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Travis civic leaders make cross-country... TaILWIND jourNey PageS 10-11 Tailwind | Travis AFB, Calif. Friday, May 14, 2021 | Vol. 46, Number 19 z Travis helps salvage sunken copter Page 2 z 60th DS takes bite out of COVID Page 3
2 Tailwind Travis May 14, 2021 May 14, 2021 Travis Tailwind 3 Travis AFB aids record-breaking 60th Dental Squadron: Taking a bite out of COVID Naval deep-sea salvage operation Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad Senior Airman Jonathon Carnell 60Th AIR MobIlITy WIng PublIC AFFAIRS TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — With more than 60Th AiR MoBiliTy WinG PUBliC AFFAiRS 270,000 beneficiaries in the network and active duty Air- TRAVIS AIR FORCE men as the priority, the 60th BASE, Calif. — Representa- Dental Squadron had to figure tives from Travis Air Force out a way to provide compre- Base, California, aided the hensive dental services during U.S. Navy’s Naval Sea Sys- COVID-19. tems Command recover a Prior to the pandemic, the downed Navy MH-60S helicop- ter from a depth of 19,075 feet DS performed roughly 140 ap- off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, pointments a day, but with min- March 18, 2021. imal manning, support has The helicopter, a twin shifted from all beneficiaries in engine Sikorsky Seahawk, the local area to only support- crashed into the Pacific Ocean ing active duty Airmen on base last year while operating from ensuring they are ready to de- the amphibious command ship ploy. USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19). The “Readiness is who we are air crew was able to escape the and what we need to be as a MH-60S before it sank and no force,” said Tech. Sgt. Vanes- lives were lost in the accident. The 60th Aerial Port Squad- sa Powell-Davis, 60th DS non- ron was responsible for trans- commissioned officer in charge porting a battery of deep-sea of customer service. “Dental salvaging equipment from Tra- care is important to have the vis AFB to Anderson AFB, warfighter ready. We want to Guam, where the salvaging op- ensure any dental issues are erations were staged. solved before an Airman de- “In total, we palletized and ploys.” transported a little more than U.S. navy photo Now servicing a max capac- u.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jonathon Carnell half a million pounds of equip- ity of 70 servicemembers a day, An MH-60S sits on the deck of a contracted salvage vessel off the coast of Yokosuka, Japan, on March 18, 2021, having just been pulled from a depth Airman 1st Class Colby Locke, 60th Dental Squadron dental laboratory technician, holds a dental molding at Travis Air Force Base, California, April ment across the Pacific Ocean,” of 19,075 feet by Naval Sea Systems Command Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV), at the request of the Navy Safety Center to facilitate the squadron is also caring for 15, 2021. Locke described how the dental squadron is able to create moldings and other appliances through 3-D printing. said Richard Salek, 60th APS accident investigation. The depth, a SUPSALV record, achieved using the ROV CURV 21 (painted yellow in background), deep ocean lift line and heave patients in another way by pro- Air Freight Operations man- compensated Fly Away Dive System (red equipment behind helicopter). viding COVID-19 relief. suspected or showed symptoms appointments and manning are not affect our operation speed emergencies to include acute ager. “In addition to our squad- “Before the vaccine was ad- related to COVID-19,” said not impacting the care received or quality of work,” said Todd. severe pain, bleeding, signif- ron’s contributions to the effort, to where it needed to be when it aircraft recovery, where at a square inch. “Our folks put their noses we also worked closely with the needed to be there.” depth of 19,075 feet, the force For Salek’s team, though, to the grindstone every day,” ministered, everyone in the Tech. Sgt. Edward Todd, 60th from the DS. The DS is currently restrict- icant swelling or trauma may 21st and 22nd Airlift Squadrons The salvage operation broke exerted on the salvaging equip- world record-breaking is a part laboratory was sent to the CO- DS laboratory noncommis- “Though, we are pulled fre- ed to urgent care and annual call the dental clinic for a to ensure we got the equipment the world depth record for an ment was 8,503 pounds per of the job description. See SALVAGe Page 18 VID PODs and helped with sioned officer in charge. quently to support operations readiness exams. screening appointment during the testing of people who were However, the decrease in throughout the group, it does Eligible patients with dental duty hours at (707) 423-7008. Tailwind Table of contents The Tailwind is published by the Daily Republic, Fair- tus, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other field, California, a private firm in no way connected with nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Cover story 10-11 the U.S. Air Force. Correspondence can be sent to the 60th Air Mobili- While most of the editorial content of the Tailwind is pre- ty Wing Public Affairs staff, Tailwind, 400 Brennan Cir- Puzzle 12 Travis AFB, Calif. | 60th Air Mobility Wing pared by the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office cle, Bldg. 51, Travis AFB, CA 94535-2150 or emailed to Worship services 13-14 for its Web-based product, the content for the Tailwind is 60amwpa@us.af.mil. Classifieds 17 Air Force edited and prepared for print by the Daily Republic staff. Deadline for copy is 4:30 p.m. Friday for the following Parting Shots 19 Col. Corey A. Simmons Name: Time in service: What are your hobbies? Content of the Tailwind is not necessarily the official Friday’s issue. Swap ads must be brought to Bldg. 51 60th Air Mobility Wing commander On the cover A1C Keba R. Walker 9 Months, 5 August 2020 Playing basketball and collecting view of, nor is it endorsed by the U.S. Government, the by noon Monday for possible print in that Friday’s issue. shoes 1st Lt. Jasmine Jacobs Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Emailed or faxed Swap Ads are not accepted. John Greim, 436th Mainte- Unit: Family: Chief of command information Force. Those on base wishing to receive home delivery of the nance Squadron isochronal 60 Security Forces Squadron Jada Walker (Spouse) What is your greatest The appearance of advertising in the publication, in- Tailwind can call 427-6975 today. dock controller, explains tire achievement? Senior Airman Cameron Otte cluding inserts or supplements, does not constitute en- For information on paid advertising and on base circula- Duty title: What are your goals? Tailwind staff maintenance for a C-5M Super Still pending dorsement by the Department of Defense, the Depart- tion, call 425-4646. Correspondence can be sent to: Dai- Galaxy during the Civic Leader Installation Entry Controller Complete Psychology Degree U.S. Air Force photo ment of the Air Force or the Daily Republic, of the ly Republic, 1250 Texas St., Fairfield, CA 94533 or faxed to Tour at Dover Air Force Base, products or services advertised. 425-5924. Hometown: Daily Republic Delaware, May 4, 2021. Everything advertised in the publication shall be made Visit the Travis public web site at http://www.travis. Dallas, TX (U.S. Air Force photo by Chustine Minoda) Glen Faison Todd R. Hansen available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to af.mil. Read the Tailwind online at http://tailwind.daily Tailwind editor Copy editor race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital sta- republic.net or by accessing the Travis SharePoint.
4 Tailwind Department of Defense/air force May 14, 2021 May 14, 2021 Travis Tailwind 5 Devil Raiders enable Exercise African Air Force DHS leadership recognizes, advances 60th MDG mission airmen are Lion with critical airfield surveys battle-tested Senior Airman Jonathon Carnell 60th Air Mobility Wing Public AffAirs TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – U.S. Army Lt. Tech. Sgt. Luther Mitchell Jr. 621st ContingenCy Response Wing and ready Gen. Ronald Place, Defense Health Agency director, and Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Gragg, DHA senior enlisted advisor, visited David Grant USAF Medical JOINT BASE MCGUIRE- Center to recognize Airmen involved with COVID-19 DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. — Air Shireen Bedi relief and vaccine administration May 10, 2021, at Tra- Mobility Command deployed AiR FoRCe MediCAl seRviCe vis Air Force Base, California. two airfield survey teams from The Defense Health Agency is a joint, integrated the 621st Contingency Re- This time last year, as the combat support agency that enables the U.S. Army, sponse Wing to the Kingdom of world was trying to wrap its Navy and Air Force medical services to provide the Morocco April 17-27 to conduct head around an unknown and care needed to have a medically ready force. unforgiving new enemy, Air Place and Gragg traveled across multiple clinics in airfield surveys in preparation Force nurses and medical tech- for Exercise African Lion 21. DGMC to have conversations with 60th Medical Group nicians found themselves on The team of Devil Raid- Airmen about their struggles and successes providing the front lines of COVID-19. ers conducted surveys of five COVID-19 relief. Air Force nurses and tech- airfields at different locations “This healthcare facility and installation respond- nicians have remained bat- across Morocco that will re- ed very quickly to the pandemic,” Place said. “Getting tle-tested and ready for a fight ceive coalition forces aircraft feedback from the Airmen who have and are respond- like this. Saving lives amid in- and enable access to mobili- ing to the pandemic is the best way forward to know surmountable odds and in the ty platforms. Locations includ- what they need.” face of unprecedented chal- ed an alternate landing site for Place said he maintains full confidence in the 60th lenges is what Air Force nurses a space shuttle and an interna- MDG Airmen to deliver on COVID-19 relief and vacci- and technicians remain ready tional airport. nation efforts, but, across the Department of Defense, for. The COVID-19 pandemic Exercise African Lion is record management needs to be improved. u.s. Air force photo by senior Airman Jonathon carnell Courtesy photo shined a light on their incredi- U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Ronald Place, Defense Health Agency director, gives a speech to 60th Medical Group personnel inside U.S. Africa Command’s most Tech. Sgt. William Russell, 818th Mobility Support Advisory Squadron air advisor, left, Master Sgt. John ble resilience and dedication to From the 60th MDG Intensive Care Unit to the CO- prominent annual exercise. It is Vaccaro, 621st Contingency Response Squadron fuels technician, middle, and Tech. Sgt. Christopher VID-19 vaccine team, Place stressed the importance David Grant USAF Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base, California, May 10, 2021. their fellow service members, scheduled for June 7-18 and will Anderson, 621st Contingency Response Support Squadron civil engineer, right, measure the depth of their patients and their nation. of standardizing record keeping throughout the DoD. involve more than 7,000 inter- pavement by drilling holes in a taxiway at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco, April 18, 2021. The Air Force Medical Ser- “Through all the trials and tribulations that we’ve team; schedule medical appointments and access GENESIS system to 25 military hospitals and clinics national participants led by the vice recognizes the continued gone through as a military, it’s important that our med- notes, labs and medications; and request prescription across 12 states, bringing the MHS GENESIS deploy- U.S. Army Southern European contribution, sacrifice and ded- ical providers are all trained on the same system,” renewals online. ment to nearly 30% complete, according to the Health. commander. “By surveying partnerships,” said Tech. Sgt. Moroccan allies was definite- Place said. “This file system is a great resource for us to keep Task Force, Africa, in partner- multiple airfields in support of William Russell, 818th MSAS ly the key to the success of this ication of its nurses and tech- mil website that holds a timeline of MHS GENESIS ship with the Kingdom of Mo- nicians. These Airmen contin- That system is Military Health System GENESIS, a track of Department of Defense personnel and bene- the exercise, we are directly en- air advisor. “That can mean mission,” Pond said. “These medical file system that went live at Travis AFB Sept. ficiaries who have received their vaccinations,” Place progression points. rocco, Tunisia, and Senegal. abling the exercise operations many things, but really what were their airfields, so we ue to raise the bar on what it Place and Gragg will continue touring military in- The survey teams evalu- means to serve as an Air Force 7, 2019. said. “The pilot phase of MHS GENESIS at Travis at these airfields and thus the it comes down to is maintain- couldn’t have done anything if The system is designed to allow TRICARE benefi- AFB showed a positive impact to patient care.” stallations to assist MHS leaders with the transition to ate the existing infrastructure overall strategic and partner- ing a positive relationship with they didn’t want us to. Our long- medic. of an airfield and provide de- A short sample of some of ciaries to exchange secure messages with their care On April 24, 2021, the MHS deployed the MHS MHS GENESIS. ship building objectives.” our partner nations and under- lasting and strong partnership tails necessary for determining A typical airfield survey standing that we are a guest in was very evident throughout the stories showcasing the if a site is suitable for a partic- takes 3-5 working days to com- their house.” our whole time there.” work of Air Force nurses and ular mission. Data considered plete depending on the size, The air advisors used their Militaries from Tunisia, technicians in the past year are includes base infrastructure, amount of data available and French-speaking capabilities to Senegal, the United Kingdom, highlighted below. airfield geometrics, pavement experience of the team. overcome communication bar- Italy, Canada, Netherlands and strength and airfield obstacles. Airfield assessments gener- riers and build relationships other countries will join the Deployed to nation “We evaluate everything ate two products: the Air Force that they can utilize in the fu- U.S. and host nation troops in hotspots *10'56'6*+%#.2'4510#. necessary for a mission bed down, which helps mission Form 1174, Airfield Survey, and ture. the exercise. Nurses and technicians de- #761/16+8'5'48+%'4'2#+452'%+#.+565 the Contingency Airfield Pave- “Morocco is the U.S.’s lon- Exercise African Lion 21 planners know what condi- ment Evaluation. The AF Form gest partner,” Pond said. “This will include several smaller ex- ployed to some of the hardest 5RGEKCNK\KPIKP tions are like at the airfield and 1174 provides an overview of mission, along with any oth- ercises–including an air exer- hit areas to provide addition- /GTEGFGU$GP\$/92QTUEJG,CIWCT#WFK8QNMUYCIGP8QNXQOQTG what it is they need to plan on the airfield’s capabilities, fea- er partner building missions, cise featuring Air Force Global al support in overrun hospitals. bringing,” said Capt. Jacob tures and available support helps our two countries to bet- Strike Command aircraft, F-16 With short notice, nurses and Family owned and operated. technicians worked tireless- 9GQǢGTFGCNGTSWCNKV[UGTXKEG Pond, 621st Contingency Re- functions. The CAPE outlines ter understand each other and Fighting Falcon, C-130J Super Owner…Don Westhaver, ly alongside sister services and YKVJQWVVJGJCUUNGQTVJGRTKEG sponse Support Squadron sup- the structural capacity of the appreciate each other at the tac- Hercules, and KC-135 Strato- Over 45 Years Experience (CEVQT[VTCKPGFYGWUG port flight commander. airfield pavements. tical and strategic levels. I have tanker aircraft, a joint forcible their civilian counterparts to Proud Military Parents African Lion is designed to As part of this tasking, air a much deeper appreciation for entry exercise with paratroop- provide critical support when 1'/RCTVU foster access and interoperabil- advisors with the 818th and Morocco’s role in the region and where the nation needed ers, a chemical-biological re- ity among partner nations and them. 571st Mobility Support Adviso- than I did before, and I believe sponse exercise and a humani- promote regional stability; both Air Force Maj. Tynikka ry Squadron, who specialize in our time there increased their tarian civic assistance program Houston, an operating room objectives directly support the assisting partner nations with appreciation for our efforts.” event. nurse with the 59th Surgical National Defense Strategy. developing air mobility capa- African Lion 21 will be the The effort required months Squadron, Joint Base San An- “African Lion 21 will play bilities, went with the survey 17th iteration of the exercise of collaboration between all tonio-Lackland, Texas, de- a big role in strategic deter- teams to provide host nation and the first that the 621st CRW participating countries to en- ployed in May 2020 as an Indi- First Time Customers: rence and strengthening al- support. has completed airfield surveys sure proper COVID-19 mitiga- vidual Mobilization Augmentee Bring ad in for visual 26 pt inspection lies,” said Capt. Jack Robin- “While we are on a mis- for. tion protocols were in place for son, 821st CRSS support flight sion, we focus on building “The friendliness of our a successful execution. See MEDiCAL Page 8 7PKQP9C[ƾ8CECXKNNG%#ƾƾUVCTVGEJGWTQRGCPEQO
6 Tailwind Travis May 14, 2021 May 14, 2021 Department of Defense Tailwind 7 David Grant offers walk-in sports Leadership gets a taste of some heavy lifting Laughter really is among the best medicines, says Air Force nurse physicals for children, teens Jacob Moore extent to which the affect has increased resilience. MHS CoMMuniCAtionS been experienced over a spe- “Over time, once we ana- TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE physical should enter at the cific time. lyzed the data, we found that — David Grant U.S. Air Force hospital’s south entrance. Most people have heard the She also asked the partic- just participating in laughter Medical Center is open all chil- Those who seek sports phys- yoga four times, twice a week phrase “laughter is the best ipants open-ended questions dren and teems who are em- icals need to bring the physical for two weeks, actually did de- medicine,” but Air Force Col. to find out what they thought paneled at the hospital and form provided by their school. Jacqueline Killian has the sci- may be changing because of crease their perceived stress need a sports physical prior to The athlete and his or her par- entific proof to back it up. the laughter yoga. That was the levels and their negative affect, this summer. ent or guardian should com- Killian, a senior nurse scien- most surprising part for her. and it improved their resilience The hospital has scheduled plete the form ahead of time. tist for the 711th Human Per- “Some of them reported scores and their positive affect, a walk-in sports physical clinic The forms will not be available formance Wing, at Wright-Pat- that they were sleeping better, said Killian. from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 22 at on site. terson Air Force Base, Ohio, that they were drinking less al- Killian explained that laugh- the Family Medicine Residen- Patients who are younger focused her 2015 Ph.D. re- cohol or caffeine, or that they ter has the dual benefits of be- cy Clinic. than 18 should be accompanied search at the Uniformed Ser- were exercising more,” Killian ing free and easy. It also isn’t People who seek a sports by a parent or guardian. vices University of the Health said. “Some reported that fam- time-consuming. Sciences in Bethesda, Mary- ily members or colleagues even “Laughter is a super easy U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Christian Conrad land on using laughter yoga as Air Force Senior Airman Madeline Herzog commented about how much thing to do. We can all laugh, U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Nikolas Darragh, right, 60th Maintenance Squadron assistant Air Force 1st Lt. Nick Wendt, 492nd Fighter Squadron weapon systems Airmen complete FTAC noncommissioned officer in charge of wheels and tires, explains proper use of a 50-ton crane to Col. an intervention to mitigate the officer, laughs after exiting an aircraft at Łask Air Base, Poland, April 23. better their attitude was or how but I think we get stuck focus- effects of stress on students at much happier they seemed. ing on lists of things we have to Congratulations to the latest Zachery Jiron, 60th Air Mobility Wing vice commander, at Travis Air Force Base, California, May 7, USU. It was almost like participat- do, bills we have to pay, tasks Airmen to complete the First 2021. Jiron visited the 60th MXS during Leadership Rounds, a program that provides 60th AMW during, and after the intro- inspired) and 10 items measur- that are required at work. We Laughter yoga, she said, is duction of laughter yoga, and ing in the laughter yoga gave Term Airman Center course. leadership an opportunity to interact with Airmen and receive a detailed view of each mission. ing negative affect (e.g., upset, have this constant list of things not what people may think of the results spoke, or perhaps them permission to take care of Alphabetically: Airman 1st when they think of tradition- afraid). Each item is rated on a themselves better.” in our minds that don’t allow Class Dechawat Arsanam, laughed, for themselves. five-point scale, ranging from our minds to rest,” she said. 60 CPTS; Airman Sutter Ball, al yoga. Laughter yoga, popu- “I asked participants be- Among the other results larized by Dr. Madan Katar- 1 (very slightly or not at all) to the participants reported were “If we just took a minute to try 60 AMXS; Airman 1st Class fore, at the two-week mark, Ryan Bellack, 60 IPTS; '5-())5(
8 Tailwind Travis May 14, 2021 May 14, 2021 Air Force Tailwind 9 Medical that will support and ensure the mission and crew are tak- en care of.” She developed an algorithm for staff to use when patients called with possible symptoms, Roth, Brown, Raymond present Air, Space Forces priorities to Congress From Page 4 Air Force nurses and tech- developed a telephone script, nicians have a long history of and initiated a patient tracker. Charles Pope rapid technological advance- secure, and more reliable and assigned to New York Health turning aircraft into a flying “(The process) also provides Secretary of the air force ment and the extension of space also outpaces the threat we’re Hospitals Jacobi. She was as- hospital, treating a wide range more complete care to our pa- Public affairS as a warfighting domain.” up against,” Brown said. “So signed to an intensive care unit of patient challenges and en- tients and makes them feel like Testifying before the De- it’s important that we do mod- there to care for COVID-19 pa- suring service members can they are being prioritized when WASHINGTON (AFNS) — fense Appropriations Subcom- ernize that part of our nucle- tients. get to higher levels of care they are feeling afraid in the Acting Secretary of the Air mittee is the first and one of the ar portfolio,” he continued, not- “We basically go wherever quickly. Force John P. Roth told a con- most important steps in deter- ing that the current frontline they need us,” she said. middle of the pandemic,” said “It’s amazing how quickly a gressional subcommittee Fri- mining how much funding the system, the Minuteman III, is When the Federal Emer- Somers. “I am the only techni- non-scheduled mission can spin day that both the Air and Space Air and Space Forces will re- more than 40 years old. gency Management Agency cian in the clinic specifically up and we are sent out the door Forces are moving decisive- ceive in the next fiscal year, With the Space Force enter- requested additional medical taking on the task. This allows ready to take on however many ly to confront new and emerg- which begins Oct. 1. But be- ing its second year in existence, support in North Dakota’s hos- me to follow providers more patients, any type of health is- ing threats, including those cause Congress has not yet re- Raymond received a number pitals, critical care nurses pri- closely, obtain more knowl- sue from medical health and from China and Russia, while ceived detailed spending pro- of questions about fiscal disci- marily fulfilled that vital need. edge and understanding about non-battle injuries to battle in- also devoting resources “to rid posals from any federal agency, pline, acquisition programs and “A short notice CONUS de- the pandemic and the medical juries,” said Maj. Christine our ranks of corrosive elements the questions during Friday’s this: “Why do we need a Space ployment tasking in support of threats it presents to our pa- Cardoza, 379th Expedition- and injustices.” two-hour session were more Force? Why is not the regular the NORTHCOM combatant tient population.” ary Aeromedical Evacuation Appearing alongside Air general than in a typical year. Air Force program just as ef- commander to fight a pandemic Early in the pandemic, med- Squadron flight nurse. “Once Force Chief of Staff Gen. They spanned topics rang- u.S. air force photo by Wayne clark fective if not more so?” is unprecedented for this medi- Air Force Airman 1st Class John R. Wright in the [aeromedical evacuation] ical technicians with the 422nd Acting Secretary of the Air Force John P. Roth , center, Chief of Staff cal group,” said Air Force Col. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., and ing from how the Air Force is Raymond expanded on his Airmen assigned to the 313th Expeditionary Operations Support system, the patient’s surviv- Medical Squadron at RAF of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., left, and Chief of Space opening statement in which Matthew Hanson, 96th Medical Squadron transfer a COVID-19 patient following the first-ever Chief of Space Operations Gen. responding to its pilot shortage, al rate, I believe, is more than Croughton, England, noticed an operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond prepare to answer questions he said the United States re- Group commander at Eglin Air operational use of the Negatively Pressurized Conex to transport 12 John W. “Jay” Raymond, Roth to questions about readiness 98%! Being a part of that is an issue with testing procedures during the House Appropriations Committee on Defense during a hearing mained preeminent in space, Force Base in Florida. patients aboard a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft at Ramstein Air Base, told the House Appropriations and detecting “space junk,” to honor in itself.” that relied on seasonal flu pro- at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., May 7, 2021. but there are now more nations “This time, we can’t shoot Germany last July, to receive higher level of care at the Landstuhl Subcommittee on Defense that an assessment of China’s influ- or even see the enemy. We will cedures. These technicians the Air and Space Forces con- ence in Latin America and the operating with more sophisti- gown up in our [personal pro- Regional Medical Center, Germany. Innovating to save lives pushed for clearer guidance to tinue to recalibrate their prac- Department’s view on modern- support some of our legacy sys- future.” cation and with differing moti- ensure they could obtain more tems,” he said. “My sense is the When asked about nuclear vations than ever before. tective equipment] and do our do before.” reliable care seen in the clin- At both military treatment tices, personnel and policies to izing the aging Minuteman III accurate results. Because of budget you’ll see is a balanced modernization, Brown said the “The capability gap is best,” said Air Force Capt. Ron- Air Force Capt. Jenni- ic. This is no easy task when it facilities and civilian hospitals, address “peer adversaries” af- ground-based nuclear missile medics like Air Force Tech. budget that can support the na- case is strong for moving ahead shrinking between us and our ald Golemboski, a 96th Health fer McGuigan became an Air comes to mitigating the spread nurses and technicians had to ter years focusing primarily on system. Sgt. Steve Zavala, 422nd Med- tional security strategy with with a new system known as closest competitors,” Raymond Care Operations Squadron Force Reserve critical care of a highly infectious respi- quickly adapt to COVID-19, de- terrorism. When asked, “In the event ical Squadron medical oper- some reasonable risk.” the Ground Based Strategic said in response to the ques- nurse, who had previously de- nurse at age 50 at the height ratory disease in a confined veloping protocols and proce- “Long-term strategic com- you got more money, where At the same time, he empha- Deterrent. ployed to combat zones. ations flight chief, and his fel- petition with China and Rus- would the focus be, what would tion. “They are catching up.” of the pandemic, as the need aircraft. Amid the pandem- dures to improve lifesaving sized, “We need to continue in- “What you will get is some- Many Air National Guard for additional medical support capabilities and mitigate the low medical technicians, there sia demands that we focus on be the top priority?” Roth ac- ic, nurses and technicians put vesting in technology for the thing that is more safe, more See PRioRitieS Page 16 and Air Force Reserve medics across the country was critical. their experience and training spread within the clinic. were necessary improvements the capabilities we need today knowledged there would be dif- battled COVID-19 in both their “The need for critical care to the test when they flew with For Air Force Maj. Mark in COVID-19 testing proce- to win tomorrow,” Roth told the ficult trade-offs. military and civilian roles. Air Force Staff Sgt. Thomas Mas- nurses was highlighted dur- ing the response to COV- the Negatively Pressurized Conex for the first time on July Gosling, a registered nurse, 81st Medical Group, Kees- dures implemented across the Department of Defense. subcommittee in his opening statement. “Our nation’s com- “We’re going to have to make some hard choices and Providing VA Loans Locally! sa, 192nd Medical Group De- ler Air Force Base, Mississip- petitive strategic advantage re- some difficult decisions con- tachment 1 aerospace medi- ID-19,” said Air Force Col. 1, 2020. pi and his Simulation Laborato- Turning a corner lies on air and space superior- cerning trying to invest in the Fulfilling the dream of Homeownership for our Veterans since 1994 Sherry Hemby, Air Force Re- “This was definitely not cal technician, has a fulltime serve Command’s command ry Team, this meant modifying ity, which is underpinned by future versus continuing to We can EASILY close a VA loan transaction in 19 - 22 days ays here your typical patient move- The rapid production and job, working as an emergency the design of their intensive locally, So if you want to get it done Quickly at a Great Rate nurse and career field manag- ment mission,” said Air Force room medic at Riverside Re- care unit beds to optimize them deployment of COVID-19 vac- and Low Fees, with the same person from the beginning ng er. “Many patients diagnosed Maj. Benjamin Weaver, bio- gional Medical Center in New- for ventilated COVID-19 pa- cines shows a promising shift till the end, Let’s Talk. with COVID-19 had difficul- environmental engineer and port News, Virginia. He also tients. in the COVID-19 pandemic. ty breathing and were placed 10th Expeditionary Aeromedi- We have NO OVERLAYS! We can do a VA Loan 2 yrs after provided COVID-19 response “The patient is always our Being on the front lines them- on ventilators to assist in their cal Evacuation Flight NPC sup- a Short Sale, Foreclosure or Bankruptcy AND we can do support to the Virginia Depart- number one focus, but this selves, Air Force nurses and recovery. Critical care nurs- port team lead. “It was a long scores down to 580 and ratios up to 65%! ment of Emergency Manage- frame of thinking is even more technicians were some of the ment and the Virginia Depart- es, with their amazing attention 22 hours for everyone involved, We have been able to successfully get COE’s approved important when you’re deal- first to line up to get vaccinat- ment of Health. to detail, were needed to watch but the NPC and team per- ing with critical care from a ed. They also delivered shots in “We Go The Extra SMILE” when other companies cannot get your eligibility restored! “In Detachment 1, we are every minute. They assessed formed exceptionally well to We regularly beat other lenders quotes and we are right here e COVID standpoint,” said Gos- arms to their fellow warfighters • Orthodontics the people who dress up in changes in their patient’s condi- make it happen.” Locally near the ‘In and Out Burger’. ling. “When you’re using ven- ensuring Air Force and Space for Children & Adults hazmat suits and have gas tion and reacted with the most Air Force Lt. Col. Penny tilator techniques on a patient, • Cosmetic skilled care. They pulled pa- Cunningham, Pacific Air Forc- Force missions continued unin- (Clear) Braces We DO Your VA IRRL’s at the Very Lowest Rate available, masks on, but one of the things they can’t tell you what they’re terrupted. Many of these nurs- we always practice is putting tients through the COVID cri- es Command flight nurse, also feeling, or if they’re uncomfort- • Invisalign Quicker than anyone else! No Appraisal, No Fuss, Just a quick sis. They held the hands of noted the quick coordination es and technicians also sup- REFINANCE into the lower 2’s to save you $200-$500 a month! on our PAPR (Powered Air able. They’re completely de- • Early Intervention their patients when their family that took place to execute the ported mass vaccination sites Purifying Respirator),” Mas- pendent on you and how in tune Treatment We can also do a VA JUMBO purchase anywhere in CA members could not, encourag- mission. across the country. sa said. “The training became you are with their needs now “Volunteering to adminis- • Financing Options to 1.5Million at $0 Down! useful when COVID started, ing and cheering their patients “This mission was a great and throughout their care. So Available and we had to intubate more on to fight for recovery.” display of how aeromedical we need to be thinking multiple ter the vaccine to patients is im- • Military Discounts JUMBO VA Rates now in the Low 2% Range! and more people to help them evacuation operates, from our steps ahead.” portant to me because people breathe. The medical staff [at Aeromedical Evacuation logistics team procuring per- Improving how staff re- are dying from this disease,” Bryan C. Scott, D.M.D. George R. Kalis Riverside Regional] all had to sonnel protective equipment sponded to potential COVID-19 said Air Force Senior Airman Specialist in Orthodontics Broker/Owner amid COVID-19 kits for pilots and other person- Ladrena Tucker, 59th Medical wear PAPRs. My experience symptoms among their patient really played a huge part in Aeromedical evacuation nel to ensuring crew bed-down population fell into the hands Operations Squadron Internal 707.759.5129 WHOLESALE MORTGAGE BROKER the COVID response because crews took their capabilities and transportation was firm- of Air Force Airman 1st Class Medicine medical technician. =V[LK)LZ[ I could be there to help doctors into new territory by transport- ly established ,”she said. “No Tara Somers, a medical tech- “I want to help end this pan- 6Y[OVKVU[PZ[ www.scott-ortho.com We can use ANY Bank or Investors Wholesale dept. we are not confined to just one source! and nurses put on their PAPRs, ing COVID-19 patients, ensur- matter what AOR we are in, nician at Landstuhl Region- demic and the least I can do is 1360 Burton Drive, Ste 100, Vacaville, (707) 451-2292 1300 Oliver Rd., Ste. 140 • Fairfield • George@NIMBLoan.com • NMLS #270402 • DRE#02077932 • NMLS #1859425 something they’ve never had to ing they deliver the same high we always have AE members al Medical Center, Germany. administer the vaccine.”
10 Tailwind May 14, 2021 Tailwind 11 Travis AFB honorary commanders and civic leaders visit Dover AFB U.S. Air Force photos by Chustine Minoda Above: Paul Adler, front left, Jausiah Jacobson, center, and PJ Goodson, right, all Travis Air Force Base honorary commanders, participate on an obstacle course with the Tactical Leadership Nexus team during the Civic Leader Tour, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, May 5, 2021. Travis community leaders visited Dover AFB May 3-5, 2021. The Civic Leader Tour was an opportunity for our community leaders to better understand and advocate for the Air Mobility Command’s diverse missions. Right: U.S. Air Force Capt. Felix Jones, right, Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations resiliency team chaplain, talks about the dedication, resiliency, and professionalism of their team to Sandy Person, center, USAF civic leader and Travis Golden Bear, and Mark Limon, Travis AFB honorary commander, during the Civic Leader Tour, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, May 4, 2021. Page 11, top: Dawne Nickerson, left, 436th Airlift Wing Public Affairs community engagement chief, bids farewell to Travis Air Force Base honorary commanders and civic leaders May 5, 2021, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. Page 11, bottom left: Susan State, Travis Air Force Base honorary commander, spots Senior Airman Keoni Ancog, 436th Aerial Port Squadron cargo processor, during a pallet build up at the 436th APS warehouse during the Civic Leader Tour, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, May 5, 2021. Page 11, bottom right: Cynthia Garcia, Travis Air Force Base honorary commander, participates on a virtual reality training at the Bedrock Innovation Lab during the Civic Leader Tour, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, May 5, 2021.
12 Tailwind May 14, 2021 Puzzles STR8TS No. 542 Medium Previous solution - Easy 4 3 6 7 8 9 4 5 2 3 8 7 9 3 2 4 5 6 8 7 2 7 3 4 5 2 9 7 8 7 5 3 2 4 1 2 8 6 8 7 6 4 3 5 2 9 8 1 7 6 5 4 4 5 9 6 9 7 8 8 9 4 2 3 5 3 4 5 6 3 How to beat Str8ts – Like Sudoku, no single number can 2 repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These 8 6 1 3 need to be filled in with numbers that © 2021 Syndicated Puzzles complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set 9 1 of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option 6 in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to You can find more help, tips and hints at www.str8ts.com see how ‘straights’ are formed. SUDOKU No. 542 Very Hard Previous solution - Tough 5 2 7 1 8 6 9 4 3 4 1 1 6 4 5 9 3 7 2 8 9 8 3 4 2 7 6 1 5 7 8 6 6 5 1 8 7 9 4 3 2 8 3 2 6 4 5 1 7 9 9 6 8 4 7 4 9 2 3 1 8 5 6 4 1 5 9 6 2 3 8 7 8 4 3 9 8 7 5 4 2 6 1 2 7 6 3 1 8 5 9 4 3 5 7 9 To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such 7 2 that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. 7 8 1 9 © 2021 Syndicated Puzzles For many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org 3 9 5 If you like Str8ts, Sudoku and 6 5 other puzzles, check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on The solutions will be published here in the next issue. our store at www.str8ts.com Voluntary Leave Transfer Program The following Travis em- Jason Perkins, Grand Forks ployees are approved as leave AFB; recipients through the Volun- tary Leave Transfer Program: Gina Silva, Air Force Acade- Rebecca Austria, 60th my headquarters; Maintenance Group; Jean Sommer, Travis AFB John Butler, Special Tactics Training Squadron; Commissary; Jaqualynn Cabanlit, Travis Maria Thammasen, 60th AFB Commissary; Force Support Squadron; and Neftaly Clark, 1st Special Operations Force Support Dennis Weaver, Air Force Squadron; Manpower Agency. David Duncan, 319th Re- The VLTP allows an employ- connaissance Wing, Grand Forks AFB; ee who has a medical emergen- Rabiye Hamilton, Travis cy or is affected by a medical AFB Commissary; emergency of a family member Patrick Hodge, United States Transportation Com- and is without available paid mand, Scott AFB; leave to receive transferred an- Mark Holmes, 10th Con- nual leave directly from other tracting Squadron; Dina Patterson-Steward, employees. For more informa- 60th Aerial Port Squadron; tion, call 707-424-1720.
May 14, 2021 Tailwind 13 14 Tailwind May 14, 2021 For advertising information about this directory, call Classifieds at 707-427-6973 or email: For advertising information about this directory, call Classifieds at 707-427-6973 or email: lvargas@dailyrepublic.net lvargas@dailyrepublic.net ASSEMBLY OF GOD BAPTIST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL ASSEMBLY OF GOD BAPTIST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST EPISCOPAL First Assembly Of God First Assembly Of God of Fairfield YOU of Fairfield YOU Lead Pastor: C. Eric Lura YOU Lead Pastor: C. Eric Lura YOU •9:15 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL •9:15 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL •10:30 AM * MORNING WORSHIP •10:30 AM * MORNING WORSHIP MOUNT CALVARY MOUNT CALVARY •KID’z CHURCH Grades K-5th BAPTIST CHURCH Grace Episcopal •KID’z CHURCH Grades K-5th BAPTIST CHURCH Grace Episcopal •10:00 AM WEDNESDAY Dr. Claybon Lea, Jr. - Senior Pastor Church •10:00 AM WEDNESDAY Dr. Claybon Lea, Jr. - Senior Pastor Church SENIOR PRAYER Fairfield Campus Live stream at: Services Temporarily 1405 Kentucky Street SENIOR PRAYER Fairfield Campus Live stream at: Services Temporarily 1405 Kentucky Street • 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY NIGHT • 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY NIGHT Adult Bible Study 1735 Enterprise Drive, Bldg. 3 itsallaboutfamilies.org Suspended Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth Fairfield, CA 94533 Adult Bible Study 1735 Enterprise Drive, Bldg. 3 itsallaboutfamilies.org Suspended Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth Fairfield, CA 94533 Fairfield, CA 94533 301 N. Orchard Ave., Vacaville in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; John 11:25 Fairfield, CA 94533 301 N. Orchard Ave., Vacaville in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; John 11:25 Girl’s Club 707.448.5848 Girl’s Club 707.448.5848 Sunday Sunday Sunday Worship Services Sunday Worship Services Royal Rangers 7:00am & 9:30am. Sunday Morning Bible Study .............. 9 AM Royal Rangers 7:00am & 9:30am. Sunday Morning Bible Study .............. 9 AM SUNDAY SUNDAY Revolution Youth Bible Study Sunday Morning Worship ..................10 AM 10:00 AM Revolution Youth Bible Study Sunday Morning Worship ..................10 AM 10:00 AM Classes for all ages .......... 10:00 am Sunday Evening Worship ....................6 PM Classes for all ages .......... 10:00 am Sunday Evening Worship ....................6 PM Live Online Live Online *Nursery Care Provided Tuesdays @ 7:00pm (Youth Sanctuary) *Nursery Care Provided Tuesdays @ 7:00pm (Youth Sanctuary) Suisun Campus Worship ..............................11:00 am Wed. Evening Bible Study ....................7 PM Suisun Campus Worship ..............................11:00 am Wed. Evening Bible Study ....................7 PM on our Facebook Page on our Facebook Page 707 425-3612 601 Whispering Bay Lane, Suisun City, CA 94585 CORE Bible Studies 12:30 & 5:00 pm (2nd & 4th Sunday) Homeless ministry at Mission Solano Rescue Mission 1st Friday of month 6-8 PM 707 425-3612 601 Whispering Bay Lane, Suisun City, CA 94585 CORE Bible Studies 12:30 & 5:00 pm (2nd & 4th Sunday) Homeless ministry at Mission Solano Rescue Mission 1st Friday of month 6-8 PM 2207 UNION AVE., FAIRFIELD Sunday Worship Services, 11:00am For additional information 2207 UNION AVE., FAIRFIELD Sunday Worship Services, 11:00am For additional information www.1agff.org Bible Study WEDNESDAY CHURCH OF CHRIST - SOLANO www.gracechurchfairfield.org www.1agff.org Bible Study WEDNESDAY CHURCH OF CHRIST - SOLANO www.gracechurchfairfield.org email: info@1agff.org Tuesdays @ 12:00noon Adult Studies........................2:00 pm 1201 Marshall Road, Vacaville, CA 95687 email: info@1agff.org Tuesdays @ 12:00noon Adult Studies........................2:00 pm 1201 Marshall Road, Vacaville, CA 95687 or contact the office at 425-4481 or contact the office at 425-4481 Live Stream on: 707-425-1849 AWANA for Kids ..................6:15 pm Live Stream on: 707-425-1849 AWANA for Kids ..................6:15 pm www.mcbcfs.org for more information www.mcbcfs.org for more information Adult & Youth Studies .........6:30 pm 7iVi iÌ>"«i] Adult & Youth Studies .........6:30 pm 7iVi iÌ>"«i] Live Stream on: Live Stream on: >À}] ÀÃÌ> ÕÌÞ >À}] ÀÃÌ> ÕÌÞ BAPTIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST BAPTIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Worship 7+(&+85&+2) Worship 7+(&+85&+2) TRINITY TRINITY With Us… -(686&+5,67 LUTHERAN CHURCH RI/$77(5'$
May 14, 2021 Department of Defense Tailwind 15 16 Tailwind Air Force May 14, 2021 Priorities its achievements. The nation’s newest military service came From Page 9 into being on Dec. 20, 2019, and in its second year, is focused on &RQJUDWXODWLRQV Class of 2 21 The nation’s leaders decid- integrating with partners at ev- ed, he said, “To stand up a ser- ery level. vice that was purpose built for “Now that we have built this domain. We’ve already this service, we are moving at seen the benefits of that eleva- speed to capitalize on its cre- tion. We’re attracting great- ation,” Raymond told the sub- er talent. We’ve got a strong committee in describing the voice on requirements. We Space Force’s near term prior- have a strong voice with our al- ities. Graduation time is here. With the extended length of time due to the pandemic, lies and partners. … So across “We have set conditions to most graduation ceremonies will again this year be virtual. The Daily Republic the board we have seen a criti- outpace emerging and dynam- would like to help the class of 2021 capture their memories for a lifetime. cal elevation of capability since ic threats and create new mili- On Sunday, June 13th the Daily Republic will publish our annual Graduation we’ve established the Space tary options, working with the keepsake section which will include photo pages honoring this year’s graduates, from Force.” Preschool through College/Tech Schools. joint force, interagency, indus- Answers by Roth, Brown try, and our partners and al- Make sure your graduate is memorialized in this special section. and Raymond throughout the hearing reflected the Depart- lies. These partnerships will allow us to move at speed with- Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return. ment’s overarching priorities. Air Force Senior Airman Janiqua Robinson The practices and priorities, out breaking our national trea- Photo & Ad Submission Deadline: Air Force Staff Sgt. David Brown, 15th Air Support Operations Squadron they said, include a mixture of sury,” he said. Friday, June 4th at 1pm. joint terminal attack controller, laughs after finishing a speed drill during imperatives such as modern- Like Roth and Brown, who Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return. Draco Spear at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia in August 2018. izing the nation’s air and land- specified emerging threats in Or go to www.dailyrepublic.om to submit. based nuclear deterrent, ensur- blunt terms, Raymond detailed Laughter stress management, including using laughter, is extremely im- ing continued “air superiority,” nurturing strong and capable the way space is evolving into a more complex and challenging Class of 2 21 From Page 7 portant for nurses. leaders, and continuing to lock environment. “We do what we can to try arms with allies and partners. “These threats include ro- to get health care staff to take It means continuing to roll- bust jamming of GPS and com- to laugh, even if you’re fake out F-35 (Lightning II) aircraft munications satellites; directed a little bit of time for self-care 0DU\6PLWK laughing, it engages the dia- into the fleet. The F-35, accord- energy systems that can blind, and to use their leave so they Yourtown High School phragm, which is where our va- ing to Air Force senior lead- disrupt or damage our satel- can recharge their batteries, ers, “is the cornerstone of our gus nerve sits.” lites; anti-satellite weapons in Congratulations, Mary! It’s This, she said, is where the so to speak, so they can get future fighter force and air su- space or from the ground that been a wild ride, but you science of laughing and its the rest that is needed, and to periority.” It means continuing made it.You’re graduating! are designed to destroy U.S. health benefits come into play. spend time with family,” she to introduce the KC-46 (Peg- We are so proud of you satellites; and cyber capabili- “The vagus nerve activates said. “Hopefully now, with vac- asus) into the fleet, while also and thrilled to watch as ties that can deny our access to your parasympathetic ner- cination numbers increasing continuing to revamp the ser- you begin a new journey! vice’s “career field” categories the domain,” Raymond said. We love you! vous system, the ‘rest and di- and the hospitalization rate de- to match personnel and leader- Like Raymond, Brown and gest’ part of your nervous sys- creasing, we can try to give tem, which is the opposite of ship philosophies to the needs Roth also offered clear ratio- Love, Mom & Dad nurses, health care workers shown approx. nales for why the Air Force’s the ‘fight or flight’ part of your of national security and mod- actual size and support personnel some ern warfare. capabilities and readiness are nervous system so, essential- ly, you’re telling your body to time back to recover.” They also said it requires a crucial to the larger national *UDGXDWH3KRWR*UHHWLQJ relax when you laugh,” said She said health care, espe- new focus, fresh thinking and security effort. Please supply your graduate’s Killian. “If you do that once or cially within the military, has speed. “Our Air Force is the only name, school, photo and maximum of twice a day, share a laugh with the potential to be even more “The strategic environment service that provides our joint 40 words of text for your message. a friend or a coworker, you im- stressful because of the obli- has rapidly evolved and we partners and allies the assur- mediately feel a sensation of re- gation that providers feel they haven’t changed fast enough to ance of air superiority, the ad- Student’s Name _______________________________________________________ laxation in your body, whether have to others. keep pace,” Brown told the sub- vantage of global strike, and you’re conscious of it or not. It “As military health care committee, noting that prior to the agility of rapid global mo- School Attending ______________________________________________________ counteracts the chronic stress becoming chief of staff, he was bility through a range of capa- providers, we’re programmed response.” the Air Force’s senior military bilities most requested by to- Message _____________________________________________________________ That means there’s a physio- to take care of others, almost to official in the Indo-Pacific. our own detriment. Sometimes, day’s combatant commanders.” ____________________________________________________________________ logical reason that you feel bet- Brown added, “If we con- Although confronted with an ter when you laugh. we don’t take time to take care tinue on a path of incremental ____________________________________________________________________ array of threats present in the “It’s good for your respirato- of ourselves,” said Killian. change, our advantage erodes air and space domains, Roth ry system, your autonomic ner- “Nurses Week is a time when and losing becomes a distinct Daytime Phone _______________________________________________________ reaffirmed the Department’s vous system and your mind,” we can appreciate the work that possibility.” That possibility he Killian said. said, is why he released a doc- commitment to its mission. Credit Card #_______________________________Exp_______CVC Code____ nurses and medical technicians “Our Airmen and Guardians Not only is laughter free and do for our communities and re- ument entitled, “Accelerate easy, Killian said, but it also Change or Lose” soon after be- stand ready, willing, and able to These are special and unique pages that will long be remembered by all those who participate. Please fill mind them that we appreciate meet responsibilities to our na- out the information above and mail in your photo with payment (Include name on back of photo), or go gets easier with time. coming chief of staff. “The great thing about them, and we want them to take Along with emphasizing tion,” he said. “From 300 feet to https://www.dailyrepublic.com/tools/celebrate-your-graduate-from-the-class-of-2021/ to submit. laughing is the more we do it, care of themselves. They are a speed, the three leaders said to 300 miles off the ground, we the easier it is to do,” she said. limited and extremely valuable another major priority is en- protect the homeland, we proj- *All Grad Ads are Pre-Paid by 4XHVWLRQV" Call us at 427-6936 1250 Texas Street, As National Nurses Week resource that we celebrate this suring that the U.S. Space ect power, and we defend de- Check, or Major Credit Card Fairfield, CA 94533 comes to close, Killian said month. Force continues to build on mocracy.”
May 14, 2021 Classifieds Tailwind 17 18 Tailwind Travis May 14, 2021 Salvage From Page 2 he said. “Whether it’s moving Located off Hwy 12 @ Walters Road deep-sea salvage equipment or COVID-19 supplies or house- SIZES TO FIT EVERY NEED! hold goods for our Airmen, we Household • Commercial • Warehousing • Boat & RV take pride in knowing we’re the go-to when people need to move • New Manager Onsite things and move them fast.” Senior Airman Christopher • Security Cameras Moreno, 60th APS ramp oper- • Individually Alarmed ations specialist, participated in the palletizing of the salvage Units equipment and said although • Private Gate Codes the work he did felt like just an- other mission in the moment, • Well Lit Wide Hallways SAVINGS U.S. Air Force courtesy photo the significance of his contribu- • Drive-Up Units Available tion wasn’t lost on him. Airmen from the 60th Aerial Port Squadron load deep-sea salvage “I think even though we all equipment onto a C-17 Globemaster III at Travis Air Force Base, California, March 4, 2021. COUPON ,,QVLGH[8QLWV sometimes get sucked into a 2)) ‘just another day’-type of work was fast-paced and entirely Department of Defense as well, flow, and we don’t always see successful,” said Bryan Blake, said Salek. the difference we make, I’m NAVSEA’s Salvage and Diving “There’s always a certain nevertheless grateful to have been a part of it and helped the Deep Ocean Program manag- amount of static when working Navy accomplish their mission er. “The capability to recover the airframe and make it avail- with different branches, but the more time we spend with them, )LUVW0RQWKV as well.” NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. APPLIES TO INSIDE After the recovery, the sal- able to determine the cause of the easier and more seamless UNITS ONLY. NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY. EXPIRES 5/31/2021 vage vessel proceeded to Fleet the accident is a huge plus in future operations become,” he Activities Yokosuka where helping to ensure Naval Avia- said. “Working with NAVSEA the MH-60S was offloaded for tion safety.” was a big boon for our squad- transport back to the United Joint operations like these, ron, and not only for us, but for States. help not only the sister ser- the execution of the larger DoD “As a whole, this operation vices involved, but the entire mission too.”
May 14, 2021 Parting ShotS Tailwind 19 20 Tailwind May 14, 2021 left: 60th Air Mobility Wing aircraft sit on the flight line at travis Air force Base, California, April 26, 2021. the 60th AMW is home to the C-5M Super galaxy, C-17 globemaster iii and KC-10 extender. Bottom left: Airman 1st Class Alexander Merchak, 60th AMW Public Affairs apprentice, takes a photo of the flight line at travis Air force Base, California, April 26, 2021. Bottom right: KC-10 extender aircraft sit on the flight line at travis Air force Base, California, April flightline 26, 2021. On the Travis AFB... U.S. Air Force photos by Senior Airman Jonathon Carnell
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