Page created by Steve Cox
                      M A G A Z I N E



252.946.6593 • www.beaufort.k12.nc.us

WELCOME TO                                              W A S H I N G T O N

W    W
                 ashington is a city born, raised                         hether you are visiting for the first
                 and made by the water - bringing                         time or trying to decide if this will be
                 an unmatched energy and rural                            your new home I want to personally
                 excitement to Coastal Carolina.                          welcome you to our quaint, waterfront
  Here in Washington, we’re home to both the            town. We are so glad you chose our town as a place
beautiful Pamico & Tar Rivers, as well as a             to visit or relocate. As the director of the Chamber
vibrant & historic downtown, which                      for over a decade, I have watched Washington and
means we’re experts in going from                       Beaufort County emerge into a place where commerce
play to date.                                           is thriving and businesses are a vital piece to the
  Not a foodie or a shopaholic?                         personality of Washington. Each of our businesses
No problem. We’ve been told                             have a story to tell and we offer a unique shopping
that we’ve got a whole lot                              district with restaurants, art galleries, retail and more.
more to offer, starting with                            Our entrepreneurs make us special and each one
our Victorian architecture                              contributes to the success of our town and region.
(#HelloGorgeous). Looking for                             As a native of Washington I have been proud to
more than just a pretty facade?                         watch the progress in our business community. I
Cuff your jeans and cycle on out to one                                 encourage you to visit our wonderful
of our favorite watering holes - our beautiful                               stores and get to know the owners.
waterfront boardwalk or Goose Creek State Park -                               They are our biggest advocates
where you’ll always find something fun to do.                                    of the area and have embraced
  In need of a few more happy hours? Take in a show                               Washington and what it wants
at the Historic Turnage Theatre or learn about our                                to be. Visit all of our towns
estuary system at the world’s only Estuarium.                                     in Beaufort County as they
  We welcome you to come experience our city.                                     each have unique shops and
Be energized by our world-class art scene. Become                                restaurants. We often hear that
one with our diverse community. Enjoy our melting                              it is the people that make our
pot of flavors. And let our unique way of life on the                       town unique. I would agree. Our
water, inspire yours.                                                  people are extraordinary, and we hope
  Whatever your genre, we’re sure you’ll find it        that you enjoy meeting them and perhaps decide you
here. Consider us Eastern North Carolina’s most         want to be a part of our community. Either way we
beautiful little secret.                                welcome you with a big “Hey Y’all” and we are glad
  See you soon!                                         you are here.

Erin Ruyle                                              Catherine Glover
Director of Tourism & Development                       Executive Director
City of Washington                                      Washington-Beaufort County Chamber of Commerce

Welcome Magazine is published annually in cooperation with




                    ASHLEY VANSANT


                 VAIL STEWART RUMLEY

                      MATT DEBNAM

                   Advertisitng Director

                   DAVID D. SINGLETON

                     Marketing & Sales

                      KRISTEN SMITH

                   SCOTT WILLIAMSON

                      JADEY FULLER

                     JOHN LANDRINE

                       ANN POTTER

                     SETH SINGLETON

                     AMY WHITAKER


                        KIM RIGGS

                         GINA LEE

                       Art Direction

                     ELIZABETH REED

                    217 N. Market Street
                  Washington, NC 27889
                      Copyright 2020
                Washington Newsmedia, LLC

                  VISIT BEAUFORT COUNTY......................10

                  ANNUAL EVENTS.......................................... 12

                  SHOPPING......................................................... 14

                  DINING................................................................ 14

                  EXPOLORE HISTORY................................... 16

                  PAMLICO PICKS.............................................. 18

                  CRABS ON THE MOVE..............................20

                  WASHINGTON BUCKET LIST................. 22

                  MAP OF WASHINGTON............................. 32


                  POINTS OF TRAVEL....................................44

                  BEAUFORT COUNTY
                  AT A GLANCE.................................................46

                  WASHINGTON CHAMBER
                  OF COMMERCE DIRECTORY..................48
                     INSIDER TIPS
                     Keep an eye out for quick tips from locals and frequent
                     visitors that will elevate your experience while visiting
                     Beaufort County.

            Kelly Makepeace, a local principal with Beaufort County Schools, snapped this cover
            photo of her kids enjoying a day of fun and sun on the Pamlico River. The image was
            awarded first place honors in the 2020 Washington Tourism Development Authority
            photo contest in the “Adventure and Recreation” category.


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Washington Welcome Mag.pdf   1   2/14/20   10:08 AM

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 Y                                                                 Tuesday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
                                                                   Wednesday: 7:30am - 6:00pm
                                                                   Thursday: 7:30am - 5:00pm
                                                                   Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm


                                                                   Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm

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          3D Mammography
          Bone Densitometry
                               • Tour the historic homes,
                               the Palmer-Marsh House, the               • Take a delightful ride on the Bayview
                               Bonner House, and the Van Der             Ferry on the east side of Bath to Aurora.
                               Meer House.                               A large phosphate mine in the area
                               • Stroll the waterfront at                gives both paleontologists and fossil
                               Bonner’s Point. Grab a hot                enthusiasts a unique opportunity to
                               dog or an old fashioned                   collect and study fossils from prehistoric
                               cheeseburger at one of the local          times. The Aurora Fossil Museum,
                               grills.                                   located in town, includes a wide variety
• Learn about the notorious pirate, Blackbeard, at the                   of marine fossils from the Pleistocene,
Historic Bath Site Visitor Center and Exhibit Hall.                      Pliocene and Miocene eras, as well as
• Call one of many local Captains to charter a relaxing boat             Native American artifacts from the area.
ride or a fishing excursion.                                             • For lunch, savor a shrimp basket and
• Finish your day with dinner at one of Bath’s restaurants               a piece of lemon meringue pie from a
with a cold one in North Carolina’s oldest town.                         nearby restaurant.

                                                                  • Stay at a local motel or airbnb. In the
                                                                  morning, head over to Cypress Landing to
                                                                  experience golf at its finest, a warm and
                                                                  welcoming environment. Enjoy a delicious
                                                                  lunch at a local eatery.
                                                                  • For afternoon entertainment, try your hand at
                                                                  a friendly game of paintball or have fun at the
                                                                  local skating rink. For dinner, delicious Asian
                                CHOCOWINITY                       cuisine, or some down home country cookin’
                                                                  from a local deli.

     INSIDER      So many of the Downtown restaurants and shops are pet friendly! They have fresh
          TIP     water and treats for your family pet! We also have a free dog park. — Rebecca C.

• Wake up at your leisure and enjoy
          BELHAVEN                  a nice breakfast at one of our B&B’s..
                                    or have breakfast at a local diner.
                                    • With a rich cultural heritage
                                    that spans over two centuries,
                                    Belhaven is home to eclectic shops
                                    and boutiques each offering a
                                    wide range of items, antiques,
                                    and curiosities that can’t be found
                                    anywhere else. While shopping take
                                    notice of the architecture of the
                                    • There are several restaurants in the
                                    downtown area open for lunch. You
                                    can find everything from country
                                    cooking to fresh seafood and a
                                    “beef sandwich”.
                                    • Tour the Belhaven Museum,
                                    open every day 1-5 p.m., except
                                    Wednesdays and Sundays. It’s like
                                    no other museum you’ve ever seen!
                                    • Experience the beauty and natural
                                    resources of the Pungo River/
                                    Pamlico Sound on a local charter
                                    boat or fishing venture.
                                    • Drop by the Chamber office (open
                                    Tuesday-Friday 10 am until 4 pm)
                                    and pick up your Tour of History and
                                    Trivia flyer.
                                    Dine in one of Belhaven’s fine
                                    downtown restaurants.

          • With a population of less than 200 people, Pantego is Beaufort
          County’s smallest incorporated town, but it’s got plenty of
          • The town sits on Pantego Creek, a tributary of the Pungo River,
          and is home of the Pantego Academy Museum, where the rural
          eastern North Carolina way of life has been preserved. In town,
          there’s a community park; just out of town, there’s Terra Ceia
          Farms, world-famous for its tulip and peony bulbs that bloom in
          the spring.


     in Beaufort County with exciting
     celebrations all year long. Check
     out   our   events   calendar   at
     visitwashingtonnc.com for a list
     of major signature events and
     festivals happening around the

Shop local. W
                                   e care about
                                   small business
                                   because we
                       are one. We care about
                       your community because

Market local.
                       it’s ours, too. When you
                       do business with the
                       Washington Daily News,
                       you help support local
                       journalism AND the local
                       economy. On top of all

Thrive local.
                       that, there’s no one better
                       to help you reach local
                       customers and grow your

       D I G I T A L


                                                                            We’ve been told our windows encourage
                                                                            shopping, and, what can we say, we have
                                                                            a thing for retail therapy. In need of the
                                                                            perfect present for that no-so-easy-
                                                                            to-shop-for friend or planning to give
                                                                            yourself a pat on the back in the form of
                                                                            something trendy and new? You’ll find
                                                                            just what you were looking for — and
                                                                            maybe a few things you weren’t — at one
                                                                            of the many locally owned boutiques,
                                                                            shops and galleries around town.

                                                                       Stop by the Washington Visitor’s Center
                                                                       for a directory of local merchants.


          After strolling through the streets of our town, you’ve likely worked up quite an appetite! Well
          you’re in luck, because our town is home to some of the region’s most revered, and delicious
          eateries. Downtown, you’ll find everything from authentic Southern cuisine, farm-to-table
          fare, seafood and more! We’ve found that visitors are prone to falling in love at first bite.

                     For a complete dining guide, go to visitwashingtonnc.com.

          TIP    Skip the ketchup when ordering a Bill’s Hot Dog. — Rocky S.

Aurora Fossil Museum                       Historic Bath                                 grams offered throughout the year. The
400 Main St., Aurora                       State Historic Site                           Estuarium gift shop is a great place for
252-322-4238                               207 Carteret St., Bath                        a special gift or souvenir! Open Tues-
aurorafossilmuseum.com                     252-923-3971                                  days through Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to
Located in the town of Aurora, the         nchistoricsites.org                           4 p.m.
Aurora Fossil Museum showcases 5- to       North Carolina’s first town, and first
15-million-year-old marine fossils from    port, Bath was founded in 1705. Home          Pantego Academy
the nearby Nutrien phosphate mine          to several historic properties and a vi-      Historical Museum
and Native American artifacts from         sitors center with interactive displays,      46 Academy St., Pantego
across prehistoric North Carolina. The     the Bath Historic Site allows visitors        pantegoacademy.com
museum’s mission to increase know-         to talk a walk through colonial history       Built in 1874, the Male and Female
ledge of the geology, paleontology and     — including the town’s pirate history.        Academy/Pantego High School buil-
prehistory of coastal North Carolina is    Open Tuesdays through Saturdays,              ding is now the home of a museum
achieved through exhibits, interactive     from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays,           that tells the story of a past way of life
activities, outreach programs, events,     from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.                         in rural eastern North Carolina. The
field studies and the annual Fossil                                                      building was preserved and continues
Festival. Children can dig for their       Historic Port of Washington                   to operate through fundraisers and do-
own fossils, including sharks’ teeth, at   Project                                       nations. Open Saturdays and Sundays,
the fossil pit located across the street   140 W. Main St., Washington                   from 2–4 p.m., or by appointment.
from the museum. Open Mondays              Step back in time and discover
through Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30      Washington’s maritime past with this          Washington Waterfront
p.m., and Sundays, from 12:30 p.m. to      grassroots effort showcasing the wa-          Underground Railroad
4 p.m. (from March 1 through Labor         terfront trade that made Washington           Museum
Day).                                      a thriving port. HPOW has displays            Corner of Gladden and West Main
                                           set up in the Harbor District Farmers         streets, Washington
                                           & Artisans Market, open Wednesdays            Facebook.com/washingtonunder-
                                           through Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.,       groundrailroad
                                           and Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.          A National Parks Service-designated
                                                                                         “Underground Railroad Network to
                                           North Carolina Estuarium                      Freedom” site, this new museum
                                           223 E. Water St., Washington                  shares a pictorial history of slavery and
                                           252-948-0000                                  how Washington’s waterfront was a
                                           partnershipforthesounds.neti                  road by river to freedom. Located in a
Belhaven Memorial Museum                   Fauna and flora like nowhere else exist       restored Seaboard Coast Line Rail-
211 E. Main St., Belhaven                  in the estuaries, where fresh and saltwa-     road caboose, a relic of Washington’s
252-943-6817                               ter converge as rivers travel east to the     past, the museum is open Thursdays
This eclectic historic collection of       Atlantic Ocean. The engaging, interac-        and Fridays, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Mrs. Eva Blount Way features many          tive and kid-friendly exhibits at the Estu-   and Sundays, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
pieces of eastern North Carolina’s past    arium let visitors of all ages experience     Washington Waterfront Underground
— Civil War and World War I uniforms,      the sights and sounds of the estuary and      Railroad Museum also has displays set
records, 19th-century clothing, old        learn about the environmental challen-        up in the Harbor District Farmers &
farming equipment and more. Open           ges it faces. On free pontoon boat rides,     Artisans Market, open Thursdays and
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except for    guests can see the estuary in person, as      Fridays, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and
Wednesdays.                                well as take part in educational pro-         Sundays, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
BHM Regional Library
158 N. Market St., Washington
Operating eight branches throughout Beaufort,
Hyde and Martin counties, BHM Regional Library
brings books, programs and events to residents
across the county. Headquarters are located in a
circa-1786 courthouse, the second-oldest cour-
thouse standing in North Carolina, and offer ac-
cess to NCLive, which features HeritageQuest, a
treasury of American genealogical sources, with
unique primary sources, local and family histo-
ries and search aids. Includes historical census,
PERSI, Revolutionary War records and more.

Brown Library
122 Van Norden St., Washington
Brown Library provides resources and services
— educational, informational, recreational and
leisure. The library also houses an expansive
local history collection in the John A. Wilkinson
Local History Room, as well as online resources,
including in-library use of Ancestry.com and
access to NCLive and HeritageQuest, a treasury
of American genealogical sources, with unique
primary sources, local and family histories and
search aids. Includes historical census, PERSI,
Revolutionary War records and more.

Family History Center
80 Cedar Circle, Washington
The Family History Center at the Church of Je-
sus Christ of Latter Day Saints invites the public
to research genealogical history, 2–6 p.m., 80
Cedar Circle, Washington. Consultants on site
at no charge and access is available to Family Se-
arch and Ancestry.com, as well as all the records
from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day
Saints and Freedman’s Bank records, a resource
of African-American genealogical research.

         MUST DO’s                                    PAMLICO PICKS
         Check off our top picks for Beaufort County’s sightseeing, dining, sports and culture.

                                    Visit the Estuarium                       Explore

                                    Visit the world’s first Estuarium, one    the Arts
                                    of North Carolina’s most innovative       Washington has
                                    environmental centers and a tem-          14 art galleries
                                    ple to Washington’s wetlands and          and shops car-
                                    wildlife. Over 200 exhibits describe      rying local art
                                    its vital estuaries and coastal rivers,   in the Harbor District of downtown
                                    including: aquariums with crabs, al-      Washington, NC.
                                    ligators, and other estuarine life fun
                                    and fascinating artworks and videos.

Experience a
show at the
The Historic Tur-
nage Theatre is the                                                           Get on the Water
centerpiece of the                                                            Washington boasts one of the largest
arts community in                                                             public access waterfronts on the East
Washington, which                                                             Coast and a wide array of recreational
is a hub for the arts                                                         activities on the water.
in eastern North
Carolina. The theater offers a variety of programs ranging from monthly
art exhibits and theater performances to photography shows, arts camps
for youth, and festivals featuring art, music and wildlife.                    6
Learn rich history
at the Underground                                                      3     Take a self guided
Railroad Museum                                                               Historic Walking Tour
Come listen to co-founder Leesa                                               This self-guided tour takes you
Jones tell the story of how the                                               through Washington’s historic dis-
whole town worked together at a                                               trict. History enthusiasts take note:
time when humanity wasn’t at its                                              Washington’s downtown is home to
best, but the Underground Rail-                                               some of the oldest, most storied sites
road was humanity at its best.                                                in the region!

                  Be sure to bring a camera                 ....because it is beautiful here! - Jennifer A.

Take a hike at                                                    Spend the afternoon shopping
Goose Creek
State Park
                           7                              11                             Spend the day
                                                                                         browsing Washington's
Goose Creek State Park                                                                   independent shop &
has an Environmental                                                                     boutiques, antique stores,
Education Center for                                                                     colorful galleries and
visitors, in addition to                                                                 authentic experiences.
eight miles of well-mar-                                                                 Downtown shopping is
ked hiking trails and                                                                    equally a magnet for first-
a campground that is                                                                     time visitors and local
open all year.                                                                           residents.

                                 Taste                   Book a ride on a River

                                                         Roving Boat Tour                                  12
                                                         The Estuarium offers
                                 Enjoy everything from   free River Roving boat
                                 fresh locally sourced   trips from April through
                                 seafood to a twist on   October. Experience the
                                 Southern classics.      beauty of the Pamlico-Tar
                                                         River and learn about the
                                                         maritime heritage of his-
                                                         toric Little Washington.
Take a selfie with the crabs
Unique Washington
                                                                   Aurora Fossil Museum
Crabs are one of
the many public art                                                 Visit the Aurora Fossil Museum
sculptures to be                                                   where the is fossil displays, a shark
discovered around                                        hall, a world class collection of gems and
town. Be sure to                                         minerals as well as a fluorescent mineral
snap a selfie with                                       room. You can even dig for your own fossils in
them and tag us                                          the Pits of the Pungo!
using the hashtag

#mywashingtonnc                                                                   Historic Bath
                                                                                  For a relaxing day trip or a quiet
                                                                                  escape, discover North Carolina’s
                                                                                  oldest town - a community that,
                                                                                  despite its wild history, remains
Watch the sunset on the waterfront                                                relatively unchanged populati-
Stroll along Washington’s waterfront promenade, which                             on-wise from its original incorpo-
stretches nearly                                                                  ration over 300 years ago.
a mile alongside
marshy islands,                                          Hit the beach
and spit boats                                           Take a dip at one of Beaufort County’s free public swim
and wildlife like                                        beaches [no lifeguards]. Beach access is available at
great herons on                                          Goose Creek
the boardwalk                                            State Park and
before picking a                                         the Charlie
spot to settle in                                        Smith Center
and watch the                                            at 914 E. Main
sunset.                                                  in Belhaven.

                                   Can you find them all?
                                     The ‘Crabs on the Move project started in 2006. The Pine Needles
                                   Garden Club started this venture as a way to give back to the
                                   community in Washington. The crab statues were auctioned off to
                                   different organizations and businesses at a ‘Crab Ball,’ a black tie
                                   event that was held at the Washington Civic Center. The money
                                   raised went to local charities. The crabs were painted and decorated
                                   by local artists, then displayed in town. At that time, the statues
‘Craig Crab-borne Culinary King’   would be moved to different parts of town on occasion. Thus the
Crab Park                          ‘Crabs on the Move’ became the name of the initiative.
W. Stewart Parkway                   Project objectives included providing a marketing tool for tourism,
                                   raising money for local charities, tying in with the Estuarium’s existing
                                   logo, providing an icon for tourists and locals in which to identify
                                   Beaufort County, and bringing Beaufort County’s first outdoor art
                                   exhibit to life - a showcase for our local artists.
                                     The project eventually took a new direction when they were
                                   bought by various businesses, organizations, and individuals, (many
                                   were repainted) and were placed in permanent spots throughout
                                   Washington and Beaufort County.
                                     Here is a list of the crab statues with locations and photographs for
                                   families, individuals and other groups can use as a type of ‘scavenger
                                   hunt’ to find and post your pictures.
                                     We hope you enjoy this activity while social distancing.
                                     If we have missed a crab statue, let us know where it is, and we will
Fish Hooks Café                    add it!
231 E. Main Street                   HAVE FUN!

                                           Edward Jones
                                           106 E. 15th Street

 Hospital Pharmacy
 601 E. 12th Street

                                   Historic Bath Visitor Center Bath
                                   Only visible when open; Call for                Liberty Tax Service
                                   hours. 252-923-3971                             1410 Carolina Ave
Shavender Trucking
                              81 NC Highway 99

First National Bank
1422 Carolina Ave

                                                            ‘Miss Gemmie Blue’
   Crab Park
                                                            Stewart Parkway &
   W. Stewart Parkway
                                                            Respess Street

 The Rich Company
 1468 Carolina Ave
                                 NC Estuarium
                                 223 E. Water Street

                                  ‘Sassy Sook’
                                  Bayview Road

                                                             State Farm – Mauri
                                                             Evans Alligood
                                                             521 W. 15th Street

‘Rhapsody on Blue’
Crab Park
W. Stewart Parkway

               Pungo Christian Academy                 Pamlico Animal Hospital
               983 W. Main Street                      3005 John Small Ave
                          BUCKET LIST
     CHILL BY THE WATER                                           SHOP, SHOP
     Pretty much everything you do in Washington comes            AND THEN SHOP
     with a water view. From enjoying a cocktail and a sunset,
     to sharing some apps and a cool breeze on the board-
                                                                  SOME MORE
                                                                  Throughout the City, you’ll find
     walk, for the perfect trip, just add water.
                                                                  everything from a vibrant mix of
                                                                  unique, local boutiques to an array
     FIND YOUR SEA LEGS                                           of top art galleries and antique
     Kayaking, fishing, sailing, paddleboarding, Pamlico river    shops.
     cruising - activities in, on and around the water are a
     must.                                                        GO ON A
                                                                  CRAB HUNT
     EXPLORE THE ESTUARIUM                                        Washington’s crabs have been here
     Visit the world’s first estuarium and one of North Caro-     since 2006 and have become our
     lina’s most innovative environmental centers. The North      iconic symbol and are located all
     Carolina Estuarium is an iconic landmark and museum          over Beaufort County. We suggest
     in the heart of our downtown.                                a scavenger hunt - and of course
                                                                  selfies with the crabs - can you find
     TAKE IN RICH HISTORY                                         them all?
     The best way to see Washington is on foot. Take one
     of our self guided Historic Walking Tours or cruise by
     haunted homes and graveyards on Washington’s guided
                                                                  GET MOVING AT
     Historic Walking Tour. With the Historic District’s rich     GOOSE CREEK
     culture, there is plenty to see while you stroll within a    STATE PARK
     few minutes of Washington’s Visitor Information Center.      The eight miles of trails at Goose
                                                                  Creek State Park lead visitors through
     PLAY YOUR ART OUT                                            a broad range of coastal experiences—
     Washington isn’t a city that just likes art. We LOVE art.    live oaks draped in Spanish moss,
     The Arts of the Pamlico (AOP) is a vibrant hub of arts &     wetlands along the Pamlico Sound
     cultural events & activities for adults and youth serving    and a cypress swamp viewed from an
     Eastern North Carolina.The Historic Turnage Theatre          extensive boardwalk.
     adds to the City’s already strong presence of rich history
     and entertainment and hosts concerts, plays and come-
     dy shows.                                                    BE A TOURIST
                                                                  Take one of Washington’s many guided
     EAT EVERYTHING                                               or self-guided tours. Experience years of
     As one of Eastern North Carolina’s most dynamic foodie       rich history at the Underground Rail-
     destinations, Washington’s culinary scene is cook’n!         road Museum, marvel at the art in the
     From fresh caught seafood, to make from scratch Sou-         Historic Turnage Theatre, raise a glass
     thern cuisine, to locally owned favorites, you’re sure to    at the Wine Crate or climb aboard a Ri-
     be left full, happy, and ready for a nap by the water.       ver Roving Boat Tour at the Estuarium.

   While there’s no denying the very nature of slavery carries the weight of sadness, the
   museum exemplifies goodness. The stories of freedom seekers and the abolitionists
   who helped them are full of hope, faith and the promise of a better life.The Washington
   Waterfront Underground Railroad Museum shares the stories of people helping people.

   Main Street, located in historic
   downtown Washington, is home to
   restaurants, shops, live music and a
   large collection of art for sale, from
   Washington landscapes to stunning
   pottery and unique glasswork. You
   may even get to see some of the
   artists in action.

        Looking for more to do? Beaufort County hosts many events each year —
          most of them free! Check ‘em out at visitwashingtonnc.com/events.

              As an outsider, make it a full week to explore. We came only for a couple
              nights in February and it wasn't nearly long enough. We missed the Hackney
              and Bill's on Gladden Street along with the Underground Railroad museum.
              Grub Brothers and Down on Main kept us fueled from the walking tour and
INSIDER       the absolutely beautiful boardwalk and waterfront strolls along with all the
     TIP      great little shops along West Main. On our way out of town we stopped at
              Bill's at Washington Square Mall and also grabbed some cheese biscuits at
              Mom's Grill. The Estuarium is a must as well. On second thought, two days
              was long enough to know we will be back for some warmer nights when
              the waterfront is full of people. — Ed C.





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                          For more info visit www.VisitWashingtonNC.com
                          Follow us on social media for the latest news and events!
                             @visitlittlewashington                    @littlewashingtonnc                 @onthepamlico

                           1 Brown Library                                   6 Washington Visitors Center /                                     10 Washington City Hall                        15 Vet
                              122 Van Norden Street / (252) 946.4300            Washington-Beaufort                                                    102 E. Second Street / (252) 975.9300      E. 3r
                              washingtonnc.gov/brown-library                    Chamber of Commerce                                                    washingtonnc.gov                           wash
     Points of Interest

                           2 Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center                 102 Stewart Parkway / (252) 946.9168                           11 Havens Gardens                               16 Was
                              310 W. Main Street / (252) 975.9641               wbcchamber.com                                                         1001 Park Drive / (252) 975.9367           200 A
                              washingtonparksandrecreation.com                                                                                         washingtonparksandrecreation.com           wash
                                                                             7 Festival Park
                           3 Underground Railroad Museum                        119 E. Water Street / (252) 975.9644                           12 City Boat Launch Ramp
                                                                                                                                                       Park Drive                              17 Sus
                              108 Gladden Street / (252) 833.0995               littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/festival-park                                                                        101
                           4 Washington Civic Center &                       8 NC Estuarium                                                   13 Off-Leash Dog Park
                              Washington Tourism Authority                      223 E. Water Street / (252) 948.0000                                   601 E. 4th Street / (252) 975.9644      18 Moo
                              110 Gladden Street / (252) 975.9316               littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/north-carolina-estuarium                  washingtonparksandrecreation.com           101
                              washingtonciviccenter.com                                                                                                                                           wash
                                                                                                                                               14 Bobby Andrews Recreation Center /
                           5 Washington Waterfront Docks                     9 Arts of the Pamlico / Turnage Theatre                                   PCM Skatepark
                              301 Stewart Parkway / (252) 940.1231              150 W. Main Street / (252) 946.2504
                                                                                                                                                       231 E. 7th Street / (252) 975.9644
                              washingtonnc.gov/boating-information              artsofthepamlico.org


                                                                                                                                                             TOWN OF

                                                                                                                                                   ATER A

                                                                                                                                                                                     E DR
                                                                                                                                                    E    V

terans Park                                              1 Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott                               6 Magnuson Hotel
rd Street / (252) 946.9644                                  2090 W 15th Street / (252) 940.5630                                1031 Carolina Avenue / (252) 946.5500
 hingtonparksandrecreation.com                              littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/fairfield-inn-suites-by-marriott      littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/magnusonwashington
                                       Lodging Options

shington-Warren Field Airport (OCW)                      2 Hampton Inn                                                      7 Washington Motel
Airport Road / (252) 946-9300                               2085 W 15th Street / (252) 940.4556                                1011 Carolina Avenue / (252) 946.5161
hingtonnc.gov/airport                                       littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/hampton-inn                           littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/washington-motel

siegray McConnell Sports Complex                         3 EconoLodge                                                       8 Days Inn
Airport Road / (252) 975-9367                               1220 W. 15th Street / (252) 946.7781                               916 Carolina Avenue / (252) 946.6141
hingtonparksandrecreation.com                               littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/econo-lodge/                          littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/days-inn

ore Aquatic & Fitness Center                             4 Quality Inn of Washington                                        9 Elmwood 1820 Bed & Breakfast Inn
Airport Road / (252) 975-9367                               1636 Carolina Avenue / (252) 946.4444                              731 W. Main Street / (252) 623.1466
hingtonnc.gov/aquatic-fitness-center                        littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/comfort-inn-of-washington             littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/elmwood-1820-bed-breakfast-inn
                                                         5 Sunset Inn                                                       10 The Pamlico House Bed & Breakfast
                                                            109 Carolina Avenue / (252) 946.6551                               400 East Main Street / (252) 946.5001
                                                            littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/sunset-inn                            littlewashingtonnc.com/venue/the-pamlico-house-bed-breakfast


     No need to count sheep. When you hit the hay in Washington, you’re guaranteed a
     good night’s rest. Whatever your sleep style, we’ve got your eight hours covered.

     In search of a familiar place
     to stay? Give one of our
     conveniently located hotels
     or motels a try. Looking for
     something a little outside
     the box? Our campgrounds
     are perfect for rolling in or
     popping up, while our bed
     and breakfasts serve up
     some serious charm. For a
     list of AirBnB’s please visit

                     Sunsets on the waterfront are awesome and different daily...grab a swing
                     or a bench and enjoy...or walk the boardwalk while you take it all in...
                     nature refreshes the soul. — Cassie W.

Use Washington as your base and
                                                                                  explore. Bath and Fossil Museum in
                                                                                  Aurora are nice side trips! — Tim H.

                                                                   The old homes on the waterfront and back
                                                                   street make for a wonderful visual experience.
                                                                   — Jacqui R.

Name                                      Address/Website          Phone              Rooms           Pets

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott        2090 W 15th St           252-940-5630       86		                               5

Elmwood 1820 Bed & Breakfast Inn          731 W. Main Street  252-623-1466            4
Hampton Inn                               2085 W 15th St           252-940-4556       86		                               4
Days Inn                                  916 Carolina Avenue      252-946-6141       67		                               2
Econo Lodge                               1220 W. 15th St          252-946-7781       45
Quality Inn                               1636 Carolina Avenue     252-946-4444       56		                               3
Magnuson Hotel of Washington              1031 Carolina Avenue     252-946-5500       55 		                              4
Washington Motel                          1011 Carolina Ave

Goose Creek State Park Camping            2190 Camp Leach Road 252-923-2191
Tranters Creek Resort & Campground        6573 Clark’s Neck Road 252-948-0850

Twin Lakes                                1618 Memory Lane         252-946-5700
                                                                                                   (not in cabins)
For a list of AirBnB’s please visit airbnb.com

     Funeral Package SM     $4975
            at our facility or your church

                                                             CRYSTAL COAST
       Washington’s location on
       the Pamlico River is ideal         Atlantic Beach                             72 miles
       for it’s natural beauty,
       historic architecture and
                                          Swansboro                                  76 miles
       warm people, but we are
                                          Morehead City                              72 miles
       also conveniently located
       near a variety of beaches,
                                                             OUTER BANKS
       metro areas and other
       Colonial and historic sites.       Duck                                       138 miles
       Whether you’re looking
       for an easy day trip to the        Kill Devil Hills                           112 miles
       beach, the atmosphere
       and amenities of more              Kitty Hawk                                 133 miles
       urban cities or looking to
       explore the rich history           Manteo                                     102 miles
       of eastern North Carolina
       and Virginia, Washington’s
       location is ideal for
                                          Swanquarter                                59 miles
       quick getaways and
       endless opportunities for
                                          Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill                 108 miles

                                          Washington, D.C.                           287 miles

                                          Wilmington                                 129 miles

                                          Greenville                                 23 miles


                                          Edenton                                    58 miles

                                          Elizabeth City                             86 miles

                                          Colonial Williamsburg                      168 miles

                                          New Bern                                   38 miles

                                          Camden County Visitor Center (VA line)     97 miles

                      I fell in love with Washington a year ago, and moved here a month later.
     INSIDER          Goose Creek State Park is a gem, and the beach area is tranquil and
          TIP         beautiful. — Tim T.

            at a glance
Population of Beaufort County, NC 47,316
                                                                                                       2018 PROPERTY TAX RATE PER
                                                                                                         $100 OF ASSESSED VALUE

                                                                         Countywide                            0.615
                                                                         City of Washington                    0.53
                                                                         Town of Washington Park               0.29
          State Sales Tax                                                Town of Bath                          0.24
                          6.75%                                          Town of Pantego                       0.16
       4.75% + Local 2% =
                                                                         Town of Belhaven                      0.59
                                                                         Town of Chocowinity                   0.52
                                                                         Town of Aurora                        0.62




Main crops are corn,
soybeans, cotton, wheat
and tobacco.

Beaufort County usually in top
                                                             Sale of ag crops
2 or 3 of all counties in corn and
                                                             contributes $120
soybean bushels produced.
                                                             million on average
                                                             to the county. Along                 The homeownership
                             529,908 acres                   with crops, we also                  rate in Beaufort
                                                             have a huge timber                   County, NC is 70.8%,
                   $453,089,000                              acreage, contributing                which is higher than
                   AVERAGE VALUE OF FARM AND BUILDINGS       another 50 million or                the national average
                                                             so each year.                        of 63.9%
     364 farms
                   Go by boat! Stay at the City Docks. Power, water, clean restrooms, laundry and wonderful park for
      INSIDER      long dog walks, too. The parlors nicely lighted for a late stroll. Best sunsets are from your boat.
           TIP     The restaurants along the waterfront/main street cannot be beat!! Lots of choices! — Beth T.

HIGHWAYS                                               PASSENGER AIR
Supporting the
                                 Warren Field is a general aviation, full-service airport operated by the City
movement of people
                                 of Washington. It proudly serves corporate and recreational aviation flying
and things, Highway US
                                 in and out of Beaufort County.
264 East/West is a four-
lane divided highway
                                                              Pitt-Greenville Airport is located 26 minutes
that connects Beaufort
                                                              from Beaufort County and offers flights
County to Greenville and
                                                              via American Airlines to Charlotte Douglas
beyond to I-95 and I-40.
                                                              International Airport.
US 17 North/South is
                                                              Coastal Carolina Regional Airport in New
a four lane divided
                                                              Bern, NC is located 30 minutes south of
highway through
                                                              Washington and offers flights via American
Beaufort County and
                                                              Airlines to Charlotte Douglas International
partially four-lane to
                                                              Airport and Delta Airlines to Hartsfield-
parts of Norfolk, VA and
                                                              Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
Morehead City, NC.

                                                              Raleigh-Durham International Airport is
The quickest way to
                                                              located 120 minutes from Beaufort County
Highway 95 is in Wilson,
                                                              and provides over 400 daily flights via major
NC which is 65.4 miles
                                                              US carriers with international flights to
                                                              London, Paris, and Toronto.

                                                                     Rail service is provided by Norfolk
The Washington Waterfront is along                                   Southern and CSX railroads
the north shore of the Pamlico                                       connecting Beaufort County.
River, approximately 25 nautical                                     Norfolk Southern provides direct
miles westerly from the Intracoastal                                 access to rail at the Beaufort County
Waterway, and 55 nautical miles from                                 Industrial Park at Chocowinity.
Ocracoke Island.                                                                   AMTRAK
                                                                     Wilson, NC              58.5 miles
The channel from Red marker 16 in                  RAIL
                                                                     Rocky Mount, NC         58 miles
the Pamlico River has a normal depth
of 9 to 11 feet to the Coastal
Railway swing bridge.
Inside the trestle, water                                              PORTS
depths run from 14 to                     The major deep water ports of Morehead City, NC, Wilmington,
24 feet.                                  NC, and Norfolk, VA are within 90 minutes of Beaufort County.

    Swan Quarter to Ocracoke                    53.7 miles		                                       $$
    Cedar Island to Ocracoke                    107 miles		                                        $$
    Bayview to Aurora                           20.6 miles         (year-round)                    FREE
    Currituck to Knotts Island                  104 miles          (year-round)                    FREE
    Southport to Fort Fisher                    161 miles		                                        $$
    Cherry Branch to Minnesott Beach            65.2 miles         (year-round)                    FREE
    Hatteras to Ocracoke                        162 miles		                                        FREE
    For more information contact www.ncferry.org or 1-800-BY-FERRY

Washington Chamber of Commerce Directory
 H & R Block                                     Accounting                     2013 West 15th Street
 Keech & Company PA                              Accounting                     120 S. Market Street
 Tom Robinson CPA                                Accounting                     822 W. 5th Street
 Wilson, Jones & Griffin, PA                     Accounting                     114 E. 2nd Street
 Deep Fried Creative, Inc.                       Advertising                    409 W. Main Street, Suite 207
 Igoe Creative                                   Advertising                    1694-A E. Arlington Blvd
 Wyman Marketing Concepts                        Advertising                    200 Washington Harbour
 Dark Water Enterprises, Inc.                    Agriculture                    7111 NC Hwy 99 South
 Gerard Seed Company                             Agriculture                    1041 East 4th Street
 Meherrin                                        Agriculture                    5724 Sidney Road
 Griffin Farms                                   Agriculture                    1694 Avenue Road
 Quail Ridge Apartments                          Apartments                     940 Runyon Road
 Art on Market/Kay G. Woolard Art Studio         Arts & Culture                 112-B N. Market Street
 Arts of the Pamlico                             Arts & Culture                 150 W. Main Street
 Beaufort County Concert Association             Arts & Culture                 PO Box 1024
 Beaufort County Traditional Music Association   Arts & Culture                 PO Box 84
 Inner Banks Music Academy, Inc                  Arts & Culture                 1007 Brown Street
 Bramble & Bramble, PA                           Attorney                       100 East Main Street
 C.T. Partrick Jr. P.A.                          Attorney                       204 N. Market Street
 Colombo Kitchin Attorneys                       Attorney                       130-A East Second Street
 David Francisco Attorney at Law P.C.            Attorney                       317 W. 3rd Street
 Evan Lewis, Attorney                            Attorney                       113 East 15th Street, Suite 3
 Inner Banks Legal Services, Inc.                Attorney                       130-A E. 2nd Street
 John B. Tate, III                               Attorney                       68-A NC 33 Hwy East
 Jones & McKinney, P.A.                          Attorney                       147 N. Market Street
 Mayo & Mayo                                     Attorney                       102 West 2nd Street
 Rodman, Holscher, Peck & Edwards, PA            Attorney                       320 N. Market Street
 Watsi Sutton, Attorney at Law, P.A.             Attorney                       249 Market Street
 Tammera Cooper, Author                          Author
 Carolina Avenue 76                              Automotive Sales/Service/Par   710 Carolina Avenue
 A&B Mechanical Service, Inc.                    Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 400 Plymouth Street
 AAA Glass Service, Inc.                         Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 2513 W. 5th Street
 Alligood’s Garage                               Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 527 North Market Street
 Coastal Carolina Coatings                       Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 4050 Wharton Station Road
 ENC Sales                                       Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 3684 US Hwy 264 East
 Feyer Ford & Lincoln                            Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 1677 US Hwy 17 North
 Lee Chevrolet                                   Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 275 W. 5th Street
 LJ’s Auto Body Shop, Inc.                       Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 4183 US Hwy 264 East
 Pecheles Toyota                                 Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 4020 Hwy 264 West
 Piston Ring & Machine                           Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 1218 John Small Avenue
 Pugh’s Tire & Service Centers                   Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 1130 John Small Avenue
 Quality Tires & Service, Inc.                   Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 140 W. 3rd Street
 Warehouse Tire & Battery Sales                  Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 301 Hackney Avenue
 Washington Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram              Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 4001 US Hwy 264 West
 Washington Quick Lube, Inc.                     Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 655 West 3rd Street
 West Park Motor Company                         Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 4030 US Hwy 264 West
 William’s Auto Body                             Automotive Sales/Service/Parts 628 Washington Street
 CresCom Bank                                    Banks/Financial                1311 Carolina Avenue
 First Bank                                      Banks/Financial                639 W. 15th Street
 First Citizens Bank                             Banks/Financial                1411 Carolina Avenue
 First National Bank                             Banks/Financial                1422 Carolina Avenue
 State Employees Credit Union                    Banks/Financial                2000 West 15th Street
 Wells Fargo Bank                                Banks/Financial                101 South Market Street
 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage                       Banks/Financial                820 Red Banks Road
 Coastal Carpet Cleaning, Inc.                   Carpet Cleaning                6185 US Hwy 264 West
 Carolina Communications                         Cell/Cable/Internet            536 Pamlico Plaza
 Pamlico Tower                                   Cell/Cable/Internet            5485 US Hwy 17 North
 RiverStreet Networks                            Cell/Cable/Internet            2193 NC-99
 Suddenlink Communications                       Cell/Cable/Internet            2120 West Arlington Blvd
 US Cellular                                     Cell/Cable/Internet            875 W. 15th Street
 Aurora/Richland Township Chamber                Chamber of Commerce            474 Main Street
 Belhaven Chamber of Commerce                    Chamber of Commerce            125 West Main Street

Washington    27889   946-0497
Washington    27889   975-3121
Washington    27889   946-2203
Washington    27889   946-0545
Washington    27889   227-0093
Greenville    27858   355-8181
Washington    27889   512-2215
Pantego       27860   935-5434
Washington    27889   946-8123
Belhaven      27810   964-2000
Washington    27889   945-7356
Washington    27889   975-5166
Washington    27889   943-1016
Washington    27889   946-2504
Washington    27889   975-7524
Washington    27889   946-2504
Washington    27889   402-4262
Washington    27889   948-1397
Washington    27889   946-0048
Washington    27889   321-2020
Washington    27889   833-0591
Washington    27889   623-2153
Washington    27889   495-0585
Chocowinity   27817   974-1122
Washington    27889   975-5152
Washington    27889   946-2418
Washington    27889   946-3122
Washington    27889   946-1897
Washington    27889   808-7904
Washington    27889   946-4401
Washington    27889   946-1331
Washington    27889   946-2396
Washington    27889   946-3662
Washington    27889   940-1853
Washington    27889   947-0279
Williamston   27892   792-4124
Washington    27889   946-5171
Washington    27889   946-9489
Washington    27889   975-1500
Washington    27889   946-5188
Washington    27889   940-1446
Washington    27889   975-2500
Washington    27889   946-8937
Washington    27889   644-3344
Washington    27889   946-0038
Washington    27889   974-2886
Washington    27889   946-0021
Washington    27889   946-4178
Washington    27889   946-4171
Washington    27889   946-8144
Washington    27889   946-3803
Washington    27889   946-0291
Washington    27889   974-1511
Greenville    27858   214-6226
Washington    27889   946-0692
Washington    27889   362-0693
Washington    27889   948-1472
Belhaven      27810   964-8000
Greenville    27834   757-2250
Washington    27889   946-0273
Aurora        27806   322-4405
Belhaven      27810   943-3770

A New Adventure                                      Child Care                          148 Avon Avenue
 Start Right Learning Center                          Child Care                          940 Hudnell Street
 Cornerstone Family Worship Center                    Church                              1918 W. 5th Street
 Covenant Washington                                  Church                              230 E. 8th Street
 First Baptist Church                                 Church                              113 North Harvey Street
 First Presbyterian Church                            Church                              211 West 2nd Street
 First United Methodist Church                        Church                              304 West Second Street
 Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church                    Church                              1776 North Market Street
 Harvest Church                                       Church                              2020 W. 15th Street
 River City Christian Center                          Church                              3806 River Road
 Washington Assembly of God                           Church                              2029 W. 5th Street
 Strategic Network Consultants, Inc.                  Computer Repair/IT                  524 E. 9th Street
 Williams & Associates                                Computer Repair/IT                  201 W. Main Street
 A.R. Chesson Construction Co., Inc.                  Construction                        315 W. Main Street
 B.E. Singleton                                       Construction                        920 West 3rd Street
 Brooks Home Improvement & Coast to Coast Transport   Construction                        558 Barwick Drive
 Coastal Clearing & Grading, Inc                      Construction                        65 Maple Street
 DB&H Commercial Contractors                          Construction                        1100 W. 5th Street, Suite 100
 Frank McLawhorn Construction Company                 Construction                        3101 Hwy 17 South
 Furlough Construction                                Construction                        156 E. Water Street #101
 Horton Contractors, Inc.                             Construction                        206 N. Market Street
 Lyons Custom Builders, Inc.                          Construction                        1 Commerce Square, Suite 203
 Moore Design Build, LLC                              Construction                        50 Indian Trail
 River City Construction, Inc.                        Construction                        3534 Cherry Run Road
 Stocks & Taylor Construction, Inc.                   Construction                        1825 Carolina Avenue
 WIMCO                                                Construction                        2533 W. 5th Street
 Storm Guard of New Bern NC                           Construction                        1916 S. Glenburnie Road, Suite 8
 The Cleaners                                         Dry Cleaner                         112 East 5th Street
 Beaufort County Community College                    Education                           5337 US Hwy 264 East
 Beaufort County Schools                              Education                           321 Smaw Road
 Montessori Preschool                                 Education                           1209 Highland Drive
 North Carolina Wesleyan College                      Education                           5337 Hwy 264 East
 Sylvan Learning                                      Education                           155 N. Market Street, Suite D
 The University of Mount Olive at Washington          Education                           4525 US Hwy 264 West
 Washington Montessori Public Charter School          Education                           2330 Old Bath Hwy
 Cole’s Electric Motor Shop                           Electric Motor & Sales/Repairs      114 S. Bridge Street
 Pair Electronics, Inc.                               Electronics                         105A Trade Street
 Engraver’s World & Apparel                           Embroidery/Screen Printing          5246 Hwy 264 East
 Inner Banks Consulting, LLC                          Engineering Services
 Inner Banks Engineering                              Engineering Services                PO Box 154
 McLawhorn Engineering, PLLC                          Engineering Services                One Commerce Square, Suite 204
 Pungo Engineering Services, PLLC                     Engineering Services                424 East Main Street
 Beaufort Equipment Co.                               Equipment                           3108 John Small Avenue
 Gregory Poole                                        Equipment                           53 Springs Road
 Pamlico Fence Company                                Fencing                             826 W. 10th Street
 Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.                  Financial Advisor                   155 N. Market Street, Suite 219
 Edward Jones - Jordan Cantrell                       Financial Advisor                   1296 John Small Avenue
 Edward Jones - Rod Cantrell                          Financial Advisor                   258 West Main Street
 Edward Jones - Stuart O’Neal                         Financial Advisor                   106 East 15th Street
 Edward Jones - Casey Sears                           Financial Advisor                   1989 W. 15th Street, Suite 105
 Edward Jones - Roy Parker                            Financial Advisor                   1251 Highland Drive
 Athletic Edge Sports & Fitness Center, Inc.          Fitness                             1100 W. 5th Street
 Fitness Unlimited                                    Fitness                             622 West 15th Street
 Tidewater Energy                                     Fuel                                329 Grimes Road
 Paul Funeral Home                                    Funeral Home                        900 John Small Avenue
 Washington Funeral and Cremation - Hillside Chapel   Funeral Home                        4500 US Hwy 264 East
 H&H Golf Carts, Inc                                  Golf Cart Sales, Rentals & Services 5703 NC Hwy 33 East
 Washington Park                                      Government                          PO Box 632
 Beaufort County Government                           Government                          121 W. 3rd Street
 City Of Washington                                   Government                          102 E. 2nd Street
 Bardot Studio                                        Hair Salon                          143 W. Main Street
 Bella Enchanted                                      Hair Salon                          1102 N. Brown Street
 Capelli Salon                                        Hair Salon                          211 N. Market Street
 Advance Mechanical Inc.                              Heating & Air                       824 West Star Street
 Advanced Air Solutions                               Heating & Air                       1809 Corsica Road

Washington    27889   940-4440
Washington    27889   940-0077
Washington    27889   946-6109
Washington    27889   355-0123
Washington    27889   946-8074
Washington    27889   946-4616
Washington    27889   946-3311
Washington    27889   975-1988
Washington    27889   833-4898
Washington    27889   975-5164
Washington    27889   946-6185
Washington    27889   946-0351
Washington    27889   975-6723
Williamston   27892   792-4486
Washington    27889   946-3287
Washington    27889   927-3636
Pantego       27860   943-3303
Washington    27889   833-0141
Chocowinity   27817   714-7969
Washington    27889   946-8809
Washington    27889   975-4774
Washington    27889   940-0532
Washington    27889   414-8614
Washington    27889   945-3768
Washington    27889   975-5855
Washington    27889   946-5175
New Bern      28562   945-6514
Washington    27889   946-4010
Washington    27889   946-6194
Washington    27889   946-6593
Washington    27889   946-9003
Washington    27889   940-6386
Washington    27889   756-9383
Washington    27889   940-0146
Washington    27889   946-1977
Washington    27889   943-1572
Greenville    27834   439-5295
Washington    27889   975-0330
Washington    27889   947-2323
Washington    27889   945-2983
Washington    27889   919-608-3738
Washington    27889   945-8652
Washington    27889   946-9555
Washington    27889   946-1081
Washington    27889   946-9844
Washington    27889   243-7118
Washington    27889   940-1803
Washington    27889   975-2663
Washington    27889   975-7560
Washington    27889   940-4701
Washington    27889   975-0125
Washington    27889   975-0003
Washington    27889   975-7400
Washington    27889   946-6597
Washington    27889   946-4144
Washington    27889   975-4500
Chocowinity   27817   946-6665
Washington    27889   946-8479
Washington    27889   946-0079
Washington    27889   975-9300
Washington    27889   623-2003
Washington    27889   975-1228
Washington    27889   974-2112
Greenville    27834   355-9191
Washington    27889   946-6474

Fairfield Inn & Suites                      Hotels/Motels/B&B’s    2090 W. 15th Street
 Hampton Inn                                 Hotels/Motels/B&B’s    2085 West 15th Street
 Inn on Bath Creek                           Hotels/Motels/B&B’s    116 South Main Street
 Pam Pippin; Pippin Resource Group           HR Consultant          PO Box 195
 Beaufort County Farm Bureau                 Insurance              601 Hackney Avenue
 Bragaw & Co Insurance                       Insurance              1100 W. 15th Street
 First Benefits Insurance Mutual, Inc.       Insurance              PO Box 1951
 Flatlands Insurance Group                   Insurance              1550 W. 5th Street
 Jones Insurance Agency                      Insurance              844 W. 15th Street
 Morris Insurance                            Insurance              321 N. Market Street
 Nationwide Insurance                        Insurance              1010 W. 15th Street
 Sloan Insurance Agency                      Insurance              245 West Main Street
 State Farm Insurance Agency - Mauri Evans   Insurance              521 West 15th Street
 State Farm Candace Moore Agency             Insurance              158 West Main Street
 Transamerica Insurance Agency               Insurance
 Sorrell Land Surveying                      Land Surveying         107 Union Drive, Suite 101
 Dudley Landscaping & Tree Service, Inc.     Landscaping            320 Haven Street
 Slade Landscaping                           Landscaping            380 Mill Creek Lane
 ST Engineering Hackney, Inc.                Manufacturing/Industry 911 W. 5th Street
 AAF Flanders                                Manufacturing/Industry 531 Flanders Filters Road
 Camfil USA, Inc.                            Manufacturing/Industry 200 Creekside Drive
 Iconic Marine Group                         Manufacturing/Industry 1653 Whichards Beach Road
 ITW Medical                                 Manufacturing/Industry 209 Creekside Drive
 National Spinning Co.                       Manufacturing/Industry 148 W. 2nd Street
 Nutrien                                     Manufacturing/Industry 1530 Hwy 306 South
 P & G Manufacturing                         Manufacturing/Industry 339 Old Bath Hwy
 Pamlico Air                                 Manufacturing/Industry 112 S. Respess Street
 PAS USA, Inc.                               Manufacturing/Industry 2010 West 15th Street
 Precision Pallet, LLC                       Manufacturing/Industry 405 Mainstem Road
 Spinrite Services                           Manufacturing/Industry 1481 W. 2nd Street
 Wolseley                                    Manufacturing/Industry 600 Tranters Creek Drive
 Adaptive Mobility Solutions                 Manufacturing/Industry 601 W. 5th Street
 Renew Massage Therapy & Wellness            Massage Therapists     138 S. Market Street
 98.3 The Bridge                             Media                  2163 Old Blounts Creek Road
 High Click Media                            Media                  100 Fox Haven Drive
 IBX Media Group                             Media                  408 West Arlington Blvd
 North Carolina’s Eastern Living Magazine    Media                  106 W. Main Street
 The County Compass                          Media                  807 Broad Street
 The Vine Connection Radio Network           Media                  408 N. Market Street
 Washington Daily News                       Media                  217 North Market Street
 WITN TV                                     Media                  275 E. Arlington Blvd
 Curtis Media Group                          Media                  2929 Radio Station Road
 Agape Community Health Clinic               Medical                120 W. Martin Luther King Blvd
 Andrew S. McCoy DMD PLLC                    Medical                234 W. Main Street
 Community Home Care & Hospice               Medical                222 Stewart Parkway, Suite 100
 CORA Physical Therapy                       Medical                1201 Carolina Avenue
 Cornerstone Family Medicine                 Medical                326 N. Market Street
 Dirks Chiropractic                          Medical                360 Cherry Run Center
 Dr. Zeno Edwards, III                       Medical                1103 Brown Street
 Eastern Radiologists, Inc                   Medical                630 East 11th Street
 Howdy, Jones & Cochran                      Medical                1103 Brown Street
 InStride Roberson Foot Care, PA             Medical                114 Avon Avenue
 Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center             Medical                1209 Brown Street
 My Eye Dr                                   Medical                1302 Brown Street
 Precision Eye Care                          Medical                1730 Carolina Avenue
 Pruitt Health                               Medical                810 Kennedy Avenue
 Urgent Care Down East                       Medical                853 W. 15th Street
 Vidant Beaufort Hospital                    Medical                628 East 12th Street
 Vidant Behavioral Health                    Medical                1308 Highland Drive
 Vidant Family Medicine-Aurora               Medical                151 Third Street
 Vidant Family Medicine-Chocowinity          Medical                740 Bragaw Lane
 Vidant Family Medicine-Washington           Medical                501 West 15th Street
 Vidant Gastroenterology                     Medical                606 E. 12th Street
 Vidant General Surgery                      Medical                615 East 12th Street
 Vidant Internal Medicine                    Medical                1380 Cowell Farm Road

Washington  27889   940-5630
   Washington  27889   940-4556
   Bath        27808   923-9571
   Bath        27808   944-8803
   Washington  27889   946-0169
   Washington  27889   946-7151
   Raleigh     27602   888-393-2667
   Washington  27889   946-8154                                       199835 _ COASTAL RIVERS REALTY

   Washington  27889   948-0008
   Washington  27889   946-6151
   Washington  27889   974-7737             $385,000                                                                   $569,900
   Washington  27889   946-6114        MLS# 100027183                                                             MLS# 100212585
                                      126 Windy Pointe                                                           102 E Dowry Creek
   Washington  27889   946-5114         Belhaven, NC                                                               Belhaven, NC
   Washington  27889   644-3458
   Washington  27889   948-2464
   Washington  27889   946-9346                         Diane Edwards, Broker/REALTOR®
   Bath        27808   923-2566                             Former WBCBR Realtor® of the Year

   Washington  27889   946-6521                           Multi-Million Dollar Producer
                                                             mobile: (252)             945-0981
   Washington  27889   946-8081
                                                              office: (252)             975-8010
   Washington  27889   975-1141
   Chocowinity 27817   975-2000
   Washington  27889   946-1963
   Washington  27889   975-7111         Sail Through Your Real
                                        Estate Transaction With
   Aurora      27806   322-4111
   Washington  27889   946-9110
                                         a Caring Professional
   Pantego     27860   935-5355                                    coastalrivers.com
   Washington  27889   833-4970                               Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

   Washington  27889   946-8071
   Washington  27889   623-2102
   Washington  27889   945-1149
   Chocowinity 27817   946-9898
   Greenville  27858   814-2150
   Greenville  27834   355-1037
   Williamston 27892   792-1181
   Oriental    28515   249-6035
   Washington  27889   975-1320
   Washington  27889   946-2144
   Greenville  27858   439-7777
   Greenville  27834   815-793-5795
   Washington  27889   940-0602
   Washington  27889   946-4403
   Washington  27889   946-0312
   Washington  27889   975-0600
   Washington  27889   802-4520
   Washington  27889   362-0189
   Washington  27889   946-2988
   Washington  27889   946-2137
   Washington  27889   946-3355
   Washington  27889   946-1181
   Washington  27889   974-9407
   Washington  27889   946-7257
   Washington  27889   946-2171
   New Bern    28560   633-4311
   Washington  27889   623-2000
   Washington  27889   975-4100
   Washington  27889   975-8838
   Aurora      27806   322-5088
   Chocowinity 27817   946-9562
   Washington  27889   975-2667
   Washington  27889   946-1573
   Washington  27889   946-0181
   Washington  27889   946-2101

Vidant Orthopedics                                   Medical                     1207 Highland Drive
Vidant Rheumatology                                  Medical                     628 E. 12th Street
Vidant Urology                                       Medical                     1202 Brown Street
Vidant Wellness Center-Washington                    Medical                     1375 Cowell Farm Road
Vidant Women’s Care                                  Medical                     1210 Brown Street
Vidant Women’s Care                                  Medical                     1204 Brown Street
Washington Chiropractic Center                       Medical                     920 Hackney Avenue
Fox Hollow Farm LLC                                  Meeting/Banquet Facility    2949 Corsica Road
Greenville Convention Center                         Meeting/Banquet Facility    303 SW Greenville Blvd
Clear Point                                          Mental Health Counseling    417 N. Bridge Street
A1 Environmental Services                            Mold Remediation            141 S. Market Street
CareMaster                                           Mold Remediation            601 Dexter Street
Servpro of Bath                                      Mold Remediation            7013 NC Hwy 92E
WoodmenLife Chapter 623                              Non-Profit                  1080 Cherry Lane Road
American Red Cross                                   Non-Profit                  135 North Market Street
Angels n Camo                                        Non-Profit                  532 Ward Road
Aurora Fossil Museum                                 Non-Profit                  400 Main Street
Beaufort County Committee of 100                     Non-Profit                  705 Page Road
Beaufort County Crime Stoppers                       Non-Profit                  210 N. Market Street
Beaufort County Developmental Center                 Non-Profit                  1534 West 5th Street
Beaufort County Economic Development                 Non-Profit                  705 Page Road
Beaufort County United Way                           Non-Profit                  113 E. 15th Street
Beaufort/Hyde Partnership for Children               Non-Profit                  979 Washington Square Mall
Better Business Bureau                               Non-Profit                  5540 Munford Road, Suite 130
The Blind Center                                     Non-Profit                  PO Box 491, 221 North Harvey Street
Boy Scouts of America - East Carolina Council        Non-Profit                  PO Box 1698
Boys & Girls Club of Beaufort County                 Non-Profit                  1089 N. Bridge Street
Coastal Pregnancy Center                             Non-Profit                  1312 John Small Avenue
Cypress Landing Home Owners Association              Non-Profit                  100 Marina Drive
Daughters of Worth                                   Non-Profit                  2113 Southview Drive
Dementia Alliance of NC                              Non-Profit
Eagle’s Wings                                        Non-Profit                  PO Box 426
Hope Clinic                                          Non-Profit                  203 North Street, 2nd Floor
Inner Banks STEM Center                              Non-Profit                  201 Airport Road
Little Washington Sailing School                     Non-Profit                  124 S. Market Street
Marion Shepard Cancer Foundation                     Non-Profit                  1209 Brown Street
Moss Landing Home Owners Association                 Non-Profit                  PO Box 59
Old Ford Ruritan Club                                Non-Profit                  6003 US Hwy 17 North
Open Door Community Center                           Non-Profit                  1240 Cowell Farm Road
Pamlico Plantation Property Owners Association       Non-Profit                  150 Clubhouse Circle
Pamlico Rose Institute for Sustainable Communities   Non-Profit                  820 Park Drive
Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron                        Non-Profit                  215 Pungo Lane
Partnership for the Sounds                           Non-Profit                  PO Box 55
Purpose of God Annex                                 Non-Profit                  1015 E. 6th Street
ReLeaf Washington                                    Non-Profit                  PO Box 2836
Ruth’s House                                         Non-Profit                  PO Box 2843
The Salvation Army                                   Non-Profit                  112 E. 7th Street
Washington BC Board of Realtors                      Non-Profit                  1433 S. Glenburnie Road
Washington Harbor District Alliance                  Non-Profit
Washington Noon Rotary                               Non-Profit                  PO Box 86
Young Life on the Pamlico                            Non-Profit                  409 W. Main Street, Suite 201 & 203
Justice Reinvestment Group of NC                     Non-Profit                  4934 River Road
Optimist Club of Washington                          Non-Profit
Foundary and Forge Office and Coworking Center       Office and Coworking Center 1011 W. 5th Street
CopyPro, Inc.                                        Office Equipment & Supplies 3103 Landmark Street
Cooper’s Painting, Inc.                              Painter                     851 E. Main Street
Hudnell’s Painting                                   Painter                     630 Hubs Rec Road
Keech’s Painting, Inc.                               Painter                     101 Edwards Drive
Turner Pest Control                                  Pest Control                PO Box 1196
Be Healthy Apothecary                                Pharmacy                    126 W. Main Street
O’Neal’s Drug Store of Washington                    Pharmacy                    601 E. 12th Street
Gregg Ward Photography                               Photography                 503 Bay Lake Street
Blu Site Solutions of North Carolina, Inc.           Portable Toilets            5680 Richlands Highway
Century 21 The Realty Group - Jerry & Brenda Evans   Real Estate                 162 W. Main Street
Century 21 The Realty Group - Alexis Davis           Real Estate                 162 W. Main Street

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