Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ...

Page created by Shirley Lawson
Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ...
Kū     Ka Nū Hou - NEWS
   Iune - June 2022

   ‘ōlelo no‘eau
          E lauhoe mai na
          waʻa; i ke kā, i ka
          hoe; i ka hoe, i ke kā;
          pae aku i ka ʻāina.*

                Everybody paddle
                the canoes together;
                bail and paddle,
                paddle and bail, and
                the shore is reached.

     In light of World Ocean                                                                                                Images: NOAA

     Day, we uplift this ʻōlelo
     noʻeau as a powerful                         Mokupāpapa Reopening - Bigger and Better
     reminder of honoring
     the power of collective                      After over two years of closure and      reef dynamics change over time,
     contributions to support                     pent up demand we are welcoming          and virtual paths to explore the
     healthy and thriving                         visitors back to Mokupāpapa              underwater world. This new MEGA
     relationships between                        Discovery Center. As a community         Lab area will allow visitors to interact
     people and nature. Finding                   center for downtown Hilo, the            with researchers in person, and will
     a way to work together                       partners are celebrating the reopening   replace the wonderful Calley OʻNeil
     to coordinate paddling                       of this vibrant hub of activity.         RAMA Art Exhibit graciously on loan
     and bailing is part of the                                                            to us since 2017.
     learning accompanying the                    In the last two years, through virtual
     journey together. Everyone                   opportunities, we successfully           We will also open the Kenyan K.
     plays a role to creating                     developed new national and               Beals Community Robotics Center,
     a better world for many                      international audiences for our          developed in partnership with the
     generations to come.                         popular monthly webinars, created        Hawaiʻi Science and Technology
                                                  new curriculum, held teacher             Museum as a training area for
                                                  workshops, and worked on                 students preparing for robotics
                                                  partnerships while the center was        competitions. Hawaiʻi Island has
                                                  closed. We are actively getting the      some of the highest ranking robotics
                                                  facility ready to greet visitors once    teams in the United States, and we
                                                  again.                                   are honored to help support this
                                                                                           upcoming career pathway. We are also
                                                  A new area of the second floor has       working on a few new exhibits for the
                                                  been constructed in partnership          center, including a sea turtle/honu
                                                  with Dr. John Burns (Road To The         exhibit that will be spread across the
                                                  Sea Foundation), the University of       entire Center, and a deep-sea, kai
                                                  Hawaiʻi, Hilo MEGA (Multi-Scale          lipo, immersive exhibit to showcase
                                                  Environmental Graphics Analysis)         the latest deep sea exploration in
                                                  Lab. This area will provide a view       Papahānaumokuākea and beyond
                                                  into the life of a technology focused    that will be completed in the future.
                                                  conservation researcher, and highlight   We hope you can come visit us in Hilo
                                                  the fascinating tools his lab have       when you are on the island.
                                                  developed to understand how
* Pukuʻi #327           Image: Nāʻālehu Anthony
Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ...
Day, with activities and live                 sky around them. Strengthening
                                         entertainment at all four locations,          partnerships through collaborative
                                         and in Kalakaua Park across from              programming expands our
                                         the East Hawaiʻi Cultural Center.             ability to connect students to
                                         The event is Saturday, June 11 from           ONMS/PMNM and our mission
                                         10 a.m. to 2 p.m..                            while developing local talent
                                                                                       for organizational succession
                                                                                       planning. Request a field trip here
                                                                                       or contact Malia.Evans@noaa.gov
                                         “Earth, Sea, Sky:                             for more information.

                                         Creating Connections”
                                         Educational Program

Museum Square
Partnership in Hilo
The closure of interpretive facilities
in Hilo over the last two years
                                                                                                           Image: Mark Sullivan/NOAA
created an opportunity for us to
meet and discuss how we can be                                                           Third Thursday
                                                               Image: Janice Wei/NPS

more supportive of each other
and create a culture of exploration      PMNM in concert with our partners               Mokupāpapa
and discovery in Downtown Hilo.          launched a new virtual huakaʻi
Four of the museums in downtown          (field trip) program in April in                Webinars continue
Hilo developed a Museum Square           a multi-year long educational
Partnership to promote visitation,       partnership between Mokupāpapa                  Every third Thursday of the
co-host events and enhance the           Discovery Center, the Hawaiʻi                   month, Mokupāpapa presents
visitor experience in a revitalized      Volcanoes National Park and the                 informative and innovative
Hilo Bayfront community. The             University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo                   presentations on research, new
four organizations are the Pacific       ʻImiloa Astronomy Center. Through               discoveries, and conservation
Tsunami Museum, Hawaiʻi Science          participation in field trips with each          and management success
and Technology Museum, East              organization, virtually or in person,           stories.
Hawaiʻi Cultural Center, and our         students learn how interconnected
own Mokupāpapa Discovery                 and interdependent life is in the               An upcoming highlight will be
Center. All locations are within         Hawaiian archipelago, as well as                a presentation by John Armor,
a few minutes walking distance           how we can mālama ʻāina, care for               director of NOAA’s Office of
of each other and form a rough           the world around us. Students are               National Marine Sanctuaries
square interpretive trail for visitors   grounded in traditional Hawaiian                on June 16, 2022. He will be
to follow while exploring the Hilo       knowledge systems and practices                 discussing the 50th anniversary
Bayfront and its many unique             and exposed to a diverse range                  of the National Marine
merchants and eateries.                  of scientific research and local                Sanctuary System. Check the
                                         citizen science projects. In addition,          website for more information
The Museum Square Partnership            students are introduced to promising            about more Third Thursday
will have its inaugural event this       career pathways that emphasize                  webinars to be held at noon on
June to celebrate World Ocean            connection to the earth, sea, and               July 21, August 18, September
                                                                                         22, and October 20. Stay tuned
                                                                                         for more dates as we get closer
                                                                                         to the holidays.
Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ...
Celebrating Anniversaries                                                                October milestones
                                                                                         In 2022, we celebrate the 50th
On June 15, 2006, the Northwestern      Educational, Scientific and Cultural             anniversary of the National
Hawaiian Islands Marine National        Organization (UNESCO). Because                   Marine Sanctuary System. On
Monument was designated by              the monument represents one of the               October 23, 1972, a new era of
President George Bush, creating         best examples of both the world’s                ocean conservation was born by
the largest marine conservation         cultural as well as natural heritage,            creating a system of national marine
area on Earth at the time. A year       it has the distinction of being named            sanctuaries. Since then, the National
later, it was given its Hawaiian        the only mixed World Heritage site               Marine Sanctuary System has grown
name, Papahānaumokuākea.                within the United States.                        into a nationwide network of 15
Papahānaumoku is a mother figure                                                         national marine sanctuaries and two
personified by the earth and Wākea      August 26 marks the sixth                        marine national monuments that
is a father figure personified in the   anniversary of expansion                         conserve more than 620,000 square
expansive sky; the two are honored      of Papahānaumokuākea by                          miles of spectacular ocean and Great

and highly recognized ancestors
of Native Hawaiian people.              Presidential proclamation.
This June 15, we celebrate the                                                           Lakes waters, an area nearly the size
                                        Previously the largest contiguous
sixteenth anniversary of Monument                                                        of Alaska.
                                        fully-protected conservation area in
designation.                            the United States at 139,797 square
                                                                                         Rounding out October’s celebrations
                                        miles, the expanded boundaries
On July 30, we celebrate twelve                                                          will be 50 years of UNESCO’s
                                        made it one of the largest protected
years since Papahānaumokuākea                                                            World Heritage Convention,
                                        areas on the planet at 582,578 square
Marine National Monument                                                                 established in 1972 to safeguard
                                        miles, nearly the size of the Gulf of
was inscribed as a mixed World                                                           exceptional heritage sites like
Heritage site by the United Nations                                                      Papahānaumokuākea.
                                                                                         Happy Anniversary!

                                                                                          A worldwide audience joined
                                                                                          the OET Corps of Explorers via
                                                                                          NautilusLive.org as the E/V
                                                                                          Nautilus mapped and explored
                                                                                          seamounts and guyots at depths of
                                                                                          2000-3000+ meters as part of NA138
                                                                                          - Luʻuaeahikiikekumu Expedition.
                                                            A giant glass sponge
                                                            covered in basket stars
                                                                                          The webpage describes the scientific
                                                            surrounded by colorful        goals of the expedition and hosts a
                                                            coral species was viewed
                                                                                          gallery of images, video highlights,
  The Hidden Depths of                                      at unnamed seamount
                                                            North. The green laser
                                                            dots are 10cm apart.
                                                                                          and blogs.

  Papahānaumokuākea                                         Image: OET/Nautilus Live
                                                            and NOAA                      As part of the monument’s ongoing
                                                                                          collaboration with OET, some
While the islands, coral atolls and     Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus                 content and live school interactions
reefs of Papahānaumokuākea              just shed a little more light on the              are available in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
teem with life, very little is known    rich diversity of deep sea corals,                (Hawaiian). There will be ongoing
about the deep ocean ecosystems         sponges, and other marine life that               deep ocean exploration within
that make up a vast majority of the     cluster in dense “gardens” along                  PMNM and the Pacific over the next
monument. NOAA partner Ocean            ancient underwater volcanoes like                 few years. To learn more about deep
Exploration Trust (OET) and the         the Liliʻuokalani Ridge, located in               ocean exploration throughout the
                                        the far northwestern edge of the                  national marine sanctuary system,
                                        expanded boundary area.                           visit DeepOceaneducation.org.
                                                                    Top image: Sarah Glover/NOAA (Permit #22677)
Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ...
National Marine Sanctuary
  Designation for Papahānaumokuākea
  Native Hawaiian kūpuna (esteemed elders)                       eighty-two written and oral comments were
  have strongly advocated for the long-term                      received. Public comments spanned a broad
  lasting protection of Papahānaumokuākea from                   range of information, issues of concern, and
  the beginning and instilled the vision and values              recommendations. The majority of comments
  that set the course for a collective journey caring            were in support of moving forward with the
  for this sacred place. Weaving together the past,              Sanctuary designation process. A summary of
  present, and future, their legacy is foundational              the range of comments is provided below.
  to guiding Native Hawaiian engagement in
  the active protection and management of

  In moving forward with sanctuary designation,
  our goal is to continue to honor their legacy
  and vision towards ensuring the permanency
  of lasting protection of this place for future
  generations. Sanctuary designation will provide
  another layer of protection to continue honoring
  this place and will not diminish any existing

  There are many opportunities for public
                                                                 Public comments received through the process
  involvement in the process for sanctuary
                                                                 will inform the design of a draft sanctuary
  designation. Public meetings were held in
                                                                 management plan, proposed sanctuary
  December, 2021, co-hosted by NOAA and
                                                                 regulations, and terms of designation. These
  the State of Hawaii Department of Land
                                                                 designation documents are being written, and
  and Natural Resources. A combined total of
                                                                 will be released for public review in 2023.

                                                                 Find out more about national marine sanctuary
                                                                 designation for Papahānaumokuākea on the
                                                                 Monument website.

                                                                                                                  Image: Greg McFall/NOAA

Connect with Us                     papahanaumokuakea.gov                     Papahānaumokuākea is co-managed by the National
                                                                              Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Fish
Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument      Mokupāpapa Discovery Center   and Wildlife Service, State of Hawai‘i, and Office of
NOAA/Daniel K. Inouye Regional Center           76 Kamehameha Avenue          Hawaiian Affairs. This newsletter highlights some of
1845 Wasp Blvd, Building 176                    Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720           the initiatives of the NOAA Office of National Marine
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96818 | Phone: 808-725-5800   Phone: 808-498-4709           Sanctuaries and partners.
Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ... Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ... Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ... Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ... Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ... Kū Ka Nū Hou - NEWS - PMNM's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries ...
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