA                       J: Sam Thompson & Kimberly Thompson          3 - GOODGOING CLASSIC DICKENS (D), ES
                Portage, WI                        1 - HIGHROLLER’S LIVING ON THE EDGE (B), GSP 4 - BLACKJACK EVERYBODY WINS (D), GS
             April 17-18, 2021                     2 - FC BROPHY’S GONZO STYLE (D), IS
                                                   3 - FC ALLIEWOOD’S SHADY SHADY, P            Amateur Walking Gun Dog (13S)
Open Puppy (9S)                                    4 - BACKWOODS CADDYSHACK (D), GWP            J: Chris Meyer & Dan Voss
J: Jeff Stanton & Tom Jagielski                                                                 1 - FC ABBIELAKE’S ALL JUICED UP MH (B),
1 - KJ’S ALL TANKED UP (D), by NAFC/GAFC/                                                           GSP
    FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x FC Sam Hill’s                   MINNESOTA                       2 - REBELFLAME RUN FOR THE ROSES JH
    Bell O’ The Ball; o/h Kim Thompson-Mehring                                                      (B), by Alar’s Red Tequila River x Brogdons
2 - SAM HILL’S REMEMBERING FLYAWAY                          Good Go-ing Hunt Club                   Beeline Brea; o/h Mary Tyson
    JACK (D), by Sam Hill’s One Wild Ryde x CH                    Baldwin, WI                   3 - WHIRLWIND’S GO FOR BROKE (D), GSP
    Kruse’s K-Nine Blaze’s Last Dance JH; o/h                    April 24, 2021                 4 - Withheld
    Sam Thompson
3 - SHILOH’ SMAD HATTER (D), VIZ                   Amateur Walking Puppy (6S)                          Open Walking Gun Dog (15S)
4 - STEPHENS REBELLE ROYAL (D), by Lemmy           J: Jill Piechowski & Todd Piechowski                J: Jill Piechowski & Todd Piechowski
    Sur Le Delavan x N’Vernette De L’Toile Du      1 - PINE STRAW HOT CHOCOLATE (B), ES                1 - REBELFLAME ACE ALEC RACHEL
    Nord; o Tim Neuhauser, h Mark Dinsmore         2 - TOP FUEL’S DIRTY WHITE GIRL (B), GSP                HENTGES MH (D), by Wild Dakota Flame
                                                   3 - BANTAM ‘N DR JAC’S SHOOTER (D), by GCH/             MH x CH Little Bitty Rebel Bullet SH; o John
Open Derby (8S)                                        CH Bantam’s Spittin’ Image JH x GCH/CH Dr           Ringhofer & Mary Tyson, h Mary Tyson
J: Tom Jagielski & Greg Dixon                          Jac’s Anna B Rose Tessa Rae O’Dee JH; o Mike    2 - MVR MAC FARLANE EACL’S BLACK
1 - KJ’S ALL TANKED UP (D), by NAFC/GAFC/              Magnuson & Diane Hedstrom, h Mike Magnuson          DIAMOND (D), GS
    FC/AFC ANJ’s Ohio Hellion x FC Sam Hill’s      4 - RED GRANITE’S TAKIN’ CARE OF                    3-4 - Withheld
    Bell O’ The Ball; o/h Kim Thompson-Mehring         BUSINESS (B), by FC/AFC Starlight’s Where
2 - SAM HILL’S ONE WILD RYDE (D), by Sam Hill’s        There’s A Willx CH Dr Jac’s It Must Have
    Remembering Flyaway Jack x CH Kruse’s K-Nine       Been the Roses; o Lois & Jerome & Rachelle
    Blaze’s Last Dance JH; o/h Sam Thompson            Boettcher & Julie Asmus, h Julie Asmus
3 - RAMBO WUR LE DELAVAN (D), by Dex de                                                                             MIDWEST
    Saragon x Iris De Saragon; h Clint La Fary   Open Walking Puppy (6S)
4 - BROOK’S RUFF RYDER (D), by Starlight’s J: Chris Meyer & Dan Voss
    Mercury Out Ryder x Cast-A-Britt Smart 1 - BANTAM ‘N DR JAC’S SHOOTER (D), by GRCH/                           SOONER
    Move; o/h Mark Brooks                            CH Bantam’s Spittin’ Image JH x GCH/CH Dr                   Lake Murray
                                                     Jac’s Anna B Rose Tessa Rae O’Dee JH; o Mike                Ardmore, OK
Amateur Gun Dog (16S)                                Magnuson & Diane Hedstom, h Mike Magnuson                 March 3-7, 2021
J: Susan Januschka & Jeff Stanton                2 - GOODGOING AMERICAN COWBOY (D), ES
2 - CH PRETTY BLUE EYES A SWEET TOUCH 4 - SUTHEIMER’S GRAND FINALE (D), GSP                       J: Bob Rankin & Jan Kilpatrick
    OF CHARLIE BJH (D), by GFC/FC Touch                                                           1 - PINEY RUN SENOR (D), by Piney Run Jake
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