TERM 2 2021 AUTUMN GUIDE - You can now book and pay for your course online! - Sussex Neighbourhood House

Page created by Micheal Waters
TERM 2 2021 AUTUMN GUIDE - You can now book and pay for your course online! - Sussex Neighbourhood House
TERM 2 2021
                       AUTUMN GUIDE

     You can now book and pay                              Prefer to pay by phone or
     for your course online!                               in person?
          Go to our website                                    You can pay over the phone with a credit
                                                               Or drop into the office to pay via credit
          Choose the activity
                                                               card/debit card or cash.
          Enter your details                                   Agencies can request an invoice.
          Pay by credit card                                   If you are having difficulty with payment
     ... and you are done!                                     please talk to us.
    Please note: We will email you an invoice. Haven't
    got it? Check your junk email or give us a call.

    CLASS CANCELATIONS                                    REFUNDS
    A program may be cancelled 2 working days             Requests must be in writing. A full refund will be
    before the start date, if the minimum number          provided if you withdraw at least 7 days before the
    of paid enrolments has not been received.             commencement date of the program.
    Participants enrolled in a cancelled program          After commencement, a refund will only be
    will be notified and fully refunded.                  considered where you provide special circumstances
                                                          in writing. A refund fee of $20 will be retained.

WHY NOT BECOME A MEMBER?                                                      WHERE ARE WE LOCATED?
If you agree with the Aims of the House, show your
                                                                                  7 Prospect St. Pascoe Vale
support and become a Member!                                                            ph: 9354 2210
Receive a 10% discount on full fee courses for you                              e: enquiries@sussexnh.org.au
or your child, and have Member voting rights at our
AGM. You can also nominate to join our board or                                       OFFICE HOURS
nominate someone else!                                                          Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

Download an application Form from
                                                         Sussex Neighbourhood House is committed to providing
www.sussexnh.org.au and drop it off at the office          lifelong learning & social activities that are inclusive,
with the $5 membership fee.                                  accessible & sustainable for the local community.

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TERM 2 2021 AUTUMN GUIDE - You can now book and pay for your course online! - Sussex Neighbourhood House
TERM 2 2021
                        AUTUMN GUIDE
                                                                                                 ** Eligability criteria apply.
ACFE: ENGLISH LANGUAGE & COMPUTERS                                                               Permanent residents, 18 - 65yrs

DIGITAL LITERACY &                 Learners will focus on improving their understanding of the          TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS
                                   English language specifically to align with the job seeking          9AM - 12PM
ENGLISH LANGUAGE                   process. This term will be digital literacy skills including         20 APR-25 JUN
FOR JOB SEEKERS                    resume writing.                                                      COST: FREE**

ENGLISH FOR                        English as an additional language course. Building                   TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS
                                   confidence in everyday language and language for the                 12.30PM - 3.30PM
BEGINNERS &                        workplace. Assessment on level to be conducted via phone.            20 APR-25 JUN
LEVEL 1                                                                                                 COST: FREE**

                                   Learn how navigate MS programs & what they can be used               MONDAYS 12.30-3.30PM
                                   for. This course aims to support community members with              19APR-7 JUN
& EXCEL                            low levels of self confidence using computers.                       COST: $50/$40 CON**

                                   Need to know how to create and update websites in                     10AM - 12PM
WORDPRESS                          Wordpress? Learn from your desk ON ZOOM!! You will                    28 APR-16 JUNE
                                   receive a real dummy website to practice on.                          COST: $50/$40CONC**

                                   Build your confidence by understanding how to create and              5 HOURS PER WEEK
CAREER PLANNING                    maintain a career plan. Aimed at participants who may be              $60/$50 CONC**
                                   long term unemployed or have recently lost a job and                  PHONE TO REGISTER
                                   looking to find a new career pathway.                                 YOUR INTEREST

                                   Build your confidence in your numeracy skills! For people             2.5 HOURS PER WEEK
PASS THAT ENTRY                    needing to take a TAFE entry numeracy test or employment              $50/$40 CONC**
                                   agency/entry numeracy test. Or work skills for OH&S or                PHONE TO REGISTER
TEST IN NUMERACY                   money handling requirements.                                          YOUR INTEREST

                                                                                                        2 HOURS PER WEEK
                                   English as an additional language course. Build confidence
ENGLISH LANGUAGE                   in everyday language. Participants to choose topics most
                                                                                                        PHONE TO REGISTER
                                   relevant to their community participation goals.
FOR OVER 65'S                                                                                           YOUR INTEREST

CREATIVE                           Inclusive workshops to develop creative imagination through           MONDAYS 6-7.30PM
                                   dance therapy, music and drama in a friendly and supportive           26 APR - 21 JUN
MOVEMENT &                         social context. Funded by Moreland City Council.                      COST: $80
                                                                                                        TUESDAYS 6PM-8PM
                                   An inclusive art and craft course for adults and teenagers.
MIXED MEDIA                        Funded by Moreland City Council.
                                                                                                        27 APR - 15 JUN
                                                                                                        COST: $80

                                   Create and glaze unique small works of art using hand                 TUESDAYS 1-3PM
CLAY ART                           building techniques. All welcome. Materials and firing are            27 APR-15 JUN
FOR ADULTS                         included in fees.                                                     COST: $145/CON: $120

Sussex Neighbourhood House - 7 Prospect St, Pascoe Vale, 3044 Phone: 9354 2210 email: enquiries@sussexnh.org.au      Page 2
TERM 2 2021 AUTUMN GUIDE - You can now book and pay for your course online! - Sussex Neighbourhood House
TERM 2 2021
                         AUTUMN GUIDE
                                                                                                  SATURDAYS 10AM-12PM
 CREATIVE                      Be inspired to write in a supportive, friendly
                                                                                                  1 MAY-19 JUN
                               group. Suitable for new and emerging writers of fiction,
 WRITING                       non-fiction and poetry.
                                                                                                  COST: $127.50/CON: $97.50

                                                                                                  TUESDAYS 6.30PM-8.30PM
 SMALL OBJECTS                 Create and glaze unique small works of art
                                                                                                  27 APR-15 JUN
                               using hand building techniques.
 IN CLAY                                                                                          COST: $157.50/CON: $117.50

 DRAWING &                     This class covers all the important principles and
                                                                                                  10AM-12PM OR 1PM-3PM
 WATERCOLOUR                   techniques of both drawing and watercolour.
                                                                                                  28 APR-16 JUN
                                                                                                  COST: $270/CON: $225

 SEWING -                      Learn to sew in a friendly             MONDAYS 9.30AM-12PM         WEDNESDAYS 7PM-9PM
                               environment. Suitable for beginners    19 APR-21 JUN               21 APR- 16 JUN
 MON DAYTIME &                 as well as those wanting to expand     COST: $206/CON: $160        COST: $165/CON: $115
 WED EVENING                   their skills. BYO sewing machine.      NO SESSION 14 JUN

                               Learn how to make floral arrangements for any occasion.            THURSDAYS 10AM - 12PM
 HOBBY                                                                                            22 APR-17 JUN
                               All materials provided. Take home one piece each session. All
 FLORISTRY                     materials provided.                                                COST: $350/CON: $300

                               Knitting classes for beginners and those needing some more         THURSDAYS 7PM - 9PM
                               confidence with their own project. Some materials provided.        29 APR-17 JUN
                                                                                                  COST: $120/CON: $95

                               For beginners, travellers and those wishing to improve             THURSDAYS 6.30- 8PM
                               their Spanish spoken skills.                                       29 APR - 17 JUN
 ADULTS                                                                                           COST: $137.50/CON: $112.50

 UKULELE -                     Have you ever wanted to play the ukulele? Suitable for             TUESDAYS 12PM-1PM
                               absolute beginners. BYO Ukulele.                                   27 APR-15 JUN
 BEGINNERS                                                                                        COST: $107.50/CON: $87.50

 UKULELE -                     Learn to play new chords, strum patterns and tablature
                                                                                                  TUESDAYS 10.30AM-11.30AM
                                                                                                  27 APR-15 JUN
 INTERMEDIATE                  intermediate levels. BYO Ukulele.
                                                                                                  COST: $107.50/CON: $87.50

                               Come and learn about sustainable beekeeping, how to
 BECOME A BEE                                                                                     SATURDAY 10AM
                               preserve our bees, and pollination as your role as a Bee           5 JUNE
 GUARDIAN - INFO               Guardian. Information will also be provided on building and        COST: FREE
 SESSION                       maintaining an accessible bee hive with sustainable intentions.

Sussex Neighbourhood House - 7 Prospect St, Pascoe Vale, 3044 Phone: 9354 2210 email: enquiries@sussexnh.org.au   Page 3
TERM 2 2021 AUTUMN GUIDE - You can now book and pay for your course online! - Sussex Neighbourhood House
TERM 2 2021
                      AUTUMN GUIDE
                                 A flowing & mindful approach to asana (postures                 MONDAYS 8-9PM
YOGA MONDAY                                                                                      19 APR - 21 JUN
                                 & A ranayama (Breath). Promotes strength,
NIGHT                            flexibility & tranquillity.                                     COST: $120/CON: $104
                                                                                                 NO SESSION 14 JUN

                                                                                                 TUESDAYS 9.30-10.30AM
YOGA TUESDAY                     A flowing & mindful approach to asana
                                 (postures & A ranayama (Breath). Promotes                       20 APR-22 JUN
MORNING                          strength, flexibility & tranquillity.                           COST: $135/CON: $105

YOGA MUMS &                      From 8 weeks postpartum mothers can attend                      TUESDAYS 11AM -12PM
                                 classes with their baby.                                        20 APR-22 JUN
BUBS                             A flowing & mindful approach to asana.                          COST: $135/CON: $105

YOGA THURSDAY                    A flowing & mindful approach to asana                           THURSDAYS
                                 (postures & A ranayama (Breath). Promotes                       6.30 - 7.30PM OR 8-9PM
NIGHT EARLY &                    strength, flexibility & tranquility.                            DATES: 22 APR-24 JUN
LATE SESSIONS                                                                                    COST: $135/CON: $108

ZUMBA WED                        Zumba Fitness is a fun fitness     DAY: WEDNESDAYS              SATURDAYS 9.30-10.15AM
                                 program combining Latin            TIME: 7-7.45PM               24 APR-26 JUN
EVENING & ZUMBA                  dance moves.                       DATES: 21 APR-23 JUN         COST: $105/CON: $84
SAT MORNING                                                         COST: $115/CON: $92

                                 An introductory program for those with little or no             THURSDAYS 11AM-12PM
TAI CHI                          previous experience of Tai Chi, who wish to improve             22 APR- 24 JUN
BEGINNERS                        their health with gentle mind-body exercises.                   COST: $135/CON: $110
                                 Beginner level class.

TAI CHI FOR                      Post beginner Tai Chi program specially designed to             THURSDAYS 9.30-10.30AM
                                 improve balance, coordination & strength using                  22 APR- 24 JUN
HEALTH                           simple mind-body exercises.                                     COST: $135/CON: $110

                                                                                                 TUESDAYS 1PM-2PM
SUPPORTIVE                       A very gentle class to support people with chronic
                                                                                                 20 APR-22 JUN
                                 pain, disability, anxiety, and other related health
YOGA                             issues. BYO Mat                                                 COST: $105

RMIT JOB SEARCH                  Workshop 1 - Job Search                                         WEDNESDAYS 11AM - 1PM
                                 Workshop 2 - Application Writing                                9, 16 & 23 JUNE
WORKSHOPS                                                                                        COST: FREE
                                 Workshop 3 - Interview skills
1, 2 & 3

Sussex Neighbourhood House - 7 Prospect St, Pascoe Vale, 3044 Phone: 9354 2210 email: enquiries@sussexnh.org.au   Page 4
TERM 2 2021
                       AUTUMN GUIDE
                                 Each term young creatives will be invited to                    MONDAYS 4:15-5:45PM
                                 explore a topic in a creative form of their                     26 APR-21 JUN
 7-12YRS                         choice. All creative expression welcome,                        COST: $112.50/CON: $77.50

                                                                                                 WEDNESDAYS 4.30-5.30PM
 KIDS YOGA                       A program to help improve a child’s ability to
                                                                                                 21 APR-23 JUN
                                 focus and support their well-being .
 6-11YRS                                                                                         COST: $135/CON: $108

                                                                                                 TUESDAYS 4.15-5.15PM
 CLAY ART FOR                    Each week create a different project.
                                 Learn how to make, decorate and glaze.                          27 APR-15 JUN
 KIDS 8-12YRS                    Materials and firing included in fees.                          COST: $117.5/CON: $92.50

                                                                                                 THURSDAYS 4.15-5.15PM
 LITTLE ARTISTS                  A fun arts program covering painting, drawing
                                                                                                 29 APR-17 JUN
                                 and crafting activities, using different mediums.
 4-7YRS                                                                                          COST: $94.50/CON: $77.50

 SEWING FOR KIDS                 Learn to sew by making fun small projects throughout            WEDNESDAYS 4.30-6.30PM
                                 the term. For beginners. Will cover the basics.                 28 APR-16 JUN
 10+YRS                          BYO sewing machine Ask for Kit list.                            COST: $117.50/CON: $87.50

 SCALLYWAGS                      A fun group for the little ones and carers, covering            MONDAYS 9.30-11.30AM
                                 music & rhymes, dance and a variety of different crafts         19 APR-21 JUN
 PLAYTIME                        throughout the term. A chance for carers to meet                COST: $130/CON: $105
 PRESCHOOL                       other local families.

 GUITAR LESSONS                  Fun music classes where you will learn at your own              SATURDAYS 10AM-11AM
                                 pace.                                                           1 MAY-19 JUN
 5-12YRS                         BYO Guitar                                                      COST: $127.50/CON: $97.50

 KEYBOARD                        Fun Music Classes for 7 to 12year olds. You will learn at       SATURDAYS 11.30AM-12.30AM
                                 your own pace, in small groups.                                 1 MAY-19 JUN
 LESSONS                         Keyboards provided.                                             COST: $127.50/CON: $97.50
   Funded by Moreland City Council. Training Ideal for parents, volunteers of clubs and          SATURDAYS
   organisations and school canteens and those applying for jobs.                                10AM-12PM (ASTHMA)
                           Requires USI. Nationally accredited course - 225556VIC -              12.30-2.30PM (ANAPHYLAXIS)
   ASTHMA                  Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace.          24 APRIL
   ANAPHYLAXIS              Requires USI. Nationally accredited course - 22300VIC - First Aid    COST FOR EACH COURSE:
                            Management of Anaphylaxis.                                           FULL $80/CON/VOL: $45

                            Funded by Moreland City Council. Ideal for parents, volunteers of    SATURDAY 9.30AM-1.30PM
                            clubs and organisations and school canteens and those applying       15 MAY
    HANDLING                for jobs. Certificate Course - Requires USI. SITXFSA001 Food         COST: $80/CON/VOL: $55
                            Safety Level 1 - use hygenic practices for food safety.

Sussex Neighbourhood House - 7 Prospect St, Pascoe Vale, 3044 Phone: 9354 2210 email: enquiries@sussexnh.org.au   Page 5
TERM 2 2021
                       AUTUMN GUIDE
SKYLARKS                           ON Zoom till further notice.                                FRIDAY 1PM-2.30PM
                                   Join our Friendly and inclusive choir, lead by              23 APR-25 JUN
COMMUNITY CHOIR                    Phil Hudson, from Black Sheep Music                         COST: $5 PER SESS/$50 TERM

SUSSEX AUTISM                      Monthly speakers and support for carers over a              1ST THURS OF THE MONTH
                                   cuppa. We welcome parents and carers of                     10AM-12PM
CARER SUPPORT                      children up to 18 years old. Not run in school              COST: FREE
GROUP                              holidays. Must register to attend.                          DATES: 6 MAY, 3 JUN

                                   A supportive group for men 50+ Meet new                     1ST & 3RD WED OF THE MONTH
OMG OLDER                          people and discuss topics of interest over a                10AM-12PM
MENS GROUP                         cuppa. Enjoy occasional BBQ                                 STARTS FEB 3
                                                                                               COST: GOLD COIN

                                   Make some space in your weekly routine and                  WEDNESDAYS 1-3PM
ART SPACE                          work on your own project or learn a new skill               28 APR-23 JUN
                                   with materials provided.                                    COST: GOLD COIN

                                   Make some space in your weekly routine and                  MONDAYS 12-3PM
                                   work on your own project. Share a cuppa with                COST: GOLD COIN
& BASKETRY                         other like minded locals.

                                   For those who love to knit of crochet socially.             MONDAYS 1-3PM
YARN CIRCLE &                      For enthusiastic quilters, patchworkers, embroidery         COST: GOLD COIN
QUILTERS CIRCLE                    or anything else crafty. BYO project and get support
                                   and advice from other group members.

SCRABBLE                           Love words? Why not join our Scrabble Club. For             THURSDAYS 1-3PM
                                   beginners and experienced players. Enjoy a game             COST: GOLD COIN
CLUB                               or two of Scrabble over a cuppa.

                                   An informal group for people who want to                    FIRST SAT OF THE MONTH
SUSSEX FAMILY                                                                                  1PM-4.30PM
                                   research their family history. Use of computers
HISTORY                            range of databases & source materials available.            COST: $5 PER SESS
                                                                                               DATES: 1 MAY, 5 JUN

                                   Do you enjoy reading and discussing books you               THIRD MONDAY OF MONTH
                                   have read? Books provided by Moreland City                  1-3PM
                                   Council Libraries.                                          COST: GOLD COIN

                                   If you are newly bereaved in the last 3 to 9 months,
LIFE AFTER LOSS                    come to this education session to learn a little about
                                                                                               MONDAY 1-3PM
                                                                                               7 JUN
MELBOURNE CITY                     grief, gain some ideas, skills and resources.
                                                                                               COST: GOLD COIN DONATION
                                   Please ring tel: 9977 0026, or email:
MISSION                            bereavement@mcm.org.au

Sussex Neighbourhood House - 7 Prospect St, Pascoe Vale, 3044 Phone: 9354 2210 email: enquiries@sussexnh.org.au   Page 6
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