Page created by Barry Ryan
Version 2 – December 2019
Table of Contents
1.         ORGANISER ................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.         CONTACTS .................................................................................................................................................. 2
3.         COMPETITION ............................................................................................................................................ 2
     a)      Championships Period ........................................................................................................................... 2
     b)      Competition Venue ................................................................................................................................. 2
     c)      Format ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
     i.      Seeding ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
     d)      Event Age Eligibility ................................................................................................................................ 4
     e)      Sport Entry Meeting ................................................................................................................................ 4
     f)      Daily Competition and Meeting Schedule............................................................................................ 6
     g)      Competition Schedule Draft ................................................................................................................... 7
4.         TEAM REGISTRATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 8
     b)      Team Entry Fees ..................................................................................................................................... 8
     c)      Participating Boxers ................................................................................................................................ 8
     i.      Boxer Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................ 8
     ii.     Elite Age Categories ............................................................................................................................... 8
     d)      Coaches .................................................................................................................................................... 9
     e)      Process and Deadlines .......................................................................................................................... 9
5.         ACCOMMODATION ................................................................................................................................. 10
     a)      Team Hotels ........................................................................................................................................... 10
6.         ACCREDITATIONS................................................................................................................................... 11
     a)      Team Identification ................................................................................................................................ 11
     b)      Coaches .................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.         EQUIPMENT & FIELD OF PLAY ............................................................................................................ 12
     a)      Gloves ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
     b)      Headguards ............................................................................................................................................ 12
     c)      Bandages ............................................................................................................................................... 12
     d)      Mouthguards .......................................................................................................................................... 12
     e)      Drink in the Field of Play ...................................................................................................................... 12
     f)      Dress Code of Boxers .......................................................................................................................... 12
     g)      Dress Code of Coaches ....................................................................................................................... 13
     h)      Behaviour Standards ............................................................................................................................ 13
     i)      Coaching From The Corner ................................................................................................................. 13
8.         DOPING CONTROL ................................................................................................................................. 14
9.         MEDICAL CARE ........................................................................................................................................ 14
10.          INSURANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 14
11.          AWARDS ................................................................................................................................................ 14

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Boxing Victoria, affiliated with Boxing Australia Limited (BAL), has been entrusted with the
organisation of the 2020 Asian-Oceania Olympic Qualification Pre-Selection Event.

Subject                                         E-Mail

Local Organising Committee (Boxing Victoria)

Boxing Victoria Team Manager          

Registration for Team Delegations     

Registration for Extra Officials      

BAL Competition Manager               

Press & Media related                 

Accreditation Enquiries               

   a) Championships Period
       4 – 7 December 2019

   b) Competition Venue
       The Whitehorse Club
       298-336 Burwood Highway, East Burwood Reserve
       Burwood East VIC 3151
       03 9887 9968

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c) Format
The Championships will be conducted in accordance with the AIBA Technical and
Competition Rules and BAL Technical and Competition Regs.

            i.       Seeding

                 o   When draws are conducted for Australian Boxing Championships and/or
                     National Selection Competitions, a seeding system will be conducted in Elite
                     Men’s and Elite Women’s weight categories. Where there are more than eight
                     (8) boxers in a weight division, BAL can seed up to four (4) boxers.

                 o   The winner of the previous Australian Championships for that weight category
                     will be seeded number 1 and the runner-up for that weight category will be
                     seeded number 2. If there are more than 8 boxers in a weight division then the
                     loser to the gold medallist in the semi-final bout of the previous Australian
                     Championships will be seeded No. 3 and the runner up to the silver medallist
                     in the semi-final bout of the previous Australian Championships will be seeded
                     number 4 or higher at the discretion of the Technical Delegate provided it
                     does not disadvantage any other boxer with a right to a seeding given in this

                 o   Should a gold or silver medallist from the previous Australian Championships
                     change their weight category from the previous Australian Championship they
                     may fill a vacant seeded position in their new weight category at the absolute
                     discretion of the Technical Delegate.

                 o   Where possible, the number one (1) seeded boxer and any number four (4)
                     seeded boxer will be placed in the top of one half of the draw and the number
                     two (2) seeded boxer and any number three (3) seeded boxer will be placed in
                     the bottom half of the draw.

                 o   Where the number of entries for a weight category provides for byes during
                     the draw, the seeded boxer(s) will fill the bye position(s), provided the number
                     one (1) seeded boxer fills the first bye and the number two (2) seeded boxer is
                     so positioned whereby the two seeded boxers can meet only in the final. If
                     four (4) boxers are seeded, they should be placed so that they cannot meet
                     until the semi-final.

   •   The Official Draw will be conducted by Swiss Timing through an electronic draw.
   •   One ring will be used.
   •   The AIBA ’10 point Must System’ will be used for scoring.
   •   Medals will be distributed to the first two boxers of each weight category (Gold and
   •   The Technical Delegate of the event is Ann Tindall.
   •   The Event will be officiated by Top Referees and Judges who are selected and
       appointed by BAL.

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d) Event Age Eligibility

A boxer, in regard to his or her age, who will be eligible to compete in 2020 in Elite boxing
competition will be eligible to compete under BAL Elite competition rules and conditions in:

            o   the BAL Elite Men’s and Elite Women’s Preselection Tournament to be
                conducted in December next for the Australian Team for the relevant 2020
                Olympic Games Qualification Tournaments for Oceania boxers; and
            o   Member Association ‘pathway’ competition to BAL’s Preselection Tournament.

   e) Sport Entry Meeting
The Sport Entry meeting will take place on the 3rd December 2019. BAL will inform you
of the exact time of your appointment by the 15th of November 2019. Please make sure
you arrive in Melbourne prior to 2pm of the 3rd of December 2019.

                     15:30                                           NSW
                     15:30                                           BAL
                     15:45                                           VIC
                     16:00                                           ACT
                     16:15                                            SA
                     16:30                                           QLD
                     16:45                                            WA

Each Team Delegation can appoint a maximum of 2 persons to attend the check. BAL
recommends to each team to send the Team Manager and/or the Head Coach.
Each Team Delegation’s representatives will have a 10-minute appointment with BAL
Officials to confirm the entry list of their delegation, the spelling of the boxers’ names, the
uniforms, state flag if possible, and to hand out official documents listed below to BAL.

Your representative(s) must present the following:

   •   Entry list of the delegation (this document will be sent by BAL 3 week prior to
   •   Record Books of all boxers
   •   Declaration of Non-Pregnancy forms
   •   Example of competition Uniform e.g. Red and Blue

All boxers must bring to their first Medical Check and Weigh-In of the Australian

   •   His or her Boxer Competition Record Book with:

            o   their Annual Medical Examination marked as undertaken, with the
                assessment he or she is ‘Fit to Box’ and dated.
            o   Medical Examination assessments undertaken following any rest periods after
                a head injury marked as ‘Fit’.

   •   Boxing Australia NSW boxers must ensure that their medical section has been signed
       in their Combat Sports Authority book or have a copy of their Fit to Box certificate with

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Important: Please note that the presence of your representative is mandatory. In the event
where Team Delegation Representatives do not show-up to the scheduled appointment, the
entire Team will not be entered as the draw for bouts will be conducted immediately following
this session.

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f) Daily Competition and Meeting Schedule
   Event                     Time                       Place

   December 3 2019
   Arrivals                  All Day                    Melbourne Airports
   Sports Entry Meeting      15:30 – 17:00              Competition Venue
   Technical Meeting         17:00 – 18:00
   Official Draw             18:00 – 19:00
   December 4-7 2019
   Daily Weigh-ins           08:00 – 09:00              Competition Venue
   December 4 2019
   Opening Ceremony          12:00 – 12:30              Competition Venue
   December 4, 5 & 6 2019
   1st, 2nd & 3rd Day       of Afternoon Session From
   Competition                 13:00 – 16:00
                                                        Competition Venue
                               Evening Session From
                               17:00 – 20:00
   December 7 2019
   Finals Day & Medal        Evening Session From
                                                        Competition Venue
   Ceremonies                17:00 – 20:00
   December 8 2019
   Departures                All Day                    Melbourne Airports

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g) Competition Schedule Draft

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Each Member Association is to use the online Registration system to get their teams
registered by Monday 4 November 2019. Online registration will open on Monday 14 October
2019. Member Associations must provide all required documentation as required with the
online registration and the signed Non-Pregnancy Declaration form for all women boxers to
be provided at the Technical Meeting.

Participants will be required to provide serology reports and forms.

Member Associations will be invoiced by BAL for the payment for their Team entries once the
team entry has been finalised.

   b) Team Entry Fees

   •   $70 Per Athlete
   •   $30 Per State Coach

Entries are due to be submitted by 4 November 2019. Entries after this date will be
considered late entries and will incur a late fee of $200 per entrant. No entries will be
accepted after 28 November 2019.

   c) Participating Boxers
            i.       Boxer Eligibility

   •   In addition to being an Australian citizen to be eligible to enter the Elite Australian
       Boxing Championships a boxer must have had a minimum of 5 bouts for men and 3
       bouts for women experience (excluding exhibitions).

        ii.          Elite Age Categories

   •   For a boxer aged 19 (2000) to 40 years (1979) Age in 2020 will be determined by the
       boxer’s year of birth.

Weight Categories
A boxer, in regard to his or her age, who will be eligible to compete in 2020 in Elite boxing
competition will be eligible to compete under BAL Elite competition rules and conditions in:

                 o   the BAL Elite Men’s and Elite Women’s Preselection Tournament to be
                     conducted in December next for the Australian Team for the relevant 2020
                     Olympic Games Qualification Tournaments for Oceania boxers; and
                 o   Member Association ‘pathway’ competition to BAL’s Preselection Tournament.

                 Elite Men                                        Elite Women
  52kg, 57kg, 63kg, 69kg, 75kg, 81kg, 91kg,         48kg, 51kg, 54kg, 57kg, 60kg, 64kg, 69kg,
                   91+kg                                       75kg, 81kg, 81+kg

   Please note that Member Associations are entitled to enter up to two entrants in each
   weight category.

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Coach Nomination Ratios
     Below is the ratio of Coaches and Team Managers that each Member Association may

           Number of Boxers               Permitted Coaches        Permitted Team Managers
                 1-3                               3
                 4-7                               4
                8-11                               6                           1
               12-16                               7
               17-32                              10
                                                                        1 Team Manager &
                    33+                            15
                                                                       1 Assistant Manager

     Additional coaches beyond these ratios must pay for entry to the venue.

     All Names Must Be Provided to BAL for the Coaches to receive their accreditations for
     the Competitions. If they do not have an accreditation, they will be refused entry onto
     the Field of Play.

         d) Coaches
     Each Boxer will be entitled to be accompanied to the ring by up to three (3) coaches.
     However, only two (2) Coaches may mount the apron of the ring and only one (1) may enter
     the ring.
         • All boxers must be accompanied by BAL Level 1 or 2 Accredited coaches.
         • All Coaches allowed to work in the Field of Play (FOP) must be BAL Certified.

         e) Process and Deadlines
     All registrations for Team Delegations will have to be made through the BAL Event
     Registration Portal

Registration for:         Done by:                                Entries Deadline
Athletes                  Each Member Association Must            4 November 2019
                          Register their boxers through the
                          Registration Portal for the 2019
                          Elite Men’s & Women’s Australian
                          Boxing Championships
Team Officials            Each Member Association Must            4 November 2019
                          Register their Team Officials
                          through the Registration Portal for
                          the 2019 Elite Men’s & Women’s
                          Australian Boxing Championships
                          (Must Indicate their Function
                          during the competition)
Extra Team                Each Member Association Must            4 November 2019
Officials                 Register their Extra Team Officials
                          through the Registration Portal for
                          the 2019 Elite Men’s & Women’s
                          Australian Boxing Championships
                          (Must Indicate their function during
                          the competition)

     9|P a g e

    a) Team Hotels

The suggested following hotels are located close to the venue of the 2019 Elite Australian

    1. Ibis Melbourne Glen Waverley Hotel, 297 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley Victoria

    2. Burvale Hotel, corner Burwood Highway and Springvale Road Vermont East.

    3. Whitehorse Apartments, 770 Whitehorse Road Box Hill.

    4. Burwood East Motel, 355 Blackburn Road Burwood East

    5. Quality Inn and Suites Knox, 137 Mountain Highway, Wantirna Victoria 3152

    6. Quest Burwood East, 315 Burwood Highway, Burwood East Victoria 3151

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    a) Team Identification
Boxing Australia will develop the accreditations for all Team Delegation members who are
registered for the event through the BAL Event Registration Portal within the deadline. The
Team Manager will need to collect all accreditations they require for their team. These can
be collected either at the Technical Meeting or by prior arrangement.


    b) Coaches
Coaches certified by BAL will be supplied with an accreditation pass bearing photo ID which
must be worn into the Field of Play. No unaccredited coaches will be allowed to enter the
Field of Play.


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    a) Gloves
All Men’s and Women’s bouts will be conducted with gloves supplied by Boxing Australia.

    b) Headguards

Boxing Australia will provide headguards for boxers to wear. In accordance with Boxing
Australia’s Technical and Competition Regulations all Elite women’s bouts will be conducted
wearing headguards.

Boxers may wear their own headguard as long as it is AIBA approved and licensed. For
2019, AIBA approved and licensed equipment suppliers are Adidas, Sting, Taishan Sports,
Top Ten, Wesing Sports, Greenhill, Velo and Garmy. Please note only 2016 dated Greenhill
equipment will be accepted.

    c) Bandages

All bandages will be provided by Boxing Australia and the specifications will comply with BAL
Technical and Competition Regulation Appendix 5.70-5.72. Boxers shall have no tape on
the hand or bandage other than on top of the wrist to secure the bandage.

Where Professional bandages are used, they will be funded by the athlete or MA.

    d) Mouthguards

No boxer shall be permitted to wear a pink, red, or partially red coloured mouthguard.

    e) Drink in the Field of Play

Only plain water in a clear bottle is allowed in the field of play and within the corners of all
bouts. No glass is permitted in the Field of Play.

    f) Dress Code of Boxers

Boxers are not permitted to wear Australian representative uniforms. Boxers must wear red
or blue vests and shorts/skirts (women) as per their respective corner allocation and as
described in BAL Technical and Competition Regulation Appendix 5 Clause 5.33.

Boxers shorts and skirts are to be no shorter than mid-thigh. Skirts that ride up are deemed
to be offensive and will not be accepted.

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g) Dress Code of Coaches

No coaches shall be allowed to be in the corner if they are not appropriately dressed.
Inappropriate dress is deemed to include bare feet, sandals or thongs, singlets, offensive t-
shirts and hats. At the Australian Championships coaches and assistant coaches shall wear
state/territory tracksuit or state/territory shirt and shorts.

    h) Behaviour Standards

As within BAL Technical and Competition Regulation Appendix 5 Clause 5.83 “No boxer,
coach, referee, judge, tournament official or Member Association shall demonstrate during
Australian Boxing Championships or National Selection Events for whatever reason.

If a demonstration occurs, the boxer, coach or Member Association concerned shall be
excluded by the Supervisor from competing in the event and/or from remaining in the venue
from the time of the demonstration and any further administrative action or penalty
determined by the Board of Boxing Australia in its sole and absolute discretion”.

    i) Coaching From The Corner

The following rules pertain to Coaching from the Corner:

    •    Each Boxer is entitled to one coach and two assistant coaches in their corner.
    •    Only one coach and one assistant coach of a competing boxer can mount the apron
         of the ring, the third must remain at floor level.
    •    Only one coach may enter the ring during the break period between rounds of the
    •    The coach or assistant coaches shall not enter the ring before the start or at the
         conclusion of a bout; however, two may mount the apron of the ring before the bout.
    •    A coach is not permitted to shout loudly and/or referee to encourage or incite
         spectators by words or signs during the progress of a round.
    •    A coach is not permitted to throw any item into the ring to demonstrate a
         disagreement or to kick any chair or water bottle or to take any action that may be
         deemed as unsportsmanlike behaviour.
    •    No coach is to use any communication device in the Field of Play. This includes such
         items but not limited to mobile telephones, walkie-talkies, smart phones, headsets,
         shortwave radios etc.

Breaches of the above rules may incur the following consequences:

    •    If a coach is found in breach of any prohibited activity, he or she will receive a caution
         from the Supervisor or the Supervisor’s representative for the first violation.
    •    If a coach commits a second violation, then he or she shall receive a warning from
         the Supervisor or the Supervisor’s representative and be placed outside the Field of
         Play area but be allowed to remain in the Competition Venue.
    •    If there is a third violation then the coach, by the authority of the Supervisor or the
         Supervisor’s representative, will be removed from the Competition Venue for the rest
         of the day.

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Anti-doping controls will be conducted in accordance with ASADA standards and the World
Anti-Doping Code.

Boxing Victoria will provide medical care and first-aid during the entire Championships Period
to any participant who suffers from a sports injury contracted during the Championships.

    10.        INSURANCE
All accredited personnel are covered under the BAL Insurance Policy.

    11.        AWARDS
Several awards will be distributed after the last medal ceremony at the 2019 Elite Australian
Championships. All participants are expected to attend the medal ceremony.

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