Television CREATIVE SCHOOL - Build your future the INTEC way - INTEC College

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Television CREATIVE SCHOOL - Build your future the INTEC way - INTEC College
        General Courses


Build your future the INTEC way
Television CREATIVE SCHOOL - Build your future the INTEC way - INTEC College
TV Lights. Camera. Action!
                   Have you always been fascinated by the
                world of TV? Are you keen to take a look
              behind the scenes? Then you are ready to step
            into the spotlight with any of these brand new
          INTEC Television courses.

       With DreamWorld no longer a dream, the glamour of
      Hollywood is now right here on your doorstep, in sunny
     South Africa. As television production companies flock to
    our locations to make the most of our beautiful scenery, they
   also draw on our local talent to help them make commercials
  and TV programmes.
 Now stop dreaming and start acting. Your career in the magical
 world of TV is closer than you think – and we will be there every
step of the way to support you, with distance learning courses
you can complete when and where it suits you – never cramping
your creative style.

 Programme Type
 INTEC offers three types of programmes, namely National
 Qualifications, Provider Programmes, and Agent Programmes:
 National Qualifications are credit bearing qualifications
 registered on the NQF and accredited by a Quality
 Assurance Body.
 Provider Programmes are unique to INTEC and are designed
 to increase and enhance your skills and knowledge within your
 chosen field.
 Agent Programmes are programmes and qualifications for
 which INTEC offers tuition, but where INTEC does not issue
 the final certificate (the agent body issues the final certificate).

 For more information about the types of
 programmes that INTEC offers, please
 see the INTEC General Brochure.
Television CREATIVE SCHOOL - Build your future the INTEC way - INTEC College
Introduction to Television
Take your first step behind the
scenes of television as you discover
what goes into creating a spellbinding,
well produced TV programme.

Programme Type
The Introduction to Television programme is a Provider Programme.

Entrance Requirements
We strongly recommend that you have an English Language skill in
reading and writing equivalent to Grade 10 (Std. 8).

Course Duration
You should be able to complete this course within 6 to 12 months.

Course Content
• Introduction to television        • Video tape
• Basics of television              • Editing
• Vision mixing                     • Lighting
• Vision control                    • Graphics
• Audio                             • Production techniques
• Cameras
• Principles of television production

You are required to hand in 3 written assignments.

On successful completion you will receive your INTEC Certificate
in Introduction to Television.

              SAVE up to 20%
       when you enrol on more than one course
     Consider combining all the Television courses to
     complete the relevant components for you to become
     our next Frans Marx.
Operational Television
    Nearly every household in South Africa has access
 to a television, and this entertainment medium has
become an integral part of our daily lives. You too
can connect with people through TV and this course
will give you all the technical know-how to follow a
career in television.

Programme Type
The Operational Television programme is a
Provider Programme.

Entrance Requirements
Grade 10 (Std 8)

Course Duration
You should be able to complete this course within 12 to 18

Course Content
• Vision mixing                    • Vision control
• Audio                            • Cameras
• Video tape                       • Editing
• Production techniques            • Graphics
• Principles of television         • Lighting

You are required to hand in 7
written assignments.

On successful completion
you will receive your
INTEC Certificate in
Operational Television.
Television Production
With TV playing such an integral part
in the lives of South Africans, well-produced TV
programmes are in high demand.

Programme Type
The Television Production programme is a Provider Programme.

Entrance Requirements
Grade 10 (Std. 8)

Course Duration
You should be able to complete this course within 12 to 18 months.

Course Content
This course will help you understand the various aspects
of television production, from budgeting to operational
• Scripts                               • Scheduling
• Auditions                             • Production planning
• Programme planning                    • Operational
• Budgets

You are required to hand in 6 written assignments.

On successful completion you will receive your INTEC Certificate
in Television Production.
From the Principal’s desk
Take your next step now!
Follow through on your decision to
enhance your life and your future
prospects by enrolling on one of INTEC’s
Television courses today!

Why study with us?
•   Quality study material designed specifically for home-study.
•   The freedom to study at YOUR pace, where and when it suits YOU.
•   The widest range of courses for today’s world.
•   Free consultations with INTEC’s career counselling and
    development specialists.
•   Free study choice advice from INTEC’s Student Consultants.
•   The convenience of online enrolment, contact and advice.
•   Affordable, easy payment options.
•   Ongoing study support and individual attention from qualified tutors.

College Accreditation
INTEC College is committed to meeting legislative requirements
regarding accreditation and registration of private education
and training providers. We were among the first private education
and training providers to receive provisional accreditation from
Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further
Education and Training.
INTEC College’s accreditation number is FET 00037 PA.
Our Student Consultants are only a phone call away. They are
trained to help you choose the course that’s right for you. Call
them now, or simply fill in the enclosed enrolment form and
mail it to INTEC College.
Wishing you every success in your studies and your future!

Dr. Chris Merts
Dean of Distance Education Development

    go to: or email:

    Call a Student Consultant:
    JOHANNESBURG               Tel:   011   712-2555      Fax:   011   712-2521
    CAPE TOWN                  Tel:   021   426-0626      Fax:   021   426-0771
    PORT ELIZABETH             Tel:   041   373-3771      Fax:   041   373-3688
    DURBAN                     Tel:   031   374-9700      Fax:   031   301-8184
    PRETORIA                   Tel:   012   352-9000      Fax:   012   322-6369

INTEC College (PTY) LTD FET 00037 PA is a member
of both the National Association of Distance Education
Organisations in South Africa (NADEOSA) and the
Association of Private Providers of Education, Training
and Development (APPETD).

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