Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers

Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers
Pandemic property
   pitfalls seminar
   October 2021

                                       CPD: 5 hours
                                      Cost: £40 + VAT

   Seminar locations and dates:
Cardiff:             Truro:             Bristol:
Wednesday, 6th Oct   Thursday,          Wednesday, 20th Oct
13.00-18.15          14th Oct           13.00-18.15
Hilton Hotel                            St. John’s Chambers
Greyfriars Road      Truro College      101 Victoria Street
Cardiff              Threemilestone     Britol
CF10 3HH             Truro, TR1 3XX     BS1 6PU
Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers
Pandemic property purchase pitfalls: Property seminar series

1.00 - 6.00pm   Property seminar series 2021

1.00 - 1.25pm   Arrival refreshments

1.25 - 1.30pm   Welcome by Chair
                Christopher Jones, Head of Real Estate

1.30 - 2.00pm   The scourge of tree root encroachment
                Richard Stead, Barrister

2.00 - 2.30pm   Surrender: I [don’t] want you back for good
                Adam Boyle, Barrister

2.30 - 3.00pm   Mistake, misrepresentation and non-disclosure in land contracts
                John Sharples, Barrister

3.00 - 3.10pm   Q&A
3.10 - 3.30pm   Afternoon tea
3.30 - 4.00pm   A practical guide to claiming ownership of registered land by adverse
                Charles Auld, Barrister

4.00 - 4.30pm   Restrictive covenants and what to do about them
                Annie Sampson, Barrister

4.30 - 5.00pm   Town and village greens from Newhaven to Lancashire – Are local
                authorities off the hook?
                Leslie Blohm QC, Head of Commercial and Chancery

5.00 - 5.30pm   Easements update
                Daniel Soar, Barrister

5.30 - 5.40pm   Q&A
5.40 - 6.15pm   Drinks & canapes

Our Truro event is in association with Cornwall Law Society
Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers
Leslie Blohm QC,                           Richard Stead,                             Charles Auld
Barrister, Call 1982                       Barrister, Call 1979                       Barrister, Call 1980
Silk Call 2006                                                                        St John’s Chambers
                                           St John’s Chambers
St John’s Chambers
                                                                                      “Charles has a wealth of knowledge
“He always gives good, clear advice        “Richard is extremely experienced and      that he applies practically. In-depth,
and is a true expert in his area. He’s     capable.”                                  analytical and good with clients.”
got a calm presence and a great brain      CHAMBERS UK, 2021                          CHAMBERS UK, 2021
on him. ‘Outstanding – the leading         CONSTRUCTION                               REAL ESTATE LITIGATION
silk for proprietary estoppel.’ ”          Richard has considerable experience
                                                                                      Charles has considerable experience
CHAMBERS UK, 2021                          in property damage cases arising from
REAL ESTATE LITIGATION                                                                dealing with matters including
                                           fire, flooding, tree root induced
                                                                                      boundary disputes, landlord and tenant
Leslie has been awarded ‘Chancery          subsidence, land slip etc, and in
                                                                                      work, rights of way, restrictive
Silk of the Year’ at the Chambers Bar      insurance coverage matters.
                                                                                      covenants and registration at HM Land
Awards 2019, a prestigious award           Throughout Richard’s time at the Bar,      Registry.
recognising Leslie’s pre-eminence in       he has undertaken civil jury trials and
his key practice areas. He is praised      trials before a single judge where         His work includes:
for having an exceptional real estate      fraud is alleged. Fraudulent claims
practice with extensive expertise in       related particularly to fire, flooding          Disputes over land including
contracts for the sale of land,            and other forms of property damage,              traditional boundary disputes,
development and overage                    burglary and motor-car theft /                   restrictive covenants, rights of
agreements, commercial landlord and        damage.                                          way and other easements
tenant disputes and town and village                                                        (Wheeler v Saunders [1996] Ch
green applications.                        Recent work includes:
                                                                                            19 and Shaw v. Grouby [2017]
He acts for a range of clients from             Acting for claimants in a case             EWCA Civ 233). In Melhuish v
private individuals to local authorities         concerning insurance coverage              Fishburn [2009] All ER(D) 23 he
to substantial corporations, and                 of a claim for landslip / erosion.         was successful in the Court of
regularly acts in relation to property          Acting for the local authority in          Appeal in an action concerning
disputes often involving overlaps with           a claim for tree root damage in            the interaction of boundary
other specialist areas of law such as            TCC – two separate causes of               agreements and section 2 of the
partnership, insolvency and company              movement found – complex                   Law of Property (Miscellaneous
law.                                             expert engineering evidence –              Provisions) Act 1989.
                                                 trial of liability and quantum –          Landlord and tenant disputes,
Specific areas of expertise include:             issues on costs due to alleged             both residential (Springfield
      Sale of land                              failure to engage in ADR.                  Investments v Bell [1991] 1 EGLR
      Restrictive covenants                    Acting for the defendant                   115 CA) and commercial (Toms
      Mortgages                                 council in a claim by local                v Ruberry – [2018] 1 WLR 1138).
      License                                   residents in respect of flooding          Matters relating to mobile
      Easements                                 and land slip which led to the             homes and mobile home parks
                                                 death of a local resident when             (Howard v Kinvena Homes
      Commons & village greens
                                                 a landslip demolished her                  (1999) 32HLR541).
      Torts relating to land                    house.                                    Applications to the Property
                                                                                            Chamber of the First-tier
                                                                                            Tribunal and previously to the
                                                                                            Adjudicator (Mann v Dingley
                                                                                            [2011] EWLandRA 2010_0582).
Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers
John Sharples,
                         “                 The premier set for
                                             property matters
                                              on the Western       Christopher Jones,
Barrister, Call 1992
St John’s Chambers
                                             Circuit, St John's    Head of Real Estate, Call 2004
                                                                   St John’s Chambers
“John has a very commercial
                                           remains a go-to for
approach and a nice manner about
him. He’s an excellent advocate and a
                                              solicitors in the    “Excellent at engaging with the client
                                                                   and advising on a level they can
good fighter who is well respected
and in demand.”
                                              South West and       understand.” “His bedside manner is
                                                                   second to none and he’s able to put

                                            further afield. The    people at ease and explain things on
                                                                   simple terms, but he’s always got his
                                             set boasts a deep     eyes on the bigger picture and is
                                                                   sensible in his approach without
John is very well versed in handling a
variety of complex cases, and is            roster of barristers   simply taking points for the sake of
frequently instructed on behalf of
estates, developers, public authorities     with specialist real   CHAMBERS UK 2021,
                                                                   REAL ESTATE LITIGATION
as well as private clients. He is ranked
in Band 1 for both real estate                estate litigation
litigation and chancery in Chambers                                Christopher is a chancery and
UK and is one of Legal 500’s leading           expertise who       commercial specialist with particular
individuals.                                                       emphasis on trust litigation and
                                            appear at all levels   advice, contentious and non-
Chambers UK describe him as “… an                                  contentious probate applications, real
exceptional barrister both in terms of          of the court       property litigation (particularly in
his judgement and his people skills                                relation to easements, restrictive
and as good as any senior junior in          system, including     covenants and contracts for the sale
the country.” He has a First Class Law                             of land) and commercial and
degree from Oxford University and               the Court of       agricultural landlord and tenant
Masters of Law degrees from                                        disputes. He also regularly advises on
Cambridge University and the                     Appeal and        professional negligence claims,
University of Pennsylvania. He was                                 particularly in relation to claims
                                              Supreme Court.

formerly an Attorney in New York.                                  against solicitors, accountants and tax
                                                                   consultants in relation to negligent
John has written a book on Land                                    conveyancing and tax advice as well
Licences, (Jordans Publishing) in                                  as being a trained mediator.
which Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury           CHAMBERS UK 2021
writes the foreword. He is a                    REAL ESTATE        Christopher is identified as “most
contributor to the New Law Journal,                                highly regarded” junior at the
a member of the Chancery Bar                                       property Bar by Who’s Who UK Bar:
Association and Agricultural Law                                   Real Estate 2017, the only barrister on
Association, and regularly tweets on                               the Western Circuit to be
property law, giving updates and                                   recommended. He is “noted for his
news on cases, legislation, regulation                             ‘excellent client, skills, rational
and market developments.                                           thinking and practical application of
                                                                   legal principles’. Jones focuses his
                                                                   practice on litigation relating to
                                                                   easements, restrictive covenants and
                                                                   land sale contracts.”
Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers
Adam Boyle                                 Annie Sampson                            Daniel Soar,
Barrister, Call 2012                       Barrister, Call 2015                     Barrister, Call 2016
St John’s Chambers                         St John’s Chambers                       St John’s Chambers

“Very intellectually strong and he is                                               Daniel is a specialist real estate
able to think around a problem. If you     Annie has experience across the          practitioner. He has experience in
present him with scenario A, he will       breadth of property and real estate      dealing with applications pursuant
look for scenarios B, C and D.”            matters, including TOLATA claims,        to the Trusts of Land and
                                           trespass, nuisance, residential          Appointment of Trustees Act 1996,
CHAMBERS UK 2021,                          landlord and tenant and mortgage         residential and commercial landlord
CHANCERY                                   possession proceedings, boundary         and tenant matters, business
                                           disputes, adverse possession,            tenancy renewals under the 1954
Adam is a very experienced Real            commercial tenancies and the             Act, forfeiture, rectification, trespass
Estate practitioner who is fast            renewal of business tenancies under      and claims in nuisance.
becoming a “go to” barrister in            the 1954 Act.
relation to difficult property matters.                                             He also regularly advises in relation
                                           Annie’s recent cases include:            to property rights, particularly
He has been noted in Chambers and               A two-day trespass trial arising   easements, boundaries, the proper
Partners as a specialist in proprietary          in the context of the breach of    construction of leases and
estoppel, a topic in which he                    a licence and including            conveyances, as well as restrictive
maintains a keen academic interest,              extensive expert evidence.         covenants.
having written on the subject
                                                A one-day possession trial to      Daniel’s recent caseload includes:
numerous times and having appeared
in the Court of Appeal (led by Leslie            evict a tenant on the basis of           A v Q – an application
Blohm QC) in the now                             breach of his tenancy                     pursuant to TLATA 1996 for
famous Davies case.                              agreement due to anti-social              an order for sale of a
                                                 behaviour.                                commercial property
In addition, he regularly acts in a very                                                   between former business
wide array of property matters. He is           Advising the respondent to an
                                                 application to set aside the              partners.
frequently instructed in cases
involving complicated aspects of                 transfer of a property due to            C v B – a business tenancy
landlord and tenant law (such as                 alleged misrepresentation,                renewal under the 1954 Act
breaches of tenancy agreements,                  deceit, undue influence,                  where there had been no
surrender, disclaimer, services charges          unconscionability and mistake.            previous formal lease.
and agricultural tenancies). He is              The settlement of a TOLATA
notably experienced in complex                                                            R v Z – a claim against a
                                                 dispute at the directions                 commercial tenant for unpaid
possession cases and those which                 hearing and acting for the
throw up unusual legal issues. He is                                                       rent.
                                                 successful claimant at the trial
also regularly instructed in relation to         of another.                              P v C – a claim for residential
commercial tenancies and issues                                                            possession involving an
involving the 1954 Act.                         Advising in respect of                    allegation of forgery.
                                                 nuisance, restrictive covenants,
In addition, Adam is well versed in              easements and the                        T v D – a forfeiture claim for
dealing with TOLATA, nuisance,                   enforceability of contracts for           breach of lease.
trespass, boundary issues, rights of             the sale of land.
way, adverse possession and
easements and has assisted many
clients in respect of difficult
neighbour disputes.
Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers Pandemic property pitfalls seminar - October 2021 - St John's Chambers
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