The Coachella Valley Blooms

Page created by Julie Haynes
The Coachella Valley Blooms

                                The Coachella Valley Blooms
                                California's desert is flourishing   BY J O A N TAPPER

      Located 100 miles east of Los Angeles,
      the 30-mile stretch of desert from Palm
    Springs to La Quinta offers numerous sec-
ond-home communities that range in style
      from old-world MEXICAN to midcentury
     m o d e r n . An example of the latter, Palm
Springs' Port Lawrence will offer 118 units.

The Coachella Valley Blooms
Chalk it up to changing demographics,          La Quinta, "and they are trying to enjoy
architectural trends, a starkly beautiful      their life. These areas are used much more
mountain and desert landscape.. .or per-       than they were 10 years ago."
haps just a widespread love of golf. What-        To be sure, real estate sales have slowed
ever the reason, the Coachella Valley, from    since the banner years of 2004 and 2005,
Palm Springs to La Quinta and beyond,          acknowledges Blomgren. "There's more
has been growing at a jaw-dropping rate.       inventory. The lower end of the market is
For decades this getaway 100 miles east        slower than the high end, which is slower
of Los Angeles has been a popular winter       than it was." And since the Coachella Val-
playground for celebrities, politicians and    ley homes are rarely primary residences,
Southern California vacationers; in the        buying a house here "is a decision people
last few years, however, the season here       don't have to make. They can put it off."
has lengthened markedly, with more year-       Yet most Realtors in the area feel luxury
round opportunities for shopping, restau-      properties are holding their own.
rants and entertainment.                          And it seems that every time a new golf
   The Palm Springs area is coming into        course opens—and there are already more
its own, notes Herbert Spiegel of Gen-         than 130—it sets off a chain reaction of
com Group, owners of the soon-to-open          people moving from one community to
Ritz-Carlton, Rancho Mirage. "Seven            another. "Buyers start with a $500,000
years ago, out of season, you'd be hard        condo, and figure out if this is where they
pressed not to be redundant with dining        want to be," says Janine Stevens, w h o has
or entertainment after just a few days," he    a real estate firm in La Quinta. "Then
says. "That's not true anymore."               they'll buy a million-dollar lot, move to a
   The handful of municipalities has           $2 million home, and up to a $5 million
also continued to accentuate their indi-       estate. We have the opportunity to do that
vidual personalities. "Most of them are        in the desert."
golf course communities, composed of
second, third and fourth home owners,          Palm Springs
but each is a little different," notes Real-   At the north end of the valley, Palm
tor Bruce Blomgren of Dyson & Dyson            Springs has the most urban feel of any of
Real Estate Associates, who has handled        the communities, and capitalizing on that
property here for 25 years. A resurgent        downtown atmosphere is Port Lawrence,
interest in midcentury modern architec-        118 contemporary residences that will
ture has brought attention to some vener-      include studio and live/work lofts, town-
able estates, while open space to the south    homes and penthouses. "This will really
and east has prompted both commercial          change downtown," says the project's
development and new luxury golf-ori-           design architect, D o u g Hudson, a Palm
ented communities.                             Springs resident. " T h e site was a collec-
   "There are a lot of price points and        tion of older buildings and a parking lot.
experiences in the valley, and they're all     We'll rebuild a portion of one of the old
good," says Neil Tofsky, president and         buildings—a canopy, which was the most
C O O of Senterra Real Estate Group, the       unique part."
developers behind the Villas of Mirada.           The eight buildings, which will border
" D o you want golf or proximity to the        a pedestrian promenade at the northern
River shopping center? The diversity is        gateway to Palm Springs, have their own
terrific. Each one has a different sense       character—"different        roof treatments,
of community."                                 window patterns." About 20 percent of
   Certainly the coming retirement of          the buildings will be up to five stories, the
the post-World War II generation has           local limit. " T h e city wanted to signal that
played a role. "Baby boomers have made         this is downtown," Hudson says.
their money," notes Michael S. Meld-              The units each have a terrace and will
man, chairman and C E O of the Discov-         range from one-bedroom lofts of 970
ery Land Company, which has developed          square feet to townhomes with private
both the Madison Club and Hideaway in          courtyards beginning at 1,875 square feet,

                                          AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 7     VACATION HOMES
The Coachella Valley Blooms

           and penthouses and two-story residences         Rancho Mirage                                             going a $500 million renovation that
           up to 2,300 square feet. Prices range from      " R a n c h o Mirage is the heart of the val-             included gutting and rebuilding the for-
           $600,000 to $2.5 million.                       ley," says Herbert Spiegel. "It has evolved               mer Lodge at Rancho Mirage. It will add
              Realtor Debbie Toohey, who sells             over decades into the Beverly Hills of                    154 residences in early 2008.
           homes throughout the entire valley, says        Coachella Valley. There are beautiful                        "We're taking advantage of the loca-
           that Palm Springs has a unique village          houses, both new and old; they have char-                 tion," says Spiegel. "We are 650 feet above
           atmosphere. The big, old estates have           acter. There's history." The River shop-                  the valley, sitting atop the mountain, pro-
           experienced a rebirth, "like Palm Beach         ping and entertainment area recently                      tected from high winds by taller peaks.
           30 years ago, with lots of properties being     added theaters and restaurants to the mix                 Ninety-eight percent of the rooms and
           redone or rebuilt," she says. "It's different   and has proved a popular outdoor evening                  residences will have spectacular views—
           from what I see in country clubs."              destination.                                              some of them almost 360 degrees."
              O n e Palm Springs home she consid-            Later this year the R i t z - C a r l t o n , R a n -      In a departure from the Ritz-Carl-
           ers notable is contemporary, however—a          cho Mirage, will open with 244 rooms                      ton's traditional decor, both the building
           5,100-square-foot residence overlooking         and suites, a 25,000-square-foot La Prairie               and interiors will reflect the surround-
           the valley, listed at $10 million.              Spa and several restaurants, after under-                 ing environment with elements of stone
The Coachella Valley Blooms
and wood. "Ritz-Carlton has chosen this         844 to 3,000 square feet, have not been         benefits from a unique arrangement with
site to be a prototype for the future," says    established, though nonbinding reserva-         the Ritz-Carlton, Rancho Mirage, that
Spiegel."This hotel will embrace the loca-      tions are being taken.                          gives homeowners access to all services
tion and the local lifestyle." And though          Across the street from the Ritz-Carlton      and amenities of the hotel. "It's a mutu-
the property does not have its own golf         are the Villas of Mirada, 46 homes with         ally rewarding situation," says Tofsky. "We
course, it does have an arrangement with        custom options and panoramic vistas.            built this for people looking for prestige,
Mission Hills Country Club, which has           " O n e of the challenges of the site was the   security and a different environment."
three. Residents and hotel guests will          slope and the mountain," explains Neil             There are other interesting properties
have access to those, as well as other clubs,   Tofsky. "We moved a half million cubic          in the area, notes Bruce Blomgren, who
through the golf concierge.                     yards of dirt to create plateaus to maxi-       just closed escrow on an old world-style
   Ownership possibilities range from           mize the views and create privacy at the        home listed at $4.45 million. The prop-
18 condominium spa suites, 86 one- to           same time." The houses range from 2,950         erty has four bedrooms and 6,371 square
three-bedroom residential suites, and 68        to 3,730 square feet, and from $2 mil-          feet on a one-acre lot. "There's no golf
two- to four-bedroom villa residences.          lion to $2.5 million; more than one-third       course," he continues, "but it's in the best
Prices for the units, which range from          have been sold. The development also            high-end residential neighborhood."

                                                                                                                                               Far left: A 6,450-
                                                                                                                                               square-foot home
                                                                                                                                               at Villas of Mirada
                                                                                                                                               listed at $4.45 million
                                                                                                                                               recently sold through
                                                                                                                                               Bruce Blomgren.

                                                                                                                                               Left: The community's
                                                                                                                                               current listings include
                                                                                                                                               the $2 million Villa
                                                                                                                                               San Gorgonio.

                                                                                                                                               Below: Located above
                                                                                                                                               Palm Springs, La
                                                                                                                                               Piedra is listed through
                                                                                                                                               Debbie Toohey for
                                                                                                                                               $10 million.

                                                                                                                   AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 7    VACATION HOMES
The Coachella Valley Blooms
FRONT ELEVATION                         THE C O A C H E L L A VALLEY B L O O M S

    Right: Hideaway is        An unusual six-acre estate in Rancho         ing services—you never have to leave."
  one of two develop-      Mirage is a 10,600-square-foot Medi-               At Bighorn, Bruce Blomgren has listed
 ments in La Quinta by     terranean home with seven bedrooms              a four-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot resi-
   the Discovery Land      offered at $8.95 million."It's like a private   dence, with a pool, spa and outdoor living
  Company. The com-        resort," says Debbie Toohey, "with a lake,      area, at $5.9 million. "It has a spectacu-
  munity encompasses       a pool and poolside pavilion, two par-          lar view," says Blomgren of the property,
  600 acres and offers     three greens and a tennis court."               which is sited above the third green of the
     t w o golf courses.                                                   Mountain Course.
                           Palm Desert and Indian Wells                       Among the newest golf courses in Palm
   Below: One of Palm      For visitors passing through, Palm Des-         Desert is the Tom Doak—designed Stone
  Desert's newest golf     ert's El Paseo offers sumptuous boutiques,      Eagle, which has just completed its second
   courses is at Stone     Saks and Tiffany among them, that rival         season. " O u r intent was to create a great
  Eagle, which offers a    R o d e o Drive in Beverly Hills. For those     golf club," says Ted Lennon, president of
 mix of homesites and      who wish to stay longer, both Palm Des-         Lowe Destination Development Desert
  prebuilt homes. The      ert and neighboring Indian Wells encom-         Development. The course ranges from
2,554-square-foot Min-     pass what are acknowledged as the finest,       500 to 1,000 feet above sea level."It's very
 istrelli home is priced   most exclusive golf course communities,         rugged and majestic, with unusual vistas."
       at $2.1 million.    where membership in the golf clubs—             It is attracting serious golfers, Lennon
                           which may run several hundred thou-             adds, with a strong national membership
                           sand dollars—is contingent on home or           as well as junior membership possibilities
                           land ownership.                                 for those under 45.
                              Bighorn Golf Club, in Palm Desert,              Stone Eagle has also begun to mar-
                           for example, has two golf courses and           ket the Retreat, 44 homesites in a small
                           about 550 homesites. "It's a very active,       community just below the golf course.
                           young, hip community," notes Debbie             "It's based on an old-world concept," says
                           Toohey. "There are concierge services, five     Lennon. There's the golf course, with a
                           restaurants, an 11,000-square-foot health       publike restaurant that is accessible only
                           spa, a marketplace, babysitting and clean-      by golf cart, "then people go home to
                                                                           the village." Lots are offered at $500,000
                                                                           to $1 million and include plans for two-
                                                                           and three-bedroom homes ranging from
                                                                           2,600 to 3,800 square feet for $2 million
                                                                           to $3 million.
                                                                              In addition to the private homes, there
                                                                           is also the Residence C l u b at Stone
                                                                           Eagle, which initially consists of three
                                                                           casitas offered in fractional shares in the
                                                                           low $300,000s for a two-bedroom and
                                                                           the low $500,000s for a four-bedroom.
                                                                              In Indian Wells, the Vintage is a pri-
                                                                           vate, exclusive community with two golf
                                                                           courses, notes Bruce Blomgren. The club
                                                                           is favored by "captains of industry and
                                                                           Europeans who come for privacy," he adds.
                                                                           "It's almost always ranked as the top."
                                                                               O n e spacious estate in the Vintage is
                                                                           listed by longtime valley broker Nelda
                                                                           Linsk, of Coldwell Banker Residential
                                                                           Broker in Palm Springs, for $12.5 million.
                                                                           "It's a very European property," she says,
                                                                           citing its imported floors and cabinetry.
                                                                           The Mediterranean-style house encom-
                                                                           passes 16,000 square feet on what were
                                                                           three lots and includes seven bedrooms.

The Coachella Valley Blooms
The Coachella Valley Blooms
FRONT ELEVATION                          THE C O A C H E L L A VALLEY B L O O M S

     Right: Merv Griffin       Also in Indian Wells is the Reserve,
     has developed an       which opened in 1998. " T h e views there
equestrian community        are special," says Ted Lennon, who over-
 on 200 acres near his      saw the development of that community
 own private estate in      and remains on its board of directors.
  La Quinta. Homes in       "You see the three mountain ranges that
the Madeira Collection      edge the valley, and there are also down
 at Griffin Ranch range     valley 'night light' views. There's a lot of
   from 3,000 to 5,700      wildlife and mostly indigenous landscap-
           square feet.     ing." With just 250 members and a single
                            golf course, the Reserve is small and inti-
  Below: The Madison        mate, he notes, with architecture that is
 Club was designed to       very consistent and controlled. "It's visu-
  be smaller and more       ally spectacular."
 intimate than its sister      Bruce Blomgren has recently listed a
  club, Hideaway. The       7,000-square-foot estate in the Reserve
225 properties all have     for $5.85 million. "It's new construction,
  larger lots and more      which is always desirable, with an old-
      expansive views.      world design," he says."It is on nine-tenths   retailers to set up shop. The large stores    Madison Club and Hideaway are very
  Opposite: A tilework      of an acre, which is a lot of land here."      have been welcomed, and the new com-          hot. People want the privacy, exclusivity
   detail at Hideaway.                                                     munities have also been well received.        and attention-to-detail service."
                            La Quinta                                         "People like to have new homes," says         At Hideaway, Stevens has listed a
                            When Realtors and developers look to the       Janine Stevens, "and you can get them in      new home on a lake with waterfalls for
                            future of the Coachella Valley, they point     La Quinta. It's close to the mountains, and   $4.6 million. The 6,424-square-foot res-
                            to La Quinta and beyond. That is where         away from the freeway." Of the luxury         idence includes two guest suites with
                            the land is, which has allowed "big box"       communities there, she says, "both the        private sitting areas. "It's finished very

The Coachella Valley Blooms
nicely and has great views," Stevens adds.       Not far from the Madison Club, Merv
   Hideaway and the neighboring Madi-         Griffin and Trans West Housing are devel-       RESOURCES
son Club are projects of the Discovery        oping Griffin R a n c h on more than 200
Land Company, which has luxury golf           acres that were originally part of the TV       PALM SPRINGS                   The Vintage
and residential properties throughout the     celebrity's estate. The equestrian-oriented     Port Lawrence                  760.774.6619
United States, Mexico and the Bahamas.        community, which surrounds the 22,000-          760.864.9200
"La Quinta is a fairly established market,"   square-foot private Griffin Club for resi-           Nelda Linsk
says Michael S. Meldman. "We always           dents, is offering 283 homes between                                           Coldwell Banker
knew it was growing, and in an upscale        3,000 and 5,700 square feet starting in the     Debbie Toohey                  760.325.4500
way. The conventional wisdom is you have      mid-$800,000s. There are also 20 one-           760.778.2600         
to be in the mountains and the coves. But     acre homesites starting at $1 million.           nelda.linsk
here we have views to the mountains."             "Horse people love it," says Kathy Ediss,
   In the case of both properties, Meld-      vice president of marketing for Trans West      RANCHO MIRAGE                  The Reserve
man and his partners stepped in when          Housing. "And non—horse people appre-           Ritz Carlton, Rancho Mirage    760.568.5599
a previous club with great ambitions          ciate the rural atmosphere." At the cen-        888.972.6240         
encountered problems. D L C promised to       ter of the community is the Griffin Club,
give the investors what they thought they     which will begin construction in the              LA QUINTA
would get, and more. "We closed the club,     fall and will include restaurants, a fitness                                   Hideaway
changed the name, redid the golf course,      center, pool, spa and tennis courts. The        Villas of Mirada               Discovery Land Company
and added another," recalls Meldman."We       Saddle Club equestrian center, which will       877.464.7232                   310.859.0700
lowered the residential density." There are   encompass barns and a covered arena as         760.777.7450
now around 585 members in the 600-            well as several outdoor arenas, is slated to                         
acre community, where lots generally sell     be ready in early 2008.                         Bruce Blomgren,
for more than $500,000.                          This is all just the beginning in La         Dyson & Dyson                  The Madison Club
   "We wanted to maintain the course          Quinta, says Ted Lennon, noting that the        Real Estate Associates         Discovery Land Company
better." he continues. "Add great food        city is putting two golf courses—includ-        760.779.5353                   310.859.0700
and great service, and make it the most       ing one designed by Arnold Palmer—on  
family friendly. Hideaway was designed        a 500-acre site, 75 acres of which are
to be active."                                reserved for a resort. Lowe Destination         PALM DESERT                    Griffin Ranch
   As for the Madison Club, "it came as       Development's first project there will be       A N D INDIAN WELLS             760.398.7886
an evolution of the success of Hideaway,      a 200-room luxury hotel and condomini-          Bighorn Golf Club   
which was very successful, very fast,"        ums, called La Solana at SilverRock.            888.551.5577
says Meldman. "We had excess land that        The studio, one- and two-bedroom units           Silver Rock Resort
was part of the original purchase," since     will start at under $1 million and will                                       760.777.8884
the club that Hideaway replaced was           be released in the fall. Still in the design    The Retreat at Stone Eagle
originally slated to have as many as five     phase is a four- or five-story 300-room         and the Residence Club at
golf courses.                                 condominium hotel surrounded by a golf          Stone Eagle                   Janine Stevens
   With extra land on hand, DLC chose         course. Overall, SilverRock is a seven- or      760.773.6223                  760.776.2289
to build another community. "The Madi-        eight-year project, Lennon adds.      
son Club was to be smaller and even more         " T h e reason the valley is growing so
intimate," he adds, with about 225 prop-      fast," he explains, "is that we're two or
erties with bigger lots and better views.     three hours from Los Angeles and San
Tom Fazio designed the golf course, and       Diego, and we have water—an aquifer
he was able to incorporate both the golf      lake with very good water management.
and the residential aspects of the com-       The weather is so good. There's a great
munity, says Meldman, without one             workforce. And the community seems to
impacting the other. "You don't see the       work together."
houses from the golf course, but they're         And even with all the development,
close and have views of the course. The       there's a commitment to preserving the
vision came from Fazio," he notes. "It's      mountain environment. "Friends of the
different from everything in the valley."     Desert Mountains has gotten 30,000 acres
   Lots at the Madison Club, which sell       of land reserved," he says. " O u r m o u n -
for $2 million plus, were made available by   tains are our oceans. We want to keep
invitation this year; about half have sold.   that open space."

                                                                                                             AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2 0 0 7      VACATION HOMES
The Coachella Valley Blooms The Coachella Valley Blooms
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