Fylde Additional Restrictions Grant Allocation Scheme

Page created by Raul Hammond
Fylde Additional Restrictions Grant Allocation Scheme

The government has initiated local restrictions in response to increased Coronavirus rates
within communities. Localised restrictions are legally binding restrictions imposed on Local
Authority areas where the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care uses powers of Part2A
of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 in response to the threat posed by
coronavirus and commonly as part of a wider set of measures.

The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) is one of the financial support packages established
by central government to provide support to businesses that have been adversely affected as
a result of the national lockdown restrictions.

The fund is limited and therefore will be used to support as many local businesses as possible
and that make a major contribution to the Fylde economy. The fund is a single allocation,
targeted at businesses that are not eligible for the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed),
are priority businesses in the local economy, and that are severely impacted by the COVID 19

The fund was initially a single allocation based on £20 per head of population (ONS 2019 Mid-
Year Population Estimates) for each local authority to operate a discretionary grant scheme.
Since the initial investment from central government, additional top-up funding has been
provided on the same population-proportionate basis.

Local Authorities have the freedom to determine precise eligibility criteria for the ARG grant
scheme, subject to cross cutting conditions that apply to all grant schemes. Local Authorities
are responsible for administering grants in response to local restrictions.

Given the limited budget available (which is significantly less than the previous lockdown
allocation) the Council is required to prioritise which businesses to support and the level of
grant to be provided. It is recognised that not all businesses will benefit and even those that
do may be disappointed with the level of support the council is able to offer.

Grant support will be targeted at businesses that are a priority to the Fylde economy, which
includes; hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors.           Small and medium sized
businesses, often independently owned, in these sectors have been severely impacted by the
nature of the restrictions on travel, social mixing, in-person services, and premise controls for
businesses that cannot be delivered online.
The objective of the allocation scheme is:

   •   To offer financial assistance to a priority range of businesses operating in and
       supplying the hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors that have been severely
       impacted by COVID related local or national restrictions;

   •   To provide strategic financial assistance to larger businesses critical to the economic
       recovery of the Fylde economy in 2021; and

   •   To communicate advice and support (financial and non-financial) to all businesses
       affected by COVID-related trading restrictions.

The ARG awards will be administered through several schemes in order to support as many
local businesses as possible including:

   1. ARG Discretionary Grant - a local discretionary grants scheme like the discretionary
       scheme administered on behalf of the government as part of the business support
       measures during the initial lockdown from March to June 2020 (Details of this scheme
       are included in Appendix 1);

   2. ARG Licenced Drivers Scheme – a grants scheme aimed at drivers who are licenced
       with the council - the impact from reduced tourism footfall across the Fylde coast has
       adversely affected licenced drivers that have had limited or no other means of support
       (Details of this scheme are included in Appendix 2);

   3. ARG Closed Premises Supplementary Scheme - a Local Restrictions Support Grant
       (Closed) supplementary award targeted at those businesses that are required to
       remain closed from 2nd – 30th December, 2020, the timing of which is the busiest
       trading period of the year and where the business cannot trade online (Details of this
       scheme are included in Appendix 3);

   4. ARG Exceptions Scheme – a grant scheme to address exceptional local circumstances
       from businesses that have been unable to secure any, or enough, support from other
       grant schemes (including other elements of the ARG). Evidence of significant and
       exceptional or unique circumstances that place the business at risk as a result of local
       or national restrictions will be required (Details of this scheme are included in
       Appendix 4).

5. ARG Vacant Premises Grant – a grant scheme established to provide support to start-
       up costs for small local businesses who take on vacant premises between 1 March
       2021 and 31 March 2022 (subject to availability of grant funding). This grant scheme
       is intended to stimulate new business in the town centres of St Annes, Lytham and
       Kirkham that will encourage footfall to the area. The scheme will support new
       businesses with a contribution towards the initial investment for shop fitting and set-
       ups costs. (Details of this scheme are included in Appendix 5).

The following terms apply in respect of all the ARG schemes:


  • Grant income received by a business is taxable. Therefore, the Additional Restrictions
      Grant will need to be included as income in the tax return of any business in receipt of
      this funding.

  • Only businesses which make a net profit once grant income is included within their
      income will be subject to tax.


Although the United Kingdom left the EU on 31 January 2020, under the Withdrawal
Agreement, State aid rules continue to apply during a transition period, subject to regulation
by the EU Commission.

The Additional Restrictions Grant counts towards state aid. The rules are fully explained in
the government state aid guidance. By accepting this grant, a business must confirm that
they are not in breach of these rules.

Fylde Council is required to check that State aid requirements have been complied with when
making grant payments, including, where required, compliance with all relevant conditions of
the EU State Aid De-Minimis Regulation; the EU Commission Temporary Framework for State
aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak, and the approved
COVID-19 Temporary Framework for UK Authorities, and any relevant reporting requirements
to the EU Commission.


Applications will be approved or rejected based on this guidance. The Chief Executive has the
discretion to approve, reject or defer any or all applications.

If approved, the grant amount will be paid direct into the nominated bank account by BACS
payment. There is no right of appeal over the amount of grant awarded.

If an application is rejected a brief explanation of the decision will be provided. There is no
right of appeal against the decision to refuse an application, but where additional new
evidence becomes available an application can be reconsidered where such a reconsideration
is deemed appropriate at the Council’s discretion.


All applicants will be requested to declare the accuracy of the information they provide.

Applicants are required to provide business bank account details to speed the process of BACS
payments upon approval.

The retention period for all applicant data will be subject to further confirmation from
government in terms of post payment assurance. The Council will confirm the retention
period on the Council’s website once known.

The Council will only share data with other areas of the Council as required to administer the
ARG, or to meet government post event assurance requirements. Data will not be shared
with any other external agencies.


Where an applicant falsely applies for a grant payment or where they provide false
information, makes false representation, or deliberately withhold information in order to gain
a grant, prosecutions will be considered under the Fraud Act 2006.


Awarding process: Webpage and public online application form

Deadline for applications for National Lockdown (5 Nov 2020) : 18 December 2020

Deadline for applications for National Lockdown (5 Jan 2021) : 4pm 12 February 2021

The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) has been established by central government to
provide support to small local businesses that have been most adversely affected as a result
of the national lockdown restrictions, and are not eligible for the LRSG (Closed) grant.

Full details of the national guidance for this grant can be found at this link.

The fund is limited and therefore will be used to support as many local businesses as possible
that are a priority for the Fylde economy. The fund is a single allocation based on £20 per
head of population (ONS 2019 Mid-Year Population Estimates) for each local authority to
operate a discretionary grant scheme, targeted at businesses that are not eligible for the Local
Restrictions Support Group (Closed), are priority businesses in the local economy, and that
are severely impacted by the COVID 19 measures.

Who should apply for the ARG?

The ARG is aimed at a range of priority businesses in the Fylde economy including the

•   Leisure, hospitality and tourism businesses that are not separately registered for business
    rates and that have not been eligible for any other covid grants scheme;

•   Small businesses in shared rented space e.g. market traders not eligible for any other covid
    grants scheme;

•   Small businesses that have remained open during the national lockdown period but that
    have experienced a significant loss of income due to the national restrictions;

•   Amateur sports clubs, charities and community recreational associations not eligible for
    any other covid grants scheme;

•   Home based workers experiencing significant loss of income due to national restrictions;

•   Mobile workers who have been forced to cease trading under National Lockdown


In order to be eligible to apply for the ARG the business must:

•   Be located and trading primarily in the Fylde borough area;

•   Have been trading on, and before 16th October 2020;

•   Be adversely affected by the restrictions introduced under the national lockdown;

•   Have less than 40 employees; and

•   Have ongoing fixed costs.


The following exclusions will apply:

•   Businesses that are part of a large regional or national chain / franchise;

•   Businesses that are eligible for a Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed);

•   Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been
    made; and

•   Mobile workers who were not required to cease trading during National Lockdown

Assessment & Award

Three levels of grant will be available through the ARG scheme: £1,000, £2,000 or £3,000. The
amount awarded to eligible applicants will be based on an assessment of the evidence
provided against the following criteria:

•   The impact of lockdown measures on income to the business, considering whether the
    business has been able to continue any trading (including online);

•   Any impact on the ability to trade as a result of social distancing and lockdown measures
    e.g. additional cost to address COVID measures;

•   Eligibility for other business grant support and any previous grant awards; and

•   The financial viability of the business in terms of cash flow and reserves available to the

Only a single one-off award will be made per business so please do not submit multiple
applications for multiple premises of the same business entity.

Grant Conditions

•   Only one grant per eligible business (not one per business premise) will be paid.

•   Businesses must have been trading as normal on the 16th October 2020.

•   The business must be located and primarily trading in the Fylde borough.

•   Grants will only be paid to the nominated business bank account.

•   Awards made from the ARG discretionary fund are made based on the circumstances and
    evidence provided by the applicant and taking into consideration the limit of the fund to
    achieve the objective of supporting as many businesses as possible’

•   This funding is only available for eligible local businesses adversely affected by the
    national lockdown measures.


Awarding process: Licensed drivers contacted and directed to online application form

Deadline for applications: 4pm Friday 22 January.

Licensed drivers are an important element of the Fylde coast tourist / visitor economy and is
a sector that has had limited, if any, local and national grant support apart from the Self
Employment Income Support Scheme.

Lockdown and tier restrictions have resulted in a long-term impact on licensed drivers where
reduced footfall has adversely affected income, particularly for those that have limited or no
other means of support but who also retain the responsibility for the insurance, licensing,
repairs and maintenance of their vehicles or are required to continue to pay the rental for a

The ARG award will be allocated on the following basis:

    •   Licensed drivers registered with Fylde Council on October 16 th, 2020 will be awarded
        a single fixed payment of £350.

The award is based on the current cost of licences, rentals, vehicle inspections and a
contribution towards loss of earnings.

Eligible licence holders will be required to complete a verification form to check eligibility and
process any payment.


Awarding process: Eligible businesses from LRSG/ARG successful applications will be
automatically awarded and notified

Premises that are required to remain closed from Wednesday December 2 nd for the period
that Fylde remains under Tier 3 restrictions represent an important sector of the local
economy for visitors and residents.

The businesses include; restaurants, bars, public houses, cafes, entertainment venues and
accommodation outlets (hotels and B&B’s) with the restrictions requiring closure during what
would be the busiest period of the year. To compensate for this additional period of closure
at a crucial time for the hospitality and leisure sector a single supplementary award will be
made on the following basis for eligible businesses:

   •   Premises with a business rate valuation of £15,000 or less - an award of £1,500;

   •   Premises with a business rate valuation of £15,001 to £51,000 - an award of £2,000;

   •   Premises with a business rate valuation of £51,001 and above - an award of £3,000;

   •   Premises without a business rate valuation - an award of £500.

Eligible businesses will be contacted direct and notified of the supplementary award that will
be paid. In order to be eligible a business must meet all the following criteria:

   •   Have been required to close by law from December 2nd, 2020 under the Tier 3

   •   Have submitted by 23rd December 2020 a prior application to the Local Restrictions
       Support Grant (Closed), or former Tier 3 LRSG (Closed) scheme, or the Additional
       Restrictions Grant; and

   •   Be a customer-facing business in the hospitality, accommodation and leisure sector of
       the economy that cannot deliver the normal level of service by online means.


Awarding process: Webpage and enquiries directed to online contact form

Some businesses have been severely impacted over a long period of time as a result of
regulations, guidance, restrictions and changes in behaviour directly attributable to the COVID
19 pandemic measures and restrictions. For example, a venue that is exclusively dedicated
to large gathering celebrations such as weddings, birthdays and christenings and which has
no other source of income i.e. it does not operate as a hotel, public bar, restaurant etc. that
would mitigate the impact.

Businesses that have been adversely impacted for the whole period of the COVID pandemic,
and that can evidence that their circumstances are exceptional, will be considered on a case
by case basis for additional support. To be eligible for consideration the business must be
able to demonstrate all the following:

     •     The long term (minimum 6 month) impact of the COVID restrictions on the income of
           the business without any significant recovery between the lockdown periods;

     •     The business has premises or operational costs that cannot be reduced or mitigated
           as a result of closure or reduced trade i.e. a zoo required to feed and care for the
           animals; or significant rent / rates payments with no relief applied;

     •     The business is not a sole trader and employs at least five people (paid or volunteers);

     •     The service or product is delivered or produced in the borough of Fylde; and that

     •     The business is in the leisure, tourism, entertainment or hospitality sectors.


Awarding process: Webpage, online application form, and assessment by a case officer

A grant opportunity has been created by the council as part of our on-going commitment to
work with local people to tackle the challenges facing the three primary town centres in
Fylde. The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) Vacant Premises Grant has been established
to       provide   support to start-up    costs   for small   local   businesses    who take    on

vacant premises between 1 March 2021 and 31 March 2022 (subject to             availability of
grant funding).

The council has made a commitment to support the recovery of the local economy after the
challenges faced from the COVID pandemic, an important element of the local economy is
small independent businesses in the town centre. Even before the pandemic the town
centre was facing severe challenges with the increase of online shopping creating the need
for places to reinvent themselves. As part of this commitment the council is offering new
start-up businesses locating in vacant premises in the town centres, that offer in person
service, the opportunity to receive a grant towards the cost of fitting out the premises.

This grant scheme is intended to stimulate new business in the town centres of St Annes,
Lytham and Kirkham that will encourage footfall to the area. The economic climate has been
challenging       for         all      business during the   COVID   pandemic with in-person
businesses having had additional costs to keep customers safe, while trading has
been restricted         due         to COVID measures. The ARG   Vacant    Premises grant will
support new businesses with a contribution towards the initial investment for shop fitting
and set-ups costs.

Who should apply for the ARG Vacant Premises Grant?

Businesses which meet all the following criteria can apply for a grant:

   •   Moving or expanding into a vacant premises in the town centre

   •   Offering an in–person service that would generate footfall to the town centre

   •   Small independent sole trader / operator or locally based chain

   •   Premises must be within the town centre locations as per the maps at the bottom of
       this webpage

   •   Premises must include ground floor shop frontage


   •   Businesses that are part of a large regional or national chain / franchise in the food
       and drink, hospitality, or beauty / hair sectors

   •   Existing businesses relocating from one town centre location in Fylde to a different
       town centre (unless expanding)

•   Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been

   •   Business that might duplicate or displace already established businesses

   •   Businesses that do not have fixed premises in the town centre

Assessment & Award

Applicants can claim for up to 50% of the setup, shop fitting, refit, or branding cost of the
business to a maximum of £10,000.

The amount awarded to eligible applicants will be based on an assessment of the project
       proposal on a case by case basis considering the following criteria:

   •   The refit cost of moving into the premises

   •   Initial set-up costs prior to the opening of the business

   •   Whether the business operates in a priority sector for the local economy which
       includes retail, hospitality, leisure, and tourism

   •   Whether the business would fill a gap that exists in the town centre offer to generate
       footfall throughout the day – not just retail

   •   The impact     on    the    ability   to    trade because    of social   distancing and
       lockdown measures, e.g. reduced opening hours, mandated closures, reduction of
       customers able to access the premises, or travel guidance

   •   Additional costs because of operating in a COVID-secure manner, e.g. adaptions to
       premises such as one-way systems or plastic screens, procurement of PPE and hygiene
       provisions, or employment of additional staff to manage COVID-secure measures

   •   The financial viability of the business in terms of cash flow and reserves

Grant Conditions

   •   Only one grant per eligible business premises will be paid

   •   Grants will only be paid to the business owner and to the business bank account

   •   Businesses will receive a single grant payment on production of certified receipts

•   Applicants must demonstrate a clear viability gap through their application form,
       business plan and cash flow forecast

   •   The application will need to outline the need and demand for the business and how it
       will increase footfall to the town centre

   •   The business must offer / provide a high street frontage

   •   Businesses already well represented in the town centre will need to demonstrate
       added value or difference to the existing town centre offer

   •   The grant cannot be used to pay for rent, business rates or staff costs

   •   The grant can be spent on set up costs including building refurbishment, fixtures and
       fittings, utility connection costs and business marketing/branding

   •   The application must be submitted by December 31st, 2021 to allow time to
       process the scheme by March 31st, 2022

   •   Any award will be made on approval of the application with payment on invoice of
       works / services completed

Potential applicants will be required to submit an expression of interest via the application
link that will be allocated to a case officer who will act as the lead liaison for the grant
application making all necessary checks with licensing, planning and other regulatory
functions to assess the viability of the proposal and work closely with the applicant to make
an award wherever possible.

An application should only be made if a business meets the eligibility criteria and is not
exempt having read the information above. Please DO NOT apply if the business does not
meet the required criteria – an award cannot be made.

You can also read