Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021

Page created by Annie Kennedy
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Swim Ontario President’s Town Hall #2
                                            June 15, 2021

Dean Boles
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Welcome- Anne Bell

Insurance Summary- Darin Muma

Grass Roots Development- Stu McLean

By-Law Update- Darin

Hosted HP Competitions- Dean Boles

Provincial Re-Opening Strategy- Dean

Swim Ontario Road Map- Dean

Conference/Awards/Recognition- Christy Yaremczuk
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Highlights from Swimming Canada

Cheryl Gibson has been appointed to the FINA Bureau – a prestigious step for both the sport of swimming
and Canada. Dean Crawford has been elected to replace Cheryl as President.
Upcoming Olympic Trials:
   Role of Swim Ontario
   A big thank you to volunteers including officials
   Covid Testing protocols
   Looking forward to following our team from a distance.

 Swim Ontario Annual General Meeting- Tuesday September 28 7:00pm
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Overview of Insurance Coverage
• Who is Covered?
  •   Registrants: Swimmers, Coaches, Officials, Referees, Directors, Officers, Staff and Volunteers

• What is Covered?
  •   During sanctioned activities which includes: practices, dry-land training, competition
  •   Activities which require a sanction application: Competitions, travel, training camps (abroad),
      fundraisers, year-end parties?

• When is there coverage?
  •   Registrants during sanctioned activities when supervised by a registered coach
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Bill 218 – Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act
• Protection from Liability
  No cause of action arises against any person as a direct or indirect result of an individual being or
  potentially being infected with or exposed to COVID-10 on or after March 17, 2020, as a direct or indirect
  result of an act or omission of the person if, at the relevant time:
       The person acted or made good faith effort to act in accordance with,
             •    Public Health guidance and any federal, provincials or municipal law relating to COVID 19
             •    The act or omission of the person does not constitute gross negligence

  •   “Good faith effort” includes an honest effort, whether or not that effort is reasonable

• Covid Insurance Defence Coverage
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Director and Officers Responsibility

• Directors and Officers are obligated to:
  •   Act honestly and in good faith with a view of the best interests of the corporation; and
  •   Exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable

• Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
  •   Covers the directors, officers, employees and registered volunteers for their exposure for the
      manner in which they conduct the affairs of the corporation.
  •   Insurance policy will usually cover defence costs, damages caused by wrongful acts (not excluded by
      policy) and administrative errors or omissions.
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
What if I get a claims?

• Contact Swim Ontario immediately
  •   Contact Swim Ontario upon receipt of a threat to litigate

• If insurance coverage is applicable, the insurer will
  appoint a lawyer to defend the club

• Keep all records and files relating to the claim
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
 How It Started?

       Driven by feedback from past presentation, meetings with club presidents, coaches and discussion amongst staffs as well as seeing the impact
       that Covid-19 has had on our sport. It was determined that Swim Ontario would engage the coaching community in a open forum discussion
       around the re-engagement of our grassroots or fundamentals swimmers.

 First Steps

       • Early May: Grassroots Survey

       • Mid to End of May: Follow-up Discussions on Survey Responses

       • June: Coaches Only Presentation

 What Are The Priorities?

       • Encourage information sharing and collaborative thinking amongst programs across the province

       • Develop resources for clubs to use as they plan for re-engagement of fundamentals athletes.

 What Are The Goals?

       • Develop a spirit of open discussion and collaboration

       • Finding points of dialogue that can assist all

       • Understanding that there is no right answer to this problem but there are ways to discuss and define that can be applied to all programs
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
How We Define It

       • Grassroots Programming engages young and new swimmers at the entry level and introduces them to the foundational fundamentals of competitive

The Numbers
      • Grassroots level membership has fallen by 60-100% depending on the program
            • Areas hardest hit include;
                    • 12 and Unders
                    • Pre-Competitive
                    • Learn to Swim Programming
                    • Para
                    • Masters
                    • Auxiliary Programming ie. triathlon, lifesaving, stroke development, camp programming
      • Research shows that 7 in 10 athletes have seen a massive decline in their physical and mental health

Programming Considerations
      • Make it FUN, Make it Dynamic, Make it Social: It’s about engagement to help retention
      • Consider mental health and development of life skills in your plans
      • Embrace innovation and creativity but be mindful of realistic benchmarks and expectations
      • “If we build it, will they come?”
                    • Your diehards? YES!!
                    • Those who are uncertain “If you give them a reason and engage them properly.”
                    • New Swimmers?: This is where the challenge lies. It won’t be as easy

Next Steps
       •   Continued dialogue with the coaching community
       •   Encourage Collaboration between clubs regionally
       •   Build and develop resources for clubs with this programming in mind
Swim Ontario President's Town Hall #2 - June 15, 2021
Why update Bylaws? Why now?

 Significant changes have occurred since SO’s Bylaws were last re-written in 2012.

 Legislative and Sport Governance best practices
 Ensure compliance with new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA)
 Align with COC Canadian Sport Governance Code best practices
 Align with Swimming Canada policies
 Ensure consistency with evolving Safe Sport policies and practices

 Growth and evolution of Competitive Swimming Participation
 Align with SO’s vision, mission, values and aspirations (i.e., inclusion of Masters Swimming)
 Registration has doubled since 2012 and post Covid is expected to continue to increase driven by
  performance success.
Proposed Changes

1.   Member & Stakeholder Definitions
2.   Board Composition
3.   AGM Quorum & Agenda
4.   Voting Formula & Thresholds
1. Members & Stakeholder Definitions
                 Recommendation                                                     Rationale
 1. Add “Preamble” that summarizes SO’s             - Acknowledges the individual stakeholders, particularly swimmers, that
    vision, mission, and defines the various          SO ultimately serves, not just member clubs
    individual stakeholders (registrants) SO        - Clarifies policies (e.g., Safe Sport) extend broadly to individuals, not
    serves and represents via its member clubs        just member clubs

 2. Maintain definition of members as Clubs but     - Maintaining one class of members (clubs) continues to make sense
    expand to include varsity clubs (that operate     given all SO Registrants must be affiliated with a club. It also reduces
    year round)                                       investigation/litigation risk under new ONCA legislation
                                                    - Consistent with Swim Ontario’s vision to be a “world leader in
                                                      swimming excellence at all levels” and “support performance and
                                                      participation for life”
                                                    - Ensures representation of all competitive swimmers, including varsity,
                                                      consistent with Swimming Canada’s policy and other PSOs
                                                    - Varsity swimmers should have the option of registering through their
                                                      varsity club if that is their preference.

 3. Expand member definition to include             - Enables business-related motions from the Board at the AGM
    current Directors of the Board                  - Common practice, consistent with many other PSOs.
2. AGM Quorum & Agenda

              Recommendation                                                     Rationale
1.   Amend quorum provision to 40% of            -   Reduces the risk of not being able to proceed with AGM despite
     members in attendance (physically or            the presence of a majority of members
     virtually) including at least 1 club from   -   Encourages regional participation
     4 regions
2.   Lengthen notice period for adding           -   Provides more time for SO to adequately consider new business
     new business to agenda from 10 to 60            agenda topics proposed by members
     days                                        -   Ensures AGM agenda topics are governance related and relevant
                                                     to the majority of members
                                                 -   Consistent with notice period and criteria of other PSOs
3. Remove “ratification” clause from             -   Eliminates a requirement for the members to ratify decisions that
   current bylaws                                    the Board has made which is not meaningful or productive
                                                 -   Consistent with bylaws of Swim Canada, other NPFs and PSOs
4. Add right of Board to invite guests to        -   Ensures more productive and informative meeting
   the AGM (e.g., auditors, MPPs,                -   Provides flexibility to invite others in appropriate circumstances
   speakers)                                     -   Consistent with bylaws of other NFPs and PSOs
3. Board Composition
                  Recommendation                                                         Rationale
 1. Propose changing board size from seven (7) to nine    -   Better alignment with Director terms and turn-over
    (9).                                                  -   Improves Committee coverage and oversight
                                                          -   Provides more flexibility to ensure the board has the desired skills
                                                              and represents the diversity of its stakeholders
 2. Expand Director Nomination and Election section
   to specify;
 • Eligible Directors as defined by ONCA and who are      -   Ensures independence required for objective oversight
   not employees or contractors of Swimming Canada
   or Swim Ontario, may be elected by the Voting
   delegates at the Annual Meeting
 • Candidates for election shall be nominated             -   Encourages the identification and nomination of qualified
   according to the Determination of Eligible                 candidates to address specific skill and diversity gaps identified by
   Candidates Policy and procedures established by            the Nomination Committee
   the Swim Ontario Nominations Committee.
 • Voting delegates can vote on all eligible candidates   -   ONCA legislation requires voting members be allowed to
   nominated or from the floor if desired.                    nominate candidate from the floor if desired
 • Voting delegates can vote electronically               -   Increases accessibility and convenience for member delegates

 3. Minimum meeting attendance requirement for            -   Ensures director participation and provides removal remedy, if
    Board Directors                                           required
4. Voting Formula & Thresholds
  There are two different philosophies on member representation that result in different POVs on how votes
  should be allocated to member clubs

                                  Swim Ontario ultimately serves…

                         Swimmers                                            Swim Clubs
        via their affiliation with member clubs                     and their affiliated swimmers

     • Puts swimmer representation first                    • Puts club representation first
     • Philosophy used by most Ontario PSOs in              • Makes sense in regions/sports where
       member voting formulas                                 difference in club size is not significant
     • Must balance representation between                  • Smaller clubs have same/similar votes as large
       small and large clubs                                  clubs
     • More democratic/fair representation of               • Unfair representation of Registrants that pay
       Registrants that pay SO membership fees                SO membership fees
     • Assumes effect of Board decisions may                • Assumes effect of Board decisions may not
       differ based on the size of the club and the           differ based on the size of a club and the
       number swimmers it represents                          swimmers it represents
4. Voting Formula & Thresholds
           Recommendation                                                          Rationale
Expand vote/club thresholds…             -   Ensures more equitable representation of competitive swimmers given the growth of the
                 FROM                        sport and the number of clubs with more than 200 competitive swimmers over the last
• 1 vote/50 swimmers to a max. of 200        10 years
   swimmers (4 votes)                    -   Better matches the distribution of clubs by size; both now and in the future as
                   TO                        participation continues to grow
• 1 vote/50 swimmers to a max of 250     -   While clubs with more than 250 swimmers will receive 1-4 additional votes, their share of
   swimmers, and 1 vote/100 swimmers         votes (250 swimmers to a max of 8 votes     -   No club loses votes
                                         -   Reducing voting increments below 50 doesn’t have a material impact on swimmer
                                             representation (# of votes per swimmer) or share of votes by club or region.
        Alternatives Considered                                        Reasons for not recommending
•   1 vote/50 swimmers                   -   Provides the most equitable representation for all swimmers but reduces the share of
•   1 vote/100 swimmers                      votes among smaller clubs too much vs. the status quo
•   1 vote/25 swimmers to max of 250,    -   No materials difference vs recommendation using 1 vote/50
    and 1 vote/100 > 250
•   1 vote/club
•   1 vote
4. Voting Formula & Thresholds
2021-22 Affiliation and Registration Information

• As a reminder Registration fees will remain the same as the 2020-21 season with no increases.
• The RTR will have a new look for September registration. Swimming Canada has made the
  system more user friendly with pop up information to guide registrars and families when
  completing the required documents.
• As the RTR will have a new look, it is recommended that all club Registrars (new and returning)
  should review the Registrars Guide which will have detailed instructions and screen shots of
  steps to complete registration.
• Registrants will be required to submit consent forms for the new season.
• The Swim Ontario Membership Information will be sent to clubs at the end of July.
• The RTR will be shut down the last week of August for the annual maintenance and roll over for
  the new season. Beginning September 1st clubs who have completed the affiliation process will
  be granted access to the RTR to begin registration.
Road Map for Ontario Swimming
Vaccination rollout- 18 &over 1st shot end of May
                     12-17 yr olds for return to school

Gathering numbers- inside/outside (competitions)

Pressure on the health system

Insurance implications (travel)

Vaccination Certification

Objective: a slow progressive return with no
           pauses or interruptions
Return to Swimming
COVID Updates- Return to Swimming Memos and Communications


June 14, 2021 (Step 1)
Return to Swimming- to serve better
•   5 business days for approval process
•   Friday 12:00pm- Re-open Monday 8:30am
•   Revisions need to be hi-lited (all required updated)
•   All Participants need to be fully registered
•   Facility Letters must accompany plans/ if beyond the Prov’l
    regulation, their acceptable levels clearly illustrated
•   Dive Start certifications/Insurance certificate request prior to
Road Map for Ontario Swimming June 15, 2021

                                            January- March 2022

June –August 2021
    ‘3 steps’
                                            April-August 2022

September- December 2021
                                            September 2022 & beyond
Competitions and Programming
•   HP Exemption- Time Trial/Take 5 Test Event/ Olympic Trials
                         a great deal of planning, re-writing, starts and stops

•   Open Water- July 24-25 Gravenhurst/ August 22 Welland
                         confirming the gathering numbers under Step 2/3 of the Provincial measures

•   Stage 1 Club Time Trials- dependant on faces in the water/facilities

•   Stage 2/3 Competitions- November-December
•   In person and Virtual Camp deliveries- TBD

Much is determined by gathering numbers/ additional protocols/ viability
                              Swim Ontario Virtual Conference, AGM, Awards & Recognition
                                  Friday September 24th – Saturday October 2nd, 2021
Mark your calendars and get ready to take part in Engaging, Inspiring and Empowering keynotes, workshops
and interactive sessions for coaches, administrators, volunteers, officials and clubs. Parents too!

  Please join us for a week full of insight, influence and inspiration where the Swim Ontario community will come
 together to connect, create conversations, share experiences, celebrate successes and explore opportunities to
                                     “Re-Imagine Ontario Swimming Together”
                                                  Overview of Schedule
                                               Afternoon Sessions – 1-3pm
                                            Early Evening Sessions – 6-7pm
                                          Late Evening Sessions – 7-8:30pm

CLUB OPERATIONS                            CULTURE                     CLUB HEALTH & WELLBEING
  (ENGAGE)                                 (INSPIRE)                             (EMPOWER)
  Facility Relations                 Equity/Diversity/Inclusion        Mental Health Is Health
  Creative Club Marketing           Bottom Up Programming              The Value of Volunteers
  The Power of People               Clubs In the Community             The Value of Life Skills
                             Swim Ontario Virtual Conference, AGM, Awards & Recognition
                                 Friday September 24th – Saturday October 2nd, 2021
                                  “Re-Imagine Ontario Swimming Together”
  Friday, September 24th, 2021 – 7-8:30pm - Kick Off Keynote & Fireside Chat – CEO Dean Boles in conversation with Cliff
     Barry – Coach of Olympic Gold Medalist Victor Davis, Olympic & National Team Coach, Club Coach, Varsity Coach –
   “Leadership & Coaching Through Challenging Times – Coach by Engaging, Inspiring, & Empowering the Person, Not the
                                                Result & Lead By Example”

     Saturday, September 25th, 2021 - 1-2:30pm - “Future of Leadership” Keynote & Moderated Panel with Judy Riege –
                                     Connector, Coach, Educator – Connected Leaders
    Saturday, September 25 , 2021 – 7-8:30pm – “Developing A Swim Club Culture of Leadership Through The Values of

  Courage, Perseverance, Team & Community” Interactive Coach & Club Administrator Session with Chris Plum – CEO & Head
                                        Coach, Carmel Swim Club – Carmel, Indiana
 Monday, September 27th, 2021 – 1-2:30pm – “Building Trust & Safety Within Your Organization” – Workshop with Judy Riege
                                    – Connector, Coach, Educator – Connected Leaders
                              Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 - 6-9pm - Swim Ontario AGM
   Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 – “Emerging Better” – Workshop with Judy Riege – Connector, Coach, Educator –
                                                    Connected Leaders
                 Friday, October 1st, 2021 – 7-8:30pm – Swim Ontario Awards & Recognition Celebration
Recognition and Support
Covid Relief Update: closed June 11
-   63 clubs applied
-   14 small/20 medium/29 large
-   $150k (10 ea category/ $5k each)
-   Recipients announced mid to end of July

Club Recognition Pin
- Each club will receive 20 pins in September
- If you wish more, a process to add to the
  order will be shared
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