TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
Year 7
Learning Journal
    TERM 3
TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 – Term 3 (2021 only): Abstract Colour
By the end of this unit, I will know:

                                                               Evidenced   Refined   Key Vocabulary
How to analyse artists’ styles to influence my own work.                             Natural Forms
Understand colour theory (primary, secondary, harmonious and
contrasting colours).
Understand abstract art.                                                             Composition
                                                                                     Colour Theory
How to mix a wide range of colours when using paint.                                 Collage
                                                                                     Golden Section
How to explore using tints and shades when painting.                                 Rectangle
How to explore using tints and shades when painting.                                 Pattern
How to explore using tints and shades when painting.                                 Charcoal
Compositional skills                                                                 Oil pastel
                                                                                     Mixed media

Collaging techniques

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 - Term 3: Computing
Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract Learning
By the end of this unit, I can:

                                                                                  Key Vocabulary
 Key Idea Pictorial learning – create Control Systems using
 Flowol, you will understand flow charts, IF statements and
 Identify everyday situations where computer control is used.

 Identify common types of sensors used by control systems.

 Identify control flowchart symbols and understand how they
 are used to break down problems.

 Produce flowchart-based solutions for control systems that
 include sequences and loops.

 Explain why control systems might fail and how this might
 impact on safety .

 Produce control      solutions   for   problems    that   include

 Produce control solutions for problems that include variables.

 Pictorial learning - Games programming in scratch – event
 driven programming through sequence, selection and
 Ask the user for input into a variable.

 Output to the screen.

 Ask the user for input and store the result in a variable, then
 output to the screen.

 Ask the user for 2 inputs and store the result in 2 variables, add
 the result then output to the screen.

 Use an if statement display the larger of 2 variables.

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 – Drama Term 3 : Commedia Del’Arte / Matilda

By the end of this unit, I will know:

                                                                   Key Vocabulary
 Summer Term 1 – Commedia Dell’Arte
 Understand the origins of this style of theatre and                   Conventions
 where we can see it in contemporary
 performances                                                          Theatrical skills
 Understand the characteristics of some of its
 stock characters                                                      Dell’Arte
 Use these stock characters to create scenes with
 exaggerated body language and vocal skills                            Body language
 Use slapstick to create comedy within a scene
                                                                       Vocal Skills

 Summer Term 2 – Matilda                                               Stock Characters
 Explore a piece of contemporary, commercially
 successful piece of theatre                                           Exaggeration
 Portray the characteristics of the key characters
 Understand status between the characters
 Use slapstick to create comedy within a scene                         Status

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 – Term 3: Storytelling through film

By the end of this unit, I will understand:

Introduction to film                                       Red   Amber   Green   Key Vocabulary

Protagonist/Antagonist and their typical traits
What binary opposition is in stories
What Propp’s character types are
How settings are used to communicate ideas
The different camera angles and when you might use them
How colour can be used to communicate ideas and emotions
What the terms genre and convention mean
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
How costume communicates ideas about character

What a Haiku is and how to write one
What the term odyssey means

What makes Ricky an interesting protagonist for a story
How key characters change throughout the story
Forms of writing
What the layout of a screenplay looks like
What makes a screenplay different to a novel
How to write my own screenplay
The features of a film review
The features of opinion writing
How to write a film review

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
Year 7: French Term 3

By the end of this unit,

Mon collège (Life at Tretherras)                                                    Vocabulary
                                                                             
I can tell the time
I can describe my daily routine
I can use reflexive verbs in the present tense
I can describe school facilities using il y a and il n’y a pas de
I can use present tense verbs to say what I do in school
I can describe an ideal school using the conditional tense
I can use clothes vocabulary to describe what I wear to
I can use colours vocabulary to describe my uniform
I can make adjectives agree with the noun they describe
I can describe a photo about school
I can write a longer text about school using 3 time frames
I can translate sentences about school
I can recognise different regions in France
I can talk about French customs and specialities
Ma ville (My town)
I can say where I live
I can describe different areas to live in
I can list and use compass points
I can revise regular verbs (er, ir, re) and subject pronouns
I can describe different types of houses
I can describe what rooms there are in a house using il y a &
il n’y a pas and avoir
I can describe places in a town
I can use negatives to say what there is not in a town
I can understand and give directions
I can describe my favourite place in Newquay
I can use past phrases to say what my town used to be like
I can use comparatives to compare Newquay to a French
I can talk about my ideal place to live using the conditional
I can talk about what happens on ‘la fête de la musique’
I can order drinks and snacks on holiday

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 - Term 3: - Geography

By the end of this unit, I will know:
                                                                                Key Vocabulary
 7.4 Are our weather and climate getting more extreme?
 I can …
 Define the terms Weather and Climate
 Describe how climate affects the World’s population distribution
 Explain why some parts of the World/UK have different
 temperatures and amounts of rainfall e.g. due to their latitude,
 altitude/relief or location (inland/coastal)
 Explain why we have seasons
 Outline different processes which cause rainfall: convectional,
 relief and frontal rainfall
 Define the term microclimate
 Describe the features of an urban microclimate
 Describe how our climate has changed over different
 State examples of extreme weather events
 Define the term magnitude and frequency
 Complete, read and compare data on Climographs
 7.5 We need a plan(et) B. How far do you agree? I can …
 Identify the main global energy sources.
 State stakeholders who may be affected by a change in energy
 Describe how life in the UK relies on a constant energy supply.
 Explain how fossil fuels have helped countries to develop and
 Describe the social, economic and environmental effects of
 using fossil fuels.
 Explain the key advantages and disadvantages of renewable
 Outline major global disasters in the 20th and 21st Century
 caused by the need for energy.
 Explain how waste can be turned into energy.
 Assess the effectiveness of inventions aims at reducing plastic
 State how plastic has had a negative impact upon our oceans
 and our marine life.
 7.6 Russia: A Super-Sized Country with Super Problems or Super
 Powers? I can …
 Label physical and human characteristics of Russia on a blank
 map e.g, Capital City, Major River, Mountain Range, Polar
 Desert, Seas, Arctic Circle
 Describe the 4 main Climate Zones in Russia
 Explain why the climate varies across Russia (including the
 effects of latitude, and maritime/continental factors)
 Outline opportunities and challenges created by Russia’s
 landscape and climate zones
 Define the terms Biome, Super Power, Globalisation
 State 5 factors which make a country a Super Power
 Describe how Russia’s population has changed (including
 Ageing Population)
 Explain reasons for changes in Russia’s population
 Outline ways that Russia is linked to the rest of the world by
 Globalisation (trade: exports and imports, politics and culture)
 Describe ways that Russia can create non-renewable and
 alternative energy
 State reasons why Russia has staked a claim in the North Pole
 (Arctic Ocean)

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 - Term 3: History

 By the end of this unit, I will know:                                             Key
                                                                               Vocabulary
 Why was there a crisis in 1066 and did we lose Britain forever?                   Plague
 I will know why there was a crisis when Edward died.                              Pestilence
 I will know the names of the four contenders                                      Succession
 I will understand why William won Hastings.                                       Poll Tax
 Would I find a cake shop in a medieval village?                                   Black Death
 I will know what a medieval village looks like.                                   Monarchy
 I will understand what I could buy in the village.                                Invasion
 Was the Black Death really black?                                                 Battle
 I know how the Black Death spread and its causes.                                 Wat Tyler
 I will understand what people thought cured the plague.
 I will know that there were consequences of 50% loss of
 Why were the peasants revolting?
 I will know why the people were angry and when they
 I will know what happened at Smithfield with the king
 and Wat Tyler.

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 - Term 3: Lines and Angles and Reasoning with Number

By the end of this unit, I can:

                                                                          Key Vocabulary
 Constructing, Measuring and Notation
 Classifying angles and using labelling conventions
 Drawing and measuring angles
 Constructing triangles and other polygons
 Drawing and Interpreting pie charts
 Geometric Reasoning
 Understand and use key angle facts
 Understand and use angles in triangles and other polygons
 Understand and use angles in parallel lines
 Developing Number Sense
 Use mental strategies for integers, decimals and fractions
 Use factors to simplify calculations
 Use estimation to check mental calculations
 Use known number and algebraic facts to derive other facts
 Sets and Probability
 Interpret and create Venn Diagrams
 Understand and use intersection, union & complement of
 sets (H)
 Know and use the vocabulary of probability
 Generate sample spaces for single evens
 Calculate the probability of single events
 Understand and use the probability scale
 Know that probabilities of all possible outcomes sum to 1.
 Prime Numbers and Proof
 Find and use factors and multiples
 Recognise and identify prime numbers
 Recognise and identify square and triangular numbers
 Find common factors of a set of numbers including the HCF
 Find common multiples of a set of numbers including the
 Write a number as a product of prime factors
 Use a Venn Diagram to calculate the HCF and LCM (H)
 Make and test conjectures

TERM 3 Year 7 Learning Journal - Newquay Tretherras
YEAR 7 - Term 3: Music; Space Rondo and Song Composition 1 – Rain Rain

                                                                         Key Vocabulary
Space Rondo
I can accurately perform a given ostinato/bass line/melody
in a class instrumental arrangement                                          Pitch
I can record ostinato/bass line/melody using sequencing                      Rhythm
software                                                                     Tempo
I can edit and refine my ideas using software tools                          Pulse
I can choose and combine appropriate timbres for my
recordings and add production effects
I can compose and record an ostinato, bass line and
melody to create an arrangement using space as the
stimulus (software to realise muasical ideas)
Song Composition 1 – Rain Rain
I can maintain a part in a vocal/instrumental round
I understand the concept of a round and it’s chordal                         Pitch
pattern                                                                      Timbre
I understand the link between chord patterns and melody in                   Structure
rounds                                                                       Ostinato
I can clap/perform using simple notated rhythm and notated                   Bass Line
melody                                                                       Pedal Note
I can identify and perform, reading quavers, crotchet,                       Sequencing
minims and rests                                                             Edit
I can compose and notate a round melody using a given                        Refine

YEAR 7 - Term 3 (2021 only)

By the end of this unit,

                                                                              Key Vocabulary
 C1.2 Atoms, elements, compounds and mixtures
 I can state what an element is.
 I can state what atoms are.
 I can compare the properties of one atom of an element to
 the properties of many atoms.
 I can state what a compound is.
 I can write the chemical names for some simple
 I can calculate the percentage of a given element within a
 P1.3 Light
 I can describe some ways that light interacts with materials.
 I can describe what happens when light interacts with
 I can explain how images are formed in a plane mirror.
 I can explain the difference between specular reflection
 and diffuse scattering.
 I can describe and explain what happens when light is
 I can describe what happens when light travels through a
 I can describe how the eye works.
 I can describe how a simple camera forms an image.
 I can explain what happens when light passes through
 a prism.
 I can describe how primary colours add to make secondary
 I can explain how filters
 and coloured materials subtract light.
 P1.2 Sound
 I can describe the different types of waves and their
 I can describe what
 happens when water waves hit a barrier.
 I can describe what happens when waves superpose.
 I can describe how sound is produced and travels.
 I can explain why the speed of sound is different in different
 I can contrast the speed of sound and the speed of light.
 I can describe the link between loudness and amplitude.
 I can describe the link between pitch and frequency.
 I can state the range of human hearing and describe how it
 differs from the range of hearing in animals.
 I can describe how the ear works.
 I can describe how your hearing can be damaged.
 I can describe how a microphone detects sound.
 I can describe what ultrasound is.
 I can describe some uses
 of ultrasound.

YEAR 7 - Term 3

By the end of this unit, I will know:

                                                                             Key Vocabulary

 • key facts about puberty, the changing adolescent body
 and wellbeing.
 •the main changes which take place in males and females,
 and the implications for emotional and physical health.
 •about menstrual wellbeing including the key facts about
 the menstrual cycle
 •how I can actively communicate and recognise consent
 from others, and how and when consent can be withdrawn.
 •how stereotypes, in particular stereotypes based on sex,
 gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability, can
 cause damage (e.g. how they might encourage prejudice).

YEAR 7 - Term 3: Spanish

By the end of this unit, I will know:                                     Key Vocabulary
                                                                   
Mi instituto ( Life at Tretherras)
I can tell the time
I can describe my daily routine
I can use reflexive verbs in the present tense
I can describe the school facilities in my school using
hay/no hay
I can use my knowledge of descriptions and
character adjectives to describe my teachers
I can use present tense verbs to say what activities I
do in school
I can describe an ideal school using phrases in the
conditional tense
I can use clothes vocabulary to describe what I
wear to school
I can use colours to describe my uniform
I can recognise different regions in Spain
I can talk about Spanish customs and specialities
Mi ciudad (My town/city)
I can say where I live
I can describe different areas to live in
I can list and use compass points
I can revise regular verbs and subject pronouns
I can describe different types of houses
I can say what rooms are in a house using hay/ no
hay and tener
I can describe places in a town
I can use negatives to say what is not in a town
I can understand and give directions
I can describe my favourite place in Newquay
I can use past tense phrases to say what my town
used to be like
I can use comparatives to compare Newquay to a
Spanish town
I can talk about my ideal place to live using the
Conditional tense
I can find out about Spanish Festivals
I can order drinks and snacks on holiday
I can say where I live
I can describe different areas to live in
I can list and use compass points
I can revise regular verbs and subject pronouns
I can describe different types of houses

YEAR 7 –Sports
By the end of this unit, I will know:

                                                                           Key Vocabulary
 I can demonstrate dribbling.
 I can demonstrate push pass.
 I can demonstrate basic tackling.
 I can demonstrate basic attacking skills.
 I know basic rules.
 I can take part in small sided games.
 Badminton and Tennis
 I can demonstrate familiarisation and ball control.
 I can demonstration service.
 I know forehand control.
 I know backhand control.
 I know scoring.
 I know basic rules.
  I can use both feet, different types of turns, keep close,
 head up and attack space.
 I can control the ball using different body parts.
 I can demonstrate passing.
 I can demonstrate shooting.
 I can demonstrate basic defending and attacking.
 I know basic rules.
  I can demonstrate handling.
 I can run with the ball and pass.
 I know how to form a team attack.
 I know how to form a team defence.
 I can demonstrate scrummaging.
 I can demonstrate tackling.
 Cricket,Rounders and Softball
  I can demonstrate underarm & overarm.
 I can demonstrate good fielding, throwing and catching.
 I can demonstrate good basic battling stance and contact.
 I can demonstrate good basic catching techniques.
 I understand tactics and strategies.
 I know basic rules.

By the end of this unit, I will know:

                                                                            Key Vocabulary
 I know the warm up and cool down.
 I know starting commands.
 I know starting positions.
 I can demonstrate the distance running form.
 I know the landing technique and drive recovery.
 I know the warm up and cool down.
 I know the take-off foot.
 I can demonstrate flight and landing.
 I know the warm up ad cool down.
 I know the throwing arm stance, transfer of weight & release

YEAR 7 – Gymnastics & Dance
By the end of this unit, I will know:

                                                                 Key Vocabulary
 Basic Skills
 I can demonstrate a handstand.
 I can demonstrate a headstand.
 I can demonstrate a forward.
 I can demonstrate a backward roll.
 I can demonstrate sideways rolling.
 I can demonstrate single and pair balancing.
 I know points of contact
 I know the centre of balance.
 I can demonstrate individual and pair routines.
 I can demonstrate mirror and match.

  I can demonstrate rotation.
 I can use lo low level apparatus.
 I can demonstrate jumping and leaping.
 I can explore a range of dance actions.
 I can explore a range of dance dynamics.
 I can explore the use of space in dance.
 I can explore a range of dance relationships.
 I can choreograph and perform as a solo, duet and

You can also read