Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors

Page created by Darren Hawkins
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
Take 5 Oil Change
            Mauldin, SC

Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors

Investm en t Overview                  Rob Schmidt
    03 Executive Summary               Broker
                                       864 678 5995

Pro perty Overview
    04 Regional Map
    05 Retailer Map
    06 Property Survey                 Drew Stamm
                                       864 678 5996
Te nant Overview
    07 Tenant Summary

Ma rke t Overview
    08 Market Analysis
    10 Demographics

                                                            Furman Capital Advisors, LLC
                                                            101 E. Washington Street, Suite 400
                                                            Greenville, SC 29601 | 864.235.6855
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     E xecu ti ve S u m m a ry

          LEASE SUMMARY                                                                FINANCIAL SUMMARY
                                                               110 W Butler Road
           Address                                                                     NOI                           $68,000
                                                               Mauldin, SC 29662
           Lease Type                                 Absolute Net Ground Lease        Cap Rate                        6.00%

           Total Land Size                                           ±0.517 Acres      List Price                  $1,133,000

           Tenant                          NLJ Ventures, LLC dba Take 5 Oil Change

           Remaining Term                                                 10 Years     RENT SCHEDULE
           Lease Commencement                                           12/1/2017      INITIAL TERM   MONTHLY        ANNUAL

           Lease Expiration                                           11/30/2028       Years 1-5      $5,666.67      $68,000
                                                                                       Years 6-10     $6,233.34      $74,800
           Increases                               10% increases every five years
                                                                                       Year 11        $6,856.67      $82,280
           Options                                                    (5) Five Year    Option 1
           Security Deposit                                            $11,333.33      Years 12-15    $6,856.67      $82,280
                                                                                       Year 16        $7,542.34      $90,508
                                                                                       Option 2
          INVESTMENT STRENGTHS                                                         Years 17-20    $7,542.34      $90,508
                                                                                       Year 21        $8,296.57      $99,559
           •        Absolute Ground Lease: Zero Landlord responsibilities
           •        Seasoned and Successful Franchisee: Son and Grandson               Option 3
                    of the Take 5 founder                                              Years 22-25    $8,296.57      $99,559
           •        Attractive Rent Growth: 10% increases every five years
                                                                                       Year 26        $9,126.22      $109,515
           •        Dense Retail Submarket: Located in Mauldin’s primary
                    retail corridor with Publix, Ingles, Kmart, Starbucks, BILO, and   Option 4
                    Dunkin Donuts                                                      Years 27-30    $9,126.22      $109,515
           •        Booming Greater Market: Greenville is one of America’s             Year 31        $10,038.85     $120,466
                    hottest emerging destinations and fastest growing cities.
                                                                                       Option 5
                    From a revitalized downtown ranked among “America’s Ten
                    Best” by Forbes Magazine to the influx of major employers          Years 32-35    $10,038.85     $120,466
                    such as BMW, Michelin, GE, and Lockheed Martin Aircraft.           Year 36        $11,042.73     $132,513

3.    Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     Reg ion al M ap

                                     70 Miles
                                     From Site

                                     110 W Butler Rd   SITE
                                       Mauldin, SC                                       101 Miles

                                         29662                                           From Site

                                                                  30 Miles
                                                                  From Site

                                          8 Miles
                                         From Site

                                                                                 93 Miles
         Atlanta                                                                 From Site

                         149 Miles
                         From Site

4.    Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     Ret a il er M ap

5.    Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     S u rv e y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           S 23°26'10" E
                                                                      INGLES MARKETS INC.
                                                                            PIN # M008010101500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      35' R/W & EASEMENT
                                                                               DB 1069 PG 976                                                                                                                    BENEFITING PIN#M008010101501
                                                                              PB 5R PG 93 & 94                                                                                                                          (DB 1069, PG 411)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (5) AMERICAN HOLLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (5) BOXWOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (5) INDIAN HAWTHORN                                         (5) ENGLISH HOLLY                                                                                                                  W

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (5) GREEN ASH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PRELIMINARY PLANS
                                                            N 61°44'33" E                                              N 62°05'48" E                                                                                                            IPF 1/2"
                                                             130.29'(TIE)                                            39.53'(TIE ONLY)
                                                IPF 1"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           N/F                                                                                                                                                                                                            NORTH AR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SOWS EAR LLC                                                                                                                                                                                     0               10                                      20

                                                                                                                           40' INGRESS / EGRESS & UTILITY EASEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PIN # M008010101507

                                                                                                                               & BENEFITING PIN#M008010101504
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DB 2293 PG 1981

                                                                                                                                 PART OF PIN # M008010101500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           AREA:                                                                                                                                                                                               GRAPHIC SCA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        22,441.3 SF

                                                                                                                                       (DB 1052, PG 821)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.515 AC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (33) BOXWOOD                                                                                                                       BACK OF CURB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FORMS ±3' WALL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (2) RED MAPLE

                                                                                                                                                                     CONCRETE CHANNEL (POOR CONDITION)

                                                              N/F                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6                                                                 MAULDEN REALTY LLC
                                                    FIRST CITIZENS BANK                                                                                                                                                   SOD                                                                        SOD
                                                                                                  S 28°08'46" E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PIN # M008010101501

                                                      PIN # M008010101504                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DB 2165 PG 1776
                                                         DB 1052 PG 821                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PB 50-I PG 29
                                                           PB 5R PG 93

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TAKE 5 OIL CHANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          110 WEST BUTLER ROAD, MAULDIN, SC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PIN: M008010101507
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (7) AMERICAN HOLLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (7) BOXWOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (7) INDIAN HAWTHORN                                            (7) ENGLISH HOLLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (5) FLOWERING DOGWOOD


                                                                                                                        N 61°41'21" E                                                                                                                                                                                                                             S 61°41'32" W
                                                                                                                         39.96'(TIE)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              30.54'(TIE)                     EXISTING R/W
                                          N 61°51'09" E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           S 60°25'34" W
                                                          EXISTING R/W
                                           129.99'(TIE)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            53.60'(TIE)
                                                                                                                  EXISTING OVERHEAD POWERLINES                                                                                                   EX-MH                                                                                                  CL INV:928.45'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CL INV:931.09'                                                                                                RIM:937.52'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CL INV:928.22'

                                                                                                                                                                                                         WEST         BUTLER              AVENUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 S. C. H I G H W A Y - 1 0 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GR '55" W

                                                                                                                                                                                                                VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ID T


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2017-06-28 - PER CITY

6.    Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     Ten a nt S u m m ary

            Franchisee Name                         NLJ Ventures, LLC

            Franchisor Name                         Take 5 Oil Change

            Franchisee Locations                                    4

            Website                          www.take5oilchange.com

            Year Founded                                        1984

           Founded in Metairie, LA in 1984, Take 5 Oil Change’s
           mission is to provide fast, friendly, affordable oil changes
           with emphasis on an exceptional customer experience. To
           date, Take 5 and its affiliates operate 300 Take 5 branded
           locations in 13 states, with plans to enter five new states
           and expand by more than 80 locations in the next year.
           They currently have ±1,000 employees, and their long term
           goal is expanding our company-owned and franchised
           store footprint to more than 2,000 locations within ten

           Take 5 Oil Change’s mission is to set service standards
           and achieve customer satisfaction standards that exceed
           every customer’s expectation by maintaining the highest
           possible level of employee training and development.

           Their model is designed for speed and convenience with
           our unique “stay-in-your-car” experience. On average,
           their oil changes are completed in eight minutes.

           NLJ Ventures is comprised of the son and Grandson of the
           founder of Take 5 Oil Change. They currently operate four
           locations.                                                     REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO

7.    Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     M a rk et An al ys i s

     South Carolina
     Suburban Community with an International Reach

     The City of Mauldin shines like a beacon in the heart of Upstate South
     Carolina – three hours from the coastline, just over an hour from the
                                                                                       Mauldin’s changing from a pass-through city to
     Blue Ridge Mountains, and 15 minutes from Greenville-Spartanburg
     International Airport. The City’s central location, convenient accessibility to   one where residents, businesses want to stay
     I-85 and I-385, exceptional infrastructure support, incentives, and highly                                             Greenville Journal | Sept. 20, 2018
     skilled work force make it the ideal landscape for businesses to locate.

     Read the full article HERE.                                                       Mauldin is going through a growth spurt. Mauldin City has seen a
                                                                                       boom in construction spending over the past three years.
                                                                                       Since 2016, construction spending has increased 150 percent,
                                                                                       from nearly $18.4 million to more than $46 million, and city
                                                                                       officials say the growth is overdue and not expected to end
                                                                                       anytime soon.
                                                                                       “One thing Mauldin has going for it is, as the real estate adage
                                                                                       says, ‘location, location, location,’” Matney said of the city’s
                                                                                       proximity to interstates 385 and 85, the Southern Connector,
                                                                                       and the Inland Port.

                                                                                       Mauldin was recently listed as the top ranked community on
                                                                                       Money Magazines “Best Places to Live” list. They have also been
                                                                                       recognized by NerdWallet as one of the 10 best cities to start a

                                                                                       Read the full article HERE.

8.     Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     M a rk et An al ys i s

       South Carolina

                LOCATION                                                                COMMERCE
        •       4th among 15 of the fastest-growing large cities in the U.S.       •    Home to national and international corporations such as Fluor
                according to population estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau.            Corporation, Hubbell Lighting, BMW and Michelin North America.
        •       Centrally located along the I-85 corridor directly between 2       •    Other major businesses include Bausch and Lomb, the Perrigo Company
                                                                                        of SC, Greenville Hospital System, Ernst and Young, IBM, Charter
                of the largest cities in the Southeast - Atlanta, Georgia and
                                                                                        Communications, Dunlop Slazenger Group, Liberty Corporation Bank of
                Charlotte, North Carolina.
                                                                                        America, GE Power & Water, Day & Zimmerman, Scan Source, Lockheed
        •       Located 100 miles from the capitol city of Columbia and only            Martin Aircraft, Windstream, SYNNEX Corporation and TD Bank.
                200 miles from the Port of Charleston SC.

                INFRASTRUCTURE                                                          ACCOLADES
        •       Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport is the 2nd busiest    •   #3 Top Small City in the U.S. (Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards) 2017
                airport in the state with about 2.02 million passengers in 2016.   •   #9 Top 10 Cities for Millennials to Live in (Growella.com)
        •       3 Interstate highways offer easy access to the North, South,       •   23 Best Small Town Main Streets in America (Country Living) 2017
                Midwest, and all major markets on the Eastern Seaboard.            •   5 Top Places in the US to Retire (The Today Show) 2017
        •       Home to the Inland Port Greer connecting the Upstate to the        •   #13 of 52 Places to Go ‘In The World’ in 2017 (The New York Times) 2017
                Port of Charleston.                                                •   The 10 Best Emerging Destinations (USA Today 10 Best) 2016
                                                                                   •   Top 10 Best Places to Live (Men’s Journal) 2016
                                                                                   •   Top 10 Fastest Growing Cities in the U.S. (CNN Money)
                HIGHER EDUCATION                                                   •   #35 Best Place to Live (U.S. News & World Report)
                                                                                   •   Top 4 Best Places to Raise a Family (MarketWatch) 2016
        •       Clemson University, Furman University, Bob Jones University,
                                                                                   •   #2 Best City in America to Start a Business In (Xome) 2015
                North Greenville University and Limestone College-Greenville
                among others are all located in Greenville.                        • Top 10 Small Cities Where Business is Thriving (Entrepreneur) 2015
                                                                                   • 3rd Strongest Job Market (Bloomberg) 2010
9.    Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
                                                                                   • 13th Best City for Young Professionals (Forbes)
Take 5 Oil Change CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM - Mauldin, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
  D e mograph i cs

                                                              Distance From Property
                                       1 Mile           3 Miles                5 Miles
       2018                                     6,674             44,734             122,964
       2023 Projected                           7,061             49,048             134,314
       Growth 2018-2023                         1.13%             1.86%                  1.78%
       2018 Median Age                           39.7               38.7                   38.9
       2018 Total Daytime Population            8,323             48,847             147,349
       2018                                     2,834             18,046                 49,022
       2023 Projected                           2,995             19,738                 53,488
      Average Household Income
       2018                                 $61,091           $79,326                $85,272
       2023 Projected                       $69,237           $89,256                $95,540
      Source: esri


                     122,964            49,022                             $85,272

10.      Ta ke 5     |   Mauldin, SC

                    This Offering Memorandum contains select information pertaining to the business and affairs of the property located at 110 W Butler
                    Rd, Mauldin, SC 29662 (“Property”). It has been prepared by Furman Capital Advisors (“Agent”). This Offering Memorandum may not be
                    all-inclusive or contain all of the information a prospective purchaser may desire. The information contained in the Offering Memorandum
                    is confidential and furnished solely for the purpose of a review by a prospective purchaser of the Property. It is not to be used for any
                    other purpose or made available to any other person without the written consent of Owner or Agent. The material is based in part
                    upon information supplied by the Owner and in part upon financial information obtained from sources it deems reliable. The Owner, nor
                    their officers, employees, or agents make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of
                    this Offering Memorandum or any of its contents and no legal liability is assumed or shall be implied with respect thereto. Prospective
                    purchasers should make their own projections and form their own conclusions without reliance upon the material contained herein and
                    conduct their own due diligence.

                    By acknowledging your receipt of this Offering Memorandum for the Property, you agree:
                    1. The Offering Memorandum and its contents are confidential;
                    2. You will hold it and treat it in the strictest of confidence; and
                    3. You will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit anyone else to disclose this Offering Memorandum
                       or its contents in any fashion or manner detrimental to the interest of the Owner.

                    Owner and Agent expressly reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to reject any and all expressions of interest or offers to purchase the
                    Property and to terminate discussions with any person or entity reviewing this Offering Memorandum or making an offer to purchase the
                    Property unless and until a written agreement for the purchase and sale of the Property has been fully executed by all parties and delivered.

                    If you wish not to pursue negotiations leading to the acquisition of the Property or in the future you discontinue such negotiations, then
                    you agree to purge all materials relating to the Property including this Offering Memorandum.

                    A prospective purchaser’s sole and exclusive rights with respect to this prospective transaction, the Property, or information provided
                    herein or in connection with the sale of the Property shall be limited to those expressly provided in an executed Purchase Agreement
                    and shall be subject to the terms thereof. In no event shall a prospective purchaser have any other claims against Seller or Agent or any
                    of their affiliates or any of their respective officers, Directors, shareholders, owners, employees, or agents for any damages, liability, or
                    cause of action relating to this solicitation process or the marketing or sale of the Property.

                    This Offering Memorandum shall not be deemed to represent the state of affairs of the Property or constitute an indication that there
                    has been no change in the state of affairs of the Property since the creation of this Offering Memorandum.

11.   Ta ke 5   |   Mauldin, SC
101 E. Washington Street, Suite 400 | Greenville, SC 29601

        864.235.6855             FurmanCapital.com

                                                             Investment Services Division of NAI Earle Furman
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