Flowers Foods - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
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™ OFFERING MEMORANDUM Fl o we r s F ood s 3527 Melrose Ave NW, Roanoke, VA 24017 Representative Photo
™ Representative Photo Exc lu s i v e l y L i st ed By J o s h B i s h op C h ad Ku rz Ar o n Cline Calvi n Short VP & Director SVP & National Director SVP & Senior Director SVP & Senior Director Kyle Matthews Josh. Bishop@m atthew s .com LIC # 0191198 (CA) LIC # 01 904371 ( CA ) LIC # 01 927216 (CA) Broker of Record DIR ( 214) 692 - 2 2 89 Lic # 22602771 (VA) MOB (3 15 ) 7 30- 62 2 8 L IC # 6 88 810 (T X ) ™
Investment H ighlights LEASE DETAILS • Proven location for Flowers Foods – The tenant has successfully operated at this location for 10+ years • Brand new 15 year lease – Flowers recently signed a brand new 15 year lease, showing their long-term commitment to the site • Rare annual rent increases – Attractive 1.75% annual rent increases throughout the base term and 2% annual rent increases in the option periods • Minimal landlord responsibility – Tenant responsible for HVAC, CAM, taxes, and insurance • Undergoing Renovations – The landlord is currently making extensive renovations to the building that are expected to be completed by mid-May LOCATION • Strategic location – The subject property is located along highway 460 with easy access to both Interstate 81 and Interstate 581 • Roanoke MSA - An ideal market for a distribution center with more than 315,000 residents TENANT • The property is 100% leased to Flowers Baking Co. of Lynchburg, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Flowers Foods Inc. • Flowers Foods, Inc. has strong investment grade credit, S&P rated BBB- & Moody’s rated Baa2 • Flowers Foods is the second-largest producer and marketer of packaged bakery foods, serving over 90% of the United States population with baked goods • Flowers Foods operates over 47 bakeries in 16 states, producing fresh baked products for some of the top brands including Hostess, Nature’s Own, White Wheat, Bunny Bread, Sunbeam, Wonder Bread, Tasty Kakes, Mary Jane, Holsum, Hattie’s, and more 03
Financial Overview 3527 Melrose Ave NW, Roanoke, VA 24017 List Price Cap Rate Lot Size GLA $2,000,000 6.75% ±2.43 AC ±11,850 SF Tenant Summary Annualized Operating Data Monthly Rent Annual Rent Rent/SF Cap Rate Tenant Trade Name Flowers Foods 2/1/2018 - 1/31/2019 $11,250.00 $135,000.00 $11.39 6.75% Type of Ownership Fee Simple 2/1/2019 - 1/31/2020 $11,446.88 $137,362.50 $11.59 6.87% Lease Type NN+ 2/1/2020 - 1/31/2021 $11,647.20 $139,766.34 $11.79 6.99% Roof and Structure Owner Responsible 2/1/2021 - 1/31/2022 $11,851.02 $142,212.25 $12.00 7.11% Original Lease Term 15 Years 2/1/2022 - 1/31/2023 $12,058.41 $144,700.97 $12.21 7.24% Rent Commencement Date February 1, 2018 2/1/2023 - 1/31/2024 $12,269.44 $147,233.24 $12.42 7.36% Lease Expiration Date Februrary 1, 2033 2/1/2024 - 1/31/2025 $12,484.15 $149,809.82 $12.64 7.49% Term Remaining on Lease ± 15 Years 2/1/2025 - 1/31/2026 $12,702.62 $152,431.49 $12.86 7.62% 1.75% Annual Increases in Base Term 2/1/2026 - 1/31/2027 $12,924.92 $155,099.04 $13.09 7.75% Increases 2% Annual Increases in Extensions 2/1/2027 - 1/31/2028 $13,151.11 $157,813.27 $13.32 7.89% Extensions Three, 5-Year Options 2/1/2028 - 1/31/2029 $13,381.25 $160,575.01 $13.55 8.03% 2/1/2029 - 1/31/2030 $13,615.42 $163,385.07 $13.79 8.17% 2/1/2030 - 1/31/2031 $13,853.69 $166,244.31 $14.03 8.31% 2/1/2031 - 1/31/2032 $14,096.13 $169,153.58 $14.27 8.46% 2/1/2032 - 1/31/2033 $14,342.81 $172,113.77 $14.52 8.61% *Three, 5-Year Options with 2% Annual Increases 04
Tenant Overview Property Name Flowers Foods Property Type Net Leased Distribution Center Parent Company Trade Name Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE: FLO) Ownership Public Net Income $189 M No. of Locations ± 46 No. of Employees ± 10,900 Headquartered Thomasville, Georgia Website Year Founded 1919 TENANT OVERVIEW As one of the largest wholesale bakeries in the US, Flowers Foods’ flour products business is booming. Flowers Foods bakes, markets and distributes fresh breads, buns, rolls, corn and flour tortillas, and sweet bakery goodies to retail food and food-service customers in the western, southern and northeastern US. The company’s brand names include Cobblestone Mill, Nature’s Own, Tastykake and Whitewheat. Flowers Foods makes snack cakes, pastries, donuts and frozen bread products for retail, vending and co-pack customers nationwide. It also rolls out hamburger buns for national fast-food chains. Flowers Foods bought several bread brands, including Wonder and about 20 bakeries from Hostess Brands. GEOGRAPHIC OUTREACH Flowers Foods operates in 18 states in US Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, New England, Southwest, California and select markets in Nevada, the Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest. STRATEGY The company focuses on developing new and core markets through new customers, new products, strong brands, and acquisitions. From its stronghold in the Southeast, Flowers Foods has been expanding its retail and wholesale reach, moving north and west Flowers Foods in 2014 opened the Knoxville, Tennessee plant that was acquired as a part of the Hostess Brands deal in 2013. Acquisitive Flowers Foods purchases other businesses to grow and enter new markets. The company has completed more than 100 acquisitions during the past 40 years. SALES & MARKETING As a leading US baker, the company’s products are available to consumers through traditional supermarkets and their in-store deli/bakeries, food service distributors, convenience stores, mass merchandisers, club stores, wholesalers, casual dining and quick-serve restaurants, schools, hospitals, dollar stores and vending machines. Flowers Foods’ direct-store-delivery system is comprised of 5,100 independent distributors who own the rights to distribute certain brands of the company’s fresh packaged bakery foods in their geographic territories. Also, Flowers Foods has about 600 company-owned distributors and distributorships available for sale. The warehouse segment’s fresh snack cakes and frozen breads and rolls are sold nationally direct to customers’ warehouses by frozen and non-frozen contract carriers. 05
Surrounding Tenants Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport Towne Square ~300,000 SF of national anchors 06
Surrounding Tenants Roanoke Valley Golf Course Roanoke Country Club Caru Apartments Westside Stories Apartments Fair View Melro Westwoo se Av d Cemetery e NW Village ± 16,0 00 A DT Shenandoah Apartments 07
Area Overview ROANOKE, VA D E MOGRA PHI C S Located in the Roanoke Valley of the Roanoke Region Population 1 Mile 3 Mile 5 Mile of Virginia, Roanoke is the largest municipality in 2023 Projection 9,247 66,917 155,829 Southwest Virginia. The city is bisected by the Roanoke 2018 Estimate 9,092 65,327 152,115 River and is the main focus of the Roanoke MSA. Other Growth 2018-2023 1.71% 2.43% 2.44% cities in the MSA include Salem, Botetourt, Craig, and Households 1 Mile 3 Mile 5 Mile Franklin. 2023 Projection 3,813 28,393 66,937 The Roanoke community has been growing for 2018 Estimate 3,762 27,755 65,383 decades. Being positioned midway between the “great Growth 2018-2023 1.36% 2.30% 2.38% valley” between Maryland and Tennessee has been the Income 1 Mile 3 Mile 5 Mile key to the city’s growth. The city is also the center for 2018 Est. Average $42,116 $54,539 $63,866 industry, trade, health, education, travel, conventions, Household Income and entertainment.
ECONOMY Roanoke’s economy was developed around the Norfolk and Western Railroad. Since then, the city’s economy has grown into many strong sectors. The region is the healthcare and retail hub of a large area, driving the expansion of Carilion Health System and Valley View Mall. Advance Auto Parts is headquartered here and has expanded into one of the largest auto parts retailers in the country. Norfolk Southern remains a major employer, although FreightCar America has been gradually moving closer to being the top employer. The corporate offices of Virginia Transformer Corporation and utility company, RGC Resources, are also located in Roanoke. Kroger operates its mid-Atlantic regional office in the region, as well. The Roanoke Regional Airport is one of the major facility’s for the United Parcel Service (UPS). TOP EMPLOYERS 09
311,901 Population ROANOKE MSA The Roanoke Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is also referred to as the 41.8 Roanoke Valley. It is located in the southwestern region of Virginia and has Median Age everything from city life, suburbs, and nature. It is the fourth largest MSA in Virginia, and the largest in the western half of the state. The population is projected to increase by more than 12% in the next couple years. $50,571 Median Household Income 10
C O N F I D E N T I A L I T Y & D I S C L A I M E R S TAT E M E N T This Of f e r ing Me m o r a n du m co n t a i n s s e l e ct inform ati on pertai ni ng to the busi ness and affai rs of Flowers Foods located at 3527 Melrose Ave NW, Roanoke, VA 24017 (“ P r o p ert y ” ) . It h a s be e n p r e p a r e d by Matthews Retai l Advi sors. Thi s O fferi ng Mem orand u m may n ot b e all-in clu s ive or con t ain all of t h e in f o r ma t io n a p r o s p e ct i v e p u r ch a s e r m a y de si re. The i nform ati on c ontai ned i n thi s O fferi ng Mem oran d u m is con fid en t ial an d fu rn is h ed s olely for t h e pu rpo s e o f a r ev ie w by a p r o s p e ct i v e p u r ch aser of the Property. It i s not to be used for any other pu rpos e or mad e availab le t o an y ot h er pers on witho ut t he w r it t e n co n s e n t o f S e l l e r o r M a t t hews Retai l Advi sors. The m ateri al i s based i n part upon in format ion s u pplied b y t h e Seller an d in part u p o n f ina nc ia l inf o r m a t i o n o bt a i n e d f r o m s ourc es i t deem s rel i abl e. O wner, nor thei r offi c ers, employees , or agen t s makes an y repres en t at ion or warr a nt y, ex p r e s s o r i m p l i e d, a s t o t h e a ccu r ac y or c om pl eteness of thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum or an y of it s con t en t s an d n o legal liab ilit y is as s u med or sh a ll b e imp lie d w i t h r e s p e ct t h e r e t o. P r o spec ti ve purc hasers shoul d m ake thei r own proj ec ti ons an d form t h eir own con clu s ion s wit h ou t relian ce u p o n t he ma t e r ia l co n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d co n duc t thei r own due di l i genc e. By ac kno w led g ing y o u r r e ce i p t o f t h i s O f f e r ing Mem orandum for the Property, you agree: 1. T he Of f er in g M e m o r a n du m a n d i t s co ntents are c onfi denti al ; 2. Yo u w ill hol d i t a n d t r e a t i t i n t h e s t r i c test of c onfi denc e; and 3. Yo u w ill no t , di r e ct l y o r i n di r e ct l y, di sc l ose or perm i t anyone el se to di sc l ose thi s O fferi ng M emoran d u m or it s con t en t s in an y fas h ion or ma nner d e t r i m e n t a l t o t h e i n t e r e s t o f the Sel l er. O wne r a nd Ma t t he w s Re t a i l A dv i s o r s e x p r e s sl y reserve the ri ght, at thei r sol e di sc reti on, to rej ect an y an d all expres s ion s of in t eres t or offers t o pu rcha se t he P r o p e r t y a n d t o t e r m i n a t e di s cussi ons wi th any person or enti ty revi ewi ng thi s O fferin g M emoran d u m or makin g an offer t o pu rch as e the P r o p er t y unle s s a n d u n t i l a w r i t t e n a g r e e m ent for the purc hase and sal e of the Property has b een fu lly execu t ed an d d elivered . If y o u w ish no t t o p u r s u e n e g o t i a t i o n s l e a di n g to the ac qui si ti on of the Property or i n the future you d is con t in u e s u ch n egot iat ion s , t h en you agree to pu r g e a ll ma t e r i a l s r e l a t i n g t o t h i s P r o p e rty i nc l udi ng thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum . A p r o s p ec t iv e p ur ch a s e r ’s s o l e a n d e xcl u s i v e ri ghts wi th respec t to thi s prospec ti ve transac ti on, t h e Propert y, or in format ion provid ed h erein or in co nn e c t io n w it h t h e s a l e o f t h e P r o p e r t y s h a ll be l i m i ted to those expressl y provi ded i n an exec uted Pu rch as e Agreemen t an d s h all b e s u b ject t o t h e term s t he r eo f. I n n o e v e n t s h a l l a p r o s p e ct i ve purc haser have any other c l ai m s agai nst Sel l er or Mat t h ews Ret ail Ad vis ors or an y of t h eir affiliat es or an y o f t heir r es p e ct i v e o f f i ce r s , Di r e ct o r s , sharehol ders, owners, em pl oyees, or agents for any d amages , liab ilit y, or cau s es of act ion relat in g t o this s o lic it a t io n p ro ce s s o r t h e m a r ke t i n g o r sal e of the Property. Th is Of f er ing Mem o r a n du m s h a l l n o t be de e m ed to represent the state of affai rs of the Property or con s t it u t e an in d icat ion t h at t h ere h as b een n o chan g e in t he s t a t e o f a f f a i r s o f t h e P r o p e r t y si nc e the date thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum .
™ F lowers Foods 3527 Melrose Ave NW, Roanoke, VA 24017 Exc l u s i v e l y L i st e d By Jo s h B i s h op C h ad Ku rz Ar o n Cline Ca lv in Short VP & Director SVP & National Director SVP & Senior Director SVP & Senior Director Kyle Matthews J osh.Bis h op@matthe m LIC # 0191198 (CA ) LIC # 01 904371 ( CA ) LIC # 0 1927216 (CA) Broker of Record DI R (2 14) 692 - 2 2 8 9 Lic # 22602771 (VA) M OB (315) 7 30- 62 2 8 LI C # 688810 (T X)
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