Page created by Kenneth Joseph



             Tuesday, June 22, 2021


            By Rachel R. Creviston, Executive Clerk

                                                       Issue No. 93

                             Christopher Charles Fonzone (Cal. No. 149)
                                Kiran Arjandas Ahuja (Cal. No. 107)

         Ordered, That upon the conclusion of morning business on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the Senate proceed
to executive session to resume consideration of the nomination of Christopher Charles Fonzone, of
Pennsylvania, to be General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, post-cloture.
         Ordered further, That at 11:45 a.m., all post-cloture debate time expire.
         Ordered further, That with respect to the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Kiran Arjandas
Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the Office of Personnel Management for a term of four years, the
mandatory quorum call required under Rule XXII be waived.
         Ordered further, That the Senate recess following the cloture vote on the Ahuja nomination until 2:15
p.m. to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.
         Ordered further, That if cloture is invoked on the Ahuja nomination, all post-cloture time expire at 2:30
         Ordered further, That following disposition of the Ahuja nomination, the Senate proceed to legislative
session and resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 2093. (Jun. 17, 21, 2021.)

                                 Deborah L. Boardman (Cal. No. 172)
                               Candace Jackson-Akiwumi (Cal. No. 128)

        Ordered, That with respect to the motions to invoke cloture on the nominations of Deborah L.
Boardman, of Maryland, to be United States District Judge for the District of Maryland and Candace Jackson-
Akiwumi, of Illinois, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit, the mandatory quorum calls
required under Rule XXII be waived. (Jun. 21, 2021.)


CALENDAR   S. RES.                   REPORTED
  NO.        NO.                        BY


CALENDAR   TREATY                   REPORTED
  NO.      DOC. NO.                    BY


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
    * 63           122       Julie A. Su, of California, to be Deputy                      Apr 21, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Secretary of Labor, vice Patrick Pizzella.                    Murray, Committee on
                                                                                            Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
    * 64           127       James Richard Kvaal, of Massachusetts, to be                  Apr 21, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Under Secretary of Education, vice Theodore                   Murray, Committee on
                              Reed Mitchell.                                                Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
     67            241       Uzra Zeya, of Virginia, to be an Under                        Apr 21, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of State (Civilian Security,                        Menendez, Committee on
                              Democracy, and Human Rights), vice Sarah                      Foreign Relations, without
                              Sewall, resigned.                                             printed report.
                             OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
   * 107           220       Kiran Arjandas Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be                 Apr 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Director of the Office of Personnel                           Peters, Committee on
                              Management for a term of four years, vice                     Homeland Security and
                              Dale Cabaniss, resigned.                                      Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                                  AIR FORCE
    114            35-4      The following named officers for appointment                  Apr 27, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              in the United States Air Force to the grade                   Reed, Committee on Armed
                              indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624:                Services, without printed
                                            to be Brigadier General
                               Col. Jonathan C. Rice, IV
                                       DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
   * 115           266       Ali Nouri, of the District of Columbia, to be an              May 06, 2021 Placed on the
                              Assistant Secretary of Energy (Congressional                  Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              and Intergovernmental Affairs), vice Melissa                  116, 112th Congress.
                              F. Burnison.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
   * 120           269       Seema Nanda, of Virginia, to be Solicitor for                 May 12, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              the Department of Labor, vice Kate S.                         Murray, Committee on
                              O'Scannlain.                                                  Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                               EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
   * 121           271       Jocelyn Samuels, of Maryland, to be a Member                  May 12, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              of the Equal Employment Opportunity                           Murray, Committee on
                              Commission for a term expiring July 1, 2026.                  Health, Education, Labor,
                              (Reappointment)                                               and Pensions, without printed
                                       DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
    122            250       Todd Sunhwae Kim, of the District of                          May 13, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be an Assistant Attorney                         Durbin, Committee on the
                              General, vice Jeffrey Bossert Clark.                          Judiciary, without printed
                                               THE JUDICIARY
    128            392       Candace Jackson-Akiwumi, of Illinois, to be                   May 20, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              Circuit, vice Joel M. Flaum, retired.                         Judiciary, without printed
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    142            242       Bonnie D. Jenkins, of New York, to be Under                   May 25, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of State for Arms Control and                       Menendez, Committee on
                              International Security, vice Andrea L.                        Foreign Relations, without
                              Thompson, resigned.                                           printed report.
                                      INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR
                                        RECONSTRUCTION AND
    143            251       Jose W. Fernandez, of New York, to be United                  May 25, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Alternate Governor of the                              Menendez, Committee on
                              International Bank for Reconstruction and                     Foreign Relations, without
                              Development for a term of five years; United                  printed report.
                              States Alternate Governor of the Inter-
                              American Development Bank for a term of
                              five years, vice Keith Krach.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                          EUROPEAN BANK FOR
                                          RECONSTRUCTION AND
    144            252       Jose W. Fernandez, of New York, to be United                  May 25, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Alternate Governor of the European                     Menendez, Committee on
                              Bank for Reconstruction and Development,                      Foreign Relations, without
                              vice Keith Krach.                                             printed report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    145            253       Jose W. Fernandez, of New York, to be an                      May 25, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Under Secretary of State (Economic Growth,                    Menendez, Committee on
                              Energy, and the Environment), vice Keith                      Foreign Relations, without
                              Krach.                                                        printed report.
                                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
   * 146           373       Faisal Amin, of Maryland, to be Chief                         May 25, 2021 Placed on the
                              Financial Officer, Environmental Protection                   Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Agency, vice Holly W. Greaves.                                116, 112th Congress.
                                    OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF
                                      NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE
   * 149           249       Christopher Charles Fonzone, of Pennsylvania,                 May 26, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              to be General Counsel of the Office of the                    Warner, Select Committee on
                              Director of National Intelligence, vice Jason                 Intelligence, without printed
                              Klitenic, resigned.                                           report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
   * 150           273       Brett M. Holmgren, of Minnesota, to be an                     May 26, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of State (Intelligence and                Warner, Select Committee on
                              Research), vice Ellen E. McCarthy.                            Intelligence, without printed
                              DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS
   * 151           397       Patricia L. Ross, of Ohio, to be an Assistant                 May 26, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Congressional                  Tester, Committee on
                              and Legislative Affairs), vice Brooks D.                      Veterans' Affairs, without
                              Tucker.                                                       printed report.
   * 152           398       Maryanne T. Donaghy, of Pennsylvania, to be                   May 26, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs                    Tester, Committee on
                              (Office of Accountability and Whistleblower                   Veterans' Affairs, without
                              Protection), vice Tamara Bonzanto.                            printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

   * 154           460       Donald Michael Remy, of Louisiana, to be                      May 26, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, vice                    Tester, Committee on
                              James Byrne.                                                  Veterans' Affairs, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
   * 156           374       Shannon Aneal Estenoz, of Florida, to be                      May 27, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife,                    Manchin, Committee on
                              vice Robert Wallace.                                          Energy and Natural
                                                                                            Resources, without printed
                                                                                           May 26, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                                                                                            Carper, Committee on
                                                                                            Environment and Public
                                                                                            Works, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
   * 158           456       Robert Peter Silvers, of the District of                      Jun 09, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be Under Secretary for                           Peters, Committee on
                              Strategy, Policy, and Plans, Department of                    Homeland Security and
                              Homeland Security, vice Chad F. Wolf.                         Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
   * 159           560       Jonathan Eugene Meyer, of Ohio, to be                         Jun 09, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              General Counsel, Department of Homeland                       Peters, Committee on
                              Security, vice John Marshall Mitnick.                         Homeland Security and
                                                                                            Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                  DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
   * 160           247       Janie Simms Hipp, of Arkansas, to be General                  Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Counsel of the Department of Agriculture,                     Stabenow, Committee on
                              vice Stephen Alexander Vaden.                                 Agriculture, Nutrition, and
                                                                                            Forestry, without printed
                                      DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
   * 161           360       Susanna V. Blume, of the District of Columbia,                Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              to be Director of Cost Assessment and                         Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Program Evaluation, Department of Defense,                    Services, without printed
                              vice Robert Daigle, resigned.                                 report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                       DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
   * 162           401       Jill Hruby, of New Mexico, to be Under                        Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                               Secretary for Nuclear Security, Department                   Reed, Committee on Armed
                               of Energy, vice Lisa Gordon-Hagerty,                         Services, without printed
                               resigned.                                                    report.
   * 163           429       Frank A. Rose, of Massachusetts, to be                        Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Principal Deputy Administrator, National                      Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Nuclear Security Administration, vice                         Services, without printed
                              William Bookless.                                             report.
                                      DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
   * 164           430       Deborah G. Rosenblum, of the District of                      Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of                     Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Defense, vice Guy B. Roberts, resigned.                       Services, without printed
   * 165           484       Frank Kendall III, of Massachusetts, to be                    Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of the Air Force, vice Barbara                      Reed, Committee on Armed
                              McConnell Barrett.                                            Services, without printed
   * 166           487       Christopher Paul Maier, of California, to be an               Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of Defense, vice Owen                     Reed, Committee on Armed
                              West.                                                         Services, without printed
   * 167           488       Heidi Shyu, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary                Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of Defense for Research and Engineering,                      Reed, Committee on Armed
                              vice Michael D. Griffin, resigned.                            Services, without printed
                                 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
   * 168           364       Jonathan Davidson, of Maryland, to be Deputy                  Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Under Secretary of the Treasury, vice Brian                   Wyden, Committee on
                              McGuire.                                                      Finance, without printed
   * 169           365       Lily Lawrence Batchelder, of Massachusetts, to                Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury,                    Wyden, Committee on
                              vice David J. Kautter.                                        Finance, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

   * 170           413       Benjamin Harris, of Virginia, to be an                        Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, vice                     Wyden, Committee on
                              Michael Faulkender.                                           Finance, without printed
   * 171           414       J. Nellie Liang, of Maryland, to be an Under                  Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                               Secretary of the Treasury, vice Mary John                    Wyden, Committee on
                               Miller, resigned.                                            Finance, without printed
                                               THE JUDICIARY
    172            388       Deborah L. Boardman, of Maryland, to be                       Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States District Judge for the District                 Durbin, Committee on the
                              of Maryland, vice Richard D. Bennett,                         Judiciary, without printed
                              retiring.                                                     report.
                                       DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
    174            275       Ronald L. Davis, of California, to be Director of             Jun 10, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the United States Marshals Service, vice                      Durbin, Committee on the
                              Donald W. Washington.                                         Judiciary, without printed
                             GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION
   * 175           272       Robin Carnahan, of Missouri, to be                            Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Administrator of General Services, vice                       Hassan for Mr. Peters,
                              Emily Webster Murphy.                                         Committee on Homeland
                                                                                            Security and Governmental
                                                                                            Affairs, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
   * 176           420       Jen Easterly, of New York, to be Director of the              Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security                     Hassan for Mr. Peters,
                              Agency, Department of Homeland Security,                      Committee on Homeland
                              vice Christopher Krebs.                                       Security and Governmental
                                                                                            Affairs, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
   * 182           437       Carlos Alberto Monje, Jr., of Louisiana, to be                Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy,                 Cantwell, Committee on
                              vice Derek Kan.                                               Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                        HUMAN SERVICES
   * 186           258       Dawn Myers O'Connell, of the District of                      Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary for                       Murray, Committee on
                              Preparedness and Response, Department of                      Health, Education, Labor,
                              Health and Human Services, vice Robert P.                     and Pensions, without printed
                              Kadlec.                                                       report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
   * 187           270       Douglas L. Parker, of West Virginia, to be an                 Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Assistant Secretary of Labor, vice David                      Murray, Committee on
                              Morris Michaels.                                              Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
   * 188           418       Gwen Graham, of Florida, to be Assistant                      Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Secretary for Legislation and Congressional                   Murray, Committee on
                              Affairs, Department of Education, vice Peter                  Health, Education, Labor,
                              Louis Oppenheim, resigned.                                    and Pensions, without printed
                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
   * 189           419       Taryn Mackenzie Williams, of the District of                  Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of                     Murray, Committee on
                              Labor, vice Kathleen Martinez, resigned.                      Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                   DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                        HUMAN SERVICES
   * 190           449       Miriam E. Delphin-Rittmon, of Connecticut, to                 Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              be Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and                  Murray, Committee on
                              Substance Use, Department of Health and                       Health, Education, Labor,
                              Human Services, vice Elinore F. McCance-                      and Pensions, without printed
                              Katz.                                                         report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
   * 191           453       Rajesh D. Nayak, of Maryland, to be an                        Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Assistant Secretary of Labor, vice William E.                 Murray, Committee on
                              Spriggs, resigned.                                            Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY
   * 192           387       Robin C. Ashton, of Maryland, to be Inspector                 Jun 16, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              General, Central Intelligence Agency, vice                    Warner, Select Committee on
                              Daivd B. Buckley, resigned.                                   Intelligence, without printed
                                               THE JUDICIARY
    193            389       Tiffany P. Cunningham, of Illinois, to be                     Jun 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States Circuit Judge for the Federal                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              Circuit, vice Evan Jonathan Wallach,                          Judiciary, without printed
                              retiring.                                                     report.
                                       DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
    194            422       Anne Milgram, of New Jersey, to be                            Jun 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Administrator of Drug Enforcement, vice                       Durbin, Committee on the
                              Michele Marie Leonhart.                                       Judiciary, without printed
    195            423       Kenneth Allen Polite, Jr., of Louisiana, to be                Jun 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              an Assistant Attorney General, vice Brian                     Durbin, Committee on the
                              Allen Benczkowski.                                            Judiciary, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate

                                       PRIVILEGED NOMINATIONS
     Pursuant to S. Res. 116, 112th Congress, nominations in this section of the Executive Calendar are entitled to expedited procedures.

       NO.           RECEIVED                                               REQUESTED BY      INFORMATION        COMMITTEE OF JURISDICTION
                                                                             COMMITTEE          RECEIVED

         263       Apr 12, 2021       Mohsin Raza Syed, of Virginia,              Yes         Jun 07, 2021       Jun 21, 2021 - Mr. Cruz.
                                       to be an Assistant Secretary of
                                       Transportation, vice Adam J.
         264       Apr 12, 2021       Victoria Marie Baecher                      Yes         Jun 07, 2021       Jun 21, 2021 - Mr. Cruz.
                                       Wassmer, of the District of
                                       Columbia, to be Chief
                                       Financial Officer, Department
                                       of Transportation, vice John E.
         403       Apr 22, 2021       Evelyn M. Fujimoto, of Texas, to            Yes
                                       be a Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the National
                                       Institute of Building Sciences
                                       for a term expiring September
                                       7, 2022, vice James T. Ryan,
                                       term expired.
         404       Apr 22, 2021       Lori Peek, of Colorado, to be a             Yes
                                       Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the National
                                       Institute of Building Sciences
                                       for a term expiring September
                                       7, 2022, vice Joseph Byrne
                                       Donovan, term expired.
         432       Apr 27, 2021       Kimberly L. Jones, of the                   Yes
                                       District of Columbia, to be a
                                       Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the National
                                       Institute of Building Sciences
                                       for a term expiring September
                                       7, 2023, vice James
                                       Timberlake, term expired.
         434       Apr 27, 2021       Margaret Vo Schaus, of Virginia,            Yes         Jun 07, 2021
                                       to be Chief Financial Officer,
                                       National Aeronautics and
                                       Space Administration, vice
                                       Jeffrey DeWit, resigned.
         445       Apr 27, 2021       Melanie Anne Egorin, of the                 Yes
                                       District of Columbia, to be an
                                       Assistant Secretary of Health
                                       and Human Services, vice
                                       Sarah C. Arbes.

 *   Committee of jurisdiction has requested appropriate biographical and financial information on this nominee
**   Committee of jurisdiction has received the necessary biographical and financial information on this nominee; nominee will remain in this
     section for 10 session days
                                       PRIVILEGED NOMINATIONS
     Pursuant to S. Res. 116, 112th Congress, nominations in this section of the Executive Calendar are entitled to expedited procedures.

       NO.           RECEIVED                                               REQUESTED BY      INFORMATION        COMMITTEE OF JURISDICTION
                                                                             COMMITTEE          RECEIVED

         448       Apr 27, 2021       Catherine A. McLaughlin, of                 Yes
                                       Massachusetts, to be a
                                       Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the Corporation
                                       for National and Community
                                       Service for a term expiring
                                       October 6, 2024, vice Shamina
                                       Singh, term expired.
         452       Apr 27, 2021       Cynthia C. Hogan, of Ohio, to be            Yes
                                       a Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the Corporation
                                       for National and Community
                                       Service for a term expiring
                                       February 8, 2024, vice Lisa M.
                                       Quiroz, term expired.
         454       Apr 27, 2021       Shirley Sachi Sagawa, of                    Yes
                                       Maryland, to be a Member of
                                       the Board of Directors of the
                                       Corporation for National and
                                       Community Service for a term
                                       expiring October 6, 2024, vice
                                       Jane D. Hartley, term expired.
         459       Apr 27, 2021       Helaine Ann Greenfeld, of                   Yes                            May 10, 2021 - Mr. Grassley.
                                       Maryland, to be an Assistant
                                       Attorney General, vice
                                       Stephen Elliott Boyd.
         498       Apr 28, 2021       Elizabeth Schoff Watson, of                 Yes
                                       Maryland, to be an Assistant
                                       Secretary of Labor, vice
                                       Katherine Brunett McGuire,
         534       Apr 29, 2021       Sean Burton, of California, to be           Yes
                                        a Member of the Board of
                                        Directors of the Metropolitan
                                        Washington Airports
                                        Authority for a term expiring
                                        May 30, 2024, vice Nina
                                        Mitchell Wells, term expired.
         543       Apr 29, 2021       Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois,           Yes                            Jun 21, 2021 - Mr. Cruz.
                                       a Career Member of the Senior
                                       Foreign Service, Class of
                                       Minister-Counselor, to be a
                                       Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the African
                                       Development Foundation for a
                                       term expiring September 27,
                                       2026. (Reappointment)

 *   Committee of jurisdiction has requested appropriate biographical and financial information on this nominee
**   Committee of jurisdiction has received the necessary biographical and financial information on this nominee; nominee will remain in this
     section for 10 session days
                                       PRIVILEGED NOMINATIONS
     Pursuant to S. Res. 116, 112th Congress, nominations in this section of the Executive Calendar are entitled to expedited procedures.

       NO.           RECEIVED                                               REQUESTED BY      INFORMATION        COMMITTEE OF JURISDICTION
                                                                             COMMITTEE          RECEIVED

         544       Apr 29, 2021       Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois,           Yes                            Jun 21, 2021 - Mr. Cruz.
                                       a Career Member of the Senior
                                       Foreign Service, Class of
                                       Minister-Counselor, to be a
                                       Member of the Board of
                                       Directors of the African
                                       Development Foundation for a
                                       term expiring September 27,
                                       2021, vice Linda Thomas-
                                       Greenfield, resigned.
         579       May 25, 2021       Daryl W. Baldwin, of Ohio, to be            Yes
                                       a Member of the National
                                       Council on the Humanities for
                                       a term expiring January 26,
                                       2024, vice Camila Ann Alire,
                                       term expired.
         580       May 25, 2021       Genine Macks Fidler, of Florida,            Yes
                                       to be a Member of the National
                                       Council on the Humanities for
                                       a term expiring January 26,
                                       2022, vice John Unsworth,
                                       term expired.
         581       May 25, 2021       Beverly Gage, of Connecticut, to            Yes
                                       be a Member of the National
                                       Council on the Humanities for
                                       a term expiring January 26,
                                       2024, vice Daniel Iwao
                                       Okimoto, term expired.
         582       May 25, 2021       Lynnette Young Overby, of                   Yes
                                       Delaware, to be a Member of
                                       the National Council on the
                                       Humanities for the remainder
                                       of the term expiring January
                                       26, 2022, vice Adair Margo,
         613       Jun 08, 2021       Caral E. Spangler, of Virginia, to          Yes
                                       be an Assistant Secretary of
                                       the Army, vice John E.
         631       Jun 15, 2021       William E. Holloway, of                     Yes
                                       Pennsylvania, to be a Member
                                       of the Board of Directors of the
                                       National Institute of Building
                                       Sciences for a term expiring
                                       September 7, 2021, vice Mary
                                       B. Verner, term expired.

 *   Committee of jurisdiction has requested appropriate biographical and financial information on this nominee
**   Committee of jurisdiction has received the necessary biographical and financial information on this nominee; nominee will remain in this
     section for 10 session days
                                       PRIVILEGED NOMINATIONS
     Pursuant to S. Res. 116, 112th Congress, nominations in this section of the Executive Calendar are entitled to expedited procedures.

       NO.           RECEIVED                                               REQUESTED BY      INFORMATION        COMMITTEE OF JURISDICTION
                                                                             COMMITTEE          RECEIVED

         632       Jun 15, 2021       William E. Holloway, of                     Yes
                                       Pennsylvania, to be a Member
                                       of the Board of Directors of the
                                       National Institute of Building
                                       Sciences for a term expiring
                                       September 7, 2024.

 *   Committee of jurisdiction has requested appropriate biographical and financial information on this nominee
**   Committee of jurisdiction has received the necessary biographical and financial information on this nominee; nominee will remain in this
     section for 10 session days

                             NOTICE OF INTENT TO OBJECT
    When a notice of intent to object is given to the appropriate leader, or their designee, and such notice is submitted for inclusion in
 the Congressional Record and the Senate Executive Calendar, or following the objection to a unanimous consent to proceeding to, and,
 or disposition of, matters relating to nominations and treaties on their behalf, it shall be placed in the section of the Senate Executive
 Calendar entitled “Notice of Intent to Object”. (S. Res. 28, 112th Congress)

MESSAGE                                     NOMINEE AND OFFICE                                                 DATE AND SENATOR

                         MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION
      After an action taken by the Senate, any Senator voting with the prevailing side or who has not voted may, on the same day or on
either of the next two days of actual session thereafter, either enter a motion for reconsideration or move a reconsideration. This section
contains such motions not yet acted on as so provided by Rule XIII, Paragraph 1.

         DATE                                                              SUBJECT
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